Position Paper Peru Disec

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Topic : Cyber Warfare and Weaponization of Social Media.

Country : Republic of Peru

Committee : The Disarmament and International Security Committee , GA 1

“Cyber terrorism could also become more attractive as the real and virtual worlds become more closely
coupled, with automobiles, appliances, and other devices attached to the Internet.”- Dorothy E. Dennig

(A)The tumultuous conflict surrounding the issue of cyber warfare and weaponization of social platforms
and its variegated complications has been a moot point ever since the rise of the internet and it’s social
media applications.(A1) NATO has officially declared the cyberspace as a warfare domain, Cyberattack
is a relatively recent term that can refer to a range of activities conducted through the use of information
and communications technology (ICT).(A2)Cyberspace terrorism is on an exponential boost by rogue
organizations such as ISIS , and other radical political groups who want to cause instability in the
economic and socio-political systems of world or enforce a theory/political agenda.S.E.A
,ANONYMOUS,WIKILEAKS,LULZSEC are hacktivist groups who are and were involved in many
scenes involving leaks of confidential information from governmental archives,phishing and integrated
system manipulations via which airports , banks , targetted networks were affected .(A3)Snowden Leaks
(init. May2013),Afghan/Iraq Warlogs (April 2010) , Baghdad Airstrike (July 2010), Stuxnet-Iran Nuclear
Breach (2007) , Iranian Cyber Army-BAIDU attacks Jan (2010) were the noticeable cyberattacks and
whistleblower acts which leaked sensitive information on military tactics , nuclear status , political

(B)Republic of Peru has not been directly affected with the matters of Cyber Attacks on it’s systems or
any confidential leaks of it’s government data on the world wide public forum. Keeping our Intelligence
systems integrated we have shielded attacks from Brazilian Hacker groups . Maritime Border disputes
between republic of chile and past border disputes between Republic Ecuador highlights we have to be
cautious of the potential cyber threats and social media activities of the traffic incoming from these
regions(B1).LATAM cyberattacks on Banks and Governmental sites has made the region aware of
serious threats which may arise from hacktivists who are trying to infiltrate systems and start
disputes.Being a part of the SADC , The Peruvian Defence Council , Intelligence Ministry is always
active to protect the neighbouring states and Republic Of Peru from any and every radical Cyberspace

(B2)Various Chinese , American , Russian , Brazilian Hacker groups and specific traces of their attacks
are under investigation and strict monitoring by NSA , CIA and Interpol. On a potential alarming scale ,
the world's nuclear powers are at threat , if any information of the defence systems are leaked out ,there
can be a nuclear dispute between countries.The Budapest Convention under the European Parliament
(23.XI.2001) have definitions and regulations which are taken in concern of the agenda.

(C)Republic Of Peru always has opposed , and will continue to condemn these acts and help the UN and
fellow member states to keep the international community integrated and maintain peace and security of
(C1)Delegate of Peru would like to highlight that it’s Intelligence and National Defence Ministry will
lend a helping hand to the international community and support the anti-cyber terrorism movement to
scale down degrading activities and threats on the social media and cyberspace.(C2) These activities can
only be scaled down by filtering of National Databases and networks/traffic through which these terrorist
communications and packages are being commuted.(C3)Deployment of Military level Shielding of
Servers and Databases on a public level for high security while keeping the fundamental rights of citizens
available will be a strong measure taken towards preventing the potential damages which could be caused
by rogue organizations and individuals leaking any confidential data.(C4) If any information concerning
the active agenda is being hidden under the sleeves of the Member state which involves Non member
states and member states of the UN , it is ought to be released and discussed in the General Assembly.
These are some effective measures which can be taken to protect the international community from
weaponization of the cyberspace and social media.

Topic 2 : Regulations Concerning Unmanned Aerial Systems

Country : Republic Of Peru
Committee : The Disarmament and International Security Committee , GA 1

(A)UAVs or Unmanned aerial vehicles , UAS , unmanned aerial systems and Drones are the latest
military measures in the international community taken to keep national borders safe and regions of
uprising and chaos under safety.UAV have applications in military campaigns by aerial camouflage and
delivering assets to the operation bases , or drone missile attacks in special military operational areas .
(A1)Navy and marine corps of the Major powers of world use these instruments to keep maritime borders
under surveillance and protection.Although these are a technological boon for the concern of Peace and
Security ,illegal spying and breaches of Airspaces are some acts which have been carried out by nations
deliberately which disturbs the composure of the peaceful environment which we live in.

(B)Delegate Republic of Peru is supportive (but with clauses )for the regulation on UAV , and Drones ,
but not UAS . INTEGRATED and UNMANNED AERIAL systems are required to protect the
interconnected borders of countries and to always keep terrorist activities at bay and help monitor
refugees and undocumented individuals on land and rogue activities in air . (B1)Defence Ministry of
Republic of Peru supports the promotion of Automated Defence Systems which are way more accurate
than manned systems , but upgradation and monitoring of these systems must be done on higher
frequency so any potential cyberattacks are prevented.

(C)As Republic of Peru shares it’s borders with Brazil , Ecuador , Colombia , Chile , and Bolivia , it must
keep itself and the neighboring countries safe by consecutive monitorship of its airbases and maritime
borders and prevent any incoming threats.
Republic of Peru is always on head to head and against with non state offenders and state offenders of the
law of use of UAV and drones as under the study of the UNODA , and obeys the documented laws
concerning the regulations of UAV and Drones . (C1)Delegate of Republic of Peru solemnly promises to
help the international community by participating in regulative measures and activities issued by the UN
and SADC and accordingly give assistance to other member states on the same matter.If any member or
non member state opposes the UN DISARMAMENT directives on this agenda , The Government of
Republic of Peru is ready to act against the offenders in a strong voice.

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