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Due Date: 1 October 2010


On 9 August, the IT department completed a preliminary investigation. The investigation was the result of a
system request submitted by the four entrepreneurs of Mail Order Club. The request of the new information
system in replace of this organisation current system which is “manual” on the 23 September 2010.


All the way through this request there are some problem were found. There Problem was:

 The system presently in use is manual can be categorised as a bequest system.

 The amount of work that is required to be done by one employee is too much.
 The specific cards use for payment is less.
 Delivery note is sent with the case and it is attached to one case and if it loss it hard for the carrier to
know that case if the delivery not was lost.


-Member s can try books before they buy it ;( runs in various locations around the country each quarter)

-Members submitted about 3orders per year.

-company has a list of about 60 selected books that are stored on shelves in a central warehouse.

-orders are onlyaccepted with payment by these following specific cards:





-order is acknowledged on receipt and a fresh order form is supplied.

-book is picked from the shelves to make up the order and the case(s) of book are sent by commercial carrier
/club own van is used to delivery if the address is local.

-Four entrepreneurs compromise the Board of Directors.

-Book list is revised every 3 months coinciding with the books readings.

-Revised lists and order forms are circulated to all members along invitations to the readings. Members can
invite prospective members along to the readings.

-Bill is less than $1000;order is processed immediately otherwise the order is not processed until bill is cleared
by the card supplier.

-Orders for export are not accepted.

-order carries a notice stating whether the desired book is out of stock: Club fills the order with the nearest

-The club choose the substitute which is normally the next highest price of the same genre.
-Memberis allowed to indicate that they will not take a substitute.

-Books are not often out of stock since the policy state that a book dropped from the list when the stock run low
and sell off the shelf end through the trade.

-Selecting is done into standard cases

*each case is labelled with destination delivery notes sent with case and a delivery note which include:
number of cases in the consignment.

: Carrier’s copy of delivery note is handed to the carrier when he collected the consignment.

: Member can state special delivery instructions to be followed if there is no one in; these
instructions appear on carrier’s copy.

-Membership is accepted or continued by ordering at least one book from current book list.

-new members are contacted and supplied with order forms either through existing memberor through book

-members get a free book for every new member recruited.

-order acknowledgement is a letter sent to members after then order has been accepted. This let the member
know that the order is on its way.


In this report, I will present the results of the requirement analysis report that was base on the request from the
Mail Order Book Club. During out this requirement breakdownreport will be suggestion system the current
manual system. Plus all the problem that face by the organisation will be solve after analysis this report.


The proposed system is a combination of web-base system development, Transaction Process
Systems, Business Support System, User productivity systems and knowledge management
system. This proposed system make the employee at all level with technology that improves
productivity and not only that but they simulate human reasoning by combining a knowledge
is applied. And also it process day to day recurring business transaction this company more
then what they know.

Therefore, a combination of all this system will be the best and most helpful system for mail
order book club.


The Mail Order Book Club cannot resize or expand there company because it run by a small group of people
and it is hard for them to improve their productivity if their Order Book Club is to recruit the following staff

*Project Manager

*Risk Manager

*Application Programmer

*Database Programmer

*Web Master

*User Support

*Business Developer

*Technical Support

This above staffs arehelping a lot when they introduce their new systems to the company and also to train them
of how to use it without breaking it. The additional staff members that are to be recruit should have the essential
skills for theirrespective position.

The entirething that I mention above it makes the new system operational feasible the worker will then


When the company is doing everything manually, this result in the company does not needed technical
skills necessary. On the other hand these technical skills can be assimilated because the Information
Development department develops and keep a company information system which brings out about technical
Therefore, the suggested system is not sufficient since the business plans on expanding. Therefore, the current
stage will not be efficient to be used in the impending future of the Mail Order Book Club. In addition, an
archetype is not required since the company did not have an Information System before.

Furthermore, the hardware and software situation must be consistent. In addition to the hardware and the
software environment being reliable the new Information System should also have the ability of incorporating
with other company’s information system exclusively people who are directly connection to the Mail Order
Book Club such as the member etc.

Mail Order Book Club wishes to magnify in the future from creating on a few numbers of clients to encourage
their business on the Internet. As a result, the proposed system should be able to handle the amount of
transactions, processes to be performed etc that will be brought by this growth in business not only that but the
people or member use this order company can more productive due to the fast they get what they order.. This
implies that the system should be designed to be suitable (be used by the company for a long period of time)
after the Mail Order Book Club expand in business.

Inclusive, the official resources essential in order for the system to develop, purchase, install or operate the
system may include but would not be limited to the following.

-computers including one to be a server

- Equipments for networking

- Applications

-system’s security

-online services which implies that all computers in the company should be in a network

-data, people and processes to be performed by the system


The suggested system will have the skill of decreasing the immaterial costs due to the fact that it is
accomplished of acting all of the daily processes taking place in the company. This indicates that the
information is complete and regularly updated so that decision making is timely and correct. A new system
will also bring a website to the company. This website can offer more than just a medium in which the
customer can connect 24hours 7days a week with the company and also can order online without coming up
to the company. The amount of money that might have been lost by the company for closing after the
normal working hours will now be another source of income for the company through the online services
provided by the website. In addition, when the system is successfully recognized the information of the
company then it will be well organized which involves that the properbility of overstocking and out stock
will be eliminated and also all the book that in the warehouse can also input to the new system and they will
know fast that the book is out stock or in stock without waste of time when and checked it on the
warehouse.. The new system allows more money to be saved and costs to be lowered. Referring to the
estimated time and cost that will take to change from manual to the system proposed it will take only 3
years to recover the costs of installing the new Information System.


Display below is a timetable of the project as it progresses

1–4 System Implementation - The new system is assembled

- Programs to be documented,
tested and written

- Conversion of files
5-6 System Operation, Support and - Test the new system if there are
Security any errors in it. The new
system should be operational at
this stage.

- The necessary security and

support are carried out.

- (Assigning the password etc)

7-8 System Training (formal training - The employees undergo a training
and informal training) that familiarizes them with the
new system.

It is recommended that in order for Mail Order Book Club to remain spirited, grow in size, profit and operation
should consider

a) Employing at least nine additional staff members. The existing staff members should be trained in order to
familiarize them with the new system. However, the recruited staff members should have the necessary skills
and knowledge relevant to their respective positions.

b) The hardware and software required by the system should be bought. This will cost the company in the outset
but for the long run the benefits will overweigh the costs.

c) Securing the required funds needed to start the new system since it is estimated that it will take less than 10
years for the company to recover the costs involved.


Number Assigned Role Actual Tasks

1 Project Manager Planning the project
2 Risk Manager Minimize the problem in the
3 Application Programmer Work on new system and database
4 Database Programmer Take care of the company database
5 Web Master Control the web site of the
6 User support Support the user before they use
the system
7 Business developer Problem domain analysis
8 Technical Support Support the wide variety of IT
system and also riser.




Project Manager $35,00 $3500

Rest of the workers $4000 8 $32000


Computers $1,100 2 $2,200

Development Server $20,000 1 $2,0000

Equipments for networking(internet connection is included) $4,000 1 $4,000

Equipments for training $3,000 1 $3,000

Software for designing the system $1,500

Software required by the system $4,000

Server Software $1,500 $7,000


Formal and informal trainer $3000 $3000


Maintenance Agreement for Server $995

Maintenance Agreement for Hardware $550  

Agreement on Technical Supports $425 $1970


Licenses and fees $500 $500




prevent overstocking $2,000 $2,000

online sales $5,000 $5,000

salary of unnecessary jobs $3,300 $3,300

Delivery fee $3,500 $3,500



The tangible Benefit that is accepted out of this system is as follows.

-Customer must order online without coming to the company and also will be less error mad while ordering.

-Company can productivity on do these work because it easy and fast and it more income comes inside to the

-Costs that the customer has to pay for special services received by the company as input.

The expected intangible benefit of having an information system includes but not limited to the following.

*Information will be more perfect and the amount of time taken for it to be retrieved will be shorter.

-Decision making will be more successful due to the fact that the information on which the decision is
based on is correct

-Customers are more satisfied since they can purchase online

-The image of the company as a whole is of a better image since the customers can shop online which
means that having this system enabled the customers to be connected to the company at anytime.

Board of Directors

Sales (S.Mavic) Product Control Accounts Administration

(J.Smith) (J.Born) (L.Falcon)

Payment of Personnel
Publishers Function
Selection of
Book List Books

Functional Decomposition

Promotion Warehouse

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a) Members: The first external entity is “members”. The member is an external entity due to the fact that
it supplies data into the system. The member supplies data into the system through ordering books since the
member have to pay for the book that he/she order which is one of the ways in which the member supplies
data into the system. Not only that, but the member makes an instruction when the case is delivery without
them in the place that the carrier deliver the case. Last but not the least the member can give away an
answer to the substitute that the company has been made when the order is out stock.

b) Warehouse: The second external entity is “warehouse”. The warehouse keep all the stock of the
company until any member order some of the book and also the warehouse can do all the order of the company
to the publisher.

c) Publisher: The third external entity is “publisher”. The publisher can input some of the data flow when the
company pay there order to the publisher not only that they also do an out put of company order and they give
them what they order.

Process : Fill Order

Process Number: 0

Process Description:

*all members can fill an order form before they order any book from the company.

*the book must read first before they fill the order form and the business getsinformation...

*the member can also invite the prospective member to the reading before they become a member

*the number of book will decrease

Process: Create Receipt

Process: Prepare substitute form
Process Number: 1
Process Number: 2
Process Description: update the stock after the order has taken.
Process Description: Fill the order form with the book you want to order.
: make a receipt for the member and also a new fresh order form after pay there order.
: If the order book is in stock then the order is complete.
: All of it was given to the member after the order has taken.
: If the order book is out of stock then the company will make there own substitute book
similar to the book that the member order to get money in every order.
Process: Apply Payment

Process Number: 3
Process: Deliver order book
Process Description: after the order has taken the member pay there order to the owner.
Process Number: 6
: The receipt will get and also the new fresh form.
Process Description: deliver return the order form to the company to update the stock of the company.

The first data flows it appear it order books. The first process is to fill the order to make the order at the same
time they checked in the warehouse that the book is in stock and complete there order at the same time they
create receipt and gave it to the member. After all the member already pay there order before they get the order
and get ready to deliver the order to the member.

The second data flows when the order is out of stock so the company substitute with the similar book and sent it
to the member if she or he satisfy with it then complete order and create receipt and deliver it to the member.

The third data flows when the company order from the publisher and also they pay the publisher and deliver
order book to the company to update the stock at the warehouse.

Name: Order in stock

Description: When the order is in stock and the order it completed.


Origin: Members

Destination: Members

Name: Order out stock

Description: When the order is out of stock so we use the substitute to change the order to the similar to the
order books.


Origin: Members Destination: Members

Name: Order from publisher

Description: make an order to the publisher.


Origin: process update stock

Destination: Publisher


There are two data store that found in the new system. This first data store will store all the transaction that takes
place every day and the account receivable also the member detail.

Name: Transaction & account receivable

Description: store all the incoming and out coming of the data.


Attribute: Member detail, transaction everyday, and the information of the account receivable.

The last data store that found in the new system it stores the stock & inventories of everyday update after we do
the order by the members.

Name: Stock & Inventory

Description: store and update stock when it come up to member order and order to the publisher.


Attribute: Stock detail.


The data element dictionary of this system is performs the similar function as a normal dictionary. A
normal dictionary defines words that we are not familiar with. Data elements dictionary defines the
elements of data. In this system, the database will be based on tables connected together. These tables may
include receipt, membership andordering. These tables will then have their own fields; these fields will
have their own data type, field size, format, input mask, caption etc. For example; for this system, its
database will be based on the following tables and the data entered into this system can be defined using the
features of that accurate field of the exact table.
First Name FName 20 alphabet Any combination
of alphabet
Last Name LName 20 alphabet Any combination
of alphabet
Cell Phone CPhone number 20 numeric Any combination
of positive number
but less then 20
Postal Address Home Free 60 character
Order Book Title OBT Less then 50
Order Book Genre OBG Less then 20
Quantity of order QOOB Less then 50 dollar Less then 50 dollar
Amount of Bill AOB 20 numeric Over then 1000 Combination of
Book Title BT More alphabet Combination of
Receipt Number Numeric &
Invoice No# Numeric & Less then 10

Shanel Book Club Use Case

Fill order

User Update the stock Member

Make order

Reading book

Make payment

Deliver Receive receipt and new order form Publisher

Revise book list

Make a substitute if the book is out

of stock

Deliver the order

Produce the book


Use Case Name: Sione’s Club Use Case

Summary: A member who want to order book s from the organisation.

: A deliver who deliver the order that occurred in the business.

: A publisher who produce and also the member order from them.

: A user who owned the organisation try to run this business.

Precondition: A member who want to order the book.

: A deliver who want to deliver all the order.

: A user who try to run his or her organisation.

: Last is the publisher who wantsto produce the product.

Description: a member tries to order books from the organisation

: Member fills the order form to allow his or her to order.

: He or she makes payment for the order that they make.

: The member read book before they make order.

: The delivery delivers the order to the member.

: The user updates the stock when the order is over.

: The user makes a substitute if the order is out stock.

Alternative: If the member has a bill over $1000 then there is no more order for those members.

Post Condition: A member who interest in ordering the book that he or she like.

: A deliver who interest in deliver the order of the members.

: Therefore the user interest in run her or his business.

: Order club is the one that interesting in make the product.




“You name it we have it” MEMBERSHIP FORM

Member’s Personal Detail

First Name: ____________________ Last Name:____________________

Cell Phone__________________ Postal Address: __________________

Order Detail

Ordered Books Title: ____________________Delivery Fee: ________________

Ordered Books Genre: ____________________ Amount of Bill: ______________

Quantity of books order: ___________________□Books out of stock

(Not applicable for members)

Substitute Details

Suggested Books Title: _______________________

Suggest Amount of Payment: __________________

Do you accept the suggested substitute □Yes □No

Member’s Signature: _______________

Date of signature: _________________

*****THANK YOU*****

Receipt Number________

Date of receipt ________

Receive from__________________________ a sum of ___________________________


Cashier’s Signature: ______________

Member’s Signature: ____________

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