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Computer System Management


Submitted By:

Sunil Aryal (NP000065)

Rajat Gurung (NP000052)

Kiran Thapa (NP000034)

Submitted to:

Mr. Ronesh Adhikari

This assignment is of Computer Systems Management which is to be produced by a research
report aimed at a mixed readership, in terms of level of technical and managerial knowledge. It
covers the organizational goals, models and strategies required for the smooth operation of
business organization. The report is produced as per the curriculum of Asia Pacific University.

During the progress of the assignment, a lot of problems, difficulties, and obstacles are in our
way to the completion of the project.

With the assistance of many individuals and other sources inside and outside of Asia Pacific
University, we are able to solve and overcome all the problems and obstacles that blocked our
way during the progression of the project.

We would like to say a big thank you to our beloved CSM lecturer, Mr. Ronesh Adhikari for his
high constant spirit of teaching and guiding me with his knowledge on this assignment. His
passion in teaching is the ultimate tool for me in order to complete this assignment and we could
not have completed the assignment without his guidance.

Last but not least, we would like to express our appreciation to our university, Asia Pacific
University for providing me with various resources and facilities such as the computer lab,
library, and other online sources provided exclusively for me, the students of APU.
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Background ........................................................................................................................................... 1
Mission ...................................................................................................................................................... 1
Core Activities ........................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Services ............................................................................................................................................... 2
Network/Server Installation.................................................................................................................. 2
Physical Security & Surveillance- CCTV /Access Control/ IP Camera / PABX ........................................ 3
Website Development .......................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Business Model ................................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Business Strategy ................................................................................................................................ 6
3. IS and IT Strategies ................................................................................................................................ 7
3.1 IS Strategies......................................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 IT Strategies................................................................................................................................... 8
4. Critical Evaluation ............................................................................................................................... 11
INDIVIDUAL PART (SUNIL ARYAL)................................................................................................................ 12
1. Service ................................................................................................................................................. 12
Network/Server Installation ................................................................................................................... 12
2. SWOT Analysis..................................................................................................................................... 13
2.1. Strengths .......................................................................................................................................... 13
2.2. Weakness ......................................................................................................................................... 13
2.3. Opportunity................................................................................................................................. 14
2.4. Threats ........................................................................................................................................ 15
3. Technology Challenges........................................................................................................................ 16
3.1. Security Threats ............................................................................................................................... 16
3.2. Solutions to Overcome Security Threats ......................................................................................... 17
INDIVIDUAL PART (Kiran Thapa) .......................................................................................................... 19
1. SERVICE ............................................................................................................................................... 19
Website Development ................................................................................................................................. 19
2. SWOT ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................ 20
Strength ................................................................................................................................................... 20
Weakness ................................................................................................................................................ 20
Opportunities .......................................................................................................................................... 21
Threats ........................................................................................................................................................ 21
Recommendation ........................................................................................................................................ 22
3. Technologies Challenges ..................................................................................................................... 23
Security Threats ...................................................................................................................................... 23
Recommendation........................................................................................................................................ 23
Backups ................................................................................................................................................... 23
Health and Safety .................................................................................................................................... 24
Employee Skills........................................................................................................................................ 24
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 24
INDIVIDUAL PART (RAJAT GURUNG) ............................................................................................... 25
1. Service................................................................................................................................................. 25
Physical Security & Serveillance – CCTV/Access Control/ IP Camera/ PABX .................................... 25
2. SWOT Analysis .............................................................................................................................. 26
STRENGTH........................................................................................................................................ 26
OPPORTUNITY ................................................................................................................................. 27
THREATS........................................................................................................................................... 28
3. Technology challenges ........................................................................................................................ 28
Security Threats ...................................................................................................................................... 28
Being Hacked ...................................................................................................................................... 29
Recommend solutions ......................................................................................................................... 29
Vandalism ........................................................................................................................................... 29
Firmware Update ................................................................................................................................ 30
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................. 30
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................ 31

Our company “Royal’s IT Service” has set its goodwill as a trusted partner to work in the field of
the Information Technology all across the Nepal. With the ever changing world of technology
and short communication time, we are able to expand our organization that has reached all across
the globe. Since its establishment period in the year 2010 A.D, the company has been covering
various sectors of IT for several types of enterprise. “Royal’s IT Service” has the capability of
developing technologically advanced software solutions with the help our skilled human

We have largely incorporated our market mainly in South Asian countries focusing on the
technological advancement of developing countries. We were able to gain extensive experience
which combines the know-how of all subsidiaries incorporated within our group. The main
motive of our company is customer satisfaction. Keeping that in mind we are able to win trust of
our clients which keeps us motivating to build better products for the people that helped us to
uplift our company standards into new heights.

2. Background

Royals’ IT Service is a software as well as tech sales company which provides both hardware
and software solutions to other organization. It has a history of collaboration with other group of
company or organizations for mutual business benefits.

 To replace traditional organizational working system with the integration of digital
technologies into everyday life by the digitization.
 Extending the service to international level.
 To build easy to use and convenient system software.
 To work and incorporate with different sectors by pursuing business through technology
and innovation.
 Customer Satisfaction.

Core Activities

Following are the services provided by our company developed by expert team:

 Desktop Application Development

 Multimedia and Graphics Designs
 Mobile Application Development (Android & IOS)
 Web Application Development
 Service on Site
 Web Hosting Services
 Network/Server Installation

2.1 Services
Network/Server Installation

ROyal’s IT Service’s vision is to protect clients’ network from every attacks, threats and
vulnerabilities with a proactive process of real-time threat visibility and intelligence. Effective
Network Security manages access to network which targets different threats and stops them from
entering and spreading on your network.

We provide following types of Network Security to our customers:

 Data Protection
 Application Security
 Anti- malware and Antivirus installation
 Penetration Testing
 Wireless Security
 Web Security
 Routing and Switching
 Network Security – Network Security Policy/ Firewall Implementation
 Network Operations – Network Administration/ Technical Support/ LAN & Wan

 LAN Technologies- Ethernet/WLAN/ Converged Network(Voice/Data/Video)

Physical Security & Surveillance- CCTV /Access Control/ IP Camera / PABX

ROyal’s IT Service also offers security system installation services. The services include
installing CCTV Cameras, Dome cameras, IP camera and PABX for the purpose of our clients
Security. The installation of CCTV has many advantages such as, it reduces crimes, provides
security and protect the valuable properties of people. Due to its easy installation features,
perfect design, reliable structure, longer service life, excellent performance and less maintenance
the CCTV cameras are widely demanded in the IT industry.

ROyal’s IT has partnered with HIKVISION, the leading supplier of video surveillance products
and solutions. The company has topped the list as the world’s largest supplier of CCTV & Video
Surveillance Equipment for six consecutive years (2011-2016) and retains the number one
market share position in virtually all individual equipment categories, including network
cameras, analog and HD CCTV cameras, DVR/NVRs, and video encoders.

ROyal’s IT Service also specialize in the design, installation and maintenance of structured
cabling systems i.e. PABX. IT is an automatic telephone switching system within the private
enterprise systems. With the help of PABX a single access number can offer multiple lines to
outside callers to provide external lines to internal callers and staffs.

Website Development

We develop professional, managed, responsive and

secure web application for our clients with our expert,
creative and skilled team to help customers with their
online presence. We offer variety of website design and
development services which include creating mobile
web development solutions and responsive website
designs using the latest and secured web technologies.
We help to build the websites that not only look great,
but also meet the needs of both the clients and their

targeted audience. The designers and developers of ROyal’s IT service work together to help
create attractive designs that fit the client’s brand and create functionality and user experience
that helps in promoting the business online. From simple to complex, we focus on a full range of
website services that satisfies our clients to meet their specific needs. ROyal’s IT uses different
platforms for designing i.e. PHP, ASP.Net, JavaScript, HTML 5, Css3 and jQuery for highly
reliable web services.

The major websites we’ve been creating are:

 E-Commerce Website (Online Shopping, Banking)

 Gaming Website
 College/School Website
 Educational Consultancies
 Corporate Website

2.2 Business Model

Figure 1: Royals' IT Service Business Model

Competitive Forces

The firm partly depends on the behavior of its rivals, selecting the right competitive move
involves finding one whose outcome is quickly determined and also skewed as much as possible
toward the firm's own interest. The goal for the firm is to avoid destabilizing and costly warfare,
which spells poor results for all participants, but yet still outperform other firms. (books, n.d.)

Legal Environment

There are various laws that are used to ensure that the business works in the right way. These
laws are put in place to regulate the way the business is done and are meant to curb unethical
business activities. Therefore, there is needed to look at the laws and the reason why they were
passed. (lawteacher, n.d.)

Technological Change

A technological change is an increase in the efficiency of a product or process that results in an

increase in output, without an increase in input. In other words, someone invents or improves a
product or process, which is then used to get a bigger reward for the same amount of work. The
technological change will assist in the following things to make business more efficient.

 Impact on Operating Costs

 Improved Communication
 Increased Productivity
 Broaden Customer Bases
 Collaboration and Outsourcing

2.3 Business Strategy



To provide quality and innovative To provide information technology

services that exceeds the expectations of solutions for small to medium-sized
our esteemed customers businesses and large organizations

To build long term relationships with our

customers and clients and provide exceptional

customer services by pursuing business through

innovation and advanced technology

Figure 2: Royals' IT Business Strategy


In the times when the project can’t be complete on given time or some technical issues arises
then Royals’ IT use outsourcing for the successful completion of the project at a given time. The
reason outsourcing is kept as an option is for maintaining goodwill of the company and ensuring
customer satisfaction. This backup will be the useful tool for this organization to handle worst
case scenarios.

3. IS and IT Strategies

3.1 IS Strategies
Information Systems in Business undoubtedly a source of competitive strength for a company to
perform better than their rivals in today’s information age. A business will want to have a solid
infrastructure, a web presence, updated software and hardware within budget, inexpensive ways
to produce goods and services, and vendor /shipping companies included within the business
network. Putting all of these systems together will give a business better customer relationship
management service which increases profits. Royals’ IT Service has formed the following
strategies to meet the business requirement:

Marketing Systems

Marketing is a very important part of business. This will help companies earn more money and
increase revenue. So, an institution realized that when sales grew and decreased, it could use this
information on its own side. Marketing strategies see how organizations view how their
technologies are working, and every strategy increases in sales. The marketing system will
analyze these data and help you see that discounts will help them earn more money or if there is
a loss of benefits.

Financial Systems

In an organization, the information system helps you manage and track company financial
aspects / you get money and manage the company's capital. You can use track case systems that
use spreadsheet systems, using the information system will help you find pattern savings and
trends that will be helpful when searching for the organization to save. This will help the
organization spend more money and why.

Human Resources

They are analyzed in the Human Resources Department so that they need information systems
that help them efficiently analyze. Institutions can try to try to look at the department where the
skills are needed and where the lack is, it requires more employees to focus on those areas. It
helps information like ROyal’s IT Service, because at the lack of staff, they will look at the
information system where the operating process starts.


The information systems of Royals’ IT service will support the major business model and

Sales and marketing help the firm identify customers for the firm’s products or services, develop
products and services to meet customers’ needs, promote the products and services, sell the
products and services, and provide ongoing customer support. Manufacturing and production
systems deal with the planning, development, and production of products and services, and
controlling the flow of production.

Finance and accounting systems keep track of the firm’s financial assets and fund flows. Human
resources systems maintain employee records; track employee skills, job performance, and
training; and support planning for employee compensation and career development.

Likewise Human Resource is the most important part of any business as they are the one who
will gather analyze and provide feedback to the collected data and information to further uplift
the business.

3.2 IT Strategies

All information system has a database in the system that stores all the data. The design and
creation of a database is the first part of the system to create information and there are several
steps to develop data module. The data model represents data in a specific design that describes
the relationship between information storage and various data in the database. Data models can
be used on both manuals and computerized systems.
Information and data in the data model is stored in the hard disk or database on the central
server. To improve the navigation of the database, a database contains a index that simplifies the
location of the information; This is especially useful for large databases.

Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems

Artificial intelligence (AI) and expert systems are used by the information system to simulate a
commercial system, which will be an expert in a specific department. The computer works,

which man usually, does. The system will have a set of changeable rules, how the system will
work and allows the employee to employ by employee. These rules allow the system to change
the results of the information system and by analyzing the default guidelines for obtaining data.

Predictive Modeling

Predictive modeling can produce useful management information, which allows companies to
predict future events. An information system uses data stored on its database in the model, which
shows the future results of specific changes to the company. This information can be used to
estimate the company in any decline or the expected profit for the next year; The Company
decides to decide how to improve the company's work.


The information system can be improved accessible through the Internet. Accessible information
systems on the Internet allow people to access, which is good for companies that require data
from the general public. Alternatively, a notification system is connected to the Internet, which
can only be accessed by users within a company using the information system. The system has
then been saved using password and user-recognition methods. There are other benefits of online
information systems, such as the company does not face other network difficulties because it
would otherwise be. Additionally, any Internet Development Tool can be used to build and
improve the use of system and reduce system development time.

Data Mining Systems

Data mining system data entry can be seen in an information system and can be identified and
patterns or patterns. All this information is a valuable tool in the system, because it can get data
detection / tendency that the company did not know so they can use it to make decisions. Data
extraction can be easily used because the system can use useful information to easily understand
and use it. It can also be used with specialist systems to predict future formats by analyzing
current formats and trends if they grow or decrease. This information may be affected by admin's


The data and information in Royals' IT is recorded, organized, related and interpreted within
context to impart meaning. The above toolkit will enable management of the company in a
spherical way and include every aspect of the company architecture: processes, business
organization and IT structures, as well as software support. Yet it also has to be introduced in
reached stages so that it can deliver tangible success. Business departments, senior management,
and IT teams all have to be convinced for the significance of the Strategic Model in success.

(sciencedirect, n.d.)

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4. Critical Evaluation

Based on the information provided above, Royals’ IT Service has a wide range of possibility to
adjust in the competitive market. It has maintained almost all the requirement to fulfill the needs
of the business and has been able to cope with emerging market scenario by making required
technological changes that world is familiar with. The model and strategies are developed in
such a way that it addresses the problem and issue that may occur while handling the business. It
has also a great potential to emerge and expand business in global market because of the detail
focus on the customers’ requirements. The company has a wide range of opportunities to
establish itself in the unchartered territory of country where there is still chance of rapid
technological growth in coming days.

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1. Service
Network/Server Installation
Meeting the business objectives of an organization starts with a dynamic network and IT
architecture. Royals’ IT provides strategy, assessment planning and design services aligned with
your IT and application needs. We assess network readiness, identify gaps and provide a
roadmap for network transformation with the rest of IT. Consulting services for software-defined
networking, network function virtualization and network infrastructure and application
optimization helps ensure that your network is future-ready for hybrid cloud and IT-as-a-Service
deployments. (ibm, n.d.)

Royals' IT service provides network’s growing need for agility, security and scalability in a
multivendor, multi-technology environment. We provide straightforward guidance and extensive
knowledge on networking across industries, and we use a lifecycle approach that spans strategy,
assessment, planning, design, implementation and management. Our services range from
network connectivity consulting and integration to managed network services and software-
defined networking. (IBM, n.d.)

Traditional enterprise network architectures and technologies are too rigid and slow to change to
support hybrid cloud and ITaaS deployments – which are foundational for digital transformation.
Royals’ IT Services for Software-defined Networks (SDN) help the client to transform their
hardware and device-centric network to a virtual, software-defined network for improved agility,
security and cost efficiency. It offers an unbiased approach to network transformation across
multiple SDN technologies with network design, deployment and management services to build
networks that support your application requirements and business needs.

(IBM, n.d.)

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2. SWOT Analysis

2.1. Strengths
 Highly skilled human resource
 Low wage structure
 Quality of work
 Initiatives taken by the Government (setting up Hi-Tech Parks and implementation of e-
governance projects)
 English-speaking professionals
 Cost Optimization
 Quality networking infrastructure

Cost Optimization

Royals’ IT reduces IT-related expense of our clients with automation, software-defined and
virtualized networks that helps organizations invest in more strategic innovation. Virtualized
network greatly benefits the client from reducing expenses for LAN cabling and extra routers
and switches. Therefore we are able to provide good quality service in a low price.

Recommendation: According to cost leadership strategies cost can be optimized by increasing

profits by reducing costs, while charging industry-average prices. The increment in market share
through charging lower prices in other hand company will still make a reasonable profit on each
sale because of reduced cost.

2.2. Weakness
 Absence of practical knowledge
 Absence of service centers outside the valley
 Less Research and Development
 Contribution of IT sector to Nepal’s GDP is still rather small.
 Employee salaries in IT sector are increasing tremendously. Low wages benefit will soon
come to an end.

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Absence of service centers outside the valley

Royals’ IT Service has expanded its service to different corners of our nation. In case of network
services it has been able to gain consumer trust. But when customer support is required to the
client, it is a great challenge to address the client issue due to lack of customer care support in
other parts of the country. Simple issue can be resolved remotely but when there arises a bigger
issue then the company has to send the support team from the head office to other corners of the
country. This results in the increment in the expenditure of company because all the travelling
expenses must be provided by the company to the hired employee for client visit.

Recommendation: To address this situation, company service center can be established in

different regions of the country to assist clients on time. The focus or target area must be selected
so that maximum clients can be benefited from the branches. We can cooperate with other
organization to provide service to our valuable customers.

2.3. Opportunity

Since our country has limited use of technology. The rural part of our country is still far from
technological advancement. Those rural places has a market to be covered, thus this will be a
great benefit to expand our business in these rural places where technology can be greatly
utilized. Most places of our country are filled with tourism thus focusing on this platform will be
a great opportunity to further take our products to unchartered territory. Some key points that
create opportunity for Royals’ IT are:

 High quality IT education market

 Increasing number of working age people
 Market opportunity in unexplored territory
 Upcoming International Players in the market

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Market opportunity in unexplored territory

Since our country has limited use of technology. The rural part of our country is still far from
technological advancement. Those rural places has a market to be covered, thus this will be a
great benefit to expand our business in these rural places where technology can be greatly
utilized. Most places of our country are filled with tourism thus focusing on this platform will be
a great opportunity to further take our products to unchartered territory.

Recommendation: To study market for Royals’ IT service to expand its service in the rural parts
of our country, survey team can be deported for the feasibility study to start service in
unchartered territory. The survey team can perform market research to further expand the
services in those areas.

2.4. Threats
 Hardware and software failure
 Denial-of-service
 Security breaches
 Competitors


In the capital city there are lots of IT companies emerging in the market. They are coming up
with new business ideas of their own to gain the market value. New rivals that offer customers
fast service and cutting-edge technology, for example, may lure an older telecommunications
company's existing customers away, especially if the older company can't offer the same new
features. The countries like China and Philippines with qualified workforce are making efforts to
overcome the English language barrier.

Recommendations: Acquiring practical skills that will enable to understand what customers’
expectations are, exceeding their expectations on product and service delivery, understanding
what drives their behavior when buying, understanding how the environment to operate in can
affect firm and the competitors, getting a clear understanding of who the competitor is and what
they may be up to, developing strategies that will help to attack the competitor and effectively
defend firm flanks. (braincert, n.d.) (naukrihub, n.d.) (conceptdraw, n.d.)

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3. Technology Challenges

While expanding the business abroad, cyber security and privacy issues, along with
infrastructure management and emerging technologies, rank as the top security threats
organizations face today, according to a just-released survey report from global consulting firm
Protiviti and ISACA, a global business technology professional association for IT
audit/assurance, governance, risk and information security professionals. The survey of 1,062 IT
audit and internal audit leaders and professionals found that IT audit is also becoming more
involved in major technology implementation projects within organizations. Malware attacks by
hackers are also the key security threats that must be addressed while going global.

Businesses face many external and internal digital threats that can corrupt hardware and
compromise data. Your private data and intellectual property could be used in e-crimes or fraud.

3.1. Security Threats

Malware, viruses, spam and cookies

Malicious software or malware spreads worms, viruses, Trojans and spyware through:

 Email attachments
 Files on removable storage devices
 Visits to infected websites

Hackers use malware to control your computer remotely, steal or destroy information (including
passwords), corrupt hardware and software, or spread malware. Spam or junk emails promote
fake or non-existent products and services such as get-rich-quick schemes, false prize or lottery
wins, or fraudulent and poor-quality goods. Read more about spam containing malicious code.
Cookies track the website visits and can build a profile of your online interests and buying
habits, and report these details to third parties.

Online scams, phishing and pharmers

Online scams and fraudulent websites or emails are designed to trick you into revealing sensitive
information including bank account details, passwords or credit card numbers. Phishing uses

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fraudulent emails claiming to be from a trusted sender, such as a bank, to 'fish' for information.
Pharming occurs when a hacker infects your computer with a malicious code and directs you or
your customers to a fake website. Both are used for online identity theft or cyber fraud.

Hackers, cybercrime and information/IP theft

Sophisticated and complex e-crime includes the theft of information or intellectual property,
such as trademarks or customer credit card details. Hackers illegally access your hardware and
data to use information such as credit card details for cyber fraud, and can corrupt or
compromise your online security. (business, n.d.)

3.2. Solutions to Overcome Security Threats

Steps to guard against external threats to IT systems

 Install anti-virus and anti-spyware software, including spam filters, and ensure they are
turned on and updated regularly. Read more about how to secure your computers using
anti-virus and anti-spyware software.
 Enable wireless or Wi-Fi network security and change the default password immediately
because most default passwords are well-known to hackers.
 Install a software firewall, normally included in IT security bundles or operating systems.
 Choose strong passwords involving a combination of numbers and upper and lower case
letters. Change passwords regularly.
 Back up data regularly and store copies of backups off site. Read more about cloud
computing for business.

Steps to guard against internal threats to IT systems

 Allow only authorized staff to access IT data and systems.

 Put IT policies and procedures in place.
 Be careful about employees connecting portable devices to work systems.
 Be alert for spam claiming to be from 'trusted' email senders - for example, banks do not
do business by email.
 Think before opening attachments or sharing information to ensure data protection.

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 Store data carefully - choose who has access to it and decide what devices you allow staff
to connect to your network.
 Password protect your website so authentic users can access the site.

(business, n.d.)

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Website Development
ROyal’s IT Service develop professional, managed, responsive and secure web application for
our clients with our expert, creative and skilled team to help customers with their online
presence. The company offers variety of website design and development services which include
creating mobile web development solutions and responsive website designs using the latest and
secured web technologies. They help to build the websites that not only look great, but also meet
the needs of both the clients and their targeted audience. The designers and developers of
ROyal’s IT service work together to help create attractive designs that fit the client’s brand and
create functionality and user experience that helps in promoting the business online. From simple
to complex, we focus on a full range of website services that satisfies clients to meet their
specific needs. ROyal’s IT uses different platforms for designing i.e. PHP, ASP.Net, JavaScript,
HTML 5, Css3 and jQuery for highly reliable web services.

The major websites that have been creating by this organization are:

 E-Commerce Website (Online Shopping, Banking)

 Gaming Website
 College/School Website
 Educational Consultancies
 Corporate Website

Having the vision to achieve the highest possible standards with the objective of being profitable,
premier and preferred IT company in Nepal, ROyal’s IT Service is striving to be the best in the
IT industry. ROyal’s IT Service serves innovative ideas and targets to be a leading full-service
with the aim of providing all IT facilities as cost effective as possible while maintaining the
highest level of impeccable quality service. By enhancing the quality of life through active
community involvement, ROyal’s IT Service aspires to grow every single day.

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SWOT ANALYSIS focuses on analyzing the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats to a
business place, industry, product, services or person. It is the bird’s-eye view meant to find the
visibility of a concept from the inside out. Each piece of SWOT analysis is used as one of the
element of a comparison to existing services and solutions and competitors.

The purpose of performing a SWOT Analysis on website is to discover which characteristics are
important to the website’s success and what factors can be potentially harmful. By doing a
SWOT Analysis of the company website, the decision makers can better understand the website's
strengths and weaknesses and identify external factors that might affect the organization. These
findings will be especially helpful to consider when crafting overall website strategy.

The professional and skilled web developers in Royal’s IT s are the major strength of the organization.
Developing professional, managed, responsive and secure web application for the clients with
the expert, creative and skilled team to help customers with their online presence is the technique
used by this company to strive in the existing market. . Also they offer variety of website design
and development services which include creating mobile web development solutions and
responsive website designs using the latest and secured web technologies. Some of the major
strength of Website development for the organizations are:

 Customer-oriented designing
 Fresh and updated content
 Effective navigation and search feature
 Support for mobile platform
 Poor contents and images
 Poor hosting devices

The company has now targeted to extend its facilities all over Nepal. These might make the
organization to think more about the qualitative services to satisfy all types of customers. The
organization should hire more employees and develop various types of responsive designs as per
the demand of the clients. If the organization could not meet the demands of the valued

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customers then it might be difficult to adjust and take good position in the market. The internal
weakness for the development of websites inside the company is:

 Out-of-date designing
 Irrelevant content
 Confusing website structure
 No support for mobile


Royal’s IT Service can improve performance and its competitive advantage in the market
environment. There are some external opportunities that can be predicted, like expanding to new
cities or countries. Here are some common examples of website's external opportunities:

 New technologies to improve user experience

 Emerging new and untapped markets
 New niches and market segments
 New design trends to better convey messages
 More effective marketing tactics
 Positive changes in social factors
 Government’s support in emerging local markets
 Innovative marketing strategies

Competitions can have a huge impact on the company because they could keep them out of
business. By entering valid, accurate and reliable data about competitors in the system, the
company may use the admin information used to anticipate its competition. Whenever
companies input valid information can differ from which companies can differ, because different
companies can prevent the way to develop and develop. Entering invalid information means the
firm will predict what other companies are doing so that they cannot resolve the correct problem
due to business and profits. There are various website companies which provide responsive web
design and hosting facilities to the clients. These are emerging IT companies which are

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struggling to get their price in market. The new entrants, rising technology might be the greatest
threat for Royal’s IT Service in the IT industry. The easier it is for new companies to enter the
industry, the more cut-throat competition there will be. Factors that can limit the threat of new
entrants are known as barriers to entry.

The threats are the external factors from outside of control that may prevent clients from
reaching website’s business objectives. These threats can be certain features that the competitors
have that the organizations do not. Threats can also be regulatory or technical. Here are some
common examples of external threats to a website:

 Competitors copying features or ideas

 Emergence of new competitors
 Changing customer needs
 New laws or regulations
 SPAM & unsolicited advertising
 Upgraded browser software
 Software piracy

According to the Porter’s five forces model, there are five factors that shape competition within
the industry. They are:

 the risk of new entry by potential competitors

 the degree of rivalry among established companies within an industry
 the bargaining power of buyers
 the bargaining power of suppliers
 the threat of substitute products

The SWOT analysis starts with setting specific goals and objectives for the company’s website.
These objectives or goals should be measurable and realistic, i.e. increasing profit in the coming
year, increasing click-through rate. Porter argues that the stronger each of these forces is, the

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more limited is the ability of established companies to raise prices and earn greater profits. Some
of the recommendations as per the porter’s five forces are:

 Plan for and manage design and maintenance with detailed cost analysis reporting for
requirements and hosting
 Centralizing portfolio by solving the problem of how to use IT companies website
departments in the future
 Pre-plan for drastic change brought on by unexpected events that can have an impact on
such facilities

Analysis of competitors' website is an important part of SEO search and analysis. By analyzing
competitors' websites the company can get ideas to improve own web marketing strategies.
There are various competitor-analysis tools designed to compare the search friendliness of a
website against the websites of its competitors. These tools are based on various SEO metrics
and are quite easy to use, i.e. some tools require you to enter webpage URL, the competitor URL
and the targeted keyword and the tool will tell how well the websites are ranked against the
competitors for that keyword.

3. Technologies Challenges

Security Threats
All the data and private information of the organization should be safe from unauthorized or
unexpected access, alteration or destruction. Management dictates who can view and update
information. IT Department is usually responsible for advising and implementing rules. The
website of the company can be accessed by the unauthorized users or the information can be
stolen and copied.


Organization should keep all the personal data and information of the company should be back
up regularly for future uses. Could be partial backups of information which has changed. IT

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department is responsible for data recovery and restores. They should hire safeguard against
physical data and information.

Health and Safety

Organization who hired employer who is regular breaks away from the computer. There should
be eye checkup and health check up to every single person who worked in organization from
higher level to lower level from the organization. Health and safety is the main priority rather
than the name and fame of the organization.

Employee Skills
Information on the ability and qualification of the staff is legitimate and related to the company
because this information is used in important decisions by management information produced in
the affairs of individuals. Permission to authorize information on employee keys allows
administrators whether or not they require training, which may improve the company's services.
The appropriate information about the skills that can be made is that the most suitable person is
so that the company is the best possible for their workers. Generally, using the information about
employees can use useful information for the company on assigning new tasks or tasks after
running a company's training program.


After listing the characteristics for each of the four parts, the company can improve the
performance of website. The SWOT analysis has given an objective view of what factors are
affecting the website positively and negatively. After the analysis the organization working on
reducing the effect of the negative factors and enhancing your strengths and opportunities.
Having done the SWOT analysis, you are now equipped with this informative tool and can use it
to make your website simply great. You can work towards meeting those SMART Objectives
and blow away your competition.

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1. Service

Physical Security & Serveillance – CCTV/Access Control/ IP Camera/ PABX

Royal's IT has banded together with HIKVISION, the main provider of video observation items
and arrangements. The organization has topped the rundown as the world's biggest provider of
CCTV and Video Surveillance Equipment for six sequential years (2011-2016) and holds the
main piece of the pie position in essentially all individual gear classifications, including system
cameras, simple and HD CCTV cameras, DVR/NVRs, and video encoders. They are putting
forth supporters an elite scope of Analog Camera that are broadly utilized as a part of ventures,
business structures, inns and schools for security and reconnaissance. Offered item is composed
by master specialists, remembering each prerequisite, going for ideal fulfillment of our esteemed
supporters. These camera are financially savvy and requires no human faculty as the ordinary
security monitors or an alternate group for reconnaissance. Clients can profit this subjective item
from us at advertise driving costs. Upheld by their gifted workforce and inside and out mastery
in this area, we can draw in ourselves in exchanging and providing a quality collection of HD-
SDI Cameras for our customers. These cameras are anything but difficult to utilize, work and
introduce. Additionally, these are likewise accessible at practical costs and are offered to
customers inside the stipulated day and age. They guarantee to give after deals administrations to
these top quality family unit CCTV cameras.

Royal’s IT Service additionally offers security framework establishment administrations. The

administrations incorporate introducing CCTV Cameras, Dome cameras, IP camera and PABX
with the end goal of our customers Security. The establishment of CCTV has numerous focal
points, for example, it decreases violations, gives security and ensure the important properties of
individuals. Because of its simple establishment highlights, idealize plan, dependable structure,
longer administration life, astounding execution and less support the CCTV cameras are
generally requested in the IT business.

Royal IT Company is an immediate provider of CCTV Camera for home, business and
government. Notwithstanding CCTV cameras and frameworks, they additionally offer system IP
cameras, HD-SDI cameras, and many video observation frill. Observation cameras and DVR

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frameworks with remote Internet seeing is our claim to fame. The majority of their
reconnaissance frameworks incorporate DVR watcher programming for Windows and Mac PCs,
and in addition portable observation watcher applications for iPhone, iPad, and Android gadgets.
They offer numerous total frameworks that are pre-designed and simple to introduce.

2. SWOT Analysis

 Use to identify incidents in real time, or via recorded images.
 Use as a vital tool (DVR) digital video recording as a evidence in a court of law
 Use to deterrent to criminals and to detect crimes
 Aware offenders are under surveillance
 The correct selection of the right type and range of lighting is important.

Aware offenders are under surveillance

The use of standard camera housing, can demonstrate the exact areas which are targeted, these
can deter offenders, as they are aware, they are under surveillance. CCTV system can be used as
a deterrent to criminals and to detect crimes, if used in an overt, identifiable method. It can also
be used to detect crims if not so obvious, if used in a covert, not so visible method. So due to this
it will aware criminal or offenders to do any criminal activities.


The use of the CCTV should be provided as well the consumers should use it properly.


 Good CCTV are expensive to install and maintain.

 Pooring hiring CCTV are useless.
 Hard to fix well installed CCTV with strength and stability
 Assure CCTV system doesn’t intrude personal privacy
 Have an inadequate lighting for a good image capture
 CCTV should comply home, office guidance, in its design and installation.

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Poor hiring CCTV

If the camera fixing devices are not installed with adequate strength and stability then this will
impact on the effectiveness of the system to capture good quality images. A poorly designed and
maintained CCTV system will not offer value and would not be an effective tool in crime
detection and prevention and could prevent captured data being accepted in court of law as
evidence. If the camera fixing devices are not installed with adequate strength and stability, then
this will impact on the effectiveness of the system to capture good quality images.

The culture of the poor hiring should not be practice, where as the increment of the price may
affect the consumers so for that high features with a low price CCTV should be purchase.


 Effective tool to detect and deter crime.

 A well designed CCTV system can be used to enable control room staff to direct police
officers and emergency crews to an incident to minimize the time in reaching the scene.
 Instead of having to maintain a high level of police officers deployed at anyone time, they
can be directed to incidents as and when required, maximinsing resources.
 A good CCTV system can be used as an effective tool to apprehend criminals.

Effective tool to detect and deter crime

CCTV can be used as an effective tool to detect and deter crimes. It will help the surveillance to
live in peace environment. If in case there is any sorts of crime done then CCTV will help to
detect the crime and criminals which will help to find out the actual criminal, through which it
will help to give a strong evidence for the crime reporter.


The CCTV helps in various ways for that the criminal activities reduction the camera should be
purchase and as well as they should be use properly and put under the surveillance.

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 System failures could reduce effectiveness of the CCTV system.

 If system not designed correctly, then black spots, areas where there is a gap in coverage,
could make the system ineffective. Additionally, natural surroundings such as trees can
have an effect on the CCTV usage in certain areas.
 In designing, or the operation of the CCTV system, then consideration must be given to
prevent intrusion into the public’s personal space, contravening their civil liberties.
 The cost of installing, operating & maintaining the CCTV system should be considered,
as to the overall benefit, value & effectiveness.

Recommendation :

Provide a recommendation based on Porter’s Competitive Advantage Strategy

3. Technology challenges

According to ICSE worlds largest asssociation in security conducted a research on how a cctv
surveillance area reduces crime or uncertainty in a particular place as compared to non CCTV
surveillance area. The study showed that the non surveillance area was the most which face
situation like robbery or any uncertainty. In 2014 big mncs like tata infosys and other indian
mncs were told by the govt strictly to install CCTV camera under your premises. Government
beleives that it is very important to make this big indian company secure because it is our future
and the future should never be into threat. Even govt also insist residential society or co
operative housing societies to strictly install CCTV camera wherever it is possible because it will
keep the place safe and if something happens then the CCTV recording will come in handy for
the police to check into the matter easily.

Security Threats
 Being hacked
 Vandalism
 Firmware Update
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Being Hacked

We can all agree that CCTVs are in indispensable gift of technology. They provide evidence for
events that unfold in front of them and help to prove the destructive activities of miscreants. The
fact that most of the CCTV systems are becoming wireless adds to the bounty of gifts. But at the
same time, it exposes the CCTVs to a larger risk for they work on network IPs that face the
possibility of being hacked by the ill intentioned. They can even be jammed by such people to
disable their services. They might even decrypt your cameras safety codes and gain access to
sensitive footage.

Recommend solutions

The technical solution to save the CTV from being hacked. We need to boost your network with
a WPA2 which translates to Wi-Fi Protected Access 2, an advanced security protocol. Keep the
passwords on a cycle. Change them as a cycle changes. Do this frequently and not give time to
hackers to passphrase your passwords. This will keep the memory of your CCTVs safe.


Vandalism refers to the destruction of the body of the CCTV cameras by miscreants. This
translates to unauthorized dismantling of the camera, theft, breaking the camera, spraying paint
on the viewfinder or obstructing its view. Cameras fixed on the outdoors are vulnerable to such
damage when compared to indoor cameras. Cameras are hit with iron bars and are damaged
beyond repair.

Recommend solutions

Cameras these days come with metal casings and housings fixed to them. These often look like
cages which will disrupt access by vandals to the camera. These are further fixed to the walls
firmly with screws and fixtures which will protect the camera’s body and lens from maltreatment
and vandalism. Another way to protect the camera from vandalism is by fixing it at a high point,
out of reach of such miscreants. Elevated positions on the property will make best spots for such

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Firmware Update

A firmware is the program on which the IP security camera runs. It is similar to the software that
our computer runs on. This is the framework that gets the camera running. However, the very
firmware can become the reason for its damage. There is a chance that firmware is not regularly
updated. Most of the time, we are either skeptical or find it inconvenient to update our firmware.
This leads to several loopholes and becomes a threat to the stability and performance of your
surveillance systems

Recommend solutions

Ensure that our security systems are updated once in every two to three months. Enquire about
the latest version available in the market and choose the best. Find a version that matches your
model. Read up well before upgrading for choosing an upgrade that doesn’t suit the camera will
lead to further technical conflicts.


It is crucial to take security seriously in this day and age. It is not just businesses and commercial
properties that need good security but it is our homes too. With crime increasing and burglaries
very common place, it is very important to consider the available security options and choose
one that is the best fit for you. One of the most popular and cost effective ways of providing
security in the home and place of work is with cctv cameras and equipment. CCTV cameras can
act as a very successful deterrent to thieves and burglars, certainly making them think twice at
the very least. The technology behind security equipment these days is incredibly advanced, and
it is even possible to hook the cameras up to an ordinary television or computer to watch the

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