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Banker’s Confidential Report

Please attach to the form a confidential credit report from your principal banker placed in a sealed
envelope. This credit report should be in the following format: (Note: in the following format, “subject”
refers to your company as a client of the bank)

Bank Letterhead

Date : ________________

Dun & Bradstreet India

Dear Sir,

We submit herewith “Banker’s Report” as required by you, for our client M/s ____________________
__________________________________ (Your company name with address).

With respect to the above-mentioned subject, we state as under:

 How long has the subject been your customer? Are the dealings with the subject and its sister
companies satisfactory?

 Has the interest payment from the subject been timely? Have there been any defaults by the subject or
its sister companies? If yes, please give the details.

 A brief profile of the subject’s financial relationships with its suppliers and customers (any dishonoring
of cheques etc.)

Loan Particulars:
Amount Sanctioned / Amount Disbursed (Rs in lakh) Amount overdrawn
Limit (Rs in lakh) as of current date (Rs in lakh)
Cash Credit/Working
Capital Demand Loan
Any other Fund based
Non-fund Based

Yours truly,

For __________________Bank

Authorised Signatory

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