T,,, and A Quantum Critical Point As Lower End Point: TG QTF U / W S / L Reaches Icgln2 at

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580 Ch.

10 The Correlated Metallic State

discontinuity shrinks to zero as T + 0. If it does, the metal-insulator

phase boundary is a line of first-order transitions with a usual critical
end point at some T,,, and a quantum critical point as lower end point
at T = 0.
Though m*/m may not diverge, it can become quite large. The

- -
correlation-narrowed band should have a correspondingly low effective
Fermi temperature TG qTF qW. Evidence for this is seen in the
T-dependence of the entropy density S/L : for U / W = 1 (still inside the
metallic phase), S / L reaches ICgln2 at T M 0.04W [470]. At T TG N

(which can be quite low), the system behaves like a hot gas of uncom-
pensated spins. This confirms our view that the large effective DOS
detected by the enhanced y* is coming mainly from the spin degrees of
The development of localized moments can be followed by measur-
ing = ((hjt - hjj1)2) with the Quantum Monte Car10 method.
Representative results are shown in Fig. 10.16. The overall U / W -
dependence is quite similar to what we have seen in Fig. 9.4, show-
ing that the Gutzwiller approximation can give a fair idea of the true
behaviour. Let us, however, observe two features which are different.
First, ((A4f)2) approaches 1 gradually in the limit of large U’s. We

1- - -
infer that the calculation recovers the correct asymptotic behaviour
nd (~/IY ) ~ we derived in (5.44).Second, like in
the m*/mplot, there is a hysteresis in the transition region.
In contrast to the Brinkman-Rice prediction, the enhanced Pauli
susceptibility does not diverge, though it is enhanced. What diverges
instead, is the so-called local susceptibility xloc Jdqx(q). We can

try to understand this in very simple terms32 as follows: the approach

to the Mott-insulating phase is certainly accompanied by the arising
of uncompensated spins, or local moments. The large, and eventually
diverging, contribution of the low-lying spin excitations to the total
density of states is evident in m*. However, it is not only local mo-
ments that are generated, but also spin-spin interactions J o( t 2 / U . In
hypercubic lattices, the spin-spin interaction causes antiferromagnetic
ordering, i.e., x ( Q ) is expected to diverge, while x(q = 0) is kept finite,
3 2 0 ~ argument
r is best suited for the case when the Mott-insulator is approached
by letting n + 1, at fixed large U. See (10.79) and the accompanying discussion.

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