Story Numero Dos

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Alyssa Sophia = Ally = Issa Bear

Lauren= Lo (Best friend)

Adam Williams= father of Ally

Jessica William= mother of Ally

Lacey= Ally’s aunt

Nick, Kevin, and Joe (Jonas brothers)

Denise Jonas

Paul Jonas

Frankie Jonas

Jason= Ally’s ex boyfriend

Where is my happiness?
     It was one of those perfect days in Dallas, Texas. The cool
air combined with the warmth of the sun making the tempeture
just right; not hot but not cold. Usually that perfect weather
usually was at the end of winter and the beginning of spring. My
mother named me Alyssa Sophia but everyone just calls me Ally.
Today was the day before my birthday I sat at the edge of my
pool splashing my feet in the warm water. Tomorrow I was having
a party to celebrate my sweet sixteen. Although my parents are
rich I didn’t want a huge party so I just invited my closest
friends and family which would mean a house full of people. I
just wasn’t so exited for tomorrow, I had a weird vibe and I was
undecided whether it was a good or bad feeling. My mom has her
own clothing company so she travels for business and she leads a
busy life but makes time for me. I’d always admired how
hardworking, beautiful, graceful, and talented she is. She’s
always been there for me no matter if she’s half way around the
world. My father is a great person as well he’s an amazing
surgeon and he’s the number one dad. You could say I’m daddy’s
little girl, we spend a lot of time together. He is has such a
great sense of humor, he just lightens up the place. No matter
how busy our lives are we always remained close. They’ve
supported me through everything even my decision to be home
schooled. After my freshman year I made the decision that I
didn’t want to attend a regular high school anymore. I hated all
the gossip, the drama, and girls constantly fighting over guys.
It was pathetic. My current boyfriend was very supportive of my
decisions he was almost perfect. He is a junior making him one
year older than me. His name is Jason, he is the quarter back of
the football team, captain of the soccer team, class president,
and he was an honor student. He is the most popular guy in
school. One of the reasons I chose to be home schooled is
because girls were always trying to break us up and there was
always problem after problem. Everything is perfect I love being
home schooled, I have a great boyfriend, great parents and
friends. All the sudden I’m wondering why I’m sitting on the
edge of my pool just wondering on what to do? I get up to get my
cell phone off the chair I look at the time it was now 4:00 pm.
School is over and it’s a Friday I decided to call Jason. The
phone rang three times until he answered.
“Hey babe, what are you up to?” I said with a smile as any other
time I spoke to him.
“I’m just on my way home. Do you want me to come over?”
“Yes I do.”
“Alright be there in five minutes see you then baby girl.”
“Ok bye”
I hanged up and walked toward my kitchen for something to drink.
I open the refrigerator door and I couldn’t make up my mind on
whether I wanted big red or dr. pepper. I felt two muscular arms
wrap around me which made me jump at first. “Took you long
enough.” I said turning around to kiss him. “Well if this is the
way I’m going to be received when I take my time driving I’ll be
late more often” he then gave me a huge grin. “Don’t you dare
take your time, if you do then you’ll get no kisses at all” I
said as I walked away with a huge evil smile of victory.
“So who is the family that is moving to the house in front of
“Oh my gosh I completely forgot” I said remembering my mom baked
some cookies for me to take the new neighbors. She is going to
be so mad if she gets home and those cookies are still here and
she should be arriving in about forty five minutes. Jason
interrupted my thought.
“Forgot what?”
“I’m soposto take the cookies my mom baked for them over to them
before she gets home!”
“Well I guess you better hurry babe shouldn’t she be getting
home soon?”
“Yea, I guess I’ll go do that right now. Do you want to come?”
“I’ll just wait for you here” he said as he turned on the
television. I grab the cookies and head out the door. As I’m
walking down the street I’m hoping they are nice people. I ring
the door bell and a boy that had shaggy hair and looks a bit
older than me answers the door. “Hi my name is Alyssa I just
wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood.” I felt really
nervous he was so hot. “Hi I’m Joseph but please call me Joe. Do
you want to come in?” he flashed a perfect white smile.
“Sure” I said as he opened the door wider to let me in.
“Mom we have company over” he shouted through a door way that I
think lead to the kitchen. A lady with curly black hair came
out. “Well hello there my name is Denis Jonas”
She extended her hand out and I gladly shook it.
“I’m Ally, I brought your family some cookies and to let you all
know if ya ever need anything ya are welcome at our house.” I
said surprised by how comfortable she made me feel. “Like wise
sweetie, would your family want to come over for dinner
tonight?” she asked probably hoping to meet my parent. “Sounds
great I’ll let my parents know” she nodded and left. “So I
should probably get out of your way you must have things to do”
I turned to look at Joe. “Not at all I already finished
unpacking but my brothers probably need some help” he said full
of joy that he was the first to finish. “You have brothers?”
“Yes there is Kevin, Nick and Frankie”
“That’s must be nice to have siblings” I said kind of wishing at
the moment I had a little brother or sister. “You’re an only
child?” he asked kind of surprised.
“Yes I am, why do you seem a bit surprised?” I asked really
wanting to know.
“Its just that you obviously have money by where your living and
you are an only child, usually girls like that are spoiled and
sometimes stuck up.” His answer was not what I thought I was
going to hear.
“I didn’t know I looked like a rich, spoiled, and stuck up
person but I understand” I said kind of feeling hurt by his
assumption of me.
“No I didn’t mean it like that what I’m trying to say is that
even though you have money and don’t have any brothers or
sisters you are a beautiful nice person.” By his expression it
was like he had said something he didn’t meant to say. I didn’t
even realize he made me blush. “Well thank you Joe you’re very
good looking as well. I should probably just leave now” I said
smiling as I reached for the door knob. As I started to walk I
felt a warm hand on my shoulder that turned me around. “Ally
wait I just wanted to see if you were really going to come to
our house for dinner? And so you can meet the rest of my
family?” he said slightly embarrassed. “I wouldn’t miss an
opportunity to try your mom’s cooking” I said with a smile he
hugged me nodded and walked back in the house. I turned and kept
walking when I walked in my mom was already home and was talking
with Jason. It totally slipped my mind that he was here. “Hi
“Hey hun, did you do what I asked?”
“Yes I just came from the neighbors and they are really nice
people. They invite us for dinner and said thank you for the
“Dinner sounds good. Thanks you for doing that favor for me.”
“Your welcome” I said pulling Jason up the stairs. My mom
trusted me with guys in the house and she knows I have a purity
“So what took you so long?” Jason asked looking for an
explanation. He is the jealous type which can frustrate me
sometimes. “I met Mrs. Jonas the mom and one of her sons Joe. We
were just talking okay.” I said hating to give him an excuse
when I didn’t have to.
“Was the guy good looking?” I realized he got mad because I said
I talked to Joe.
“Does it matter? I’m with you aren’t I?” I said raising my voice
a bit.
“Yes it does! It matters to me, you matter to me! And yes you
might be with me but you could still cheat.” He was raising his
voice now.
“I don’t know what I’m more mad about you not trusting me or the
fact that you’d think I’d cheat on you!”
“Come on Ally you wear that stupid necklace, bracelet, and ring
all the time that you got from your childhood friends that liked
you. Yea I heard your mom telling you how important they were to
you and how upset you were when they left. So upset that you did
your best to remembered nothing of them and guess what you don’t
remember anything so you can go ahead and take all that junk
off!” That was such a low blow I was so dumbfounded by what he
just had said.
“Leave” was all I could manage and he did so. I fell on the
floor tears flowing down my cheeks. I couldn’t understand how he
could be so inconsiderate of my feelings. After an hour of
crying I decided to leave and then be back in time for dinner. I
knocked on my mom’s bedroom door and open the door. “What’s
wrong sweetie?” she always knew when something was wrong. “Jason
and I got into a huge fight again. It was such a small thing but
as always he turns it into something huge” I said as I sat at
her bed side. “You need to decide whether you want to keep going
through this or not? At the end the choice is up to you but you
know I’ve never told you anything about any of your boyfriends
but him in particular. He’s just not a good guy Ally you deserve
so much better.” She gave me a hug and handed me the car keys
knowing me too well. Every time I was upset I’d go to the mall
buy me an outfit and get some ice cream to cheer me up. “Thanks
mom I’ll see you later at the dinner make sure to tell dad” I
had to remind her so she wouldn’t forget. “I’ll tell him just go
so you won’t be late to the dinner” she kissed my fore head then
I was off. I got to North Park mall and I’m having a good time
until I see Jason kissing another girl. My heart broke into a
million pieces. I walk toward him and cough to interrupt them.
“You were such a huge waist of my time. I never want to see you
again, don’t you dare call me or you will regret it. And in case
it wasn’t obvious ITS OVER!” I said relieved to have let it out.
As I began to walk away he pulls me back “Wait Ally I can
explain” he obviously was going to give me the first excuse that
popped in his head. “To bad I don’t want to hear it now let me
go or you’ll lose your arm” I can’t explain how bad I wanted to
just break his arm to see him in pain but he removed it and I
kept walking. I went to buy some ice cream to see if that would
at least stop the tears. I started to drive back home trying my
best to pull myself together to at least make it through the
dinner without crying. I whipped away the smeared make up I got
out the car and walked toward the Jonas’s house. I took a deep
breath before ringing the doorbell. A few seconds later the door
was answered by Joe. “Hi Ally Dinner is about to start” he said
letting me in. “Okay” I said not wanting them to hear my broken
voice. He led me to the dining table where everyone was already
seated including my parents. I sat next to Joe and his brother
with the curly hair which by their conversation was Nick. I
realized I was surrounded by model like guys. That was the last
thing on my mind, I couldn’t get Jason out of my head his words
from today kept replaying over and over it was agonizing.
“So Ally what age are you and what school are you going to?”
Nick broke my thoughts.
“I went to Woodrow Wilson High school but I wanted to be home
schooled so this year I don’t attend school anymore and I turn
sixteen tomorrow.” I said trying to smile the best I could. I
looked at my mother and she gave me a worried look she is going
to want an explanation to why I’m not being me. “We’ll then your
going to be my age then.” Nick said with joy. “Yea” was all I
said. I didn’t feel like eating so I decided to leave. “May I be
excused” I asked waiting for a reply. “That’s fine sweetie” Mrs.
Jonas replied and my mom just nodded. As I walk out the door the
tears started running down again. I hear the door close again
and I whipped my tears away and turned around. It was Kevin. “I
know you don’t know me but I was watching you during dinner and
it didn’t seem right that such a gorgeous girl look so down” he
said getting closer.
“I’m okay; its just today was a little rough for me”
“Well if you ever need anyone to talk to I’m here for you”
“Thanks Kevin and actually I can use you right now do you want
to go for a walk?” I asked feeling so comfortable with him.
“I’d be honored to walk with you.” He said flashing a pearl
white smile. I smile back in return.
“So what’s going on? Why was your day bad?” he asked really
wanting to know.
“My boyfriend and I got into a huge argument again over
something so small and he said a lot of things that he knew
would hurt me but its like he didn’t care. Every time I get
upset I go to the mall buy an outfit and get some ice cream to
cheer me up but this time I saw him kissing another girl and I
broke up with him.”
“Do you want my honest opinion?” he asked
“Yea” I said waiting for his answer.
“You deserve way better, you deserve a guy who is going to make
you smile and that fills you with joy. You are a princess and
you deserve to be treated as one if you were my girlfriends I
would appreciate you and make you happy.” He said blushing at
what he had just said.
“Thanks Kevin You don’t know how much this walk has meant to
me.” I kissed his cheek and grabbed his hand and began to walk
back. He walked me home and my parents were still not there. I
went to the basement grabbed an empty box and took it to my room
I put every picture Jason and I had took, everything thing he
ever gave me, and anything else that reminded me of him. I went
outside to stick it in the trash can when I saw Jason was
walking toward me. I couldn’t believe him! How dare he come to
my house? “What the hell are you doing here?” I said scornfully.
“Ally please just listen to me I’m begging you. She kissed me I
would never do that to you we’ve been together for two years do
you really want to through it all away just like that?” it felt
good to see him beg.
“That is bull and you know it. You are the one who threw this
relationship down the drain. I will forget you and I will move
“Look if you don’t want to do this the easy way we’ll do it the
hard way.” He said having this evil look in face. I didn’t
realize we were screaming.
“You can threaten me all you want It is not going to change a
thing.” I felt a sharp pain on my eye and I realized he just
punched me. As I ball my hands into fists I hear a familiar
voice. “Ally are you okay?” Nick said as he got face to face
with Jason. Nick punched Jason right in the jaw and he fell.
“Don’t you ever touch her again or you will deal with me.” I
could see the anger in Nick’s eyes. I was shocked that Nick
would stand up for me. Jason left and Nick and me walked into my
house to put some ice on my eye. “Thanks Nick” I said putting my
head down ashamed he had to be a part of that. I felt a warm
hand lift up my face.
“Ally don’t be ashamed I was glad to defend you. I will never
let anything happen to you.” As he said that I knew he meant it.
It was almost like he read my mind. I gave him a kiss on the
lips and then I pulled away not knowing why I just did that. He
smiled and I smiled back. It was getting late so he went home.
Wow today has been such a crazy emotional rollercoaster. I was
wondering why my parents were taking so long. It was was close
to midnight when they got home. “Why did you guys stay for so
long?” I asked finding it weird that they’d spent so much time
with people who they just met. “We’ll sweetie we have something
to tell you” my dad said looking kind of scared to tell me.
“What is it dad?” I said wanting to know now that he was
“Well we already knew them. They’re our long life friends” he
said obviously leaving out something because why would I be
upset for something so small like that?
“And why didn’t you tell me? That’s great you’ll have your close
friends nearby again” I was happy that my parents were going to
have someone close by to have grown up talks.
“Honey I think that’s enough information for today. We’ll take
it bit by bit” my mother interrupting my dad who was about to
say something. I just look at them like they are crazy. “Well
okay then I’m going to shower and go to bed goodnight” I hugged
them both then I was off. After my long shower I got ready to go
to sleep. I drifted to sleep thinking about all that a curd
events that had happened today. Why did I feel so drawn to the
     I woke up the next morning to someone jumping on my bed.
“Go away” I said in a low voice but loud enough for them to
hear. “Is that really how you are going to treat your best
friend who flew all the way from Los Angeles to see you?” I sat
up not believing the voice I just heard.
“Oh my gosh it’s really you Lauren?” I said squealing and
jumping with joy. “Yes it’s the one and only. But you know how I
feel when people call me by my full name” she gave me the puppy
“Yes I know so how did you get here Lo?” Yes Lo is her nickname
I’m just so thrilled she is here.
“Well your parents talked to my parents and they arranged
everything so it could be a surprise” it was nice to see her
especially now that I needed her more than ever. She had moved a
year ago but we still remain so close we visit each other a lot.
“So come on birthday girl I made you a huge breakfast” she knew
how much I love her cooking. She was amazing in the kitchen. We
walked down stairs to the kitchen where my parents were waiting
for me.
“Oh honey how fast you’ve grown. I remember it was just
yesterday when you learned how to walk and now you’re driving
even though you don’t have a license” every year she cried like
if I was moving away but that just shows me how much she loves
me. She gave me a hug and a kiss on the fore head and moved to
the side so my dad could get through.
“I want to tell you how proud I am of you. You have made me the
happiest father in the world. I want to say that no matter how
much you grow you will always be my little princess” as the said
those last words I saw his eyes get watery. “Come on you guys
this is soposto be a happy day not a sad one and I’m not going
anywhere even if you wanted me too.” We all laughed and sat down
to eat.
“So Ally I heard about your neighbors?” of course my parents
probably filled her in on everything.
“Yea they’re really nice people; I don’t know why I just have a
weird feeling about them”
“Why is that?”
“I don’t know exactly”
“Well I invite them to your party I hope that’s fine?”
“It’s fine”
“Are you exited hun we have a lot of surprises for you today?”
my mom decided to join the conversation.
“Yea I am I’m going to try my best to get Jason out of my head
and enjoy this day. Maybe it won’t be that bad.”
“Why did you have a feeling it was going to be bad?”
“I just had a feeling I wasn’t sure if it was good or bad I just
wasn’t exited for today but maybe things will turn around” I was
always the person to try and find a brighter side to situations
and had a positive attitude.
“Oh okay then” we were all done with our food and my mom sent Lo
and me to get ready for the day. When we got to the room we both
got finished and I got on my laptop.
“So Ally, Have you heard of the Jonas Brothers?” her question
seemed out of nowhere.
“No why? Are they a good band?”
“Yea really great actually you should look them up”
“I downloaded some of their songs to my IPOD touch and started
to listen to them as Lo checked her MySpace. They were really
good I absolutely love Please Be Mine now I was wondering why I
didn’t look up a picture of them. Oh well I’ll do it later.
“You want to go down stairs for your first surprise?” she asked
clapping her hands really fast.
“Let’s go.”
I was starting to get a bit exited as we walked down stairs. I
see my dad get up from the couch as he sees us approaching.
“You ready for your first gift?” I could see an excitement in
his eyes.
“Yea dad hand it to me” I said already grateful enough for the
“Well I can’t really hand it to you... you’ll just have to come
with me but I have to blind fold you.”
“Ok dad but someone has to hold on to me all the way or else
I’ll break something with my clumsiness.”
“Its ok I got you Ally” Lo said gripping on to my shoulders.
I was lead outside thinking they got me a new puppy. I was ready
to hold it and cuddle it.
“Ok we’re going to take the blind fold off now” my dad said
taking off the blind fold. The first thing that appeared before
my eyes was definitely not what I thought it was. It was a black
range rover that had just came out. That was my dream truck and
I got it. Then I see my mom walking toward me with the keys. I
gave my dad a huge bear hug then I ran to my mom and did the
“Thank you so much I can’t even put it into words how grateful I
am” the biggest smile across my face.
“Your welcome my love just remember to drive safe I know that
you are just sixteen but I trust you and always put on your seat
belt” my mom is so cool was the thought that ran through my
mind. “I will mom I promise”
“Ok well Lo why don’t you and Ally go to the mall for an hour or
two?” my dad gave us money and we were off.
Lo and I hop in the truck. I was just so amazed by how this day
was turning out to be. “Are you ready to go shopping, get out
hair and nails done?” I asked her on our way to the mall. “Of
course I am” she was so hyper.
We got to the mall and we both decide to buy a dress for today.
We wanted to arrive home like princesses. We tried on like fifty
dresses each and we both bought 4 each but we choose the dresses
we were going to wear for today.
I was wearing a yellow Vera Wang one shoulder dress that tied
around my waist. It was above the knee. Lo was wearing a
strapless black and white dress that flowed down it was a bit
under the knee. We both looked fantastic. We got out hair and
makeup done and we arrived home dressed and ready for the party.
We walked in the door to see everyone there. I said “hi” to
everyone and went up to my room to put my shopping bags in my
closet. I walk down stairs as the Jonas family arrived. All
three guys stair at me with mouths wide open. I walk over to
them and welcome them.
“Thanks for coming” I said.
“We are glad to be here dear” Mrs. Jonas replied.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Jonas walked over to where my parents were.
“Well who’s this handsome guy?” I asked getting on my knees so I
could be close to his height.
“I’m Frankie” he says in the most adorable voice.
“He’s our brother” Nick said not taking his eyes off me.
“Well Frankie how would you like to be my date?”
“I’d love to. You are pretty and my brothers won’t stop talking
about you.”
“Well thank you Frankie. Come on I’m going to introduce you to
the other kids.” I said not trying to look up but knowing that
they talked about me made me blush.
“I’ll be back you guys” I said to the three.
I walked Frankie to the rest of the kids and they started to
play instantly. I walked over to where Nick was.
“Hi Nick are you having fun?” I asked as I got some water.
“Yea I am. By the way you look beautiful” he said looking away.
“Thank you. You looks hot” I simply smiled at him.
“Frankie is lucky”
“Why do you say that?”
“He has you as a date” he looked at me and I realize I was
blushing. “Oh well they’ll be other events” I stated.
“I’ll be looking forward to them” he said taking my hand and
kissing the top of it.
“Where did you get that ring from?” he asked with a disbelieved
“According to my mom when I was small I had some neighbors and
before they moved away they gave me this ring, the necklace, and
the bracelet. Why?”
“Because…” he was about to say when Lo interrupted.
“Hey Ally! Hey Nick” I turn and look at her.
“You know him?”
“Yea your parents introduced us this morning before I went to
wake you”
“Oh that’s cool well if you will excuse me I’m going to talk to
some other guest. I walked away from them and decided to go
outside for some air. I close the door and I see Joe sitting
right in front of me on the steps looking toward his house. “Is
there something wrong?” I asked wondering why he wasn’t inside.
“Yea I’m fine; I just needed some air”
“Me too”
“You look amazing today Ally”
“You do too”
“I got you something” I barely knew him I didn’t expect him to
get me anything.
“You didn’t have to”
“But I wanted to” he said pulling out a long case. He opened it
and it was a silver necklace with a diamond letter ‘A’. “It’s
Amazing. I can’t take your gift it must have cost a lot” I said
realizing the diamonds.
“Like I said I wanted to get you this gift. Happy birthday
“Thank you Joe I love it” I said. I lean in and gave him a peck
on the lips.
“I should buy you more jewelry then” he said always making me
“Don’t spend your money on me”
“Ally will you go on a date with me tomorrow?” he asked looking
“Just tell me what time?” his face shot up making me giggle a
bit. “Really?” he asked disbelieved.
“Well I’ll come get you at 8”
“Sounds good. Well we should probably get back in there” I said.
“Yea you can’t miss you own party” we both laughed. Every time I
am around him he brightens my day. He walk in the door and he
goes talks to his parents. I go to the back yard where Kevin was
I walk toward him and sit on the swing next to his. “So why are
you out here alone?” I asked.
“Just thinking”
“You” he said. Why are all three of them acting this way about
“What about me exactly?”
“Ally I know you from when we were small” he said. I was
confused now.
“What do you mean?”
“That the necklace you are wearing I gave it to you” he was
staring straight into my eyes by now.
“But how I mean I barley met you?”
“I was the oldest of us I remember more than the other two do
but Ally do you know why I gave you that necklace?” I was in
shock I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.
“No I don’t” I said looking at the ground. Everything was coming
back to me everything I so desperately tried to forget. The pain
I felt when they left. The abandonment. I know I was small but
that was the biggest pain I had ever had. Why did they just
leave me?
“Because I loved you and I still do. When I saw you there was
something familiar but I couldn’t pin point it out at the time
till today when I saw you wearing the necklace.”
“My parents had said they knew your parents and that they were
close friends but I didn’t realize what they meant. Why did ya
leave me? How could ya cause me so much pain? Do you know what I
went through?” I was in tears now I was letting all the anger
out I kept inside. He let a single tear escape his eye. “I can
only imagine. I am so sorry Ally if it helps I never stop
thinking of you.”
I whipped my tears away and got up.
“I have to go” I said and I ran inside. I ran up the stairs and
into my room. Shortly after Lo was at the door. “So you found
“How did you know?”
“Your parents told me but they told me not to say anything. That
you would find out when it was time.”
“I can’t believe this is happening to me. Why did they have to
come back?” I said throwing the pillow to the door.
“Don’t be mad it wasn’t their fault”
“Yes it is. Now I won’t be able to look at them and be around
“Ally you have to forgive them”
“NO LO you don’t understand if it had happened to you you’d feel
the same way so please don’t bother trying to convince me
because it is not going to happen”
“Fine but you still have to go down stairs and cut your cake so
be down there in five minutes” she walked out the door and I
walked to my restroom. I fixed my make up and went back down
there with the biggest smile ever. I had always been great at
hiding my feelings my aunt Lacey said I’d make a great actor and
if I if I ever wanted to pursue an acting career she’d help me
out. She was a manager for celebrities she was awesome. Maybe I
could go live with my aunt? I should call her tomorrow.
“You ready to cut your cake baby girl?” my mom said exited she
always liked to be the one to push my face in the cake.
“Yes mom I’m ready and after the party I want to talk to you and
daddy about something very important” I said walking with her
toward the cake. Everyone was around the table waiting for me. I
look around and see the three boys I didn’t want to see but I
just smiled at everyone like if my world was perfect. Everyone
sang happy birthday and it was time to blow out the candles.
“Make a wish sweetie pie” my dad encouraged me. I closed my eyes
made a wish a blew out the sixteen candles. “You know what time
it is. Time to bite the cake” my mom was jumping in joy. “Ok mom
fine I’ll bite the cake” I bend over to bite the cake and my
head it pushed right into it. My mom starts taking pictures of
me and I just whip the frosting off. “All this just for you mom
I’ll be back I’m going to take all the frosting off my face.”
“Don’t take long the party is almost over” I just nodded and I
walked to the downstairs bathroom I cleaned off all the frosting
off pretty well. I open the bathroom door and I took a step when
I bumped into someone. I look up and it was Mr. Jonas. “I was
just coming to get you. Your mother said everyone was ready to
say goodbye to you”
“Alright thank you Mr. Jonas”
“Please call me Paul”
“Ok Paul” I said and we both walked off to where everyone else
was waiting at.
I said goodbye to everyone and the last one’s to say goodbye
where the Jonas family I said goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Jonas and
now it was the others turn. “Bye Ally” Frankie said as he gave
me a hug. Nick, Joe, and Kevin all gave me a quick hug and left.
I was glad they did I was ready to talk to my parents.
“I’m going to take a shower goodnight Mr. and Mrs. Williams” Lo
said heading upstairs.
“Sweet dream hun” my parents replied in unison.
“Okay so what did you want to talk to us about?” My mom started.
“Well I want to pursue a career in acting and maybe singing and
I was thinking I could go live with Aunt Lacey” I said not
knowing what they were about to say.
“Well if that’s what you want then okay honey. We just have to
talk to your aunt first.” My dad said.
“We could drive in your truck to Los Angeles take a small road
trip plus I have a meeting I have to go to in two weeks in
California so it all works out fine.” My mom said.
“Why a road trip?”
“So we could take your truck and that way you will have a car to
drive around over there and I will go to my meeting and fly
home” she said having it all planned out.
“One question is there a reason why you want to move with your
aunt?” my dad questioned.
“No there is no reason I just want to act and sing and be with
“Okay then we’ll finish talking about this tomorrow I think we
all need some rest because tomorrow will be clean up time” I dad
said looking around.
“Good night mom and dad” I gave them a hug and went upstairs. I
took a shower and got into my pajamas. Lo was already asleep I
just laid next to her and fell asleep quickly too.
Next morning I woke up early. It was 7:30 in the morning I grab
some clothes and take them to the restroom. I brushed my teeth
and did everything else and got ready. It was 8:20 when I got
out of the restroom.
“Do you know how long you take?” Lo obviously impatient.
“No and that is the benefit of waking up first” I stuck my
tongue out at her. We both laugh.
“Ok then silly goose my turn” she walked into the restroom.
While she was in there I decided to Google a picture of The
Jonas Brothers. A lot of pictures came up and I just stared at
the screen dumbfounded. It was Nick, Joe, and Kevin. I heard the
door from the restroom opening to I exit out of the site. “You
ready to go clean?” Lo said
“Look at me I’m just jumping in excitement. Picking up cups and
plates has always been my dream” I said sarcastically.
We both laughed and went down stairs. To our surprise the house
was already clean. My mom was on her laptop and talking about
business on her cell phone. We didn’t interrupt her we decided
to go to the kitchen and eat some cereal. I saw a note on the
fridge that was addressed to me.
Ally honey,
       I talked to your aunt and she said she would be
delighted to have you stay with her. She is so excited
that she could be your manager. You will be leaving
to Los Angeles in three days so pack up take
anything you may need don’t worry your mom and I
got you a Visa credit card and you won’t run out of
money ever. You will keep being home school. I’m
sorry I had to go to a meeting out of town. Just come
and visit us every once in a while. I’m going to miss
you so much. Don’t forget you passport or your old
Love daddy,
Adam Williams
I was sad I didn’t get to say good bye to my dad but I’ll come
visit him soon. Lo and I ate breakfast and we decided to go see
what my mom was doing.
“Hey mom what you up to?” I asked sitting down next to her.
“Just finishing the plans to go to Los Angeles. Have you even
started packing anything?”
“Wait your moving to Los Angeles?” Lo cut in.
“Just Ally” my mom answered.
“Who are you going to live with?”
“My aunt Lacey” I said. I guess I forgot to tell her this
“That’s so exiting”
“Yea” I said we were both smiling at each other.
“Ok girls I guess you better say goodbye to the Jonas family and
start packing” my mom said pushing us both out the door. “Ugh! I
can’t believe I have to go say good bye to them” I said as we
walked across the street.
“Just be nice Ally you won’t see them again for a while”
“I know” I said as I knocked on the door.
Kevin answered the door.
“Hey! This is a surprise I didn’t think you’d want to ever see
us again” he said shocked that I was there.
“Well I came to say that I’m leaving to you and your family” I
said not even smiling.
“Come in” he open the door and we sat in the living room while
he went to get the rest of the family. The first people we saw
were Mr. and Mrs. Jonas.
“Hey sweeties what are you doing here?”
“I came to say that I’m leaving”
“Where are you going?” Mrs. Jonas asked sitting down next to me.
“I’m going to live with my aunt Lacey for a while to be an actor
and a singer” I said smiling.
“Sounds great, when did you make up your mind you wanted to be
an actor and a singer?” Mr. Jonas asked me.
“Well my aunt got me thinking about it a while back and I guess
I thought now was a good time to start”
“Well sounds like your mind is made up”
“Yea” I said as all four boys walked toward to where we were.
“Hi guys” I said realizing Lo had been silent all this time.
“Hey Ally and Lo” all four said.
“Ally please don’t leave” Frankie ran toward me and hugged me.
“Don’t worry buddy I’ll be back soon and you will be the first
person I’ll come see I promise” I said kissing his fore head.
“Ok” he said. “Can we talk to Ally alone please” Joe said.
Everyone left except Nick, Kevin, Joe and me. “Look Kevin told
us he told you about the gifts we gave you when we were small”
Joe broke the silence.
“Yea and also you guys I wanted to give you back your gifts”
they all looked at me confused. I handed Kevin the necklace, Joe
the bracelet, and Nick the ring. “We want you to keep them” Nick
said tying to place the ring back in my hand. “It was you
grandma’s and she told you to give it to the girls that ya fell
in love with and ya have a long time to go” I said trying to
hold back tears. “But it’s you Ally you’re the one that we could
never forget please don’t leave us. We finally got you back and
now your leaving” Kevin said. “Are you trying to get back at us
for leaving you?” Nick asked. “Not at all you just don’t realize
how much pain it causes me to even be here right now. I wish you
could all feel what I’m feeling this exact moment” I said
looking at my hands on my lap. “How long will you be gone?” Joe
asked his eyes watery. “I don’t know but maybe if the next time
I see you guys ya feel the same I could give ya a shot” I said
all the anger I felt toward them now gone and all I felt was a
huge sadness leaving them.
“Well I’m leaving in three days nice to have met ya Jonas
brothers” I smiled and their heads just shot up. “You know?”
Nick asked. “Yes and I think ya are amazing. I hope to see ya
before I leave” they nodded and walked me to the door. I gave
all three a long hug. “We’ll see you soon” Kevin said. I nodded
and I walked across the street. I felt a huge sadness knowing I
was leaving them. I walk in my house and my parents were taking
to Mr. and Mrs. Jonas. “I’m going to go upstairs and start
packing” I said as I walked to the stairs. “Ok just remember
that all your things should be pack so on Wednesday you can have
that day to rest up an say goodbye” my mom said.
“Ok mom” and I ran up the stairs to my room to see Lo sitting on
the bed. I could see she was sad.
“What’s wrong Lo?”
“I have to tell you something” she said looking up at me. Tears
streaming down her face.
“What is it?” I sat down next to her turning to face her.
“My mom text me and we’re moving to the house next to yours and
you’re leaving. I’m staying in your house while my parents get
here with all the things” she said crying in my shoulder. “It’s
going to be ok, we made it work last time we can make it work
this time” I said. I couldn’t let her see that I was upset too.
So I would do what I do best and act like everything was going
to be perfect.
“You promise” she sat up to look me in the eyes.
“I promise you. I will email you every chance I get and call and
text you all the time” I said reassuring her.
“What if the boys want to speak to you?” she asked. I didn’t
think about that. “Well just give them my MySpace information
and my email” I would give them my number when I thought I was
ready. “Okay then I’ll help you pack” and we both got up and
packed while we had fun looking at old pictures and stuff I had
lost and now found. We were fast since it took us just one day
to pack everything. It was dark now and we were both sleepy. We
got ready for bed and fell asleep. I woke up at 6:42 am I
couldn’t sleep much. I took a shower; blow dried my hair and
then curled it. I did my makeup and got dressed. I was wearing
so dark jeans with an orange V neck shirt that said ‘I love
nerds’ in black, and I had some black gladiator shoes. I left a
note on the counter to let one of my mom know I was gone. It was
around 7:30 and Lo wouldn’t be waking up until a few more hours.
I walked into the woods where there was a small lake that no one
knew about. It was beautiful to me it was my place to think; it
was so calming to me. I walked on the deck and sat at the edge
my eyes closed just taking in the beauty of this place and how
much I would miss it. A tear rolled down my face. I heard leaves
shaking I turn around to look. It was Nick, what was he doing
“How did you find this place?”
“When we were small and you’d get upset. I’d find you here I
thought maybe this place would give me the comfort it has always
given you” he said walking toward me.
“I try not to remember a lot of things. When ya left I spent a
lot of nights here. When I didn’t come I was crying myself to
sleep. I saw my parents really worried; my mom not wanting to go
on business trips for a while. I’m guessing to make sure I
didn’t do something stupid but even in all the darkness I always
hoped for a spark of light. I became great at hiding my feelings
that’s when my aunt introduced me to acting. She heard me
singing in my backyard once and asked me that if I ever wanted
to make a career out of it all I had to do was give her a call.
I was coming to terms that I was never going to see you all
again and then ya show up. Maybe it would have been better if
Kevin hadn’t told me” I said looking at his reflection in the
water. His eyes piercing, perfect hair and angelic face.
“Ally if I had a choice I would have never left you” he said
tears falling fast down my face. I was just quiet trying to find
some words but I couldn’t.
“If the heart is always searching,
Can you ever find a home?
I’ve been looking for that someone,
I’ll never make it on my own.
Dreams can’t take the place of loving you
There’s got to be a million reasons why it’s true
When you look me in the eyes
And tell me that you love me
Everything’s alright
When you’re right here by my side
When you look me in the eyes
I catch a glimpse of heaven
I find my paradise
When you look me in the eyes” he sang then stopped and we were
staring straight into each other’s eyes. Our faces getting
closer and closer till out lips collided. The most passionate
kiss I’ve had so far. I pulled away.
“Your making it harder for me to leave I can’t do this” I said
getting up and running as fast I could out of there. I heard my
name a couple of times but I didn’t look back. When I got to my
house my mom and Lo were eating breakfast.
“Where did you go this morning?” Lo asked.
“To the park and just walking around” I said falling to the
floor. “Why were you running?” my mom looked down me. “I just
felt like running for some reason” she laughed and kept eating
her breakfast. “So Mrs. Williams we got everything packed for
Ally last night I was wondering if me and Ally could go to the
movies like we use to before I moved to Los Angeles?” Lo was
asking my mom.
“Yea, sounds great ya should have fun” my mom let me be out of
the house a lot as long as she knew where I was and who I was
with which is cool but still motherly.
“Let’s go watch a movie then” I said pulling Lo’s hand”
“It’s twelve in the afternoon” she said looking at me like if I
was an alien from out of space who just landed in front of her.
“Come on we’ll go watch a movie, go to the mall, then I know the
perfect spot to take you my mom showed it to me” I said she
looked to see my mom before I pulled her out the door my mom
nodded and handed me my purse and keys. “Thanks mom” I screamed
as we ran out the door. We were about to get in the truck when
we see the boys come out. “Hey Ally where are you guys headed?”
Kevin asked smiling at me. “We are going to watch a movie, go to
the mall, and then show Lo this great place before I leave” I
said. “Would you mind if we accompanied you?” Joe asked.
I was about to give them an answer when Lo says “Not at all, get
in. this is going to be so much fun” as she sat in the passenger
seat. All three boys in the back and I was driving. “Ally are
you sure you don’t want me to drive?” Kevin asked. All three
boys seemed a bit scared because I was only sixteen and driving.
“Don’t be scared you guys I’m a perfect driver okay. So stop
worrying sometimes I go a bit above the speed limit but that’s
ok” I said. I looked in my back mirror and I could see Nick
looking at me. I started to drive to the movies. “You’re not a
bad driver” Kevin stated. “We’ll its nice to know you had a lot
of confidence in me” I said being sarcastic. We all laughed. We
arrive at the movies. “What movie did you ladies want to watch?”
Kevin asked as we were waiting in line to buy tickets. “It’s up
to Ally she was the one who wanted to watch a movie” Lo said.
They all turned and look at me. “I don’t want to pick a movie
you all don’t want to watch” I said. “Today is your day Issa
bear then tomorrow is your last day which you will spend saying
good bye so we will all do what you want today” Nick said
looking at me with the sweetest eyes in the world. “No one has
called me Issa bear since ya moved but enough of the past I want
to watch New Moon” I said when it was our turn to buy the
tickets. “Five tickets to New Moon please” I said to the guy who
worked there. “How much will it be?” I asked pulling out some
money. I felt a hand on my mine and I turn to see who it was.
“What is it Joe?” I asked
“No way I’m going to let you pay. Everything today will be on
“I’ll make you a deal if I let you pay for the tickets I get to
pay for everyone for the rest of the day.”
“How about… No. Let us at least do this for today”
“Fine” I said putting my money back in my purse.
“So how much will it be?” Joe asked.
“It’s on me” the cute guy said looking at me.
“Well thank you” I said smiling at him.
“Just one more thing what is your name?” he asked.
“I’ll tell you mine when you tell me yours” I said still looking
straight at his eyes.
“My name is Aiden” he replied.
“Well my name is Alyssa nice to meet you.”
He handed me a piece of paper and I stuck it in my pocket.
Kevin pulled me away into the theater. The boys looked upset and
I felt a bit of guilt. Lo pulled me to the side “sorry but that
was just plain mean. Why would you flirt with that guy? They
love you and you just broke their heart in two” she walked
toward where the guys were waiting for us. I followed her
shortly after. “Guys I want to apologize for flirting with that
guy. It won’t happen again” I said looking at the ground. “Its
ok we forgive you” Kevin said and they all hugged me. “Ok now
let’s go and watch the movie” Nick said pulling me in the movie
was about to start. Nick sat down first, then me, Joe, Kevin,
and at last Lo. I loved every second of the movie. When it was
over we headed to the mall. “I got an idea” said Joe. “What is
it?” replied Kevin. “How about everyone buys Ally a gift before
she leaves but Ally you can’t see any of them until your on the
plain” He explained his idea to everyone.
“I don’t think that you should spend your money on me” I said.
“But we want to and besides Joe never comes up with good ideas
like this” Nick said and Joe playfully hit his arm making Nick
rub where he hit.
“Come on We promise we won’t spend a lot” said Lo with a huge
hopeful smile.
“Alright” I said defeated.
“We’ll take shifts that way Ally won’t stay alone and we all get
a chance to get her a gift” Kevin explained the schedule
everyone. Lo was the first to stay with me. We went to get ice
cream and buy shoes. I bought four pairs of shoes and Lo bought
three. We spent most of our time talking about old times
together and how much we were going to miss each other. It was
now Joe’s shift. I was thirsty so we decided to go to a candy
“Get anything you want” Joe said extending his hand out to
everything in front of us.
“Well I’ll take a Dr. Pepper and some Sour Kids” I said grabbing
them. He paid for them and we sat down to eat our snacks. “So
I’m surprised no one has noticed you” I said pointing it out.
“Yea miracle but it is probably because it’s early and it’s a
school day”
“Oh that’s right I completely had forgot”
“So what are you going to miss more about home?”
“I think it’s having all the people I love around me because
they are my inspiration. With ought them it’s like a bird with
no wings”
“You completely fail to see the inspiration you also give
others. If I could turn back time I would take every piece of
sadness I caused you for leaving I love you and I will never
stop loving you”
“I love you too Joe. Hopefully when my career takes off one of
my dreams would be to sing with you guys”
“Your dream will come true” he said. I turn to see Kevin walking
toward us. “My turn Joe go ahead and start looking for your
gift” Kevin said taking his seat as Joe waved good bye. “So how
was your shopping?” I asked.
“I think you are going to love what I got you”
“Can you give me a clue as in to what it may be?” I said not
wanting to wait till tomorrow.
“Nope you have to wait and see. “Okay but I have to go buy a
bikini so would you mind?” I said getting up.
“Not at all this day is about you so where ever you want to go
I’ll follow.”
We got to this cute store and I tried thirty of bikinis on and
Kevin thought I looked great in every single one. He made me
feel beautiful and wanted. I was about to pay when Kevin took my
money and shoved it in my Coach purse and paid for all the
“You really didn’t have to do that you know” I said.
“Money means nothing to me if I don’t have someone special to
share it with” he said as he smiled at me.
It was now Nick’s turn. We met him at Hot Topic. Kevin left an
there was a twinge of awkwardness from early that day. “I’m
sorry” he broke the silence. “It’s ok, I’m sorry as well I
shouldn’t have made you feel guilty it isn’t your fault or any
of your brothers” I said it and deep down I knew it was true.
They didn’t mean to hurt me. “So why is the real reason you’re
leaving?” he asked.
“To be a great actress and singer”
“There is something else your not telling me Issa bear”
“I just want my tears to end. I don’t cry in front of any one I
feel weak when I do that’s why I cry myself to sleep but I let
everyone fall asleep before I let my tears stream down my face.
I love you and your brothers I couldn’t stand if I hurt one of
ya” I said letting the truth out.
“Ally the three of us know there is a chance of getting hurt but
we will fight for your love. No matter where you go my feeling
will never change for you” he said while putting the ring he had
gave me as a child back on my finger. “I’m still leaving
tomorrow. If you three still feel the same when we meet again
then I’ll give ya a chance to fight for my love” I said. “That
makes sense but it might be a long time before we see each other
again” I could read his eyes like an open book. Full of pain,
it’s like I could see his heart breaking just as mine was. I
hugged him tightly never wanting to let go. My heart sinking
slowly in the black ocean water of my tears. We were interrupted
by a cough, we both look and it was. “Sorry to interrupt but
let’s go we are all meeting at the food court for lunch” she
said pulling us toward Subway. Joe and Kevin waving for the
three of us to come and join them. We all ordered and set down
to eat. “So what did ya buy?” I asked curious. “You can’t see
anything till you leave” Kevin said. We were all done eating and
I say “lets get some ice cream.” “ICE CREAME” Joe yells and we
all started laughing. Joe gave me a piggy back ride all the way
to the ice cream shop. Every one follows behind us laughing at
us act silly while Joe and I chanted “you scream, I scream, we
all scream for ice cream.” We all ordered out ice cream I got a
brownie fudge Sunday and shared it with Nick. “Okay now time to
take you all to the beautiful spot my mother shared with me” I
said as we all walked out the mall and into the truck. I turn on
the radio and ‘Pushing Me Away’ by The Jonas Brothers is
playing. Lo starts singing and soon the guys join her. For a
second everything felt alright but maybe that’s just a sign I’m
not meant to be happy. I look in the mirror to see all the boys
staring straight at me. I decided to shake my sadness away.
“We’re here” I said. “Umm Ally, I don’t get it are you trying to
show us a whole bunch of trees?” Lo asked confused. I say
nothing and start walking up a small hill where the trees end
and all you see is a huge wonderful meadow full of a variety of
flowers. I lay down in the middle of it and they all follow. All
my sadness and worries all disappear; all I feel is a wave of
peace that instantly washed over me when I laid on the most,
full of life grass. “This is beautiful” Kevin stated. “My mom
always brought me here once you guys left I found happiness here
the best time to come is when the sun rises. The wonderful
colors of the sun and the darkness meeting making the colors of
the rainbow. And as the sun rises all the colors of the meadow
start to show more clearly by the minute. I cherished every
second of that moment. Then my mom started to teach me how to
drive when I was thirteen because she was going to be out of
town more and dad was working overtime at the hospital. She
thought I could drive myself to all the places I wanted and come
here when I missed her a lot” I said remembering every single
time I came here never once did I feel anything; I only felt
calm and joyful. “You never told me that” Lo said. “This has
always been me and my mom’s place and not too long ago she told
me she bought this land and put it in my name. So many acres of
happiness is how I saw it. I wanted to share this with you today
because this place means so much to me and you all mean the
world to me” I said letting a tear of happiness escape my eye.
“I think it’s time to go it’s getting late” Kevin said he was
always so responsible. “Alright you guys go I’ll catch up with
you in a minute” I said and watched them walked back into the
trees watching them disappear one by one like they will
tomorrow. I stared at the stars and I did so a shooting star
went right across the sky before me. I closed my eyes and made a
wish. “I wish I knew which one I love the most.” I said in a
whisper. I turned around and started heading for the truck. When
I got in Lo just looked at me. “What?” I asked. “Well what took
you so long?” she looked sleepy. “A shooting star” was all I
said. “Wow, I missed it” she said in a sad face. “What did you
wish for?” Joe asked. “If she tells you it won’t come true” Nick
replied before I did. “Okay fro bro” he replied to Nick. It was
silent the whole way back home and when we got there the guys
walked us to the door. “Good night ladies. See you tomorrow
before you leave to give you the gift and say goodbye” Kevin
said. We exchange hugs and Lo and I went in. “How was it girls?”
my mom still up. “It was fantastic Mrs. Williams” Lo said
satisfied with today. “Yea” I agreed with her. “Why are you
still awake?” I asked. “Finishing up on work it’s late you
should get your sleep we’ll be waking up early tomorrow” she
said. “Alright goodnight mom” Lo and I kiss her goodnight and
head up stairs. I take a shower change into my pajamas and fall
asleep before Lo got out the shower.
     My alarm clock goes off at 5:30 in the morning. I turn it
off and get up. Lo is such a heavy sleeper the noise of the
alarm didn’t even phase her. That girl can sleep. My entire
luggage is ready to be load into the truck. I go into the
bathroom straighten my hair and change into some Bermuda shorts
a blue Polo shirt with blue sandals. I walk out of the room with
my bag that holds all my entertainment I had my cell phone, iPod
touch, and more. My mom and I loaded everything quickly. “Well
you have a few hours left so do what you please” she said
walking inside. I walked to my room and took out my guitar. I
couldn’t leave that behind. I walked into my back yard and sat
on the swings started playing some old strings and began to
I hope it thunders,
I hope it rains.
The only happiness I get is when he
Can’t see my tears falling down my face.
I don’t want him to leave,
Don’t want to see him go.
How can I sit here while he walks out the door?
Does he even care anymore?
Won’t let him see my tears,
Or the million pieces of my broken heart.
So let it thunder and let it rain,
So he won’t see the streaming tears down my face.
I heard the side door to my backyard open I turn and look and
the three boys I love standing right before me. “We apologize
but you’re amazing” Nick said. “Wow and your voice is the best”
Joe said right after Nick. “Was that song about us?” Kevin said
he sounded hurt. “I wrote it a while back but I probably need to
change it” I said blushing a deep red because they heard me
singing. “It’s perfect” Kevin said and I smiled at him. “What
time do you leave?” asked Joe. “In like 3 hours” I looked at my
feet. “You are going to do great Ally never doubt that” Nick
said picking up my face. “Yea plus we will meet again I will
make your wish come true” Joe said bringing back our talk at the
mall. “Thanks you guys” I said as I hugged all three of them.
Someone else soon joined “good morning Lo” all four of us said
in unison. “How come you didn’t wake me up?” she asked.
“You just look so peaceful I didn’t want to disturb you, besides
do you know how hard it is to wake you up?” I asked. By this
time we had let go of the hug. “Yea I know” she lets out a huge
yawn. “Are you ready to leave?” Kevin asked. “Kind of, I’m
exited of the new things I will see and do. I know it won’t be
easy leaving though” I said sort of sad. “We understand” Nick
replied. “Lo, can I talk to the boy’s alone real quick. We’ll
meet up with you in a sec.” all three look confused. I wait for
Lo to close the back sliding door. “I want to ask you three for
the biggest favor” my face looked pleading then I continued “I
want you to take this time and try and do your best to forget me
please” I just looked at Joe then Nick then Kevin all three
puzzled by what I had just said. “W- Why?” Joe asked. “Because I
want ya to give some girls the chance at winning your hearts. I
know it might sound crazy but you can’t possibly know I’m the
one if you haven’t tried dating other people”
“I understand but if we can’t find love with some other girls we
get to fight for your love” Nick said. “Deal” was my response.
“So it’s settled” Kevin said. “Shall we go inside now?” Joe
asked more like implied. “Yea” they rest of us said. We walked
inside. I saw my mom on the phone shaking her head, that didn’t
look like a good sign. She hung up “who was that mom?” I asked.
“Honey that was my assistant I need to go settle some business
things in New York but you will still be going to Los Angeles”
she said. “So, I’m going on this road trip alone?” I was
confused. “Do you want to go alone?” she answered my question
with a question making me even more confused than I was 10
seconds ago. “I was looking forward to spending time with you
but I understand and I don’t mind going alone it won’t be as fun
but I can do it.”
“If you want Denise could go with you I asked her and she said
she would be delighted but it’s up to you?”
“Yea it’ll be nice to have someone with me so yea having her
with me would be great” I said. Denise seemed super sweet so
maybe it wouldn’t be half bad. “Okay, well I'ma get my luggage
and I’ma leave to the airport but i'm going to miss you so much
baby have fun and call me every day I mean it or every other day
would be fine. But if you don’t call I will go down there and
see if something is wrong got it Chiquita” she said giving me a
huge hug and kiss to the fore head. She always used her little
Spanish words that my grama used a lot when she’d leave back to
Mexico. When my grandma was around a lot I got so use to
speaking Spanish around the house I wish I was taking her with
me not that I don’t want Mrs. Jonas to go it’s that I haven’t
seen my grandma in two years. “I love you mami, and I will call
a lot don’t worry I will be fine” I reassured her. “Love you
too. Bye mija” and she was off. “Bye” I said in a whispered
voice. My grandma crossed the border to have my mom in the
United States because she wanted a better life for her. My mom
was very appreciative of that and got her education and went to
college. I want to be like my mom very successful in what she
loves I’m just hoping I will be a great singer and actress. So
my parent’s could be so proud of me. “Are you okay Ally?” Lo
asked. “Yea I’m fine, I’ll be back I’m going to talk to Mrs.
Jonas” I said walking out the door not even looking back at
them. I always felt like crying when I’d see one of my parents
leave for a while knowing I wouldn’t see them for a week or two.
I didn’t want them to see that it upset me.  I knocked on the
door of the Jonas house. Denise answered the door “hey dear, I
have everything ready so whenever your ready we can take off”
she said. She kind of made me feel like it was going to be
alright without my mom on this trip because she made me feel as
if she was my mom. “We’ll leave in like 45 minutes I want to go
someplace first real quick if that’s okay?” I asked. “That’s
fine” she said and smiled. “Here are the truck keys so you can
put your luggage in and I will be back shortly” I smile handed
her the keys and started running to my secret spot that wasn’t
so secret anymore now that I knew Nick knew about it. I cut
through the tree in a flash wanting to have time to say good-bye
to it, to the lake of my tears, to the trees that were my
lullaby when the wind blew, and to the sun who made me feel the
warmth of an invisible hug that I so desperately needed at
times. When it was night time the stars were my guidance and the
moon was the light to my dark night. Every star making my night
that much better. The beautiful night sky, every star
representing a person in this planet all different sizes, some
close and some far, some closer to the moon than others yet they
all shine the same, beautiful, and noticeable. I can’t put to
words how much I would miss this place. Wanting to come here
every time something wasn’t right but couldn’t. Again I heard
the bushes ruffling I didn’t need to turn to look to know who it
was. “I knew I’d find you here” he said sitting down next to me.
“How do you leave a place that holds something so special to
you? How do you leave a piece of your happiness behind? Ima miss
this place so much it hurts” I said letting a tear escape. “Your
not leaving for ever and this place will always be here for you.
Don’t think of it as goodbye but as a I’ll see you soon type of
thing” he said intertwining his fingers with mine. “How long
have I been gone?” I asked. “About 38 minutes to be precise” we
both giggled. “You know I think I’m alright with you coming
here. I guess in a way I always felt your presence here” I said
maybe he was the one I loved the most. Too late for that he
deserves someone greater than me. “Well we should be getting
back your mom and I will be leaving in a few minutes” I said
taking a deep breath taking one last look at what I was leaving
behind. “Ally, stop, wait” Nick pulled my hand a bit. “What is
it?” I asked. A huge pause of silence then a second later his
lips had crashed into mine sending chills down my spine. He was
like the last piece to my puzzle, the most amazing and
passionate kiss I had ever had so far. He pulls away “sorry, I
just couldn’t help it” he said. We started walking again half
way out and I stop. “What is it?” he asked. I kiss him and he
kisses me back. I pull away “What was that for?” he asked
confused. “A thank you” I said as I started walking again. We
got to the house and everyone was outside ready for Mrs. Jonas
and me to leave. “I guess this is good-bye guys” I said walking
toward all of them. I started with Frankie “I will send you a
lot of toys and I will write to you and your mom can read it for
you ok buddy?” I said. “Okay and I will write back the best that
I can” he said. Next was Mr. Jonas “Bye sweetie, call every once
in a while and let us know everything is going good over there”
he said. “Will do” I said smile hugged him and then let go. I
got to Lo and her face was drowned in tears. “Please don’t cry,
remember phone calls, MySpace, and texting” I said smiling to
make her smile but the truth is I wanted to cry with her. I gave
her a huge bear long hug and then moved on to Kevin. “I’m going
to miss you like crazy” he whispered in my ear. “I will miss you
with all my heart and I will be thinking of you always” I
whispered back into his. Joe was next and his eyes were like
daggers to my heart his eyes watery he let a tear escape his
eyes. “I love you Ally, please don’t go” he hugged me. “I’m
sorry Joe, I love you too I will call you I promise” I said
letting go of his tight hug. Last was Nick, I gave him a hug as
well “No one will ever take you place in my heart” he said. “I
will always love you” I said back and then I waved bye at them
and got in the driving seat of the truck. Mrs. Jonas was going
to drive later on. “Are you ready?” she asked. I took a deep
breath and answered “Yes” I smiled at her and then we were off
on the road.
We had been on the road for ten hours already and I was having a
great time with Mrs. Jonas. We stopped to take pictures in a lot
of nice fun places. It was like having my best friend there. I
was glad she came with but I knew it was inevitable the subject
of her son’s. I knew that conversation was going to happen on
this trip. I didn’t know what I was going to say or if it would
change her mind about me. Hopefully it wouldn’t.
“So are you leaving because of my son’s?” she asked as she
drove. “Partly, not entirely” I said playing with my fingers.
“Don’t be afraid to love Ally. No matter whom you choose they
all want to see you happy. Even if you move half way around the
world the one that truly loves you will find you again no matter
if it’s one of my boys or someone else. You just need to know
that you are surrounded by people who love you but I can see
that you are a happy, energetic girl with a heart of gold. So
don’t ever settle for less than you deserve” she said to me with
a smile. It was the complete opposite of what I thought the
conversation was going to go. “Thanks Mrs. Jonas, I’m glad you
came” I was happy she came with me. When it was dark I drove to
give her a chance to sleep when she woke up it was my turn to
sleep. We took a lot of pictures every time we stopped. I read
the sign that said “Welcome to California” I was jumping on the
seat literally. We were both beaming with excitement. It didn’t
take us long before we got to Los Angeles. We drove through a
neighborhood that was so beautiful it had houses way bigger than
mine and some the same size as mine. We pulled up at the gate
and rang the buzzard a man’s voice asked “How may I help you?”
“I am Alyssa, Lacey’s niece” I said.
“Sorry, please come right in” and the gate opened. I saw my aunt
running down the steps to the where we pulled up. Mrs. Jonas and
I both got off and before I knew it I was being kisses all over
my fore head and squish by a hug. “Can’t…breathe” was barely
able to choke that out. “Aww I missed you so much honey bee” she
said stepping away so she could look at me. “Look how big you
got your so beautiful” she had the biggest smile on her face and
I just giggled. She turned to Mrs. Jonas “Hi, how are you I’m
Lacey William” she said politely and gave her a hug. “Well come
on in you two. Don’t worry Jack will get you luggage” she said
leading us up the stairs to the front door. When we stepped in
it was like a fairy tale. I could get use to this I thought.
Mrs. Jonas turn to me and said “my flight back home is tomorrow
at 7:30 in the morning.” “I’ll take you to the airport” I
offered. “No honey that’s alright I’ll take a taxi” she said.
“Sorry but I’ll have the driver take you it’s no problem but for
now I bet you two are hungry I had lunch made for you both” she
said. “Well thank you” Mrs. Jonas replied. She let us out back
to the biggest back yard I’ve ever seen. We walk to the table
that was in the middle of the pond. It was truly remarkable. We
all ate our lunch and talked about anything that came up. When
we were finished my aunt showed Mrs. Jonas her room where she
would be staying that night. She decided to stay in her room and
take a snap. My aunt led me to a door on the second floor. She
hesitated then opened it. My room was amazing the walls were hot
pink with an elegant black design around the whole room. It was
way bigger than my room back home. “I want to show you something
that I know you will love” She said leading me to a wall. I look
at her with a confused face “watch” she pushes a book on the
bookshelf like if it was a button. The whole bookshelf slides to
the left and lights go down the small hall way. We get to the
end of it and she says “open” and the wall open to a huge green
room that looks so tropical it had a library, a desk, a laptop,
a couch, and a mini fridge. “I thought that you might like this
in case you need to study and do your homework but there’s more”
she said cheerful. “There’s more?” I asked overwhelmed by
everything she has already done for me. “Go turn that light
switch up” she directed me. I did as she told me and I saw
nothing I looked at her. “Look at the floor next to you” she
implied. I looked and there was a whole that apparently was a
slide to some where unknown to me. “Where does it lead to?” I
asked. “It leads outside to a path that no one knows about just
me and you. Just follow that path when you feel upset of need to
be alone” she walked over to me and gave me a soft hug. “I want
you to be happy here I have 10 auditions for you tomorrow and a
recording studio ready for you tomorrow at 8pm. If everything
goes well you will begin to have a busy schedule. I know you
will do well though” she said. “Thank you, for everything. I
love you aunt Lacey”
“Love you too. Well I’ll let you rest and have fun with your
room if you need anything just ask anyone of the workers there
really sweet we’re all like a big family here” she said the wall
opened then close when she was half way down the small hallway.
I missed home already I became curious about where the slide led
to. I lifted the switch again and I slid down the slide watching
the floor close. I reached the bottom and followed the path like
my aunt told me; the path led me through a forest the path ended
at an opening. There was a small lake and on the other side a
small house. It reminded me of my secrete spot back home. I
walked to the house knocked and no one answered I opened the
door there was a love seat a bookshelf and a mini fridge the
walls were yellow, the love seat was orange and everything else
was colorful and matching with the small furniture and couch. My
aunt knew how much I love to read that’s why I know she has
bookshelves all over my room and my own personal library. I was
there for a long time reading books and relaxing when my phone
began to vibrate on the table. It was an unknown number I picked
up “hello” I said. “Hey Ally, its Mrs. Jonas I’m going to leave
tonight rather than tomorrow Frankie got the chicken pox” she
said. “Oh that’s fine, I hope he gets better please tell him
I’ll send him a get well toy basket” I said feeling bad that the
Frankster got chicken pox. “I will honey be careful and if you
need anything please call this is my number” I was going to miss
her sweet voice. “I will” I replied. “Okay bye darling” and then
she hung up. I decided to head back into the house more like
mansion before it got dark. On my way back there was another
path with the sign that said “leads inside” I couldn’t believe I
missed that on the way to the lake. I took the stairs that were
there that lead me to the hallway on the first floor I closed
the door looked back and realized it was a hidden door. It look
like a wall I guess you could only open it from the other side.
I walked to the main room where my aunt was. “Oh good you’re
here, dinner is about to start and Denise left you a note on the
table right there” she said pointing at the small table on the
side. I picked up the note and read it.
Dear Ally,
     Don’t be afraid of letting a guy in your life. Open up your
heart and give some lucky guy the chance to love you and treat
you like the beautiful lady you are. Don’t let anyone treat you
wrong. I hope to see you soon and to hear that you’ve
accomplished great things. I believe in you. You will make a
fantastic actor and singer.
                                           Love you honey,
                                            Denise Jonas
I was really going to miss everyone but I’ll see them again. My
aunt and I sat down for dinner going over the plans for the next
week. We finished eating and we both went to our rooms. I
showered and got ready for bed.
I had just released my album and I was the lead character in the
show ‘Liza’s Life’ on Disney channel. I’m working on my next
album. I’m about to do a Disney Channel movie. I play the lead
role as Mia Woods who meets a super star named Justin Sparks
their on the same cruise. They meet and he falls for her when he
first sees her but she doesn’t like him at first because of all
the rumors of the magazines. She thought of him as annoying,
selfish, and a lady’s man. She hated people like that but
somehow they fall in love.
I still don’t know who is playing the other lead role of Justin
Sparks. “Sweetie, come on your going to meet the person who is
going to play Justin Sparks” my aunt said pulling me toward my
dressing room. I was on magazines now and on TV sometimes there
were rumors about me dating some other celebrity which I found
annoying. I walk in the door and see David Henrie from Wizards
of Waverly Place from Disney channel as well. “Hello, I’m David”
he introduced himself and shook my hand. “Hi, I’m Alyssa but you
can call me Ally” I said smiling. He was so handsome maybe I
should start giving love a try. He kissed my hand like a gentle
men. We locked eyes but then brought back to reality by my aunt
who was smiling so hard she looked like she should be in a
Colgate commercial. “Well rehearsal is in an hour so you have a
whole 60 minutes to get to know each other” she said walking out
of the room. “So Ally, do you have a boyfriend?” he asked.
“No I don’t. Do you have a girlfriend?” I asked as well.
“I guess I just haven’t found the right girl. Would you like to
go on a date with me? I know I just met you but I really like
you.” She said kind of nervous.
“I’d love dinner” I smiled as his eyes lit up. We spent the rest
of the hour talking and laughing. It felt like I knew him
already he was so sweet and funny. I hadn’t felt butterfly’s in
my stomach in so long it felt good.
We went to rehearsal and every one noticed there were sparks.
After my aunt and I went home as soon I walked through the doors
I get a text message from David.
Be ready at 8pm sharp don’t ask it’s a surprise – David H.
I just replied ‘OK’. I loved reading teen magazines so every
time the new ones come out Linda the house keeper makes sure to
put them on the coffee table by the couch. As soon as I picked
it up I saw the Jonas Brothers on the front cover but what it
said made my heart ache. It said…
More detail about their love life on page 12-13.
I quickly flipped to page twelve and it showed a pick of Joe and
Taylor Swift, Kevin and some girl named Danielle, and Nick and
Miley Cyrus. Even when they don’t try they break my heart but I
was happy that they did what I asked. Hannah Montana shot next
door to the show I was in I just hope I don’t see Nick and
Miley. I checked the clock and it was 6:45 I had to start
getting ready. I cot changed into something casual but yet
looking great, I did my hair, and retouched my make-up. By the
time I glanced at the clock it was about to be 8. I heard the
door bell rang and I ran down the stairs to be the one to answer
the door. I didn’t realize how nervous I was until I was opening
the door and when I saw him in jeans and wearing a shirt that
said ‘I’m on a date with beautiful next to me’ I was flattered.
We both hugged and my aunt waved goodbye as we got into his
“So, where are going?” I asked.
“Well I talked to your aunt and we are going away for a couple
of days before we start shooting. This trip is to get us relaxed
before the film and don’t worry It will be nothing but fun.” He
said excitedly. 
“I didn’t even bring any clothes or anything” I said mater of
“It’s ok your suite case is in the trunk I hope you like the
surprise” he said waiting for my reaction.
“I mean yea this sounds great I was just caught a bit off guard”
and we both giggled. Maybe some girls would be scared to be
going away in a mini vacation with the guy they like but I was
thrilled of getting to know him better and just doing fun stuff
like going surfing or bunji jumping.
“I’m glad you like the idea” he smiled as he held my hand in
“Exactly how many days is a couple?” I asked curiously.
“Nine days” he said as if it were a few hours.
“That should be nice and if it isn’t too much could I ask you if
you would like to go visit my parent for a day? I just haven’t
seen them in a year” I said kind of sad that it’s been that long
since I’d last seen my lovely parent’s.
“A road trip sounds perfect and we could stop every once and a
while to look at different places and try new things” he said.
“Thanks and I can’t wait until our first stop” I shrieked
We were about half way to Dallas, Texas. We stopped for
gas and to look at a lot of beautiful places.
We finally arrived to Dallas and it looks so beautiful in
my eyes maybe because it was home. David’s finger
intertwined with mine. He turns my direction and I wait
for him to speak but he hesitates.
“Ally, will you be my girl friend?” he asked blushing
blood red.
I smile and said “Yes, I would love to be your
“I know this is quick you just make me feel alive; like
I’ve known you my entire life” his eyes were full of joy.
“I feel the same” I said as I lay my head on his shoulder.
The driver let us know we were two blocks away and my
heart couldn’t help but pound harder against my chest each
time we got closer. I wondered how I’d feel when I
returned would I have anger, joy, and sadness. All I felt
was excitement and I was thrilled by the feeling. The car
came to a stop and for a second so did my heart. David and
I got off the limo and walked toward the door our hands
still stuck together. I turn the knob and walk inside
“Mom? Dad?” I shouted. I heard something drop and I walked
toward the noise. I walk toward the kitchen and see my mom
who looked paralyzed in shock. A plate shattered on the
“Oh honey, it’s really you” she said and hugged me so
tight I was turning blue. She let go and I took a deep
“Yes mom it’s me your only child” I said giggling
realizing tears were pouring from her eyes.
“I can’t believe you’re here” she said kissing my fore
head like she always did.
“Why are you crying? I called every day” I said feeling
sadness in my heart.
“I know but it doesn’t replace waking up to see you” she
said and a tear rolled down my cheek.
“Mom this is David my boyfriend” I said introducing her to
my awesome new guy.
“Oh, hello dear I’m Jessica but you can just call me mom
or Jesse which ever you prefer” she gave him a huge.
“Nice to meet the beautiful mom of my gorgeous girlfriend”
David said and I could tell my mom liked him.
“Well good thing I made a big dinner because the Jonas are
coming over for dinner and it would be great for them to
see you again” she said smiling.
“Yea I can’t wait to see Mr. and Mrs. Jonas and Frankie
again it’s been a while by the way I’ll be right back” I
said to my mom and David. They looked at me confused. I
walked out the door and ran toward the Jonas house. I
knocked on the door and a little man that I missed so much
answered the door. He opened his mouth like if he had just
seen a ghost.
“Are you going to give me a hug or what Frankster?” I
asked. Next thing I was tackled to the ground by a huge
“Ally, I missed you so much I got every toy like you
promised” he said full of joy.
“I hope you liked them all I could never forget a promise
I made you buddy.”
“Well thanks again we’ve all missed you and I’ve seen you
on TV and on magazines you look pretty” he said talking
really fast.
“Thank you. How’s the rest of the family?” I asked.
“Their good the boys have new girl friends but I still
like you better” he said giving me a kiss on the cheek.
“Oh really? Why is that?” I asked.
“You are funnier, nicer and way prettier” he said as we
both looked because we heard footsteps.
“Frankie why are you taking so long mom is ready to go to
the Williams house” I heard a familiar voice then the
footsteps stopped at the door way.
“Hi Joe” I said still on the ground with Frankie.
“Ally?” was all that came out of his mouth.
“Yes it’s me. I just wanted to come by and keep my promise
to Frankie before dinner. By the way it’s ready” I said
getting up smiling I was determined to be friends with
Then I just felt Joe hug me tight and I hugged him back.
“Joe, umm you know it’s only been a year” I said giggling.
“Only? To me I was an eternity” he said his eyes glued to
“Well I should be going I’ll see you in a few minutes
we’ll talk later” I said walking toward my home. I opened
the door and my mom and David were having a conversation
in which both of them looked intrigued.
“I’m back” I said sitting next to David.
“Where did you go?” my mom asked.
“I went to see Frankie. Just keeping my promise” I said
smiling at them both.
“Frankie? The Jonas Brothers little brother?” David asked.
“Yea” I replied.
“Oh I’m friends with them” he said which I didn’t know.
“That’s great then. So what were you two talking about?” I
asked leaning forward.
“About when you were little” my mom says smiling widely.
“Mom that is so not cool” I said putting my hands on my
“Oh, come on every mom does it” she said playfully.
We all just laughed. I heard someone coming down the
stairs and it was my dad. I ran toward him and he caught
me in a huge hug. He just held me close.
“You have changed so much Mrs. Famous girl” he said
twirling my hair.
“Just in a few ways but I’m still your little girl” I said
hugging him again.
“Yes you are sweet heart” we let go of our hug.
“Daddy this is my new boyfriend David Henrie” I said
heading toward my mom and David.
“Nice to meet you David. Just one thing don’t hurt my
little girl” he said it in a friendly way.
“I won’t sir” David assured him. All the sudden the bell
rang. My dad opened the door and in came the whole Jonas
family. By the looks on their faces Joe and Frankie didn’t
tell them but Joe looked confused.
“Hey everyone” I said hugging Denise first and then Paul
moving toward Kevin and then Nick.
“Why didn’t you hug Frankie and Joe?” Kevin asked.
“Because I had just seen them a few minutes ago” I said.
Kevin turns toward Joe with a face that said ‘why didn’t
you tell me’ kind of look.
“Well let’s give the kids time to say hello while I set
the table” my mom said and I knew she was lying because
she had already set the table.
“Hey guys” David spoke first.
“Hey man we hadn’t seen you in a while but one question
why are you here?” Asked Kevin.
“Well, Ally is my girlfriend and we have a week before
start shooting for out new movie so we have a mini
vacation” David replied he still didn’t know I had a past
with the three of them.
“Well it’s nice to see you again” Joe said and nick nodded
in agreement. I could see anger in Nick and Joe’s eyes.
“How have you been Ally? I mean we only know what we see on TV
or read on Magazines.
“I’m great I was really happy my career took off really quickly
and I’m sorry about not keeping contact with your family I just
felt if I did I would miss home even more” I said feeling bad
that I hurt their feelings.
“We understand” Kevin replied and gave his brother a look of
“I’ve read a lot about you guys too how’s the girlfriends?” I
Nick look surprised “Their good” Nick replied.
“Since when did you and David start going out?” Nick asked.
“Barely today” answered David.
“Not even an entire day and you are taking a whole week vacation
with him?” Joe said grilling me. This time I had it I’m sitting
here with my boyfriend trying to be okay with the fact that they
are being so rude to David and me. I just got up and walked
toward where the adults were and David followed. Soon the Jonas
Brothers came and sat at the table too.
“How did it go in there?” Mrs. Jonas asked.
“Just peachy” I said sarcastically.
“Oh I see” my mom said I could tell she knew it was a mistake
leaving us in there.
Dinner was over and the Jonas family left and David fell asleep
in the guest room after a shower. I waited till everyone fell
into deep sleep and I climbed out my bedroom window like I did
so many times before I moved. I went through the woods to my
sacred place. I sit on the deck looking at my reflection in the
water from the light of the moon. How much I missed it here. I
just took the nature in and took deep breaths.
“I missed you so much Ally weather you believe me or not I did”
a voice I could recognize anywhere- Nick.
I turned and looked at him still upset with his behavior
“Why were you being a complete jerk tonight? I haven’t seen you
in a year and that’s how you act? I can’t believe you would be
so mean and disrespectful to me and David. You had moved on so I
did too why can’t we just be okay with that? Why can’t we just
be friends?” I asked.
“Because I love you always have and always will. Can’t you
understand that? I like Miley but I’m in love with you. About
tonight I apologize for me and Joe we shouldn’t have acted that
way you guys didn’t deserve it” he then sat next to me.
“It’s okay; I won’t lie and say it didn’t hurt me when I knew ya
had girlfriends. David was the first guy who made me smile again
and I like him because in a way he reminds me of ya” I said
admitting the truth.
“Everything is always so complicated” he said and I knew I felt
that way too.
“Wish things got less complicated but we’re all trying to be
happy and we are beginning to be so we should just be grateful
for the progress we’ve made” I started humming to a song that
I’ve been working on that is soposto be a duet but I haven’t
found the lyrics. I come to a stop and look at him staring
straight into my eyes.
“That was beautiful, what song is that?” he asked.
“I’ve been working on it for a while but I just cant seem to
find the words. It was soposto be a duet but I don’t think I can
find any words for it” I said disappointed because I loved how
it sounded on my guitar.
“How about I help you? I am a song writer as well” he offered.
“No I’m sure you have a lot of songs you have to write I don’t
want to take any of your time” I felt embarrassed.
“I want to help you though, please let me do the duet with you”
he plead.
“Alright, we’ll meet here every night for the rest of my trip” I
“Sounds like a date” he said getting up.
“It is NOT a date” I said sternly.
“Okay I was just playing wouldn’t want David getting all mad” he
said as he helped me up.
“Whatever” I said as we both laughed I pushed him a bit and he
lost is balanced and I reached for him arm but we both ended up
in the water. When we came up we just started laughing
hysterically. We got out of the water and we started walking
towards the trees to head home. Nick gave me a long hug before
we both walked to our houses I looked up and saw that David saw
me and Nick hug. I felt awful I didn’t want him to think wrong.
I was soaking wet and it was dark and I was coming home with
Nick. Maybe I should just tell David the truth. I walked inside
and up the stairs he was waiting for mw outside my door.
“Let’s go inside my room” I said and he followed and closed the
door behind him quietly. He sat there looking heartbroken
waiting for an answer.
“Look it’s going to be long so why don’t I go change real quick
and we can talk calmly” I said getting pajamas and changing in
my restroom. When I got out he was in the exact same place he
was before.
I told him everything about when I was a little girl and
everything that had happened until now and I explained to him
that he has been the 1st person I’ve felt something for since
them. He sat there in complete silence next to me and didn’t say
a word the entire time. Eventually he turned to me and gave me a
huge kiss and I kissed him back. He broke away and we were both
out of air.
“I understand and it’s okay. That makes me understand why the
guys were acting so strange. They still love you and I do too. I
will be fighting twice as hard as them” he said feeling good
that I opened up to him the way I did.
“You don’t have to fight for something you already have” I said.
He gave me a big smile and a quick kiss.
“Good night babe” he said before he walked off. I fell asleep
The next morning I woke up to the smell of a wonderful
breakfast. I go to the restroom take a shower, brush my teeth
and get changed for the day. I ran down the stairs and my
parents were eating on the table and David was cooking.
“Wait, why are you cooking?” I asked.
“He insisted” my mother replied before he did.
“By the way he’s an excellent cook” my dad said taking another
bite of his omelet.
I laughed at my parents who seemed to so delighted to have David
here which made me feel good.
“Mom and dad I’m going to take David some where today and we
won’t be back until before dinner. Is that okay?” I asked them
for permission like I always did.
“That’s fine as long as you two come back home” she said taking
a bite of her French toast.
“Okay then David lets go. Dad I’m taking your car” I said
getting the keys.
“But u haven’t ate breakfast yet” David pointed out.
“I’m not hungry now let’s go” I said pulling him out of the
“Have fun and be careful” my parents said in unison.
“We will” we said back.
We got into my dad’s Bentley and I could see that the Jonas
family was just coming out of their house. Kevin, Joe, and Nick
just looked as we took off.
“Where are going?” David asked.
“Somewhere very special to me that I want to show you” I said.
It had been 15 minutes and then we arrived to the place I had
last been with Joe, Kevin, Lo, and Nick.
“As much as I love camping why are we here?” he asked and we
both giggled.
“Just follow me” I said leading him through the trees to the
huge meadow.
“Wow, it’s beautiful” he said looking at the flowers surrounding
“All this land is mine. My mother gave it to me she would bring
me here a lot when she could. I would come here when I missed
her and now farther down to the north I build a house to come
live here whenever I feel like everything is not going right
this will be my hide out. I want you to never tell anyone that I
am making a getaway house. There will be a huge black fence
surrounding my whole land. I have acres and acres of land that
just make me feel at piece it’s so beautiful theirs a lake on
the east and they just finished making the farm house for the
horses and animals I just bought” I said telling him my dream.
“I feel so honored that you’re sharing this with me and I
promise I won’t tell anyone” he said and I led him through a
small path leading through the meadow to the other side. He then
stopped at the sight of the house I had sent to built while I
was away.
“It is like a fairy tale, it is so huge like a castle” he said
in awe.
“I know there’re a lot of secrete passage ways and entries. A
lot of hidden rooms that are only known to me” I said feeling
satisfied that the house was exactly the way I wanted it. I
showed him the house but not the secret places. We went
horseback riding to the lake and I showed him the part of the
land and he loved every inch of it.
“Thanks for sharing this place with me. It is truly amazing and
that wasn’t even the whole land. I can’t wait to see what else
you add to this place” he smiled as we headed toward the car. I
realized he was more than my boyfriend he was like my bestfriend
and I was glad that David filled that empty whole in my heart.
“You are the only one that is allowed to visit me once I decide
to get away and I had the best day today” I said.
He kissed me before I headed out to the road. “Ally you are one
of a kind and if you need someone to get away with I will be the
one you can always call” he said in a gentle voice.
“Thank you babe” was all I said.
We got home and my mother received us.
“Why do you two smell like horse?” she asked.
“Umm, we went to a ranch to go ride horses in Seagoville” I
“It was fun” David said. We both went up stairs and took a
shower got ready and we met in the hallway before heading down
“Okay you guys we have some news” my mother said as we all sat
on the dinner table about to eat.
“Me and you mother both have to go on business trip. We are
terribly sorry” they said and I understood but I couldn’t help
to feel a deep sadness. I felt like someone just stabbed me
through the heart.
“That isn’t fair” I said obviously disappointed.
“I know sweetie, but as soon as the business trip is over in 3
weeks we promise we will visit you for a week in Los Angeles” my
dad replied.
“Okay then” I said and we ate peacefully having different
“Ally we leave tomorrow but you got a key just lock up and
everything when you head back to you aunts” my mother said
trying not to show the sadness in her face.
“Don’t worry mom I will just be careful and call me when you are
there” I hugged her goodnight and David and I headed upstairs.
“What’s wrong?” David asked when he got in my room.
“Why would you think something is wrong?” I asked trying to hide
the fact something was making me uneasy.
“I saw your face babe, what’s going on?” he asked again.
“When my parents said they had to go on a business trip I just
felt a huge pain to my heart. All the sudden I felt drowned in
fear and sadness I just have no idea why” I said realizing how
calm David made me feel. Maybe I am falling for him. He hugged
me and it just felt good to be in his arms. I knew that moment
that he was going to be the one to make me happy.
“I’m going to let you go to bed my love” he said kissing my fore
“Goodnight babe” I said giving him a kiss that turned to making
out. His lips so soft and gentle against mine. Then he pulled
“As much as I would love to kiss you forever, you parents are
still here and I wouldn’t want to disrespect their house” he
said as I put a puppy face on.
“Okay, you meanie” I said and we both giggled. He gave me one
last kiss before he left my room and down the hall.
I waited an hour before I snuck out my window. Nick had already
beat me here.
“Hey there” I said catching his attention from the moon.
“Beautiful isn’t it?” he asked.
“You know when I wasn’t on tour I would come here every night
and think of you” he said still not taking his eyes of the moon.
“My aunt got me a place that was like this; very similar. Across
the lake was a small house and in it the wall were filled with
books and a love seat with a mini fridge. I would sit on the
deck of the lake like I did here but somehow it wasn’t the same”
I said fixated on the moon as well.
“Just knowing you’re going to be gone soon. I know that I lost
you this time but I will keep fighting for your love no matter
what happens” he said and I knew it was true.
“You could never lose me. I want you to know when I’m truly
gone, I’m still alive” he turned to look at me with a confused
“What are you talking about?” he asked.
My eyes still stuck on the sky I reply “You’ll find out later on
just don’t forget what I just said” I realized now I left one
person with hope they don’t realize they are going to have later
“I have to go” he said getting up.
“Why so early?” I asked.
“Miley is coming tomorrow morning” he said looking at a
different direction when I turned and looked at him.
“Well, that will be nice wouldn’t it. To spend time with her
since it’s been a while right” he just nodded. I got up as well
and we started walking.
“I’m sorry we didn’t get a chance to work on the song” he said
looking down at his hands.
“It’s fine, just forget I even mentioned a song” I said.
“Are you mad at me because Miley is coming?” he asked.
“Not at all I just can’t come every night I’m here” I said
knowing I couldn’t bare to hurt David’s feelings.
“Why?” he asked as we stopped before going our seprate ways.
“I have a boyfriend that loves me and I don’t want to hurt him”
was all I said before walking towards the tree by my window.
I went to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
I woke up too early to I decided to go for a run. I put on some
shorts and a sports bra and walked out the house. As I plugged
my headphones to my ears I heard a door close. My head shot up
to look and it was Joe. He seemed to be going on a jog as well.
He ran toward me and stopped right in front of me.
“Good morning sun shine” he said his smile was adorable and he
used it well.
“Good morning captain crunch” I said and we both giggled.
“Why captain crunch?”
“Because you always loved eating captain crunch cereal” I said
mater of factly. He laughed and I joined with a giggle.
“Do you run every morning?” he asked.
“No, a lot of times I do but sometimes I take a break for a
“Well, like awesome runner I am” we both laughed “I run every
“Okay Mr. awesome runner let’s get to it” I said taking off
running and he soon caught up with me. We ran to the park and
did a few laps around it before taking a break.
“You’re a good runner” he said with a wink.
“You’re not that bad yourself” I said giggling.
“You know I’m glad we took this run together because by the way
your abs are great and the guys also running couldn’t stop
“Joe, they were not staring!”
“Yes, they were. You got to admit your beautiful.” That made me
“I love you.” I realized that I just spoke my thoughts out loud
and I took off running to the swings. He stood there for a few
seconds before he started running after me.
“Ally, wait!” He screamed after me. When I got to the swings I
just started to swing as far up as I could go hoping I could
disappear in thin air. But that didn’t happen Joe took a seat on
the other swing to my right.
“I love you too Ally, I never stopped. It broke my heart to see
you with David but on the bright side you’re not married and I
still have a chance” I knew it was true they all had a chance.
“I never tried to hurt you guys, I also never intended to have a
boyfriend for a long time but David he brought back feelings
that I hadn’t felt in so long. All the sudden I didn’t feel
alone anymore. I know it might sound weird but when I’m with him
I feel like I’m with one of ya” I said looking down.
“One day your going have to realize the fact that he is not us
and maybe you like him a lot but I think you’re in love with the
idea of him” it’s like he reads my mind some times.
“Maybe you and I are meant to be together just not now. You have
your girlfriend which happens to be one of my friends and I’m
with David.”
Our swings were slowing down now and we saw a flash. Joe and I
looked and a few photographers we’re taking pictures.
I walked toward them.
“I would really appreciate if you didn’t take photos of us. I am
on a vacation and Joe is trying to relax before another tour so
please respect that” I said and walked back to Joe. I grabbed
his hand and I started running and Joe followed. I let go of his
hand and we ran the rest of the way home.
“I’m sorry about that I had no idea they were going to be at the
park” he said seeming upset.
“No, it’s okay really, it happens to me a lot so I’m use to it
don’t forget your not the only celebrities on this block” I said
and I gave Joe a hug before entering my house. I was all sweaty
so I was about to head upstairs to take a shower when I saw my
parents coming down with their luggage.
“You’re leaving already?” I asked feeling the same pain but this
time I let out a grown of pain.
“What’s wrong honey?” my mom dropped her luggage and ran toward
“I’m fine mom, I hope ya fun over there” I said.
“We will just be careful okay and call us when your leaving back
to California” they hugged me even though I was sweaty.
“Bye mija, take care” my mother said as they walked out the
I went up stairs and took a shower and got ready for today. I
felt the same pain again and I fell to the floor.
“DAVID! DAVID!” I screamed. I heard him running down the hall
and he finally got here.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“Hospital… Please…” was all I said trying to take the pain.
I let out a scream and he picked me up. He got the keys to the
Bentley and he drove to the Emergency room. They immediately put
me in a room and ran some test. They gave me medicine for the
pain. The doctor came in with a look that said ‘I’m sorry for
what I’m about to tell you’ I waited impatiently for him to
“What’s wrong with her” David spoke up he looked so scared this
whole time and I knew he felt so helpless because he couldn’t
help in this case.
“Ms. Williams you have a tumor in the brain and you heart was
having some problems with the blood circulation. We need to
operate your heart right away so we can fix it and it will be
back to normal. About the brain tumor you have two options you
can ether fight it and take medication or we can remove it
before it gets worse and after you’ll have to also take
medication and kimo therapy. I’ll give you a minute and by the
way I need a guardian signature” he said and left the room.
“David hand me my phone please” he waited to see who I called.
I put it on speaker so he could hear.
“Hello” a female voice answered.
“Aunt Lacey, its Ally” I said.
“Hey honey, how you’ve been?” she asked.
“Well, I need you to come to Baylor hospital here in Dallas”
“Why? What happened?”
“I need you to sign a consent form for two surgeries and my
parents are away on a flight to New York”
“Why would you need surgery?” she asked obviously worried now.
“I have a tumor in my head and my heart was having problems with
the circulation of the blood” I said as a tear escaped my eyes.
“I’ll be there in a few hours don’t worry” she said her voice
cracking. Then she hanged up.
“It’s okay to cry, I’ll be here every step of the way” he said
kissing my fore head.
“Can you do me a favor and go back home and bring some clothes
and some things to keep me entertained. I have a feeling I’m
going to be here for a while” I said.
“Okay I won’t take long” he said and walked out the door.
The doctor came back in. “So, have you made a decision?” he
“Yes, I want both of the surgeries and my aunt is flying from
California to come sign the consent forms” I said taking a deep
breath. He sat on the chair David was sitting at.
“Alyssa Sophia Williams, my daughter is a huge fan and I will do
everything possible in my hands to get you back to your normal
life not just because my daughter loves you but because you are
young and beautiful and you deserve to live as long as you can
like everyone should” I smiled “I will give you until your aunt
come to be sure of what your really want to do with the Tumor
surgery because as far as I can tell your in stage two and you
will start to feel weaker, you will vomit, and see things” he
explained and I felt my heart sink. Again a huge pain through my
heart and I let out a scream. He got up real quick and screamed
“Code Blue” I heard footsteps and heard Dr. James say “We can’t
wait any longer we have to operate. Get her to an O.R. NOW”
that’s all I heard before everything went black.
My eyes slightly opened and I heard my name.
“Ally can you hear me?” I didn’t know who it was.
“Mmmhh” was all I could let out for now.
“Honey it’s aunt Lacey and David” she said.
My eyes were completely opened now and I just stared into David
and aunt Lacey’s faces. Tears falling down my aunts face she
gave me a hug and then so did David but he gave me a quick kiss.
“How long have I been like this?” I asked.
“Too long” David replied.
“You gave us quite the scare there. I filled out all the forms
and I just called the Jonas’s so they would know” they said and
I nodded. We turned to look at the sound of the door opened and
it was the Jonas family. Denise ran toward me with tears in her
eyes “why didn’t you call me right away?” she asked.
“We didn’t have time, sorry” I said.
“Well me and David will let ya visit while we go to the
cafeteria” aunt Lacey said walking out and taking a sad David
with her.
Have you contacted your parents?” Mr. Jonas asked.
“I don’t want to worry them” I said.
“Well, they have to find out some time. It just would be better
to have you parents with you through this” Mrs. Jonas said and I
knew she was right.
“Come on honey, let’s let the kids talk” Mr. Jonas led his wife
out the room.
“It’s okay to speak you know” I giggled.
“How can you be laughing at a time like this?” Nick said
“Look no matter what happens what I choose to do there is a
possibility I could die. I don’t want to die like that I want to
take advantage of every minute I have” I said softly.
“Are you okay Joe?” I said he was on the verge of tears.
“No, I’m not okay. The girl I’m in love with has a 50/50 chance
of dying. How would I possibly be alright?” he said letting the
tears runs down his face.
“Look at it this way I have a 50/50 chance of living” I said
trying to make them feel better.
“What have you chosen just tell us please?” Kevin spoke up his
eyes watery now.
“I chose the surgery” I said.
“Why?” Nick asked “You know you could die in the O.R. right?”
“Yes, Nick I know” I looked down.
“Can I talk to each one of ya alone” I asked.
Kevin nodded and his and Joe got up.
“Nick, don’t be mad” I started.
“I’m mad at myself David gets to be here with you all the time
and hold your hand, tell you it’s going to be okay, when you
wake up the first thing you’re going to see is his face, and
most of all I can’t kiss you and tell you how much I love you
and make you feel like everything is going to be perfect again”
he said through tears.
“You can do all of that if you choose too and as much as I want
you here you have a girlfriend who should be arriving at you
house any minute” I said.
He got up and kissed me and I couldn’t help but kiss him back.
He pulled away and walked out. Kevin came in next.
“I think you should fight” he said.
“What?” I was shocked.
“I want you to fight. Don’t get that surgery it’s dangerous. I
want you to fight” he said once more “Because I will be fighting
right by your side” his words made a tear escape from my eyes.
I started to look around.
“What are you looking at?” he asked.
“The birds, there beautiful” I said.
“There are no birds” he said softly.
“You don’t get it, I’m starting to see things I don’t even know
what’s real anymore” I said tears streaming down my face.
“I love you Ally no matter what happens from now on I will be
there for you” he said before his lips collided with mine. When
we kissed I could see a beach with clear blue water. It felt
like paradise. He pulled away and then the beach was gone.
“I’ll see you soon” he said kissed my check and walked out. Now
it was Joe’s turn.
“Hey, my love” he walked in with huge flowers and a teddy bear.
“I guess some one visited the gift shop” we both giggled.
“I’m sorry about breaking down earlier I should be trying to
make you laugh and smile but instead I was being rude” I could
see the disappointment he felt for himself.
“Joe it’s perfectly natural. I’m just glad you’re here” I said
realizing his presence made me feel better.
“I broke up with Taylor today when I got home and she agreed it
was the best” he said “now I will fight for you with all my
“I meant it when I said I love you” I smiled “I want ya here
with me every step of the way but I know your tour starts in two
“My heart will always be with you” he said. He kissed me and for
a while. He sat on the side of my bed just kissing me so
passionately. He made my world spin. He pulled away and said
“you are the only person who will always have my heart” he
kissed me one more time before he called everyone back in.
Aunt Lacey was the first to walk in.
“I called the director of the movie and let him know he
understood but we have to transfer you to the hospital in Los
Angeles” she said waiting for my reaction.
“My job is my job and I will finish what I started” I said.
“No, you won’t” David said.
“Why not?” I said.
“Don’t you realize you have cancer, a brain in your tumor you
are in no condition to be over working yourself” he said
“Look I will get the surgery and after I will do the movie and
do Kimo therapy. Plus I will take all the medication that they
tell me but I’m not letting my fans down. WE ARE DOING THE
MOVIE” It was a command not an option.
“I talked to the doctor and he said it was fine you’ll have the
surgery tomorrow morning they’ll wait a few days and run some
test and then we can leave back to California. He will send all
the test and information to the hospital so they can know that
you are going to be their patient now” she said.

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