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Desy as a nurse 1

Rossy as a patient

Sasmita as a nurse 2

Septea as a patient’s mother

In the morning a child and mother come to the health center and meet with the nurse.

Nurse 1 : Assalamualaikum, Ma’am. Good morning, What can i do for you?

Ma’am : This is my daughter, she complained of a headache since one week ago.

Nurse 1 : All right, let’s follow me to that room, there is a nurse who will ask the
maternal child complaints.

Ma’am : Okey, thank you nurse

They walked into the room and meet the nurse there.

Nurse 1 : Nurse this patient has complained of headache since one week ago.

Nurse 2 : Oh, well, please come in ma’am and miss.

They sit facing the nurse

Nurse 2 : Hallo, my name is Sasmita dewi, I am nurse here. What’s your name miss?
And who is she?

Miss dina : My name is dina and she is my mother Mrs. Nina

Nurse 2 : Good morning ma’am

Ma’am : Good morning

Nurse 2 : Okey, what’s your age miss?

Miss dina : My age is twenty years old

Nurse 2 : And your address?

Miss dina : I live in Banjarmasin central in S. Parman street

Nurse 2 : Well, waht’s your complaint miss?

Miss dina : One week ago i had headache and until now i still have headache.

Nurse 2 : Have you ever had hypertension?

Miss dina : No, I don’t have

Nurse 2 : Did anyone of your family ever have hypertension?

Miss dina : Yes, My mom had hypertension

Nurse 2 : Is it true ma’am?

Ma’am : Yes, before i married, i had hypertension.

Nurse2 : Okey, from the assesment i think you should see a doctor for further
treatment and you should take some rest, don’t get too tired.

Miss dina : Where can i see a doctor nurse?

Nurse 2 : Straight away, later at the end of the road, there is the room. Well the
doctor’s room.

Miss dina : Thank you nurse

Nurse 2 : You’re welcome (smile).

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