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Bahasa Inggris

Terapan I

Applied English for Accounting I MKK 16409

Drs.INyomanSukr HumM

Drs. I Nyoman Sukra, M.Hum.
Politeknik Negeri Bali
Program Studi D IV Akuntansi Manajerial

This instructional book is called Bahasa Inggris Terapan 1, a reference guide for

the first semester students of accounting department of Bali State Polytechnic.

This instructional book concerned with a number of expressions required to

express related communicative language function

This instructional book is written based on the new syllabus designed in 2013 at the Accounting

Department. This instructional book consists of 12 topics each of which is based on a major

situational or functional area of English which Accounting Student graduates might encounter in

their daily work situations. Each topic includes presentation and practice. These are designed to

meet both fluency and accuracy aspects of student’s language production

Finally, the author would like to thank the following people for their contributions to

complete this instructional book; the Director of Bali State Polytechnic, the head of

Accounting Department and the head of D IV Study Program of Bali State Politeknik

This instructional book is not without faulty matters; therefore, criticisms for

constructive development are highly appreciated.

Badung, 1September 2015



Preface …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. i

Daftar isi ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ii

Chapter 1
Introducing yourself and others …………………………………………………………………………………………1

Chapter 2
Asking and Answering Questions………………………………………………………………………………………16

Chapter 3
Job and Routines ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 31

Chapter 4
Likes and Dislikes ………………….………………………………………………………………………………………… 43

Chapter 5
Requesting and Responding ………………………..…………………………………………………………………. 57

Chapter 6
Asking for Permission……………….…………………………………………………………………………………….. 70

Chapter 7
Asking for Clarification and Repetition…….…………………………………………………………………….. 82

Chapter 8
Asking and Giving Direction ………………….……………………………………………………………………….. 95

Chapter 9
Offering ………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………110

Chapter 10
Numbers and Quantities ……………..………………………………………………………………………………….123

Chapter 11
Telling Time, Day, Date and Month………..…………………………………………………………………….. 136

Chapter 12
Shopping ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 150


Look at the illustration before studying the following dialogues and then try to find the

most suitable alternative topic of the lesson for today by answering the questions below.


࿿࿿࿿R꾘燁࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿S맘㴀࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿Tꮨᖼ ࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿U骆下 ࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿V깴䍋࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿

W伸 ࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿X⡰䱐 ࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿Y牚 牚 ࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿Z⢊樷 ࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿[뜾ࣸ ࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿
\둢࿿࿿71 Are the man and the woman shaking hand?
࿿࿿࿿R꾘燁࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿S맘㴀࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿Tꮨᖼ ࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿U骆下 ࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿V깴䍋࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿
W伸 ࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿X⡰䱐 ࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿Y牚 牚 ࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿Z⢊樷 ࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿[뜾࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿

\둢࿿࿿72 Are the man and the woman talking about their identities?
࿿࿿࿿R꾘燁࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿S맘㴀࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿Tꮨᖼ ࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿U骆下 ࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿V깴䍋࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿
W伸 ࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿X⡰䱐 ࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿Y牚 牚 ࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿Z⢊樷 ࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿[뜾࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿

\둢࿿࿿73 Are the man and the woman making acquaintance?
࿿࿿࿿R꾘燁࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿S맘㴀࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿Tꮨᖼ ࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿U骆下 ࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿V깴䍋࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿
W伸 ࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿X⡰䱐 ࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿Y牚 牚 ࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿Z⢊樷 ࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿[뜾ࣸ ࿿ࣸ࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿࿿
\둢࿿࿿74 So, what is the most suitable topic of the lesson we are discussing for

Well, in this chapter, you will study how to introduce yourself and your friends. You will practice

introducing yourself / your partner, asking and answering questions about name, address,

occupation, origin, telephone number, age, status, place and date of birth and hobby.
General instructional objective:

After completing this lesson, the students should be able to apply the language

functions used to introduce themselves/their partners fluently and accurately

both in spoken and written communication.

Specific instructional objective:

5888 Introduce him/herself

5889 Introduce his/her partner
5890 Ask questions about self identities
5891 Answer questions about self identities.

Dialogue 1.

(The teacher introduces him/herself to his/her students.)

Teacher : “Hello, Class. Good Morning!”

Class : “Good Morning, Sir!”

Teacher : “As this is our first day, I’d like to introduce myself to you. My name is I Noman

Sukra. Just call me Nyoman, I am an English Teacher here, I live at

Mawar street No.25 Denpasar, I am from Bali, My hobby is reading

and my telephone number is 081338207501. Is that clear?”

Class : “Yes, it is. But, how old are you, Sir?”

Teacher : “Oh. Don’t ask me that question! It is not polite. But just to let you know, I’m in

my twenties.”

Class : Thank you, Sir!”

23 What is your teacher’s name?
24 What is his nick name?
25 Where is he from?

5888 What is his address?
5889 What is his hobby?
5890 What is his telephone number?
5891 How old is he?
5892 What does he teach?

Dialogue 2.
(The teacher ask one of the students about his/her identities)

Teacher : And you, what is your name?

Student : My name is Ni Kadek Sasmita. Just call me Kadek.

Teacher : Where are you from?

Student : I am from Singaraja

Teacher : Where do you live?

Student : I live at Jalan Uluwatu No. 125 Bukit- Jimbaran.

Teacher : What is you hobby?

Student : My hobby is swimming

Teacher : good.

23 What is the student’s name?
24 What is her nick name?
25 What is her hobby?
26 Where is she from?
27 Where does she live?

Dialogue 3.
(The teacher introduce his/her friend to the class.)

Teacher : Hi, Class. This is my friend. His name is Prof Andrew. He is

an English Teacher. He is from America.

Class : Hello, Prof. Andrew. How do you do?

Prof. Andrew : How do you do? I am happy to meet you

Class : What is your first name, Prof. Andrew?

Prof. Andrew : David. David Andrew.

Class : Which State of America are you from?

Prof. Andrew : I am from California, and I teach at the University of California, Los


5888 What is the name of your teacher’s friend?
5889 Where is he from?
5890 What is his occupation?
5891 Where does he teach?
5892 Do the students and Prof. Andrew know each other?

From the dialogues above, you can study how to introduce yourself and your friends. In those

dialogues, the teacher and the students use formal and friendly greetings. They use those

greetings because that is their first meeting. The teacher and the students don’t know each other

or they are not close friends. The meeting also takes place in a class room or in a formal situation.

The formal and friendly English greetings used in the dialogues are as follows:

Hello, Class.

Hi, class. This is my friend.

Good Morning, Mr. Brown.

Good afternoon, Mrs. Linda.

Good evening, Sir.

Good morning, sir - to a man we don’t know

Good afternoon madam — to an older woman

Good evening miss - to a younger woman

We use “Mr” and “Mrs.” with the family name. If we meet Jimmy Carter we say

“Good morning”, Mr. Carter”, “Good morning, Mrs. Carter” to his wife.

“Good morning” is used when you meet someone in the morning (before 12.00).

“Good afternoon” is used when you meet someone in the afternoon (From 12.00 -

before 18.00)

“Good evening” is used when you meet someone in the evening (from 18.00 – 24.00).

“This is my friend, Prof. Andrew” is used if you want to introduce somebody else,

while the expressions “My name is …., I am from…. Etc. are used when you

introduce yourself (read dialogue 1 again)

In the dialogues above, the teacher also uses “What is your name, Where are you

from, Where do you live” to ask about the student’s identities. The detail

questions and answers about yourself and your friends can be learnt as follows.

Asking somebody’s name:

23 What is your name?

24 What is your complete name?
25 Full name?
26 Middle name?
27 Last name?
28 First name?
29 Surname?
30 Nickname?

Asking someone else:

5888 What is his name?

5889 is her name?
5890 are their names?

Answering questions about somebody’s name:

23 My name is …………………………………………………

24 My full name is ……………………………………………

25 My middle name is ……………………………………..

26 My last name is …………………………………………..

27 My first name is ………………………………………….

28 My nick name is ………………………………………….

29 His name is …………………………………………………

30 Her name is …………………………………………………

31 Their names are …………… and …………………….

Asking somebody’s address:

5888 What is your address?

5889 What is his …………….?
5890 What is her ……………?
5891 What is Batty’s ……..?
5892 Where do you live?
5893 Where does he ………..?
5894 Where does she ………?

Answering questions about address:

23 My address is Jl. Gunung Talang No. 27 Denpasar.

24 His address is …………………………………………………….

25 Her address is …………………………………………………..

26 Batty’s address is ……………………………………………..

27 I live at Jl. Gunung Talang No. 27 Denpasar

28 He/She lives at …………………………………………………

29 Batty lives at …………………………………………………….

Asking somebody’s age:

23 How old are you?

24 is he/she?
25 What is your age?
26 his/her age?

Answering questions about age:

0 I am twenty years old.

1 I am in the early twenties
2 My age is twenty
3 His/her age is twenty

Asking somebody’s occupation:

0 What is your occupation?

1 What is your job?
2 What is her …………………?
3 What is his ………………….?
4 What do you do?
5 What does he/she do?

Answering questions about occupation:

0 I am a teacher
1 He/she is a …………………….
2 My occupation is teaching

Practice 1 (pair work)

Study dialogue 1 and then practice introducing yourself to your friends. Do it more than once until

you can speak out each sentence automatically! For example; Name - My name is ………..

Name : …………………………………………………………………………………………

Age : ………………………………………………………………………………………..

Origin : …………………………………………………………………………………………

Address : ………………………………………………………………………………………

Occupation : …………………………………………………………………………………

Place and date of birth : ………………………………………………………………

Hobby : ………………………………………………………………………………………..

Practice 2 (individual work)

Study dialogue 2 and then complete the dialogue below!

Jari : ………………………………………………………………………………………?

Fani : My name is Ida Ayu Susilawati

Jari : ………………………………………………………………………………………?

Fani : I’m 19 years old

Jari : ………………………………………………………………………………………?

Fani : I’m from Klungkung-Bali

Jari : ………………………………………………………………………………………?

Fani : I live at Jalan Gunung Talang No.9A, Denpasar

Jari : ………………………………………………………………………………………?

Fani : I am a student.

Jari : ………………………………………………………………………………………?

Fani : I was born on January 2nd, 1994

Practice 3 (pair work)

Study dialogue 3 again and then come and ask your partners about the following!

Do it more than once until you can speak out each sentence automatically!

Full name A :………………………………………………………?

B : ……………………………………………………..
Nick name A : ……………………………………………………..?

B : ……………………………………………………..

Origin A : ………………………………………………………?

B : ……………………………………………………..

Address A : ………………………………………………………?

B : ……………………………………………………..

Age A : ………………………………………………………?

B : ……………………………………………………..

Tlp. No. A : ………………………………………………………?

B : ………………………………………………………

Practice 4 (individual work)

Study dialogue 4 once again and then complete the sentences below!

Budi : Hello! Echak. ……………… my causin. Her name is

Dayu Manik. She is a student. She is from Gianyar.

She …….. at Jl. Gatsu Barat No. 395B Denpasar.

Echak : Hello, Dayu. ………………………..?

Dayu Manik : …………………………..? I am glad to …… you.

Echak : What is your ………………………, Dayu Manik?

Dayu Manik : Dayu.

Echak : What is your ………………………………………..?

Dayu Manik : My hobby is ………………………………………….

Echak : When were you …………………………………..?

Dayu Manik : I …………………………….. on December 5th, 1994

Echak : Thank you

Dayu Manik : you’re welcome

Practice 5 (individual work)

Study dialogue 4 once again and then introduce your partner to the class!
His/her name : ……………………………………………………………………………………….

His/her age : …………………………………………………………………………………………..

His/her origin : ………………………………………………………………………………………

His/her address : ………………………………………………………………………………….

His/her occupation : ………………………………………………………………………………

Place and date of birth : ………………………………………………………………………….

His/her hobby : ……………………………………………………………………………………..

A formal and friendly greeting is used when you meet someone at the first time or you

don’t know each other. You are not close friends or meet with someone of high class in a

formal situation. For example: Good morning, teacher. How are you this morning?, Hello

class. Good morning, Hi, class. This is Prof. Alex. He is an English Teacher.

To introduce yourself, you can say “My name is…., I am from ….., I live at …., I am a ….., My

phone number is ….

To introduce your partner, you can say “his/her name is ……, he/she lives at ….., He/she is from

….., he/she is a ….., his/her phone number is …..

Questions and answers used to know about someone’s identities are as follows:
What is your name? My name is Gede Susila

What is your nationality? I am Indonesian

What is your phone number? My phone number is 0361 485982

What is your occupation? I am a teacher

Where is he from? He is from Bali

Where does he/she live? He lives at Jln. Gunung Talang No. 27 Denp.

Formative test
Complete the following dialogues by crossing the best option (A, B, C or D)!

0 Teacher : Good morning, everybody.

Students : …………………………………………..

0 Good afternoon

1 Good evening

2 Good night

3 Good morning

2. Widi : Hi! Robi. …………………………..

Robi : I am fine. Thank you.

0 How do you do?
1 What are you doing?
2 How is your sister?
3 How are you?

23 Ucok: Good morning, Totok. How is your mother?

Totok : ……………………………………………………………….

23 I am fine. Thank you

24 I am very well. Thank you
25 She is fine. Thank you
26 She is in the well. Thank you
24 Uci: ………………………………………….

23 Who is your name?

24 What is your nick name?

C. What is your full name?
D. What is your last name?
5. Uci : What is your address?
Ugi : ……………………………………………………………………

23 I am from Denpasar
24 I come from Denpasar
25 My occupation is an accounting student
26 My address is jln.Sudirman No. 27 Denpasar

5888 Ucok : …………………………………………………………………

Made : I am from Bali

5888 Where is your from?
5889 Where are you from?
5890 Where are your address?
5891 Where is your address?
5889 Noni : What is your occupation?
Esi : …………………………………………………………………

5888 I work in Jakarta

5889 I am a bank cashier
5890 I clean the class room every day
5891 My occupation is in a bank
5890 David : What is his phone number?
Agung : ……………………………………………………………………

5888 My phone number is 081338207501

5889 His account number is 081338207501
5890 Her card number is 081338207501
5891 His phone number is 081338207501
5891 Iwan : …………………………………………………………….

Yuni : She is 20 years old.

A. What is her old

0 How old is she?
1 How is her age?
2 How many is your old?
0 Indah : What is his marital status?
Erna : ……………………………………………..
0 She is single
1 He is a student
2 He is single
3 Her status is a student.

Use the key to formative test 1 given at the end of this book to check your

answer. Calculate your correct answers and then use the formula below to see

the degree of your comprehension to the material of this chapter.

The total of correct answers

The degree of comprehension = ---------------------------------------- X 100 %

The total of items

Note: 90 – 100 % = very good

80 – 89 % = good

70 -79 % = Ok

< 70 % = bad

If your comprehension is ≥ 80 %, you can continue to the chapter 2. It is good.

However, if it is < 80 %, you have to read chapter 1 again especially the materials

that you do not understand well yet.


0 Name
1 nick name

0 full name
1 first name
2 last name
3 address
4 street
5 at
6 number
7 origin
8 from
9 status
10 single
11 married
12 age
13 young
14 old
15 20 years old
16 Hobby
17 Singing
18 Reading
19 Fishing
20 Cooking
21 Dancing
22 Jogging
23 Playing foot ball
24 Listening to music
25 citing
26 place and date of birth
27 first of January

0 occupation
1 student
2 teacher
3 gardener
4 driver
5 cashier

6 tel

Answer Key:

0 d
1 d
2 c
3 c
4 d
5 b
6 b
7 d
8 b
9 c


Look at the illustration before studying the following dialogues and then try to find the

most suitable alternative topic of the lesson for today by answering the questions below.


5888 Are the students studying in the class room?

5889 Is the teacher posing any questions to his students?
5890 Are there any students trying to answer the teacher’s question?
5891 So, what is the most suitable topic of the lesson we are discussing for

Well, in this chapter, we are discussing about the English questions and their

answers. You will study how to make yes/no and wh- questions and their answers.

You will practice asking and answering yes/no and wh – question in dialogues.

General Instructional Objective

After completing this lesson, students should be able to ask and answer questions using yes

- no and wh – interrogative fluently and accurately both in spoken and written communication

Specific Instructional Objective:

23 Ask questions by using yes-no and wh-interrogative

24 Answer the yes-no and wh- interrogative

Dialogue 1.

Made : Do you know the new student?

Widi : Yes, I do

Made : What is his name?

Widi : His name is Rudi Hartono.

Made : Is he from Bali?

Widi : No, he is not

Made : Where is he from?

Widi : he is from Bandung

Made : Where does he live?

Widi : He lives at Malboro Street No 12A.


5888 What is the new student’s name?

5889 Where is from?
5890 Where does he live?

Dialogue 2.

Suka : Have you ever been to Monas?

Wita : Yes, I have

Suka : Where is it?

Wita : It is in Jakarta.

Suka : What does Monas stand for?

Wita : It stands for Monumen Nasional

Suka : What is it?

Wita : It is a tall tower with a huge gold statue on top of it.

Suka : How tall is the tower?

Wita : It is about 132 meters

Suka : How big is the gold statue?

Wita : Its weight 35 kilo grams


23 Who has ever been to Monas?

24 What is Monas?
25 Where is it?

From dialogue 1 and 2, you can learn how to make yes-no and wh-interrogative. The

yes-no interrogative proposed by Made and Suka are: “Do you know the new

student?”, “Is he from Bali?” and “Have you ever been to Monas?” So, yes-no

interrogatives proposed by made and Suka are formed with “do” , “Is” and “have” at

the beginning of yes-no interrogative meaning “apakah…” in Bahasa Indonesia.

The wh-interrogatives proposed by Made and Suka are as follows:

23 What is his name?

24 Where is he from?

5888 Where does he live?
5889 Where is Monas?
5890 What does Monas stand for?
5891 How tall is the tower?
5892 How big is the gold statue?

All these wh-interrogatives are formed with question words what (1) meaning

“siapa”, where (2,3,4) meaning “dimana”, What (5) meaning apa and how (6 and 7)

meaning “berapa” at the beginning. The other question words used to formed wh-

interrogative are: when, why, and who.

The detail information about yes-no and wh - interrogative can be learnt as follows:


“What” is the most popular question word. It is generally used to ask a noun. It is

rich of meaning in Bahasa Indonesia such as apa, siapa, dimana and berapa.

For example:

23 What meaning “apa” : What colour is your uniform?

24 What meaning “siapa” : What is your name?
25 What meaning “dimana” : What is your address?
26 What meaning “berapa” : What is your phone number?

To answer the questions above, you can say:

3 It is………………………………………………………………….
4 My name is……………………………………………………..
5 My address is ………………………………………………….
6 My phone number is………………………………………


“Where” is a question word used to ask about a place. It is also rich of meaning

in bahasa Indonesia such as dimana, kemana, and dari mana.

For example:

ᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀЀĀȀ⸀ĀĀĀȀĀ⸀ĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀĀ768 Where meaning “dimana”:

Where do you live?
ᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀЀĀȀ⸀ĀĀĀȀĀ⸀ĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀĀ769 Where meaning ”kemana”:
Where are you going?
ᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀЀĀȀ⸀ĀĀĀȀĀ⸀ĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀĀ770 Where meaning “dari mana”:
Where are you from?

To answer those questions, you say:

0 I live at ………………………………………………………….
1 I am going to………………………………………………..
2 I am from……………………………………………………..


“When” is a question word meaning “kapan”. It is used to ask about time of an event or activity

For example:

0 When were you born?

1 When did it happen?
2 When did you do that?

To answer those questions, you can say:

0 I was born …………………………………………….

1 It happened…………………………………………
2 I did it…………………………………………………..


“Why” is a question word meaning “mengapa”. It is used to ask the reason of doing something.

For example:
0 Why were you late?
1 Why do you love him?

To answer those questions, you can say:

0 Because I ……………………………………..
1 Because he ………………………………….


“Who” is a question word meaning “siapa”. It is used to ask about people.

For example:

5888 Who called you last night?

5889 Who is your girl friend?

To answer those questions, you can say:

23 Joni called me last night

24 My girl friend is ………………………..


“how” is also a very popular question word. It used to ask quantity, condition and adverb

of manner. It has varieties of meaning such as berapa, bagaimana and bagaimana cara.

For example:

5888 How meaning “berapa”: How many brothers and sisters do you
5889 How meaning “bagaimana”: How are you?
5890 How meaing “ bagaimana cara”: How do you go to campus every

To answer those questions, you can say:

23 I have………………………………………………
24 I am ………………………………………………..
25 I go to campus by……………………………

Yes-no question is a question that only requires a yes or no answer.

For example:

• Are you Mr./mrs……………………………………?. Yes, I am/No, I am not

• Do you live at ………………………………………..? Yes, I do/ No, I don’t
• Was she in ……………………………………………..? Yes, she was/No, she was not
• Did you go to………………………………………….? Yes, I did/No, I did not
• Is it………………………………………………………….? Yes, it is/No, it is not
• Have you finished……………………………………? Yes, I have/ No, I have not
• Will you come to…………………………………….? Yes, I will/No, I will not

Practice 1.(individual)
Fill in the blanks with the right word below. You can use the word more than once.

What where when why who how

Does is do are was did

1. ……………………….do you like Bali? I like Bali very much

2. ……………………….is your height? I am 170 cm

3. ……………………….is his address? My address is jl. Gajah MAada No 2
4. ……………………….have you been? I have been to Kuta Beach
5. ………………………did you call just now? I called My sister.
6. ……………………….is your room number? It is number 125
7. ……………………….were you absent yesterday? I was sick
8. ……………………….did you last call me? I called you yesterday
9. ……………………….is the price of 1 kg of apple? 1 kg of apple is Rp 12000,-
10. ……………………….is the temperature here now? It is 18 degrees centigrade here now
11. ………................she work in a hotel? Yes, she does.
12. ……………………….you come from Bali? No, I don’t.
13. ………………………Your father an English Teacher? Yes, he is.
14. ………………………you ready to go now? Yes, I am
15. ………………………She so busy this month? Yes, she is

Practice 2. (individual work)

Make questions based on the answer given below.

5888 X : ………………………………………………………..?
Y : My English Teacher is Mr. Friday
5889 X : ………………………………………………………..?
Y : It is August, 17th.
5890 X : ………………………………………………………..?
Y : It costs Rp 9000,-
5891 X : ………………………………………………………..?
Y : He works in a hotel
5892 X : ………………………………………………………..?
Y : He was busy yesterday.
5893 X : ………………………………………………………..?
Y : It 90 km from Denpasar
5894 X : ………………………………………………………..?
Y : No, they weren’t
5895 X : ………………………………………………………..?
Y : Yes, he is
5896 X : ………………………………………………………..?
Y : It was Sunday yesterday.
5897 X : ………………………………………………………..?
Y : He is a tall, young man with long hair

Practice 3. (Pair work)

Ask your partner what tourism object he/she has ever visited. Then ask him/her the

location, the distance, the transport, the time and the famous things there. Take your turn

to answer your partner’s questions about the tourism object you have ever visited.

For example:

You : Have you ever visited ………………………………?

Partner: No, I haven’t

You : What Tourism object have you ever visited?

Partner: I have ever visited ……………………………………

You : Where is …………………………………………………?

Partner: It is in …………………………………………………………

You : How far is…………………….. from……………………?

Partner: It is about ……………………………………………………

You : How do the people get ……………………………….?

Partner: They can go……………………………,……………..

You : How long does it take to go…………by ………….?

Partner: It takes about …………………………….by…………….

You : What is………….. famous for?

Partner: It is famous for…………………………………………….


There are two types of question that you have to learn in this chapter; yes-no and

wh - questions.

Yes-no question is a question that only requires a yes or no answer.

For example:

23 Are you ready to order now, sir? Yes, I am

24 Do you speak English? Yes, I ddo
25 Did he invite you on his birthday party last week? No, I did not

26 Have you finished your breakfast? Yes, I have

• Will you come to his party? No, I will not

Wh-question is a question which requires a statement as the answer.

For example:

• What is your occupation? I am an English Teacher

• Where do you work? I work in in PNB
• When did you start working in PNB? I started working there in1990

• Why do you want to be a teacher? I like teaching

• Who is your director? My director is Mr. Mudina
5888 How long have you been teaching in PNB? I have been teaching there for 22 years

Formative Test

Complete the following dialogues by crossing the best option A, B, C, or D

23 X : ……………….your uncle live at Gn. Agung street?

Y : No, he doesn’t
23 is
24 does
25 has
26 do
24 X : ………………….. is his address?
Y : His address is Jln. Melati No 27 Denpasar
23 What
24 Where
25 When
26 Who
25 X : …………… Mr. and Mrs. Black work in a bank?
Y : Yes, They do
23 Are
24 Do

5888 Is
5889 Have
23 X : …………………is Mr. Black’s occupation?
Y : He is a Bank Director
23 What
24 Where
25 When
26 Who
24 X : ……………he a Bank Director?
Y : Yes, he is
23 What is
24 What
25 Is
26 What does
25 X : ……………………he like orange juice?
Y : No, he does not
23 Is
24 Does
25 What is
26 What does
26 X : …………………….the students of Bali State Polytechnic go to campus by car?

Y : No, they don’t

23 Are
24 Does
25 Do
26 Is
27 X : …………………did he go to the Party last night?
Y : He went to the party on foot.
23 By what

Ā̀ ⸀ Ā ᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀ0 With what
Ā̀ ⸀ Ā ᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀ1 What
Ā̀ ⸀ Ā ᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀĀᜀ2 How
0 X : ……………………..are you interested in that flower?
Y : It is beautiful
0 What
1 Why
2 How
3 Who
1 X : ………………………….is that beautiful bag?
Y : That’s hers
0 Who
1 What
2 Whose
3 where

Use the key to formative test 2 given at the end of this book to check your

answer. Calculate your correct answers and then use the formula below to see

the degree of your comprehension to the material of this chapter.

The degree of comprehension = The total of correct answers X 100 %


Note: 90 – 100 % = very good

80– 89 % = good

70-79 % = Ok

< 70 % = bad

If your comprehension is ≥ 80 %, you can continue to chapter 3. It is good.

However, if it is < 80 %, you have to read chapter 2 again especially the materials

that you do not understand well yet


what where

why who

when how

colour time

size date

kind job

food drink

dance address

height weight

favorite tourism object

price far

distance location

exactly much/many

tall old

because sick

busy go

had beautiful

km get

by car

walk plane

motorbike take

Answer Key:

0 b
1 a
2 b
3 a
4 c
5 b
6 c
7 d
8 b
9 c


Look at the illustration before studying the following dialogues and then try to find the

most suitable alternative topic of the lesson for today by answering the questions below.


0 Does the woman with white uniform work in a hospital?

1 Is she a doctor?
2 What is her occupation?
3 What does she do everyday?
4 So, what is the most suitable topic of the lesson we are discussing for today?

Well, in this chapter, you will study about occupation. You will practice using

Yes/No and WH - questions to ask someone’s occupation, giving answers of

yes/no and wh – questions about occupation and describing occupations.

General Instructional Objective

After completing this lesson, students should be able to identify and describe job

accurately and fluently both in spoken and written communication

Specific Instructional Objective:

0 Identify jobs (occupation)
1 Use Yes/No questions to ask someone’s job (occupation)
2 Use WH - question to ask someone’s job (occupation)
3 Give answer of yes/no-question about job (occupation)
4 Give answer of WH-question about job (occupation)
5 Describe a job (occupation)

Dialogue 1.
(Teacher asks one of the students, Made, about his father’s job)
Teacher : Excuse Made, Where does your father work?

Made : He works in a hotel.

Teacher : Is he a hotel manager?

Made : No, he is not.

Teacher : What is his occupation?

Made : He is a hotel cashier.

Teacher : Sorry, What is a hotel cashier?

Made : A hotel cashier is someone who receives and pay out money in a


Teacher : Thank you, Made.

Made : you’re welcome.

0 Does Made’s father work in a bank?
1 Where does he work?
2 Is he a hotel manager?
3 What is his occupation?
4 What does he do in the hotel every day?

Dialogue 2.
After you finish your study in the Polytechnic Department, you may be entering
the world of business. In your work, you will meet many different people with a
variety of jobs. The following are examples of people who talk about their jobs.
Carol, John Rickly and Chenni are in a human resource development meeting.
During the break time, Chenni tries to find out about their jobs.
Chenni : Carol what do you do?
Carol : I’m described as a sales representative. I visit different companies perhaps up to four

or six a day when I’m traveling. The rest of my time is spent in the office, writing

sales report, planning the next trip and answering enquiries. My trips often last

three to four days a week. But I work under the supervision of sales manager.

Chenni : What do you find rewarding about the sales area?

Carol : Well, I suppose you could say that I get paid to travel a lot around this country and to

meet different people.

Chenni : Us, the pay good?

Carol : Yes, quite generous.

Chenni : Do you sometimes find the work frustrating?

Carol : Well, some customers keep me waiting four hours and I must admit that I hate

waiting. But that’s part of the job.

Chenni : What about you, John? What do you do?

John : I’m a credit controller. My responsibilities are to handle banking matters, credit issues,

opening and closing bank accounts and maintaining good relationships with other

companies. Another responsibility is managing my staff to work as a team.

Chenni : What is the most enjoyable part of your work?

John : Well, I like to make decisions a low management level. I am responsible

for making sure that my decisions result in profits for the company. I also

have aright to cease operating with a company which is “black listed”.

Chenni : And what’s the most annoying part about the job?

John : Well, the company is very bureaucratic. And some companies are

very slow in paying.


0 What is Carol’s job?

1 What is John’s job?
2 What does Carol do?
3 What does John do?
4 What does Carol find rewarding?
5 What does John find enjoyable?
6 What does John find frustrating?
7 What does John find irritating?
8 Ask your partner which of the occupations that you have read about would
he most like to do himself when he finishes his study in the Polytechnic
Centre? Explain why this work appeals to him.
9 Which would he least like to do? And why?

In dialogue 1 above, the teacher uses “Is he a hotel manager?, What is his job/occupation?”

to ask the job of Made’s father. And to answers those question Made says “No. he is not. He

is a cashier”. The teacher and Made also use article “a” in front of the word “cashier” and the

words “hotel manager” to modify each of the occupation. They use the article “a” because both

“cashier” and “hotel manager” are nouns with consonant sound at the beginning of each word.

The similar thing can also be seen in dialogue 2. Chenni uses “What do you do?”

to ask Carol’s occupation. To know details questions and answers about

someone’s occupation, you can study the following language expressions:

To know someone’s occupation, you can say:

0 Are you a/an ………………………….?

1 Is he/she a/an ………………………….?
2 What is your Job/occupation?
3 What do you do?

To answer those questions, you can say:

0 Yes, I am / No, I am not.

1 Yes, he/she is / No, he/she is not
2 I am a/an …………………………….
3 He/She is a/an ………………………

To describe someone’s job/occupation, you can say:

For example:

0 John woks in in a hotel. He is a hotel gardener. His responsibility is to keep

the hotel garden clean. He is a professional hotel gardener.

Use the article “a” in front of an occupation (singular noun) with consonant sound at the

beginning of the word. For example; a gardener, a cashier, a teacher, a student, etc.

use the article “an” in front of an occupation (singular noun) with vowel sound at the

beginning of the word. For example: an English teacher, an engineer, an artist, etc.

Use possessive adjective “my…, your…, his……, her….., our….., their……..” to express possession,

for example: my occupation, your job, his responsibility, etc.

Practice 1 (individual work)

There are a lot different people at work in the following places. How many different

occupations can you think of for each picture? Write them down on your note book!

Lihat gambar pada buku profesi 1 hal.5 Practice 3. (Pair work)

Practice 2 (individual work)

Complete the dialogue below with appropriate words!

0 : ………….. brother work in a travel agent?

B: No, ………………….

1 : ………………….. does he work?

0 : He ……… in a university

23 : So, he …….a lecturer, isn’t he?

B: No, he is not.

24 : ………… is his occupation?

5888 : He is a phone operator. He …………………

Practice 3 (pair work)

To find out about someone’s occupation, study the example:

23 :Where do your work?

23 :I work at a hotel

23 :Are you a waiter?

23 :No, I am a credit controller. I handle credit issues and banking matters.

Now hold similar dialogue by using the clues below. Each time say exactly what

your occupation is in the company.

Hotel/waiter? /credit controller.

Bank/teller? /sales marketer.

Supermarket/cashier? /personal manager.

PT TELKOM Indonesia Company/secretary? /computer programmer.

TVRI/announcer? /secretary.

Garment factory/financial controller? /owner.

Bank/computer programmer? /teller.

Computer company/programmer? /money collector.

SCTV/receptionist? /reporter.

ASTRA/sales representative? /quality controller.


Expressions used to describe someone’s occupation:

I am an English Student. I study and practice my English every day

He is a credit controller. He handles banking matters, credit issues, opens and

closes bank accounts and maintains good relationships with other companies.
Questions and answers used to ask about someone’s occupation are as follows:

Are you a teacher? Yes, I am/ No, I am not

Is he a waiter? Yes, he is/ No, he is not

What is your occupation? I am a driver

What is her job? She is waitress

What do you do? I am an accountant

The articles used in identifying occupation are: a/an.

“a” is used to modify occupation (singular noun) with consonant

sound. “an” is use to modify occupation (singular noun) with

vowel sound. The possessive adjectives used to modify noun are:

My…… Your…..

His…… Her……

Their… Our…..

Formative test
I. Complete the following sentences by crossing the option A, B, C or D!

5888 Mrs. Brown usually teaches English at school. She is ………………………………………………

5888 a director
5889 a driver
5890 an administrator
5891 an English Teacher

Mrs. Monik works in Mr. Made’s house. She cleans the floor of the house, washes the

dishes, washes the clothes, takes care of the children and cooks in the kitchen. She is

House wife
…………. Is his occupation? He is a Bank Director.
………….. does Mr Black work? He works in a library.
What is his job? He is ……. Director of BRI.
He works in ……. University. He is a lecturer.
Mrs. Brown is a …………….. She handles banking matters and credit issues.

credit controller

credit maker
Budi is a hotel waiter. He ………… food and beverage for the guest in a hotel.
Susi is a bank teller. She ……… and pay out money in a bank.
John is a hotel room boy. He …….the room always clean.

Use the key to formative test 3 given at the end of this book to check your

answer. Calculate your correct answers and then use the formula below to see

the degree of your comprehension to the material of this chapter.

The degree of comprehension = ---------------------------------------- The total of correct answers X 100 %

The total of items

Note: 90 – 100 % = very good

80– 89 % = good

70 -79 % = Ok

< 70 % = bad

If your comprehension is ≥ 80 %, you can continue to chapter 4. It is good.

However, if it is < 80 %, you have to read chapter 3 again especially the materials

that you do not understand well yet.


- Teacher - professor
- Typist - taxi driver
- Gardener - security
- Cashier - teller
- camera man - artist
- actor - credit controller
- hotel manager - waiter
- room boy - hotel cleaner
- supervisor - singer
- pilot - dancer
- news reader - painter
- golf player - librarian
- barber - nurse
- seller - English guide
- English translator - Shop keeper

Answer Key:



Look at the illustration before studying the following dialogues and then try to find the

most suitable alternative topic of the lesson for today by answering the questions below.


What are they doing?

What TV program do they like?
How much do they like foot ball?
So, what is the most suitable topic of the lesson we are discussing for today?

Well, in this chapter, you will study how to use the word like and dislike in a

sentence. You will practice expressing likes and dislikes, preference, the degree

of like and dislike and the reasons why you like or dislike something.

General Instructional Objective.

After completing this lesson, students should be able to express like and dislike
fluently and accurately both in spoken and written communication
Specific instructional objectives.

Express likes and dislikes by using nouns and verbs

Use “Yes/No and WH- questions” to ask about what someone likes and dislikes
Answer “ Yes/No and WH-questions” asking about what someone likes and dislikes

Ask and answer about preference

Ask and answer about what someone likes most
Ask and answer how much someone likes or dislikes things
Ask and give reason why someone likes or dislikes things

Dialogue 1

Mr. and Mrs. White are on holiday in Bali

Made : Do you like in here Mrs. White?

Mrs. White : Yes, very much

Made : What do you like most?

Mrs. White : The scenery. It’s lovely. And I like the dances too. They are fantastic

Made : Which one do you like better, the scenery or the dances?

Mrs. White : I like the scenery better than the dances

Made : And what do you think of the traffic?

Mrs. White : Well, frankly speaking many motorcyclists rode dangerously.

Made : And what about you, Mr. White?

Mr. White : Well, I like some things but I don’t like others.

Made : Do you like the weather?

Mr. White : I am afraid I don’t. It is too hot for me

Made : What else don’t you like?

Mr. White : I don’t like those people riding their motorbikes on the beach. You know, it’s

dangerous and noisy

Made : And do you like the food?

Mr. White : Yes, I like hot food very much.


Does Mrs. White like the traffic in Bali?

What does she like in Bali?
Why does she like the dances in Bali?
Why does Mr. White like the food in Bali?
How much does he like hot food in Bali?

Dialogue 2.
Bob, sally and Ken are choosing card and present for David’s birthday tomorrow

Bob : It is David’s birthday tomorrow. Let’s buy some cards. Which one do you like?

Ken : I like this one.

Sally : I like the one with the car. Now it’s time for us to choose the present. Do you think he

likes books?

Ken : I think yes. He likes books. What about the ball? I want to give him the ball.

Bob : I think he likes playing foot ball. I want to give him a dictionary because he likes reading


(After buying the presents for David)

Bob : Here are some presents or David. I am wrapping up my present

Ken : I am tying a bow

Sally : I am tying a knot

(Then Bob, Ken and Sally come to David’s house)

Sally : We’re giving David his presents and cards.

Ken : Happy birthday David

Bob : Happy birthday David

Here’s a present for you and here’s a card for you.

David : Tank you

I have three nice presents

The square one is from Bob

The round one is from Ken

The flat one is from Sally


Whose birthday is it tomorrow?

Who wants to buy a present for David?
Does David like the present?
Which card does Sally like?
What does Sally want to give David?
What does Sally say to ken when she wants to choose the present?
Why does Bob want to give David a dictionary?

In dialogue 1 and 2, you can study how to express likes and dislikes using nouns and verbs.

Using nouns:

Mr. White likes hot food

Mr. White does not like hot weather

Using verbs:

David likes reading

David likes playing foot ball.

You can also learn how to ask and answer about likes and dislikes, preferences, the degree of

likes and dislikes and the reasons. The detail expressions about likes and dislikes are as follows:

Asking and answering likes and dislikes:

Do you like the weather? I am afraid, I don’t.

What do you like most? I like the scenery

Asking and answering preference:

Which one do you like better, the scenery or the dance?

I like the scenery better than the dance
Which one do you prefer, coffee or tea?
I prefer tea to coffee

Asking answering the degree of likes and dislikes:

• How much do you like in here? Very much

• Why do you like the scenery? It is lovely

The detail language expressions used in this lesson can be learnt as follows:

Asking about likes and dislikes:

Do you like ……………………………………………..?

Does he like ……………………………………………?
What do you like in ………………………………..?
What doesn’t he like in …………………………..?
What (kind of) ………………………do you like?
What (kind of) …………………… does he like?
What (kind of) ……………………. don’t you like?

Answering the questions:

Yes, I do / No, I don’t

Yes, he does / No, he doesn’t
I like ……………………… in ………………………
He doesn’t like ……………… in ……………..
I like ………………………….
He likes ……………………..
I don’t like …………………

Asking about preferences:

Which one do you prefer, ……… or ……….?

Which one do you like better, …………… or …………..?

What (kind of) ……….. do you like better, ….. or ………?

Answering the questions:

I prefer …………… to ……………….

I like ……. Better than ……………

Asking about the degree of likes and dislikes:

What (kind of) ……….do you like most?

What (kind of) ………..don’t you like most?
How (much) do you like …………………….?

Answering the questions:

I like ……………. most.

I don’t like ………….. at all
I am crazy about ……………..
I like ……………… very much
It’s OK
I don’t mind
I hate ………….

Asking the reason of likes and dislikes:

Why do you like ………………………………?

Why don’t you like ………………………….?

Answering the questions:

I like ………….. because ……………………

I don’t like ……… It is …………………….

Practice 1. (individual work)

Fill in the blank spaces with the following words or phrases! Like - to

- hike - at all - prefer - crazy about - hiking - better - hate - quite

She is so kind and beautiful. I am …………… her

Which do you like ………………….? Tea or coffee?
I like ………………… better than camping.
It’s so boring. I don’t like it …………….
I …………………… it. It is not too bad
Do you like to go on picnic or ………………..?
She is a kind of girl that I ………………. She is charming with long hair and
she has a good personality
Charles Bronson? I’ve never like him. I …………….. him
She prefer me ……………………….. him
I think I ………………………….. Jass to rock music.

Practice 2 (individual work)

Answer the questions concerning about yourself!

What do you like to do when you are free? ………………………………..

Do you like to go fishing? ……………………………………………………………

How much do you like camping? ………………………………………………..

Do you like music? How much? ………………………………………………….

What type of music do you like? ………………………………………………..

Who is your favorite musician?

Practice 3. (pair work)

Study the dialogue then hold similar dialogue by using the clues below!

A : Do you like music?

B : Yes, do.

A : What kind of music do you like?

B : I like pop, jass and rock music.

A : What kind of music don’t you like?

B : I don’t like dangdut.

A : which one do you like better, pop or rock?

B : I like rock better than pop

A : What music do you like most?

B : I like music jass most

A : Why do you like music?

B : Music is beautiful. It can make me happy.

Practice 4 (pair work)

1.Watch TV 2. movies
3.Read 4. Balinese food

5.Sing 6. Balinese dance


In an English sentence, the word “Like” can be followed by nouns and verbs e.g.

“John likes orange”, “John like camping/ John likes to go camping”. To express

preferences, you can use the word “prefer/ like better”.

Using nouns:

Which one do you prefer, coffee or tea? I prefer tea to coffee?

Which one does she like better, coffee or tea? She likes tea better tha coffee.

Using verbs:

Which do you prefer, writing or reading? I prefer reading to writing.

Which does he like better, writing or reading? He likes reading better than writing.

The degree of likes and dislikes can be expressed by using the word(s): crazy

about, very much, most, ok, don’t mind, hate.

He is crazy about music

I like Bali very much
She likes dancing most
How do you like it? It’s ok
How do you like it? I don’t mind
I hate him

To know the reasons why someone likes or dislikes something or doing something,

you can use the question word “why”, e. g. Why do you like Bali? Because Bali is

beautiful/ Why do you like boxing? Because it is a challenging sport.

Formative Test.

Complete the following dialogue by crossing the best option A, B, C, or D!

X : Do you like classical music?

Y : ……………………………………..

Yes, it is boring
No, it’s very nice
Yes, it’s interesting
No, it’s no problem
X : Do you always go to movies?
Y : …………………………………………..
No, I like movies very much
No, but they are too childish for me
No, it is wasting money
Yes, they are boring
X : ………………………………………………….
Y : I like it very much
Why do you like action film?
Who is your favorite film star?
What film do you like?
How do you like action film?
X : …………………………………………………
Y : It is too noisy
Why do you like rock music?
Why don’t you like rock music?
How much do you like rock music?
What is your favorite music?
X : Which one does she like better, singing or dancing?

Y : ……………………………………………………………………………..

She likes singing most

She doesn’t like singing
She likes singing very much
She likes singing better than dancing
X : What do you think of traditional Balinese music?

Y : It’s good. I like ……………… all types of music

X : John is the best student in class A, isn’t he?

Y : Yes, he is. He likes ……………………………………

Study hard
Studying hard
Studies hard
Studied hard
X : ……………………………………………………………….

Y : Yes, he does.
What does he like poetry reading
Does he like poetry reading
Is he like poetry reading
Does he likes poetry reading
X : Do you like watching TV?
Y : ……………………………………
Yes, I do
Yes, I am
No, I am not
Yes, I do not
X : ………………… kind of Balinese food do you like?

Y : I like lawar

Use the key to formative test 4 given at the end of this book to check your

answer. Calculate your correct answers and then use the formula below to see

the degree of your comprehension to the material of this chapter.

The degree of comprehension = The total of correct answers X 100 %


Note: 90 – 100 % = very good

80 – 89 % = good

70 -79 % = Ok

< 70 % = bad

If your comprehension is ≥ 80 %, you can continue to chapter 5. It is good.

However, if it is < 80 %, you have to read chapter 4 again especially the materials

that you do not understand well yet

Glossary .

- like - better
- more - prefer
- most - how
- which - what
- mind - ok
- hate - crazy about
- very much - dance
- sing - hike
- work - go camping
- go fishing - go shopping
- read - listen
- travel - watch
- swim - sport
- music - film
- food - weather
- scenery - people
- English - poetry
- news - culture
- him - her
- apple - orange
- beach - service

Answer key:



Look at the illustration before studying the following dialogues and try to find the most

suitable alternative topic of the lesson for today by answering the questions below.


What is the man doing?

What is he request?
How is he requesting it?
So, what is the most suitable topic of the lesson we are discussing for today?

Well, in this chapter, you will study how to make requests and its responses. You

will practice how to use the expressions for requesting service, action, something

and information in dialogues

General instructional objective
After completing this lesson, the students should be able to use the language expressions for

requesting and responding fluently and accurately both in spoken and written communication

Specific instructional objective

use expressions for requesting actions
use expressions for requesting services
use expressions for requesting objects
respond the requests

Dialogue 1.
(A lady wants to cash the travellers’ cheques)

Clerk : Good morning. Can I help you, madam?

Lady : Good morning. I want to cash these travellers’ cheques, please.

Clerk : Certainly madam… Could I have your passport, please?

Lady : Yes, here you are

Clerk : Thank you…Would you sign each of them, please?

Lady : Could I have new notes?

Clerk : Yes, madam

What does the lady want?
Does the clerk accept the lady’s request?
What does the clerk want to have from the lady?
What does the clerk want the lady to do?

Dialogue 2.
(A man wants to know the balance of his account).

Man : Excuse, me.

Clerk : Yes, please. May I help you?
Man : I’d like to know the balance of my account, please

Clerk : Certainly sir… May I have your cheque book, please?

Man : Yes, of course.

Clerk : Thank you… Would you wait just for a moment, sir?

There you are.

Man : Thank you

What does the man want to know?
Does the clerk accept or refuse the man’s request?
What does the clerk want to have from the man?

Dialogue 3.
(A lady would like to deposit some money)

Lady : I’d like to deposit some money in my deposit account.

Clerk : Could you complete a paying-in slip please madam?

Lady : Oh yes… There you are

Clerk : Could I have your pass book please?

Lady : Yes of course. Here you are

What does the lady want to do?
What does the clerk want the lady to do?
What does the clerk want to have from the lady?

In dialogue 1, you can find three kinds of request such as requesting service (I want to cash these

travellers’ cheques please), requesting object (Could I have your passport please?), and

requesting action (Would you sign each of them please?). In this dialogue, a lady wants to get a

service from a clerk. She wants the clerk to cash the travellers’ cheques and the clerk accepts

the request. However, the clerk would like to have her passport and ask her to

sign each of the travellers’ cheques as it is a requirement for cashing a cheque.

In dialogue 2, you also find three kinds of request: requesting service (I’d like to know the

balance of my account please), requesting object (My I have your cheque book please) and

requesting action (Would you wait just a moment please?). In this dialogue, a man wants to

get a service from a clerk. He wants to know the balance of his account and the clerk accepts

his request. To know the balance of an account, the clerk should have the cheque book for

the process. It does not take for long so the clerk wants him to wait just for a moment.

It is not so different from dialogue 1 and 2, in dialogue 3, you also find three types of request;

requesting service (I’d like to deposit some money in my deposit account), action (Could you

complete a paying-in slip please madam?) and object (Could I have your pass book too?). A

lady wants to deposit some money in her deposit account. To do that, the clerk would like her

to complete a paying-in slip and to give her pass book to the clerk as well.

To know how to make requests in detail, you can learn the following

language expressions. Requesting service

I’d like to ………………………………………………………….

I want to ………………………………………………………….
Can I ……………………………………………………………….. please?
Could I …………………………………………………………… please?

Requesting action

Can you ………………………………………………………… please?

Could you …………………………………………………….. please?
Would you …………………………………………………… please?

Requesting object

Can I have ……………………………………………………. Please?

Could I have …………………………………………………. please?

May I have …………………………………………………...

please? Responding positively

Yes, I can
Yes, I would
Yes of course
Yes sure
Yes certainly

Responding negatively

Sorry, I can’t
No, I wouldn’t
No, I can’t. Sorry

Practice 1 (individual work)

Fill in the blanks with the correct word!
Would sorry take yes please

Mind certainly taking no can’t

Can you help me lift up the table? Sorry, I …….. my arm is broken.
I am ……….. I can’t do what you wanted me to do
………….. you correct my home work please?
Can you lend me your motor bike please? …….. I can’t. Sorry
………… I don’t mind having dinner with you.
Would you ……… this to the director?
Can you ……..type this proposal?
Would you mind ……… me around the city?
Do you mind accompanying me to the movie? ….. I do. My girl will be jealous.

I don’t ………. Helping people as long as they help me too.

Practice 2. (Individual work)

Complete the following dialogue!

A : ……………………. open a current account please.

B : Yes certainly madam.
A : ……………………. transfer $ 100 to my brother’s account please?
B : Yes of course.
A : …………………….. sign your name here please?
B : Yes, I would.

A : …………………….. complete this form please?

B : Yes, I can.
A : ……………………… holding it for a moment lease?
B : No, I wouldn’t mind
A : …………………….. wait just for a moment please?
B : Sorry, I can’t. I have to go now.
A : …………………….. a small change please?
B : Yes certainly sir.
A : ……………………… one more tea please?
B : I am sorry madam. It was sold out

Practice 3 (pair work)

Study the dialogues below and then hold a similar dialogue with your partner by

using the following clues! Take your turn to be a clerk and a customer.

a) Customer : Excuse me. I’d like to cash this cheque please.

Clerk : Yes certainly madam/No, you can’t. Sorry
Open a current account
Order some travellers’ cheques
Change some francs
See the manager
Make an appointment

Transfer $100 to my sister’s account
b) Clerk : Excuse me. Would you repeat your order please?

Customer : Yes sure/No, I can’t. Sorry.

Sign your name here
Wait just for a moment
Sign the back of the cheque
Fill in the form
Complete this form
Follow me to the office
Customer : Excuse me. Could I have an extra chair please?

Your pass book

Your passport
Cheque book
New cheque book
a small change
some new notes


Based on its functions, the English request can be grouped into three; requesting

service, action and object.

Requesting services:

I’d like to open a current account please

I want to change some American dollars please
Could I transfer $50 to my brother’s account please?

Requesting actions:

Would you sign your name here please?

Could you complete this form please?
Can you wait just for a moment please?

Requesting object:

Can I have your card please?

Could I have a small change please?
May I have your passport please?

The response of a request could be either positive or negative. It depends on the reality.

Positive responds:

Yes, I can
Yes, I would
Yes, certainly
Yes, of course
Yes, sure

Negative response:

Sorry, I can’t
No, I can’t. Sorry
No, I wouldn’t

Formative test

Complete the following dialogues by crossing the best option A, B, C, or D!

X : …………………………………………… order one portion of Balinese food please.

Y : Of course madam
Can I have
Would you mind
I’d like to
Do you have

X : ………………………………….buy some dollars please.

Y : Sorry, I can’t. I don’t have any stock

I want to
Would you
Do you mind
Could I have
X : ………………………………. spell your name please?

Y : Yes, of course.
Could I have
Do you mind
Would you
Do you have
X : I would like to ………… an appointment please
Y : Certainly madam
X : I want to ………………. dinner now please
Y : Certainly sir.
X : Would you be so kind as to ……………… this form please?

Y : yes, I would

X : Could I have one extra bed in room please?
Y : …………………………………………
Sorry, I can madam
No, it’s ok sir
Yes, of course sir
Yes, you can’t
X : Would you escort me to the office now please?
Y : ………………………………………
Yes certainly not madam
No, please don’t madam
No, I would madam
Yes, I would madam
X : I would like to open a current account please
Y : ………………………………………..
Certainly madam
Certainly not madam
Of course not madam
No, I am not sure madam
X : ………………………………………………………
Y : Yes, I can
Can you help me fill in the form please?
Would you completing this form please?
I want to complete this form please
Can I complete this form please?

Use the key to formative test 5 given at the end of this book to check your

answer. Calculate your correct answers and then use the formula below to see

the degree of your comprehension to the material of this chapter.

The degree of comprehension = The total of correct answers X 100 %

Note: 90 – 100 % = very good

80 – 89 % = good

70 -79 % = Ok

< 70 % = bad

If your comprehension is ≥ 80 %, you can continue to chapter 6. It is good.

However, if it is < 80 %, you have to read chapter 5 again especially the materials

that you do not understand well yet


Wait call

Sit read

Write come

Take sign

Fill in open

Close have

Order change

See transfer

Complete connect

Lend know

Repeat tell

Withdraw deposit

Take a seat check

Decide meet

Name address

Number nationality

Telephone number account number

Pass book passport

Cheque book change

Notes money

Answer Key:



Look at the illustration before studying the following dialogues and try to find the most

suitable alternative topic of the lesson for today by answering the questions below.


What is he doing?
What is he doing it for?
Why is he asking for permission?
So, what is the most suitable topic of the lesson we are discussing for today?

Well, in this chapter, you will study how to ask for permission and to respond it. You will

practice asking for permission, giving permission, refusing and expressing thanks

General Instructional Objective
After completing this chapter, students should be able to use the expressions asking

for permission fluently and accurately both in oral and written communication.

Specific Instructional Objective:

Ask for permission
Give permission
Refuse permission
Expressing thanks

Dialogue 1.
(One of the students asks for permission to leave the class room)

Student : Excuse me. May I go out for a moment, sir?

Teacher : Yes, sure. But why?

Student : I want to see the head of the department.

Teacher : Can you see him during the break?

Student : No, I can’t, sir. He has an appointment with the director at that time.

Teacher : Okay, then. Don’t forget to come back to the class room as soon as

you are finished There.

Student : All right, sir.

Where does the dialogue take place?
What permission does the student want to ask for?
Who does he ask for permission to?
Does the teacher allow him to go out?
Who does he want to see?

Dialogue 2.
(A worker wants to see a director)

Worker : Excuse me. Can I see the director now?

Secretary : Have you made an appointment before?

Worker : No, I haven’t

Secretary : So, you can’t, then.

Worker : But, it is very urgent.

Secretary : Wait a minute. I‘ll ask. Excuse me, sir. Mr. Daniel wants to see you now. Can he

come in?

Director : Yes, certainly.

Worker : Good afternoon, sir.

Derector : Good afternoon, Mr. Daniel. What can I do for you?

Worker : May I have permission, sir?

Director : What permission is that?

Worker : Can I have three days off starting next Monday, sir?

Director : No. I am sorry. You can’t. We’ll be busy starting next Monday. I’ll even ask you to

work some overtime later. So you should ask for permission to

your wife to go home later than usual.

Worker : Oh, that’s OK, sir. Thank you anyway.

Can Mr. Daniel see the director?
What day does he want to start having day off?
Can Mr. Daniel have three days off?
Why can’t he have three days off?
If you want to see someone in an office, what should you do?

From this chapter, you can study how to ask for permission. In dialogue 1 and 2, both the student

and the worker want to have permission. The student asks for permission to go out and the

worker asks for permission to see the director. The student expresses his idea by saying “May I

go out?” and the worker expresses his idea by saying “Can I see the director?”. Both of

these sentences are called “asking for permission”. The sentence “Yes, sure” used

by the teacher to respond the question is called expression for giving permission

while the sentence “No, you can’t” is called expression for rejecting permission.

The following are the language expressions used to ask, give, and reject permission.

Asking for permission:

Can I ………………………………………………………?

Could I …………………………………………………..?

May I …………………………………………………….?

I wonder if I may ………………………………….?

Is it all right if I ………………………………………?

Would it be all right if I …………………………?

Giving permission:

Yes, sure

Yes certainly

Yes of course.

Yes, you can

Yes you may

Rejecting permission:

No, you can’t.

No, please don’t

No, you may not

I am sorry. You can’t

Expressing thank after receiving permission:

Thank you

Thank you for your permission

Expressing thank after the permission is not granted:

That’s Okay. Thank you anyway

That’s all right

Practice 1.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words below!

Permission anyway can’t sorry

Can may certainly excuse

……………………….. I borrow your eraser? No, you may not

…………………………he see the director right way?
Yanto always asks for …………………….. to go to a toilet during the class.

…………………………, sir. Is it possible for me to go in now?

………………………………. You can’t have them all

Can I park my car ere? No, you …………….. Sorry
So, we can’t play table tennis here. Well, thank you.
Can I use the machine now?

Practice 2.
Combine the question with the main clause given!

For example: Can I go to a toilet?

I wonder if ……………..

I wonder if I can go to a toilet

Can I come to your house? I wonder if


May I use your telephone? Do

you mind if ………………….

Could I leave at 12 pm?

Is it all right if …………………..
Can he get his money now? I

wonder if ………………………

Can I get a lift?

Do you mind if ………………..
May I turn up the radio?
Is it all right if …………………..
May I sit here?
I wonder if ………………………
Can she enter the class room? Would

it be all right if ………………

Can my daughter join the pay group? Is it all

right if …………………………………..

Can I go to the movie alone?

Do you mind if ………………………………

Practice 3.
Ask for permission to do something or to bother your friend based on the cue words

below. Use the expressions used to ask for permission you have learnt above!

For example: ………… borrow ……... pen?

May I borrow your pen?

…………………...take ……………………order now?

…………………..smoke …………………room?
…………………..speak ………………….manager?
…………………..use ……………………hand phone?
………………… …………………window?
…………………..try on …………………shoes?
…………………..clean ……………………room now?
…………………...copy ………………………notes?

…………………..wait for………………….here?
…………………..come ……………………

To ask for permission, you can say:

Can I speak to your manager?

Could I have one day off for tomorrow?

May I sit here?

I wonder if I may come to your party.

Is it all right if I use your hand phone?

Would it be all right if I clean your room now?

To give permission, you can say:

Yes, sure

Yes certainly

Yes of course.

Yes, you can

Yes you may

To reject permission, you can say:

No, you can’t.

No, please don’t

No, you may not

I am sorry. You can’t

To express thank after receiving permission, you can say:

Thank you

Thank you for your permission

To express thank after the permission is not granted, you can say:

That’s Okay. Thank you anyway

That’s all right

Formative Test.
Complete the following dialogues by crossing the best option A, B, C, or D!

X : May I ………………….to your party tonight?

Y : Yes, sure.

A. coming

to come

X : Is ………………………….I use telephone for a moment?

Y : No, you can’t. Sorry

she all right if

it be all right if

it all right if

he be all right if

X :………………………………I watch TV in

your room? Y : Yes ,you may.

can you

would it be all right if

Do you mind

Is it all right

X : May I ………………………….. the shirt?

Y : I am sorry, you can’t

To try
X : Would ……………………… I smoke here?
Y : No, you may not
Be all right
Be all right if
It be all right if
It all right if
X : Can I see your manager now?
Y : ………………………………………
Yes, I can
No, I can’t
No, you are not
Yes, certainly
X : Is it all right if I leave the class for a moment?

Y : ………………………………………….
Yes, you are
No, please don’t
No, you are not
Yes, you are all right
X : Can she take your order now?
Y : ……………………….
No, you can’t
No, you may not
Yes, you may
Yes, she can
X : May I ………. The glasses on your table?

Y : Certainly
to take

Use the key to formative test 6 given at the end of this book to check your

answer. Calculate your correct answers and then use the formula below to see

the degree of your comprehension to the material of this chapter.

The degree of comprehension = ------------------------------------------- X 100 %

The total of items

Note: 90 – 100 % = very good

80 – 89 % = good

70 -79 % = Ok

< 70 % = bad

If your comprehension is ≥ 80 % , you can continue to chapter 7. It is good.

However, if it is < 80 %, you have to read chapter 6 again especially the materials

that you do not understand well yet

May can

Could would

Borrow use

Take speak

Talk come

See meet

Wait turn on/off

Turn up/down change

Clean sweep

Mop read

Try have a look

Smoke sit
Clear up set up

Go leave

Watch study

Call open

Close ask
Disturb copy

Know introduce

Buy spend
Replace sign

Answer key:


Look at the illustration before studying the following dialogues and try to find the most

suitable alternative topic of the lesson for today by answering the questions below.


What is the man doing?

Can he get the idea clearly?
If he can not get the ida, what does he want the speaker to do?
What does he say?
So, what is the most suitable topic of the lesson we are discussing for today?

Well, in this chapter, you will study how to ask for clarification and repetition.

You will practice asking for clarification and repetition in a dialogue.

General Instructional Objective

After completing this lesson, the students should be able to use the language expressions

asking for clarification, repetition and responding questions on clarification and repetition

fluently and accurately both in spoken and written communication

Specific Instructional Objective:

Ask for clarification
Ask for repetition
Respond to questions on clarification
Respond to questions on repetition

Dialogue 1.
(Barry is clarifying the bus number to the town)

Andri : Can you tell me what bus goes to the town?

Barry : Excuse me. Where are you going to?

Andri : To the town

Barry : Oh. That’s bus number fifteen

Andri : I beg your pardon. Bus number fifty?

Barry : No. Bus number fifteen

Andri : Oh. Sorry. It’s noisy around here. Thank you

Barry : That’s alright.

Where does the dialogue take place?
Where is Andri going to?
Does Andri know the bus goes to town at the beginning of this dialogue?
Why does Andri want Barry to repeat his words?

5. What bus goes to town?

Dialogue 2.
(An operator ask for and give a clarification abut Nyoman)

Operator : Hello, Bali State Polytechnic here. May I help you?

Caller : Yes please. Can I talk to Nyoman?

Operator : Excuse me. Can you speak louder, please?

Caller : Can I talk to Nyoman?

Operator : What Nyoman is it? We have three Nyoman here

Caller : I am not sure

Operator : What department does Nyoman belong to?

Caller : Can you say that again?

Operator : What department does Nyoman belong to?

Caller : Oh yes. He belongs to the Tourism Department.

Operator : That’s Nyoman Oka. Okay. Wait a moment please. I’ll connect you. ……….

Caller : Thank you

Operator : Hello. I am sorry. He is not in at the moment.

Caller : Okay. I’ll call again later.

Where does the operator work?
How many Nyomans are there in the office?
Why does the operator want the caller to repeat his words?
Which Nyoman does the caller want to talk to?
Is the caller able to talk to Nyoman that he wants to talk to?

From dialogue 1 and 2, you can study how to ask for clarification and repetition. In dialogue 1,

when Barry tells Andri the number of the bus to the town (bus number fifteen), she can’t get the

idea clearly. She still gets confuse whether it is fifty or fifteen. Therefore, she wants Barry to

repeat his words. The sentence used to express the idea is “I beg your pardon”. To respond what

she wants, Barry says “Bus number fifteen”. The expressions “I beg your pardon” is called asking

for repetition and “Bus number fifteen” is called responding to question on repetition.

In dialogue 2 when the operator asks “ what Nyoman it is” and says that they have three

nyomans, the caller says that he is not sure. Therefore, the operator asks for clarification

by saying “What department does he belong to?”. To respond it, the caller says “Oh, he

belongs to tourism Department”. The expression “What department does he belong to”

is called asking for clarification and the expression “He belongs to Tourism Department”

is called responding to question on clarification.

The following are the detail English expressions used to ask for clarifications and

repetitions and to respond questions on clarification and repetition.

Asking for repetition:

I beg your pardon

Pardon me
Excuse me
I am sorry
Can you say that again?
What did you say?
Can you repeat that, please?
Sorry I didn’t catch that

Responding questions on repetition:

All right

Asking for clarification:

Which Nyoman is it?
What department does he belong to?
What is he like
Excuse me. I don’t understand what you mean?

Can you clarify that?

When was that exactly?
Where was that exactly?
Where is it exactly?
What did you do there exactly?

Responding questions on clarification:

It’s Nyoman Oka

He belong to Tourism Department
He is a thin man with moustache
I mean……
From 2012 to 2013
Pecatu, Bukit Ungasan
I was a secretary

Practice 1. (individual work)

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words below!

Repeat mean catch clarify say

Noisy slowly clearly pardon fast

Mr. Roger is a good teacher, but he speaks very …………………(1). I often ask him to speak

……………………. (2). I also often ask him to……………. (3) if I don’t ………….. (4) what he said. So I say

to him “Mr. Roger, I don’t understand. Can you …………. (5) that again?”. Or I just say “I beg your

sir. Mr. Roger likes it when a student ask him to ……………….(7). He says “I want to make myslf………………(8). So

don’t be afraid to ask me if you don’t know what I ……………..(9). Another

reason why I often ask him to repeat his words is that the room is near the street, so it is very


Practice 2. (pair work)

: Excuse me. Could you tell me who the head of the Accounting Department

is, please? Y : Certainly sir. He is Mr. Suandi

: I beg your pardon ? Mr. Yandi?

Y : No. Not Yandi but Suandi.

X : Sorry. It is noisy around here.

Hold similar dialogue by using the clues below. Use different expression you have learnt above.

$ 15/$ 50
19 km/90km

Practice 3. (pair work)

Look at the resume summaries below. Student Y will take the part of Bill Wingard,

and student X will talk to him about his business experience. Then alternate roles

using the other resume summaries. Use this model.

:could you tell me what kind of business experience you’ve had?

:My last position was at ………………

:And when was that exactly?


:Where was that?

Y : …………………………..

:I see. And what did you do there?


Name: Bill Wingard

Employer: Texas Instruments

Location: Houston, Texas

Date: 2005 – 2009

Responsibilities: Supervise staff training program

Name: Marilyn Price

Employer: Ollivitti Business Machines

Location: Phoenix, Arizona

Date: 2001- 2004

Responsibilities: prepare sale manuals

Name: Koji Takano

Employer: RCA Corporation

Location: Los Angeles, California

Date: 2008 – 2012

Responsibilities: Supervisor in purchasing Dept.

To ask for repetition, you can say:

I beg your pardon

Pardon me
Excuse me
I am sorry
Can you say that again?
What did you say?
Can you repeat that, please?
Sorry I didn’t catch that

To respond questions on repetition, you can say:

All right

To ask for clarification, you can say:

Which Nyoman is it?

What department does he belong to?
What is he like
Excuse me. I don’t understand what you mean?
Can you clarify that?
When was that exactly?
Where was that exactly?
Where is it exactly?
What did you do there exactly?

To respond questions on clarification, you can say:

It’s Nyoman Oka

He belong to Tourism Department
He is a thin man with moustache
I mean……
From 2012 to 2013
Pecatu, Bukit Ungasan
I was a secretary

Formative Test.

Complete the following dialogues by crossing the best option A, B, C, or D!

X : Could you tell me how much 1 kg of apple is, please?

Y : Certainly, madam. It’s seventeen thousand Rupiahs.

: …………………………… It’s seventy

thousand? Y : No. It is seventeen thousand

Good. It’s cheap

It’s too expensive
Pardon me.
No problem.
X : What would you like to have for your lunch, sir?
Y : I’d like to have Nasi Goreng with a little sambal please.

: Can you repeat your order, sir?

Fine. Thank you

It’s very nice
Thank you very much
All right
X : Would you tell me your name please?
Y : Okay. My name is Made Widana.
X : ………………….. Made Wijana?
Y : No, Sir. My name is Widana. W-I-D-A-N-A.
What did you say?
Are you sure?
Is it all right?
Are you okay
X : Excuse me. Did you see my husband at the party?
Y : …………………………………………………………………………..

X : He is a shortish, thin man with moustache.

Y : Oh yes, madam. He is waiting for you at the lobby now.

What is his name?

What is his occupation?
What does he like?

What is he like?
X : Have you ever been on the job training?

Y : Yes, I have.
X : ……………………………………..
Y : It was from 1999 to 2003
When was that exactly?
Where was that exactly?
How was that exactly?
What was that exactly?
X : Have you ever worked in a hotel?
Y : Yes, I have.
X : ……………………………………..
Y : I served food and beverage for the guests.

When was that exactly?

Where was that exactly?
How was that exactly?
What did you do there exactly?
X : Have you ever worked part time?
Y : Yes, I have
X : ……………………………………..
Y : It was at Bali Beach Hotel, Sanur – Bali.

When was that exactly?

Where was that exactly?
How was that exactly?
What was that exactly?
X : Are you working now?
Y : Yes, I am.
X : ………………………………………
Y ; It started in 2012

When did you start your present position?
How long did you start your present position?
How long did you work there?
What time do start work?
X : Are you working now?
Y : Yes, I am.
X : Where do you work?
Y : I work in a hotel
X : ………………………………………
Y ; I always keep the rooms clean in the hotel
What do you do there exactly?
How long did you start your present position?
How long did you work there?
What time do start work?
X : You like music very much, don’t you?
Y : Yes, I do.
X : ………………………………………………………
Y : I like rock music.
Why do you like music?
How much do you like music?
What music do you like exactly?
What do you think of music?

Use the key to formative test 7 given at the end of this book to check your

answer. Calculate your correct answers and then use the formula below to see

the degree of your comprehension to the material of this chapter.

The degree of comprehension = The total of correct answers X 100 %


Note: 90 – 100 % = very good

80 – 89 % = good

70 -79 % = Ok

< 70 % = bad
If your comprehension is ≥ 80 % , you can continue to the chapter 8. It is good. However, if it is

80 %, you have to read chapter 7 again especially the materials that you do not

understand well yet

All right Explain

Belong read

Certainly noisy

Clarify fast

Exactly slowly

Excuse loudly

Know can

Afraid would

Like when

Okay see

Repeat Say

Sorry sure

Mean Again

Pardon Clear

Get Catch

Understand Tell

What Where

Which Who

Answer Key:



Look at the illustration before studying the following dialogues and try to find the most

suitable alternative topic of the lesson for today by answering the questions below.


What happened to the man?

What is he doing?
What is the woman doing?
So, what is the most suitable topic of the lesson we are discussing for today?

Well, in this chapter, you will study how to ask and give direction. You will

practice asking and telling location, distance and direction.

General Instructional Objective.

After completing this lesson, students should be able to ask and give direction

fluently and accurately

Specific instructional objectives:

Ask the location of a place

Tell the location of a place
Ask about the distance of a place
Answer question about distance
Ask for direction
Give directions
Follow the direction given

Dialogue 1

Stranger : “Do you know where the nearest post office is?”
Maria : “Yes, I do”

Stranger : “Is it to far to walk?”

Maria : “No it isn’t. Just walk along this street. Turn right at the intersection. You

can see the post office on your left”

Stranger : “How far is it from the intersection?”

Maria : “It is only 200 meters”

Stranger : “Thank you”

Maria : “You’re welcome”


Who wants to go to post office?

Does Maria know where the post office is?
How does the stranger go to post office?

Is the post office far from the intersection?
Where is the post office exactly?

Dialogue 2

Sari : “So, you want to come to my house?”

Antoni : “Yes, I do”

Sari : “It’s very far. It’s on the other side of the town”

Antoni : “No problem. Just tell me how to get there by public transport”

Sari : “Okay. From here, walk cross the street and take a bus number 15”

Antoni : “Then what?”

Sari : “Then get of in front of Horizon hotel”

Antoni : “Then?”

Sari : “Then cross the street and take another bus number 20 and get of at the

intersection of Jl. Murni and Jl. Suci”

Antoni : “So where is your house?”

Sari : “From the intersection, walk a along Jl. Suci for about 300 meters. My house is

on the left hand side opposite a computer college”

Antoni : “All right. Thank you”


Who wants to come to Sari’s house?

Where does Sari live?
How does she go home?
How many times does she have to change buses?
Where does she take the second bus?

From dialogue 1 and 2, you can learn how to ask and tell the location of a place, ask and answer

the distance of a place, ask and give direction. In dialogue 1, the stranger ask the location of the

nearest post office by using embedded question “Do you know where the nearest
post office is?”, ask the distance of the post office by using yes/no-question “Is it
too far too walk to the post office?”. And Maria answer the first question by
saying “Yes, I do” and “No, it is not” for the second question. Maria also gives the
direction to post office by saying “Turn right at the intersection.”
In dialogue 2, Antoni uses “Just tell me how to get there by public transport” to ask direction

using public transport. And Sari answers the question by saying “From here, walk across the

street and take a bus number 15, then get off in front of Horizon hotel, then cross the street

and take another bus number 20 and get off at the intersection of Jl. Murni and Jl. Suci, from

the intersection, walk a along Jl. Suci for about 300 meters”. She also indentifies her house

by saying “My house is on the left hand side opposite a computer college” The detail

expressions used to ask and give directions can be learnt as follows:

Asking and giving location of a place.

• Do you know where …………………………is? Yes, I do. It is ………………..

Could you tell me where……………….is, please? Certainly. It is………………..


Asking for a direction:

Can you tell me how to get to…………….?

Could you tell me how to get to…………..?
Would you tell me how to get to………….?

Answering questions about direction:

Yes, I can/Sure/Certainly
(just) walk along this street/Jl. Suci
Turn left at the intersection
Turn right the second intersection

Walk across the street/road
Cross the street/Bridge

Giving directions using public transport:

Take a bus number 15/a bus that goes to the city center
Get off in front of hotel Horizon/at the intersection of Jl. Suci and Jl. Murni.

Identify the position of a place:

My house is on the left

The left hand side
Opposite the computer college
Between the computer college and the supermarket

Asking about the distance of a place:

How far is it from the intersection?

How far is it from the intersection to your house?
How far is it from here to your house?

Answering about the distance of a place:

It’s about 200 (two hundred) meters

It is about 200 meters from here
It is about 25 kilometers from here to my house.

Practice 1

Fill in the blank with the following words.

far here cross right

street there go intersection

how turn along bus

direction walk off take

My campus is very …………. 1 …………….. from here. It’s about twenty seven kilometers from …….

2 …………….. I go ………….. 3 ………….. by ………… 4 …………….. Do you want to known …….. 5 …………

to get there? It’s not difficult if you follow my ……….. 6 ………. after you ……….. 7 …………. out of

this building, just ……….. 8 Combine the two sentences below so that they form an embedded

question. For example

Where is the post office?

……………… the street, then ………… 9 ………….. a public transport number 20. Get ………….. 10

at the …………….. 11 …………… of Jl. Medan and Jl. Palembang. Then, ………….. 12

……………… 13 …………… Jl. Medan …………. 14 …………. left to Jl. Sukabumi. You can find

my campus on that ……………….. 15 …………… number 21 on your …………… 16 ………….

Practice 2
Combine the two sentences below so that they form an embedded question. For example:

Where is the post office? Can you tell me that

Becomes: can you tell me where the post office is?

How far is your house from here? I don’t know that.


How can I get to the university? Please tell me that.


How much is the fare? Why don’t you tell me that?


Where do I turn left? Do you know that?


Is it too far to walk? I wonder about it.


Where does he live? Would you tell me that?


Do they go there by bus? Can you tell me that?


Where is the bus stop? I want to know that.


What public transport can take me to the station? Please tell me that.


Does that bus go to the city? I wonder about that.


Practice 3. (Pair work)


To ask location of a place, you can say:

Where is the Accounting office?

Do you know where the nearest post office is?
Could you tell me where the BNI is, please?
Can you tell me where the room number 125 is, please?
Would you tell me where Bali State Polytechnic is, please?

To answer questions about the location of a place, you can say:

It is at Dewi Sartika Street No 27 Denpasar

Yes, I do. It is at Dewi Sartika Street No 27 Denpasar
Yes, certainly. It is at Dewi Sartika Street No 27 Denpasar

To ask for a direction, you can say:

Can you tell me the way to Bali Beach Hotel please?

Could you tell me how I can get to Bali Beach Hotel please?
Would you tell me how to get to Bali State Polytechnic please?

To answer questions about direction, you can say:

Yes, Sure. From here, go straight ahead to the intersection, then….

(just) walk along this street

Turn left at the intersection
Turn right at the second intersection
Walk across the street/road
Cross the street/Bridge

To give directions using public transport, you can say:

Take a bus number 15/a bus that goes to the city center
Get off in front of hotel Horizon/at the intersection of Jl. Suci and Jl. Murni.

To identify the position of a place, you can say:

My house is on the left

The left hand side
Opposite the computer college
Between the computer college and the supermarket

To ask about the distance of a place, you can say:

How far is it from the intersection?

How far is it from the intersection to your house?
How far is it from here to your house?

To answer about the distance of a place, you can say:

It’s about 200 (two hundred) meters

It is about 200 meters from here
It is about 25 kilometers from here to my house.

Formative Test.

Complete the following dialogues by crossing the best option A, B, C or D!

X : Excuse me. …………………………………………………………

Y : Your room is on the second floor, No 425.

Where my room?
Where is your room?
How can I get to my room?
Where is my room?
X : …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Y : Certainly. From here, go straight ahead for about 200 m to the

intersection and you will find it on your left side.

A. Could you show me the way to Mr. Robert’s house, please?

Could you tell me which bus can I take to Mr. Robert’s house, please?

Could you told me the way to Mr. Robert’s house, please?

Could you show me where is Mr. Robert’s house, please?
X : Excuse me. ………………….you know where this bank is?

Y : Yes, I do. It is at Sudirman Street No 36 B

X : Would you tell me …………………… of the BRI from here please?

Y : Certainly, madam. It is about 500 m.

The distance
How far
How long
X : ……………. is it from the intersection to your house?

Y : It is about one km

How distance
How far
How long
How much km
X : Could you tell me how I can get to Rama Tour please?

Y : Yes, sir. ………………………………………….

take a Sarbagita bus that goes to Nusa Dua

Go straight ahead
Keep going until you come to Nusa Dua
Go along this way

X : Do you know where the Camplung Restaurant is around here?

Y : Yes, I do. ………………………………………..

It is on your left hand

It is opposite the computer college
It is between the computer college
It is among the computer college and the supermarket
X : ………………………………………..

Y : It is about 3 kilometers from here to Ubud

How far Ubud from here?

How many kilometer is Ubud from here?
How is far Ubud from here?
How many kilometers is Ubud from here
X : Can you tell me where your house is please?

Y : Go ahead to the cross road. Turn left and go ahead for 100 m. My house is the

………building on your right side.

Number three
Number third
X : I think I am lost. Would you tell me where Hotel Garuda is?

Y : ………………….. That will get you to Hotel Garuda

Yes sure. It is over there

I see the Hotel Garuda
It is not so far from here
Take the first turning left

Use the key to formative test 8 given at the end of this book to check your

answer. Calculate your correct answers and then use the formula below to see

the degree of your comprehension to the material of this chapter.

The total of correct answers

X 100 %
The degree of comprehension = The----------------------------------------totalofitems

Note: 90 – 100 % = very good

80 – 89 % = good

70 -79 % = Ok

< 70 % = bad

If your comprehension is ≥ 80 %, you can continue to chapter 9. It is good. However, if it is < 80 %,

you have to read chpter8 again especially the materials that you do not understand well yet.

Can could

Would do

Know where

How go

Get far

Near turn left

Turn right keep going

Take go ahead

Follow in front

Next to between

Opposite before

After behind

The first the second

Building left side

Right side way

Tell show

Lost look for

Get off get in

Public transport bus

Taxi bemo

Answer Key:



Look at the illustration before studying the following dialogues and try to find the most

suitable alternative topic of the lesson for today by answering the questions below.


Is the woman with red shirt a seller?

What is she doing?
What is she probably saying to the woman with yellow shirt?
So, what is the most suitable topic of the lesson we are discussing for today?

Well, in this chapter, you will study how to make an offer. You will practice

offering something, service, accepting and refusing an offer.

General Instructional Objective

After completing this lesson, students should be able to use the language expressions for

offering in a real situation fluently and accurately both in spoken and written communication

Specific Instructional Objective:

Offer something
Offer service
Accept an offer
Refuse an offer

Dialogue 1.
Waiter : Good evening sir, madam. My name is Komag. I’ll be your waiter tonight.

Would you like something to drink before your meal?

Woman : Yes, please. I’d like a coke

Waiter : Would you like one coke with ice?

Woman : Yes please.

Waiter : And for you sir?

Man : Aa…yeah, I’d like a fresh orange juice.

Waiter : I’m sorry sir. We don’t have any orange juice…. We have lime, pineapple,


Man : pineapple sound nice.

Waiter : Fine, I’ll come back later to take your order.


Where are the guests?

What’s the waiter’s name?
What does the waiter offer to the guests?

What would the woman like to drink?

What does the man finely have to drink

Dialogue 2.
Clerk : Good afternoon madam. Can I help you?

Lady : Yes please. I’d like to collect my travelers’ cheques

Clerk : What’s the name madam

Lady : Gordon

Clerk : Excuse me a moment……. I’m afraid they are not ready yet.

Lady : That’s OK

Clerk : Would you like me to give you a call when they are ready?

Lady : Yes please……. My work number is 01-535-7928


What is the lady’s name?

What for does she come to the bank?
What does “they” in line 5 refer to?
What does the clerk offer to the lady at the end of the dialogue?
Does the lady accept the offer?

From the first and the second dialogues, you can study how to offer something and service.

In dialogue 1, the waiter uses an expression “Would you like something to drink, before your

meal?” to offer something. And woman uses “yes please” to accept the offer.

In dialogue 2, the clerk uses “Would you like me to give you a call when they are

ready?” to offer a service. And the lady uses the same expression as the

woman’s expression “Yes please” to accept the offer.

The details expressions used to offer both service and something are as follows:

Offering something:

Would you like…………………………………..?

Can I offer you ………………………………….?

May I offer you …………………………………?

Accepting an offer:

Yes please. Tank you

Thanks a lot
That’s very kind of you. Thanks
That would be very nice. Thanks

Refusing an offer:

No. Thank you

No, not now. Thanks
Not this time. Thanks

Offering service:

Would you like me to…………………………..?

Shall I ……………………………………………………?

Let me ………………………………………………

Accepting :

Yes please. Thanks

Would you? Thanks
That’s very kind of you thank you


No. Thanks
No. It’s OK. Thanks.
No, but thanks very much

That’s very kind, but I won’t. Thank you

Don’t forget to study the following expressions:

• Would you like ………….or ………………….? Could I have ……..please/

Would you like ………..with………or without…………? Could I have ….. with…….

• What kind of …………………….would you like? Could I have…………………..

• How would you like your ……. To be done? A weldone…………please

What time would you like me to…………………………? At…………O’clock please


Practice 1. (Pair work)

Offer the following things to your friends in the class. Your friend may accept

or decline the offer. Use variety of expressions.

For example:

would you like some tea? Y: No, thank you.

Some coffee
A glass of water
An extra plate
An astray
Some more ketchup
Some juice
One more beer
Another glass of wine
An extra chair
Some sugar

Practice 2. (Pair work)

Make a dialogue and act it out with your fiends based on the following situations.

Number 1 has been done for you as an example.

1. You are a worker. Your boss has just arrived. Offer him a cup of tea. You accepts the
U : Good morning, sir.
Boss : Good morning
U : Can I offer you a cup of tea, sir?
Boss : Thank you, but don’t make it sweet.
U : All right, sir.
You are a daughter. A friend of your father comes to your house. You offer him
something to drink. He then accepts your offer.
You are waiting on a sofa in a hospital. You see a mother with a baby is
coming. You offer her a seat. She is very grateful to accept the offer.
You are a hotel room boy. You see a guest get sick. You offer him to call a
doctor for him. However, he refuses your offer.
You are a secretary. A guest comes to see your manager. The manager is busy so you

ask him to wait and offer him a glass of coffee, but he declines the offer.

Practice 3. (Pair work)

Study the dialogues below and then make a similar dialogue with your partner

based on the following clues.


X : Would you like some juice?

Y : Yes please. Thank you.

X : What kind of juice would you like?

Y : Could I have one orange juice please?

X : Would you like orange juice with milk or without milk?

Y : Could I have orange juice with a little milk, please?

X : All right. Wait for a moment please.

Coffee/white coffee/ a little sugar

Soft drink/coke/ ice
Balinese food/lawar/rice
Chinese food/cap cay/rice


X : would you like me to pick you up?

Y : That’s very kind of you. Thanks.

X : what time would you like me to pick you up?

Y: Can you pick me up at 4 p m. please?

X : Where would you like me to pick you up?

Y : Could you pick me up at my office please?

X : OK . I Will.

Call a taxi/Bali Taxi/the sooner the better

Fix the AC/ The AC in my room/this afternoon

Post your letter/ Business letter/tomorrow

Carry your bag/ to the lobby/ now
Reserve a room/single room/tomorrow


To offer something, you can say:

Would you like some water?

Can I offer you something to eat?
May I offer you a cup of tea?

To accept an offer, you can say:

Yes please. Tank you

Thanks a lot
That’s very kind of you. Thanks
That would be very nice. Thanks

To refuse an offer, you can say:

No. Thank you

No, not now. Thanks
Not this time. Thanks

To offer a service, you can say:

Would you like me to give you a call this afternoon?

Shall I pick you up?
Let me bring your luggage to your room.

To accept a service, you can say:

Yes please. Thanks

Would you? Thanks
That’s very kind of you thank you

To refuse service, you can say:

No. Thanks
No. It’s OK. Thanks.
No, but thanks very much
That’s very kind, but I won’t. Thank you

Formative Test.

Complete the following dialogues by crossing the best option A, B, C or D

X : ………I offer you something to drink?
Y : No. Thank you
X : ……………kind of drink would you like?
Y : Could I have a bottle of tea please?
How many
How much
X : ……… like coke with ice
Y : Without ice please.
X : …………………………………………………………………………….

Y :well done please

What would you like your fish to be done?

Where would you like your fish to be done?

When would you like your fish to be done?

How would you like your fish to be done?

X : May I ……. you something to eat?

Y : Yes, thank you
To offer

X : ……….. I call a taxi for you?
Y : That would be very nice. Thank You
X : ……………….. me lock the suitcase for you, sir.

Y : No, It’s OK. Thanks

X : Would you like coffee or tea?
Y : ………………………………………….
Yes please. Thank you
Certainly. Thanks
Tea, please.
All right. Thank you.
X : May I offer you a car with driver or without driver?

Y : ……………………………………………………..
Yes please. Thank you
Certainly. Thanks
With a driver please.
No, I can’t. Thank you.
X : Would you like me to……………….. the fan?
Y : would you? Thank you
Turns on
Turning on

Turned on
Turn on

Use the key to formative test 9 given at the end of this book to check your

answer. Calculate your correct answers and then use the formula below to see

the degree of your comprehension to the material of this chapter.

The degree of comprehension = The total of correct answers X 100 %


Note: 90 – 100 % = very good

80– 89 % = good

70 -79 % = Ok

< 70 % = bad

If your comprehension is ≥ 80 %, you can continue to chapter 10. It is good. However, if it is < 80

%, you have to read chapter 9 again especially the materials that you do not understand yet

Tea coffee

Juice beer

Wine coke

Apple chicken

Eggs milk

Open lock

Get bring

Carry turn on/off

Post call

Pick up escort

Deliver wait

Clean send

Type set up

Serve prepare

Change take

Answer Key:



Look at the illustration before studying the following dialogues and try to find the most

suitable alternative topic of the lesson for today by answering the questions below.


Is she calculating her money?

How much money does she have?
What is the value of the money?
So, what is the most suitable topic of the lesson we are discussing for today?

Well, in this chapter, you will study and practice how to make statements

using cardinal and ordinal number, express simple calculation and quantity.

General Instructional Objective

After completing this lesson, students should be able to use numbers in varieties

of statements accurately and fluently both in spoken and written communication.

Specific Instructional Objective:

make statements by using cardinal and ordinal numbers
express simple calculation
ask about quantities of countable and uncountable objects.
Tell about quantities of countable and uncountable objects.

Dialogue 1.

Andrew : Jane can you go shopping for me, please?

Jane : Sure. What would you like me to buy?

Andrew : We’d like one kg of sugar, three pineapples, and four cans of milk.

Jane : Alright!

Andrew : How much are they altogether?

Jane : One kg of sugar costs one thousand and eight hundred rupiahs, one pineapple

is three hundred rupiahs and a can of milk is one thousand and

three hundred rupiahs.

Andrew : So Rp 1800.- for sugar, and 3 times Rp 300,- is nine hundred rupiahs for the

pineapple, and 4 times Rp 1.200,- equals four thousand and

eight hundred rupiahs for the milk.

Jane : Yes, sir. So there are……. Rp1800,- plus Rp 900,- plus Rp 4800,- is equal to

seven thousand five hundred rupiahs.

Andrew : OK. Here is ten thousand rupiahs.

Jane : Do you have the exact change, sir?

Andrew : How much is there?
Jane : Rp 10.000,- minus Rp7500,- is two thousand and five hundred rupiahs.
: How about the cost of transportation?
: Oh yes. I think I just need only five hundred rupiahs for transportation.

: So, the change is two thousand rupiahs.

Andrew : Yes, sir.

: OK, then. Just keep it.

How much is a kg of sugar?
How much is a pineapple?
How many pineapple does Andrew want?

How much is the milk?

How much milk does Andrew want?

Dialogue 2.
Uci : This building is very tall
: Yes, it is. It is one of the tallest buildings in this town. It has 14 floors.
: What is there on the fourteenth floor?
: There is a restaurant.

: Where is the Cineplex?

Uci : It is on the thirteenth floor.

Uco : And where can we go shopping?

Uci : The supermarket is on the fifth floor and the department store is on the sixth.
: What about on the first and the second floor?

: On floor 1 and 2 we can find offices and on the 3rd, we can find some banks and small

variety shops.

Uci : Gee! So we can find almost everything in this building.

Uco : Certainly..

How many floors does the building have?
Where can we see a movie?
Where is the restaurant?
What is there on the third floor?
What can we find on the fifth floor?

In dialogue 1 you can study how Andrew and Jane express the quantity and the price of the

thing and the simple calculation of the price. The statements used to express the quantity of

the things are; 1 (a) kg of sugar, 3 (three) pineapple, 4 (four) cans of milk. The statements

used to express the price are; 1 kg of sugar costs Rp 1.800, 1 pineapple is Rp 300, 1 can of

milk is Rp 1.300. The statements used to express the simple calculation are; 3 times Rp 300 is

nine hundred rupiahs, 4 times Rp 1.200 equals four thousand and eight hundred rupiahs, Rp

1.800 plus Rp 900 plus Rp 4800 is equal to seven thousand five hundred rupiahs, and Rp

10.000 minus Rp 7.500 is two thousand and five hundred rupiahs.

In dialogue 2, you can study how Uci and Uco use the cardinal and ordinal numbers

in a sentence and what it is for. Uco uses cardinal numbers to express the quantities

of the floor of building and what there is/are on each floor. There is a restaurant on

the fourteenth floor, one Cineplex on the thirteenth floor, one supermarket on the fifth

floor, one department store on the sixth floor, some offices on the first and the

second floor, and some banks and shops on the third floor.

The detail expressions used to express number and quantities can be learnt as follows:

Asking and answering the price of something:

How much is/ are ………………………….? It is /they are ……………………………….

• How much does/do ……………………cost? It costs/they cost ……………………….. It

• What is the price of ………………………….? is ………………………………………………

Asking and answering the quantities of something:

How many offices are there on the second floor? There are/is …………………….

• How many brothers and sisters do you have? I have ……………………………..

• How much money does she have? She has ……………………………
Asking and answering number of something:

• What is your room number? It is number………………………………

• What is his phone number? My phone number is ……………….

• In which room do you stay? I stay in room ….. on the …….floor
Asking and answering where things are:

• to the …….level The banks are on

• Asking about calculation: Where are the banks?

floor……/on the ……… floor
• Where is the restaurant? The restaurant is on floor…./on the …….floor
• On which floor is the Cineplex? The Cineplex is on floor……/on the………floor
To what level do you belong? I belong to level ……./

What is ten plus five?

ten plus five equal to?
does ten plus five equal?
What is ten minus five?
times five?
Divided by five?

Expressing additional:

2 + 3 = 5two plus three is five

• Equals five
Is equal to five

added to three is five

Expressing subtraction:

5 – 2 = 3five minus two is three

Five subtracted by two is three

Expressing multiplication:

2 x 5 = 10two times five is ten

Two multiplied by five s ten

Expressing dividend:

10 : 2 = 5Ten divided by two is five

Practice 1. (individual work)

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words below!

Many three are equal to price

Much third is equals cost

I have got ………………books at home

C is the ………………letter of the alphabet
Do you study in level ………………….here?
Eight subtracted by four ………………..two
How much does the pencil ………………..?
I don’t have as ……………… money as Mr. Robert

The durians …………………………Rp 4000,- each

The …………………………….of the ticket is still Rp 5000

Mrs. Lucas ………………….in the fourth level

10. Two hundred divided by four is ……………… fifty

Practice 2. (pair work)

Study the dialogue below and then hold a similar dialogue with your partner

based on the clues given. Take your turn to be “A” and “B”!

For example: 10/2

A : What is ten plus two equal to?

B : Ten plus two is equal to twelve

A : What is ten times two equal to?

B : Ten times two is equal to twenty

A : What does ten divided by two equal?

B : Ten divided by two equals five

A : what does ten minus two equal?

B : Ten minus two equals eight

1.200/ 60

Practice 3. (individual work)

Complete the following dialogue with appropriate words!

A : ……………………… do you have?
B : I don’t have …………………………. money.
A : Don’t you have …………….. money left?
B : No, I don’t
A : ……………………glasses of water does he need a day?
B : He needs 10 glasses of water a day.
A : Doesn’t he need ………………….. soft drink
B : Yes, he does.
A : ……………… bottles of soft drink does he need?
B : He needs more than five bottle a dy. Oh. He needs …………………soft drink a day.

A : …………………..rice powder do I have to prepare to make 100 slices of fried banana?

B : You need only …………………..rice powder

A : …………………dollars did you spend for you holiday?
B : I spent 10 dollar.


The cardinal numbers, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 11,12,………. Can be used to expressed time, price,

calculation, measurement, number, level, position, date and rank of something.

For example:

What time is it now? It is 7 o’clock

How much is the shirt? The shirt is $ 50
What is two plus three equal to? Two plus three is equal to five
How much rice do you need a day? I need 1 kg of rice a day
What is your room number? My room is number 125
What level do you belong to? I belong to level 2
Where is my room? Your room is on floor 2
What’s the date today? Today is January 2
What rank does she belong to? She belongs to rank 11

The ordinal numer,1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 1oth, ……………….is used to express rank,

position, level and date.

For example:

What rank does she belong to? She belongs to 11th rank in the class
Where is my room? Your room is on 2nd floor
What level does he belong to? He belongs to 1st level

What’s the date today? Today is January 27th.

Formative Test.

Complete the following dialogues by crossing the best option A, B, C, or D!

X : …………………… is 1 kg of sugar?
Y : 1 kg of sugar is twelve thousand rupiahs.
How long
How many
How price
How much
X : ……………is the price of one bottle of red wine?
Y : One bottle of red wine is $ 5
How much
How many
What dollars
X : What ……….one hundred and twenty five divided by five equal?
Y : One hundred and twenty five divided by five equals twenty five

X : What is two thousand and five hundred divided by five hundred equal to?

Y : Two thousand and five hundred divided by five hundred is equal to………..

Twenty five
One hundred and twenty five
Five hundred
X : What’s the date of Raden Ajeng Kartini day?
Y : It is …………………………………….
the twenty of April
the twenty fifth of April
the twenty first of April
the twentieth of April
X : What time is it now?
Y : It is …………………………
It is ten pm.
It is sick O’clock
It is towelf O’clock
It is faif O’clock
X : On which floor is my room?
Y : Your room is on the ……………… floor.
X : He spent everything he had on his vacation.
Y : Doesn’t he have …………………money left?
X : No, he doesn’t

X : I’d like to have one laptop, two computers and three camera. A laptop is $ 75, A

computer is $ 55, and a camera is $ 25. How much are they altogether?

Y : Seventy five plus two times fifty five plus three times twenty five equal………..

$ two hundred and sixty

$ one hundred and fifty five
$ two hundred and fifty five
One hundred and sixty
X : May I see your reservation card?
Y : Certainly. Here you are
X : your room is number …….. on the …………… floor.
125th / 11
125th / 11th.
125 / 11
125 / 11th.

Use the key to formative test 10 given at the end of this book to check your

answer. Calculate your correct answers and then use the formula below to see

the degree of your comprehension to the material of this chapter.

The degree of comprehension = The total of correct answers X 100 %


Note: 90 – 100 % = very good

80– 89 % = good

70 -79 % = Ok

< 70 % = bad

If your comprehension is ≥ 80 % or, you can continue to the chapter 11. It is good.

However, if it is < 80 %, you have to read chapter 10 again, especially the material

that you do not understand well yet


Cardinal ordinal
1 1st

2 2nd
3 3rd
4 4th
Number add

Plus times

Minus divided

Multiply subtract

Calculate much

Many some

A little a few

Price buy

How what

Level rank

Time date

Floor room

Phone card

Equal kg

Answer key:


Look at the illustration before studying the following dialogues and try to find the most

suitable alternative topic of the lesson for today by answering the questions below.


Do you know what picture it is?

Are the men talking about time?
What does the o’clock say?
So, what is the most suitable topic of the lesson we are discussing for today?

Well, in this chapter, you will study how to say time, day, date month and year. You will

practice using the expressions for asking and telling time, day, date, month and year.

General Instructional Objective

After completing this lesson, students should be able to use the expressions for telling time,

day, date and month accurately and fluently both in spoken and written communication.

Specific Instructional Objective:

Ask and answer about time

Ask and answer about the days of the week
Ask and answer about the months of the year
Ask and answer about date

Dialogue 1.
(Student A and B are walking in a hurry to campus)

S. A : Good morning.

S. B : Good morning

S.A : What time does the English class start on Monday?

S.B : It starts at a quarter to eight.

S.A : What time is it now?

S.B : My watch says ten to eight.

S.A : ten to eight? But my watch says thirty past seven.

S.B : Your watch must be slow. Be in a hurry. We are late

What does S.B’s watch say?
What does S.A’s watch say?
What time does their English class start?
Whose watch is slow?
Whose watch is right?

Dalogue 2.

Made : What day is it today, Nyoman?

Nyoman : It’s Friday

Made : Is it? I think it is Thursday

Nyoman : Well, Yesterday was Thursday, so today is Friday.

Made : And what’s the date today?

Nyoman : It is February the fifteenth. Is there something special today?

Made : Yes, today is our English Formative Test.

Nyoman : Oh my God. I forget it. So, I am not ready to have test today. Thank you, Made

Made : All right. Thank you


What day is the English formative test?

What date is the English formative test?
Who forget the English formative test?
Who isn’t ready to have test?
What day is the day before Friday?

From the dialogue 1 and 2, you can learn how to say time, day, date and month. To

ask time, S.A in dialogue 1 uses interrogative sentences “What time does the English

class start?” and “What time is it now”. And to answer those questions S.B says “It

starts at a quarter to eight” , “My watch says ten to eight”. To ask day and date Made

says “What day is it today?” and “What’s the date today?” To answer those

questions, Nyoman says “Today is Friday” and “It is the fifteenth of February”. The

following are the name of the days of the week, the name of the months of the year

and the detail expressions used to ask and answer about time, day, date and month.

The name of the days of the week:



The name of the month of the year

• January
• February
• March
• April
• May
• June
• July
• August
• September
• October
• November
• December

Asking and answering about time:

• What time is it? It is 7 O’clock

• What’s the time of……………………….? It is at a quarter past nine

• What time does he arrive at…………? He arrives at……………………………….
• What time do you go to……………….? I go to……………………….at……………..
• What time was the ………………………? It was at ……………………………………..
• What time did you call me……………? I called you at……………………………..
• Can you tell me the time of………….? Yes, sure. The …… is at…………………
Could you tell me what time ……, please? Certainly. It is at……………………………

Asking and answering about day:

What day is it today? It’s Monday

What day was it yesterday? It was Sunday
What day is it tomorrow? It is Tuesday
What day is it tomorrow? It is …………………………………………….

What’s the day of…………….? It is on……………………………………….

Could you tell me the day of…………? Sure. It is on………………………………

Can you tell me what day…………is, please?
Of course. It is …………………………..

Asking and answering about date:

What date is it today? It is the 15th of February

What’s the date of……………………….?
It is on August, 15th.
What date does he arrive at…………?
He arrives at…………on…..…………….
What date do you go to……………….?
I go to……………………….on……………..
What date was the ………………………?
It was on ……………………………………..
What date did you call me……………?
I called you on………………………………..
Can you tell me the date of………….?
Yes, sure. The …… is on…………………..
Could you tell me what date ……, please?
Certainly. It is on…………………………….

Practice 1. (individual work)

Complete the following statements!
It is 8 O’clock now, so, in two hours it is ………………………………………………………………………

It is 8 O’clock now. The English class will go for one and half hours, so,
the class will finish at………………………………………………………..
It is 10 O’clock now. The Kecak Dance has gone for two hours, so, it started at…………..

Today is Saturday, so, tomorrow is………………………………………………………………………………..

Yesterday was Tuesday, so, the day after tomorrow is ………………………………………………..

Tomorrow is Wednesday, so, today is…………………………………………………………………………..

Two days ago was Friday, so, the day after tomorrow is ………………………………………………

Today is the 13th of February, so, yesterday was……………………………………………………….....

The Galungan day is on 18th of March, so, the date of the Manis Galungan is………………

The date of the Indonesian Independence day is on……………………………………………………..

Practice 2. (pair work)

Study the dialogues below.

For example:

(a). Asking about time.

A : What’s the time of our English class?

B : It’s at half past ten

Now, hold similar dialogues with your partner by using the following clues.

The Kecak Dance show/ 09.30

The Accounting class/ 08.15
The monthly meeting/13.00
His/her arrival at campus/07.45
His/her breakfast/ 06.40
He/she goes to campus
He/she starts for studying in the evening/19.10
He/she has dinner/18.20
He/she goes to bad
His father arrives at home/1630

(b). Asking about day.

A : What’s the day of our English class?

B : Our English class is on Friday

The Galungan day/ Wednesday

The Saraswati day/Saturday
His/her birth day/………………

The next meeting/Monday
The English formative test/ Tuesday
The graduation ceremony/Saturday
The last meeting/Thursday
The next seminar/ Monday
The last workshop/ Wednesday
Our group discussion

(c). Asking about date.

A : What’s the date today?

B : It’s the 5th of April

Tomorrow/1st of April
The day after tomorrow/2nd of April
Yesterday/31st of March
The next meeting/25th of June
His/her birth day/ ……………….
The Indonesian Independence Day/ …………………

His/her first meeting with his/her boy/girl friend

Kartini’s Day/……………………………………..
Indonesian Educational Day/…………………………….

Mother’s Day/……………………………………..

Practice 3. (Pair work)

Make questions and answers like this:

meeting - Monday, August 10 - 9 am A : When is

the meeting

B : It is on Monday, the tenth of August, at 9 am

1. Your birthday - December 19
2. Opening ceremony - Wednesday, June 11 - 8 am
3. Indonesian Independence day - August 17
4. Closing programme - Friday, May 14 - 7 pm
5. Your arrival - Sunday, July 27 - 9 pm
6. Your departure - Saturday, September 18 - 10 am
7. Graduation ceremony - Friday, October 23 - 8 am
8. Embarkation - Tuesday, March 30 - 9 am
9. Seminar - Thursday, January 25 - 8 am
10. Reservation - Monday, May 2 - 8 am


To ask about the time, you can say:

What time is it?

What’s the time of the meeting?
What time does he arrive at campus?
What time do you go to bed?

To answer questions about time, you can say:

• It is 7 O’clock (07.00)
• It is at a quarter past nine (09.15)
• It is half past eight (08. 30)
He arrives at a quarter to nine(08. 45)
• He goes to campus at 7 am (07.00)
• I go to bed at 11 pm (23.00

To ask about the day of the week, you can say:

What day is it today/tomorrow?

What day was it yesterday?

What’s the day of your birth day?
Could you tell me the day of your arrival?

To answer questions about day, you can say:

It is Sunday
It was Monday
My birth day is on Tuesday
Certainly. It is Wednesday

To ask about the date, you can say:

What date is it today/tomorrow?

What’s the date of the monthly meeting?
What date does he get payment every month?
What date do you hold a meeting every year?
What date was your reservation?
What date did you last call me?
Can you tell me the date of the Kecak Dance every month?

To answer questions about date, you can say:

• It is the seventh of January (January, 7th )

• It is on the 8th every month. (8th )

• He gets payment on 1st every month (1st )

We hold a meeting on the thirty first of December every year (December, 31 st )

• It was on the fifth of July (July, 5th )

• I called you on the sixth of August (August, 6th )
• Certainly. It is on the thirteenth every month (13th )

Formative Test.

Complete the following dialogues by crossing the best option A, B, C, or D!

X : Today is Wednesday. So, what’s the day tomorrow?
Y : It is ………………………………..
X : ………………………………………………………
Y : It was Monday yesterday
What day is it yesterday?
What was day yesterday?
What day is yesterday?
What day was it yesterday?
X : How do you read “2 – 9 – 2014”
Y : I read…………………………………………………
Two September two thousand forty
The second of September two thousand fourteen
The second of September two thousand and fourteen
The second of September two thousand and forty
X : Yesterday was January, 4th. So, what’s the date the day after tomorrow?

Y : It is ………………………………………………
The seventh of January
The sixth of January
The fifth of January
The eighth of January
X : What ‘s the date of the Educational Day?
Y : It is…………………………………………………..
May, 20th
May, 2th
May, 22th

May, 25th
X : I was born on 9 - 12 – 1962. When is my birth day?

Y : It is ……………………………………………….
December, 9th
December, 12th
September, 12th
September, 9th
X : How do you read “07.45”
Y : I read it……………………………………
Forty five past even
A quarter past eight
Seven past forty five
Forty five to eight
X : ……………………………………………….
Y : The restaurant opens at 9 am.
What time is the restaurant?
What is time the restaurant open?
What time does the restaurant opens?
What time does the restaurant open?
X : Have you got the time?
Y : ………………………………..
Yes, I have time
Yes, I have got much time
My watch says ten past ten
No, I don’t have time
X : ………. you tell me the time of your departure?

Y : Yes, certainly. It is 10 am


Use the key to formative test 11 given at the end of this book to check your

answer. Calculate your correct answers and then use the formula below to see

the degree of your comprehension to the material of this chapter.

The total of correct answers

X 100 %
The degree of comprehension = The---------------------------------------totalofitems

Note: 90 – 100 % = very good

80– 89 % = good

70 -79 % = Ok

< 70 % = bad

If your comprehension is ≥ 80 % , you can continue to chapter 12. It is good.

However, if it is < 80 %, you have to read chapter 11 again especially the materials

that you do not understand well yet

Sunday Monday

Tuesday Wednesday

Thursday Friday

Saturday January

February March

April May

June July

August September

October November

December year

O’clock past

To minute

Half a quarter

Hour thirty

Second sharp

Exactly arrival

Departure embark

Open close

Today tomorrow

Yesterday the day after tomorrow

Two days ago birth day

Meeting next

Last monthly

Party pm

Am date

Answer key:



Look at the illustration before studying the following dialogues and then try to

find the most suitable alternative topic of the lesson we are discussing for

today by answering the questions below.


Are the people at a market now?

Are they selling and buying anything?
What are they selling and buying?
So, what is the most suitable topic of the lesson we are discussing for today?

Well, in this chapter, you will study shopping skill. You will practice using

expressions asking and telling the sections in a supermarket, the items, the price,

bargaining and calculating the total items and price.

General Instructional Objective

After completing this lesson, students should be able to use the language expressions used

in shopping activities fluently and accurately both in spoken and written communication

Specific Instructional Objective:

Ask the sections in a supermarket
Ask and tell the items
Ask and tell the price
Ask for bargain
Calculate the total item and price

Dialogue 1.

Mrs. Carol goes shopping in the supermarket where Mrs. Kyle always buys goods.

It’s the first time Mrs. Carol has come to this supermarket. She wants to buy beef and

chicken. She does not know where they are. So she asks a shop assistant, Olda.

Mrs. Carol : Excuse me. Do you know where the meat section is?

Olda : Yes Madam. It’s over there at the back next to the produce. This

way, Madam

Mrs. Carol : Thank you.

Olda : Here you are, Madam.

Mrs. Carol : I want a kg of beef and a kg a chicken. How much does a kg of beef cost?

Olda : A kg beef costs Rp. 300,- and Rp. 2.500,- for chicken.

Mrs. Carol : I’ll have a kg of each please.


List Mrs. Carol’s shopping

Write down how much money Mrs. Carol spent.

Dialogue 2.

Endang works in a big supermarket. There are a lot of foreigners shopping in the

supermarket. One of them is Mrs. Kyle who knows Endang well. Mrs. Kyle now is

at the counter paying her bill.

Endang : Hello, Mrs. Kyle. How are you?

Mrs. Kyle : I am well. Thanks

Endang : Rp. 15.000,- Rp. 20.000,- Rp. 7.500,- Rp. 25.000,- Rp. 13.500,- and

10% tax. That’s Rp. 73.000,-

Mrs. Kyle : Here two 50 thousands notes.

Endang : Rp. 73.000,- out of Rp. 100.000,- s0 that’s Rp. 27.000,- Here’s the

change, Mrs. Kyle.

Mrs. Kyle : Thanks.


How much money did Mrs. Kyle spend on her shopping?

How much money did Mrs. Kyle give to ending?
In the dialogues above, Endang uses arithmetic symbols in English. Learn the

arithmetic symbols below so that you can also use them easily.

=plus, add

=equals, makes, is equal to

=times, multiplied by

=minus, less, out of, subtracts

=divided by

Study the examples

15 + 10 = 25 you read : fifteen plus ten is twenty five

20 x 5 = 100 you read : twenty times five equals one hundred

75 - 70 = 5 you read : seventy five minus seventy is five

60: 2 = 30 you read : sixty divided by two is thirt

When you want to find out where items are you can use the following expressions:

Do you know where the meat section is?

Do you know where the butcher is?

To answer the questions, you can say:

It’s at the back

It’s in the middle
It’s on the right/left
It’s next to the produce
It’s at the front

To ask the price, you can say:

How much is a kg of tomato

What’s the price of a kg of tomato

To tell the price, you can say:

It is Rp 6.000,-
1 kg of tomato is Rp 6.000,-

To ask for bargain, you can say:

Any bargain
Can you lower the price
Could you reduce the price

To calculate the total price, you can say:

Rp15.000,- + Rp10.000,- = Rp 25.000,- (fifteen thousand plus ten thousand

is twenty five thousand)
Rp 200 x 5 = Rp 1000 ( two hundred times five equals one thousand)
Rp 750 – Rp 50 = 700 (seven hundred and fifty minus fifty is seven hundred)

Practice 1

Write down the arithmetic symbols below in letters

For example: 125 + 50 + 25 = 200 = one hundred and twenty five adds fifty plus

twenty five equals two hundred.

1. 500 + 350 + 150 =

2. 10% 15.000 =
3. 15 x 4 + 50.000 =
4. 2.050 : 2 =
5. 55.000 - 350 =

Practice 2

In some markets in Indonesia, it’s common to bargain. Study the example:

Comb Rp. 10.000,- - Rp. 7.500,-

Customer : What does this comb cost

Assistant : It’s Rp. 10.000,- sir

Customer : That’s too expensive. How about Rp. 5.000,-

Assistant : No I can’t, but I can let you have it for Rp. 7.500,-
Customer : All right. I’ll take it. Thank you

Take turn asking and bargaining prices using the prompts below.

Bargain: Response:

How about Rp………………….? I can let you have …………………………

Can you lower …………………? My lowest price is …………………………

Study the example:

: It’s Rp. 35.000,-

: How about Rp. 20.000,-?

: I can let you have Rp. 25.000,-

: I’ll take it.

: How about Rp. 20.000,-?

: I can let you have Rp. 25.000,-

Now you turn:

Rp. 50.000,-
Rp. 435.000,-
Rp. 155.000,-
Rp. 255.000,-
Rp. 15.000,-

Practice 3

When you ask and answer about prices when you are shopping you can use the

following expressions.

How much is this / that / bucket?
What does bucket cost?
How much is that all together?
How much will that be all together?
How much are these / those?
How much do the shoes cost nowadays?
It’s Rp. 25.000,-
A bucket costs Rp. 25.000,-
Rp. 25.000,-
They cost Rp. 75.000,-
Now, take turn asking and answering questions about prices using the following

prompts. Study the example:

A pair of shoes Rp. 75.000,-

: What does this pair of shoes cost?

: They cost Rp. 75.000,-

1. Paper cups - Rp. 20.000,- / 5 cups

2. Cheese - Rp. 2.550,- / bar

3. Bananas - Rp. 750,- / kg

4. Pork - Rp. 5.500,- / kg

5. Apples - Rp. 6.500,- / kg

Practice 4

When you want to express want or requests you can use the

following expression I want ………………………….

I’d like …………………………

Take turns expressing wants or requests using the following prompts. Study the

example. A kg of potatoes

: I want a kg of potatoes

: Sure

: How much is that

: It’s only Rp. 500,-1. a

kg of peaches

2. a kg of carrots

3. a kg of cheese4. a kg of lambs

5. a kg of shampoo

The arithmetic symbols and expressions used in shopping activities are as follows:

The arithmetic symbol:

=plus, add

=equals, makes, is equal to

=times, multiplied by

=minus, less, out of, subtracts

= divided by The language


To find out where items are, you can say:

Do you know where the meat section is?

Do you know where the butcher is? To

answer the questions, you can say:

It’s at the back

It’s in the middle
It’s on the right/left
It’s next to the produce
It’s at the front

To ask the price, you can say:

How much is a kg of tomato

What’s the price of a kg of tomato

To tell the price, you can say:

It is Rp 6.000,-
1 kg of tomato is Rp 6.000,-

To ask for bargain, you can say:

Any bargain
Can you lower the price
Could you reduce the price To

calculate the price, you can say:

Rp15.000,- + Rp10.000,- = Rp 25.000,- (fifteen thousand plus ten thousand

is twenty five thousand)
Rp 200 x 5 = Rp 1000 ( two hundred times five equals one thousand)
Rp 750 – Rp 50 = 700 (seven hundred and fifty minus fifty is seven hundred)

Formative Test
Complete the following dialogues by crossing the best option A, B, C, or D!

X : …………………… is 1 kg of sugar?
Y : 1 kg of sugar is twelve thousand

rupiahs. A. How long

How many
How price
How much
X : ……………is the price of one bottle of red wine?
Y : One bottle of red wine is $ 5
How much
How many
What dollars
X : What ……….one hundred and twenty five divided by five equal?
Y : One hundred and twenty five divided by five equals twenty five
X : What is two thousand and five hundred divided by five hundred equal to?

Y : Two thousand and five hundred divided by five hundred is equal to………..

Twenty five
One hundred and twenty five
Five hundred
X : …………….. I help you?
Y : Yes please
what may
X : ………………….you got any T-shirts?
Y : Yes, I have

what have
X : On which floor is the meat section?
Y : The meat section is on the ……………… floor.
X : He spent everything he had at supermarket yesterday.
Y : Doesn’t he have …………………money left?
X : No, he doesn’t
X : I’d like to have one laptop, two computers and three camera. A laptop is $ 75, A

computer is $ 55, and a camera is $ 25. How much are they altogether?

Y : Seventy five plus two times fifty five plus three times twenty five equal………..

$ two hundred and sixty

$ one hundred and fifty five
$ two hundred and fifty five
One hundred and sixty
X : May I see your bill?
Y : Certainly. Here you are
X : two kgs of tomato is Rp12.000,- and 3 kgs of rice is Rp
27.900,-It is Rp………………………….altogether, madam
Thirty nine hundred and nine

Thirty nine hundred and nine hundred
Thirty nine and nine thousand
Thirty nine thousand and nine hundred

Use the key to formative test 12 given at the end of this book to check your

answer. Calculate your correct answers and then use the formula below to see

the degree of your comprehension to the material of this chapter.

The degree of comprehension = --------------------------------------- X 100 %

The total of items

Note: 90 – 100 % = very good

80– 89 % = good

70 -79 % = Ok

< 70 % = bad

If your comprehension is ≥ 80 %, It is good. However, if it is < 80 %, you have to read

chapter 12 again especially the materials that you do not understand well yet.


section add

Plus times

Minus divided

Multiply subtract

Calculate much

Many some

A little a few

Price buy

How what

Equal kg

Cheap expensive

Bargain fixed price

Help got

Shirt shoes

Bag trousers

Salt rice

Apple tomato

Try on taste

See have a look

How much take

Bill pay

In cash credit card

Answer key:


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