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The invasion and multiplication of microorganism that are not normally present within the
bodyand its action to toxins produced.
» infections

A parasytic infection that cannot complete its life cycle without a suitable host.
» obligate parasite

An infection acquired resulting from their own direct source of exposure.

» autoimmune infection

The cause of infection due to harbored parasite and transmit this to the next host.
» reservoir

The diagnostic stage of the amoeba.
» -cyst and trophozoites

Rationale: Infective stage is the cyst.

Diagnostic is stool:
Formed: cyst
Liquid: trophozoite

Which of the statement is true in amoebic trophozoite.

» Trophozoite are resistant to outside environment
They are delicate and motile
» The trophozoite may contain more than one nucleous.

The transformation of the trophozoite stage to the cystic stage of amoeba is

» Trophozoite to cyst encystations.
Rationale: excystation if from cyst to trophozoite.

An extra intestinal amoeba, which of among these are not.

» -E.gingivalis

The most common manner in transmission of the intestinal protozoa.

» Fecal-oral
» Eating and drinking contaminated items.

The drug of choice in the treatment of amoebic infections.

» Metronidzole

The maximum number of mature E. histolytica cyst will have

» 4
(More than 4 or 5 is e.coli.)

The most common form of extra-intestinal amoebiasis occur in which of the following organ
» liver

Any symptomatic E. histolytica infected individual the cyst passing carrier should be treated
» It is the source of infection. (screening of food handlers because they are the source of

Structure seen in the cytoplasm of the amoeba that denotes the pathogenicity of the amoeba.
» involved red blood cell.

Amoeba that has a quadro-nucleited mature cyst

» e. histolytica
» e. nana
» e. hartmani

The characterictic of e.coli trophozoite

» the cytoplasm is more vacuolated and dirty looking
» One nucleous with Eccentric karyosome

An extra-intestinal amoeba that exist in the PAM Forms

» Naegleria fowleri

A small amoeba with a large blunt like karyosmes.

» E. nana

The only amoeba that ingest white blood cells

» E. gingivalis

Primary Amoebic encephalitis is caused by

» Naegleria fowleri

Not True of E. gingivalis

» -cyst has double wall.
Exist only as trophozoite and NO CYTIC STAGE.

The amoeba cyst that has a single nucleous with a large glycogen vacuole.
» iodameba butchlii

Encystations of an amoeba occur

» at the large intestine
(excystation in the small intestine)

The cystic stage of amoeba detected in

» -Semi-formed stool


Intestinal flagellates

The following are the true of trichomonas vaginalis except:

» long undulating membrane down to the posterior portion.

Rationale: Difference between trichomonas hominis and trichomonas vaginalis.

-posterior flagellum and undulating membrane for vaginalis is half where as for hominis is going down to
the posterior end.

All are pathogenic flagellates except:

» Chilomastic mesnili

What organelle is responsible for the characterictic falling leaf motility of Giardia Lambia
» Flagella

Management of trichononas vaginitis in female includes all of the following EXCEPT:

» Restoration of the normal ALKALINE pH
It should be ACIDIC

Expected biopsy finding in Giardiasis

» -shortening and blunting of the intestinal villa
True of enteromonas hominis EXCEPT
» nucleous at the posterior end of the body.

Flagellate noted to have increase frequency to associate between infection and E. vermicularis
» Dientamoeba fragilis

Cystic stage shows two fibrils extending from the nuclear region forming a ---- appearance
» retotamonas intestinalis

Cyst stage shows Shepherd crooks cystotomal fibrils

» Chilomastic mesnili

True of gardia lambia trophozoite EXCEPT

» Sucking disk is noted at the posterior portion

Hemoflagellate that has been associated with chiclero ulcer
» Leismania Mexicana

Characteristic of hemoflagellate except:

» trasmitted by fecal-oral route.

An amatigote has been defined by the following

» no undulating membrane, no fragellum.
» Only ovoid shape, sometimes with the presence of the nucleous.

Two stages of development that genus leismania undergoes

» amastigote and promastigote

Infected stage of leismania

» Promatigote.
This insect vector defecates during feeding does contamination the infected site of the infected
» reduviid bug

Zenodiagosis is used by a
» typanozoma cruzi “Chaga’s Disease”

Winterbuttom sign in west African sleeping sickness in tryanosoma gambiense is characterized by.
» enlargement of cervical lymphnodes

Which of the following has a manifestation is encountered in chagas disease

» romanas sign

Pneumonic form of chagas diesaeas the following organ is involve EXCEPT:

» stomach

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