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=< on Lightfoot FoR cHIcAGo- Lori Light ‘tn Ws shen Bout sate 00 ‘Chie, 1 60661 September 20, 2018 His Eminence Cardinal Blase J. Cupich ‘Archbishop Chicago PO Box 1979 Chicago, 160690 ‘Your Eminence | write to uge your swift action against Rev. Paul Kalchikof Resurecton parish fr his hateful act and speech. Asyou know, aparently in defiance of your direct onde, Rev. Kalchik, along with some parishioners led a burning ofa rainbow flag that had previously hung inthe parish, He claimed tbe banishing ei ‘Whats mor, inthe ensuing public outer, Rev. Kalchik has gone further and desribed homosexuality as an act agaist God and stated that homosexuals ref blame forthe clergy sex abuse scandal. Rev. Kalhik’sfgnrant and hateful sposch and actions must be addressed sil. [My Lord and my Redeemer i nota hatefol God. Quite the contrary, the Lord fave and worship urges us ss beleversto teach and practic peace and lve 10 all Rev. Kaehik’s ttempé to justify hs loathsome fctions as andated inthe Bible s simply specious. Racist and bigs have attempted to ground thei Iateful spec and actions in biblialtenchiags Since the beginning of our republic and have been foreeflly renounced. Asan African-American, know this sad history wel. Rev, Kalchik’s current fompts are no less odious, and so urge a swift denouncement of his actions and speech, [No person of true fith can stand as a leader ofa parish, church, synagogue or mosque and express the kindof hat as that Rev, Kalhik hs shovwn. [have followed very closely both the teachings of the Holy Father and our words, andi clear that Rev. Kalchik’s views are wildly inconsistent wit both. He should nt have the ability to continue subverting the minds of any eter parishioners, and espesally not childs, Pleas take wif action 0 stamp out this hate Fe ; ih Lightfoot cc: Willan Kunkel

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