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Internal Evaluation Marks 20+20= 40

Course Name: International Business and Global Strategy

Analyse the geographical, economic, political and social factors affecting International Business with
regards to export and import trade of India with following countries. List of countries is given below.

This is individual assignment or in a group of maximum 2 members. Each student needs to select one
country from group 1 and another country from group 2. While selecting countries ensure that you
do not select same country from group 1 & 2.

Ensure basic facts important about the country is part of your submission. Don’t forget to research
and add top 20 products we import or export.

Prepare the power point presentation. Submissions should be made over the portal . In subject of
your assignment write “SIMS IB submission and your PRN”

Your submission must be in your own words and it should not exceed 15 pages.

Ensure that your slides are readable. You must not use any colours in the background and colour
fonts. (Background pure white and fonts pure black)

On cover page top right corner your name followed by PRN must be mentioned.

Group 1 (20 Marks) Group 2 (20 Marks)

Country Exports Country Imports

United States 48.6 China 68.06

UAE 30.29 United States 25.7

China 16.34 Hong Kong 20.34

Hong Kong 13.7 UAE 19.45

United Kingdom 8.83 Switzerland 19.3

Singapore 7.72 Indonesia 13.13

Germany 7.09 South Korea 13.05

Saudi Arabia 6.39 Germany 12.09

Belgium 5.03 Japan 9.85

Japan 4.66 Malaysia 9.08

Malaysia 3.71 Australia 8.9

South Africa 3.59 Belgium 8.26

South Korea 3.52 Singapore 7.31

Australia 3.26 South Africa 5.95

Last date for submission is 10th Aug.

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