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Laghu Parashari Siddhanta: Chapter 1: Samjna Adhyaya (Part 1)

Laghu Parashari 1.1. We pray to Goddess Sarasvati who has red lips, who holds Veena in her hand;
she is the real strength of Lord Brahma who is so greatly spoken of in the Upanishads.

Notes: It is a customary to pray and seek blessings of the divine not only in initiating a noble work
such as penning down the principles on the nature and working of the universe, but also, every kind
of work. The praying to almighty is ingrained in the mind of the Indians from time immemorial. The
deity one choses to pray invariably depends on the spiritual lineage one belongs to. Here the prayers
are offered to the goddess of learning Ma Sarasvati who is the consort and shakti of the creator
Brahma. The knowledge of creation is the subject of Brahma and is a component of Brahma Vidya,
the supreme knowledge. By invoking the blessings of Ma Sarasvati, the author tried to manifest the
real truth about this shastras and not to divert away. The ability to accurately convert one’s thoughts
into words is of great importance, as otherwise, the knowledge has high chance of getting corrupted
during transmission. The devata who is invoked by the author also ensures that the knowledge stay
intact for ever and not get corrupted during its transmission through various medium. I am sincerely
hoping that I have done due justice to the narration and explanation of the principles penned down
in this shastra.

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