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522 Ch.

9 The Gutzwiller Variational Method

Figure 9.4: The U-dependence of the local magnetic moment defined in (9.48).

twofold) but rather from the reduced effective bandwidth, and the cor-
responding increase of the lifetime of the moments (see Sec. 10.2).
It is worth clarifying which is the particular feature of E ( q ) which led
to the prediction of a phase transition: it is that for small q, both terms
of (9.44) are linear in q. Assuming that the transition is continuous,
near the critical point E(q) can be approximated as

E ( v )M (r - 4121) 7.

The coefficient changes sign at Ucr = SIC/, thus q = 0 for U


> Vc,, and

q # 0 for U < UCr.
The ground state energy density is

= { -IF\ (1 - ucr
u 2
-) if0 5 u 5 ucr
if U > Ucr .

Comparing to (9.9)), we note the important finding of a large second-

order contribution to the correlation energy


It is gratifying that (9.53) represents 85% of the correct second-order

result for the infinite-dimensional Hubbard model, which, in turn, is
lying remarkably close to the result for the three-dimensional case [272].

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