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Food Quality and Preference 21 (2010) 394–401

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The application of check-all-that-apply (CATA) consumer profiling to

preference mapping of vanilla ice cream and its comparison to classical
external preference mapping
Lauren Dooley, Young-seung Lee, Jean-François Meullenet *
Department of Food Science, University of Arkansas, 2650 N. Young Avenue, Fayetteville, AR 72704, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study was conducted to evaluate the use and efficacy of check-all-that-apply (CATA) data for the cre-
Received 19 January 2009 ation of preference maps, and to compare these maps to classical external maps generated from tradi-
Received in revised form 27 August 2009 tional sensory profiles. Ten commercial vanilla ice cream products were presented to 80 consumers.
Accepted 11 October 2009
Consumers answered an overall liking question using the 9-point hedonic scale and a CATA question with
Available online 21 October 2009
13 attributes which described the sensory characteristics of vanilla ice cream. A trained descriptive panel
of 17 individuals developed a profile of 23 attributes for the vanilla ice cream products. Preference maps
created by CATA counts were compared to those by descriptive profiles via multiple factor analysis
Preference mapping
(MFA). The characterization of the products by both sensory methods showed very good agreement
Vanilla ice cream between the methods. The MFA of map configurations showed fair agreement between the techniques
Multiple factor analysis used to produce the preference maps, indicating that CATA data applied to preference mapping gave sim-
ilar results to external preference mapping.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction by a trained panel, or terms can be generated by consumers not

testing the product (i.e. a focus group). Free choice profiling allows
Check-all-that-apply (CATA) questions regarding consumer- consumers to use as many or as few words as necessary to describe
perceived product attributes have been used in consumer studies the product and evaluate the intensities of the chosen attributes,
to determine what sensory attributes may be characteristic of a resulting in a less expensive and more accurate view of consumer
specific product (Lancaster & Foley, 2007). Some researchers al- perception and acceptance (Deliza, Macfie, & Hedderley, 2005;
ready advocate the use of consumer sensory profiling to lead prod- Gonzáles-Tomás & Costell, 2006; González Viñas, Garrido, & Wittig
uct development as an alternative to classical sensory profiling de Penna, 2001; Williams & Langron, 1984). However, if each con-
(Punter, 2008; Worch, Lê, & Punter, 2008). The format of the CATA sumer selects his/her own terms, the analysis becomes cumber-
question allows consumers to choose all potential attributes from some since each term must be subjectively interpreted and
the given lists to describe the test products. This is different from combined with similar terms (Meilgaard, Civille, & Carr, 2007).
scaling in the sense that no intensities are given to the attributes. Seo, Lee, and Hwang (2009) used consumers to describe sensory
In addition, the descriptors are not constrained to product sensory characteristics of coffee. Verification of the terms was then con-
attributes, but could also be related to product usage or concept fit. ducted by other consumers to confirm that the terms were appro-
This type of methodology has the advantage of gathering informa- priate and understandable. While this is an effective method, the
tion on perceived product attributes without requiring scaling, time required is to complete the test is extensive.
allowing for a slightly less contrived description of the main sen- Terms generated by a trained panel have the benefit of being
sory properties of the product tested (depending on how the terms more comprehensive and better described, though they may be
are created). too complex for the average consumer to understand and could re-
The actual generation of CATA terms can be performed in many quire simplification. Altering the terms in this manner is difficult to
ways: the consumers can choose words to describe the product do while retaining the correct term description and definition.
during the test (modified free choice profiling), terms can be given However, it has been shown that differences in sensory evaluations
between trained and untrained (naïve consumers) are minimal
(Benedito, Cárcel, & Mulet, 2001; Guerrero, Gou, & Arnau, 1997;
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 7853418710.
Husson & Pagés, 2003; Lelievre, Chollet, Abdi, & Valentin, 2008),
E-mail address: (J.-F. Meullenet). so using less obscure terms by a descriptive panel could be a

0950-3293/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Dooley et al. / Food Quality and Preference 21 (2010) 394–401 395

beneficial tool for creating a CATA list. Ultimately, it is the re- The objectives of this study were to (1) assess the use of CATA
searcher’s decision as to which method is most appropriate. attribute responses for 10 commercial vanilla ice creams as an
The CATA method requires minimal instruction, is relatively alternative to consumer attribute intensity ratings, and (2) com-
easy to perform and is completed quickly (Lancaster & Foley, pare CATA-generated preference maps to classical external maps
2007). Furthermore, it could be a more practical approach than generated from traditional sensory profiles.
intensity scaling from the standpoint of consumer-led product
development. Since CATA responses are directly linked to consum-
ers’ perception of product characteristics, these responses could be 2. Materials and methods
utilized as supplemental data to maximize acceptance of the tar-
geted products by consumers. CATA provides information on 2.1. Samples and sample preparation
which attributes are detectable according to consumers and how
that may relate to their overall liking and acceptance. Understand- Fifteen commercially-available ice creams were initially se-
ing sensory characteristics in the process of new product develop- lected from local supermarkets for testing. Preliminary screening
ment is of great importance, as failure to obtain correct of texture and flavor attributes eliminated five samples due to
information about the sensory attributes may lead to fast disap- brand replication and fat content, a popular indicator of ice cream
pearance of the new products from the marketplace (Stone & Sidel, quality, and the use of natural or artificial vanilla flavor. Ice creams
2007). were selected so that various combinations of these quality factors
To understand the relationship between consumer and sensory were represented in the study. The 10 remaining products, consist-
data, preference mapping is a useful method. Preference mapping ing of two high-fat products, six products with moderate fat con-
is a widely used group of multivariate statistical techniques de- tent and two low-fat products, are detailed in Table 1.
signed to optimize products by understanding the structure be- One scoop of each product was placed individually into a lidded
tween consumer preference and sensory data to identify drivers white plastic container (45 mm diameter) coded with a three-digit
of liking (Faye et al., 2006; Greenhoff & MacFie, 1999). Among random number. Samples were stored in a commercial-grade free-
the various product optimization mapping methods, the Euclidian zer (TS-49, True Manufacturing Co., St. Louis, MO, USA) at 18 °C for
Distance Ideal Point Mapping (EDIPM), an extension of Multidi- at least 24 h prior to testing to ensure sample consistency. All sam-
mensional Preference Mapping (MDPREF), is a new approach based ples were tempered for 2 min at room temperature prior to serving
on a density analysis of individual consumer ideal product place- for both descriptive analysis and consumer testing. The 2 min
ments in the product configuration space (Meullenet, Xiong, & increment was determined to be the most appropriate tempering
Findlay, 2007). In this approach, the ideal point of individual con- time by observing the condition of the ice cream as a function of
sumers is the point which minimizes the correlation between time at room temperature. Samples were presented in a sequential
Euclidian distances to the products and hedonic scores. monadic order to panelists according to a complete randomized
Another optimization mapping technique, the Response Surface block design, and the serving temperature ( 12 + 2 °C) was strictly
Model (RSM), proposed by Danzart, is based on external preference monitored to maintain consistency (Bower & Baxter, 2003; Li, Mar-
mapping (Danzart, Sieffermann, & Delarue, 2004). Multidimen- shall, Heymann, & Fernando, 1997).
sional representation of sensory stimuli is first created by sensory
(i.e. external) data. The consumer data for individual consumers is 2.2. Descriptive analysis
then regressed against the product coordinates in the sensory
space to determine ideal points for both the individuals and the The 10 vanilla ice creams were evaluated for taste, aromatic, fla-
group (Meullenet, Lovely, Threlfall, Morris, & Striegler, 2008). vor, and texture attributes by a descriptive panel of 17 individuals
To investigate the efficacy of CATA scales within the sensory trained by the SpectrumÒ method (Sensory Spectrum Inc., Chat-
environment, this study used ice cream as the testing medium. ham, NJ, USA). Panelists have over 100 h of training and an average
Ice cream is one of the most popular frozen desserts in the United of 1000 h of testing experience. Two orientation sessions were con-
States. The US ice cream market continues to grow and is expected ducted to familiarize the panelists with the samples. Flavor and
to be valued at over $10 billion by 2012 (Datamonitor, 2007). Va- texture lexicons were developed in four sessions, as described in
nilla is the most popular ice cream flavor in the US and accounts Tables 2 and 3, respectively. The lexicons consisted of 23 total attri-
for almost half of all ice cream sales (Bodyfelt, Tobias, & Trout, butes specific to vanilla ice cream and definitions of each sensory
1988). There are many companies producing and commercializing attribute with associated references. Panelists quantified all attri-
ice cream in the US. In order to compete in this highly competitive butes on a line scale from 0 to 15 (Meilgaard et al., 2007). Unsalted
market, it is crucial for ice cream manufacturers to understand the crackers and water were provided for panelists to clean and rinse
strong and weak points of their products, and how consumers’ atti- their palate between samples, and a 10 min break helped prevent
tudes and preference patterns affect their products. fatigue. The flavor attribute testing for all 10 products was

Table 1
A list of 10 commercial vanilla ice cream products.

Brand Code Name/description Fat content (%) Flavor Manufacturer

Blue Bell A Homemade vanilla 13 Natural and artificial Blue Bell Creameries
Blue Bunny B Premium all natural vanilla 10 Natural and artificial Wells’ Dairy, Inc.
Ben and Jerry’s C Vanilla 24 Natural Ben and Jerry’s Homemade Holdings, Inc. (Unilever)
Best Choice D Vanilla 11 Artificial Wal-Mart Stores Inc.
Breyers E Natural vanilla 12 Natural Unilever
Edy’s ‘‘Grand” F Rich and creamy vanilla 5 Natural Nestle
Great Value G Vanilla 11 Artificial Wal-Mart Stores Inc.
Guilt Free H Vanilla 4 Natural and artificial Yarnell Ice Cream Co.
Haagen-Dazs I Vanilla 28 Natural Nestle
Yarnell’s J Homemade vanilla 15 Natural and artificial Yarnell Ice Cream Co.
396 L. Dooley et al. / Food Quality and Preference 21 (2010) 394–401

Table 2
Flavor lexicon for vanilla ice cream.

Term Definition Reference Intensity

Basic taste
Sweet The basic taste, perceived on the tongue, stimulated by sugars and Solutions of sucrose in 2–2.0% 5–5.0%
high potency sweeteners spring water
10–10.0% 16–15.0%
Salt The basic taste, perceived on the tongue, stimulated by sodium Solutions of sodium 0.2–2.0% 0.35–5.0%
salt, especially sodium chloride chloride in spring water
0.5–8.5% 0.55–10.0%
Sour The basic taste, perceived on the tongue, stimulated by acids, such Solutions of citric acid in 0.05–2.0% 0.08–5.0%
as citric acid spring water
0.15–10.0% 0.20–15.0%
Bitter The basic taste, perceived on the tongue, stimulated by substances Solutions of caffeine in 0.05–2.0% 0.08–5.0%
such as quinine, caffeine, and certain other alkaloids spring water
0.15–10.0% 0.20–15.0%
Vanillin The sweet, vanilla-like aromatic characteristic of ethyl vanillin or
imitation vanillas
Cooked milk The aromatic associated with the flavor of milk, heated to the Universal scalea
scalding point
Milky The aromatic associated with skim or whole milk products or milk
derived products
Buttery/fat The aromatic associated with fresh butterfat; sweet cream Heavy whipping Whole milk 4.0
Cream 1/2 and 1/2 6.5
Cream cheese Heavy whip cream 9.0
Non fat dry milk The aromatic associated with boxed, nonfat dry milk or milk
reconstituted from dry milk solids, cardboardy
Caramelized A sweet aromatic characteristic of browned sugars and other
Oxidized The aromatics associated with slightly oxidized fats and oils Universal scalea
Woody/stick The aromatic associated with dry fresh cut wood; balsamic or
Metallic (1) The aromatic associated with metals, tinny or iron (2) a flat
feeling factor stimulated on the tongue by metal
Feeling factors
Astringent The feeling factor on the tongue or other skin surfaces of the (1) Alum solution (0.01%) Alum –6.0 Tea –9.0
mouth described as puckering or drying (2) tea in 1000 ml spring
water for 5 min
Soda note (soda cracker 3.0), cooked apple note (applesauce 7.0), orange hit (orange juice 10.0), cooked grape note (grape juice 14.0), cinnamon hit (chewing gum 16.0).

conducted on two consecutive days, followed by two consecutive The CATA counts were totaled for each product (Table 5) and the
days for texture attribute testing. resulting contingency table was used in subsequent analyses.

2.3. Consumer testing 2.4. Statistical analyses

Eighty consumers were recruited to participate in the vanilla ice External preference mapping was performed according to Dan-
cream test at the University of Arkansas Sensory Service Center zart et al. (2004) using either the descriptive sensory profiles or
(Fayetteville, AR). Qualification criteria included adults over CATA counts to determine a group ideal point (Meullenet et al.,
18 years of age and vanilla ice cream product consumption at least 2008). First, principal component analysis was performed on mean
one to two times per week. The test was sequential monadic and sensory profiles while correspondence analysis was performed on
sample presentation orders were balanced in each serving position the CATA counts. To determine the area of the map maximizing
using the Williams Latin Square design (Williams, 1949). Each con- the number of consumers satisfied, a quadratic model was con-
sumer tested five samples the first day and tested the remaining structed (i.e. regressing hedonic scores against the principal com-
five the second day. The sessions were divided into 30 min incre- ponent scores), and the area of acceptability for each consumer
ments, with most consumers finishing within 20 min. was identified (i.e. area of the map where the hedonic score was
Consumers were asked to evaluate overall liking, appearance, predicted above the mean score for each consumer). The area of
flavor and texture attributes of each sample on a 9-point hedonic maximum density was regarded as the ideal point solution for this
scale (1 = ‘‘dislike extremely”, 9 = ‘‘like extremely”). The attributes method. Both analyses are considered here as external because the
of scoopability, color, sweetness, vanilla flavor, creamy flavor, product configurations were obtained from data other than liking.
smoothness, melting in the mouth, melting in the bowl and hard- Since the descriptive profiles and CATA counts were scaled dif-
ness of each product were evaluated using the 5-point ‘‘Just About ferently, the two data sets were standardized across all products
Right” (JAR) scale (data not shown or used in this study). Though prior to external preference mapping to minimize differences
not used in these analyses, since this JAR data was collected, the inherent to the scaling. To standardize the data, the data matrix
authors felt it necessary to mention. The final question of the sur- had products in columns and attributes in rows. The data was stan-
vey listed common ice cream attributes and asked the consumers dardized by columns so that the mean was zero and the variance
to check all attributes that applied to the given sample (Table 4). was one.
L. Dooley et al. / Food Quality and Preference 21 (2010) 394–401 397

Table 3
Texture lexicon for vanilla ice cream.

Term Definition Reference Intensity

Scoopability/ The force required to cut the sample with your Evaluate the force required to remove Peanut butter 4.0
manual firmness spoon. 2 and 4 min one/spoonful of sample from the cup
Cream cheese 8.0
Metal spoon sample and
Hardness-oral The force required to compress the sample Compress through sample one time with Peanut butter 4.0
between the tongue and mouth roof. 2 min tongue. Evaluate the force required to
fully compress the sample (soft–hard)
Cream cheese 9.0
Plastic spoon
Denseness The amount of air or fluffiness perceived in the Compress through sample one time with Marshmallow cream 2.5
sample. 2 min tongue. Evaluate the amount of air
perceived in the sample (airy–compact)
Nougat 4.0
Plastic spoon
Degree of ice The amount of ice crystals felt in the mouth Compress 1/2 tsp of the sample. Evaluate Sherbet 3.0
during the chew. 2 min the amount of ice crystals perceived in the Plastic spoon
sample (no ice–much ice)
Smoothness The amount of particles perceived in the Manipulate the sample three times with Peanut butter 5.0
sample during the chew. 2 min tongue. Evaluate the amount of particles
perceived in the sample (not smooth–
Cool whip 14.0
Plastic spoon
Rate of melt The rate in which the ice cream changes forms Place 1/2 tsp of sample in mouth and Soy ice cream 5.0
from a solid to a liquid. 2 min evaluate the rate in which the sample
melts (slow–fast)
Blue Bunny 9.0
Plastic spoon
Mouth coat The amount and degree of residue felt by the Expectorate the sample and feel the Saltine 0.5
tongue when moved over the surface of the surface of the mouth with the tongue to
mouth. 2 min evaluate (none–much)
Ritz 2.5
Pringles 5.0
Mayo 9.0
Elasticity The degree to which the samples appears to Stick spoon in the sample and pull out. Frosting 10.0
have an elastic/doughy impression. 4 min only After three pulls evaluate the amount of Three pulls
sample pulled up by the spoon (none– Plastic Spoon

Table 4 Multiple factor analysis (MFA) was conducted using FactoMineR

An example of check-all-that-apply (CATA) question. in R (v.2.6.2, 2008) to examine the similarities first between the
Check all attributes that describe this sample: descriptive profiles and CATA counts (Figs. 1 and 2) and second be-
h Buttery tween the multivariate product configurations obtained from the
h Sweet three preference mapping techniques employed. For each prefer-
h Milk/dairy flavor ence mapping technique, the coordinates of the ideal points in
h Custard/eggy flavor
the maps were estimated and used in the MFA analysis as illustra-
h Corn syrup
h Artificial vanilla tive data. MFA is a useful statistical technique to analyze the sim-
h Natural vanilla ilarity of a set of observations explained by several different groups
h Creamy flavor of variables on comparable or contradictory scales (Abdi & Valen-
h Soft
tin, 2007). MFA is able to balance the influence of each variable,
h Hard
h Gummy can compare multiple data sets, and can demonstrate patterns of
h Icy attribute correlation (Lê, Pagês, & Husson, 2008; Morand & Pagès,
h Creamy/smooth 2005; Nestrud & Lawless, 2008).

3. Results and discussion

Internal preference mapping was also conducted as a point of
comparison for descriptive analysis and CATA-based external pref- 3.1. Comparison of product descriptions by CATA and descriptive
erence mapping. The comparison seems appropriate since the analysis
CATA-based external preference can be considered as a hybrid
method. Euclidian Distance Ideal Point Mapping (EDIPM, Meulle- Individual product maps were created by MFA using descriptive
net et al., 2008) was used for internal preference mapping. The sensory profiles and consumer CATA counts (Fig. 1). Overall, MFA
product configuration in the space was derived from principal comparing the characterization of the products by both profiles
component analysis of the centered overall liking data. showed agreement between the two methods, although only 51%
398 L. Dooley et al. / Food Quality and Preference 21 (2010) 394–401

Table 5
Total counts of check-all-that-apply attributes for each product.

Brand Soft Hard Gummy Icy Creamy/ Buttery Sweet Milk/dairy Custard/eggy Corn Natural Artificial Creamy
smooth flavor flavor syrup vanilla vanilla flavor
Blue Bell 42 20 5 37 31 44 58 60 45 10 25 39 45
Blue Bunny 37 20 7 16 45 46 53 58 35 13 28 33 51
Ben and Jerry’s 21 31 7 22 34 29 53 50 28 16 27 29 44
Best Choice 29 29 4 28 37 43 61 62 32 13 34 33 54
Breyers 8 43 7 61 10 17 57 52 25 11 37 37 24
Edy’s ‘‘Grand” 25 38 4 20 35 39 61 59 26 16 28 43 53
Great Value 51 11 12 8 59 38 46 58 21 12 27 31 52
Guilt Free 34 22 3 29 35 30 52 57 22 23 19 45 35
Haagen-Dazs 17 32 7 14 40 30 61 52 35 21 19 49 43
Yarnell’s 43 16 4 14 51 21 60 54 22 15 24 42 47

Fig. 2. Multiple factor analysis variable correlation circle obtained using descriptive
Fig. 1. Multiple factor analysis individual product plots using descriptive sensory analysis and CATA terms. Refer to Tables 2–4 for complete attribute descriptions.
profiles (D) and CATA counts (C). Product codes are listed in Table 1. ‘CS_c’ and ‘Cflavor_c’ represent creamy/smooth and creamy flavor, respectively, in
CATA terms.

of the variability was explained by the first two MFA dimensions. A natural vanilla flavor. No correlations were observed between hard
and J showed the largest variance between the two methods, lar- (c) and icy (c), and gummy (c), or between milky (d) and butterfat
gely due to the disagreement between the descriptive and con- (d). Descriptive sensory profiles did not show any correlation be-
sumer (CATA) maps for these two products (not shown). As tween bitter (d) and sweet (d) taste in the vanilla ice cream prod-
discussed by Pagès (2004), based on absolute scores of partial lines ucts, while bitter (d) had negative correlation with salt (d) despite
on each product for the first dimension, Fig. 1 indicates that prod- its low loading. The most influential attributes (i.e. highest load-
ucts B, H, I, and J were more characterized for the first dimension ings) were found to be sweet, bitter, vanillin, degree of ice, elastic-
by descriptive analysis profiles than CATA counts. If a line is drawn ity, and smoothness for descriptive sensory profiles. Icy, natural
from the end of the descriptive and CATA vector for each of these vanilla, creamy/smooth, creamy flavor and artificial vanilla attri-
products to the x-axis, descriptive analysis rates higher on the first butes for CATA consumer profiles played a relatively more impor-
dimension. Products E and G were more characterized by CATA tant role in determining product locations in the map.
counts for the first dimension.
Fig. 2 shows the variable correlation circle obtained by MFA 3.2. Preference mapping results and group ideal point locations
comparing descriptive analysis profiles and CATA counts. The vec-
tors showed a strong correlation for descriptive (d) mouth coat, Each of the three preference mapping techniques employed
smoothness and rate of melt, with CATA counts (c) perceived soft, (external mapping on descriptive data and CATA and internal pref-
creamy flavor and creamy/smooth, between degree of ice (d) and erence mapping) allow the identification of a group ideal product
icy (c), elasticity (d) and gummy (c), and between caramelized location in the maps. This point, in all three cases, is the location
(d) and corn syrup (c). The opposite vector directions for some in the map maximizing the percentage of consumers who would
CATA and descriptive descriptors with opposite meanings also be satisfied by a product placed at that location. Ideally, the three
show agreement between the two methods. For example, hardness methods would give approximately the same answer and this is
(c) was opposite to softness (c), and artificial vanilla opposite to what we seek to assess here.
L. Dooley et al. / Food Quality and Preference 21 (2010) 394–401 399

Fig. 3. Results of external preference mapping using (a) descriptive analysis profiles (DD) and (b) CATA term counts (DC). The virtual product labeled ‘‘Opt” represents the
location in the map maximizing the percentage of consumers satisfied (Danzart et al., 2004). Other product codes are as in Table 1. Values in parenthesis represent mean
overall liking values.

Fig. 4. Results of internal preference mapping. The virtual product labeled ‘‘Opt” represents the location in the map maximizing the percentage of consumers satisfied
(Euclidian Distance Ideal Point Mapping (EDIPM), Meullenet et al., 2007). Other product codes are listed in Table 1. Values in parenthesis represent mean overall liking values.
400 L. Dooley et al. / Food Quality and Preference 21 (2010) 394–401

The results of external preference mapping using descriptive ticularly for product F. This could be explained by the fact that
sensory data (DD) and CATA counts (DC), and internal preference product F was near the origin in both DD and DC maps, but was lo-
mapping are graphically shown in Figs. 3 and 4. The first two cated in the far right upper quadrant in the EDIPM map (see Figs. 3
dimensions of the maps explained 50.2% and 59.0% of the variance and 4). One key result of this analysis is that optimal product loca-
in descriptive profiles and CATA counts, respectively. The average tion showed little variation between the three maps.
individual consumer fit was similar for the DD map (R2 = 0.59)
and the DC map (R2 = 0.61) (data not shown). 3.3. Ideal product profiles
Overall, the products’ spatial representation on the first two
dimensions seemed to differ. The product coordinates used to re- Although the location of the group ideals in the three preference
gress individual overall liking scores for the external maps were maps was reported to be fairly invariable, there is a need to deter-
obtained from two different data sources and the disagreement is mine the sensory characteristics that should be exhibited by the
not too surprising. For the DD map (Fig. 3a), the ideal product group ideal products. If the three methods are in agreement, we
was closest to product F (OL = 6.7), followed by product D would expect the sensory profiles of the group ideals to be fairly
(OL = 6.8). Product E (OL = 5.5), least liked by consumers, was fur- similar. To determine the level of agreement between the prefer-
thest from the other products, including the optimal product. The ence mapping methods employed to determine the group ideals
DC map (Fig. 3b) placed the group ideal point near products A in the three maps, the CATA counts were regressed against the first
(OL = 6.3) and D (OL = 6.8), while product E was located on the two dimensions of the product spaces created using descriptive
far left of the map by itself, showing agreement with the DD analysis data, CATA data and internal preference mapping. From
map. Product D, which was most liked by consumers, was in clos- these models, the ideal product CATA profiles were predicted. This
est proximity with the group ideal point for both maps. For internal is also known as reverse regression. Fig. 6a gives the fit of the CATA
preference mapping, EDIPM placed the ideal point closest to prod- attributes for the three mapping methods employed. Overall, the
ucts A and D and furthest from product E (Fig. 4). This finding was CATA attributes were better fitted in the CATA space, particularly
similar to that of the DC map. natural vanilla, creamy flavor, creamy/smooth, soft and hard attri-
To more finely compare the level of agreement/disagreement butes (R2 > 0.6).
between the three maps, MFA was employed using the first two This is not surprising since this product space was derived from
dimensions of the three maps created. Fig. 5 represents the loca- the CATA data. Overall, the CATA attributes were not as well fitted
tions of the 10 commercial vanilla ice cream products and the ideal
product (i.e. individual factor map) determined for each of the
three types of preference mapping on the first two MFA factors.
As shown in Fig. 5, the optimal product was in close proximity
with products A (OL = 6.3), D (OL = 6.8), and F (OL = 6.7), while E
(OL = 5.5) was furthest from the remaining products and the ideal
product. Overall, MFA of the three product maps showed fair
agreement between the approaches employed. However, the DD
map was contrary to the other two methods for products A and J,
while the internal map showed dissimilarities to DD and DC, par-

Fig. 5. Multiple factor analysis individual product plots of the product configura-
tions (first two dimensions) determined for external preference mapping using
descriptive analysis data (DD) and CATA counts (DC) and internal preference
mapping (EDIPM). The virtual product labeled ‘‘Opt” represents the optimal product
derived from the three mapping methods employed. Other product codes are listed Fig. 6. Ideal vanilla ice cream profiles according to descriptive, CATA and EDIPM
in Table 1. data using (a) CATA attribute fit (R2) and (b) normalized ideal CATA counts.
L. Dooley et al. / Food Quality and Preference 21 (2010) 394–401 401

in the product/preference space derived from internal preference Bodyfelt, F. W., Tobias, J., & Trout, G. M. (1988). Sensory evaluation of ice cream and
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for the product space created from descriptive analysis data. This Bower, J. A., & Baxter, I. A. (2003). Sensory properties and consumer perception of
result is also not surprising since both the CATA and descriptive ‘home-made’ and commercial dairy ice cream. Journal of Sensory Studies, 18,
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liking data. sensory profile and the key sensory attributes. Seventh sensometrics meeting,
Fig. 6b represents the ideal sensory profiles in terms of normal- Davis, CA, USA.
Datamonitor (2007). Ice cream in the United States: Industry profile. Available from
ized CATA counts for the three mapping methods employed. The
normalization of these ideal profiles are easier to interpret than Deliza, R., Macfie, H., & Hedderley, D. (2005). The consumer perception of passion-
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by repertory grid method and free choice profile. Journal of Sensory Studies, 21,
bute. These profiles allow the determination of the level of agree- 20–33.
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