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RD bia ce "hy PERAN RUANG TERBUKA HIJAU DALAM PENGENDALIAN KUALITAS UDARA DI DKI JAKARTA SRIHARTININGSIH PURNOMOHADI NRP. 89526 PROGRAM PASCASARJANA INSTITUT PERTANIAN BOGOR 1995 haw nee JUDUL DISERTASI : PERAN RUANG TERBUKA HIJAU DALAM PENGENDALIAN KUALITAS UDARA : DIDKI JAKARTA "", NAMA MAHASISWA =: _~—s SRIHARTININGSIH PURNOMOHADI NOMOR POKOK : 89526 DISETUJUI OLEIT eriicwncr Cte cere ge «ese (rof. Dr. Ir. Ishemat Soerianegara) LE te (Prof. Dr. Ir. Lutfi I. Nasution) Anggota Ketua Program Studi Pengelolaan Z Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan “%« Program Pascasarjana IPB r ABSTRACT Interaction and functional relationship of urban green open space (UGOS) and air quality status of DKI-Jakarta was studied. It was evident that progresses in urban transport development, industrialization, properties~housing estate development, and urban waste disposal have resulted in substantial increase in emission of air pollution. The UGOS is realized as capable of intercepting (physical adsorption, chemical adsorption, and chemical continual adsorptions. by various types of air pollutant). Seven air pollutants, ie: CO, CO, NOx, SOx, TSP, HC and Pb were selected for investigation. Emission of these air pollutants was assumed to be originated only from combustion of fuels (gasoline, oil, liquified petroleum gas - LPG, coal, coke, and urban solid waste) by four main original sources of air pollutant (industry, transportation, household, and urban waste burning) for a ten year period (1982-1991). Some mathematical models were adopted and adjusted to the local environment in assessing the systemic interactions of all variables, which consist mainly on the dispersion models of air pollutants. Interception of air pollutants by the UIGOS was calculated by using various partial empirical models appropriate to each pollutant behaviour, like SUR (Seemingly Unrelated Regression) and Linier Simulation Equation Models. The UGOS of DKI-Jakarta consists of those under the management of the Jakarta Park Services ("RTH-Pertamanan”; which comprises of Urban Parks, Traffic Greenbelts, and Urban Corridors), and those belonging to other parties/authorities ("RTH-Lain”); which consists of State Forest Area and Other Vegetated Land, in 1991, the UGOS covers “only” 3,72% of the total area (24,61 km2 of 661,26 km2). This study reveals that it performs important interception roles through the air pollution emissions transformation capacity into their ambient status from all sources as follows: CO (2,55-5,42%), CO> (4.99-10,07%), NO (1,62-2,18%), SOx (1,61-2,60%), TSP (0,71-0,88%), HC (1,87-2,38%) and Pb (1,68-4,53%). To reach the 10% of UGOS for DKI-Jakarta, which about three times of the existing size, the interception capacity could be greater with quality and quantity improvement, not mentioning other supporting efforts like mass transportation, encouraging better and proper management from all sectors related. Knowing the UGOS very limited capacity in intercepting seven air pollutant mentioned above, it revealed that the existing “RTH-Pertamanan” must be enhanced to a better quality as well as quantity which should be done right away, by encouraging high rise apartments development esp. for the majority of low income people, to provide more (green) open spaces and comprehensive transportation policy. Srinartiningsrl Purvomelack, wre 89526

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