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Congress Update no.

20th SEPTEMBER 2018

The Spirit leads us on a missionary path!

This day has been dedicated to plenary sessions on the themes that have been
worked by various Commissions in preparation for the fifth Congress. We began
with the Eucharist in the Chapel of the Son, in a spirit of searching for God’s will
in order to open ourselves to the Spirit with the desire to project Verbum Dei in
this coming six years.

One of the first themes that were discussed, as proposed in the Instrumentum
Laboris was that of the Verbum Dei Mission, from various perspectives: young
people and vocations, forming evangelizing communities, geo-strategy or
distribution of foundations and members of the Fraternity, a Symposium on the
Verbum Dei Mission and working apostically in the Local Church. We had time
enough to express our concerns and projects, which demonstrates the presence
of the spirit of dialogue and consensus which permeates our ecclesial plenary

Towards the end of the afternoon, we discussed the theme of Ecclesiality with various questions on living
as an ecclesial community, from the perspective of government, formation, apostolate and spirituality,
among others. We continue to ask your prayer and self-giving for the fruitfulness of these discernments

Tomorrow, the 21st, we will have a free day, an opportunity to rest before entering the final sprint of study
and voting on the themes of the Instrumentum Laboris. So there will be no update tomorrow. We continue
to thank you for your support, and also we continue to give thanks to the Holy Spirit for his motivating power.

Press Team

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