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Teacher mentor: Vasiliu Laura

Intraining teacher: Chirila Luciana
Date: Thursday, the 25 of April 2002
Grade: the 3rd
Unit: 5
Title:”Our Body”
Time: 50’
No. of students:
Aims: 1. To make students practice new vocabulary and become aware of its use
2. to use the new words in certain sentences and 3. learn their meaning
4. to improve pronunciation
5. read the fragment from the text book fluently and translate it corectly
6.describe the pictures given up by the teacher
7.learning and strengthen the rhymes through out singing!
Methods: conversation, question-answer practice, explanation,
Assumption: Students
Anticipated problems: Students might find it difficult to translate some words
from the textbook, they might mistake when using a or an before the nouns
Aids: textbook, handouts, blackboard, notebooks, pictures showing different
parts of the face, pictures with faces, colored chalk
Skills: Speaking, Reading, Writing
Stages Aim Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Material Interaction Evaluation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Warm 1,3 The trainer draws with colored Ss write the new words in blackboard
up chalk a clown face on the their notebooks and the
activity blackboard and writes the new translation if necessary
4 The teacher, while writing the Ss repeat in choir the new T-Ss
words, pronounce them loud and words after the teacher
Says Ss to repeat the words
1 -Shows Ss pictures with different Ss listen to the pictures with T-Ss
parts of the face and asks “what is instructions and answer to different parts
it?” the questions when they of the face
-Explains that they have to are named
recognize the pictures by using “ They write the sentences
That is a…” or “ That is an…” on the blackboard
asks them to write the sentences on
the blackboard
5 -Names some of the students to Ss read the text and textbook T-Ss
read the fragment from the translate it
textbook- ex 2 pg 66
2 -asks the students to complete the Ss describe the faces notebook T-Ss
sentences from the textbook seen and write the
-checks if they wrote correctly the sentences in their
sentences in their notebooks notebooks
Stages Aim Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Material Interaction Evaluation

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
1,3, Shows Ss pictures with different Ss make sentences pictures with T-Ss
4 kind of faces. describing the faces they different kind
Ask Ss to describe each face on its seen. of faces.
turn. Write the sentences on the
Help them with questions like: blackboard
„How is his\her face?, What color
are his\her cheeks? But what can
you say about his\her eyes?”, etc.
Asks the Ss to write some of the
sentences on the blackboard
6. The teacher sticks all the pictures pictures with T-Ss
on the blackboard different kind
Asks some of the Ss to choose a Ss choose a number of faces.
number (belonging to a picture) (belonging to a picture)
and to show it to the rest of the and show it to the rest of
class. the class
The teacher does not know what
picture the Ss chose.
-Asks them lot of questions so as -Ss gave different answers
to find what picture is about. (No, his eyes are not blue,
his eyes are black. \ yes,
her hair is long. ,etc)
Stages Aim Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Material Interaction Evaluation

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Optiona The teacher chooses groups of five Ss are attentive to follow T-Ss
l Ss. the instructions. The ones
-Gives each group on its turn who make mistakes go
“orders” like: “Shout your eyes!” out of the team.
“Touch your hair!” etc. The winner\winners of
-congratulates the winner each team form another

1,4, Better than reading the rhyme, the Ss learn the rhyme textbook T-Ss
7. T will sing it to the Ss ! Write the translation on
Explains the new words their notebooks
As homework, the T asks them to
Learn it by heart.

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