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INTRODUCTION ........................................................ 1

Antecedents of previous studies on adolescent

pregnancy............................................................... 2

Adolescent Pregnancy.......................................... 3

Psychological complications for the pregnant….....4

Adolescent ............................................................. 5

Conclusion ............................................................ 6

In recent years in the Dominican Republic adolescent pregnancy

has become one of the most worrying issues for our society as
young people begin an increasingly promiscuous sex life and
with this has dragged a series of problems for the society such as
personal, family and couples.
This process of pregnancy at an early age triggers a series of
physical damages and risks for the young woman and for the
child she carries in her womb, family instability that enters into
crisis at the same moment that the news that she got pregnant is
dispersed. An age not very accepted by society. Due to the
consequences during this process, this will be detailed in the
following work
Antecedents of previous studies on adolescent pregnancy

Among the situations that fundamentally affect our society are

pregnancies in adolescence because of the danger of severely
compromising future parents, society and the family. In the
Dominican Republic since 2009 to the present, the growth of
young women who are pregnant has been noted; at an early age
in most of the events are unwanted pregnancies.
The Dominican association of family welfare (profamilia),
conducted a study in 2001 which shows that the clutch grows
increasingly in adolescents from 13 to 18 years in the
Dominican Republic, the most vulnerable place is the rural area,
the study also It shows that young women have a low level of
education, in most pregnancies they are not planned.
Teen pregnancy or precocious pregnancy is that pregnancy that
occurs in a teenage woman, between the initial adolescence or
puberty, beginning of the fertile age, and the end of adolescence.
The WHO establishes adolescence between 10 and 19 years.

The term also refers to pregnant women who have not reached
the legal age of majority, variable according to the different
countries of the world, as well as to the Pregnant adolescent
women who are dependent on the family of origin.

Early pregnancy is one of the main causes of school dropout

among adolescents (44%). Pregnancy at an early age affects the
health of adolescents because it increases the risks of
complications in pregnancy and delivery that can lead to death.
Psychological complications for the pregnant adolescent

In general, the studies talk about a series of circumstances that

teenage mothers go through:

- Fear of being rejected socially: one of the consequences of

adolescence and pregnancy is that the young woman feels
criticized by her environment and tends to isolate herself from
the group.

- Rejection of the baby: they are girls and do not want to take
responsibility, the time and obligations of being a mother.
However, this also makes them feel guilty, sad and their self-
esteem is reduced.

- Problems with the family: communicating pregnancy in the

family is often a source of conflict and even rejection by one's
own environment.

- The children of teenage mothers and fathers tend to suffer a

higher rate of school failure, problems of social integration or

At the end of this work i understood that pregnancy breaks into

the lives of adolescents at times when they still do not reach
physical and mental maturity, sometimes in adverse
circumstances, in the midst of nutritional deficiencies or other
diseases, and in a family environment not very receptive to
accept and protect it.
Both early pregnancy and motherhood limit or impede
opportunities to continue their studies.
Faced with this, the need to facilitate access to information and
care in responsible sexual and reproductive health becomes so

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