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Procurement Notice: Services

Expression of Interest (EOI)-Consultancy for Pre-Feasibility Study of BRT Corridor


Reference No: 83296620

Date of Notice Issuance: 13 September 2018
Project : Sustainable Urban Transport Programme Indonesia – SUTRI NAMA

Category of Services: Consulting Company

Deadline of Submission: Friday, 28 September 2018 at 14:00, Jakarta Local Time (UTC+7)

Requirement Details

See details in attachment: Annex 1-ToR Consultancy for Pre-Feasibility Study of BRT Corridor

How to submit your EOI

Please submit your EOI by email to:

Send email to :

CC to : and

Attn to : GIZ - Contract Indonesia

The Subject email should bear the following information:

- the address for submission of EOI as indicated above;
- the title “Expression of Interest –83296620”;
- the name of the bidder (Your_Company Name);
- the words “DO NOT OPEN UNTIL 28 September 2018”

The Documents inside the email, must consist of:

 Expression of Interest letter
 An introduction of the company/institution (e.g. company profile, copy of company’s
registration and copy of company’s tax registration number)
 Team structure include their update Curriculum Vitae and relevant work experience. One
contact person details must be provided.
 At least 3(three) references for successful projects in the ASEAN region and International

Please read carefully the terms & conditions below:

Delivery Place & Time Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Menara BCA, Level 46 Jl. M.H Thamrin No. 1 Jakarta 10310 –

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[13/09/2018] GIZ Office Indonesia, Contract & Procurement Unit
EOI Document The Content of Expression Of Interest as follow :
 Expression of Interest letter
 An introduction of the company/institution (e.g.
company profile, copy of company’s registration and
copy of company’s tax registration number)
 Team structure include their update Curriculum Vitae
and relevant work experience. One contact person
details must be provided.
 At least 3(three) references for successful projects in
the ASEAN region and International.
Language All proposal documentation shall be in English
Evaluation of Company The Evaluation Committee will examine the EOI’s received.
The consultancy is expected to hand in in the first step of the
tender process an overview of 3 reference projects in order to
evaluate the eligibility of the company.

Submitting a EOI after the deadline for submission of quotations given will invalidate the submission; It
is the exclusive responsibility of the offering party to ensure that the package containing the
documents reaches the designated address before the closing date/time, so that it is time stamped and
acceptable for opening.

For any questions relating to this RFQ, please send an email to

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[13/09/2018] GIZ Office Indonesia, Contract & Procurement Unit
Invitation for Expression of Interest – 83296620 – Pre-Feasibility Study

External Announcement

13 September 2018

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is a German

implementing organisation which provides services worldwide in the field of international
cooperation for sustainable development. We work to shape a future worth living in over 120
countries around the world.

In the framework of the German Indonesian cooperation, GIZ implements the

“Sustainable Urban Transport Programme Indonesia (SUTRI) Nationally Appropriate
Mitigation Action (NAMA)” SUTRINAMA project

Sustainable Urban Transport Programme Indonesia (SUTRI) Nationally Appropriate Mitigation
Action (NAMA) as registered with the UNFCCC aims to tackle challenges of growing urban
traffic congestion and increasing urban transport related greenhouse gas emissions by
transforming urban transport in Indonesia with a mix of capacity-building and investment
measures provided through a national sustainable urban transport programme. SUTRI NAMA
is implemented starting December 2017 with the support from the NAMA Facility through GIZ
as the delivery organization.
A technical assistance component namely Indonesia Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Development
Project (INDOBUS), funded by the State Secretariat of Economic Affairs of Switzerland
(SECO) added to SUTRI NAMA with a primary aim to assist selected Indonesian cities in
developing bus rapid transit corridors as a backbone for sustainable urban mobility systems,
through a mix of technical and investment assistance. At national level, the Ministry of
Transport is supported in establishing the necessary regulatory framework and policies for
BRT systems in Indonesian cities as well as coordinating efforts of all other line ministries to
effect substantial progress e.g. to initiating high-level policy dialogues. At local level INDOBUS
assists selected pilot cities in developing the BRT corridors and supports the setting up of
state-of-the-art BRT management and operations including human capacity development by
means of training on the job/ close collaboration with project experts as well as selected
training activities.
The first output of INDOBUS is “Technical concepts for BRT corridors establishment are
delivered to the Indonesian partner cities”. One of the activities under this output is assisting
partner cities in feasibility studies for BRT corridors. SUTRI NAMA is seeking consultancy to
conduct Pre-Feasibility Study for BRT corridors in 3(three) cities in Indonesia; Pekanbaru in
Riau province, Semarang in Central Java province and Batam in Riau Islands province.

Within this context, GIZ is looking for a qualified company candidate that based on
ASEAN region for the position of

Consultantcy for Pre-Feasibility Study SUTRINAMA-INDOBUS

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GIZ invites qualified consulting company to submit their expression of interest including their
company information with details of key personnel and relevant job refence (both local and
overseas). Further details including deliverables, timelines and services required from a
consulting company are mentioned in the attached Term of Reference and annexes.

While responding to the EOI invitation by email the bidder needs to specifically mention in
the subject line of the email the reference number and name of the submitting consulting
company as “EOI – 83296620 – Pre-Feasibility Study SUTRINAMA INDOBUS from
consultant AtoZ ”.

Email respond must cover following information:

1. Expression of Interest letter

2. An introduction of the company/institution (e.g. company profile, copy of company’s
registration and copy of company’s tax registration number in each country)
3. Team structure include their update Curriculum Vitae and relevant work experience.
One contact person details must be provided.
4. At least 3(three) references for successful projects in the ASEAN region and

Email should arrive at the latest by Friday, 28 September 2018 at 14:00 pm, Jakarta Local
Time (UTC +7).

All documents should be submitted in English and must be sent by email to : contract- and cc:, and . Any
emails arrive after the deadline will not be considered.

Should you have any question related to this respect, please send an email to contract- and cc to, and

Please note that at this stage, the submission does not constitute any commitment from
Sutrinama Indobus to proceed with the contract awarding. It would serve merely as an
expression of interest for further tender process. Company that are successfully shortlisted
after the Expression of Interest, will be invited to tender process and submit their proposals.

We thank you for your kind attention and look forward to hear from you.


1. Term of Reference (ToR)

Only short-listed candidates will be notified.

GIZ Office Jakarta – Contract and Procurement

Menara BCA, 46th Floor, Jl. MH Thamrin No. 1, Jakarta 10310, Indonesia

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[13/09/2018] GIZ Office Indonesia, Contract & Procurement Unit
Terms of Reference
Pre-Feasibility Study of BRT Corridor Development

1. Background
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is an
international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development with worldwide operations.
Its corporate objective is to improve people’s living conditions on a sustainable basis.
Sustainable Urban Transport Programme Indonesia (SUTRI) Nationally Appropriate
Mitigation Action (NAMA) as registered with the UNFCCC aims to tackle challenges of
growing urban traffic congestion and increasing urban transport related greenhouse gas
emissions by transforming urban transport in Indonesia with a mix of capacity-building and
investment measures provided through a national sustainable urban transport programme.
SUTRI NAMA implementation was started in December 2017 with the support from the
NAMA Facility through GIZ as the implementing agency.
A technical assistance component namely Indonesia Bus Rapid Transit Corridor
Development Project (INDOBUS), funded by the State Secretariat of Economic Affairs of
Switzerland (SECO) was added to SUTRI NAMA with a primary aim to assist selected
Indonesian cities in developing bus rapid transit (BRT) corridors as a backbone for
sustainable urban mobility systems, through a mix of technical assistance and capacity
development. At national level, INDOBUS supports the Ministry of Transport in establishing
the necessary regulatory framework and policies for BRT systems in Indonesian cities as
well as coordinating efforts of all other line ministries that affect substantial progress e.g. to
initiating high-level policy dialogues and unlocking financial barrier. At local level INDOBUS
assists selected pilot cities in developing the BRT corridors and supports the setting up of
state-of-the-art BRT management and operations including human capacity development by
means of training on the job/ close collaboration with project experts as well as selected
training activities.
The first output of INDOBUS is “Technical concepts for BRT corridors establishment are
delivered to the Indonesian partner cities”. One of the activities under this output is assisting
partner cities in developing feasibility studies for BRT corridors. In order to achieve the
above-mentioned output and to appropriately plan the BRT with segregated lane, INDOBUS
seeks a qualified consulting firm(s) with strong and technical sound expertise in the field of
Pre-Feasibility Study for the development of BRT corridor with segregated lane in
Pekanbaru, Batam and Semarang. It is expected to develop a PFS for each lot (Pekanbaru,
Batam and Semarang)

City Profile
1. Pekanbaru (Lot-1)
Pekanbaru, the capital city of Province Riau, has 1.1 million inhabitants. Pekanbaru is the
economic centre of the eastern part of Sumatra island which relies on its natural resources.
Many national and international companies working on oil, palm oil and agriculture locate
their offices in the city and its surroundings. These companies have big shares in the city

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[13/09/2018] GIZ Office Indonesia, Contract & Procurement Unit
development, which made infrastructure such as stadiums, housing, schools and bridges are
much more advance compared to other cities in the region.
Settlement and business district are located alongside the Siak River in which the activities
are concentrated. Population growth and land availability push new development pattern
outward the city centre. Since the redistribution of activity centre has not been implemented,
constant mobility travel to the city centre is significantly increasing.
Transit system (Trans Pekanbaru) was introduced in 2009, supported by 20 large buses
under grant scheme from the MoT and served two corridors. Since 2014 the Government of
Pekanbaru expanded the corridors into seven lines with 75 buses, also under grant scheme
from the MoT. The commitment of the Government of Pekanbaru to support the transit
system in the city can be seen from the annual budget which shows increasing operational
subsidy in each year. Various models of institutional arrangement to operate Trans
Pekanbaru were tried and implemented in the last few years. Unfortunately, none of them is
Considering revenue and demand increment in the last few years, the Government of
Pekanbaru plans to upgrade two pre-selected BRT corridors with segregated lanes.

2. Batam (Lot-2)
Having a strategic location nearby Sumatra island and Singapore, Batam is the forefront
island in Indonesia. In the 1970s, with the initial goal of making Batam as Indonesia version
of Singapore, according to Presidential Decree number 41 year 1973, Batam Island is
designated as working environment of industrial area supported by Batam Island Industrial
Development Authority or better known as Batam Authority Board (BOB) as the driving force
for the development of Batam. Nowadays the name changed to Batam Development
Board (Indonesian: Badan Pengusahan Batam or BP Batam)1. With the rapid development of
the island of Batam, in the 1980s, based on Government Regulation No. 34 of 1983, the
Batam District which is part of Riau Islands Regency, was upgraded to Batam municipality
which has the duties in running government administration and society and support the
development of Batam Authority (BP Batam)2.
Batam, inhabited by 1.1 million (2015), is the site for foreign-owned shipbuilding companies
and electronics manufacturers contributing to the economy growth of the island; thanks to the
low labour costs and special government incentives. Tourism lately becomes significant
sector and makes Batam’s port the third busiest entry port in Indonesia after Jakarta and
Trans Batam was introduced in 2005 supported by the MoT as the pilot city of Urban Public
Transport Policy Framework (UPTPF) within ASEAN countries initiated by ASEAN – Japan
government. Currently, Trans Batam operates seven lines with 72 buses. Operational hours
are on average 12 hours, with 15 minute-headway on average. Demand of Trans Batam is
steadily increasing from 500.000 passenger in 2012 to two million in 2017 resulting revenue
of IDR 7.5 billion in 2017.
The commitment of Government of Batam can be seen through regulations and budget
allocation for operational and maintenance subsidy since 2004. Various institutional set up

1, accessed on 5 August 2018

2 Ibid.
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have also been implemented. Due to the increasing of demand, the Government of Batam
plans to upgrade one corridor of Trans Batam to BRT with segregated lane.

3. Semarang (Lot-3)
The city of Semarang is one of oldest cities in Indonesia built in 17th century during colonial
era. Strategically located in the centre of Java Island, Semarang becomes more important
city after the mail road was built, followed by railways and roads development. Having built
the transportation network, Semarang transformed from rural into urban city.
Semarang has population of 1.5 million in 2015 consists of various ethnics and background.
The development was concentrated at the northern and central part of the city where the
business district, port, station and terminal are located. However, due to the geographical
limitation, the city expands the area to the west, east and south part of the city. This
contributes to the significant increase of travel demand.
Increased urbanization and vehicle ownership worsen the mobility situation. Two million bus
passengers in 2015 decreasing from four million in the previous year. Currently public
transport share is only 20%, while motorcycle dominates urban mobility with 58% share.
Since 2009, the Government of Semarang is operating Trans Semarang in six lines with 116
bus fleets managed by BLU (Badan Layanan Umum/Public Service Agency) Trans
Semarang. The Government of Semarang is committed to the development of Trans
Semarang towards BRT with segregated lane supported by regulatory and financial

2. Objectives
The consultancy aims to develop a prefeasibility study (PFS) on the development of BRT
corridor(s) in
- Lot 1: Pekanbaru
- Lot 2: Batam
- Lot 3: Semarang
and assess initial capital and operating costs, support the definition of performance
standards (e.g. system capacity, speed, comfort, system flexibility, scalability).

3. Scope, Tasks and Deliverables

The scope of work of the consultant shall include but not necessarily be limited to the
following – to be carried out under supervision of the GIZ SUTRI NAMA and INDOBUS
(hereafter “the Project”) staff (refer also to specification of deliverables beneath).
The consultants shall liaise with the MoT and the Project directly and shall coordinate with
other relevant institutions in order to share the process and results. The Project will examine
the deliverables and outputs arising from the contract and provide feedback and if necessary,
advice on how to adjust.

Initial preparation activities:

 Based on available information provided by the project staff, including this Terms of
Reference (ToR), submit technical offer including preliminary work plan one week after
the contract signing.
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 Revise and update work plan in accordance with the project staff comments and inputs
along the process.

General Activity:
Develop minutes of meetings and proceedings of the workshops and meetings during the

Specific Task:
The expected workload for each lot is estimated based on the following table.
Tasks Activities Maximum Maximum
senior junior
expert expert
days days
1. Assessment of key  Indicating policy and legislation, 14 12
development issues in the institutional structure and capacity,
city finance, analysis and overview of
the current situation and its impact
 Analysing previous and existing
transport strategy and investment
 Developing stakeholder mapping
and analysis
 Reviewing regulatory and legal
policies which may have impact on
the (new) BRT corridors
 Identifying key social issues,
including gender and poverty
concerns and assessing impacts
of previous and planned transport
 Identifying key environmental and
climate issues as well as relevant
strategies, regulations and
institutional capacity
2. Technical assessment and  Assessing overall traffic conditions 19 23
analysis of the transport in the city, including: public
situation and development transport and other modes of
of system design motorised transport, non-
recommendation motorised transport, parking,
safety and traffic enforcement,
transport and air quality
 Analysing existing BRT corridors
 Analysing existing public transport
 Developing baseline scenario for
future development of BRT
 Estimating modal shift and
demand for the new BRT system
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and corridors, highlighting BRT’s
advantage over other mass transit
 Recommending new BRT system
3. Developing financial  Analysing of the current city 9 17
options and feasibility revenues, recurrent internally
generated and other revenue,
grants and loans, including specific
analysis related to the existing BRT
 Analysing of recurrent expenditure,
other expenditure and capital
expenditure, including specific
analysis related to the existing BRT
 Developing preliminary estimation
of the recommended BRT costs
based on activity #2
 Identifying direct and indirect
revenue of recommended BRT,
including proposed tariffs/charges
and demand estimates
 Reviewing the city’s current
investment situation to derive a
financial envelope to finance the
recommended BRT
 Undertaking financial analysis of
the recommended BRT and
developing financial
statements/projections for the
financial viability of the
recommended BRT
4. Recommending options of  Analysing existing issues, 5 15
institutional arrangements including governance problems,
institutional weakness,
organisational weakness, human
capacity deficiencies
 Proposing measures to mitigate
the problems
 recommending BRT
implementation and operational
5. Developing risk  Examining major assumptions 7 12
assessment and mitigation made for the recommended BRT
 Identifying any critical factors
outside the control of the (future)
project developers
 Identifying risks to the
recommended BRT
implementation and sustainability,
including technical, political,
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institutional, social (including
gender), financial, economic,
capacity and environmental risks
 Indicating risk management
strategies and mitigation
6. Assessing projected  Assessing environmental and 7 11
impacts of BRT climate links and expected impacts
recommendations to the recommended BRT and
proposing mitigation measures
 Assessing expected social impacts
to the recommended BRT and
proposing mitigation measures
 Developing summary of all impacts
(both positive and negative)
assessment, expected from the
recommended BRT
implementation, including social,
environment, climate, poverty,
gender, governance, human
capacity and organisational

Specification of Deliverables – Minimum Requirement

The above specific tasks and scope shall be reflected in the following deliverables:
A. Preliminary workplan
B. Interim Report
C. Draft Final Report
D. Final Report
Deliverables shall be in electronic format, following the procedures and format defined by
GIZ and shall be submitted in English.

Deliverable A: Preliminary workplan

The work plan shall consist of at least methods of work, experts to be involved and estimated
timeline on specific items, including travel plan whenever necessary.

The structure of deliverables B, C and D is the same although the nature, scale and detail of
the content are different. The structure to be discussed with GIZ staff and can be reviewed
and revised from time-to-time based on the implementation progress.

Report Structure
The report structure is expected to be similar for each lot:

Report Structure Interim Draft Final

Report (B) Report Report
(C) (D)
1 Executive Summary
1.1 Objective BRT project and background Detail Detail Detail
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1.2 Overall traffic Summary of traffic condition Preliminary Draft Complete
situation Draft
1.3 Highlight of transit Summary of transit option - Draft Complete
1.4 Transit option Summary of future demand for - Draft Complete
needs in the transit option
1.5 System design Finding and recommendation for - Draft Complete
recommendation the future of transit option
1.6 Estimated cost Summary of estimated cost and - Draft Complete
and financial financial feasibility of city to
feasibility for develop transit option
transit option

1.7 Conclusion Summary of the PFS - Draft Complete

recommendations on the
proposed corridor(s)

2. Introduction
2.1 Background - Introduction of the SUTRI Detail Detail Detail
NAMA & INDOBUS and its
cooperation with MoT
- Introduction of the BRT
2.2 About PFS - Objectives of the PFS and Detail Detail Detail
- Structure of the PFS report
2.3 Schedule Schedule of the PFS Indicative Indicative Actual
2.4 Who were List of counterparts, experts, Indicative Indicative Actual
involved GIZ staff and relevant parties
involved during the study

3. Transportation Situation in the City

3.1 Key development - Introduction about the city Indicative Draft Final
issues - Policy and legislations
- Institutional structure and
- Previous and existing
transport strategy and
investment programmes
- Key social issues
- Environmental and climate
- Stakeholders mapping
3.2 Transport - Introduction to the city Preliminary Draft Final
situation in the overall traffic conditions
city - Analysis of existing BRT
conditions and performance

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- Baseline scenario for the
new development of BRT
- Modal shift and demand
estimation for the new BRT
system and corridors
- Recommendation of the
new BRT

4. Public Transport Demand Analysis

4.1 Analysis of - Analysis of existing transit Preliminary Draft Final
existing BRT option, including technical draft
and financial performance,
- analysis of legal and
4.2 Analysis of - analysis of existing demand Preliminary Draft Final
transport demand - demand projection draft
4.3 Baseline scenario - estimated performance of - Draft Final
for the new BRT upgraded transit system
- estimated demand of
upgraded transit system
4.4 Modal shift and - analysis of modal and - Draft Final
demand demand shift on upgraded
estimation transit system
4.5 Conclusion - - Draft Final

5. Technical option and identification

5.1 Recommendation - Recommendations and - Draft Final
analysis to improve the
urban situation. Description
of alternative technical
options and conceptual
design, and social,
environmental, and
institutional aspects.
5.2 Project Conceptual level project - Draft Final
Description description for each technical
option considered that includes:
- Project title
- Sector/Sub-sector
- Technical description and
aspects of each project
component (as much detail
as possible on the scale,
content and scope of each
project component –
assumptions are fine)
- Location (maps, photos as

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- The project’s linkage to
other existing or planned
urban projects, possible
synergies, innovative
- Project beneficiaries,
benefits and outcomes
- Environmental impact and
climate sensitivity screening
– this information and
analysis needs to link with
Chapter 9
- Social, poverty, gender
impacts and project design
features to enhance
inclusive and local
economic development –
this information and analysis
needs to link with Chapter 9
- Project capital, operation &
maintenance cost costs
(US$) broken down by
major category – this
information and analysis
needs to link with Chapter 6
- Potential for community
- Implementing agency
(institutional, organizational
and human capacity
development arrangements)
– this information and
analysis needs to link with
Chapter 7
- Project implementation plan
– this information and
analysis needs to link with
Chapter 10

6. Financial Options and Feasibility

6.1 Analysis of the - revenues - Draft Final
current city - recurrent internally
revenues generated and other
- grants and loans
- analysis related to existing
6.2 Analysis of - recurrent expenditure - Draft Final
recurrent city - other expenditure and
expenditures capital expenditure

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- analysis related to the
existing BRT
6.3 Financial analysis For the recommended BRT - Draft Final
and projections of - preliminary cost estimation
the recommended - Direct and indirect revenue
BRT - Proposed tariffs/charges
- Demand estimates
- Financial projections for the
financial viability
6.4 Financial Assessment of financial - Draft Final
feasibility feasibility of proposed BRT

7. Institutional Arrangement
7.1 Analysis of - governance problems Preliminary Draft Final
existing issues - institutional weakness draft
- organisational weakness
- human capacity deficiencies
7.2 Proposed Proposed measures to mitigate Preliminary Draft Final
measures the problems draft
7.3 Recommendation Recommendation of BRT Preliminary Draft Final
implementation and operational draft

8. Risk Assessment and Mitigation

8.1 Risk Assessment - major assumptions for the - Draft Final
recommended BRT
- critical factors outside the
control of the (future) project
- risks to the recommended
BRT implementation and
8.2 Risk Mitigation Risk management strategy and - Draft Final

9. Projected Impacts of BRT Recommendations

9.1 Environmental - Assessment of - Draft Final
and Climate environmental and climate
impacts to the
recommended BRT
- Mitigation measures
9.2 Social - Assessment of expected - Draft Final
social impact to the
recommended BRT
- Mitigation measures
9.3 Other impacts Assessments and mitigation - Draft Final
measures: poverty, gender,
governance, human capacity
and organisational

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10 Implementation Plan
10.1 Project Investment programs / - Draft Final
Ownership proposals need to be owned
and endorsed by the public,
political representatives, and
other city stakeholders. This is
especially true when national
and/or domestic resources are
being considered for co-
financing program
implementation. While this is
the responsibility of city
authorities and relevant
government agencies, the
consulting team must
communicate the required
process to relevant agencies
and assist where possible
10.2 Timeline for Estimate project timeline for - Draft Final
Project implementation including
Implementation milestone and output
10.3 Further Studies This PFS must produce terms of - Draft Final
reference for the next stage of
project development

10. Conclusion
Summary - Key findings - draft Final
- Recommendations
- impacts

11 Annexes
Annex 1 ToR for the Feasibility Study - Draft Final
Other annexes - Draft Final

4. Inputs
The activities shall be accomplished by a team of consultants for each lot with at least the
following qualifications:
a. General qualifications
At least master’s degree for senior experts and bachelor’s degree for junior
experts in relevant field: (transport) engineering, (transport) economics,
geographical or environmental science with a focus on transport or related
disciplines with a focus on transport (politics, international cooperation/
administration, law). For Senior Experts/Team Leader minimum 10 years
professional working experience, for Junior Experts minimum 3 years professional
working experience.

b. Specific qualifications:
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Senior Experts:
- At least one expert as team leader with more than 10 years of project management
experiences, specifically in projects in the field of (transport) engineering,
(transport) economics, geographical or environmental science with a focus on
transport or related disciplines with a focus on transport (politics, international
cooperation/ administration, legal)
- At least 1 expert in Sustainable Urban Transport with minimum 10 years of
experience in sustainable urban transport including (public and non-motorised)
transport infrastructure, public transport reform processes (market consolidation)
- At least 1 expert in Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) with a minimum of 10 years of
experience in bus rapid transit system developments. International expertise is an

Junior Experts:
- At least 1 expert in urban transport funding with a minimum of 3 years of experience
in urban transport funding (including public procurement and financial planning)
- At least 1 expert in national policy development with a minimum of 3 years of
experience in national policy development
- At least 1 expert in social science with a minimum of 3 years of experience in
engaging and working with effected communities in the framework of infrastructure

c. Regional experience:
Experience working in South East Asia and Indonesia as advantage.

d. Language skills:
Team Leader: Excellent English writing skills, with proven track record of quality
documentation in English; knowledge in Bahasa Indonesia is advantage
Senior Experts: Excellent English writing skills, with proven track record of quality
documentation in English; knowledge in Bahasa Indonesia is advantage
Junior Experts: Fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia

5. Organisation and Work Plan

The consultancy shall provide additional in-house project administration staff that shall assist
in handling the administration, finance, documentation and project control management,
including travel and event arrangements with the Project. The cost of the additional
administration staff shall be included in the contract overhead.
Under the coordination of the Project staff, the consultancy shall also gather inputs from and
consult with relevant institutions, including Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Public
Works and Housing, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Home Affairs and National Development
Planning Agency (BAPPENAS).
In undertaking assignments, the consultants shall closely collaborate and coordinate with
other international/national experts assigned in the Project.
It is envisaged that 70% activities will be conducted in the cities, while the remaining 30% will
be in Jakarta. The consultancy is expected to have experts based either in Jakarta or

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respective cities and shall indicate in the proposal which experts are based in Jakarta or
respective cities.

6. Technical Offer
The consultancy shall submit technical offer that elaborates the interpretation of the ToR and
is briefly explained as follow:
 The proposal should be handed in in English language
 CVs need to be in English language and uniform format with a maximum of three pages
per candidate
 The evaluation of the proposal will follow the attached evaluation matrix
 Experts with several expertise can be offered
 A draft of the workplan shall be included in the technical offer
 The technical offer should consist of the following sections (in total 5-10 pages):
o Interpretation of objectives: The consultant shall describe their interpretation of the
objective of the assignment, including which aspects are considered priority
o Strategy: A brief description of how the consultant would approach the task of Pre-
Feasibility Studies for a city
o Implementation Methods: How would s/he proceed and which steps would s/he
take in which order? Which information would s/he consider important and how
would s/he structure the assessment/adjustment?
o Work schedule and time schedule: The consultant shall propose and indicated
time schedule for the assignment
o Staff and backstopping conception: This section shall describe in detail the ability
of the consulting company / consortium to ensure good quality during the
implementation of the Pre-Feasibility Study assignment.
o Knowledge Management: Consultant shall explain his/her process and
knowledge management
7. Presentation
The three highest ranked companies for each lot in the technical evaluation will be invited
and shall provide a (online) presentation (15 minutes presentation and 15 minutes question
and answer session – 10 minutes senior expert, 5 minutes junior expert) to demonstrate their
ability to undertake the aforementioned task described in the ToR. The evaluation of the
presentation will follow the attached evaluation matrix (file reference).
8. Timing
The assignment shall tentatively start in November 2018 and end in May 2019. The
deliverables shall be submitted as illustrated in the time schedule below:
Deliverables Submission Schedule

One week after the contract signing

A. Technical Offer including
preliminary workplan
B. Interim Report December 2018
C. Draft Report April 2019
D. Final Report May 2019

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[13/09/2018] GIZ Office Indonesia, Contract & Procurement Unit
The Project will have 10 working days from the submission of the draft report for comments
and the consultant will have a further 10 working days for re-submission of the final report for
each deliverable.

9. Term of Assignment and Total Workload

In the period from 1 November 2018 until 31 May 2019, the prospective workload for the
realisation of this consultancy is estimated as follows:
Pool 1 Senior experts Pool 2 junior experts
Number of days (up to) per lot 61 90
Minimum number of experts 1 2
per pool per lot
1 0
 Sustainable urban
0 1
 Urban Transport Funding
1 0
 BRT development
0 1
 National policy
0 1
 social science

 A company can offer experts that cover multiple fields of expertise, but the minimum
number of experts offered by each lot should be as in the table above, i.e. minimum of
one senior expert for first pool for each lot and a minimum of 2 junior experts for the
second pool of experts for each lot.
 Sub-contracting is not permitted without prior the Project approval

10. Further Conditions of the Consultancy

Awarding:, GIZ have the option to give 1(one) lot or all lots to only one bidder.
Place of Assignment: Indonesia (Jakarta, Pekanbaru, Semarang, Batam)

Reporting: The consultant company will provide a brief report on the activities monthly, every
first week of the following month, with a short textual description of realised activities and a
time sheet indicating activity, the time worked on this activity and the time left for the related
work package (in comparison with the proposed time budget which can be adjusted in case
needed after consultation with the Project team).

Failure to complete work: GIZ reserves the right to cancel the remainder of the contract if the
submitted drafts do not meet ToR requirements and standards of quality e.g. if Task 1 is
completed unsatisfactorily, GIZ is only liable to pay for Task 1 and can cancel the contract for
remaining Tasks.

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[13/09/2018] GIZ Office Indonesia, Contract & Procurement Unit
Timeframe EOI - 83296620 Consultantcy for Pre-Feasibility Study of BRT Corridor Development

Sep-18 Oct-18
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 Preparation

2 Announcement Expression Of Interest (EOI)

Islamic New Year

3 EOl Submission Dateline

4 Evaluation of Submission

5 Announcement of Shortlist

6 Invitation To Tender

About GIZ

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is a German

implementing organisation which provides services worldwide in the field of international
cooperation for sustainable development. We work to shape a future worth living in over 120
countries around the world. For more than 40 years, GIZ has been working jointly with
partners in Indonesia. Currently, GIZ works with over 300 employees in Indonesia, of whom
over 80 per cent are national personnel.

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[13/09/2018] GIZ Office Indonesia, Contract & Procurement Unit

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