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I ffiffi Watch the TED Talk. Note down details about § , '',, ",,",,,::, Watch the first parl (0.00-6.07)
of the talk
Diébédo Francis Kéré's life. again. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?

Hometown and early life: 1 Today, Gando is much more modern than when Kéré
School days: was a child.
University: 2 When he was an archtecture student, Kéré raised US
Return to Gando: $50 000 to build a school,
Challenges of the first project in Gando: 3 At first the people of Gando didn't like Kéré's plans for
Other projects in Gando: building the school.
Other challenges in Gando: 4 Clay is never used as a construction material in Burkna Faso,
A final story from his childhood: 5 The main design considerations for the building were to
make it large enough and cheap to build.

120 ) high school N Alt EIIG ) guy lrt AM ENG

) secondary school BR Eilc > boy BR ENG
I 3 .,-jtiii.i..::
Complete the notes on the second parl of the C
talk. Then watch the second part (6.08-9.18) of the talk
again and check your answers. r' JJ312 - I love this talk. We so often th nk of bul dings
. ,
as places in a community, but Kéré shows that the so
cast pois clay walls
mud clay extension process of bu lding is just as impoftant as the result and
high school library prototype rain that work ng together can make a community stronger. J
That's a very vaiuab e iesson that we ali should learn,
e The school 1-; built a(n) 2
to test whether the construction was strong enough . i Cowboy - As Kéré points out, the ra ns are definitely a

. The 3 .-: for

used a
brg feature of life rn Burk na Faso. They're necessary .':
in the roof farmers or for anyone who is trying to grow food for the
structure to allow heat out and light in community or rase animals. When the rans don't come, it
. Thes :used6 -verysimilar can create serious problems for the community.
to concrete
. The fragile 7-: had to be protected from
,',,, ClarkKent-lt'swonderfu toseethat Kéré'sdesgns
i e#
the E-
work with nature. He doesn't try to find a way to
durlng construction generate electricrty in Gando to run air conditroning - h-o &
instead designs a bui ding that will be naturally cool and
4 ",
',':':,, ,.',,r Watch the third part (9:19 to the end) of the
light. Great workl
talk again. Answer the questions.

1 ln addition to the buildings, what benefit has Kéré's work

brought to his community?
2 What is Kéré's main motivation for doing his work? PRESENTATION SKILLS Varying your
3 Why, according to Kéré's mother, did the women of his tone of voice
community give him money?
Your tone of voice is the overall quality of your voice,
VOCABULARY IN CONTEXT including pitch and volume. When you're nervous, you
may sound more hesitant or speak in a monotone,
5 :,',;;',,;.t,:' Watch the clips from the TED Talk. Choose
;,, without raising or lowering your voice. Try to vary your
the correct meaning of the words. tone of vorce, Doing so can:

6 Complete the sentences in your own words. Then discuss ' help keep your audience interested
o emphasize key ideas
with a partner.
o convey your enthusiasm for what you're saying
1 For me, it would be a privilege to .,. For example, when you brieïly lower your voice and
2 | would be happy to padicipate in fundraising for ... speak quietly, for emphasis, it can grab the audience's
3 When .,. , I was over the moon. attention more than raising it. However, it's important
not to change your voice so much that it's aftificial.
7 Kéré says he hopes he was able to prove the power I ,..:, ,, ii,,,,, Look at the Presentation tips box. Then watch
of community and show that architecture can inspire the clip from the TED Talk and notice how Kéré varies his
communities to shape their own future. Why was each of tone. Answer the questions.
the following relevant to the talk?
1 At the stad, is Kéré's voice more excited and passionate
1 He tells us about the poverty in Gando. or calm and quiet?
: l::a: i:: irla,.,,'.):'tl .1.:.;,.)i.:1.t..),' :i. :':ei:.::,; l-i-..r r.,r-iaal
... ., ..
2 What's his tone of voice when he describes the finished
floor, saying 'And then you have this result, very fine'?
What do you feel this tone communicates?
2 He talks about fundraising while an archiTecture student 3 What's his general tone as he says'lt can be 45 degrees
in Germany. in Burkina Faso', and then describes his design?
3 He expiains the traditional process of making a hard 4 What tone does he end on?
clay floor.
4 He talks about Burkina Faso's climate. X O Think of a time when something exciting happened to
5 He explains that usually, young men from Gando have to you, for example, you won something, accomplished a
leave the village and work far away, difficult task, or had a nice surprise. Prepare how you will
describe it to a partner. Think of the tone of voice you will
I For both speakers and commenters, it's important to use at each stage.
focus on ideas that are relevant. Read the comments.
about the TED Talk. Which two are relevant to Kéré's { '[ Work in pairs. Take turns to give a presentation in which
talk? Which one is not? you tell your story.

11 Vision
UNIT AT A GLANCE PRESENTATION SKILLS: Varying your tone of voice

THEMES: Looking at people with visions of the world and GRAMMARI Subordinate clauses
how our actions can change it VOCABULARY: Expressions with /ook and see
TED ïALK: How to build with clay ... and community. PRONUNCIATIONT lntonation in subordinate clauses,
Diébédo Francis Kéré talks about his life from a young Sure and unsure tones
boy growing up in a poor village in Burkina Faso to
HEADING: Visionaries
studying architecture in Germany, and finally how he
LISTENING: Life coaching
returned to his village and helped the community build a
school from clay SPEAKING; Looking afterwhat matters, Talking about
visionaries, Talking about a vision of the future
different stress patterns WRITING: An endorsement

CRITICAL THINKING: Relevance WRITING SKILL: Persuasive language


r Write the word vision on the board. Put students into pairs 2
and ask them to write two sentences using the word yislon in
o Put students into pairs to match the words in bold with
two different ways. Allow them to refer to dictionaries in order
their definitions.
to check its different uses and meanings.
. o Check answers with the class. Then, for a quick check of
After a few minutes, ask pairs to share their sentences and
students' memory and understanding, read out each sentence,
see if they have used the word in similar ways. For example, it
but stop just before the word in bold. Ask students to call out
can be used like this:
which word they think it is. For example, for sentence 1:
To refer to a mental image: Ihe writer presents a terrible
Teacher: When glass was first put in windows, it was
vision of the future.
considered a major architectural ...
The ability to see: Ihese g/asses mean the vision in my left
Student: prototype
eye is better.
Teacher: No.
Student: innovation
BACKGROUND Teacher: Correct!
o Ask students to read the paragraph about Diébédo Francis Answers
Kéré and his talk. Answer any queries about the vocabulary. 1c 2f 3d 4a 5e 6b
o Ask students to say what they think his vision is (fo give
æmething back to his community through designing beautiful
with accents: different stress patterns
r Put students into pairs to discuss the three questions
rtd suggest possible answers. Don't say if their answers are 3a
conect or not at this stage as this is explained in the talk. r Explain that the first language of Burkina Faso is French so
the speaker in the next TED Talk has a non-native accent. His
Background information accent is quite strong and the stress patterns vary compared
Burkina Faso to the previous TED Talk speakers in the coursebook so far
who have had British and American accents.
lf your students
don't know very much about Burkina Faso,
you could provide this basic background information:
. Ask students to read the information about differences
Burkina Faso is in the west of Africa and has no coastline. lt between native and non-native speaker accents in the
b surrounded by six other countries. The French-speaking Authentic listening skills box. Point out that recognizing stress
population is around 17 million with about 6 million people patterns is a key element for native speakers in understanding
lving in extreme poverty. ln rural areas, employment can what someone says. So, when non native speakers use
be hard to find and many young people move to the cities. different stress patterns it can make comprehension difficult.
Cotton production is one of its main industries.

11 Vision 153
. Ask your own students about which kinds of accents they find
harder to understand, for example, do they find American accents
ffff wlth
ffi*q,rf t* ba;üld
or British accents easier to understand? Would they prefer to
listen to a non-native speaker of English or a native speaker?
clay âffid sürnrïunity
. ffiffi Play the recording. Students listen and compare
the difference between two accents saying the same sentence.
. Play the recording again and ask students to listen I
carefully for the pronunciation of the underlined word o Books closed. Before watching the TED Talk, ask a student
architecture in each case. Ask How does the sfress change? to summarize the key information about Diébédo Francis Kéré,
Elicit that Kéré puts the stress on the third syllable whereas for example, who he is and what he's done.
the native speaker puts the stress on the first syllable. o Books open. Allow students time to read the seven
3b categories before watching the talk.
. §ffi Play the recording. This time students listen out for . ffiffi Play the whole talk. Students watch and make
which words are stressed in the sentences. Elicit that Kéré notes under the seven categories.
stresses the auxiliary verb does instead of the main verb in r After viewing, students can compare their notes with each
the sentence. other. The amount of detail that each student writes will vary
but by the end of the process, make sure that all the students
Answers understand the general meaning and detail of Kéré's life.
British voice:
like that?
O.11 I would like to show you how architecture has helped
to change the life of my community and has opened
opportunities to hope.
Correctness? O.25 I am a native of Burkina Faso" According to the World
Bank, Burkina Faso is one of the poorest eountries in
When dealing with the topic of native speaker and
the world, but what does lt look like to grow up in a
non-native speaker accents, some students may
place like that? I am an example of that. I was born in
refer to the non-native speaker pronunciation as
a little village called Gando. ln Gando, there was no
'incorrect' in some way. lndeed, some students may
electriciÿ, no access to clean drinking water, and no
even ask why they are listening to such accents
school. But my father wanted me to learn how to read
when they are on an English course. Explain that
and write. For this reason, I had to leave my family
attitudes to accents and correctness have changed
when I was seven and to stay in a city far away from
a great deal in recent years. With more non-native
my village with no contact with my family. ln this place
speakers using English as a lingua franca in the
I sat in a c/ass like that with more than 150 other kids,
world than native speakers, people's views of what
and for six years. ln this time, it iust happened to me
is correct English have changed. The fact is that
to come to school to realize that my classmate died.
students are more likely to communicate with other
non-native speakers with other accents than they 1.36 Today, not so much has changed. There is still no
are with native speakers. So, developing their ability electricity in my village. People still are dying in
to cope with a range of accents is important. Burkina Faso, and access to clean drinking water is
still a big problem.

3c 1.55 I had luck. I was lucky, because this is a fact of life

. ffiffi when you grow up in a place like that. But I was lucky.
Play the recording. Students listen and complete the
I had a scholarship. I could go to Germany to study.
. Students can compare their answer with a partner before
2.14 So now, I suppose, I don't need to explain to you
how great a privilege it is for me to be standing before
you check the answers as a whole class. Play the recording
you today. From Gando, my home village in Burkina
again, if necessary.
Faso, to Berlin in Germany to become an architect
is a big, big step. But what to do with this privilege?
I Answers
Since I was a student, I wanted to open up better
1 exanrple 2 village 3 drinking water 4 family 5 kids
opportunities to other kids in Gando. I iust wanted
to use my skills and build a school. But how do you
do it when you're still a student and you don't have
money? Ah yes, I started to make drawings and asked
for money. Fundraising was not an easy task. I even

154 11 Vision
them t"'xe
on caffee them ta create openings' So we /ust brtng
asked my classmafes fo spend less maney cutting
rny school praiect' yoa can see to fhe building site; we staft
and cigarette.s, buf lo sponsor roaf
them, and then we ptace them on top of the
ln real wonder, two years later, I was able to callect this result'
before we paur the cancrete, and you have
50,00A U"S. dallars' the hat air aut and light in'
The openings are letting
g.2g When t came home ta Gando to bring the
gaad news'
VerY simPle.
when they realized
my peopte was over the moon, but
shocked' 7.5g My most recent praiect in Ganda is a high schoo/
that t was ptanning to use clay, they were
proiect. I wauld like ta share with you this" The
g.45 'A ctay buitding is nat able to stand a rainy season' innavatian in this praiecf ls to cast mud like
you Çast
and Francis M/ant§ us to use if and build a school'
/s start making a
concrete. Haw do you cast mud? We
this the reasan why he spent so much time in lat of martars, like you can see, and when everything
warking in the field with us?' recipe and
ready, when yau know whatis fhe best
studying instead rsf
4.OS My peaple buitd alt the time with clay' but tkey don't the best farm, you staft warking with the community'
convince And sametimes i can leave' They wilt da
it themse/ves'
see any innavation with mud' So / had to
everybody. / started to speak with the canmunity' I came fo sPeak Youta like that'
and I could convince everybody' and we could
everybady from
8.g4 Anather factor in Ganda is rain' When fhe ralrls come'
ta wark" And the wamen' the men' we hurry up to pratect our fragile walls against
the vittage, was part of this building process'
/ was and Jeanne-C\aude'
rain" Dan't canfaund with Christo
So clay
allowed fo use even traditianal techniques' It is simply haw we protect aur vtalls' The
rain in
floor for example, the yaung rnefi Çame and
stand like after that' yau have
BurkinaccrnÉs very fast, and
that, beating, haurs for haurs, and then their floads everywhere in the cauntry' But far us' the rain
came, and they beating ln ihls posltion' for hours' river we need
are ls good. tt brings sand and gravel to the
giving water and beating' And then the palishers ta ga' We take
to u§e fo build. We iustwait for the rain
corne. They start patishing it with a stane for haurs' the sand, we mix it with ctay, and we keep building'
And then you have this resulf, very fine' like a
That is it'
bottom. lt's nat photashopped' Ihrs ls fhe schoo/'
g.1g The Gando proiect was always connected ta training
built wrth the cammunity' The walls are totally I fall
The roof the peopte, because ! iust wanted' one day when
out of compressed clay blacks fram Gando'
down and die, that af leasf one person from Ganda
structure is made with cheap steei bars narmally l'm
keeps doing this work' But you will be surprised"
hiding inside concrete' And the classroorn' the ceiling
still alive.
is made aut af bath of them used together' earn maney
9.39 And rny peaple naw can use thetr skl//s to
5.37 in this school , there was a simple idea: ta create l")suatty, far a young man from Gando to
camfortin a c/assroom ' Dan't farget' it can be 45 country to the city'
earn money, yau have to leave the
degrees in Burkina Faso, so with simple ventilation' com€
sometlmes leave the country and same never
I wanted to make the classroom goad for teaching now they
years back, making the cammunity weaker' But
and learning. And this is the praiect today' twelve can stay in the country and wark on different building
atd, stitlrn besf candition' And the kids' they love it'
sites and earn rnoney ta feed their family' There's

And fcr me and my community, this

proiecf was a
5.08 new qualitY in this work'
huge success. /f has opened up opportunities ta have wan a lot af awards thraugh
you knaw it. I
10.15 Yes,
do mare proiects in Ganda' So / could da a lat af this wark' Far sure, it has opened apparlunities' I have
proiects, and here t am going to share with yau anly knawn' But the reason why I da what I
become myself
three af them"
da is mY community'
ô.28 The first one ls the schoo/ extension' of crturse' Haw I was caming
peaple 1O.36 When ! was a kid, t was going to school'
do yau exptaln drawings and engineering ta to Gandc' By the end of every
ro back every hatiday
wha are neither ahte tç read nor write? lsfaÆed
was to build hatidays, I had to say gaadbye ta the community'
build a pratatype tike that' The innavatian
gaing from ane compaand ta anather one' All wamen
a ctay vault. So fhen, t iumped on the tap like that' give me
in Ganda will open their c/othes tike that and
with my team, and it works' The cammunity is laaking'
the last penny. ln my culture' fhrs is a symbal af
tt warks. So we can buitd' And we kept building'
affection. As a seven-year-ald guy' t was lmpressed'
and thatrs fhe result. The kids are happy' and
proud We made it' And I iust asked my mother ane day' 'Why do all fhese
lave it. The camrnunity is very 'They
women love me sa much?'She just answered'
even animals, like these dankeys, lsve aur buildings' hoping that
are cantributing to pay for your educatian
-,17 The next proiect is the library in Gando' And see
you witlbe successfu I and sne day come back and
ldeas in our buildings'
we tried ta introduce different help imprave the quality af tife af the Çommunity''
but we often dcn't have sa much material' Samething ! hope now that lwas able to make my cammunity
we have in Ganda are clay pats' We wanted tç use

11 Vision r55
4 And then you have this result, very fine, like a baby bottom. . Afterwards, ask different pairs to comment and check that
It's not photoshopped. everyone in the class agrees on which comments are relevant
a taken with a video camera and they understand why.
b changed using a computer
c used for advertising Answers
5 But for us, the rain is good. lt brings sand and gravel The comments of JJ312 and ClarkKent are relevant
to the river we need to use to build. because they both refer to the building itself. The
a clean water comment of Cowboy talks about the rain, but it's
b smail stones unrelated to the main point of the talk.
c soft mud

Answers PRESENTATION SKILLS Varying the tone

1c 2a 3c 4b 5b of your voice
Extra activity
. Ask students to complete the sentence in their own words.
Noticing tone
. Then put students into pairs to compare their sentences.
To introduce the idea of tone and how it affects the way
people understand us, ask students to close their books.
. End this exercise by asking a few students to say their
Tell the students you are going to read something aloud.
sentences to the rest of the class.
They must listen and then say what they notice. Choose any
piece of text (such as the paragraph about Kéré on page 119
GRITICAL THINKING Relevance of the coursebook) and read it aloud but change the tone in
parts of it. For example, read the first sentence very loud, then
go quieter in the next sentence, and say the third sentence in a
r Check thai students understand the meaning of
monotone, and so on. At the end, students need to comment
rclevance (the level which something is related to or useful
on these changes and what kind of effect it had them.
in suppoding what is being said or written). Note that when
students think critically they should always consider if an 9
argument or viewpoint is relevant. For example, if they write . Ask students to read the tips in the Presentation skills box
an argumentative essay or need to convince an audience in to check their understanding of tone and how it can affect an
a presentation of something, they will need to make use of audience.
relevant information. . ffim Play the clip from Kéré's talk and students answer
. Read the example with the class to show students how the questions. Be prepared to play the extract more than once
they should explain the relevance of each sentence. as this is quite a challenging task. lf necessary, pause at
r Students could work in pairs to work through the other ceftain points to discuss each question as a class.
sentences. Afterwards, discuss the sentences as a class
and check the answers together.
And the women, the men, everybody from the village, was
Answers part of this building process. I was allowed to use even
' This is relevant because it helps us understand the
traditional techniques. So clay floor for example, the young
men come and stand like that, beating, hours for hours,
:ommunity he comes from.
and then their mothers came, and they are beating in this
2 This is relevant because it shows the strength of his position, for hours, giving water and beating. And then the
sion for his community. polishers come. They start polishing it with a stone for hours.
3 This is relevant because it shows how he was able to And then you have this result, very fine, like a baby bottom.
rtegrate local techniques with his architectural vision. It's not PhotoShopped.
: This is relevant because he wanted to show how his This is the school, built with the community. The walls are
:rlldings were designed to work well in that climate. totally made out of compressed clay blocks from Gando. The
: This is relevant because it is a problem that his work roof structure is made with cheap steel bars normally hiding
-as helped to address. inside cancrete. And the classroom, the ceiling is made out
of both of them used together.
ln this school, there was a simple idea: to create comfort in
. Students read the viewers' comments and discuss their
a classroom. Don't forget, it can be 45 degrees in Burkina
Faso, so with simple ventilatian, I wanted to make the
: : /ance to the TED talk.
classroom good for teaching and learning. And this is the

11 Vision 157

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