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546 Ch.

10 The Correlated Metallic State

~2 (104 ~ 2 ) X

Figure 10.5: The behaviour of the La,Srl-,TiO3 system, after [401]. Left: the
resistivity (in units of Rcm) as a function of T2,for several values o f 2.. The large
quadratic resistivity characteristic of strongly correlated systems is clearly seen. In-
set: a comparison of the T-dependence of the resistivities (logarithmic scale) of the
nominally stoichiometric sample, and of the x = 0.95 sample shows that LaTiO3
is an insulator while La,&r.o5TiO3 is a metal. - Right, lower part: Experimental
results for the low-temperature susceptibility x (empty circles) and the specific heat
coefficient 7 (filled circles) of LazSrl-,TiOs, as a function of 2. The continuous line
gives an impression of the 2-dependence of the one-electron density of states. Right,
upper part: The Wilson ratio is approximately constant, showing that m* and x are
similarly enhanced.

would be equivalent to the conservation of the current, and the conduc-

tivity would be infinite12 even at finite temperatures. However, if the
interacting fermions are moving on the background of a lattice, then we
immediately find two reasons why the current should decay: the fact
that v and k need not be parallel, and Umklapp scattering. Thus we ex-
pect that Ttr T is justified. Actually, in finite-dimensional systems the

band filling has to exceed a threshold value for the Umklapp processes
to become effective [414] but three dimensions is high enough and the
12This would be the so-called ideal conductivity of non-condensing electrons, not

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