Body System Checklist

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Body System Checklist

Circulatory System

• Major functions of circulatory system-​pumps blood,maintain blood pressure,transports oxygen

• Diagram that includes the major parts - heart, artery, vein, capillary - and list the function(s) of

heart- ​pumps blood, maintain blood pressure, transports oxygen

artery-​carry oxygenated blood to organs and cells in the body.

vein-​carry the deoxygenated blood back to heart from the body tissues in
our circulatory system.

capillary-​enabling the exchange between water, oxygen, carbon dioxide,

nutrients​ and many other substances between blood and the
surrounding tissues​.
• Describe each of the components of blood- red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, &

red blood cells-​deliver oxygen to the tissue via the blood and carries some of the waste products back
from the tissue

white blood cells-​cells of the immune system that are composed of various things

platelets-​circulate in the blood of mammals that are involved in hemostasis leading to the formation of
blood clots. platelets have no nucleus

plasma-​composed mainly of water about 90% in volume.

• Describe the path blood travels through your body-​blood leaves the left side of the heart and
travels through arteries and divide into capillaries.

• Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body. Use 2 examples.​skeletal
and muscular provide movement and support. Circulatory and respiratory exchange gases between
body cells and the environment

• Describe two diseases associated with your body system​-rickets and fracture

Digestive System c

• Major functions of digestive system-​ digestion and absorption

• Diagram that includes the major parts - mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, liver,
pancreas, and large intestine - and list the function(s) of each.-

mouth: ​chews up the food and breaks it down into smaller pieces
and you saliva moistens the food

esophagus: ​transports the food into the stomach

stomach: ​stores and breaks down food into nutrients with gastric

small intestine: ​absorbs mineral ions and nutrients from food

liver: ​produces bile that is mixed partially with food to help digest

pancreas:​ produces digestive juices to help digestion of fat and

proteins and produces insulin to help move sugar from blood cells
into the body cells

large intestine: ​absorbs any remaining mineral ions the small intestine did not and and forms and stores

• Describe the path food travels throughout the digestive system. ​The food goes in your body
through your mouth and then down your esophagus where it lands in you stomach and is broken down
into nutrients which then go through your small intestine that absorbs the nutrients and the lives then
helps start the digestion process the pancreas that moves everything where it needs to go and finally
whatever is left that isn't needed or absorbed goes into the large intestine where it is stored and made
into feces

• Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body. Use 2 examples. ​It works
with the urinary system since the urinary system gets rid of all the toxins and poisons from the food you
digested. The circulatory system also works with your digestive system by picking up nutrients the
digestive absorbed and moving them throughout your body.

Endocrine System n

• Major functions of endocrine system: ​produce and secrete hormones, chemical substances
produced in the body that regulate the activity of cells or organs.

• Describe what hormones are and what they do: ​hormones regulate the body's growth,
metabolism, and sexual development and function.
• Diagram that includes the major parts - hypothalamus, pituitary, thymus, thyroid, parathyroid,
adrenals, pancreas, ovaries, and testes - and list the function(s) of each.

• Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body. Use at least 2 examples.
The endocrine system helps the body grow, which allows the muscular system to keep up with the
skeletal and provide movements.

• Describe 2 diseases associated with your body system.

Excretory System l

• Major functions of excretory system-​collection of organs tasked with removing excess nitrogen
and other toxins from the body

• Diagram that includes the major parts - lungs, kidneys, urinary bladder, ureter, urethra, liver,
and skin - and list the function(s) of each.

lungs-​helps oxygen from the air we breathe enter the red cells in the

kidneys-​extract waste from blood,balance body fluids, dorm urine

and aid in other important function of the body

urinary bladder-​store urine until it is excreted

ureter-​transport urine from the kidneys to the bladder

urethra-​transport urine and semen from the male and urine from
females out of the body

liver-​detoxification of metabolites, protein synthesis and the production of biochemicals necessary for

skin-​protection, regulations and sensations

• Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body. You will need at least 2
examples.​Digestive and circulatory breaks down large molecules into small molecules to enter the cell.
Muscular and nervous helps you move around and interact with the environment

• Find 5 fun facts about your body system.​ an adult ,25% of their bones are in the feet

2.a humans ears and nose never stop growing

3.there are more bacteria in a human mouth than there are people in the world.

4.the body can detect taste in .0015 seconds , which is faster than the blink of an eye fingerprints, each human tongue has its own unique print

• Describe 2 diseases associated with your body system.​bone disease and osteomyelitis

Muscular System c

• Major functions of muscular system ​Its allows us to move every single part out our bodies from
walking to blinking, and protects the organs

• Describe the function and locations of each type of muscle – skeletal muscle, smooth muscle,
and cardiac muscle

skeletal: ​attached to the skeleton and allow voluntary movement

smooth: ​located in the walls of hollow organs and aids in digestion and blood flow involuntarily

cardiac: ​located on the walls of the heart and aids in pumping blood all over the body involuntarily

• Diagram that includes the major muscles in the body - biceps, oblique abdominis, sartorius,
deltoid, orbicularis oculi, sternomastoid, gastrocnemius, pectoral, temporalis, gluteus maximus,
quadriceps, tibialis, masseter, rectus abdominis, and triceps

• Describe how muscles work in pairs to make parts of the body move using the biceps and triceps
as an example. ​When one muscle contracts the other relaxes so when you bicep contracts your tricep
relaxes and goes in towards your shoulder but when your bicep relaxes your tricep contracts and
straightens out

• Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body. You will need at least 2
examples. ​The circulatory system uses muscles around your body to help keep the blood flowing where
in needs to be. The skeletal system is able to move whether the muscle around the bone is contracted or

• Describe 2 diseases associated with your body system.

Cerebral palsy: ​affects one's ability to move around freely maintain balance and posture

Fibromyalgia: ​widespread muscular pain and can lead to fatigue

Nervous System n

• Description and major functions of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system.
includes all the nerves in the body that lie outside of the spinal cord and the brain. These nerves carry
information to and from the central nervous system to provide complex body functions.
• Diagram that includes the major parts - brain, spinal cord, nerves, and neurons - and list the
function(s) of each.

• Describe the path a nerve impulse travels throughout your body from stimulus to response.
interneurons connect sensory and motor neurons and interpret the impulse; only in the brain and spinal
cord. When a stimulus is received by a sensory neuron, the impulse is carried through fibrous extensions
called dendrites to the cell body.

• Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body. You will need at least 2
examples. ​The nervous system communicates with the muscular system and tells muscles when to

• Describe 2 diseases associated with your body system. ​Epilepsy, the body goes into repeated
seizures. Alzheimer’s, progresses into paralyses.

Respiratory System l

• Major functions of respiratory system-​provide oxygen to every part of the body

• Diagram that includes the major parts - trachea, lungs, diaphragm, epiglottis, larynx, vocal cords
- and list the function(s) of each.

trachea - ​provide air flow to and from the lungs

lungs-​To provide Oxygen and remove Carbon Dioxide

diaphragm-​decrease the air pressure within the lungs so as to let

air from the outside flow into our lungs
epiglottis-​It blocks the airway to the lungs while swallowing to prevent food or liquids from entering the

larynx-​houses the vocal folds, and manipulates pitch and volume

vocal cords-​They vibrate, modulating the flow of air being expelled from the lungs during phonation.

• Describe the “breathing” process.​Breathing begins with inhalation. This starts with the
contraction of the diaphragm, which flattens on contraction pulling the lungs down. The intercostal
muscles contract to move the lungs up and out

• Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body. You will need at least 2
examples.​nervous and endocrine control coordination of many of the body's activities. excretory and
circulatory , circulatory brings blood the excretory system to be cleaned and filtered

• Describe 2 diseases associated with your body system.​Osteosarcoma and Hip dysplasia

Skeletal System c

• Major functions of skeletal system ​Supports movement, provides protection, stores minerals,
makes blood cells

• Diagram that includes the major parts -bones, ligaments, and tendon - and list the function(s) of
each. NOTE: Your diagram should also include the following bones in the body: cranium, clavicle,
humerus, scapula, sternum, rib, vertebra, ulna, radius, carpals, metacarpals, phalanges, pelvis (may list
parts), femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsals, and

bone: ​support and protect

ligaments: ​keeps bones connected together

tendon: ​connects the bone to the muscle

• Describe each of the following joints and where they are located: hinge, pivot, and
ball-and-socket. You may include other joints as well.

Hinge: ​surface of one bone articulates with concave surface of another

Pivot: ​cylindrical surface of one bone articulates with ring of bone and ligament

Ball-and-socket: ​ball-shaped head of one bone articulates with cup-shaped cavity of another

Saddle: ​concave surface in one direction and convex in another

Plane: ​articulating surfaces flat or slightly curved

Condyloid: ​oval-shaped condyle of one bone articulates with elliptical cavity

• Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body. You will need at least 2
examples. ​The muscle system contracts or relaxes and moves the bone attached. The circulatory
systems need blood cells that the bones produce.

• Describe 2 diseases associated with your body system. ​Arthritis, inflammation of the joints
Bone Fracture, when a bone breaks

1. What is homeostasis? Why is it important?

Answer:​ Humans' internal body temperature is a great example of homeostasis. When an individual is
healthy, his or her body temperature retains a temperature 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Cells
depend on the body environment to live and function. Homeostasis keeps the body
environment under control and keeps the conditions right for cells to live and function. Without
the right body conditions, certain processes (eg osmosis) and proteins (eg enzymes) will not
function properly.

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