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542 Ch.

10 The Correlated Metallic State

It has been found [467] that for U + 00

sss(rl= 0) = (2 - n)2’ (10.27)

Problem 10.3 Use the result (10.20) to calculate the Mott-Hubbard gap as
a function of U !Assume that the band has a constant density of states.
What is the behaviour of m* as n + 1 for U > V,,?
Problem 10.4 Derive the spin correlation renormalization factor (10.27) using
the method developed in Appendix C.

10.4 The Fermi Volume

Looking at the Figures 10.1 and 10.3, we observe that, for any q > 0, the
Fermi step appears at the same ICF that we had at U = 0. The position of
the discontinuity (or generally, any kind of non-analytic behaviour) of n k
defines a surface in k-space, namely, the Fermi surface. In the Gutzwiller
approach we find that switching on the Coulomb interaction does not
change the Fermi surface. The statement that, as long as interactions
do not lead to a non-analyticity (i.e.) a phase transition), the Fermi
volume remains unchanged, is known as Luttinger’s theorem. Here we
cannot claim to have derived the theorem because the argument leading
to (10.6) was anything but rigorous. However, we can at least say that
the Gutzwiller variational method respects Luttinger’s theorem.
Note that (10.6) implies more than what is required by Luttinger’s
theorem: namely that the precise shape of the Fermi surface remains
unchanged as the interaction is turned on. We have reasons to believe
that this is unreasonably restrictive. Luttinger’s theorem would allow
that switching on U causes a change of the shape of the Fermi surface,
only the enclosed volume is preserved. There are indications that this
is indeed what happens [298].
Let us assume that U > U,,, and let us consider what happens to the
Fermi volume if n is varied. For n < 1, the ground state is metallic, and
the Fermi volume increases with increasing n. As n + 1, the limiting
value of the Fermi volume is half of the volume of the Brillouin zone.
However, right at n = 1, we have an insulator which has no Fermi

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