The Power of Thought

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Carl Gustav Jung saw the human psyche psyche as made up of layers or strata.

First is the
conscious mind. The ego is the term given to the the organisation of the conscious mind, being
composed of conscious perceptions, memories, thoughts, and feelings. Those mental contents
that the ego does not recognise fall into the Personal Unconscious. Unconscious. The Personal
Unconscious Unconscious is made up of suppressed and forgotten forgotten memories, traumas,
etc. All psychic contents which are either too weak to reach consciousness, or which are actively
suppressed by the ego, because the latter is threatened by them. Thus far Jung is in agreement
with his old teacher Freud, in supposing the existence of the Unconscious mind, which includes
all that is not immediately accessible to everyday waking consciousness (i.e. the Conscious mind
or Ego). Conscious and Unconscious are thus thus the two opposed parts of the psyche. Jung's
great contribution however was to divide the Unconscious itself into two very unequal levels:
the more superficial Personal, and the deeper deeper Collective, Unconscious. Everyone has
their own Personal Unconscious. Unconscious. The Collective Unconscious in contrast is
universal. It cannot be built up like one's personal unconscious is; rather, it predates the
individual. It is the repository of all the religious, spiritual, and mythological mythological
symbols symbols and experiences. Its primary structures - the deep structures of the psyche, in
other words words - Jung called "Archetypes"; a later-Hellenistic Platonic and Augustinian
Augustinian Christian term that referred to the spiritual forms which which are the pre-existent
prototypes prototypes of the things of the material world. Interpreting this idea psychologically,
Jung stated that these archetypes were the conceptual matrixes or patterns behind behind all
our religious and mythological mythological concepts, and indeed, our thinking processes in
general. Actually, Jung's choice choice of the term "archetype" "archetype" is in some senses
misleading. For in the late Platonic tradition, the archetypes constitute a totally spiritual reality;
the original perfect

Mind or Collective Consciousness and since your thoughts are a product of your mind, it follows
that your thought power too is limitless. Once you truly understand that your mind is one with
the Single Source of All Power (the Universal Mind or Collective Consciousness) and that this
power is within your brain, you will have found the only true source of infinite power for which
nothing is impossible and impossible is nothing. Know that thought power comes from within.
Accessing the source of All Power starts by looking inwards, in your own world of thought.

spiritual reality or realities which generates the imperfect physical realities; the "thoughts in the
mind of God" of Stoicism and Platonic Christianity. But Jung interprets interprets his archetypes
in a biological sense. He says (no doubt doubt due to the Darwinian influence of his age) that
they are "inherited", and that they "have "have existed since remotest times". Yet even
"remotest times" can still be be located temporally. Such times may have occurred an
enormously long time ago, ago, but they are still temporal. Plato and his successors would never
speak of the Ideas or Archetypes or Spiritual Prototypes coming into being in some primordial
past; for they saw these as spiritual realities, and therefore eternal; beyond time altogether. For
Jung then, the Collective Unconscious is not, as many of his popularizes popularizes claim, a kind
of "Universal Mind" or metaphysical reality, like the Platonic World of Forms, but rather an
ultimately biological reality. The Spiritual concepts concepts of Platonism are not seen as
metaphysical, but biological, or rather, psycho-biological. The Jungian schema can thus be
represented as follows: Now, it cannot be denied that there is a subphysical (the biological
subconscious) as well as a supraphysical (the psychic unconscious). Yet care must be taken not to
confuse the the two. And it seems to me logical to assume that the motifs Jung was concerned
with - the psycho-spiritual forces of transformation - pertain to the supraphysical rather than
the subphysical. Certainly, later in life Jung downplayed the "biological" aspect of his psychology,
and even discarded it altogether, preferring to see the archetypes in a more Platonic sense of
preexistent spiritual entities. And in his voluminous alchemical writings he was more concerned
with the dynamics of the psyche, and its transformation, than with explaining how the psyche
psyche or the archetypes came about in the first place. So it would be unfair to judge Jung on
these grounds. Jung himself obviously did not consider abstract theories concerning the
metaphysical or cosmological origin of the archetypes as important a practical here-and-now
understanding of how the psyche worked, and how spiritual transformation and the growth to
greater wholeness occur.

Your thoughts are very much alive! The greatest thinkers and teachers that have walked on our
planet Earth have told us that everything is energy. This has now been undeniably confirmed by
modern modern science. Your thoughts too are energy. 2

William Walker Atkinson told us that "where mind is static energy, thought is dynamic energy -
two phases of the same thing" and Charles Haanel 3 went on to say that "thought power is the
vibratory force formed by converting static mind into dynamic mind". Your thoughts are alive.
Each time you entertain a specific thought, you emit a very specific, corresponding frequency or
energy vibration. You may ask yourself on what frequency you are on! The basic premise of the
Law of Attraction 4 is that like energy attracts like energy. You attract to yourself those things
and circumstances that are in vibrational harmony with your dominant frequency, which is itself
determined by your dominant mental attitude, habitual thoughts and beliefs. Mike Dooley, one
of the presenters of 5 the movie The Secret , fittingly suggests that if you want to know what a 2

William Walker Atkinson (December 5, 1862 – November 22, 1932) was an attorney,
merchant, publisher, and author, as well as an occultist and an American pioneer of the New
Thought movement. He is also thought to be the author of the pseudonymous works attributed
to Theron Q. Dumont and Yogi Ramacharaka. He is the author author of an estimated 100 books,
all written in the last 30 years of his life. He was also mentioned in past editions of “Who's Who
in America, Religious Leaders of America,” America,” and several similar publications. His works
have remained in print more more or less continuously since 1900.

Charles Francis Haanel (May 22, 1866 – 1866 – November November 27, 1949) was a noted
American New Thought author, philosopher and a businessman. He is best known for his
contributions to the New Thought Movement Movement through his book The Master Key
System. System. 4

The law that all conditions and circumstances in affairs and body are attracted to us to accord
with the thoughts we hold steadily in consciousness. In other words, the Law of Attraction simply
says that you attract into your your life whatever you think about. about. Your dominant
thoughts will will find a way to manifest. But the Law of Attraction gives rise to some tough
questions that don’t seem to have good answers. I would say, however, that these problems
aren’t caused by the Law of Attraction itself but rather by the Law of Attraction as applied to
objective reality. 5

is a best-selling 2006 self-help book written by Rhonda Byrne, based on the T he Secr Secre et

earlier film of the same name. It is based on the law of attraction and claims that positive
thinking can create life-changing results such as increased happiness, health, and wealth. The
book has sold more than 19 million copies worldwide and has been translated into 46 languages.
It has attracted a great deal of controversy and been parodied in several TV programs.

thought looks like, just look around you. Keep in mind these three words "thoughts are things".
True, not all thoughts are created equal. The attractive power of any particular thought is
determined by how often you have that thought and by the strength of the feelings or emotions
associated with it. The more energy you give to a particular thought, the greater its power to
attract its corresponding circumstance into your physical world through the Law of Attraction.
Attraction. Your one-off, passing thoughts do not have the same creative power as your habitual
thoughts and beliefs. Remember, that it is of little use to entertain positive thoughts for just a
short burst of time each day if you then proceed to think negative or unwanted thoughts for the
rest of the day. A negative thought cancels the benefit of a positive thought and vice versa.
Since your reality is the sum total of all your thoughts there are many factors influencing your
life. This makes it difficult to directly join the dots between the cause (thought) and the effect
(circumstance) but the causation is always always there.

Use Thought Power to Change Your Life It is your subconscious mind that is the storehouse of
your deep-seated beliefs and programmes. To change your circumstances and attract to yourself
that which you choose, you must learn to programme and re-programme your subconscious
mind. The most effective and practical pr actical way to do so, is to learn the simple process of
denial and affirmation, affirmation, which are part creative visualization. It is the technique
underlying reality creation, making use of thought power to consciously imagine, create and
attract that which you choose. Your imagination is the engine of your thoughts. It converts your
thought power into mental images, which are in turn manifested in the physical realm.

Become aware of your thoughts but not obsessed It is important that you learn to be aware of
your habitual thoughts and to appropriately adjust them so as to maintain an overall positive
mental attitude. However, be careful not to become obsessed with every thought that enters
your mind as this would be equally counter-productive, if not more so, than not being aware of
them at all. Remember that to obsess over your negative, unwanted thoughts, is to give them
power and as the saying goes, what you resist persists. So instead of resisting any of your
negative thoughts, simply learn to effortlessly cancel them by replacing them as they arise.

Instantly replace unwanted thoughts To instantly neutralize the power of a negative thought,
calmly and deliberately replace it with its opposite, positive equivalent denial and affirmation
technique). For instance, if you think to yourself "I am not good enough, I will never succeed",
mentally replace that thought with "I am good enough and success comes to me easily". You can
also use the "cancel, cancel" technique made famous by the Silva Method. Each time you catch
yourself thinking an unwanted thought, mentally tell yourself and the Universe "cancel, cancel"
and immediately follow it up with a positive statement.

Discipline your dominant thoughts and your random thoughts It is roughly estimated that the
average person has between 12,000 and 70,000 thoughts a day. This is evidence enough to
suggest that your goal should not be to control every thought. It is your dominant thoughts and
beliefs that you must learn to bring under your conscious control as they are what largely
determine your mental attitude. As you do, you will find your random thoughts themselves
becoming more positive and more more deliberate. The following words of Siddhartha Gautama
Buddha perfectly capture the essence of thought power: "All that we are is the result of what we
have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become." In a nutshell, your life is the
perfect mirror of your thoughts, beliefs and dominant mental attitude. Whether you realise it or
not you are already creating your reality through your thought power. Every effect you see in
your outside world has its original cause within you - no exceptions. To gain access to the
greatest creative power at your disposal, you must learn to control the nature of your habitual
thoughts and to align yourself with the One Source of All Power of which you are a part. Your
thoughts create your reality - know, internalize and apply this Truth and you will see your life
transform in supernatural ways.

The Power of thought is incredible We have to be aware of our thoughts - they are powerful
cosmic waves in the universal sea of energy we live in. The most potent form of energy is
thought because thought-waves are cosmic waves penetrating all time and space. 7

Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your
actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become your character. Watch your
character, it becomes your destiny.

Mahatma Gandhi said: A man is but the product of his thoughts - what he thinks, he becomes.
Our thoughts are very powerful and science is doing exciting experiments with the power of
thought. Neurosky and others are doing intensive research into the field of mind and the power
of thought. They are developing even more sophisticated devices capable of applying human
thoughts. Since the power of thought is a very potent form of energy that penetrates all time
and space we need to be aware of what we think. Fortunate for the human race we are able to
control our thoughts. We can use our mind and practice the process of thinking. We can make
ourselves ou rselves think thoughts of what we want to be or have. 6

In 1903 Wallace D Wattles wrote his book The Science of Getting Rich and a central part of the
book is about thinking regardless of circumstance. To think what you want to think is to think
truth regardless of appearances. To think according to appearances is easy. To think truth 6

Wallace D. Wattles: Born in the mid 1800s during the War between the States, Wallace D.
Wattles experienced a life of failure after failure, until — in his latter years, after tireless study
and experimentation — he formulated and put into practice the principles laid out in Th e Sci
Sci ence of Getti ng Ri ch . His daughter Florence notes that in those last years, "he wrote almost
constantly. It was then that he formed his mental picture. He saw himself as a successful writer, a
personality of power, an advancing man, and he began to work toward the realization of this
vision. He lived every page ... His life was truly the powerful life." Although Mr. Wattles died
relatively young, and although his work was largely forgotten for years, those who have studied
and applied these principles throughout the 20th century have experienced remarkable results:
They have gotten rich! (And when you read or listen to Mr. Wattles' most excellent work, you'll
see that ALL the success and personal development literature of the last 90+ years owes a great
debt to The Science of Getting Rich.) Rich.) Wallace D. Wattles also wrote The Science of Being
Well ; a novel, Hellfire Harrison; Harrison; The Science of Being Great , a mail-order course
expanding on the principles of his three "Science" books; and many, many magazine articles.

regardless of appearances is laborious and requires the expenditure of more power than any
other work you have to perform. We can choose to think as an optimist and have a positive view
on life. We can choose steps of positive positive thinking or we can choose to think as a
pessimist. It is entirely up to each and one of us.

What is capability? What can you do? What is can? You say, "I wish I could do that. But I can't."
Sometimes the thing you desire seems most evasive and elusive to you. You may seem to think
that you need money or something else that is external to you for you to be able to achieve your
desire. And because this external thing is away from you and you don't have it, you think that
you are doomed because even that seems elusive. So you are stuck in a vicious circle. You accept
that, you fear it. But before you accept something that has absolutely no value to you, take
another look. Fear is a thing we are conditioned to accept without question, yet it has absolutely
no value. Next time you accept fear, ask yourself what value it really has for you. Escape is not a
value. There is nowhere to run. Eventually, you will be found and you will have to face yourself.
Running away from a problem is an idea that stems from the illusion that there is a you with a
problem, and a you that can escape the you with the problem. Insane? Yep! The first step to
getting out of a problem is knowing and accepting that you are the problem, and then you
become the solution. Nothing outside changes, but as you you change, a new outside replaces
the old. The law of attraction and the law of cause and effect work this way. Everyone has things
that they can do now that they could not do before. You can now walk while as a child you could
not. The ground never changed, but you did. You can now read while you once could not. The
English language never 7 changed, but you did. At one time, Bill Gates could not write software,
now he can. The world did not change, Bill did. 7

Entrepreneur Bill Gates founded the world's largest software business, Microsoft, with Paul
Allen, and subsequently became one of the richest men in the world. Born on October 28, 1955,
in Seattle, Washington, famed entrepreneur Bill Gates began to show an interest in computer
programming at age 13. Through technological innovation, keen business strategy and aggressive
business tactics, he and partner Paul Allen built the world's largest software business, Microsoft.
In the process, Gates became one of the richest men in the world. In February 2014, Gates
announced that he was stepping down as Microsoft's chairman.

ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE as long as you believe and truly engage yourself with your thoughts,
mind and being. We all have the capability to think in a positive matter if we really want to, but
way too often we resort to negative thinking and ideas that we are not able to do this or that.
Unfortunately many people grow up hearing hearing that they can't do a certain task or that
they can't pursue a certain profession. They are put down by people close to them saying things:
"who do you think you are trying to accomplish that". This type of "mind limiting talk" will
unfortunately end up being part of you. We are formed by statements and sayings from our
parents, kids in school, friends, society etc. And for most people it creates a limiting belief
system which enters into our mind and being. It might be a belief that we are no good in math or
that we are a person nobody likes or that we can't succeed in the business world or that we
can't succeed in sports or that we can't succeed in relationships and so on. The way you perceive
and interpret yourself is a result of the belief system you adopted while growing up. 8

Back in 1960 Maxwell Maltz wrote the book “Psycho-Cybernetics” Psycho-Cybernetics” where
he talks about the self-image we form growing up: 8

Dr. Maxwell Maltz created his self-improvement phenomenon: Psycho-Cybernetics at age 61, as
the climax to an already varied, colourful and exceptionally successful career. For many years, Dr.
Maltz had a flourishing practice as a reconstructive and cosmetic facial surgeon, lectured
internationally on his medical specialty, and pursued a dual career as a prolific author. He was
inspired to move from treating "outer scars" to "inner scars" after observing that so many
patients' unhappiness and insecurities were not cured, as they and he had believed would occur
when he gave them the perfect new faces they desired. Dr. Maltz first wrote of this discovery in
his book "New Faces, New Futures." In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Maltz suggested that many
people "see themselves" inaccurately, their perceptions distorted by unchallenged and often
erroneous beliefs imbedded in the subconscious mind. After a decade of counselling hundreds of
patients, extensive research of everything from German missile guidance technology (then more
advanced than our own) to hypnosis, and testing his evolving "success conditioning techniques"
on athletes an salespeople, he published his findings, in 1960, in the original Psycho-Cybernetics
book. It was an instant bestseller and made Dr. Maltz one of the most in-demand motivational
speakers throughout the 1960's and the early 1970's. Dr. Maltz went on to amass a wealth of
"case history" material, seminars, workshops, radio broadcasts, over a dozen books all applying


“We all carry with us a mental blueprint or picture of ourselves. It has been built up from our
own beliefs about ourselves. But most of these beliefs about ourselves have unconsciously been
formed from our past experience, our successes and failures, our humiliations, our triumphs,
and the way other people have related to us, especially in early childhood. From all these we
mentally construct a "self" (or a picture of a self). Once an idea or a belief about ourselves goes
into this picture it becomes "true" as far as we personally are concerned. We do not question its
validity, but proceed to act upon it just as if if it were true.” true.” Maltz goes on to say that all
our actions, feelings, behaviour - even our abilities - are always consistent with this self-image.
Hence it becomes very important to change your self-image if that image is one of a limiting
character of some sort. You can change your self-image with the power of thought using
affirmations and subliminal messages. Our built in beliefs are powerful. They They are powerful
in the sense that they dictate our ability to reach our goals, but in fact they are nothing more
than specific neural patterns in your brain - they are thoughts that are so ingrained they have
become automatic. They are not there because they are "the truth", they have simply been
handed down from generation to generation. They are there because someone put them there.
This is not a about faith or religion - it is about your beliefs- your habits of thought, opinion and
attitude about the world around you, and especially your beliefs about you, about your life and
and your prospects for financial fulfillment. fulfillment.

By the time you are seventeen years old, you have heard "No, you can't" an average of 150.000
times. You've heard "Yes, you can" about 5,000 times. That is thirty no’ no ’s for every yes. That
makes a POWERFUL belief of "I can't".

Cybernetics' to different purposes, from business success to sex life improvement. He also
authored and had published: Th e M agic Powe , F ive Mi nutes to Powerr s of th e Self -I mage ,
L i ve and Be F r ee thr ough Psycho-Cyb and and three novels. novels. Maxwell Maltz H
appiness appiness Psycho-Cybe er neti neti cs passed away at age 76, but his legacy has lived
on: in fact, his works have grown in popularity, purely through work-of-mouth. Dr. Maltz's wife
and business partner of many years, Anne Maltz, began working with Dan Kennedy in 1988 to
further advance Dr. Maltz's life works via a publishing renaissance and a new, comprehensive,
"ultimate" home study course.


These beliefs are thousands of times stronger than desires. So if you desire something like a
new house or getting a new job it will not happen if your beliefs are "I can't". The beliefs win
every time. time. Why?

John Assaraf 9 explains it like this: It is your habit of thought ( your beliefs), not your desires that
run your actions. This is one of the greatest discoveries of the past decade of neurological
research: 95-97 percent of all your behaviors are automatic. This is why we set goals, but don't
reach them. Setting them is a function of the conscious mind. Reaching them is a function of the
non-conscious mind

The Brain and neuron-networks 10

In the movie “What The Bleep Do We Know!? Know !?”, ”, Dr. Dr. Joe Dispenza talks about how
our brain works. He talks about the tiny nerve cells in the brain called 9

John Assaraf is a serial entrepreneur, brain researcher, and CEO of Praxis. Now, a brainresearch
company that creates some of the most powerful evidence-based brain retraining tools and
programs in the world. A relentless explorer of consciousness and human behaviour, John’s
passion is discovering and teaching people how to release the mental blockages that hold them
back from achieving their fullest potential. Thousands of companies, entrepreneurs and
individuals worldwide are currently using Praxis. Now programs to develop unstoppable
confidence, certainty and the personal power needed for achieving their goals and vision. In the
last 25 years, John has grown five multi-million dollar companies in real estate, Internet
software, brain research and life and business coaching and consulting. He’s the author of two
New York Times best-selling books, Having It All and The Answer. John has appeared on almost
every major TV program such Larry King Live, Anderson Cooper 360 and The Ellen Degeneres
Show, and was featured in the blockbuster movie and book “The Secret” and in t he special
documentary “Quest for Success” with the Dali Lama and Sir Richard Branson. Today, John
researches, writes and lectures extensively around the world on the neuroscience of success and
achieving maximum performance. 10

Neuroscientist, chiropractor and author Dr. Joe Dispenza empowers people to change from the
inside out. Featured in the award-winning film What the Bleep Do We Know!?, Dr. Dispenza
combines the fields of quantum physics, neuroscience, brain chemistry, biology and genetics to
teach you how to rewire your brain for health and happiness. He has lectured in more than 24
different countries on six continents, educating people about the functions of the human brain.
He has taught thousands how to reprogram their thinking through scientifically proven
neurophysiological neurophysiological principles.


neurons and how they have tiny branches reaching out to other neurons forming neuron-
networks. Each place where they connect is integrated into a thought or a memory. He goes on
to say that the brain does not know the difference between what it sees in its environment
environment and what it remembers because the same neuro networks are firing - triggered.
This mean that we can break a habit or make a habit simply by repeating something over and
over again in our mind or by actually doing it. If we want to break a habit h abit it the neuron
network will break up when we stop s top doing it over a certain time. If we want to learn
something new and create a new habit it will cause the creation of a new network reinforcing
the habit. The first time you tried to ride a bike you probably failed to make it. Why? because
the neuron network was being established. You were creating it and be trying over and over
again the connections in the network gets stronger and stronger and all of a sudden you ride the
bike without thinking about it. You do it automatically. You have created a habit. Learn about
making or braking habits, neuron networks, the power of thought: "You are what you repeatedly
do. Excellence is not an event - it is a habit" (Aristotle) By understanding how we can make and
break habit you can start to break out of old and erroneous thoughts. The power of thought
when used to improve your self-image is extra-ordinary. If you don't break out of your current
belief system it will stick with you for the rest of your life. You need to find a way way to change
it. AND you CAN. You CAN change your self-image through the power of thought and positive
affirmations like Louis L. Hay did. You CAN change that way you look at yourself through seeking
new truths and hence you will be able to accomplish anything you put your mind to. We all have
a tremendous power inside, we just need to realize it. The true POWER IS WITHIN - The Power of
Thought. of Thought. Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving
his goal; go al; nothing on earth can help h elp the man with the wrong mental attitude.


YOU CAN BE OR HAVE WHATEVER YOU WANT IN LIFE We have all heard incredible stories about
people doing the unthinkable. A homeless person with no money becoming a multimillionaire -
like Bill Bartmann11 who went from being homeless, broke, an alcoholic and paralyzed at the
age of 17 to become the 25th richest person in the USA. Or Someone becoming a legend and a
historical person against "all odds" - like Mahatma Gandhi who freed India from The British
Empire. Or People recovering miraculously from a terrible disease or accident - like Norman
Cousins who was diagnosed with a disease with little chance of surviving, but went on to live
many years longer than his doctors predicted. And, many similar stories.







They believe in themselves and they take action. They realize they have a giant inside, an
incredible force that we all have - power of thought. The only difference is that these people
have awoken this giant within - this force inside. They have realized the power of thought. They
have conditioned themselves to act, behave and think in a certain way and when they see the
results it reinforces their belief in themselves and they accomplish more and more and more.
They have changed their way of thinking and they are taking action. You can also awaken this
giant inside - just like Anthony Robbins talks about. 12


In this interview with John Reese & Frank Kern - Anthony Robbins talks about the holy grail of
taking action: certainty ( app. 13:45 into the video). It is 11

William R. (Bill) Bartmann is a consumer advocate and the founder and CEO of CFS2, Inc, a
consumer financial recover company based in Tulsa, OK. Previously he was the founder and CEO
of Commercial Financial Services Inc, a consumer financial recovery firm, based in Tulsa, OK that
operated from 1986 to 1999.


In this interview two very successful students are meeting, Frank Kern and John Reese. Both of
them are self-made multi millionaires who made their fortunes by selling products on

a great video explaining why some people are successful in life and why others are not. It has to
do with our beliefs systems, about what potential we think we have, about taking action based
on our potential and then getting the results which will reinforce our belief system. Successful
people use their mind and their thoughts to achieve their goals - they are taking specific action
based on successful thinking. Successful people have a construct state of mind - a success
attitude. They tell themselves : I CAN. Success comes to those who become SUCCESS
CONSCIOUS “The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do
something, you can do it, as long as you really believe hundred percent” percent”. (Arnold
Schwarzenegger) If you can envision it in your mind you can do it. AND you need to take some
ACTION to do it. Mind work is not an easy ride - it requires practice - just like exercising a muscle.
You need to practice how to be positive - how to believe in yourself how to believe that you can
do anything you put your mind to. The power of thought will help you when you apply it in a
positive way. But how will you apply the Power of Thought? By surrounding yourself with
supporting people and by using affirmations. When you really want to achieve something it is
important to be around friends the Internet. What’s particularly interesting about both of them
is that neither had any “real” education. Neither one finished college and they both went from
being broke to becoming wealthy. And they still continue to thrive in today’s economy. So the
purpose of this interview is to uncover the traits that successful people have in common.
Specifically, the traits that cause them to take massive action and follow through. As you’ll see,
the solution is really quite simple and available to us all. 13

Anthony Robbins was born on February 29, 1960 in Gle ndora, California, USA as Anthony J.
Mahavorick. He is an actor, known for Shallow Hal (2001), The Singularity Is Near (2010) and
TED: The Future We Will Create (2007). He has been married marr ied to Sage Bonnie Humphrey
since October 14, 2001. They have one child. He was previously married to Rebecca. Born:
Anthony J. Mahavorick February 29, 1960 in Glendora, California, USA.


and people who support you. This will inspire you - spur you on and when at times the goal
seem far away your supporting friends and people can get you back on track. This will be like an
affirmation - a statement that you can do the unthinkable - that you are capable of anything you
set your mind to.

Affirmation Affirmation and subliminal messages In order to change a limiting belief system
about yourself you can start applying affirmations. Write down affirmations on a piece of paper
and say them to yourself in your mind every night before you go to sleep.

I am strong I am smart I am confident I am successful I am rich I am a good person I can achieve

anything I want and so on...
What the mind can conceive - you can achieve This is why a person with a vivid mind - a mind
applying creative visualization can achieve incredible result. Use the power of thought and
creative visualization to manifest dreams and create change. When we forget to use visualization
and imagination, it is like not using our 14 minds. Jose Silva The mind cannot tell the difference
between an experience 14

Jose Silva was born in Texas, and was the middle child of three, all of whom were raised by his
grandmother. Never formally formall y schooled, José learned to read and write by watching his
siblings do their homework. As a young man, he learned radio repair through a correspondence
course, which he took and completed in the name of one of his friends. It was in the military,
during WWII, that José had his first introduction to the field of psychology. He found it
fascinating, and continued to learn as much as he could while also performing his duties as a
soldier. It was the combination of training in electronics and his strong interest in psychology
that eventually led to his discoveries in mind training and a nd the Silva Method. Me thod. Mr.
Silva knew, already, that the brain had within it a significant amount of electrical energy. He also
realized, through his work with electronics, that the best electrical circuit was one that was least
resistant. By applying this knowledge to improving the human mind, he reasoned that a quieter
mind might actually be less obstructed, and, therefore, function at a higher level.


in real life or an experience you create in your mind. By creating and visualizing different things
you would like to happen in your life you are actually making them happen. This is why many
Law of Attraction teachers talk about vision boards and creative visualization. By training your
mind to see and feel what you want you are actually attracting it. In addition to the visual
exercise there are also other parts you need to consider when getting getting the Law of
Attraction Attraction to work. If you have seen the 15 movie The Secret or read the book you
have been told you can attract anything. You have been told that you can just think of it and
visualize it and you will attract it. This is not the whole process since this is just the first step. The
second step is to be at the same vibrational frequency as the item or thing you are wanting. This
you do with your feelings. You must "be in love" with what you want so that your whole being is
sending out waves on the same frequency as what you want. Everything is made up of energy
and everything vibrates - you just need to tune yourself into the correct vibrational frequency of
what you want. Just like a radio station can switch to different programs by switching the
frequency. The third step is to expect it.

1. Think of it and visualize it 2. Feel it by sending out the correct vibrational frequency 3. Expect
it to come to you 16

This is the same process Helen Hadsell , age 83 (in 2009) has been using all her life to win
countless cash Prizes, over 5 trips to Europe, a luxury Home, and

Author Rhonda Byrne, like each of us, has been on her own journey of discovery. In The Secret,
she explains with simplicity the law that is governing all lives, and offers the knowledge of how
to create – intentionally intentionally and effortlessly – effortlessly – a a joyful life. A
number of exceptional men and women discovered The Secret, and went on to become known
as the greatest people who ever lived. Among them: Plato, Leonardo, Galileo, Napoleon, Hugo,
Beethoven, Lincoln, Edison, Einstein, and Carnegie, to name but a few. Now for the first time in
history, all the pieces of The Secret come together in a revelation that is life transforming for all
who experience it.


Helene Hadsell, the woman with the 50-year winning streak. Helene has never lost a single
contest she has entered. Featured in many magazines, Helene wrote “The Name It and Claim It
Game” years back and sold millions milli ons of copies, until she decided to retire. Considering


Every Contest She Has Entered. Throughout her life she says she has won every contest she has
entered into and she says it is all because of using the Law of Attraction and the process above.

The Brain and Creative Visualisation - Alpha level Why is it important to use affirmations just
before we go to sleep as mentioned above? Why can't affirmations be used when we are wide
awake? The answer is that your brain activity slows down when you are going to sleep and you
are entering into the alpha brainwave level. The alpha level is an important brainwave level for
reprogramming your brain. It is much easier to rewire your brain at the alpha brainwave level
than in the fully awake level (called beta). Our brain is made up of billions of brain cells. These
are called neurons, which use electricity to communicate with each other. Combination of
electrical activity between neurons in the brain are often called brainwave patterns. These
patterns have a cyclic, wave-like look. When we think we are actually sending out brainwaves -
electric waves - which are registered in the brain. These waves are emitting tiny electrochemical
impulses of varied frequencies. These can be registered by an Electroencephalography (EEG).
There are four simple periodic rhythms recorded in the EEG and they are: alpha, beta, delta, and
theta. These rhythms are identified by frequency (Hz or cycles/sec).

Beta: 14 cycles/sec or more - we are awake and alert

current economic scenario and the countless requests from people, she has come back to share
her knowledge with world. Helene Hadsell is a living testament to the mastery of manifestation,
by which one can powerfully transform reality into their own design through affirmation and
personal power. From refrigerators to European vacations, over the years Helene has won many
prizes in a wide variety of contests. The most incredible win, according to Helene, was the brand
new dream home she won at the World Fair. Her name was randomly selected from 2 million
contest entries. She doesn’t believe in luck, chance, or accidents. What is it about this very
normal woman that bridges the gap between the power of manifestation and reality? Be
prepared to discover Helene’s reality-altering reality-altering abilities and how you can start
winning like a champion too!


Alpha: 7 - 14 cycles/sec - we are in a state of physical and mental relaxation. At this level we can
re-program ourselves Theta: 4 -7 cycles/sec - we are in a deep meditative state. Delta: 1 - 4
cycles/sec - we are asleep.

Over the past 50 years, brain researchers have been studying the effect of brain waves on
behaviour. Jose Silva was the first person to enter into this field and his studies showed that
when your brain is in alpha wave level you are actually able to reprogram yourself. Researchers
have pin-pointed the Beta brainwave frequencies as the zone to create a super focus mental
state, intellectual endurance, and for creative visualization.

The Power of Thought and Word transforming lives One can go through a big change in life. As
an example, after having gone through a few days of grieving someone says: “I was thinking I had
to start all over again. Overall, I was not feeling very good about it. Thinking on this and seeking
psychological guidance led me to a change of heart. Realizing that, no this is not a step back or
even a do-over, this was a step forward. Even though my circumstance had changed, it was not
necessarily a step back. Once I firmly established this thought I began to feel empowered. Is this
just a matter of semantics? No, not at all. The first way of thinking I described definitely had
undertones of helplessness. “Whoa me, I have to start all over!” Instead, I began to feel
empowered by knowing that I was stepping forward with a new beginning. Maybe they were
baby steps, but they still got me moving ahead in a positive direction. The first description was a
form of being in a victim role and the other was a role of embracing change. Can you feel the
difference in energy, or the energy shift that I made? It can be easy in times of difficulty or stress
to discover that we have allowed ourselves to wallow in the energy of victimhood. But with
practice we all can learn to shift from the role of victim to one of empowerment. It does take
practice like I said but more than anything it takes an increase of awareness as to what role we
may be in.” in. ” 19

In the role of being a victim: 1. You may have disassociated from your feelings and have very
little awareness you are here. 2. You are feeling sorry for yourself. 3. You allow others to tell you
what is good for you and what you should do. 4. You may compound this feeling by looking for
instances to reinforce your victimhood. “These things keep happening so I must not be meant to
be happy.” 5. Your energy is low and you engage in self-defeating and destructive behaviours
(over eating, drinking, increased TV time, either too much or too little sleep). 6. You avoid
activities and people you enjoy. 7. You have trouble finding positive solutions to even the
simplest of issues. In the role of empowerment: 1. You are in touch with your spiritual guidance
and tap into your positive support system. 2. You begin to feel powerful due to positive actions
being taken. 3. You listen to your support but feel strong to actively make your own choices. 4.
You easily begin to see that many positive things are right in front of you. 5. You become excited
and energized. 6. You do things to reinforce your positive feelings. 7. You easily are able to find
alternative solutions to suit your circumstances. The power of thought and word leads to the
power of emotion and action. In a way this reminds me of one of my favourite childhood stories
called, “The little engine that could.” Taking an example from example from this story my new
affirmation will be from the thought, “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.” To the belief, “I
know I can, I know I can, and I am glad I did!” “I think I can” can ” is an affirmation towards... but
it is not the proper affirmation. The positive affirmation is, “I know I can.” can.” A strong
affirmation de author of this article always uses is: “I am the Power, I am the Glory, I am another
God. ” That does not mean I am religious, it’ it’s an example. Everyone knows by now, I am an
atheist. Thoughts are like a video that plays on the screen of your mind. What you play there,
determines the kind of life you live and the experiences you meet. To 20

make changes in your life, you have to play a different video, one that you like more.

The Power of Thought is Creative You can train and strengthen this power. You can use it to make
changes in your life, and also to influence other people's minds. If you plant seeds, water them,
and give them fertilizers, they will grow into healthy and strong plants. Thoughts, like seeds,
have a natural tendency to grow and manifest in your life, if you feed them with attention,
interest and enthusiasm. Your thoughts pass from your conscious mind to your subconscious
mind, which in turn, influences your actions in accordance with these thoughts. Your thoughts
also pass to other minds, and consequently, people who are in a position to help you, might offer
you their help, sometimes, without even knowing why. This might some strange and
unbelievable. You don't have to accept these words, but if you analyze the kind of thoughts you
think, and the kind of life you live, you will discover interesting things about the mind. The power
of your mind is part of the creative power of the Universal Collective Consciousness, which
means that your thoughts work together with it. You are a manifestation of the Universal mind.
When you repeat the same thought over and again, in one way or another, this mighty power
helps you make your thoughts come true.

An example of how to use the power of your thoughts 1. Visualise a perfect scene of whatever
you want to accomplish. 2. Put a lot of detail, colour, sound, scent and life into these mental
scenes. 3. Repeat your visualization often, with faith and attention, and your subconscious will
accept these mental scenes as real experiences. The subconscious mind does not distinguish
between real and imaginary experiences, and accepts both as real. It will start making changes
and attracting opportunities, to make your reality match the images in your subconscious mind.
Actions, situations, and objects that you visualize frequently, eventually, manifest on the
material plane in a natural way. This manifestation does not happen overnight. It needs time,
and depends on how ambitious and sincere you are, and how much time and an d attention you
put into this action. You can use this process to change negative habits and build new, positive
habits or skills. You can also use it for attracting money and possessions, for


promotion at work, for building a business, improving health and relationships, changing
circumstances, and for practically almost everything. Give attention to the thoughts you think.
Do your best to reject negative thoughts, and to allow into your mind only thoughts that bring
good, happy, and positive results.

Will-Power and Self-Discipline Developing will-power and self-discipline can make a great
difference in your life, bringing to the fore, inner strength, which is vital for success and for
personal growth. The possession of these skills or their lack is a major factor, leading to success
or to failure, to taking action or to being lazy. This applies to major goals, and also to simple,
everyday tasks. These abilities are vital ingredients of success, both psychological and material. 

How many times you wanted to go for a walk, knowing how wonderful you feel afterwards, but
due to laziness or lack of inner strength, you stayed at home and watched TV instead? How
many times have you tried to change your eating habits, stop smoking, or get up earlier in the
morning, but you didn't possess enough inner strength and persistence? Do you start doing
things, but quit after a short while?

Will-power is to be defined as follows:  

The ability to control or reject unnecessary or harmful impulses. The ability to arrive at a
decision and follow it with perseverance, until its successful accomplishment. It is the inner
strength that enables you to refuse to indulge in unnecessary and useless habits. It is inner
power that enables you to overcome inner and external resistance and obstacles. It is the
antidote to laziness and procrastination.
There is a misconception in the public mind regarding these skills. It is erroneously believed that
their development and use require a lot of mental and 22

physical strain and effort. This is not true. You can develop them in a gradual, simple way, by
practicing certain exercises, and even enjoy the process.

You also need motivation! It is the inner power that pushes you toward taking action and toward
achievement. Motivation is powered by desire and ambition, and therefore, if they are absent,
motivation is absent too. Sometimes, you might have the desire to get something done, or to
achieve a certain goal, but if the desire and ambition are not strong enough, you lack the push,
the initiative, and the willingness to take the necessary action. in these cases, you lack of
motivation and inner drive. When there is motivation, there is initiative and direction, courage,
energy, and the persistence to follow your goals.

A motivated person takes action and does whatever it needs to achieve his or her goals.
Motivation becomes strong, when you have a vision, a clear mental image of what you want to
achieve, and also a strong desire to manifest it. In such a situation, motivation awakens inner
strength and power, and pushes you forward, toward making your vision a reality. Motivation
can be applied to every action and goal. There can be motivation to study a foreign language, to
get good grades at school, bake a cake, write a poem, take a walk every day, make more money,
get a better job, buy a new house, own a business, or become a writer, a doctor or a lawyer.
Motivation is present, whenever there is a clear vision, precise knowledge of what you want to
do, a strong desire, and faith in your abilities. Motivation is also one of the most important keys
to success. When there is lack of motivation, you either get no results, or only mediocre ones,
whereas, when there is motivation, you attain greater and better results and achievements.
Compare someone as a student who lacks motivation and who hardly studies, to a student who
is highly motivated, and who devotes many hours to his studies. Each student will get absolutely
different grades. Lack of motivation means lack of enthusiasm, zest and ambition, whereas the
possession of motivation is a sign of strong desire, energy and enthusiasm, and 23

the willingness to do whatever it it takes to achieve what one sets out to do. A motivated person
is a happier person, more energetic, and sees the positive end result in his or her mind.

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