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2 Heavy Fermions 533

S/L M k g ln2. This can be thought of as an “intermediate high temper-

ature limit” where the quantum coherence of the heavy quasiparticles
has been lost but ~ B isTnot large enough to compete with U. Since the

- -
effective spin-spin interactions are of O(t2/U), we infer that this temper-
ature scale is q n 2 t 2 / U k g . Much higher temperatures (Tin4 U / k g )
are needed to saturate the entropy at the band value kg ln4.
We can also argue backwards, and deduce the existence of heavy

fermions from postulating that there are metallic systems with a spin
entropy k g ln2 (or any other value of 0(1). k g ) at TS, which nonethe-
less do not order magnetically as the temperature is lowered. Then the
entropy has to disappear in the Fermi liquid fashion [425]

kBT kJ3ln2
S 0: -1112 implying y* cx -. (10.12)
We certainly have a heavy fermion system if TG 10-100K. The argu-
ment covers a large number of f-electron systems5.
Remark. This is the right occasion to mention why we do not try to extend
the Gutzwiller variational treatment to finite temperatures. Evaluating the
partition function, and the entropy, would require the evaluation of a sum
over all excited states. Since the interacting ground state is expressed as the
Gutzwiller-projected Fermi sea ground state, it would seem natural to seek
the excited states as Gutzwiller-projected U = 0 excitations. However, in
the large4 limit we find a severe discrepancy: there are 4L unprojected

states, but only N 2L projected states [336]. There is no satisfactory way

to overcome this counting problem. However, it is possible to devise low-
temperature interpolation schemes which give reasonable results up to T; [125,
356, 3731.
In the theory of simple metals, ~ ( E F ) enters also the expression of
the Pauli susceptibility [209], so we may be wondering whether it is
enhanced like y*. Within the present approximate treatment, this is
indeed the case: Brinkman and Rice [51] found that the dominating
U-dependence of the spin susceptibility xs comes from the mass en-

‘It should be remarked that, in point of fact, many f-electron systems undergo a
magnetic ordering transition but the ordered moments are so small that the onset of
magnetism cannot account for the disappearance of entropy.

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