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blit ,lt tqs Plirlippr'"rs5

Dep:rtn*nl of Ed ucs:ror,
i,H.,F FrGifiru trf .& *At-Ag,t1:;$N
Gat* f, li:;"a tqalan ''r,i30€
-";il) ::a nta, Rr:at



SUBJECT to Enhans: Teachers'Welfare in Calabarzon

Fublic $clroois

OATE ffifl 8, -r3 t$1*

These implementing guidelines ar* -1fl.e*:r rs$u*rJ t* elhance Teacher*'Welfare in

Calabareon public schools.

A. On the 6-$our Teaching Policy

1. This Office enfcrces the ir")i(illrertatrcn af DecEa Memorandum Nn" tS1 I
2008 and DepEd Order frc, lt s 20tl* ccnceming the six {S} haurs actr.*l
teaching work load for ;:uslr.:- $r;r'rnt:l lea*h*"s.

Despit* the policy on the Sih rfrl HrrurE aetual. teaching worlc for public schl:ffl
l*achcrs, per Civil $cruic* Ruies. teacher$ are nol exempted lrorn ll'e-,
requirement for public empk,y'**r. l* r*nrl*r r:igthl {S} hours of work a day. Henr:*
public schosl leachers. still ",,:*,J lu "ende" servic*s fnr nn addilianal t\nro {t
hours on top nf their six {S} hc,urs arilJtsi teachitig wcrk.

3. ln this connection, all puhtrc srlr*ol heads are ,Jirected to strrctly arJher* ls lhe
following guidelines relatir'* i: t,ep€d l','1*rrr*randum t'i*. ?31 s. ?0SS anc
DepEd Order No. 1$ s. 70ef,

Trunh Llne: {{}}i *8J-5I?-f i S&{-ttgI"r r' {,.t.r -,dd

Fat: IG]1 6SI-] 4
Uilbrat.: rJeFedrBiisaraon grr
Faftbaak: SEpEd iC.{& iala*a:rcn
f -mallr I *fi .Lri4i}:ii5tliaa! rtrr
aEPED-4A-RL-06-18- Page 2 of 5

&. Public school teachers snail rerder six {6} hr:urs of actual teaching werk
inside the school carnprrs. fhe,s;e with lcss than six (6) hours of actua:
classroom teaching shaii r*nrjer addi'iional hours of appropriate teaching-
related activities anci du€i*s enunrerated in 2 (d) of DM 291 s. 2008 withir:
the school premises to ccmpleie six (6) hcurs.
b. Public school heads shaill;ai. enrl assigrr teaching loads to public schc'oi
teachers in order for the iatter to fuil5r r-rtilize the six (6) hours actua.
classroom teaching.
4. To comply with the above pc,i:cy, se..rices rendered outside the school campus

shall be considered as donre *m r:t'ficial tirne provided thatfrechanism fr:r thr:

additional two (2) hours work c:ntr llir teach*is outsiCe of the school premises
shall be agreed upon thrcugl^i a lvrittrin agreerflent between the principai and tlre
teachers. Teachers shall not r:tillze the (2) hours for private school par: tin:e
teaching, consistent with *i"*i! sei.rir-:* l*l*-q.
tr Public school heads need r:,of r+qui-e teachers io submit rneans of verificaticr':
(MOVs) or evidence such as pi:tu:^esi, repoiis and documents to prove that the'5,

have served their two-hour lvr::t r,utside the schooi campus. lt is enough that the,
teachers are able to sub*Tit th*,' nnandatory reports on iime and render Veili;
satisfactory teach ing services.


1. DepEd Memorandum l-io.2*'1, s.2008 states that all advisory assignments

and/or special assignments i".;r tr-re entii'e scfrool year combined shall be
considered as one teachlng $rrad.

Public school heads are strictiy advisec to properly distribute specia!

assignments to ait teachers. Asslgning more than cnf.::
coordinatorship/adviscrship/spec!a! task tc iust one teacher is strong!i.

D€PED.1A.RL.O618. Page 3 of 5

1. Observation for new ieachers {tnose wiih less than one year teaching
experience in public and :;rivate sr:hoals) shall be done not more than once
every quarter, unless the teaeherr h!rnselflherself makes the request for
additional class obser,yaiions"
2. Classroom visit or obsero-eticn 'rf teachers by more than two superiors is
strongly discouraged. Hoiryeryeri tl^e classroom observation protocol in the
RPMS-PPST manual nrust be follcvted.
3. The principles of Appreciatiric lnquiry shal! re used in all class obseryaticn
4. The teachers may opt t* rride: record their iessons and allow their principais
and instructional superviscns ic vierw such rrideo recordings, in lieu of actua:
classroom visits.


1. Under Sec. 22 of the Repuhlic Act ne. 4670 otherwise known as "The Magne
Carta for Public School Teachers, it provices that:


Sec. 22. Medical Exaninaficn d!'id Treatment. Compulsory medica!

examination shall be provid*d rree af charEe far all teachers before they take
up teaching, and shali b* rep*ated not less than once a year during tne
teacher's professional iife. \nllhere medicai examinatian show that medlm!
treatment and/or hospitalizaii*n is.'recessaiy, sarfle shall be provided free by
the government entity paying the salary of the teachers.

In regions where there is sca,'cify rsf medical facilities, teachers may obtalr:
elsewhere the necessary r':tet:licdt sars with lhe right to be reimbursed for thet:
traveling expenses by"tl"te gave{nn;ent entity cancerned in the first paragraph of
fhr's Secfion.

2. Annual medical examinati*n will re strictly implemented in the entire DepE:ri

Calabarzon. Expenses for ihis nratter rfiay be charged agalnst Local Funds.


The following practices aro str*,ng[y encou:nageci:

DEPED.4A.RL.O618. ]

Page 4 of 5

1. Providing sessions cn stress andl fir'rancial management during in-seruice

trainings, seminars and orientaticrrs,
2. Strengthening work-life balance fc,:" teachers and school officials. Teachers
shall not be required to preparelsubniit reports on weekends, holidays anc
vacations times. ln rare instarrces trrhere aciivities cannot be scheduled on a

school day, service ci'edits shell br-- granted io teachers who volunteer to jcir:
such activities.
3. Utilizing school funds to cover expenses fon classroom beautification
renovation or provision of school 'naterlals antl supplles fcr school reports.
4. Paying salaries of neurly hirei teachers witi"rin the second month of their
5. Allowing teachers and scho*i al-ficials whc are writing their ihesis/dissertation tc
be on study leave of abs*v'rce nrith pay, after seven years of service in tf:e
Department of Education.
6. Preparing professional pc;'ti*iics required uncler RPMS and IPCRF in digita,
format instead of hard capies,
7. Encouraging teachers tc use rir* llLL exelrrplars avaiiable, with appropriate
revisions, instead of prenarinS ne'r^/ ;cssorr pians.

On the other hand, the follcwing practices are strongfly discouraged:

1. Parents entering classrconrs *uring class hcurs, except for the first two rveeks
of the school year in kinciergarten and Grade ': ciasses.
2. Pupils and students using c*llphrne dur!ng ciass hours, except when lessans
are ICT-enabled.

Finally, the following practices are absei[urtely Br,*lribited:

1. lmplementing canteen tralrs where teachers and learners are forced to br-;y

meals and snacks inside the clessrc,orTr.

2. Requiring teachers to colleci P ll\ fees and other contributions.

To demonstrate proof that this Ldeirn,"ancium has been duiy disseminated to ali
teachers, School Heads sh*l! sukLmit ;r certificatk:n to their Schools Divisiar:
Superintendents indicating full c+rn;rltrnent to corr,ply with these implernent!ng
DEPED-14,RL.06.18- Page 5 of 5

guidelines for enhancing teachers' welf*re. The certification shall bear the signature of
ail teachers present during the meeting when this Memorandurn is discussed.
Strict compliance with this Memaranclum is desired.
r,.::\r,1! rtr:lirr-

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This agr€ement likewise serves as ahe authority far:he be allowed to leave the canlpu5 a{aer rendering 6"hou.r,f actlalalnsrroom
teaching and roend the two-hours outside oftlle schoolcampus.

Sic ri*q,&f rJfrf ,a.llclg[: i,[{{N f l l} f iAir4i *i1 ".{ b'lt]fti Fil"Ai} -S, $ {i lxX{'l { i }t ti i\.11{t\l Y: fl $ti ixiT' f, [] fd A fVX fi {.} {: tI Ji{- ?.r I l{
Regional Memorandum on Enhancing Teachers' Welfare
in Calabarzon Public Schools

Number of Teachers:

1. Preliminaries
2. Call to Order
3. Orientation and Discussion of the Policy
4. Open Forum/Q & A
5. Agreement
6. Signing of Undertaking


1. 6 hours of actual

2. 2 hours of
3. Teachino loads
4. Ancillarv loads
5. Class observation
6. Annual medical

Prepared by:

School Head


(All attendees)

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