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As clear as mud = (it’s not clear at all). Look at the manual! It’s as clear as mud.

As clear as day. the manual! Her opinion was as clear as day.

As fit as a fiddle. My grandfather is nearly ninety but he's as fit as a fiddle.

As cold as stone. The corpse was as cold as stone.

As dark as death. The place was as dark as death.

As fresh as a daisy. The fish is as fresh as a daisy.

As hot as fire. The soup is as hot as fire.

As pale as death. That story is as old as hills.

As poor as a church mouse. My grandparents were as poor as a church mouse

As regular as clockwork. Trains are as regular as clockwork

As safe as houses. The nuclear power stations are as safe as houses.

As sure as hell. I’m sure as hell that he’ll be here soon.

As old as the hills. That story is as old as hills.

As quick as lightning. The player runs as quick as lightning.

As sick as a dog / parrot. She was as sick as a dog last week.


As lazy as a dog. You are as lazy as a dog!

As tough as old boots. I was served a steak as tough as old boots

As different as night and day. The twins are as different as night and day

As stubborn as a mule. His friends advised him to accept the offer, but you know Larry - he's as stubborn as a mule!

As white as a ghost. She went as white as a ghost when she saw the gun.

As solid as a rock . His argument is as solid as a rock

As blind as a bat . Without his glasses, the old man is as blind as a bat.

As easy as pie. "How did the English test go?" "No problem, it was (as) easy as pie!"

As good as gold. Your children are always as good as gold when I look after them.

As hard as nails. Don't expect any sympathy from him. He's as hard as nails.

As mad as a hatter. The old lady next door is as mad as a hatter. She says the strangest things!

As sharp as a tack. You won't have to explain it to him twice. He's as sharp as a tack.

As sly as a fox. Be wary of that insurance salesman. He's as sly as a fox.

As ugly as sin. Have you seen the new neighbour's dog? It's as ugly as sin!

As right as rain. He’ll be as right as rain tomorrow.

As angry as hell. My dad got as angry as hell with my sister.

As busy as a bee. My classmates are as busy as a bee this week.



Like the back of one’s hand. Of course I won't get lost. I know London like the back of my hand!

Like a bat out of hell. He grabbed the money and ran like a bat out of hell.

Like bringing a knife to a gunfight. Asking an inexperienced lawyer to defend such a difficult case was like bringing a knife to a gunfight!

(sound) like a broken record. Dad! Stop telling me to be careful when I drive. You sound like a broken record!

Like a cat on hot bricks. The week before the results were published, she was like a cat on hot bricks.

Like a scalded cat. As soon as he saw the policeman, he ran off like a scalded cat.

Like cat and dog. They fight like cat and dog but they're still together after 30 years.

Like a rabbit caught in the headlights. Surprised by the journalist's question, he was like a rabbit caught in the headlights.

Like a headless chicken. As soon as the store opened, my mother started running around like a headless chicken, eager to find bargains.

Like a moth to a flame. He's drawn to the casino like a moth to a flame.

Like a red flag to a bull. Don't mention Tom's promotion to Mike. It would be like a red flag to a bull!

Like a shot (quickly and without hesitation). If I won a lot of money on the lotto, I'd leave my job like a shot!

Like a sore thumb (llamar la atención). The modern building sticks out like a sore thumb among the old houses.

Like taking candy from a baby. Don't worry - you'll manage. It'll be like taking candy from a baby!

Like taking sand to the beach. Bringing a cake to Judy's party is like taking sand to the beach; she always uses a caterer.

Like talking to a brick wall. I tried to discuss the problem with him but it was like talking to a brick wall.

Like there’s no tomorrow. I don't understand him; he's spending money like there's no tomorrow.

Like a thief in the night. He left the company like a thief in the night, without telling his colleagues or saying goodbye.

(come down) like a ton of bricks (criticar sin piedad). If you don't follow his instructions carefully, he'll come down on you like a ton of bricks!

Like two peas in a pod (similar). The two brothers are very alike - they're like two peas in a pod!

Like water off a duck’s back (resbalar). He's been warned of the dangers of smoking but it's like water off a duck's back

Like (putting) lipstick on a pig. Flowers on that ugly old bridge would be (like putting) lipstick on a pig!

Like wildfire (spreading very fast). As soon as the nomination was announced, the news spread like wildfire.

Other expressions

Cut from the same cloth (similar). Although the brothers look alike, they are not cut from the same cloth.

Not in the same league as (inferior calidad). He had a good voice but he wasn't in the same league as Pavarotti.

Not up to par (no llegar al mínimo). He didn't get the job because his skills were not up to par.

A world of difference. A swimming pool would make a world of difference in this climate.

Worlds apart . As regards our political opinions, we're worlds apart.

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