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The Conservatives
Affect, protect and connect New Zealand

General Election V


Page 3- Foreword
Page 4- Economics
Page 5- Culture
Page 6- Education
Page 7- Environment
Page 8- Foreign Affairs
Page 9- Infrastructure
Page 9- Māori Affairs
Page 10- Epilogue

By TheOWOTriangle

“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak.

Courage is also what it takes to sit down and
listen.” – Winston Churchill

New Zealand is one of the wealthiest, peaceful and

happiest countries on earth. The conservative
dream is transform our glorious country into the
cultural and traditional home it was.

The liberals have had two terms in office, two terms

too many. Ministers are changing left and right
with only five positions staying with the same
person. We believe we should move away from an
uncertain and failed liberal government and move
to one which helps the people instead of the elites.


The conservative party’s economics are best

described as pragmatic. Instead of supporting a
particular stance we believe in policies which will
help all New Zealanders.

There is a housing crisis, up and down the country

the price of a house is raising and living in New
Zealand is becoming more costly. The conservatives
will support all bills which will sensibly tackle this
issue including massive government housing

Although the conservatives love the free market

we believe it is right to have fairness within society.
We will punish companies who manipulate the
system or mislead the public so people will buy
more products. As well as this we believe smaller
business should have less government restriction.

As a socially conservative party, culture is very

much respected by us. We believe our national
holidays should be respected by everyone. The
conservatives believe in the rights that all New
Zealanders may skip work without punishment on a
national holiday.

We also believe religion should be helped, which is

why we will propose a reformed “Rebuilding
Places of Worship” bill. We also believe anyone
can take up to 7 days extra off work for religious/
cultural holidays or to visit family.

Finally we believe that both Māori and white

culture should be respected and taught in schools,
as it helps everyone reconnect to their cultural past
and learn about their identity.


Education is one of the most important things a

person can get in his life. A bad education can
destroy someone’s life and even bring it into crime,
while a good one can benefit not only him and his
family but many others.

The conservatives will increase funding for

education and teaching courses. As well as this, we
support grammar schools as this will mean
smarter kids can get the education they need. We
support abolishing tuition fees as it means that
everyone, if capable, can go to university.

If everyone had a good education, I believe New

Zealand would be less problematic, there would be
less crime and there would be more happiness.


Unlike most conservative parties we care about

the environment. We believe that our beautiful
planet must be treasured as we only have one.

The conservatives will stop using non-renewable

electricity by 2050. This is so our planet, people and
animals aren’t harmed by global warming. Nuclear
power has been a new option to the table and is
effective if controlled well, however will need loads
of funding to safely control it. Another option is
renewables such as wind, hydro and solar; these
are also expensive methods but are the least
harmful the planet.

Finally we believe in green spaces and parks in

cities. It is important everyone has a touch to
nature; otherwise moving to a city could
disadvantage you in this way.
Foreign Affairs

New Zealand is one of the major first world

countries in commonwealth, along with Canada,
Australia and the UK. As a party we propose a
CANZUK free trade deal, and free movement of

Conservatives are anti-immigration and believe in

its current form it is not benefiting New Zealand.
With a housing crisis, accepting more people into
the country will just worsen the problem, if the
country has the infrastructure needed then the
Conservatives may change their mind.

Finally we believe we should condemn China for its

actions in the South China Sea. We also believe we
should stand strong with our allies such as NATO
and Australia but try to remain peaceful.

As I’ve said before in this manifesto, New Zealand
is in a housing crisis and it’s the governments
fault for not fixing this. However New Zealand
needs public transport as well, which is why the
conservatives support extra funding into trains and

Māori Affairs
The Māori people are the first people to find the
islands which make up New Zealand. It wasn’t their
fault that British did the atrocities they did and
some say are still happening.

The Conservatives will make learning Te Reo from

Year 3-8 compulsory. The conservatives are
against removing Māori electorates.

To conclude, there is only one party which really

will stand up to New Zealanders and is ready to
protect their values.

The Liberals have made a mess in government, with

minsters switching every fortnight. National is even
worse with 3 failed activity checks and 2 MP’s

The “socialists” nearly supported a liberal budget,

instead opting to abstain in, as well as resign from
the opposition just so they could try and win a by-
election where polled at around 15%.

TOP have defiantly gained a lot of attraction

recently however like Labour and Greens think New

Zealand has the capacity to bring in more and more

Finally there is Reform, a party which has had some

common sense policies and a strong leadership.
However their single decision to support a
disastrous Liberal coalition will haunt them forever.

13 October


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