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The Textbook: African presence in early Asia, Volume 7, Issue 1

By Ivan Van Sertima, Runoko Rashidi

Pg 42
Throughout Aryavarta a rigid, caste-segmented social order was established with the conquered
blacks, the sudras, relegated to the very bottom and imposed upon for service, in any capacity
required, to the higher castes.
Pg 46
It is now the widely prevalent view that the Africoid Dravidians were the founders of the great
Indus Valley complex. They were the hated Dasas and Dasyus of the Rig Veda; the perpetual
adversaries of the invading Aryan nomadic tribes. These were the very same peoples, Dasas and
Dasyus, that later became the sudras, the conquered black masses reduced in Aryavarta to the
status of slaves.
Pg 235
The original inhabitants of India were dark-skinned and closely resembled the Africans in
physical features.
Pg 235
The native people of India (currently known as “Untouchables, Tribals and Backward Castes”)
were not Hindus.
Pg 235
The four-fold Caste system is based on skin (varna) color. The natives are dark-skinned and the
Aryans light. So we can say that the untouchables and tribals are India’s “Blacks,” and that
India’s Black population is much more than the entire population of Europe.
It is also the world’s largest Black population living outside of Africa.
Pg 235
The population of India today is about 800 million. Of this, the natives, officially called
“Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Dravidian Backward Castes” form about 70 %.
In addition, India has 15 % Muslims.
Pg 236
So we can say that over 85% of India’s 800 million people are natives, and that the Aryan
invaders are less than 10%.
About Dalits or Untouchables.
Pg 236
The Black untouchables of Tamil Nadu, on the southern end of India, perhaps more than any
other group retain their original physical features, including dark skins and broad noses.
Pg 237
Even Today, after thousands of years, our people retain their original identity, refusing to be
merged with the Aryans.
Pg 243
The greatest victims of Hinduism have been the “untouchables“. These people are the long-
suffering descendants of Aryan-Sudra unions and native Black populations who retreated into the
hinterlands of India in their efforts to escape the advancing Aryan sphere of influence to which
they ultimately succumbed.
Pg 244
Possibly the most substantial percentage of Asia’s Blacks can be identified among India’s 160
million “untouchables” or “Dalits”.
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African Presence in Early Asia / Edition 1 by Runoko Rashidi (Editor), Ivan Van Sertima
Product Details

• Pub. Date: June 1985

• Publisher: Transaction Publishers

• Sales Rank: 204,978

• ISBN-13: 9780887387173

• ISBN: 0887387179

• Edition Description: ENL

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