114-F - OASE Solution Storage Tank - R0 PDF

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No: -
Tank No : 114-F Rev. 0
Tank Service : Oase Sol. Tank

Storage Tank design calculation


Tank Capacity Calculation 2

Internal Design Pressure Calculation (Shell, Bottom and Roof design) 3
Max.Rafter spacing calculation 12
Weight Calculation 13
Wind Analysis 16
Seismic Analysis 22
Anchor Chair design 28
Foundation Loadings 33
Tank Capacity Calculation
Doc No. : - Tank service : Oase Sol. Tank
Tank No.: 114-F Rev : 0

Tank Geometry Vertical

Inside Diameter Di 12500 mm
Total height of shell H 12200 mm

HLL 11700 mm

12200 mm
Center line of tank

Net Storage

LLL 600 mm

Liquid Total
Volume betn
Levels Volume
Shell Top edge H 12200 mm 61 m³ 1497 m³
High Liquid Level HLL 11700 mm 1362 m³ 1436 m³
Low Liquid Level LLL 600 mm 74 m³ 74 m³
Tank Bottom 0 mm 0 m³

Net Storage Capacity (Between LLL & HLL) 1362 m³

Maximum capacity ( bottom plate to HLL) 1436 m³
Nominal capacity (Geometric Volume) 1497 m³
Doc. No. -
Design of Storage Tanks
Tank No: 114-F Rev : 0
Tank Service: Oase Sol. Tank for Internal Pressure
API 650, 12th Ed,March-2013,Add.2 Jan-2016
Design Input Data
P Design Int.pressure above atm 90.0 mmWC
0.883 kPa [ Appendix-F Applicable.]
Pex Design External pressure 0.245 kPa [ Ext.Press. Design not required. ]
Ti Design Internal temperature 80 ºC
Te Design External temperature 80 ºC
Working temperature 48 ºC
E Joint efficiency 0.85
Di Tank inside diameter 12.500 m
H2 Height of tank shell 12.200 m
H Max. / Min. design liquid level 11.70 m 0.600 m
Ht Test Liquid Level 12.200 m
Vnom Nominal capacity 1497.30 m³
Vnet Working capacity 1362.20 m³
Stored liquid Oase Solution
G Specific gravity of the liquid 1.030
Gins Specific gravity of Insulation material 0.000
CA Corrosion allowance for shell 3.0 mm
CAb Corrosion allowance for bottom 3.0 mm
CAr Corrosion allowance for roof 1.5 mm
thins Insulation thickness 0.00 mm

Yield Stres: 260 MPa
Shell Plate SA516Gr70
Tensile Stress : 485 MPa
Yield Stress : 260 MPa
Roof Plate SA516Gr70
Tensile Stress : 485 MPa
Yield Stress : 260 MPa
Bottom Plate SA516Gr70
Tensile Stress : 485 MPa
Yield Stress : 260 MPa
Top Angle/Stiffners SA516Gr70
Tensile Stress : 485 MPa
Shell courses details
Shell Course Numbers 7 Nºs
W1 Width of 1st shell course Bottom 2000 mm
W2 Width of 2nd shell course 2000 mm
W3 Width of 3rd shell course 2000 mm
W4 Width of 4th shell course 1800 mm
W5 Width of 5th shell course 1800 mm
W6 Width of 6th shell course 1800 mm
W7 Width of 7th shell course Top 800 mm ∑W1-7 = H2
Doc. No. -
Design of Storage Tanks
Tank No: 114-F Rev : 0
Tank Service: Oase Sol. Tank for Internal Pressure
API 650, 12th Ed,March-2013,Add.2 Jan-2016
Design of shell plates

Liquid Head due to lnt.Pressure Considered

Liquid Level -Design condition

P Design pressure at top 0.883 kPa

Hp Equivalent Head due to Pressure = P /9.8*G 0.088 m
H Maximum design liquid level 11.700 m
Hdt Total Design liquid height =H+Hp 11.788 m

Liquid Level-Hydrotest condition

Pt Test pressure at top 0.883 kPa

Hpt Equivalent Head due to Test Pressure = Pt /9.8 0.091 m
Ht Test liquid level 12.200 m
Htt Total test liquid height =Ht+Hpt 12.291 m

Shell thickness by 1 foot method (

[Not applicable for tanks larger than 60 Mts in dia]
Shell thickenss Calculation for Bottom most shell course

Nominal Diameter Basis ( Inside or Centerline of bottom shell )

D Tank Inside diameter = Di 12.500 m
Hdt Design liquid level in m for shell underconsideration 11.79 m
Htt Test liquid level in m for shell underconsideration 12.29 m
G Design sp gr of liquid to be stored 1.030
CA Corrosion allowance for shell 3.00 mm
Sy Yield Stres of shell course material 260 MPa
St Tensile Stress of shell course material 485 MPa
M Yield strength reduction factor per Table M-1(a) 1.000
Sd Allowable stress for design condition
:Min[Table 5-2(a),2/3*Sy*M]:Min [173, 2/3*260*1]:Min [173,173.34] 173.0 MPa
St Allowable hydrotest stress for test condition
As per Table 5-2(a) 195 MPa
td Design shell thickness
=[(4.9*D *(Hdt-0.3)*G)/Sd)]+CA
=[(4.9*12.5*(11.788-0.3)*1.03)/173]+3 7.19 mm
tt Hydrotest shell thickness
=(4.9*D *(Htt-0.3))/St
=(4.9*12.5*(12.291-0.3))/195 3.77 mm
Doc. No. -
Design of Storage Tanks
Tank No: 114-F Rev : 0
Tank Service: Oase Sol. Tank for Internal Pressure
API 650, 12th Ed,March-2013,Add.2 Jan-2016
Shell Thickness Calculation

Shell thickness calculation in Design & Test Conditon for each shell course

Shell Widht of Design condition Test condition

Thk req. Req. thk, Provided
course shell
course, Product shell thk, Test Liquid shell thk per, Max(td,tt,t) Symbol thk,
mm level in m td mm level in m tt mm t mm mm tp mm
1 2000 11.788 7.19 12.291 3.77 5.00 7.19 ts1 8 mm
2 2000 9.788 6.46 10.291 3.14 5.00 6.46 ts2 8 mm
3 2000 7.788 5.74 8.291 2.51 5.00 5.74 ts3 8 mm
4 1800 5.788 5.01 6.291 1.89 5.00 5.01 ts4 6 mm
5 1800 3.988 4.35 4.491 1.32 5.00 5.00 ts5 5 mm
6 1800 2.188 3.69 2.691 0.76 5.00 5.00 ts6 5 mm
7 800 0.388 3.04 0.891 0.19 5.00 5.00 ts7 5 mm

Design of Bottom Plate

Bottom plate thickness calculation

tbmin Min. required nominal thk(excl. corrosion allowance) as per 5.4.1 6.0 mm
CAb Corrosion allowance for bottom Plate 3.0 mm
tbreq Min. required bottom plate thickness : tbmin+CAb 9.0 mm
tb Provided bottom plate thickness 10.0 mm Okay
Doc. No. -
Design of Storage Tanks
Tank No: 114-F Rev : 0
Tank Service: Oase Sol. Tank for Internal Pressure
API 650, 12th Ed,March-2013,Add.2 Jan-2016
Annular bottom plate thickness calculation

Is Clause 5.5.3 applicable ? Yes ( H * G =12.05 < 23 m)

Sp Product stress in first shell course per Cl.5.5.3

= [(td-CA)/(t1-CA)]*Sd =[(7.19- 3)/(8- 3)] * 173 145.0 MPa
St Hydrostatic stress in first shell course per Cl.5.5.3
=(tt / t1)*St =( 3.77/8) * 195 91.9 MPa
Maximum stress in first shell course:MAX(Sp,St) = (144.97,91.89) 145.0 MPa
t1 Nominal plate thickness of first shell course 8 mm
tbmin Min thickness of bottom annular plate as per table 5-1 6.0 mm
CAb Corrosion allowance for bottom Plate 3.0 mm
tareq Min thickness as per 5.5.3 = tbmin+Cab = 6 + 3 9.0 mm
ta Provided thickness for annular bottom plate 10.0 mm Okay
Doc. No. -
Design of Storage Tanks
Tank No: 114-F Rev : 0
Tank Service: Oase Sol. Tank for Internal Pressure
API 650, 12th Ed,March-2013,Add.2 Jan-2016
Annular plate min.radial width calculation

Case-1.Annular plate radia width as per cl.5.5.2

Wol Provided inside overlap of annular pl. with bottom pl. 65 mm

Wap Min radial width of annular pl. bet the inside of the shell and any lap-welded joint in the bottom
= Max ( L , 600 mm) = Max ( 661.07 , 600 mm ) 661 mm
L = Radial width from inside edge of shell =2*ta*(Fyb*M/(2*Ƴ*H*G))^½
= 2*10(260*1/(2*9.81/1000 *11.788*1.03)^½ 661.1 mm
Ƴ Density factor of water. MPa per meter 0.00981 Mpa/m
Fyb Min. yield strength of annular plate 260.0 MPa

t1 Bottom shell course thickness 8 mm

Wop Provided projection of annular pl. outside the shell pl. 50 mm
Wa1 Annular plate radia width as per 5.5.2 :65 + 661.07 + 8 + 50 784 mm

Case-2.Annular plate radia width as per E.

Tank Anchorage Mechanical
Appendix E-Seismic Applicable Yes

As Tank is not self-anchored,Cl. E. is not applicable.

L Min.Annular bottom plate width inside tank requried to resist overturning
= Max(0.45,Min(0.01723*ta*(Fy/H*Ge)^½ , 0.035*D))
= Max(0.45,Min((0.01723*10*(260/(11.7*1.003))^0.5, 0.035*12.5)
= Max(0.45,MIN(0.811,0.44):=Max(0.45,0.44)=MAX(0.45,0.4375)=0.45 450.000 m

Wa2 Min. radial width of annular plate = 65 + 450 + 8 + 50 N/A

Fy Min specified yield strength of the bottom plate under the shell 260 MPa
Ge Effective sp. Gr. of the liquid including vertical seismic effect 1.003
(from seismic analysis)

Min.Required Radial width of Annular Plate

Wbreq Min req. inside radial width = Max (Wa1 , Wa2)=Max (784.07,N/A) 784 mm
Wb Provided radial width 800 mm
Doc. No. -
Design of Storage Tanks
Tank No: 114-F Rev : 0
Tank Service: Oase Sol. Tank for Internal Pressure
API 650, 12th Ed,March-2013,Add.2 Jan-2016
Design of Roof Plates

Roof Plate thickenss calculation as per 5.10.6

Type Supported cone roof

θ Angle of cone to the horizontal 9.462 º 0.165 Rad
α one-half the included apex angle of cone roof (90º-θ) 80.54 º 1.406 Rad
trmin Min req. nominal thk for roof plates( 6.5 mm
tr Provided Roof Plate thikness 8.0 mm ok

Check for Applicability of Appedix-F

P Design pressure at top = 0.89 kPa 90.04 kg/m²

Fp Upward lift due to internal pressure [F.1.2] :π/4*D²*P in kg/m²
= π/4 * 12.5²*90.04 11050 kg
Wf.1.2 Corroded Weight of tank shell,roof and framing as per F.1.2 28386 kg

Is Uplift force Fp > Corroded weight Wf.1.2 ? No

Appendix F-2 to F-7 Applicable.

Roof Plate thickness calculation as per F6.1

P Internal design pressure 0.88 kPa

Rs Tank Radius 6.3 m
α one-half the included apex angle of cone roof (90º-θ) 80.54 º 1.406rad
Sd Allowable design stress 173 MPa
E Joint efficiency as per weld joint configuration/NDE 0.35
CAr Roof Corrosion allowance 1.50 mm

t Min. thickness of cone roof as per F.6.2

[(P x R )/(Cosα x Sd x E)]+ CAr
[(0.8829 x 6.25)/(Cos1.406 x 173 x 0.35)] +1.5 2.06 mm
tp Provided roof plate thickness 8 mm
Doc. No. -
Design of Storage Tanks
Tank No: 114-F Rev : 0
Tank Service: Oase Sol. Tank for Internal Pressure
API 650, 12th Ed,March-2013,Add.2 Jan-2016
Required Roof to Shell junction area

Required Compression Area at the Roof-to-Shell Junction per F.5.1 of API 650

Pi Design internal pressure at top 0.88 kPa

D Nominal diameter = Di+pt1/1000 12.50 m
Fy Min.Yield stress of materials in Roof-to-shell junction 260 MPa
DRL Nominal weight of roof plate + any attached structural 78556.0 N
M Yield Strength Reduction Factors as per Appendix-M 1
θ Angle of cone to the horizontal 9.46 º
A Required compression Area at Roof-to-shell junction
200*D²*(Pi- (0.00127*DLR/D²))/(Fy*M*tanθ)
200*12.5²*(0.88-(0.00127*78556 / 12.5²)/(260*1*tan9.462º) 176.3 mm²
Doc. No. -
Design of Storage Tanks
Tank No: 114-F Rev : 0
Tank Service: Oase Sol. Tank for Internal Pressure
API 650, 12th Ed,March-2013,Add.2 Jan-2016
Design of Curb Angle as per Fig.F-2


Sys Yield stress of Shell plate material 260 MPa

Syr Yield stress of Roof plate material 260 MPa
Syc Yield stress of Curb Angle 260 MPa
M Yield Strength Reduction Factors as per Appendix-M 1
Fy Min.Yield stress of materials in Roof-to-shell junction
=Min [ Sys , Syr , Syc ]* M=Min [ 260 , 260 , 260 ] *1 260.0 MPa
R2 Length of normal to the roof : Rc/Cosα 38018.55 mm
Rc Horizontal Radius 6250.00 mm
th Roof plate thickness 8.00 mm
ta Angle leg thickness 6 mm
tc Top shell course thickness 5.00 mm
Le Max. Unstiffened length of angle
=250/(Fy^½)*(ta-CA): 250/(260^½)*6-1.5) 69.77 mm
L Provided overhang length ≤ Le 59 mm
Wh Max. Participating width of roof as per Fig.F-2
=Min[149.13,300] 149.13 mm
Wc Max. Participating width of shell per Figure.F-2
= 0.6*(Rc*(tc-CA))^½
= 0.6*(6250 * (5-3))^½ 67.08 mm
Doc. No. -
Design of Storage Tanks
Tank No: 114-F Rev : 0
Tank Service: Oase Sol. Tank for Internal Pressure
API 650, 12th Ed,March-2013,Add.2 Jan-2016

L' Provided welded angle leg length 65 mm

Min size of curb angle for as per ( e )/ L65 x 65 x 6
Provided size of Curbe Angle L65 x 65 x 6
Acurb Area of curb angle
= Min(Le,L)*(ta-CA)+L'*(ta-CA)=Min(69.77,59)*4.5+65*4.5 558.0 mm²
Ar Compression Area required per F.5.1 for supported cone roof 176.3 mm²
Ap Total compression area provided
= Ashell+Aroof+Acurb
=67.08*(5-3)+149.13*6.5+558 1661.5 mm²

As Ap>Ar ,Provided size of Curbe Angle is ok.

Hydrotest Pressure

Hydrotest pressure = Internl Design Pressure as per F4.4.

Maximum Allowable Design Pressue of Tank

The maximum design pressure for a tank that has had its design details established per F4.1

Ap Total compression area provided 1661.5 mm²

D Tank Inside diameter = Di 12.50 m
Fy Min.Yield stress of materials in Roof-to-shell junction 260 MPa
DRLc Corroded weight of roof plate + any attached structural 78556 N
M Yield Strength Reduction Factors as per Appendix-M 1
θ Angle of roof to the horizontal 9.46 º
Pmaxp Max.Design Pressure
(Ap*Fy*M*tanθ)/(200*D²) + ( 0.00127*DLRc/D²)
[(1661.51*260*1*tan9.462º)/(200*12.5²)]+(0.00127*78556/12.5²) 2.943 kPa

As Pmax >P,Provided Detail of Roof to shell junction is ok.

Project : - Rev: 0
Tank No : 114-F
Tank Service : Oase Sol. Tank
API 650, 12th Ed,March-2013,Add.2 Jan-2016

Type of Roof Supported cone roof

D Tank Diameter 12.5 m
Pi Internal Design Pressure 0.8829 kpa
Pe External Design Pressure 0.24515 kpa
Cr Roof corrosion Allowance 1.5 mm
tr Roof plate thickness 8 mm
thin Roof Insulation thickness 0 mm
Gin Sp. Gravity of insulation material 0
Fp internal pressure combination factor 0.4
Fpe external pressure combination factor 0.4


Lr Live Load as per § 5.2.1.f,API 650 1 kpa

DL Roof plate dead load=8*7.85*0.009806 0.61586 kpa
DLi Roof Insulation dead load: thin*Gin = 0.0 Kg/m² 0 kpa
DLr Total dead load = DL +Dli 0.616 kpa
Pi Internal Pressure ( acting upward ) 0.8829 kpa
Pe External Pressure 0.246 kpa
Pwr Wind Load on roof plate as per § 5.2.1.k,API 650 1.44 kpa

Load Combination as per clause 5.2.2

Case (c) Wind and Internal Pressure = DLr+ PWr-Fp*Pi

=0.616 + 1.44 - 0.4 * 0.8829 1.703 kpa
Case(d) Wind and External Pressure = DLr+ PWr+Fpe*Pe
=0.616 + 1.44 + 0.4 * 0.246 2.154 kpa
Case(e) Gravity Loads:
(e1) DLr+Lr + Fpe*Pe = 0.616+1+ 0.4 * 0.246 1.714 kpa
(e2) DLr+Pe + 0.4*Lr = 0.616+0.246+ 0.4 * 1 1.262 kpa
Max( e1,e2) 1.714 kpa
p Total external pressure action on roof structure
Max (Case ( c ),Case ( d ),Case ( e )) 2.154 kpa


Roof Plate Material SA516Gr70

Fy Yield strength of roof material 260 Mpa
t Corroded roof plate thickness = tr-Car 6.5 mm
p Uniform pressure as per 5.2.2 = 2.1544 /1000 = 0.00216 Mpa
b Max. rafter spacing as per §,API 650
Min [t*(1.5*Fy/p)^0.5,2100]
Min [(6.5*(1.5*260/0.00216)^0.5,2100)]= Min [(2761.969,2100)] 2100 mm

N Nos of rafters 20 Nos

D Tank inside diameter 12500 mm
ba Actual spacing = π*D/N =π *12500/20 1963.5 mm

As ba < br,Porvided nos of rafters are ok.

Doc. No. - Rev : 0
Tank No : 114-F Weight Calculation Tank Service: Oase Sol. Tank

Shell 12.5m (D) x 12.2 m (H)

Shell courses Thickness Uncorroded Corroded
Material width
From Bottom Req Provided weight weight
1st shell course SA516Gr70 7.2 mm 8 mm 2000 mm 4935 kg 3079 kg
2nd shell course SA516Gr70 6.5 mm 8 mm 2000 mm 4935 kg 3079 kg
3rd shell course SA516Gr70 5.7 mm 8 mm 2000 mm 4935 kg 3079 kg
4th shell course SA516Gr70 5.0 mm 6 mm 1800 mm 3331 kg 1663 kg
5th shell course SA516Gr70 5.0 mm 5 mm 1800 mm 2776 kg 1109 kg
6th shell course SA516Gr70 5.0 mm 5 mm 1800 mm 2776 kg 1109 kg
7th shell course SA516Gr70 5.0 mm 5 mm 800 mm 1234 kg 493 kg
Total weight of the shell Course 12200 mm 24922 kg 13610 kg
24.92 Tons 13.61 Tons
Shell Insulation Weight
weight of shell Insulation 0 kg 0.00 Tons

Shell and roof appurtenances

size (NB) Quantity Pipe wt Flange wt No of blind Blind flange Total Wt.
inches kgs kgs flanges wt kgs
2 8 2.241 2.72 0 0.00 39.69
3 2 4.590 5.22 0 0.00 19.62
4 3 6.690 7.49 0 0.00 42.54
6 1 12.750 11.80 0 0.00 24.55
8 1 19.380 19.07 0 0.00 38.45
24 2 35.631 92.62 2 188.41 633.32

Total weight of shell and roof appurtenances 798 kg

0.799 Tons
Type of Roof access Staircase
Helix Angle 41 Deg
Weight per meter length 90 Kg/mtr
Total weight 1674 Kg 1.674 Tons
Shell Platfroms
Projection of platform(width) 1200 mm
Length of Platform-1 1000 mm
Qty of Platform-1 2 Nos
Length of Platform-1 0 mm
Qty of Platform-2 0 Nos
Weight per m2 170 Kg/m2
Total weight 408 Kg 0.408 Tons

Curbe Angle 230 kg 0.230 Tons

Intermediate stiffners for wind or ext. pressure 1333 kg 1.334 Tons

Total weight of shell incl appurtenances (Ws) Uncorroded 29.367 Tons 29.4
Corroded 18.055 Tons 18.1
Doc. No. - Rev : 0
Tank No : 114-F Weight Calculation Tank Service: Oase Sol. Tank

Annular Bottom Plate

Annular Bottom Plate Thickness 10 mm
Outer / Inner Diameter of Annular Bottom Plate 12.616 m / 11.016 m
Weight of Annular Bottom Plate Uncorroded 2331 kg 2.332 Tons
Corroded 1632 kg 1.632 Tons

Bottom Plate
Bottom plate thickness ( Req./ Provided ) 9.00 mm / 10.0 mm
Uncorroded weight 12257.4 kg
Corroded weight 8580.2 kg
Total Wt of Bottom Plates Uncorroded 14589 14.589 Tons 14.589
(Wf) Corroded 10212 10.213 Tons 10.213
Plate Material SA516Gr70
Roof Plate Thickness ( Req./ Provided ) 6.5 / 8.0 mm
Weight of roof uncorroded 7813 Kg 7.814 Tons
Roof Structure corroded 6348 Kg 6.349 Tons
Weight of roof structure 2950.00 Kg
Provided weight 3000.00 Kg 3.000 Tons
Top Handrail
Weight per meter length 25 Kg/mtr
Weight of top railing 982 Kg 0.982 Tons

Top Platform Rectangular

Width of Platform 1000 mm

Length of Platform 4000 mm
Qty of Platform 1.000 No
Weight per m2 170 Kg/m2
Weight of Platform 680.0 kg 0.680 Tons

Roof Insulation weight 0 Kg 0.000 Tons

Total weight of roof (Wr) uncorroded 12475 Kg 12.475 Tons 12.475

corroded 11010 Kg 11.01 Tons 11.010
Miscellaneous weight (Wm) 500.0 Kg 0.500 Tons
Test Fluid weight (Wtest) 1497166 Kg 1497.17 Tons
Product weight ( Wpro) 1478880 kg 1478.88 Tons
Total weight of the storage tank
Wfab Fabricated weight uncorroded 57000 kg 57.00 Tons
corroded 39800 kg 39.80 Tons

Were Erection Weight uncorroded 57000 kg 57.00 Tons

Wop Operating (WT)
(WT) Weight uncorroded 1535900 kg 1535.90 Tons
corroded 1518700 kg 1518.70 Tons
Whyd Hydrotest weight 1554200 kg 1554.20 Tons

1) Fabrication weight = Ws+Wf+Wr+Wm

2) Operating weight = Wfab +Wprod
3) Hydrotest weight = Wfab +Wtest
Doc. No. - Rev : 0
Tank No : 114-F Weight Calculation Tank Service: Oase Sol. Tank

Weight Calculation as per 5.12

W1= Corroded Dead load of shell + Any other Corroded dead load excluding roof plates
= 22717 kg
= 222.8 kN

W2= Corroded Dead load of shell + Any other Corroded dead load including roof plates
= 29065 kg
= 285.0 kN

W3= UnCorroded Dead load of shell + Any other UnCorroded dead load including roof plates
= 41842 kg
= 410.3 kN

Weight calculation as per F.1.2

Wf1.2c = Weight of tank shell,roof and framing (corroded) [F.1.2]

= 28386 kg

Wf1.2uc =Weight of tank shell,roof and framing (Uncorroded) [F.1.2]

= 41663 kg

DRLc = Corroded weight of roof plate plus any attached structural

= 8011 kg
= 78556 N

DRLuc = Uncorroded weight of roof plate plus any attached structural

= 9476 kg
= 92922 N

DSLc = Corroded weight of shell plate plus any attached structural

= 18055 kg
= 177047 N

DSLuc = Uncorroded weight of shell plate plus any attached structural

= 29367 kg
= 287973 N
Doc. No. - Rev : 0

Tank No : 114-F
Wind Analysis
Tank Service: Oase Sol. Tank API 650, 12th Ed,March-2013,Add.2 Jan-2016

Wind Design Code IS 875-2015

tins Insulation thickness 0 mm

G.L Eqpt.base elevation from G.L. 300 mm

Wind Loads according IS 875-2015

Shell Wind Moment(Mws) Calculation

- Equipment class A
- Terrain Category 2 -
Vb Basic wind speed 47.20 m/s
k1 Risk Factor as per 6.3.1 1.08
k2 Terrain,height and structure size factor as per 6.3.2 1.022
k3 Topography factor as per 6.3.3 1.0
k4 Importance factor for cyclonic region as per 6.3.4 1.0
52.10 m/s
Vz Design wind speed=Vb*k1*k2*k3*k4 =47.2*1.08*1.022*1*1 as per 6.3
187.6 km/h
Vzc Considered Design wind speed 188.0 km/h
Pz wind pressure as per 7.2 = 0.6*[ Vzc/3.6]² =0.6* [188/3.6]² 1636.3 N/m²
1.636 kPa
Cf force co-efficient as per table 25 (Based on H2/D ratio =0.98) 0.7
Do Shell O.D with Insulation=D+2*(t1+tins)/1000=12.5+2*(8+0)/1000 12.516 m
= Max[1.2*Do,Do+0.6]
De Effective shell Diameter
= Max[1.2*12.516,12.516+0.6] 15.019 m
H2 Shell Height 12.200 m
Aes Shell Effective Area= De * H2 =15.019 *12.2 183.2 mm²
Ps Design wind Pressure as per wind design code Pz *Cf 1145.4 N/m²
Ps' Design Wind Pressure on shell as per 5.2.1.k 0.86 kPa
= 0.86kPa*(max(Vzc,190)/190)² = 0.86*(MAX(188,190)/190)² 860.0 N/m²
Pws Design Wind Pressue Considered 1146.0 N/m²
C.F Contingency factor on wind pressure ( if required by PMC/client spec.) 1.2
Fws Wind Load on shell= Pws * Ae * C.F = 1146*183.24*1.2 251991.65 N
Mws Wind moment on shell = Wind force * tank height/ 2
= 251991.65*12.2/2 1537149.07 N-m
Doc. No. - Rev : 0

Tank No : 114-F
Wind Analysis
Tank Service: Oase Sol. Tank API 650, 12th Ed,March-2013,Add.2 Jan-2016

Roof Wind Moment(Mwr) Calculation as per 5.2.1.k

Pwr1 Wind pressure on horizontal projected area of roof (As per 5.2.1.k)
=1.44kPa*(max(Vzc,190)/190)² =1.44*(MAX(188,190)/190)² 1.440 kPa
P Internal Pressure 0.883 kPa
Pmax Maximum Design Pressure per F4.1 from Int. pressuer calculation 2.943 kPa
Pwr2 Max.Design uplift pressure on the roof (wind+ internal pressure) per 5.2.1.k.2
=1.6*Pmax calculated per F4.1=1.6* 2.943 4.71 kPa

Pwr3 Wind pressure on horizontal projected area of roof as per clause of IS 875
=(Cpi-Cpe)*Pz =(0.2-(-1) ) *1.6363 1.964 kPa
Pz Design wind pressure 1.636 kPa
Cpi Internal pressure coefficient as per clause 0.2
Cpe External pressure coefficient as per table 20 -1

As per 5.2.1.k.2,The design uplift pressue on roof (wind+Int.Pres) need not exceed 1.6*Pmax
Hence,limiting the wind uplift on roof to min of ( Max (Pwr1, Pwr3),1.6*Pmax-P)

Pwr Design uplift pressure on roof

= Min[ Max[Pwr1,Pwr3],Pwr2-P ] ]
= Min[ Max [1.44,1.964],4.71-0.8829 ] = 1.964 kPa 1964.0 N/m²
Fwr Uplift on horizontal projected area of roof
=π/4 * D² * Pwr * C.F = π /4 *12.5² *1964*1.2 289222.88 N

Mwr Moment due to uplift on horizontal projected area of roof,

=Fwr*D/2=289222.88 * 12.5 /2 1807643 N-m

Wind Girder Calculation

Intermediate wind girders (5.9.7):
Pe Internal vacuum 0.25 kPa
Vex Equivalent wind velocity for internal vacuum per Note-2 of
(Pe/0.00215 )^0.5 km/h=(0.246/0.00215 )^0.5 km/h 10.7 km/h
Vz Design wind speed 188.0 km/h
Ve Effective wind velocity = Vz + Vex 198.7 km/h
Vc Considered design wind velocity 199.0 km/h
MOEd Modulus of elasticity at design temp 199000 MPa
MOEr Ratio of MOE=199000/199000 1.000
tmin Provided thickness of top shell course 5.0 mm

Max unstiffened height of shell as per

Condition of Ananlysis Corroded

H1c Vertical distance between intermediate wind girder and the top angle of shell
= 9.47*(tmin-CA)*((tmin-CA)/D)³)^½*(190/Vc)²
= 9.47*(5-3)*((5-3)/12.5)³)^½*(190/199)² 1.105 m
Doc. No. - Rev : 0

Tank No : 114-F
Wind Analysis
Tank Service: Oase Sol. Tank API 650, 12th Ed,March-2013,Add.2 Jan-2016

Transposed width Calculation as per

Wtr Transposed width of each shell course =W*((tuniform/tactual)5)0.5
W Actual width of each shell course mm
tuniform Provided thickness of top shell course
tactual Provided thickness of the shell course for which transposed width is being calculated
Ls Max. stiffner spacing for each sehll course =H1c *(tactual/tuniform)^2.5

Course Uncorroded conditon Corroded conditon
Shell course no width Ls
from Bottom mm
W tuniform tactual Wtr tuniformc tactualc Wtrc
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
1 2000 5 8 618 2 5 202.386 10.920
2 2000 5 8 618 2 5 202.386 10.920
3 2000 5 8 618 2 5 202.386 10.920
4 1800 5 6 1141 2 3 653.197 3.045
5 1800 5 5 1800 2 2 1800 1.105
6 1800 5 5 1800 2 2 1800 1.105
7 800 5 5 800 2 2 800 1.105
Total 7394.0 5660.4

Htsc Total transformed shell height in corroded conditon 5.660 m

H1c Max.unstiffnened shell height in corroded condtion 1.105 m

As Htsc > H1c,Intermediate wind girder required

Design of Intermediate Wind Girder as per

Ns No. of inte. wind girders required = Htsc/H1c-1 = 4.13 say 5 Nos
Transpored spacing for 5 equally spaced stiffners = 1.132 m

Elevation of Stiffners on Actual shell height (H2)

Provide 1st Wind Girder at 1.10 m from Top Angle ; Unstiffened Length= 1.100 m
Provide 2nd Wind Girder at 2.20 m from Top Angle ; Unstiffened Length= 1.100 m
Provide3rd Wind Girder at 3.30 m from Top Angle ; Unstiffened Length= 1.100 m
Provide 4th Wind Girder at 4.20 m from Top Angle ; Unstiffened Length= 0.900 m
Provide 5th Wind Girder at 6.80 m from Top Angle ; Unstiffened Length= 2.600 m

H1 Provided Max.Unsiffned height of shell = 2.600 m

Zp Min. required section modulus for intermediate wind girder

=12.5^2*2.6/17*(199/190)^2 26.21 cm³
Doc. No. - Rev : 0

Tank No : 114-F
Wind Analysis
Tank Service: Oase Sol. Tank API 650, 12th Ed,March-2013,Add.2 Jan-2016

Provided intermediate wind girder:

Min req wind girder size as per L65 x 65 x 6 mm

ts Min.Shell thickness of shell plates 5 mm
ta Angle thickness 6.00 mm
La Length of Angle attached leg 75 mm
Lf Length of Angle free leg 75 mm
Np Quantity of stiffners 5 Nos
Provided section modulus T75 x 75 x 6

Portion of tank shell width acting with the intermediate stiffener as per
Wshell 13.4 * ( D * ts-CA )^0.5 67.00 mm
Wst Total effective shell width = 2*Wshell+ta 140.0 mm

Section Properties calculation

Part A x ∑Ax X=x-C ∑AX² ∑Icg

1 268 1.0 268 42.0 472977.15 100254.3
2 414 36.5 15111 -6.5 17545.36 164254.5
3 450 74.0 33300 31.0 432171.05 1350.0
1132 48679.0 mm³ 922694 mm4 265859 mm4

C1 Neutral axis @ Y-Y axis = ∑Ax /A 43.0 mm

C2 (ts-CA)+La-C1 34.0 mm

Iyy Total moment of Inertia @ Y-Y axis

=∑Icg +∑AX² = 922693.6 + 265858.83 1188552.4 mm4

Zp Provided Section Modulus @ Y-Y axis

=Iyy/Max(C1,C2) = 1188552.43/Max( 43.01, 33.99 ) 27634.3 mm³
27.63 cm³

As Zp > Zr, Provided Intermediate stiffner size is ok.

Doc. No. - Rev : 0

Tank No : 114-F
Wind Analysis
Tank Service: Oase Sol. Tank API 650, 12th Ed,March-2013,Add.2 Jan-2016

Check for overturning stability: (As per cl. 5.11.2)

Unanchored tanks shall satisfy both of the following criteria:
1) 0.6Mw + Mpi < MDL /1.5+MDLR wind uplift
2) Mw + Fp*Mpi < (MDL+MF)/2+MDLR
3) Mws + Fp*Mpi < MDL/1.5+MDLR Internal Pressure

Dead load
H roof (DLR)
Wind load
on shell

Moments @
Dead load(DLS) shell to bottom joint
Liquid hold down weight(Wa)

Overturning Check for Unanchored Tanks

Mw Overturning moment @ shell-to-bottom joint from horizontal + vertical wind pressure

= Mws+Mwr =1537149.07 + 1807643 3344792 N-m
P Internal Design Pressure =0.8829 kPa 882.9 N/m²
Pop Normal Operating Pressure 0.000 kPa
Fp Pressure combination factor = Max(0.4,Pop/P)=Max(0.4,0) 0.40
As Tank c/s area =π/4*D² = π/4*12.5² 122.72 m²
Mpi Moment @ the shell-to-bottom joint from design internal pressure
P in N/m2 * As*D/2 =882.9 * 122.72*12.5/2 677184 N-m
DLS Nom. weight of shell,roof structural & framing supported by shell 32367 kg
317391 N
MDL Moment @ shell-to-bottom joint from the weight of the shell & roof supported by shell
DL * D/2 = 317391 * 12.5 /2 1983694 N-m
DLR Nominal Weight of roof plate + any attached structural 8012 kg
78556 N
MDLR Moment @ shell-to-bottom joint from nominal roof weight + attached structural
DLR * D/2 = 78556 * 12.5 /2 490975 N-m
wL Liquid weight per [70.4*H*D,70*Min[tbmin,(t1-CA)]*( Fby*H*G)^½]
=Min [70.4*11.7*12.5,70*Min[6,(8-3)]*(260*11.7*1.03)^½
=Min [10296,19591.44] 10296.0 N/m
Fwa Liquid hold down weight = wL*π*D=10296*π*12.5 404323 N
MF Moment @ shell-to-bottom joint from liquid weight
Fwa*D/2 =404322.98 * 12.5/2 2527019 N-m

Criteria 1) 0.6Mw + Mpi < MDL /1.5+MDLR

0.6Mw + Mpi = 2684060 N-m

MDL /1.5 + MDLR= 1813438 N-m Criteria 1 not satisfied
Doc. No. - Rev : 0

Tank No : 114-F
Wind Analysis
Tank Service: Oase Sol. Tank API 650, 12th Ed,March-2013,Add.2 Jan-2016

Criteria 2) Mw + Fp*Mpi < (MDL+MF)/2+MDLR

Mw + Fp*Mpi = 3615666 N-m

Criteria 2 not satisfied
(MDL + MF)/2 + MDLR= 2746331 N-m

Criteria 3) Mws + Fp*Mpi < MDL/1.5+MDLR

Mws + Fp*Mpi = 1808023 N-m

Criteria 3 satisfied
MDL /1.5 + MDLR= 1813438 N-m

As all of above criteria not satisfied, Anchorage is required.

Check for sliding (As per 5.11.4)

Fws Maximum shear due to wind load = 251992 N 25697.70 kg
Wc Corroded weight of the tank 39800.00 kg
• Maximum allowable sliding friction 0.4
R Net resistance to shear = Wc * µ 15920.00 kg
Fn Net shear to be resisted by anchorage = Fws-R 9777.70 kg

Anchorage is required for wind load, As R < Fws

Doc. No. -
Seismic Analysis
Tank No : 114-F Rev : 0
(Appendix E)
API 650, 12th Ed,March-2013,Add.2 Jan-2016

Design Input Data

Seismic design Method Peak Ground Acceleration

Site Class D
Seismic Use Group SUG_I
Sp Design level peak ground acceleration for sites not addressed by ASCE Method 0.120 g

S1 1.25*Sp,spectral response acceleration parameter at a period of 1 sec as per E.4.3 0.150 g

Ss 2.5*Sp,spectral response acceleration parameter at 0.2 sec as per E.4.3 0.300 g

TL Regional-depedent transition period for longer period ground motion,sec 4 sec

Rwi Response reduction factor for Impulsive mode per Table: E-4 4.0
Rwc Response reduction factor for convective mode per Table: E-4 2.0
I Importance factor 1.00
K Co-efficient to adjust the spectral acceleration 1.500
Q Scaling factor 1.000

Calculation of Seismic coefficient

Fa Acceleration based site coefficient per Table E-1 1.56

Fv Velocity based site coefficient per Table E-2 2.20

SDS Design 5% damped ,spectral response acceleration parameter at short period(0.2 sec)
=Q*Fa*Ss = 1 *1.56 * 0.3 0.468 g

SD1 Design 5% damped ,spectral response acceleration parameter at a period of 1sec

=Q*Fv*S1 = 1 *2.2 * 0.15 0.330 g

SD0 Design 5% damped ,spectral response acceleration parameter at a period of zero sec
=Q*S0 = 1 *0.38 0.380 g
Ts Fv S1/ Fa Ss 0.71 sec
To 0.2*Fv S1/ Fa Ss 0.14 sec
Doc. No. -
Seismic Analysis
Tank No : 114-F Rev : 0
(Appendix E)
API 650, 12th Ed,March-2013,Add.2 Jan-2016
Time period for impulsive mode as per E:4.5.1

Ti Natural period of vibration for impulsive mode of behavior

=( 1/ 2000^½) *( Ci * H /(tu/D)^½)*( ρ/E)^½
=( 1/ 2000^½) *( 6.14 * 11.7/(5/12.5)^½)*( 1030/199000)^½ 0.183 sec

Ci Coefficient Ci from Figure E-1 6.14

H Depth of liquid H 11.70 m
ρ Density of liquid 1030 kg/m³
tu Equivalent uniform thickness of tank shell 5.00 mm
D Tank inside diameter 12.500 m
E Youngs modulus for steel at design temperature 199000 MPa

Time period for convective mode as per E:4.5.2

Tc Natural period of the convective (sloshing) mode of behavior of the liquid

= 1.8* Ks* D^½ = 1.8 *0.58*12.5^½ 3.70 sec

Ks = 0.578/(tanh(3.68*H/D))^½
= 0.578/(tanh(3.68*11.7/12.5))^½ 0.58

Spectral acceleration parameters

Ai Impulsive spectral acceleration parameter,Ai as per E.4.3

=Max(0.468*(1/4),0.007) 0.12

Ac Convective spectral acceleration parameter,Ac as per E.4.3

=Max[(K*SD1*(1/Tc)*(I/Rwc)),Ai] for Tc<=TL
=Max[(1.5*0.33*(1/3.7)*(1/2)),0.117]= Max[0.0669,0.117] 0.117

Av Vertival Earthquake acceleration coefficient

=0.14*0.468 0.07
Doc. No. -
Seismic Analysis
Tank No : 114-F Rev : 0
(Appendix E)
API 650, 12th Ed,March-2013,Add.2 Jan-2016
Calculation for Effective impulsive and convective weight per E.6.1.1

Ws Total Uncorr. weight of tank shell and appurtenances, 29367 kg

287973 N

Wr Total Uncorr.weight of roof,framing & any welded attachments 12475 kg

122330 N

Wf Total Uncorr.weight of the tank bottom, 14589 kg

143060 N

Wp Total weight of the tank contents based on S.G of the product 1478880 kg
14501900 N

Wi As D/H < 1.333, the effective impulsive weight per Eq.E.6.1.1-2

= [1.0-0.218(D/H)]*Wp 11124321 N

Wc The effective convective weight per Equation E.6.1.1-3:

= 0.230*(D/H)*tanh(3.67H/D)*Wp 3556110 N

Calculation of Center of Action for Ringwall Overturning Moment per E.

As D/H < 1.333, the height Xi per Eq.E.

Xi = [0.5-0.094(D/H)]*H
= 4.675 m

The height Xc is determined by Equation E.

Xc= [1-((cosh(3.67H/D)-1)/((3.67H/D)*sinh(3.67H/D)))]*H
= 8.507 m

Calculation of Center of action for Slab Overtruning moment per E.

As D/H < 1.333, the height Xis per Eq.E.

Xis= [0.5+0.06(D/H)]*H
= 6.600 m

The height, Xcs, is determined by Equation E.

Xcs= [1-((cosh(3.67H/D)-1.937)/((3.67H/D)*sinh(3.67H/D)))]*H
= 8.713 m

The height of C.G of shell from the bottom of tank

Xs = (H2/2)
= 6.100 m

The heightof C.G of the roof and roof apprutenances from the bottom of tank shall
Xr = H2 +(D/2)*tanθ/3
= 12.550 m
Doc. No. -
Seismic Analysis
Tank No : 114-F Rev : 0
(Appendix E)
API 650, 12th Ed,March-2013,Add.2 Jan-2016
Calculation of Seismic overturning moments

Slab moment per E.6.1.5

Ms = ([Ai (WiXis+WsXs+WrXr)]²+[Ac(WcXcs)]²)½
= ([0.117 (11124321*6.6+287973*6.1+122330*12.55)]²+[0.117(3556110*8.713)]²)^½
= 9679814 N-m

Ringwall moments per E.6.1.5

2 2 0.5
Mrw = ([Ai (WiXi+WsXs+WrXr)] +[Ac(WcXc)] )
= ([0.117(11124321*4.675+287973*6.1+122330*12.55)]²+[0.117(3556110*8.507)]²)^½
= 7374761 N-m

Base Shear as per E.6.1

V Total design base shear,

= (Vi²+Vc²)^½ = (1366289.03²+416064.87²)^½ 1428236 N

Vi Design base shear due to impulsive component from effective tank & contents weight
= Ai*(Ws+Wr+Wf+Wi) 1366289.03 N

Vc Design base shear due to the convective component of the effective sloshing weight
= Ac*Wc 416064.87 N

Check for Anchorage Requirement as per E.

Anchorage Ratio (J) Calculation

J = Mrw/[D²*Wt *(1 - 0.4*Av) + Wa - 0.4wint)]

=7374761/[12.5²*10449*(1-0.4*0.066) +29499.11 - 0.4*2759.07)] 1.224 >0.785

Wa Resisting force of tank contents per unit length of shell circumference

that may be used to resist the shell overturning moment
=Min( 99*(tb-CAb) (Fy*M* H* Ge)^½ ,201.1*H*D*Ge)
= Min( 99*(10-3)*(260*1*11.7*1.003^½,201.1*11.7*12.5*Ge) 29499.11 N/m
tb Thickness of bottom plate under the shell 10.0 mm
Fya Minimum specified yield strength of bottom annuals 260 MPa
Av Vertical earthquake acceleration coefficeient 0.0655
Ge Effective specific gravity including vertical seismic effects
= G*(1-0.4 Av) =1.03*(1-0.4 * 0.06552) 1.003
H Maximum design product level 11.70 m
D Nominal diameter of tank 12.50 m
P Internal pressue =0.8829 kPa 882.90 N/m²
wt Tank and roof weight acting base of shell
= [(Ws+Wr)/(π*D)] = [(287973+122330)/(π*12.5)]
= [(287973+122330)/(π*12.5)] 10449 N/m
Design uplift load due to product pressure per unit circ. Length = (
wint 2759 N/m
π/4 * D^2 * P / π * D )

Tank is uplifting but tank is stable for design load if shell compression requirement is satisfied
Doc. No. -
Seismic Analysis
Tank No : 114-F Rev : 0
(Appendix E)
API 650, 12th Ed,March-2013,Add.2 Jan-2016
Check for Dynamic Hoop Tensile Stresses as per E.6.1.4

Hp Equivalent Head due to Pressure Hp =P /9.8*G 0.087 m

H Maximum design liquid level (H) 11.70 m
H+Hp Total Design liquid height (H) =H+Hp 11.787 m

Product Hydrostatic membrane stress at base of the tank

Nh= 4.9 D(H-0.3)G = 4.9*12.5*(11.787-0.3)*1.03 724.69 N/mm

Impulsive hoop membrane force in tank wall

Y = Distance from liquid surface to analysis point (positive down) 11.7

Ni = 2.6Ai G D²
= 2.60.117*1.03*12.5² 48.96 N/mm

Convective hoop membrane force in tank wall

1.85 Ac G D^2 cosh (3.68(H-Y)/D) 2.22 N/mm

Nc =
cosh (3.68 H/D)
Combined dynamic hoop tensile in shell as per E.6.1.4-6

σt = {[Nh+(Ni²+Nc²+(Av*Nh)²)^½]/t 158.585 N/mm²

t= corr.thk of bottom shell course 5.00 mm

As per E 6.2.4,Pemissable tensile stress is least of

(1) 1.33 *Sd = 1.33*173 230 MPa
(2) 0.9*Fy*E*M = 0.9*260*0.85*1 199 MPa

Permissable tensile stress Stallow =Min(1,2 ) 199 MPa

As σt < σtallow,OK

Summary of check for Combined Dynamic hoop stress in all shell courser
Total Distance Impu. Conv. Comb.
Shell Design from hoop hoop dynamic Allow.
course liquid liquid memb. memb. hoop tensile
membrane stress Result
from height surface force Force tensile stress
Bottom H Nh Y Ni Nc σT
m N/mm mm N/mm N/mm Mpa Mpa
1 11.788 724.75 11.7 48.96 2.22 158.6 199 ok
2 9.788 598.57 9.7 48.96 2.62 132.3 199 ok
3 7.788 472.40 7.7 47.58 3.95 105.9 199 ok
4 5.788 346.22 5.7 41.59 6.69 131.4 199 ok
5 3.988 232.67 3.9 32.38 11.15 135.1 199 ok
6 2.188 119.11 2.1 19.55 18.82 73.7 199 ok
7 0.388 5.55 0.3 3.09 31.90 18.8 199 ok
Doc. No. -
Seismic Analysis
Tank No : 114-F Rev : 0
(Appendix E)
API 650, 12th Ed,March-2013,Add.2 Jan-2016
Check for Shell Compression under Seismic Force as per E.

Tank Type Mechanically-Anchored tanks

σc Maximum longitudinal shell compression stress at the bottom of the shell,

[wt *(1+0.4*Av)+((1.273*Mrw)/D²)]*(1/(1000*ts))
[10449 *(1+0.4*0.06552)+((1.273*7374761)/12.5^2)]*(1/(1000*5)) 14.2 MPa

Allowable Longitudinal Membrane Compression Stress in Tank Shell (Fc) per E.

As GHD^2/t^2= 29.43< 44

Fc Min ((83*ts/(2.5*D))+(7.5*(G*H)^0.5)),0.5*Sy*M)
Min ((83*5/(2.5*12.5))+(7.5*(1.03*11.7)^½)),0.5*260*1)
Min (39.32,130) 39.32 MPa
ts Corroded thk of bottom shell course 5.0 mm

σc < Fa , Hence structurally safe.

Check for Freeboard Requirement as per E.7.2

Minimum required free board = 0.7 x δs = 0.492 m

δs Height of solshing wave = 0.42*D*Af 0.70 m

Af Acceleration coefficient for sloshing wave height calculation
=K*SD1*I*(1/Tc) for SUG_I as Tc<=4 0.1338
=1.5*0.33*1*(1/3.7) for SUG_I as Tc<=4

Maximum operating level = 11.70 m

Free board available = 0.50 m

Free board available > Min. required Free board. OK.

A freeboard of 0.7δs is recommended for economic considerations but not required.
Doc. No. - Rev : 0
Tank No : 114-F Tank Anchorage Design
API 650, 12th Ed,March-2013,Add.2 Jan-2016

Design of Anchor bolts per 5.12

P Design pressure 0.88 kPa
Pt Test Pressure 1.10 kPa
DLR Nominal weight of roof plate plus any attached structural 92922 N
Pf Failure pressure per F.6 = 1.6*P -0.000746*DLR/D² 0.97 kPa
D Tank Diameter 12.50 m
H2 Tank height 12.20 m
th Roof Plate thickness 8.00 mm
Material of Anchor Bolt A 307 GrB
Anchor Bolt size M36
[Min bolt dia = 1 inch plus any specified corrosion allowance]
Nb Number of anchors (a minimum of 4 is required) 24
Ab Anchor bolt Root area 738.0 mm²
Bs Max.Bolt spacing per 5.12.3 3000.00 mm
Bsp Provided bolt spacing = π *Db/Nb 1659.8 mm
W1 Corr. Dead load of shell + Any other Corr. dead load excl.roof plates 222763 N
W2 Corr. Dead load of shell + Any other Corr. dead load incl. roof plates 285012 N
W3 UnCorr.Dead load of shell+Any other UnCorr. dead load incl. roof pl. 410303 N
Fy Min.Yeild Stregth of Anchor Bolts (Max. 250 Mpa) 240 MPa
Fty Minimum yield strength of the bottom shell course 260.0 MPa
Design uplift load due to product pressure per unit circ. Length =
wint 2759 N/m
( π/4 * D^2 * P*1000 / π * D )
wt Tank and roof weight acting base of shell = [(Ws+Wr)/(π*D)] 10449 N/m
Pwr Wind uplift pressure on roof 1.97 kPa
Pws Wind pressure on shell 1.15 kPa
Mws Wind moment acting on shell from wind Analysis 1537149.07 N-m
Mrw Ringwall seismic Moment from Siesmic Analysis 7374761.00 N-m
Av Vertical earthquake acceleration coefficient 0.06552
M Yield Strength Reduction Factors as per Appendix-M 1
Yes No

Uplilf Loads & Induced bolt stress calculation as per Table 5.21a

Induced bolt
stress Allow. Condtition
Uplift load case Net Uplift formula,U (N)
Sbi =U/(N*Ab) stress (Mpa) satisfied?

1 Design pressure [ P*D2*785 ]- W1 = -114470 -6.5 100 Yes

2 Test Pressure [ Pt*D2*785 ] - W3 = -15.5 133 Yes
3 Wind Load Pwr *D²*785+ (4*Mws/D)-W2 = 448509 25.3 192 Yes
4 Seismic Load (4*Mrw/D)-W2*(1-0.4*Av) = 2082381 117.6 192 Yes
5 Des.P + Wind [(0.4*(P+Pwr)*D²*785]+(4*Mws/D)-W1 = 409095 23.1 133 Yes
6 Des.P + Seismic [0.4*P*D²*785]+(4*Mrw/D)-W1(1-0.4Av) = 2186316 123.4 192 Yes
7 Frangibility Pressure [(3*Pf * D² * 785)]-W3 = N/A N/A 240 N/A

U= Max.Uplif load ( Des.P + Seismic) 2186316 N

222957 kg
Doc. No. - Rev : 0
Tank No : 114-F Tank Anchorage Design
API 650, 12th Ed,March-2013,Add.2 Jan-2016
Check for Anchor Bolt Chairs As per AISI E-1, Volume II, part-VII

Dimensions of Anchor Bolt chair

a = 250 mm

b = 140 mm d e =74 mm t = 8 mm
c = 22

Top Plate

k tp = 8.0 mm
h = 400 mm

E = 10 mm
g = 110 j = 20 mm

a Top plate width along the shell 250 mm 9.9 inch

b Top plate width in radial direction 140 mm 5.5 inch
c Top plate thickness 22 mm 0.9 inch
d Anchor bolt diameter 36 mm 1.4 inch
e Anchor bolt eccentricity 74 mm 2.9 inch
hmax Max. recommended chair height = 3*a 750 mm 29.5 inch
hmin Min. recommended chair height = 12 inch 305 mm 12.0 inch
hp Provided Chair height 400 mm 15.8 inch
g Dist. Between vertical plates 110 mm 4.3 inch
Jmin Required Min.Gusset plate thickness = Min(12.7 ,0.04*(h-c))
= Min(12.7,0.04*(400-22))=Min(12.7,15.12) 13 mm 0.5 inch
j Provided Gusset plate thickness 20 mm 0.8 inch
emin Anchor bolt efficiency = 0.886d+0.572
fmin d/2+1/8 21.34 mm 0.84 inch
f Provided top plate hole edge distance 48 mm 1.9 inch
k Vertical plate width :(h-c)/2 189 mm 7.5 inch
(average width for tapered plates)
E Annular plate thickness 10 mm
Db Bolt circle diameter = D*1000+2*(e+t+tp) 12680 mm
L Tank length 12.20 m 480.3 inch
m Corroded Bottom or base plate thickness 7 mm 0.3 inch
R Nom. shell radius 6250 mm 246.1 inch
t Shell thickness 5.0 mm 0.200 inch
tp Reinforcment Pad thickness 8.0 mm 0.3 inch
w Weld size(leg dimension) 8.0 mm 0.3 inch
Doc. No. - Rev : 0
Tank No : 114-F Tank Anchorage Design
API 650, 12th Ed,March-2013,Add.2 Jan-2016

Check for stress in Top plate:

Critical stress in the top plate occurs between the hole and the free edge of the plate
For convenience we can consider this portion of the top plate vas a beam with partially fixed
ends, with a portion of the total anchor bolt load distributed along part of the span,

P Max Bolt uplift load =U/Nb 91096 N 20.49 kips

S Allowable stress 173 MPa 25.1 ksi
c [P/f*S (0.375g-0.22d)]½ = 0.75 inch
= 19.13 mm
Provided Top Plate thickness 22.00 mm

Provided Top Plate Thickness is sufficient

Check for Induced stress in shell at attachment for provided skirt height

Maximum stress at the top of the chairs in vertical direction is a combination of bending plus
direct stress, based on Bjilaard formulas

P Bolt uplift load in design condition 4769.57 N 1.08 kips

S Bending stress + direct stress at top of chair as per 7-3 ( Induced stress in shell due to attachment)
=( P*e/(t+tp)² )*[ {(1.32*Z)/((1.43 a*h^2/( R*(t+tp)))+(4*a*h²)^0.333 )}+ {0.031/(R*(t+tp))^½} ]
=( P*e/(t+tp)²) * [ { A } + { B }]
= (1.08*2.92/(0.2+0.32)²) * [ {0.015} + { 0.003 } ] 0.345 ksi

A =(1.32*Z)/((1.43 a*h^2/( R*t))+(4*a*h²)^0.333 )

=(1.32*0.988)/((1.43*9.85*15.75²/(246.07*0.2))+(4*9.85*15.75²)^0.333) 0.0150

B =0.031/(R*(t+tp))^½
=0.031/(246.07*(0.2+0.32)^½}] 0.003

Z Reduction factor as per 7-4

= 1.0/[( ( ( 0.177 a*m) / (R*(t+tp))^½ ) * (m /( t+tp))² ) +1.0]
= 1/[( ( ( 0.177*9.85*0.28 ) / (246.07*0.52)^½ )*(0.28/0.52)² )+1] 0.988

Sa Allowable shell stress for design condition=2/3*Fty= 173 MPa 25.1 ksi

As Sa < S,Provided Chair Height is sufficient

Summary of check for Induced shell stress at anchor chair attachement as per Table 5.21a

Induced bolt uplift Induced shell stress due

Allowable stress at shell attachment Condtition
Uplift load case P =Sbi*Ab to P
N kips ksi Mpa Mpa
1 Design pressure 4770 1.08 0.34 2.4 2/3*Fty *M= 173 Yes
2 Test Pressure 11456 2.58 0.82 5.7 5/6*Fty*M= 217 Yes
3 Wind Load 18688 4.21 1.34 9.3 5/6*Fty*M= 217 Yes
4 Seismic Load 86766 19.51 6.23 43.0 5/6*Fty*M= 217 Yes
5 Des.P + Wind 17046 3.84 1.23 8.5 5/6*Fty*M= 217 Yes
6 Des.P + Seismic 91096 20.49 6.54 45.1 5/6*Fty*M= 217 Yes
7 Frangibility Pressure N/A N/A N/A N/A Fty*M= 260 N/A
Doc. No. - Rev : 0
Tank No : 114-F Tank Anchorage Design
API 650, 12th Ed,March-2013,Add.2 Jan-2016

Gusset Plate thickness

jreq Min. required gusset palte thickness = P/(25*K) = 20.49 / ( 25*7.45) 0.110 inch
2.79 mm

j Provided gusset plate thickness 20 mm

Provided gusset plate thk is acceptable

Weld design of Anchor chair

WV WV: Total load on weld = P/(a+2h) 2.080 kips per lin. Inch of weld

WH WH: Horizontal load = Pe/(ah+0.667h^2) 0.630 kips per lin. Inch of weld

W SQRT(WV²+WH²) 2.173 kips per lin. Inch of weld

Wa Allowable fillet weld stress =9.6*w 3.072 kips per lin. Inch of weld

As Wa > W,the design Anchor chair is Safe

Check for Shear as per 5.11.4

Check for anchor bolts in shear

Sw Wind shear 251992 N

Ss Siesmic shear 1428236 N
Su Sliding shear force due to wind 9777.70 kg
95881 N

P Design shear =Max[ Sw,Ss,Su] 1428236 N

Sa Allowable shear stress for anchor bolts in shear=0.4*Fy*M 96.0 MPa

Si Induced bolt stress per bolt = P/(Ab*N) 81 MPa

Provided anchorage is sufficient for shear

Doc. No. - Rev : 0
Tank No : 114-F Tank Anchorage Design
API 650, 12th Ed,March-2013,Add.2 Jan-2016
Check for Requirement of Anchor per F.4.2
The maximum design pressure, limited by uplift at the base of the shell as per F.4.2 ,

Pmax Max. design pres. limited by uplift at shell base = (β/(Fp* D^3))(MDL/1.5 + MDLR - Mws)
(0.0026/(0.4*12.5^3 )*((1983693.75/1.5) +490975-1537149.07) 0.92 kPa
β Conversion factor = 8/(π*1000) 0.0026
Moment @ shell-to-bottom joint from the weight of the shell & roof supported
MDL by shell 1983693.8 N-m
Moment @ shell-to-bottom joint from nominal roof weight + attached
MDLR structural 490975.0 N-m
MF Moment @ shell-to-bottom joint from liquid weight 2527018.6 N-m
Mw Overturning moment @ shell-to-bottom joint from horizontal + vertical wind 3344792.1 N-m
Mws Wind moment on shell 1537149.1 N-m
Fp Pressure combination factor = Max(0.4,Pop/P)=Max(0.4,0) 0.4

Anchorage required as Design Pressure < Pmax

Doc. No. - Rev : 0
Tank No : 114-F Foundation Loadings Tank Service: Oase Sol. Tank
API 650, 12th Ed,March-2013,Add.2 Jan-2016
Design code API- 650 Geometric/Working Capacity 1497.3 / 1362.2 m³
Design Pressure Int./Ext. 0.883/0.246 kPa Type of tank Supported CR
Design/Operating temp 80 /48 °C Tank inside diamter 12.50 m
Liquid Stored Oase Solution Tank height 12.20 m
Sp.gr of liquid 1.03 Design Liquid height 11.70 m
We Empty Weight 57.00 Ton Wo Operation weight 1535.90 Ton
Wer Erected Weight 57.00 Ton Wtl Test Liquid weight 1497.17 Ton
Wp Product weight 1478.88 Ton Wt Hydro-test weight 1554.20 Ton
Ps Shell dead load+Insulation load+Appurtenace 7.33 kN/m ↓
Pr Roof(insulation+structure+appurt.) dead load(applied to shell) 3.12 kN/m ↓
Prl Roof Live load 3.13 kN/m ↓
Prv Roof Partial vaccum load 0.77 kN/m ↓
Pe Seismic line load: 4*Mrw/(πD²) 60.09 kN/m ↓↑
Pw Wind line load:4*Mw /(πD²) 27.26 kN/m ↓↑
qp Product load :Wp/(π/4*D²)*9.806 118.2 kN/m2 ↓
qip Design Pressure :π/4*D²*P 0.9 kN/m2 ↓
qt Test load :Wtl/(π/4*D²)*9.806 124 kN/m2 ↓
qtp Test Pressure :π/4*D²*Pt 0.88 kN/m2 ↓
qb Bottom Plate load :tb*7.85*9.806/1000 0.77 kN/m2 ↓
P kN/m ↓ q kN/m2 ↓ UPLIFT (U) SHEARING(S)
Operating Po 14.34 qo 120 -- --
Hydrotest Pt 14.34 qt 126 -- --
Operating + Earthquake Poe 74.43 qoe 120 2187 kN ↑ 1429 kN →
Operating + Wind Pow 41.60 qow 120 449 kN ↑ 252 kN →
Po=Ps+Pr+Prl+Prv Pt=Ps+Pr+Prl Poe=Po+Pe Pow=Po+Pw
qo=qp+qip+qb qt=qt+qtp+qb qoe=qp+qip+qb qow=qp+qip+qb
(acting @ base of tank shell perimeter) Mrw = 8112.5 kN-m MW = 3345 kN-m
Slab Overturning Moment
Ms = 10648 kN-m
(used for slab and pile cap design )
Base shear Fs = 1571.9 kN FW = 252 kN
P Anchor Bolts Size x Nos : M36 x 24
U Tank I.D = 12.50 m

Mrw Tank Shell Ms

Tank ¢

Anchor Bolt Annular PL

q 120 Bottom PL

B.C.D=12680 mm
To be decided by
Civil Dept
300 Min Conceret ring I.D

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