Test Iniţial CL 7

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Anul şcolar 2018-2019

Disciplina - Limba engleză

Clasa a VIII-a, L1

Numele şi prenumele elevului:

Data susţinerii testului:

 Pentru rezolvarea corectă a tuturor cerinţelor din Partea I şi din Partea a II-a se acordă 90 de
puncte. Din oficiu se acordă 10 puncte.

PARTEA I___________________________________________________________70 de puncte

1. Circle the correct answer: (10x2p=20p):

 I was having a bath when the phone was ringing/ rang/ rings.
 He use to/ was/ used to have a lot of friends when he lived in Scotland.
 My sister has had this bike for/ since/ in 2008.
 At the moment I learn/ am learning/ will learn some useful stuff about how people
do business in this country.
 Haven’t you reserved a table for the restaurant never/ just/ yet?
 The students was saying/ said/ were saying ‘Hello’ to the teacher when she came in.
 Let me know when you decide the party and tell me what you are doing/ do/ does
these days.
 I wash/ have washed/ am washing my hair, that is why it is still wet.
 It was a beautiful day; the sun shines/ shone/ was shining and there was/ wasn’t
weren’t any clouds in the sky.

2. Complete the following sentences with the best modal verb: MUST, MUST NOT, SHOULD,

a) You have got a sore throat, you ………………….. drink cold water!
b) Everyone ………………….. wash their hands before a meal.
c) We are in a hospital, so we …………………… keep quiet .
d) It is not raining yet, so you …………………….. open the umbrella.
e) You ………………….. eat so many sweets, you’ll get toothache.
f) We ………………… go to the dentist at least twice a year.
g) She …………………………. stay in bed, she is not sick.
h) They ………………………… light a fire in the forest, otherwise they will get a fine.
i) We …………………. wear warm clothes when it is cold outside.
j) He ……..…………….. drop the litter in the street, the bin is right in front of him.

3. Fill in the following list: (15x1p=15p):

3 vegetables:
3 drinks:
3 fruit:
3 desserts:
3 dairy products:

4. Choose the correct word: (15x1p=15p)

Climb a bed/ a tree/ a car
Win a prize/ a subject/ a test
Ride roller-skates/ a horse/ a bridge
Fly in a house/ a car/ a balloon
Do a bungee jump/ swimming/ a cake
Send a competition/ a phone call/ an e-mail
Cut dinner/ your finger/ a race
Visit a film/ a museum/ a party
Make the shopping/ homework/ the bed
Take a shower/ housework/ to school

PARTEA a II a__________________________________________________________20 de puncte

‘ My favorite holiday memory.’ – Write a short composition, considering the following questions:
-When was your last holiday?
-Where were you?
-Who were you with?
- What did you do?
- How did you feel?

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