Fallsem2018-19 Eee1007 Eth Tt424 Vl2018191002720 Reference Material I Unit - IV Maxnet

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Competitive Learning Neural networks

Max net

S. Vivekanandan

Cabin: TT 319A
E-Mail: svivekanandan@vit.ac.in
Mobile: 8124274447
• Unsupervised learning
– Training samples contain only input patterns
• No desired output is given (teacher-less)

– Learn to form classes/clusters of sample patterns according

to similarities among them

• Patterns in a cluster would have similar features

• No prior knowledge as what features are important for
classification, and how many classes are there.
Unsupervised learning networks
Competitive networks and competitive learning
• Winner-takes-all (WTA)
• Maxnet
• Hamming net
Counterpropagation nets
• Adaptive Resonance Theory
• Self-organizing map (SOM)

• Clustering
• Vector quantization
• Feature extraction
• Dimensionality reduction
• optimization
NN Based on Competition
• Competition is important for NN
– Competition between neurons has been observed in
biological nerve systems
– Competition is important in solving many problems

• To classify an input pattern x_1 C_1

into one of the m classes
– idea case: one class node
has output 1, all other 0 ; x_n C_m
– often more than one class
nodes have non-zero output INPUT CLASSIFICATION

– If these class nodes compete with each other, maybe only

one will win eventually and all others lose (winner-takes-
all). The winner represents the computed classification of
the input
Winner-takes-all (WTA):

• Among all competing nodes, only one will win and all others
will lose
• We mainly deal with single winner WTA, but multiple
winners WTA are possible (and useful in some applications)
• Easiest way to realize WTA: have an external, central
arbitrator (a program) to decide the winner by comparing the
current outputs of the competitors (break the tie arbitrarily)
• This is biologically unsound (no such external arbitrator
exists in biological nerve system).
Max Net
• Performs Winner-takes all competition
• It has fixed- weights competitive net – Learning is not essential
• The weights are fixed.
• A subnet (picks the node whose input is largest) is given which
achieves the competition.
• It has m –node which are completely interconnected.
• Interconnections have symmetric weights ε
• Weights are inhibited and fixed, hence no need of updation
• Activation function
 xifx  0 
f ( X )  

21-03-2017 Dr. S. Vivekanandan Asso. Prof.-SELECT 6

21-03-2017 Dr. S. Vivekanandan Asso. Prof.-SELECT 7
21-03-2017 Dr. S. Vivekanandan Asso. Prof.-SELECT 8
Problem 1

Construct Max net with 4 neuron and inhibitory weights

ε = 0.2. the initial activations are

• A1(0)= 0.3
• A2(0) = 0.5
• A3(0) =0.7
• A4(0) = 0.9

21-03-2017 Dr. S. Vivekanandan Asso. Prof.-SELECT 9

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21-03-2017 Dr. S. Vivekanandan Asso. Prof.-SELECT 11

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