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Assessment 1: September 2018

Answer to the best of your knowledge. DO NOT search the web for answers. Your family can help.

The Holy Trinity La santísima trinidad

includes… incluye…
How many sacraments ¿Cuántos sacramentos
are celebrated in the son celebrados por la
Catholic Church? iglesia católica?
¿Cuáles son los
What are the sacraments
sacramentos de
of initiation?
¿De qué manera somos
How are we cleansed from
limpios del pecado
the original sin?
Where was Jesus born? ¿En donde nació Jesús?
What did Jesus do to save ¿Que hizo Jesús para
us? salvarnos?
Who composed the Our ¿Quien compuso el
Father? Padre Nuestro?
¿Como se limpia de
How are sins cleansed?
When do we eat the Body ¿Cuándo comemos el
of Christ and drink his cuerpo y sangre de
Blood? Cristo?
What is a consecrated ¿Qué es una hostia
host? consagrada?
Identify the following people/places to the best of your knowledge.
Answer/Respuesta Answer/Respuesta

Mary Maria Daniel Long

Joseph Jose Blasé Cupich

Jorge Mario
Pontius Pilate Poncio Pilato

Peter Pedro Alberto Rojas

John the Baptist Juan Bautista

Abraham Abrahan Bethlehem Belen

Jacob Nazareth Nazaret

Moses Moises Jerusalem Jerusalen

Mark, Luke, Marcos, Lucas,

Vatican City El Vaticano
John, Matthew Juan, Mateo

Paul Pablo Rome Roma

Assessment 1: September 2018

For the following, circle what best describes you…

Every Sunday 2x per month Only on holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Lent)

How often do you attend
Sunday Mass? Special occasions (quincenera, baptism, 1ST communion)
My parents/siblings My grandparents myself godparents (padrinos)
Who goes to Mass with
you? Someone who is NOT family

What is your relationship with God? Jesus? Church? (What do you believe?)

What have you learned about God/Catholicism from your parents, others or school/CCD?

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