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A dissertation submitted to the faculty of HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE In partial

fulfillment of the requirement for the award of a Bachelors Degree in social development and
counseling of Uganda Martyrs University.



Reg. No: 2011/B091/20007

June 2014.


I, Bwanikaa Joseph, to the best of my knowledge do hereby declare that all the information
presented in this dissertation is original and true work based on my knowledge. This work has
never been submitted either in part or full for publication or award of a degree in any other
institution. I therefore present it for the award of a Bachelors Degree of social development and
counseling of Uganda Martyrs University.


………………………………………….. DATE:………………………………



…………………………………………… DATE:……………………………



This book is dedicated to Professor Sylvia Nannyonga Tamusuza who saw the value of education
and supported me in everything unconditionally. I also dedicate this book to Professor Justinian
Tamusuza and the entire Tamusuza Family, who always advised me and reminded me to work
hard. Thank you for all the support you gave to me during my academic struggle, I always ask
God to bless you all.

I give thanks to the almighty God for the gift of life, wisdom and guidance through this course.

My special thanks and gratitude go to my supervisor Mr. Musanje Ronald for his patience and
invaluable guidance at all levels of this work, without which this study would not have been
completed. I wish to express my sincere appreciation to various individuals whose assistance has
facilitated the success in my life. To begin with, I most sincerely thank my mother Olivia
Nakibule and my Father Mr. Mugera Lawrence whose ethical and good morals kept me going. I
wish to appreciate my big sister Namata Grace who provided support and advice, very special
thanks goes to Nalongo Nakazibwe and the entire love and care family for their valuable and
continuous guidance and love towards my education. I also want to thank my University
lecturers to begin with Mr. Mubangizi Denis, Mr. Esibo Omanda, Mr. Tibasima Isaac, Mr. Boaz
Muhaguzi, Madam. Abi Kasoma, Dr. Namusisi Speranza, Mr. Nyakane Joseph, Madam.
Kampogo Marry, Madam. Conserans Rwanyonga and our hard working administrators Madam
Lilian N., for the efficiency with which preceded my study.

Very special thanks to my best friends, including Nakabuye Joan for Standing on my side. Audex
Muperasoka, Sentongo, Byamkya Ivan , Grace Geiga, Shibah Kwarisiima, Nyanjula Josepine,
Regina Adikinyi Sarah and all my class members who always involved in group discussions.

I acknowledge with gratitude the support I received from the following people Mutawe Gerad
Samu Mwesigwa Dioman, Ssebana Kiza, Bwebale Robert, Tabalamule Ibrahim and all down
town friends.

Very special thanks to Madam Lidia UMA Rubaga Librarian for her continuous assistance during
my library research. I will also sincerely thank all my brothers and sisters who gave me the word
of encouragement and all my relatives.

Special thanks goes to my Aunt Nambogo Gertrude for financing my primary education her
commitment made me reach the higher level. I would also extend my sincere thanks to
Kiwanuka Joseph, Rachel Lonyana, the Twins, Nakito Kirabo and Francis Kamya for their

I extend my sincere thanks to Mr. Emmanuel Benon Ayebale Katwe division CID officer,
Madam Nalubega Mary Chairperson Masaku zone, Mr. Bogere command of community
policing, Mr. Abasi Kiyimba Chairman Kiti zone, Mr. Sebyala Umar chairman Musoke zone, and
all those who participated in this study research.
Finally, I would also like to thank in a very special way Jether solutions for typing and printing
this work and I wish sincerely thank many other people who contributed in many small or big
but significant ways and whose names I may not have mentioned you all contributed to the
success of this work. May God bless you.



1.1 Introduction

Drug abuse is a phenomenon that is increasingly becoming a big problem in Uganda’s

urban areas. The problem has exacerbated related behavioural problems such as aggression,
violence and eating disorders.

This research is seeks to study the relationship between abusive use of drugs among the youth
and how it shape their behaviour. While there are many different kinds of drugs, the proposed
study was focused mainly on Marijuana, Khat “Mailungi” and Alcohol. The researcher was
examining how the abuse of these drugs related with behaviours of aggression, eating disorder
and violence. This research was carried out in Katwe slums, in Makindye Division, Kampala

1.2 Background of the Study

Since time in memorial, drugs have been in existence and used for healing and religious

purposes. Evidence accruing to this report by Escandon and Galvez who give an account of Eber

Papyrus’s report which claims that in 1550BC Egyptian physicians used opium for the treatment

of certain illness (Escandon and Galvez 2007 p.17). Similarly, drug abuse, which is the use of

more quantity of drugs than prescribed, or use of drugs for purposes other than those prescribed,

is as old as the use of drugs for healing purposes. However, the abuse of drugs is reported to have

been aggravated by urbanization, and the increasing rate of decline of traditional belief systems

(Mouti, 2002).

The problem of drug-abuse has now become a worldwide phenomenon, in both developed and
developing countries. It has become more alarming among the youth (Holland, 1986).
Governmental and non-governmental agencies and departments have been working hard to bring
this situation to an end, but the struggle is still on. According to Johnson Mattie, the Los Angeles
Times Newspaper of January 05, 2012: “About 200 million people around the world use
illegal drugs every year, and that may be taking a toll on health and death rates in various
countries.” Furthermore, (Escandon and Galvez 2007), assert that the consumption of drugs
among western youth is alarming. In the United States of America, a country that usually sets the
standard for many other countries, showed a critical situation of drug use in the nineties. Increase
in consumption of marijuana was observed among students in the first three years of high school

In European cities, for example, Madrid in Spain, the abuse of drugs has trebled in four years.
(Escandon & Galvez 2007 p.20) reported that in 2000, 1.1% of students from 14 to 18 years
admitted that they were regular consumers of drugs. In 2004, the percentage increased to 3.4%.
In addition, research shows that about 36% of Spanish young people between 14 and 18 had
consumed drugs like marijuana and others (ibid.).

Further, according to the United Nations Office of Drug and Crime (UNODC) Report of 2009-
2010 states that, African countries are among the most producers of marijuana and points out
further that North Africa is the largest producer of marijuana in the world. North Africa is only
followed by Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Lebanon and the greatest market for these producers is
in European countries.

In East Africa, the use of heroin is a fairly recent phenomenon (Timpson, et al 2006) although
there are no official statistics on drug abuse in countries like Tanzania. It is estimated that Dar-es-
salaam, the Capital City of Tanzania, which has a population of 2.5 million, has between 200,000
and 250,000 drug abuser (Timpson et al., 2006: 160).

According to (Kasule 2011), between 5% to 10% Ugandans are regular drug abusers. In Uganda
drug abuse has been described as a problem especially among marginalized groups and the
unemployed although other categories of people also abuse drugs. Kasule further states that
generally drug abuse has been more prevalent among Ugandan youth. It is reported that those
abusing Marijuana in particular being 7% to 38% (ibid.). Similarly, Kasirye records that
Marijuana is mainly abused by street Children and school youth as well as by soldiers while
heroin tends to be consumed by urban and street youth. However, he reports that cocaine is
abused among high-income groups. Quoting the Uganda Annual Police Crime Report of 2009,
Kasirye notes that there were “2,034 reported and investigated narcotics cases, which led to
2,274 arrests compared to 2,542 in 2008” (Kasirye, 2010). The trend has been attributed to
inadequate laws and weak border controls.

Kasirye concludes that Uganda is now known as a producer, consumer and transit country for
drug trafficking. Traffickers of whom some are Ugandan have been arrested as far as China. In
2008-2009 over 54 Ugandans have been arrested on drug related offences and 38 had been
convicted to death (Kasirye, 2010).

The other type of drug, which is abused by the youth, is alcohol.

Alcohol is considered a drug because it affects the central nervous system, at increased dose
alcohol causes depression, sleeping disturbance while the low dose causes many people to feel
self-confident, more relaxed (Escandon and Galves, 2007).

Further, (Ugandan Police report, 2010) indicate that abusing of drugs have increased in the
country, especially in the suburbs of Kampala City including Katwe area. However, the
prevalence of drug abuse in Katwe-Makindye Division is linked to its location and economic
Katwe has been a slum for so long and it is claimed to be formed right from when human
habitation started to appear along the railway tracks leading from Kampala to Kasese in the half
of the 19th century. During 2007, office space started to be occupied on Katwe’s main streets A
Ugandan pharmaceutical manufacturer has its head office at Quality Chemical House in Katwe.
Big telecommunication companies are moving into the area for example Warid Telecom now
Airtel, Banks such as Barclays, Stanbic and Equity Bank headquarter which acquired Uganda
Microfinance Limited are turning the former slum into a respectable business zone.

1.2.1 Population and demographic characteristics

According to the population and housing census of 2002, Katwe had a total population of 1,060
people and 1,009 households. However, according to (Demographic analysis report, 2010) the
population of Katwe has increased to 23,010.
In 2007, it was estimated that Katwe had over 3,000 artisans and metal fabricators in over 800
individual small enterprises. Children below the age of 18 years comprised 29% of the total
population and majority were in the productive age between 20 – 35 years. Almost entirely, this
population is of metal fabricators and small scale businesses as major socio-economic activities.
In terms of administration units, Katwe is one of the 5 parishes of Makindye and is divided into
zones which include Kiti zone, Musoke zone, (housing census report, 2002).

1.2.2 Socio-economic activities
Over 90% of the population in Katwe derives their livelihood as artisans, craftsmen and
technicians mostly engaged in metal fabrication, wholesalers and retailers of repaired, imported
electronics, automobiles, televisions, refrigerators and all kinds of appliances. Other groups that
have been traditionally attracted to Katwe are business people such as food vendors of cooked and
fresh local foodstuffs, wholesaler herbalists, transportation companies and others.
Katwe has also attracted young men and women, with little education and practical skills that
have resorted to all manner of crime, ranging from armed robbery, murder and prostitution.
Katwe remains one of the highest crime-ridden areas in Kampala (police report, 2010). The
residential areas of Katwe have been a big slum with scattered unplanned or poorly planned
housing where many of the youth are unemployed and the population is high which gave the
youth a chance to abuse drugs and get involved in ant-social behavior. Many of the people in
Katwe have expressed their concern on drug abuse risk of having many youth who are affected
with ant-social behavior (Kasirye, 2010).

Youth that abuse drugs exhibit a number of behaviour which can be broadly categorized as
mental health related behaviour as well as psychosocial ones (Escandon and Galvez, 2007).
However, this research study was focused on relationship between drug abuse and behaviour
among youth in Katwe.

Given the state of drug abuse in Uganda, and particularly in Kampala, and the fact that majority
of drug abusers are youth, the pillars of the next generation (Kasirye, 2010) there was need to
examine its impact on the behaviour of the youth that uses these drugs.

1.2 Problem Statement

This study was seeking to study the relationship between drug abuse and behaviour among the
Youth. While much has been done to study how drug abuse affects individuals, insufficient work
has been carried to study how the abuse particular drugs such as Marijuana, Khat “Mailungi” and
Alcohol have exacerbated behavioural problems among the youth in slums areas in Uganda. This
study was seeking to find out the devastating impact of Marijuana, Khat and alcohol abuse and
how it relates to the behaviour of the youth in Katwe Slums a suburb of Kampala City. The
researcher argues that Marijuana, Khat “Mailungi” and Alcohol abuse has far reaching
consequences on shaping behaviour among the youth in such areas.

1.4 Research Objectives

1.4.1 General Objective

To investigate the relationship between drug abuse and behaviour among youth in Katwe slum.

1.4.2 Specific objectives

1. To investigate the nature of drugs abused by the youth in Katwe slum.

2. To identify the causes of drug abuse among youth in Katwe slum.

3. To investigate the relationship between drug abuse and behaviour patterns of the youth
in Katwe slum.

1.5 Research Questions

The research will seek to answer the following questions:

1. What is the nature of drugs abused among the youth in Katwe slum?

2. What are the causes of drug abuse among the youth in Katwe slum?

3. What is the relationship between drug abuse and behaviour patterns of the youth in
Katwe slum?

1.6.0 Scope of the Study

This research was carried out in Katwe Slum, Makindye Division, Kampala District. This area
has been chosen because it is one of the slum areas around Kampala where behaviour resulting
from drug use, such as robbery and violence are prevalent.

1.6.1 The time scope of this study

The research was carried out in the month of March 1st 2014 to May 2014. This study was hoped
to be useful to the government and non-governmental departments and agencies dealing with the

1.6.2 The content scope of this study

This research offered knowledge to understanding the depth of the drug abuse problem among
the youth. Such information was vital in making policies and programs to address drug abuse.

1.7 Significance of Research

It hoped that this research was to motivate further studies in regard to the reduction of high crime
rates among unemployed youth in slum areas in Uganda.

The researcher’s interaction with the youth abuse drugs was hoped to create awareness of the
problem and hopefully they are to begin to question why they are take drugs. This personal
reflection was hoped to be a step in the right direction towards abandoning the behaviour.

The study further was to help the parents, local leaders and the youth themselves to understand
the levels of this problem and its effect to the society through identify the levels of drug effects
to the Youth.

1.8 Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework illustrates the relationship between drug abuse and behaviour among
youth as shown below;

Drug abuse and behaviour

Independent variable dependent variable

Drug abuse behaviour

 Marijuana  Aggression
 Khat  Eating
 Alcohol
 Violence

Intervening variable
 Environment
 Peer influence
 Media influence
 Family

The conceptual frame work, above shows the relationship between the independent variables,
Marijuana, Khat, “Mailungi” and Alcohol dependent variables, Aggression, Eating disorders and
Violence and intervening variables, Environment factors, Peer influence, Media influence and
Family instability they show its reaction on each other as the research hypotheses.

Youth abuse drugs in different ways and the common ones include smoking, drugs mixed in
food, tea and alcoholism. Smoking is considered to be one of the ways drug being abuse and it
leads to hostility, stress, this is created due to higher heart rate and blood pressure. Hostility is the

behaviour pattern, which contributes to negative effects of an individual (Hoeksema, 2004).
Drugs mixed with food affect the hormones, make the nervous system react faster or slower,
makes the mind work more rapid than usual (Mouti, 2002) and as a result a person gets eating
disorders. Alcohol is the most readily available in liquid form; it has connection to human
behaviour change since it depresses the central nervous system and causes unconsciousness
(Mouti, 2002).This paints a clear picture of abnormality characterised by feeling out of control,
sudden bursts of anxiety symptoms. (Hoeksema, 2004).

Drug abuse and behaviour is a result of environmental factors, media influence and family
instability. It is should be observed that youth are best imitators, whether it be of their parents or
outside home, this indicates that the influence of the mentioned factors holds an upper hand in
this crisis.

1.9 Conclusion

This chapter has covered the background to the study, problem statement, research objectives,
research questions, significance of the study, conceptual frame work as it is explained in the



2.1 Introduction

This chapter consists of the literature review comprising of the researched ideas of various
authors who attempted to discuss the issue of drug abuse and behaviour. The chapter explains the
relevance of various authors’ ideas to the nature of drugs abused by youth, the causes of drug
abuse among youth and the relationship between drug abuse and behaviour patterns. Therefore
the literature review is important in making this research work progressive.

2.2 Definition of study concepts

Drug abuse is the use of drugs for pleasure, other than legitimate medical purposes and it is a
chemical that change perceptions and moods. A drug is a chemical which affect the living species
mentally or physically (Mout, 2002). According to (Mcilvee and Gross 2004). Definition Drug
abuse is substance taken recreationally outside society’s approval. These include marijuana,
heroin, cocaine, amphetamine.

On another hand, generally Drug abuse can be defined as any substance in the form of food,
drink, capsule, smoke injection or smell which taken into the body through the mouth, nose, or
skin in its negative nuance upsets the biochemical system of the body and especially the nervous
system. And drug substance used as a response to mental or physical suffering or pain to get
normal, most times excessive use of chemical substance is illegitimate and constituted drug

2.3 Nature of drugs

Drug abuse is as old as human beings and each and every society used to have its own drugs
(Marinthhy, 2009). The world is moving on and generations are changing and the world
becoming a global village, cultures are shared and drugs exchanged. In most societies there have
been people who have failed to accept rules for using drugs and among people the Youths are
involved. Therefore, this research looked at Marijuana, Khat “Mailungi” and Alcohol commonly
being used by the Youth in Katwe slum and below is the common names the mentioned drugs,
and an explanation in connection to how it is made.

2.3.1 Marijuana

Marijuana is recognised as a plant which can be cut, dried, and rolled into cigarettes or inserted
into food, tea, and beverages. It has got many names according to the region or country.

“In North America, it is called Marijuana, Pot, Grass, Reefer, and Mary
Jane. However, in Jamaica it is known as Ganja, Dindinca, Insominia, Mariwana. While in
North Africa called Kif, South Africa named Dagga, in India it is known as Bhang in
Middle East Macohna” and other names in other countries (Hoeksema, 2004).

According to the (police report, 2009) Marijuana is a drug got from a plant dried and smoked,
Marijuana is known by very many people from different regions of Uganda, it got many names
although in Urban centres like in Kampala commonly known as “Boom, Njaga, Weed, Ganja,
Njaye, Akacwiri, Ladi, Sada, and other names”. It is commonly grown in the middle of the
forests, in Banana plantation and in the middle of tall bushes. Police noted that Marijuana is
transported to Urban centres on tracks that carry beans, pees, maize and groundnuts and people
park it in polythene bags and is wrapped into sticks at its final stage using papers while others
remove tobacco from its original cigarette packing and replace it with crushed marijuana in order
to confuse police and usually it is done in small rooms within the city suburbs. Dealers usually
carry backpacks and others some are food venders, Hawkers who sell other legal commodities.
The findings are useful without being questionable and basing to the above research there is
commonality in the names and it is considered to be a plant.

Marijuana has been considered to be a drug for so many years, it consists of leaves and flowers
of hemp plant, and it has been cultivated for its Fibber. Marijuana can be smoked, mixed with
food and hot water and produce a mix of effects. Through smoking Marijuana gets into the brain
in about 7 seconds (Myers, 2005). Individual’s experience varies depending on the situation, for
example those who feels anxious or depressed taking Marijuana may intensify these feelings.
Myers, further added that Marijuana disrupt memory formation and interferes with immediate
recall. Marijuana is under hallucinogens (class) which distort perceptions and evoke sensory
images in the absence of sensory input. (Myers, 2005).

Marijuana is Widely abused by the Youth and it is among the Nature of drugs that abused
followed by Khat “Mailungi” and Alcohol.

2.3.2 Khat “Mailungi”

Khat is a natural substance, which people use its leaves to chew. Khat is commonly used in East
Africa, Yemen and Southern Soudi Arabia and people chew its leaves when it is green while
fresh, but can also be smoked, brewed in tea or sprinkled on food (Aronson, 2009. P.87) It is

noted that chewing the Khat leaves results in subjective mental stimulation, increased physical
endurance, increased self-esteem and social interaction

Khat is legal in Uganda but effort has been under way since at least 1999 to ban its use.
According to the (police report of 2009) Khat has the ingredients of a narcotic drug while the
Khat consumers believe the plant is harmless and the police emphasise the point that Khat is a
stepping stone for hard drugs where by people reach a certain point and they feel the need for
some stronger drugs.

According to (Gebissa, 2004) Khat is a tree blessed by God and he claim that this tree is not like
any other ordinary plant. Gebissa went on to say that leaves are chewed for their euphonizing
effects. Anderson pointed out that Khat was evident in Uganda by the 1930s, production and
consumption both increased in 1970s this was due to the number of Yemen and Somali migrants
in the Country. In Uganda Khat is grown in different areas of the Country but the main suppliers
of Kampala are from Kiti near Masaka town, Kabasanda on Masaka road and Kasenge which is
the most nearby grower of Khat and it is about harf hour drive from the city centre (Kampala).
Khat market is at Kisenyi near Nakivubbo stadium where the majority consumers get it from and
it is abused by male and female who gather together and chew it in the shops and small bars. It is
known as “Mira”, “Mailungi” and others call it “Kakola” meaning leaves (Anderson, 2009. P.

2.3.3 Alcohol

Alcohol is a colourless liquid with a sharp and burning taste. Its name is ethanol and alcohol is
made by fermentation of sugar found in food grain such as rice, millet, maize, fruits, berries and
other plant materials. (Gelinas, 1990). And (Jung, 2009) defined Alcohol as a chemical
substance which is used in most of the civilizational history, alcohol beverages is used in rituals
and ceremonies as well as for healing purposes since ancient time and now it is more of
recreational. Although Jung looked at alcohol as a chemical, Gelinas reject this view and believe
that alcohol is a disease because of its interfering with the ability of a human being to function
normally and defining alcohol as a chemical makes little sense since water its self is a chemical.
(Gelinas, 1990: p.40).

(Naild, 2013) noted that alcohol is a product that has been used from earliest times and it play
important role in religion and worshiping. Alcohol beverages have been widely used for medical,

antiseptic and enhancing the enjoyment and quality of life and alcohol can be a social lubricant,
can facilitate relaxation, provide pharmaco logical pleasure and increase the pleasure of eating.

Uganda is considered to be the leading African states for alcohol intake and number eight in the
all World.

The most abused alcohol is apotent liquuo called waragi, and this is also known as war gin and
the second is Ajono a semi- fermented beer drunk from communal pots using long straws.
(Naild, CNN, March 15, 2013; 08; 44 GMT)

2.4 Courses of drug abuse

Very many Researchers found out that there many factors that contributing to drug abuse among
the Youth. (Myers, 2005)

Drugs are abused by humans to alter their perceptions of reality. For thousands of years societies
have limited this kind of drug abuse by placing various restrictions on it in order to limit its
effects to people. (Mcllvee and Gross, 2004:p.122). Explain that drug abuse affects the brain and
alter thoughts, feelings and behaviour which is likely to be the founded reason why the Youth
abuse drugs.

Many reasons are claimed to cause drug abuse (Kassandra, 2009: p.6) pointed out that one of the
reasons why Youth behave in a deviance manner is peer influence. Kassandra argues that despite
the earnest guidance of parents, some youth walk astray by means succumbing into pressure and
influence. This is done due to the stressful life such as low grades in school, poverty, separation
of parents and other related factors which affects the Youth emotionally, psychologically, and
physically and the end result into drug abuse Kassandra, neglected to consider the desire for the
Youth to discover the hidden truth about drugs.

On another hand (Jorisc, at el, 2012) looked at the failure of parents to guide and protect their
children as the cause of drug abuse among the Youth. Jorisc, hold the view that Youth are less
likely to get involved in drug abuse if their parents are protective, supportive, worm and show
physical and emotion affection.

Contrary to the above research (Lyman, 2013) argue that Youth abuse drugs to alter their moods
“happy hour” he claimed that people naturally wand to alter their state of consciousness at

certain time through their lives, there for to his findings the state of depression, anxious or bored
is a reason for the Youth to desire a change

Similarly to Lyman’s argument (Mcllve and Gross, 2004: p.122) argue that Youth’s mental state
leads to abuse of drugs in relation to make happy themselves happy. Although Lyman,
overestimated the findings on happiness there is a need to critically agree with his research in
support that drug abuse by humans caused by the desire to alter their perception of reality. In
regards to (Joris C., 2012) and (Mcllve and Gross , 2004) Parents who show their disapproval of
Youth abusing drugs or their strict attitudes about drug abuse and discourage the Youth not to
abuse drugs has been related to less Youth involvement in drug abuse . It is important to look at
outside the family and groups for the issues concerning drug abuse. Youth learn from watching
and after words they imitate what they have seen other people doing, mostly those they consider
to be their role models. As they modal they are more likely to pick up both positive and negative
habits which brings in drug abuse in the negatives of the habits. For example former Kenyan
health Minister Hon. Charity Ngilu was reported to have said that

“When Youth watch their Heroes smoking Marijuana and drinking alcohol on Television
and in Movies they also copy without knowing the dangers…….”(Maithey, 2008 : p.24)

Such statements paint a picture that Youth learn to abuse drugs in very many ways and Media
played some role in the causes of drug abuse as Minister Ngilu stated above.

In acknowledgement of social learning theory according to (Albert Bandura, 1977), People learn
through observation and modelling. This is in support of the view that Youth abuse drugs after
observing other and modelling, therefore the role model who abuse drugs and observing other
people abusing drugs causes drug abuse among the youth.

The causes of drug abuse is a complex issue (Gleitman, 1999), Proved that drug abuse caused by
the desire for People to seek to optimize their arousal level through the expected routes, he gave
an example of eating when hungry, sleeping when tired and this view pointed out that through
our desire for stimulation, it lead us to seek drastic change of arousal through the abuse of
alcohol, marijuana and other illegal drugs. However, the causes are under psychological which is
related to the mind for example guilt, stress, escaping difficulties and ease pain (Gleitman, 1990:
p. 42) Unlike Gleitman (Kassandra, 2009: p.17) Observed that low grades among the Youth in
schools is the major cause of drug abuse, low grades creates a negative feelings and the Youth

results to Drug abuse in order to ease their pain due to low morals, and lack of self-confidence
and this is the only way for those Youth to deal with their failures. According to (Kasiry, 2011:
p.2) the weak laws of Uganda is among the factors that are behind the cause drug abuse, Kasiry
started that “drug abuser are fined with little amount of money which does not discourage
others to stop abusing drugs” Drug abusers are fined between 100,000-200,000 Uganda
shillings. On the anther hand, (Florence Nalubega, Khat addiction and the family planning
“myth”. NTV Uganda. October. 28. 2013: 9:00pm) reported that Youth in Yumbe district abuse
Khat for family planning. Youth insisted that when they chew Khat they do not play sex with
their wives which help them to follow their sexual time table and the Youth further claim that
alcohol help them for child spacing in their family. This is some of the youth’s reasons why they
abuse Khats and alcohol. However, Gleitman hold the view that most of the chronicle abuser of
khat and alcohol may become sexual impotent and it is not simple for them to recover, basing on
Religious perspectives (Gabisso, 2004) draw attention on gifts from Allah, he claims that Khat is
a blessed tree for of all plants and people chew the leaves which are blessed. The author’s view
looked at the causes of chewing Khat on a religious perspective which is discriminative since it
over looked at the Muslim side and neglected the Christians who chew Khat and his more
considered Ethiopia than any other place in the World therefore Khat being a gifted tree from
Allah does not cause its abuse in Uganda particularly in Katwe.

2.5.0 Relationship between Drug abuse and Behaviour patterns

Drugs are commonly abused to modify mental, emotional or behaviour functioning of a person,
(Weiten, 2008). This section explained the relationship between Drug abuse and behaviour and
our main focus was on particular Drugs which included Marijuana, Khat “Mailingi” and Alcohol.
Weiten pointed out that the influence of Drug effects depends on the abuser’s age, mood,
personality, and previous experience with drugs, body weight, and the psychological status of the
person. Similarly to Weiten’s view (Leavitt, 2001). Claimed that expectation are major factors
that can influence the abuser’s behaviour where by the drug abuser use it as fuel to light up the

If people are believed to abuse drugs to become violent or aggressive their expectation may
contribute to the behaviour they are experience. In relations to the variables there are arguments
on Drug abuse and behaviour like aggression, violence and eating disorders in people who abuse

2.5.1 Aggression and drug abuse

Aggression is intentional injury of or harm to another person (Berkowitz, 1993). Aggression is

considered by Berkowitz as an in born-urges, he claimed that human being are naturally
aggressive that is why they are in a fight with other species which at times come with a need to
protect or achieve food, therefore looking at drug abuse as the factor behind aggression it was a
missed point.(Feldman, 2005). Stresses his view that frustration is behind aggression and gave
an example where somebody have been working on a paper and the computer ink got over and
getting to the shop he finds the sales person locking and fail to take the explanation while
pointing to the time and show the person a sign of the time for tomorrow. That moment a person
who wanted ink develop aggressiveness towards the sales person therefore a person needs no
drug abuse rather frustration. However, Feldman take for granted the changes of the body
function caused by Drug abuse therefore there is a need to investigate the extent which the
frustration cause on aggression.

(Galvez, 2007) took another step to acknowledge that drug abuse has an effect on human brain
and the body as well and (Mcllvee and Gross, 2004) emphasised that since human beings abused
Drugs to alter their perceptions of reality then it is clear that the result was negative that is why
the societies for thousands of years has limited this kind of Drug abuse by placing various
restrictions on drugs such as Marijuana and some others. There was no doubt to realise the fact
that drug abuse is related to behaviour since the abuser has an intended meaning to change their

According to (Bandura, 1983) Aggression is a result of social learning, for example through
observational learning people learn to hurt others. In observation learning theory states that
social and environmental conditions teach individuals to be aggressive and the theory further
look at aggression as learned response which is understood in terms of rewards and punishments.

According to (Hoaken, 2003.p.1542) indicates that low doses of drugs may slightly increase
aggression; moderate and high doses can suppress or even eliminate aggressive behaviour.
However, just like Bandura (Hoekseman, 2004:p.52) maintain the argument that aggression and
violence is related to social learning through the influence of reinforce such as punishments and
others. Hoekseman believes that human beings go through a series of stages through those
stages, behaviour are shaped by individual’s unique environment and this brings out different
behaviour by different people.
The (American psychiatric journal, 1994) states that regular Youth who abuse alcohol has been
significantly associated with aggression. In one study, Youths who reported higher levels of
drinking were more likely to have aggression behaviour compared to the non-abusers.

Community violence is reviewed as the causes of aggression and violence among the youths.
(Trickett, et al., 1998) proved that violence in community is a social stressor to the Youth and
they learn to overcome their stress by presenting aggression response. Trickett, further reject the
relationship between drug abuse and behaviour since even those who never abuse drugs
characterised with aggression

Bandura draw more attention to social learning and rejected the chemical which changes the
function of the body and the brain. The extent of Drug abuse is high compared to the social
learning he pointed out. However (Gelinas, 1990) Reject Bandura’s view. For Gelinas believe
that alcohol provokes aggression than any other psychotropic chemicals because it alter mental
functioning, mood or behaviour reaction and (Nelson, et al 2005) holds the view that the
relationship between drug abuse and aggression is exist with the support of environmental
circumstances. Nelson acknowledges the presence of social economic factors and environmental
pressure that give support to drug reaction and relates with aggression although their finds
connects drug abuse and aggression they did not clearly separate the influence of the stated

Similarly to Nelson (Meadows, 2007) recognise that Youth with a mentally ill parent are
expected to exhibit more problems of behaviour than those with two health parents. This occurs
because both the genetic transmission and the disruption of family life associated with such
illness. Meadows, argues that the presence of an ill mother or father is related to disturbed
emotional and ant-social behaviour in youth which is always more likely to produce aggression
and violence. Therefore however much drug abuse is related to behaviour other factors such as
environment is considered.

European countries and Canada have concentrated more on reducing aggression, violence among
syouth in high school which is claimed to be caused by drug abuse (Hawkins, 1995) by providing
students with information about the negative effects of drug abuse, it is important to
acknowledge the stand for (Galvez, 2007) which observed the effect on human brain and the
body which caused by drug abuse because the negative change in the brain automatically change

human behaviour and the negative body changes bring attention to the person and this is more
likely to bring negative feelings which results into aggression disorder.

During the last decade, research interest has shifted away from extreme form of dependence to
the variety of use patterns observable in normal population users of drugs are identified not
through institution or formal agencies but through self-reports, investigators have exchanged an
exclusive focus on illegal drugs and the results indicated mental disorders (Kendel, 1980). In my
view behaviour change is much of a social influence where by our characters follows our role
models’ reaction because when we say violent behaviour is related to drug abuse we may find
that everybody is a drug abuser. Take an example of driver’s reaction in traffic jam! That
emotional and aggressive reaction explains our nature but not drugs.

According to (Hoaken, 2003: p.1542) indicates that low doses of drugs may slightly increase
aggression, moderate and high doses can suppress or even eliminate aggressive behaviour
however in my view human go through a series of stages through those stages, behaviour are
shaped by individual’s unique environment and this brings out different behaviour by different
people. In response to Hoeken, (Beardslee, 2003) reject the claim and put emphasis on social
understanding of aggression as a reflection of low self-esteem, hopelessness and the environment
of the community of the youth itself on anther hand (Gelinas, 1990) Recognise that there is
relationship between aggression and drug abuse and pointing at the facts of alcohol places such
as bars which needs security compared to the tea rooms and restaurants, this indicates that these
places are notorious for brawls.

Aggression is a symptom of several specific disorder according to (Umberson, at el., 2002)

which including border line personality disorder and other ant social personality disorder and this
was proved by many researchers in the area of psychology. Umberson claim that aggression is
not different from criminal behaviour and violence behaviour which is always planned and
organised by the individual who is suffering with the problem

In a suitable system the contribution of behaviour change to drug abuse may be estimated by
measuring behaviour change in the environment that glossy mimic the effect of drug, measuring
behaviour development under condition that permit behaviour change, but minimize other forms
of change (Dews, 1977) it is indicating that there is criteria in examining behaviour change of
which it is needs an independent measure. According to (Deluccia, 2007) the aggressive

behaviour is related to the genetics and the environment, this view leaves a gape for everyone to
find a clear ground of aggression which this research discovering to be under drug abuse.

2.5.2 Eating disorder and drug abuse

2.5.3 Violence and drug abuse

Violence is more likely to develop for the people who are jealousy, arrogant and those who
isolate themselves from others, it is observed that most times drug abusers loss their ability to
communicate and this makes some of them to be violent (Gelinas, 1990:p.71) and (Muller, 2008)
hold the view that violence is both leaned and naturally created in human beings. The learned
violence in within the social activities and the natural violence is genetically based on the

According to (Umberson, et al., 2002) Violence behaviour is caused by unhealthy conditions

such as illness, stress and unbearable situations around human beings and this could be the
reason behind violence and drug abuse. Umberson insisted that since there is relationship
between stress and drug abuse therefore it is clear that the stressed drug abuser is more likely to
be violent. This view is in line with the research that drug abuse is related to violence although
his explanation could not point out the particular drugs that causes violence most. However,
(Meadows G., et al., 2007) rejects Umberson’s view for Meadows argue that violence is a family
caused problem and maintained that parents who fight at home make their children to lean to be
violent and the family is so fundamental in modelling a person. Although Meadows clearly put
the stand on parenting but it is important to not that drug abuse change human body and within
the process some tern to be violent and others get possessed with other ant social behaviour
(Dews Palloma B., 1977). However, (Kozel and Edgar, 1989) believe that behaviour are
influenced by the role models such as parents and other influential people. Therefore, violent
behaviour is more likely to be caused by the considered role models of the Youth and if the role
model is a drug abuser and violent in nature, then the youth are more likely to act in the same
way. Kozel and Edgar has been limited their views on Modelling and left out the influence of the

drugs and body changes, it is questionable to hold such a view without assessing drug influence
in the human body. Although modelling play its part to influence human being (Polivy, 1998 )
believes that violence is caused by the negative effects in the mind. Polivy argues that Violent
people are not cognitively well and they are act out of their control which influenced by either
sickness or drug abuse.

3.5.4 Conclusion

Basing on this chapter of the Literature review the arguments of drug abuse from different
authors clearly indicates the difference in the understanding of this study hence promoted the
need to discover the new findings based on local understanding of the problem. From the above
literature, it can be seen that various authors have attempted to cover the topic on drug abuse in
areas such as causes, effects, and how to control drug abuse. It is therefore worth noting that
most of the study used outside countries in their case study. Few Ugandan cases have been cited
and among the cited cases none was addressing the relationship between drug abuse and
behaviour among the Youth which indicate the gap. Also anther gap is that the methodologies
used were based on generalisation which left the individual groups like the Youth outside and it
seems to be based on apperception than facts.



3.1 Introduction
The procedures that were used in carrying out the research on the relationship between abusive
use of drugs and behaviour among the youth in Katwe are explained in this chapter. The
researcher presents the research design that was employed, study area, population of the study,
sample size, and sampling method. In this chapter, the researcher also indicates the sources of
data, data collection techniques, data quality control, research procedures, research ethical
considerations, limitations and de-limitations of the study.

3.2 Research Design

The researcher used a case-study research design, which he used to investigate individual, groups
and events. The case study method focused on both single case and number of cases, which
involved interviews, observation.

The case-study design was used because it provided richer details about the relationship between
drug abuse and behaviour of the youth in Katwe slums. Case-study research design can provide
deeper insight into a particular situation (in this case of drug abuse) and often stresses the
experiences and interpretation of those involved (Ball, 1981).

Further, the Case study method of research allowed the researcher to retain the holistic
characteristics of real life events while investigating empirical events (Yin, 1984). Moreover, the
case study design was used because it has been widely used by social science researchers since it
involves the use of questions like how and why it is the appropriate research design.

3.3 Study Area

The study was carried out in Masaku zone, Kiti zoni and Musoke zone in Katwe slums, which is
located in Makindye Division. Katwe slum is bordered by Nakasero to the north, Nsambya to the
east, Kibuye and Makindye to the south-east, Ndeeba to the South and Mengo to the West. The
following are the zones that constitute Katwe: Musoke, Kiti, Kinyoro, Dungu, Nkere, and
Nabisalu and Masaku. Katwe is among the biggest slums in Kampala City, the capital of Uganda.
According to the (demographic analysis report, 2010) carried out by the Uganda Electoral
Commission, the population of Katwe is estimated to be 23,010, while the entire Makindye
Division is 805,000.

Katwe was selected because it is one of the areas where the youth abusively use drugs mostly in
the three zones. Moreover, all the behaviours, which may be associated with drug abuse, can be
noted in this area. Such behaviours include: aggression, violence and eating disorders, which are
the focus of this study. As it is stated in the police report, Katwe also remains to be one of the
highest crime ridden areas in Kampala (Uganda Police Report, 2011).

Further, Katwe is characterized by a high unemployment especially among the youth. Moreover,
majority of the employed youth do not possess formal education and therefore provide mostly
unskilled labour. The kind of jobs available include, metal fabrication, over 800 individual small
enterprises (Uganda Police Report, 2007), mechanics and many “hands-on jobs.” As such,
Katwe has attracted many youth from all over Uganda.

3.4 Population of the Study

The target population for this study was 35 people included both males and females youths
between 18 years of age to 35 years. The Uganda Constitution of 1995 defines the age category
as constituting the youth. The researcher sought information from community leaders, Youth and
police officers. The community leaders were twelve, included: the three LC1 chairpersons, three
secretaries for defence, three youth leaders and three secretaries for women affairs and all they
were coming from the three zones. Since the youth are from a specific community, it follows that
the community leaders were aware of the behaviours of the youths in their communities.
However, the researcher needed the permission of the community leaders, which he sought for
before the research. The police offices were eight in number, five police officers were selected
from Katwe Division police and three officers were selected from Katwe Market police post. The
police was vital because it has records of the crime levels in the area. And the Youth were fifteen
five in each zone and three male and two female which the Researcher found in the areas where
drugs are commonly abused.

3.5 Sample Size
The study selected 15 youth, 12 community leaders and 8 police officer all totalling sample size
of 35/46,000.The population of Katwe area is estimated to be 46,000 people. However the
number of youth in Katwe area was 25440. (Demographic analysis, 2010). This sample size is
quite big.

3.6 Sampling Method Process

The sampling methods proposed for this study include: purposive, snowball, random sampling

With purposive method, study participants were selected because of the classified information or
knowledge they have on the issue being studied (Keren S., et al., 2009). In this case, the police
and the community leaders were selected purposively.

Since the study of drug abuse and the related behaviour a secretive, illegal and sensitive,
snowball method was the most appropriate especially when selecting the youth. The researcher
used the known informants to introduce him to other informants through networks. The
community leaders also selected using the snowball method.

3.7 Source of Data

The researcher used two sources of data, namely, primary and secondary data. The primary data
was collected through field research and the secondary data was gathered from documented
information from books, journals, magazines and newspapers, reports, relating to drug abuse and

3.8 Data Collection Technique

Data was collected using the following tools: Interviews, this tool was used in two ways structure
and semi structured interviews because the Researcher was able to collect the information
directly from the source (Kothari, 2004). And interviews allowed the researcher to interact with
the respondents and this made the study to be inductive process (Karen S., et al., 2009).

Observation method was used and the Research designed observation guide to follow, this was
done because the research involved studying behavior and the research was sensitive to the drug
abuser therefore the cooperation between the Researcher and Respondents was minimized due to
the subject Nature of research. “Observation method is particularly suitable in studies which

deal with subjects with respondents who rarely accessible of giving verbal reports of their
feelings for one reason or the other” (Kothari, 2004: p.96)

Through conversational interviews, the researcher used interview questions to get data from
community leaders, police officers and the Youth. And more so the materials got from the
Library present data which explains the topic by different researchers. The interviews give
descriptive information and personal opinions of the informants. Further, the observation guide
was used to identify cases related to drug abuse and behavior among youth. The researcher
visited different places in Katwe to observe the behaviors of the youth since many of them spend
their time at these places. Secondary sources of related literature from books, journals,
magazines, newspapers, reports were used in order to supplement the data that was got during
the fieldwork.

3.9 Data Interpretation Techniques

Since qualitative data collection was used in the study, data collection was analysed using,
qualitative approaches in order to make accuracy, meaningful conclusion and valid
recommendations. First the data collected from the field was transcribed, then, categorized it into
themes and before being indexed for easier access during the writing of the research. The data
was then edited using computers where by all errors were identified and eliminated.

3.10 Data Quality Control

Data quality control was ensured by analysing data before, during the study, and after data
collection. It is that this point that the themes of study were selected.

3.11 Research Procedure

The research process began with field preparation whereby the researcher was allowed by the
Research Supervisor to go to the Field after accomplished the research proposal. The Researcher
got an introduction latter from the University Administrator, a pen, note books for field notes and
a recording mobile phone with two full charged batteries used in recording data. In the field the
researcher introduced himself to the respondents by presenting the letter from the University and
his Identity Card in order to get permission to conduct research. Interview guide questions were
approved by the supervisor together with the observation guide which possessed the ethical
considerations and the researcher went through it before setting off to the Field.

3.12 Research Ethical Consideration
There are a number of ethical considerations that the research had to comply with and these

1. To carry out the research successfully, the researcher obtained a letter of introduction from
the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, which introduced him to the respondents in
order to interview or ask them to filling in questionnaires.

2. In writing this dissertation, informants’ names (for informants who requested to be

anonymous) are withheld to ensure anonymity and confidentiality for ethical reasons

3. The researcher was patient with situations that did not work out as planned. For instance,
many times my informants did not keep the appointments that they had earlier made with me.

4. The researcher has to treat all people with respect as well as respecting their culture such as
their ways of dress code. The researcher dressed in a way that created an identity with the
youth he was researching to avoid scaring them off as a spy.

5. The researcher greeted and thanked the people after data was collected since he could not get
this data without their cooperation.

6. Besides, the researcher clearly explained the purpose of the collection of research.

3.13 Limitation of research

There may be challenges that limited this study and they are outlined below:

- There was reluctance among the leaders to respond and accepting to participate in the
- Elders were not able to disclose the information concerning their society since drug abuse
is taken to be a crime.
- Visiting the study areas was very costly in terms of transport.
- There were situations of insecurity and I had to suspend some activities sometimes until
the researcher was sure that he was safe. Especially at the beginning of the study, many of
the drug abusers thought the researcher was spying on them and since drug abuse is a
crime, they looked at the researcher as their enemy. The researcher had to gain their
confidence that he was not spying them for them to trust and share with the researcher
their experiences.

3.14 De- Limitations
Respondents were selected earlier and communicated to in order to affirm and confirm
acceptance. The researcher also promised confidentiality.

Elders were convinced about the purpose of the study and were made to believe that it is them
and the community to benefit.

Transport costs were minimized by walking sometimes since Katwe is not very far from the
researcher’s home. He also used short cut routes.


4.1 Introduction

There is a lot of literature indicating the factors associated with the causes of drug abuse but
most of the literature from which these causes have been compiled are conducted in other
countries not in Ugandan situation which is different from this study and many of these cited
literature focused on causes of drug abuse in these countries which have got different causes
compared to the ones in Katwe area, privation of drug abuse and the effects of drug abuse.
However, this study was conducted to establish the relationship between drug abuse and
behavior among the Youth in Katwe slum Makindye Division Kampala District in this chapter
the researcher started with the causes of drug abuse in Katwe following the objectives of the

This chapter presents the findings concerning the relationship between drug abuse and behavior
among the youth in Katwe Slum Makindye Division. The findings based on the objectives of the
study which includes; the causes of drug abuse, nature of drugs being abused by the youth and
behavior patterns as well as the background information. The findings of the study discussed and
the respondent are represented in the table. This Chapter made connection with the earlier studies
in order to gain an understanding of the research.

4.2 Background information of the respondents

Below is figure 1.0 indicated the number of respondents in the field.

Figure 1.0: The number of respondents

Respondents’ position in the Frequency Percentage


Police Officers 8 23%

Youth 15 43%

Community Leaders 12 34%

Total N= 35 100%

The researcher interviewed (35) thirty five people which is 100% in total from three Zones in
Katwe (15) fifteen which is 43% youth were interviewed and each zone (5) five youth were
involved in the interviews out of the (5) five, (3) three were male and (2) two were female.

The number of the youth interviewed is high compared to other respondents because the
researcher was more focused on the youth and the researcher wanted to understand more from
the youth.

Community leaders were (12) twelve in number and 34% from all the (3) three zones. Each zone
provided (4) four community leaders their respected position are (1) one local chairperson, (1)
one youth representative, (1) one secretary for women affair and (1) one local defense.

The researcher involved the community leaders because he believed in following the ethical
procedures which indicated that leaders were to be informed and the local leaders are highly
informed of their people characters.

Police officers were also involved in the research and they were (8) eight in number making
24%, Katwe have got many police persons due to high crime rate in the areas where research was
carried out. One is a police post and another is a police division, the police post is called Katwe
Market police post and another is Katwe Police division. At Katwe police post (3) police officers
were interviewed including the officer in charge of the police post. The number was limited
because the police hold little cases of youth since it is located in a market where drugs are
strongly prohibited and cases of drug abuse among the Youth is lower. However, the research had
to look at the little cases and information because it is within the zones of Katwe and it was
considered to provide information.

At Katwe police division, (5) five police officers were interviewed including officer in charge of
investigation (OCCID), officer in charge of community policing unit, officer in command of
Katwe division police (DPC) and (2) two field officers. The police were brought on board
because they were considered to have much information concerning the study since they deal
with violence, and abuse of drugs itself being illegal it was important to gather data from the

Below is the table showing the Gender of respondents

Figure 2.0 Gender/ Sex of the respondents

Gender Frequency Percentages

Male 24 69%

Female 11 31%

Total N=35 100%

Gender was considered in the research since there was views that the extent of the female Youth
who abuse drugs have a smaller difference to the number of the male, Afande Kyomukama who
deals with narcotic drugs at Katwe Division police reported further that More Female Youth in
Katwe are increasingly abuse drugs and the number is equally to that of the Male. And it was a
need for the researcher to balance the research basing on Gender. Therefore 24 male where
interviewed and this made 69% of the total respondents and 11 Female were also responded and
made 31% of the respondents as figure 2.0 explained from above.

The table below showing the age of the Youth responded

Figure 3.0 age of the Youth respondents

Youth age Frequency Percentage

18 -30 years 12 63%

30-33 2 11%

33-35 5 26%

Total N=19 100%

The number of Youth who were involved in the interview were (19) nineteen out of the total
number of (35) thirty five respondents and they include (12) who were between 18-30 years and
made 63% of the Youth responded, (1) one was police officer and (1) one was among the Youth
who were between 30-33 years and made it to 11% and those who were 33-35 years the number
was 5 and their percentage made it to 26%. Between 33-35 years the researcher got (3) three
Youth community and (2) Youth. However, getting the age of the respondent was mainly to find
out what age mostly abuse drugs. Since the research was focused on the Youth it was important
to understand the age of the Youth who abuse the drugs most.

4.3 The nature of drugs abused in Katwe

According to the respondent there are lots of drugs being abused in Katwe and all most all
respondents agreed that the Youth abuse drugs in Katwe. Considering that some drugs are illegal
in Uganda, the Youth in Katwe have got ways of disguising the illegal drugs in the legal

4.3.1 Marijuana

Marijuana is a plant known to local people as Njaga, Weed, Njaye, Ganja, Sada and other local
names. This drug comes to market which is not clear to unknown people apart from the user
within the area following different process. Jofly (name withheld) said that “the traders of
Marijuana get it from the villages or from the famers and transport the dried leaves by
using agricultural product vehicles up to town. Sometimes Marijuana is packed in
polythene bags or bags of maize, beans and if it is in the passengers’ transport owners
seamier the bag with Vaseline in order to control the smell”.

Marijuana in Katwe is mostly smoked although few of the Youth mix the drug with food, tea and
alcohol. The police in Katwe stated that Marijuana is next to alcohol to be abused in Katwe and
Marijuana is number two in drug abuse ranking by the police, alcohol takes number one in
Katwe. The Youth who abuse the drug claim that their fart time experience usually leads to
another and the time you realize it you are already a dependent.

This drug is abused when it is dried, rolled in small papers got from B.A.T and some use other
soft papers while some Youth remove the tobacco and put Marijuana.

According to Katwe division police officer in charge of Narcotic, 172 cases were registered in
the year 2013 and it is more like to be high this year. The report for the year 2014 was not yet out
during the time of the interview. But in the previous years the number is increasing due to high
unemployment ret.

4.3.2 Khat “Mailungi”

Khat leaves are eaten fresh by the Youth in Katwe this was started way back during the time of
railway construction in the area. There is no big market in Katwe but the consumers gets it from
Kisenyi were the majority dealers are staged. The Youth have no set time to eat whoever feels

like eating just pull up his or her money and order for it. It is sold at 300 Uganda shillings on
wards depending on the size of khat, it is produced in different areas in the country but the main
suppliers to Kampala are in Kasenge along Masaka road. Khat is not illegal in Uganda; a law is
not yet passed but was once discussed in the 8 th Parliament. However, Youth in Katwe area
reported that police officers get those who transport Khat and stop them until they give them
some money but when it gets to Kisenyi at Nakivubo it is on an open Market.

The Youth who abuse Khat claim that it gives peaceful mind to someone who eat the leaves, in
Katwe khat is eaten as the only way to enjoy it. Different names are given to khat locally which
include Mailingi, Mira, Kakoola, Omuddo and others.

4.3.3 Alcohol

Katwe being an area of highly low income earners, Alcohol is abused more than any other drugs,
the most abused types of alcohol includes Locally made alcohol such as Kasese, Tyson Waragi,
Coffe, Uganda Waragi, Empire which is cheap compared to other types of alcohol like beer, wine
and whisky. 27 respondents agreed that most of the Youth abuse alcohol during their leisure time
and majority of them hide while taking alcohol. The Youth noted that alcohol is taken while they
at beach, in clubs, and other parties.

4.4 Causes of drug abuse

The causes of drug abuse were established in order to design the strategies at the end on how to
addressing the problem and in the interviews all respondents were asked to give their view and
understanding of the causes of drug abuse.

According to a number of respondents to the research interview, a number of reasons were raised
to prove the causes of drug abuse in Katwe. Among the factors are explained include;

Availability of marijuana, khat, and alcohol in Katwe is the main cause of drug abuse among the
youth. Mostly the authorities such as police officers, community leaders pointed out that this
kind of drugs is available in printy and easily accessible to the youth who are well known to the
sellers (OCCID) Katwe police division Mr. Emamanuel Benon Ayebare said “these drugs are so
cheap, marijuana stick starts at 300 to the last big stick known as “Bom” which is at 1500
ugshs and Khat starts at 500 and at times in a rich season it can be at 300 the volume which
one can start with, alcohol waragi packed in polythene bags starts with 500 and very many
youth who can afford to have 2000 a day from selling scraps and stealing.”

The availability attract more youth to try to get started since they are most of the time seeing
their supper stars abusing the drugs and present themselves to live a happy life even when they
are aware of the dangers of the drugs. Chairman Kiti Zone Mr. Abasi Kiyingi further noted that
the availability of the drugs in the areas of Katwe caused its increasing abuse due to cheap price
and easy access and gave an example that those Youth who never try Marijuana get encouraged
to abuse it since the price is so low. Members in all the three divisions agreed on the availability
of the abused drugs as the factors that causes drug abuse in Katwe slum.

The majority of respondents considered parenting. Looking at the situation in Katwe most of the
parents are low income earners who leave their homes desperately to look for food. Their
children are left in the hands of people who do not care and monitor what the children are doing,
in the absences of their parents and children end up in video halls and in other places called
“Ghetto” which makes them to associate with the “bad” boys/girls in the area and get influenced
to abuse drugs. Katwe police post officer in charge Mr. Chalise Kyebakola said that
“struggling for work makes parents to have little time to guide their children and when
littlie time is spent with the children, children are more likely to develop closeness with
friends of which in Katwe most of them are bad boys and bad girls which negatively teach
the youth who are innocent to abuse drugs”. However, some of the members disagreed with
the view that weak parenting cannot cause drug abuse, their reasoning looked at some female
headed families and some of those families noted to be weak but the children are more likely not
to abuse drugs. Respondents who disagreed with the above reasoning pointed out that there are
youth who grow first and most of them test whatever comes in their faces this makes them to
abuse drugs because they need to discover who they are, and create identity in their own.

Housing nature of Katwe slums was mentioned to be among the causes of drug abuse in Katwe,
the authority proved that poor planning of Katwe housing is a major cause of drug abuse. The
police pointed out that sometimes the houses cannot be entered by a normal person, routes to
such houses are so narrow and at times these places are so dark this gives a chance to those with
friends who abuse drugs to introduce them to members of the group and hide in these dark places
to abuse drugs. Youth hides in such poor houses and Katwe is so congested and poorly planned
therefore poor housing causes drug abuse in a way that it gives chance to the youth to hide and
try their ways to the illegal drug world.

Youth who abuse drugs proved that media motives them to try drugs; one of them names
withheld said that “when I take marijuana, I feel like I am Lil Wine an American hip hop
musician.” He further said that “watching the artist’s music videos when they are smoking
and driving good cars and own good houses with beautiful women, it makes me believe that
tomorrow after smoking I will be Lil Wine”. The media presents the image of the popular
musicians with good life and little more presented to show how they work and get their materials
and this makes youth to believe that abusing drugs can make them to become popular which is
false communication by media and at the end keep on increasing the causes of drug abuse
among the Youth.

Community leaders believe that change of African culture is the cause of drug abuse. They hold
their view relating to old social rules in African Traditional Society where alcohol were not
allowed to be taken any where or at any time by every person who wants it. Respondents stated
that most of the youth have adopted to popular culture which gives much freedom to Young
people and this opened up to young people to abuse drugs even in open at any time they want.

Searching for pleasure was among the respondent’s findings. Youth who are stressed up always
need something that can bring happiness to their life. Some times youth find that homes are full
of problems, schools are with strict rules which give no room for them to enjoy, and therefore
they turn to drugs as their source of pleasure.

Education level of the youth in Katwe is also a cause of drug abuse. The respondents noted that
most of the youth have no skills of over coming challenges because of their education levels,
DPC said that “most youth in Katwe are with low education background who cannot
critically understand the dangers of marijuana even when they are informed; they are
taking the information for granted. Being with low education they have low reasoning and
they are claiming that taking marijuana gives them energy and that keeps them awake so
that they can keep on working and alcohol makes them forget their problems such
reasoning is due to low education” DPC stated.

Living with the family member who is drug abuser was also discovered among the major factor
that causes drug abuse. A youth testified that “from his village he could not abuse drugs but
when he came to his brother’s room in Katwe who was a drug abuser he followed the
followed the trend thinking that it will bring peace in my life” he explained to the researcher
that even the brother some times tried to make him learn how to smoke and eat khat .Family
members who abuse drugs have an upper hand in cause drug abuse in the society.

Poverty was mentioned by the respondent as the cause of drug abuse; in a way that poor people’s
environment is attractive to drug sellers. However, others mentioned environment without
relating it to poverty. They claimed that even rich people’s sons and daughters abuse drugs. it
depends on the environment rather than poverty.

Youth revealed that drug abuse in Katwe is caused by Frustrations due to poverty, physical abuse
by the powerful individuals within the community, being homeless which brings in hopeless and
lack of food for some days. All these problems push the Youth to abuse drugs since drugs tend to
make a person to forget the problems for some time. In the same group discussion with the Youth
in Musoke zone, Youth claimed that sometimes they get work at night for example building
houses which require them to be awake and such work make them to eat Khat so that they do not
sleep. Most of the Youth believed that Khat keeps them alert, keeps them away from depression
and protect them from sickness therefore most of the Youth who start to abuse Khat are advised
by the friends who were once in their situation.

The desire to get involved in unusual activities causes drug abuse among the Youth, In an
interview with the Youth one of them (names withheld) said that “at times you may need to
rape a beautiful girl, take an old woman’s bag or even fight with the authorities this cannot
be done when you are fine in the mind, you cannot do it yet you have to survive what you
do is to act in any way to achieve your needs. For those of us who are not smart enough we
have to take some drugs to kill our human sense of reality” Unaccepted activities which
involve ant-social behavior causes drug abuse among the Youth in Katwe. Many Youth have the
fear to fight, practice prostitution, and to do other dangerous activities yet their group members
takes it as a daily lutein, this made those innocent Youth to abuse drugs in order to hide their fear.
In the group discussion Youth told the researcher that “the weak and fearful Youth abuse
drugs in order to get LOW” which is interpreted as getting a strong heart to do anything

Youth in Katwe area are used as middle men to make drugs transections with drug dealers and
many of the Youth learning to taste drugs at the age of 11 years said Ssebana Kizza a local
defense in Kiti zone. Other members in the discussion maintained the view that even parents
send their children at 7 years to get bar at the bar others take them to drinking places where the
children admire those who drink and smoke and at the end becomes drug abuser. The police
argue that there was little effort to suspect children to make drug transections that is why many
Youth leant the habit. Dealing in drugs causes drug abuse because many of the Youth have the
desire to taste.

4.5 Drug abuse and behavior patterns

Most of the who buses are acting in a manner that is unexpected here in Katwe.
According to the community leaders, drug abusers produce behaviors which are not
normal in many ways such as fighting, over eating, making noise, disrespect other
people which happens after abusing drugs, involving in domestic violence, aggressive
reaction at simple matters and so many others. But such behaviors happen for some
time and this depends to the person and these changes are not always common to

Sleeping disorder, sometimes in Katwe respondents noted that it is hard to go outside

the bars and fail to see people who sleep on the ground as if they are have died. Such

character shows how alcohol can do to people a normal person cannot sleep on the
ground in hot temperature as those youth and old drunken people do.

For most of the youth who abuse Khat, they do not sleep easily at night they make
noise, keep on moving on streets looking for women to rape and others to robe when
the all community is sleeping. It shows that such drugs kills body senses and people
cannot feel the real world then after spending the all night without sleeping the
following day they feel so tired and weak which does not allow them to do good work
due to hangover as a result they end up getting sleeping disorders.

Communication is so hard for the youth who abuse drugs, some of them speech so slow
and others speech fast. For those who are not drug abuser can be attracted to listen to
their speech and at times conflicts raises when people listen to their speech some drug
abuser have bad attitudes towards those who wants to listen to them or those who see
what they do. This is where aggression comes in and they end up fighting with each
other. At times they borrow money to each other but the demand of the debt comes
with fighting.

Some youth who abuse drugs are hygienically poor and poor hygiene sometimes
produce odor which creates conflicts between those who associate with him or her and
most of the time the conflict results into aggressions and violent.

This research found that youth who consume alcohol, khat , marijuana got different
behavior compared to the non-abuser. The study interviewed 15 youth from three zones
in Katwe and concluded that the physical appearance of the youth who abuse drugs
indicates the hidden behaviors some of them got swollen faces with scars which
communicates that such youth gets involved in aggression and violence.

The police acknowledged that drug abuse is reality among the youth in Katwe and it is
behind the influence of violent behavior. The field police officers reported that the
division police get more cases of violent crimes and the offenders are suspected to be

under the influence of marijuana or alcohol for example Katwe market police post
reports more than 12 cases of violence and related cases every month and the offices
claimed that out of five cases four are under drug abuse influence.

From the observation, it can be seen from the pictures that drug abuse is a reality in
driving the youth’s behaviors. The youth themselves reported that the effect of the
drugs automatically change their ways of behavior and they gave example that when
somebody wants to feel high he or she has to abuse drugs and in the situation of being
high a person consider his or her feeling and change his or her characters that cannot
be expected in the community. However, some of the youth believed that their behavior
are inborn because when they do not need to sleep they take Khat when they want to
fight they are to take marijuana this shows that their behavior are just powered but they
are within their cognitive.

The youth claimed that however much drugs contributes to ant-social behavior, it
should be looked at in many ways for example, some abuse drugs because of two much
stress, this means stress itself drives the person to behave in ant-socials behavior where
by some of the youth make noise when they are stressed and such some characters are
being done by drug abuse.

Drug abuse makes those who are shy to fear nothing and get involved in activities
which is illegal youth noted that the female who are shy and they want to get involved
in prostitution abuse drugs and they develop confidence and this always surprise
people to see young people who have been shy to practice prostitution, fighting with
the police and getting involved in the crimes. The extent of drug abuse in changing of
behavior is so high and most of the parents who discover their children to be under the
influence of drugs chase them from their houses because of their ant-social behavior
produced by the influence of drugs.

Sexual violence, youth in Katwe who involves in sexual violence behavior are found to
be under the influence of drug abuse. The community leaders reported that many youth

are involved in irresponsible sexual behavior after abusing drugs like marijuana and
alcohol. The police claimed that causes of rape are connected to drug abuse and every
day there is an increase in such related sexual behaviors. The increasing cases of rape
and sexual violence also connected to the weak laws that charge the guilty with simple
penalty such as paying money to the government.

Considering the interview conducted with the youth it became clear that there is a
relationship between drug abuse and behavior patterns, youth’s view was that
behaviors which come out after abusing drugs are not man made. Youth argued that
marijuana, alcohol activates their thinking and they become more active that is why
some who are weak they become strong after abusing drugs and in fighting there is no
time needed to decide whether to fight or not.

Both police officers and community leaders were asked to give their understanding and
the views of youth aggression and their response are in agreement that drug abuse
greatly related to behavior patterns.
They noted that drug abuse has connection to the worst crimes in their community and
such worst crime including, rape, fighting, robbery, violent sexual play and others. The
respondent argues that the situation of high crime rate in Katwe is attributed to the fact
that drug abuse related to behavior patterns.

In the interview, all most all respondents agreed that it is so easily to identify the drug
abuser, the respondents explained that their faces and life style can tell.
This finding clearly indicates that life style and face communicate the sign which
symbolize the behavior. It is important therefore to not that alcohol, Khat, and
marijuana holds an upper hand in youth’s behavior in Katwe.

In response to relationship between drug abuse and behavior patterns both the youth
and police presented similar views that drugs are responsible for the ant-social
behaviors. Youth claimed that a normal person cannot fight for northing and they
always feel ashamed to do something wrong in the society but because of the desire for

surviving they abuse drugs and get involved in robbery in order to satisfy their
demand. The police confirmed that when they arrest those who got involved in crimes
because of drug abuse influence the following day are normal and they act as different
people behavior wise. Therefore such arguments indicate that drugs abuse is much
related to behavior patterns.

The faces of the marijuana and Khat abusers are scaring not only to young children but
even to women. When you see people running away from some of the youth get to
know that they look violent and this is the way most of the youth are being identified
basing on their faces, hygiene, dressing. Behaviors cannot only be identified in some
body’s action but even the physical appearance. According to the observation youth
had faces with scars, red eyes, hygienically poor and some of them were speaking with
forces with low voices others loud voices. Such signs and appearance drives attention
of others people which at the end brings on conflict and rises violence and aggression
behavior as the findings are in line with (Galvez, 2007) which looked at the change in
the human brain and how it relates with behavior.


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Interview guide:

Dear, Respondent,

I am Bwanika Joseph, a student of Uganda Martyrs University, pursuing a Bachelors degree of

social Development and counselling. I am required to carry out research to fulfil my study
requirements. I selected you because of the knowledge you have about drug abuse therefore I
kindly request you to respond to the following questions and the research is strictly for study
purposes only and the responses shall be treated with confidentiality.

Please all your answers and views concerning the research are well come.


(1) Do Youth abuse drugs here in your area?

(2) How do Youth get access to these kinds of drugs?

(3) How can you identify a drug abuse?

(4) How do the Youth abuse drugs?

(5) What are the causes of drug abuse among the Youth in Katwe?

(6) What are the types of drugs being abused by the Youth?

(7) Is it possible to identify the Youth who abuse drugs?

(8) How does drug abuse affect the Youth and the society?

(9) Is there a relationship between drug abuse and behaviours?

(10) Is it possible to identify the behaviours related to drug abuse?

(11) What kind of behaviours is caused by drug abuse?

(12) What are the signs of behaviours related to drug abuse?

(13) Is it possible for the drug abuser to stop abusing drugs?

(14) How does the society deal with the Youth who abuse drugs?

(15) What should be the lasting solutions to drug abuse among the Youth?

Thank your for your response.

Observation guide

What are the observable characters of the drug abusers?

What are the types of drugs youth abuse in Katwe?

In which ways do youth abuse drugs?

What are the signs indicating violence for the drug abuse?

What is the environment of the drug abusers?

What is the physical appearance of the drug abuser?

Is it possible to observe violence and aggression on the appearance of the drug abuser?


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