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Greg Byrne

32A Macken St. D02, Dublin, Ireland

 (+353) 838789843 |  |  | 

Vistatec September 22, 2018



Job Application for Junior Software Engineer

Dear Sir/ Madam,

About Me
As a graduate of pharmaceutical chemistry, with work experience as an nanomaterials research scientist, four years teaching ex-
perience at both secondary and tertiary level, who is currently working on achieving a diploma of statistics and data science (NFQ
level 9), I consider myself a life-long learner. Working in nanomaterials has provided me with a platform to apply my ability to work
on complex and abstract problems and rewards a methodological approach to problem solving. In recent years, I have discov-
ered a passion for software development which provides a rewarding medium for me to apply such skills. During my two years
as a research scientist I have found that the use of Python applications has allowed for the automation of much of my analytical
work, from data visualization to the processing of large quantities of data, and have since explored front-end web development
with experience in JavaScript and related libraries (jQuery, ReactJS). I have thus far enjoyed programming recreationally and the
opportunity to progress in software development as a career is an opportunity I find very exciting.

Why This Role?

As mentioned previously, I am an avid learner and have a passion for software development. I have been working on gaining
experience in front end development for the past year, after gaining experience in automation via python for data analysis. Since
then, I have developed multiple web apps, as well as beginning a JavaScript portfolio page utilizing the Gatsby library for ReactJS.
Some projects I have worked on include a canvasJS physics simulation game, a 2D platform game and an interactive fractal maze,
all designed as web apps with UX and interactivity in mind. I am experienced with Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and multiple
libraries for the aforementioned platforms. From my background in science and teaching, I believe I have excellent teamwork and
communication skills and could provide a unique approach to a broad range of software development issues. This, coupled with
my ability to quickly acquire new skills, makes me an ideal candidate for this position.

Why Me?
Working in scientific research has given me an opportunity to develop my abstract problem-solving skills in a complex field, with
work that involves collaborations across a range of disciplines in physics and chemistry. This has given me an opportunity to
collaborate and learn from people from a wide variety of backgrounds. I have excellent communication skills (both written and
oral) both from presenting my work at international scientific conferences and several years teaching experience. I have experience
working with Python for data analysis and automation and have implemented ”tkinter” and ”beautifulSoup” libraries to develop
user-interface oriented software for statistical analysis. I am experienced in front-end web development, with a particular interest
in UI and UX design through libraries such as jQuery and ReactJS. Above all else, I have a passion for learning and expanding my
skillset and would be delighted to be given the opportunity to apply my skills at Vistatec.


Greg Byrne


Attached: Curriculum Vitae


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