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) 24:2 aspect of the race problem

ignored hy zealous reformers:



and Sisters, I take my hearts of men. And the dwellers in

text this morning from the the bleak North, they who pass old-
Book of Dixie. I take my text and made phrases through their mouths,
I take my time. shall cry out and say, ‘What are
Now it says here, “And every these strange utterances? Is it not
white man shall be allowed to pet written that the hand of every
himself a Negro. Yea, he shall take white man in the South is raised
a black man untoihimself to pet and against his black brother? Do not
to cherish, and this same Negro the sons of Iapheth drive the Harn-
shall be perfect in his sight. Nor mites before them like beasts? Do
shall hatred among the races of they not lodge them in shacks and
men, nor conditions of strife in the hovels and force them to share the
walled cities, cause his pride and crops? Is not the condition of black
pleasure in his own Negro to wane.” men in the South most horrible?
Now, belov—ed Brothers and Sis- Then how doth this scribe named
ters, I see you have all woke up Hurston speak of pet Negroes? Per-
and you can’t wait till the service is chance she hath drunk of new wine,
over to ask me how come? So I will and it has stung her like an adder?’ ”
read you further from the sacred Now, my belov-ed, before you
word which says here: explode in fury you might look to
‘ ‘Thus spake the Prophet ofDixie see if you know your facts or if you
when slavery was yet a young thing, merely know your phrases. It hap—-
for he saw the yearning in the pens that there are more angles to

ZORA NBALE HURSTON will he rernernhered hy MERCURY readers for her

remarlgalvle “Story in Harlem Slang” last jaly. She litres and tarites in her native all-
Negro town ofEatonaille, Florida. A graduate ofBarnard College, she achieved a repa-
tation in anthropology as a fall,-_—lorist andfor a time headed the Drama Department at
North Carolina Collegefor Negroes. Herfirst book was Ionah’s Gourd Vine in I934, her
most recent the autobiographical Dust Tracks on the Road. She has been aetiae in the
promotion of Negro mttsic, dancing and other cultural undertakings.



this race-adjustment business than generations of living together and

are ever pointed out to the public, natural adjustment. It isn’t half as
white, black or in-between. Well- pretty as the ideal adjustment of
meaning outsiders make plans that theorizers, but it’s a lot more real
look perfect from where they sit, and durable, and a lot of black folk,
possibly in some New York office. I’m afraid, find it mighty cosy.
But these plans get wrecked on The pet Negro, beloved, is some-
hidden snags. john Brown at Har- one whom a particular white per-
pers Perry is a notable instance. son or persons wants to have and to
The simple race-agin-race pattern do all the things forbidden to other
of those articles and speeches on the Negroes. It can be Aunt Sue, Un-
subject is not that simple at all. The cle Stump, or the black man at the
actual conditions do not jibe with head of some Negro organization.
the fulminations of the so—cal1ed Let us call him john Harper. john
spokesmen of the white South, nor is the pet of Colonel Cary and his
with the rhetoric of the champions lady, and Colonel Cary swings a lot
of the Negro cause either. of weight in his community.
The Colonel will tell you that he
II opposes higher education for Ne-
groes. It makes them mean and
Big men like Bilbo, Hefl inand Till- cunning. Bad stuff for Negroes. He
man bellow threats which they is against having lovely, simple
know they couldn’t carry out even blacks turned into rascals by too
in their own districts. The orators much schooling. But there are ex-
at both extremes may glint and ceptions. Take john, for instance.
glitter in generalities, but the South Worked hard, saved up his money
lives and thinks in individuals. The and went up there to Howard Uni-
North has no interest in the par- versity and got his degree in edu-
ticular Negro, but talks of justice .cation. Smart as a whipl Seeing
for the whole. The South has no that john had such a fine head, of
interest, and pretends none, in the course he helped john out when
mass of Negroes but is very much necessary. Not that he would do
concerned about the individual. So such a thing for the average darky,
that brings us to the pet Negro, no sir! He is no nigger lover. Strictly
because to me at least it symbolizes unconstructed Southerner, willing
the web of feelings and mutual de- to battle for white supremacy! But
pendencies spun by generations and his john is different.


So naturally when Iohn finished tion, and he has no quarrel with
college and came home, Colonel it. But he found Iohn truthful and
Cary knew he was the very man to honest, clean, reliable and a faithful
be principal of the Negro high friend. He likes Iohn and so con-
school, and Iohn got the post even siders him as white inside as anyone
though someone else had to be eased else. The treatment made and pro-
out. And making a fine job of it. vided for Negroes generally is sus-
Decent, self-respecting fellow. Built pended, restrained and done away
himself a nice home and bought with. He knows that Iohn is able to
himself a nice car. ]ohn’s wife is learn what white people of similar
county nurse; the Colonel spoke to opportunities learn. Colonel Cary's
a few people about it and she got affection and respect for Iohn, how-
the job. ]ohn’s children are smart ever, in no way extend to black
and have good manners. If all the folk in general. .
Negroes were like them he wouldn’t When you understand that, you
mind what advancement they made. see why it is so difficult to change
But the rest of them, of course, lie certain things in the South. His
like the cross-ties from New York particular Negroes are not suffering
to Key West. They steal things and from the strictures, and the rest are
get drunk. Too bad, but Negroes no concern of the Colonel’s. Let
are like that. their own white friends do for them.
Now there are some prominent If they are worth the powder and
white folk who don’t see eye to eye lead it would take to kill them,
with Colonel Cary about this Iohn they have white friends; if not,
Harper. They each have a Negro in then they belong in the “stray
mind who is far superior to Iohn. nigger” class and nobody gives a
They listen to eulogies about Iohn damn about them. If Iohn should
only because they wish to be lis- happen to get arrested for anything
tened to about their own pets. except assault and murder upon the
They pull Strings for the Colonel’s person of a white man, or rape, the
favorites knowing that they will Colonel is going to stand by him
get the same thing done for theirs. and get him out. It would be a
._Now, how can the Colonel make hard-up Negro who would work
his attitude towards Iohn Harper for a _man who couldn’t get his
jibe with his general attitude to- black friends out of jail.
wards Negroes? Easy enough. He And mind you, the Negroes have
got his general attitude by tradi- their pet whites, so to speak. It



works both ways. Class-conscious has had them before him in litera-
ness of Negroes is an angle to be ture and editorials and crusading
reckoned with in the South. They journals. But the other side isn’t
love to be associated with “the qual- talked about by the champions of
ity” and consequently are ashamed white supremacy, because it makes
to admit that they are working for their stand, and their stated rea-
“strainers.” It is amusing to see a sons for keeping the Negro down,
Negro servant chasing the madam look a bit foolish. The Negro cru-
or the boss back on his or her saders and their white adherents
pedestal when they behave in an can’t talk about it because it is
unbecoming manner. Thereby he is obviously had strategy. The worst
to a certain extent preserving his aspects must be kept before the
own prestige, derived from associa- public to force action.
tion with that family. _ It has been so generally accepted
If ever it came to the kind of that all Negroes in the South are
violent showdown the orators hint living under horrible conditions
at, you could count on all the that many friends of the Negro up
Colonel Carys tipping off and pro- North actually take oifense if you
tecting their Iohn I-Iarpers; and don’t tell them a tale of horror and
you could count on all the John suffering. They stroll up to you,
Harpers and Aunt Sues to exempt cocktail glass in hand, and say, “I
their special white folk. And that am a friend of the Negro, you
means that pretty nearly everybody know, and feel awful about the
on both sides would be exempt, terrible conditions down there."
except the “pore white trash” and That’s your cue to launch into
the “stray niggers," and not all of atrocities amidst murmurs of sym-
them. pathy. If, on the other hand, just
to find out if they really have done
III some research down there, you ask,
‘ ‘What conditions do you refer to?"
An outsider driving through a street you get an injured, and sometimes
of well-05 Negro homes, seeing the a malicious, look. Why ask foolish
great number of high-priced cars, questions? Why drag in the many
will wonder why he has never heard Negroes of opulence and educa-
of this side of Negro life in the tion? Yet these comfortable, con-
South. He has heard about the tented Negroes are as real as the
shacks and the sharecroppers. He sharecroppcrs.


There is, in normal times, a regu- have their fingers crossed, too, when
lar stream of high-powered cars they say they don’t like white peo-
driven by Negroes headed North ple. “White people” does not mean
each summer for a few weeks’ vaca- their particular friends, any more
tion. These people go, have their than niggers means Iohn Harper to
fling, and hurry back home. Doc- the Colonel. This is important. For
tors, teachers, lawyers, businessmen, anyone, or any group, counting on
they are living and working in the a solid black South, or a solid white
South because that is where they South in opposition to each other
want to be. And why not? Eco- will run into a hornet’s nest if he
nomically, they are at ease and discounts these personal relations.
more. The professional men do not Both sides admit the general prin-
suffer from the competitionof their ciple of opposition, but when it
white colleagues to anything like comes to putting it into practice,
they do up North. Personal vanity, behold what happens. There is a
too, is served. The South makes a quibbling, a stalling, a backing and
sharp distinction between the up- filling that nullifies all the purple
per-class and lower-class Negro. oratory.
Businessmen cater to him. His So well is this underground hook-
word is good downtown. There is up established, that it is not possi-
some Mr. Big in the background ble to keep a secret from either
who is interested in him and will side. Nearly everybody spills the
back his fall. All the plums that a beans to his favorite on the other
Negro can get are dropped in his side of the color line -— in strictest
mouth. He wants no part of the confidence, of course. That's how
cold, impersonal North. He notes the “petting system” works in the
that there is segregation and dis- South. _
crimination up there, too, with Is it a good thing or a bad thing?
none of the human touches of the Who am I to pass judgment? I am
South. not defending the system, belov-ed,
.1-2A5 I have said, belov-ed, these but trying to explain it. The low-
Negroes who are petted by white down fact is that it weaves a kind
friends think just as much of their of basic fabric that tends to sta-
fliiends across the line. There is a bilize relations and give something
personal attachment that will ride to work from in adjustments. It
over practically anything that is works to prevent hasty explosions.
liable to happen to either. They There are some people in every
community who can always talk Negroes — usually in the capacity
things over. It may be the proof of “representing the Negro” -- with
that this race situation in America little thought of the ability of the
is not entirely hopeless and may person promoted but in line with
even be worked out eventually. the “pet system.” In the South it
There are dangers in the system. can be pointed to scornfully as a
Too much depends on the integrity residue of feudalism; in the North
of the Negro so trusted. It cannot no one says what it is. And that,
be denied that this trust has been too, is part of the illogical, inde-
abused at times. What was meant fensible but somehow useful “pet
for the whole community has been system.”
turned to personal profit by the
pet. Negroes have long groaned IV
because of this frequent diversion
of general favors into the channels The most powerful reason why Ne-
of private benefits. Why do we not groes do not do more about false
go to Mr. Big and expose the “representation” by pets is that
Negro in question? Sometimes it is they know from experience that
because we do not like to let white the thing is too deep-rooted to be
people know that we have folks of budged. The appointer has his rea-
that ilk. Sometimes we make a bad sons, personal or political. He can
face and console ourselves, “At least always point to the beneficiary and
one Negro has gotten himself a say, “Look, Negroes, you. have been
sinecure not usually dealt out to taken care of. Didn’t I give a mem-
us.” We curse him for a yellow- ber of your group a big job?”
bellied sea—buzzard, a ground—mole White officials assume that the Ne-
and a woods-pussy, call him a white- gro element is satisfied and they do
folkses nigger, an Uncle Tom, and a not know what to make of it when
handkerchief-head and let it go at later they find that so large a body
that. In all fairness, it must be said of Negroes charge indifference and
that these terms are often flung double-dealing. The White friend of
around out of jealousy: somebody the Negroes mumbles about in-
else would like the very cinch that gratitude and decides that you sim-
the accused has grabbed himself. ply can’t understand Negroes . . .
But when everything is discounted, just like children. s
it still remains true that white peo- A case in point is Dr. Iamcs E.
ple North and South have promoted Sheppard, President of the North
Carolina State College for Negroes. estly- make the same statement. I
He has a degree in pharmacy, and mean that they all have strong at-
no other. For years he ran a one- tachments across the line whether
horse religious school of his own at they intended them in the begin-
Durham, North Carolina. But he ning or not. Carl Van Vechten and
has always been in politics and has Henry Allen Moe could ask little
some good friends in power at Ra- of me that would be refused. Wal-
leigh. So the funds for the State ter White, the best known race
College for Negroes were turned champion of our time, is hand and
over to him, and his little church glove with Supreme Court Iustice
school became the Negro college so Black, a native of Alabama and an
far as that State is concerned. A fine ex-Klansman. So you see how this
set ofnew buildings has been erected . friendship business makes a sorry
With a host of Negro men highly mess of all the rules made and pro-
trainedaseducatorswithin the State, vided. Iames Weldon Iohnson, the
not to mention others who could crusader for Negro rights, was bogged
be brought in, a pharmacist heads to his neck in white friends whom
up higher education for Negroes in he loved and who loved him. Dr.
North Carolina. North Carolina William E. Burkhardt DuBois, the
can’t grasp why Negroes aren’t per- bitterest opponent of the white
fectly happy and grateful. race that America has ever known,
In every community there is some loved Ioel Spingarn and was cer-
Negro strong man or woman whose tainly loved in turn by him. The
word is going to go. In Iacksonville, thing doesn't make sense. It just
Florida, for instance, there is Eartha makes beauty.
White. You better see Eartha if Friendship, however it comes
you want anything from the white about, is a beautiful thing. The
powers—that-be. She happens to be Negro who loves a white friend is
tremendously interested in helping shy in admitting it because he
the unfortunates of her city and dreads the epithet “white folks’
she does get many things for them nigger!” The white man is wary of
from the whites. showing too much warmth for his
black friends for fear of being called
would, and do, stand when they “nigger-lover,” so he explains his
have need of me, race counting for attachment by extolling the ex-
_ nothing at all. Iust friendship. All traordinary merits of his black
the well-known Negroes could hon- friend to gain tolerance for it.

This is the inside picture of things, South frankly acknowledged this

as I see it. Whether you like it or long ago in its laws against marriage
not, is no concern of mine. But it is between blacks and whites. If the
an important thing to know if you Southern law—mal-:ers were so sure
have any plans for racial manipula- that racial antipathy would take
tions in Dixie. You cannot batter care of racial purity, there would
in doors down there, and you can have been no need for the laws.
save time and trouble, and I do “And no man shall seek to de-
mean trouble, by hunting up the prive a man of his Pet Negro. It
community keys. shall be unwritten-lawful for any
In a way, it is a great and heart- to seek to prevent him in his pleas-
ening tribute to human nature. It ure thereof. Thus spoke the Prophet
will be bound by nothing. The of Dixie.” Sela/2.

“T/mt would be something 12310‘... we’z2e

never been defezzted by d Repzté-Zz'caz7z Adminis-
tmticm. ”



odds are better than even figures available on time lost in ci-
that you or someone you know vilian industries by reason of fun-
has been troubled by a fungous gous ailments, a fair approximation
skin disease. Small germs classed as can be made from the research of
“fungi” cause the common foot ail- Dr. Louis Schwartz, of the Office of
ment often called “athlete’s foot,” Dermatoses Investigation of the
and are responsible also for many United States Public Health Serv-
skin eruptions of the hands, the ice, Whose careful Studies disclose
upper thighs, the crotch, the arm- that more than 70 per cent of in-
pits and other large skin-folds. Such dustrial diseases in this country are
eruptions may affect still other skin skin diseases. Most leading derma-
areas and sometimes spread over tologists recognize the fact that
the whole body. Fungous skin dis- fungi play a réle in industrial Skin
eases, in brief, are exceedingly com- troubles, either as direct causes or
mon and they may be disagreeable, because they soften up the skin’s
disabling and diflicult to cure. defenses against irritants and infec-
Right now, the prevention and tions other than fungi, and thus in-
treatment of these diseases is dou- itiate, complicate or prolong other
bly important because they are disease processes. As for the Army,
responsible for much time lost in available I940 statistics Show 8.5
the war effort by both soldiers and admissions to the sick list per every
civilians. While there are no exact thousand men on duty. Applied to

MARION B. SULZBERGER, assistam clz'm'eal professor of dermatology and

syphilology, Columbia Urzfoersity, is at present a commander in the Medical Corps ofthe
U. S. Naval Reserve.
RUDOLF L. BAER is visitingfellow in med£ez'ne, Cornell University Medical College,
and on the dermatologslr Haj"oftire Montefiore Hospital and Post- Graduate Hospital of
Columbia Umieersfty, both in New York.

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