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Agricultural Entrepreneurship Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship

Duffy Mark N. Cabañas, MBA PUP-Open University System

Name: Grace Socito

Section: BSEntrep IV-6

Topic 1 – Introduction to Agricultural Entrepreneurship

1. What are the top three agricultural products that you usually consume in your household?


a. Garlic
b. Rice
c. Pepper

2. Why is it important to study agricultural entrepreneurship?


For me, it is important to improve the appreciation of this field of study, to open opportunities
in combating the National Issue of Inflation and to promote entrepreneurial skills to help other

3. What happened from 1993 to 2003 in the area of Crop Production?


In the Philippines under Crop Production, from 1999 to 2003, women's participation was
significant in planting/transplanting, manual weeding, care of crops and harvesting. Women
were least involved in land preparation and furrowing. In palay farming, about 35 percent to 49
percent of the farming households hired women workers in pulling and bundling of seedlings,
and in planting and harvesting activities. More women workers were also employed in corn
(harvesting/husking, planting and transplanting and care of crops), and sugarcane farming
(weeding and fertilizer application). Women workers were least employed in coconut farming,
particularly in the removal of coconut meat (BAS, 2004).

4. What happened to the agricultural sector in 1997?


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Agricultural Entrepreneurship Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship
Duffy Mark N. Cabañas, MBA PUP-Open University System

The agricultural sector was the hardest hit during the 1997 Asian financial crisis. Because of
declining employment opportunities and family incomes, women had to engage in multiple
economic activities, including selling cooked food to farm workers, engaging in backyard swine
raising, picking of duck eggs, working as laundry women or domestic helpers, and whenever
possible, participating in rice transplanting.

Another thing that had happened was Republic Act 8435 or the Agriculture and Fisheries
Modernization Act of 1997 simply known as AFMA, was enacted on December 22, 1997. It is a
policy instrument defining measures to modernize Philippine agriculture for the country to
compete in the global market.

The underlying principle behind this policy is to improve the living conditions of farmers and
fisherfolk and increase their productivity amidst the growing needs of the markets (local and
abroad). Most of the people depending on agriculture have small landholdings or are landless,
making a living out of agriculture alone very difficult. Their attention had been narrowly focused
on primary production. However, even with high farm productivity, incomes can remain low
without the complementary supporting economic activities beyond the farm. Modernizing
agriculture is the way by which they can realize better income.

The law has broad based provisions covering 1) production and marketing support services; 2)
human resource development; 3) research development and extension; 4) rural non-farm
employment; 5) trade and fiscal incentives; and 6) general provisions.

5. Differentiate the words “Food Security” and “Food Sustainability”. Cite examples.

Food Security is the state of having reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable,
nutritious food while Food Sustainability is setting up a system of collaborative network that
integrates several components in order to enhance a community's environmental, economic
and social well-being. It is built on principles that further the ecological, social and economic
values of a community and region. Food should be produced, processed, bought, sold and
eaten in ways that provide social benefits,contribute to thriving local economies that create
good jobs and secure livelihoods, and enhance the health and variety of both plants and animals
(and the welfare of farmed and wild creatures), protect natural resources such as water and soil,
and help to tackle climate change.

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