Gutzwiller States With Magnetic Order: Discussion

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6 Discussion and Outlook 56 1

10.6.4 Gutzwiller States with Magnetic Order

Up to now, we have focussed our attention to local correlation effects,
and disregarded tendencies to magnetic ordering. However, we might its
well admit that it is in the nature of the Hubbard model on hypercubic
lattices that it wants to develop antiferromagnetic order at half-filling,
and it may want to order in a different fashion at other band fillings.
Can the variational technique help us to devise a better description of
magnetic ordering?
It certainly can, by combining features of the effective field treat-
ment given in Chapter 7, and of the local correlation picture developed
in this Chapter. We discuss the simplest magnetic instabilities of the
infinite-dimensional hypercubic lattice. Since the Gutzwiller approxi-
mation becomes exact in D = 00 [272], the calculations are quite ele-
mentary 11081. It is sufficient to discuss the case n I1.

First, let us investigate whether the paramagnetic Fermi sea is unstable
against the onset of uniform spin polarization rn = nt - nJ.# 0. The
trial state is a Gutzwiller-projected spin-polarized Fermi sea
I*F) = &IFS T)IFS4)= J J [ l - ( l - ~ ) f i j t f i j ~
.I k
C& JJk ckJ.10) (10.48)
Recalling the form (4.56) of the Gaussian density of states, the Fermi
energy EF,, of spin-a electrons is determined by

nu = -
t f i -00
exp (-$) 5 [l + erf (")I
de =
t f i

where erf denotes the error function [4]. The corresponding average
band energy is

= -t2p(q,) . (10.50)

We have to minimize the energy density

+ Und (10.51)

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