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Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris dan Terjemahannya Untuk SMP/MTs

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Kesehatan dan Artinya

The honorable principal of MTs Maarif Wanareja

The honorable my beloved teachers

And the last but not least my friends from seventh grade until ninth grade.

Assalamualaikum Warrahmatullahiwabarakatuh

Good Morning ladies and gentlemen…

In this nice occasion, I would like to present and deliver about health and cleanliness. Health is part of our life that is very
important. Health should be done by us. Like proverb health is expensive. So we have to maintain our life by having goo
food beverage and doing balance life style. Eating food three times a day. Doing a good life style, no ciggarete and alcohol.
Having slept at least 8 hours a day, we will feel fresh and better.

Nowadays, we live in digital era in which we can access tips for healthy life. Don’t forget to do some exercises, such as
jogging, running and swimming. The latest sport that now looks very popular, they are muaithai and acroyoga. We can start
healthy life by doing good things positively. Health is really connected with cleanlines, both of them are complementary. If
we aware with cleanliness so healthy life will come to our life. For Moslem, they have known from hadits that cleanliness is
part of our trust.

Thus, when we live in clean area we will have trust and believe. Here, I hope all of us should do a good thing to make our life
healthy. Ladies and gentlemen thank you for your attention. Sorry, for all my mistakes in delivering this speech.

Wassalamualaikum warrahmatullahiwabarakatuh.

Yang terhormat kepala MTs Maarif Wanareja

Yang terhormat guru-guruku terkasih

Terakhir tetapi bukan paling sedikit teman-temanku dari kelas 7 sampai dengan kelas 9

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Selamat pagi para hadirin Dalam kesempatan yang baik ini, saya ingin mempresentasikan dan menyampaikan tentang
kesehatan dan kebersihan. Kesehatan adalah bagian dari kehidupan kita yang sangat penting. Kesehatan seharusnya
dilakukan oleh kita. Seperti kata pepatah sehat itu mahal. Maka, kita harus memelihara hidup kita dari makanan dan
minuman yang baik dan melakukan gaya hidup yang seimbang. Makan tiga kali sehari. Melakukan gaya hidup yang baik,
tidak merokok dan alkohol. Setelah tidur delapan jam sehari, kita akan merasa segar dan lebih baik.

Sekarang kita hidup di zaman serba digital dimana kita mengakses tips untuk hidup sehat. Jangan lupa untuk melakukan
beberapa olah raga, seperti joging, lari, dan berenang. Olah raga terbaru yang terlihat akrab, mereka adalah muaithai dan
yoga. Kita bisa memulai hidup sehat dengan melakukan sesuatu dengan positif. Kesehatan sangat berhubungan dengan
kebersihan, dua hal ini saling melengkapi. Jika kita sadar akan kebersihan maka kehidupan yang sehat akan datang ke hidup
kita. Untuk muslim, mereka sudah mengetahui dari Hadits kalau kebersihan itu adalah sebagian dari iman.

Dengan demikian, ketika kita hidup dalam daerah yang bersih kita akan memiliki iman dan keyakinan. Di sini, saya berharap
kita semua seharusnya melakukan sesuatu yang membuat hidup kita sehat. Para hadirin, terima kasih untuk perhatiannya.
Maaf, untuk semua kesalahan dalam menyampaikan pidato.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Honorable the juries/ the audience.
Honorable the teachers from ..............
And my beloved friends,
Assalamualaikum Wrwb.
Good morning/ Good afternoon/Good Evening.
Thanks for the time that given to me, let me introduce myself. My name is ..................
I’m from ...................
At this occasion, I am going to make speech entitle “ Using Science and Technology For Better Life”

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,

We live on earth. Every day, we need food, pure water for drinking, sugar, milk,meat, fruits, vegetables, fresh air for
breathing, energy, sulight,houses,education,and recreation. As we know that the population grow so rapidly. As a matter of
fact, the land that we cultivate and for living do not grow.It still remains on its size.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,

A long time ago........ food, drink, vegetables do not become the humans’problems. But at present and in the future,
it seems to be a big problems for us. We need more and more food, clothes, drinks, vegetables, houses, energy and fresh air
for living. It means that science and technology are needed to overcome these problems.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,

In the past time, it needed for about 6 months for farmers for planting paddies until they harvested it.But by development
of science and technology , now, the farmers only needs about three months for growing paddies until they harvest it.
A long time ago, humans needed petroleum to make light in their houses. Now.... by developing science and technology,
the electricity replaced the petroleum. Formarly, for cooking rice, women needed wood for making fire. But now gas and
electricity are needed.For washing clothes,in the past time, people used their hands but now persons can use washing
machines to wash their clothes.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,

Not only those things but there are many things that have changed. For going to distance places,people spent much
time because they had to walk or ride horses. But at this time, people only spend a little time for going to far way places.. By
the development of science and technology , a lot of means of transportations were invented. Cars, trains, buses,
ships,aeroplanes are used by the people for fast means of transportation.

Not only means of transportations but also the information and telecomunication.
A long time ago, persons spent much time for sending a message. At that time, people used letters. But now by the
invention of hand phone people can send a message only in a second.The most important thing is by the invention of radio,
television, computer and internets. We can easily get information, science and technology from all over the world in a very
short time.

At last,we have to realize about this.The develpment of science and technology for our better life. We should say
thanks to the scientists who have developed those things.

I think that,s all. Thank you very much for your attention. I’m sorry for my mistakes and see you later.
Assalamualaikum wrwb.


use : menggunakan
science = knowledge : ilmu pengetahuan
better life : kehidupan yang lebih baik
breathing : bernafas
sulight : sinar matahari
education : pendidikan
population = resident : penduduk
grow = plant = crops : tumbuh, menanam
rapidly = quickly = soon = fast : dengan cepat
as a matter of fact : pada kenyataanya
land = soil = ground : tanah
cultivate = till : mengolah
still : masih
remains : tetap
vegetables : sayur mayur
problems = matter : masalah
at present = now = at this moment : sekarang
seems = appears = looks : kelihatannya, tampaknya
overcome : mengatasi
harvested : memanen
development : perkembangan
petroleum : minyak tanah
light : cahaya
replaced : menggantikan
formarly = along time ago : dahulu
wood : kayu
fire : api
are needed : dibutuhkan
washing clothes : mencuci pakaian
have changed. : telah mengubah
distance places : jarak jauh
spent : menghabiskan
had to : harus
were invented = were found : ditemukan
not only ......but also the : tidak hanya....tetapi juga
sending a message : mengirim pesan
easily : dengan mudah
all over the world : di seluruh dunia
have to : harus
realize : menyadari
should : seharusnya
say = tell : berkata
scientists : ilmuwan
who have developed : yang telah mengembangkan

Honorable the juries/the audience...

Honorable the teachers from .............................

And my beloved friends,
Assalamualaikum Wrwb.
Good morning/ Good afternoon/Good Evening.
Thanks for the time that given to me, let me introduce myself. My name is .................. I’m from ...................
At this chance, I would like to make speech entitle “Dicipline is our Habit”

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,

What is the meaning of discipline? “Discipline” means that we always do our activities or our jobs according to the time that
we have planed. Or we can say, we do our activities according to the time schedule.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,

My question is : has discipline become our habit. As students, sometimes, we make some mistakes by breaking school
regulation. It is the rule that the students must wear the school uniform when they are at school. Most of the students have
worn white shirt, blue short/ skirt, black shoes, and a tie. But, there are a few students wear white shoes. The students who
break the rule, at last, they get punishment from the teachers.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,

If we want to be successful students, we should arrange our time well and we should obey them by ourselves. It is better for
us to divide our time for studying, going to school, playing, helping our parents, for sleeping and taking a rest.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,

In learning the discipline, we can see Japan. In the World War II, this country was damage. But now Japan has become one
of the Modern and Rich country. The Japan people always appreciate the time well for studying, working, and taking a rest.
Most of them are discipline.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,

We want to be a welfare family. We want to be a welfare country. Let the discipline becomes our habit.
I think that,s all. Thank you very much for your attention. I’m sorry for my mistakes and see you later.
Assalamualaikum wrwb.


meaning : arti
means : beararti
do = carry out : mengerjakan
jobs = work : pekerjaan
according to : menurut
have planed : telah merencanakan
say = tell : mengatakan
time schedule. : jadwal
sometimes : kadang -kadang
make : membuat
mistakes : kesalahan
breaking : melangar
school regulation : tata tertib sekolah
rule : peraturan
wear = put on : mengenakan
uniform : seragam
have worn : telah mengenakan
white shirt : baju putih
blue short : celana pendek
skirt : rok bawah
a few : sedikit
break the rule : melanggar aturan
punishment : hukuman
should : seharusnya
arrange : mengatur
obey : mematuhi
ourselves : diri kita sendiri
better : lebih baik
divide : membagi
our parents : orang tua kita
sleeping : tidur
taking a rest = have a break : beristirahat
in learning : dalam belajar
world war II : perang dunia II
damage = distruction = broken = misty : berantakan
has become : telah menjadi
appreciate : menghargai
welfare family : keluarga sejahtera

Honorable the juries/the audience

Honorable the teachers of junior high school from ..............
And my beloved friends,
Assalamualaikum Wrwb.
Good morning/ Good afternoon/Good Evening.
Thanks for the time that given to me. Let me introduce myself. My name is .................. I’m from ...................
I am going to make speech entitle “Improving The Quality of Life”

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,

Indonesia is a very rich country. There are 13.667 islands which are spread from Sabang to Merauke.There are mines, fertile
farms , large oceans, a lot of rivers, lakes, hills, forests. The farmers cultivate the fertile land and they produce rice, corns,
cassava and others. The fishermen can take fish from lakes, rivers and oceans. Forests provide timber, ressin ,rattan etc.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,

The population of Indonesia is about 150.000.000. The Indonesian people live in the villages and in the cities.There
are many families who live in happiness and welfare.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,

. As a matter of fact, not all Indonesian families live in happiness, but there are many families who live in sorrow and
bitternees. They live with lack of food, lack of drink, lack of proper houses, lack of education, lack of justice. There are a lot
of families who have difficulties in fulfilling their daily lives.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,

The Indonesian people should study and work hard to improve the quality of lives. The fishermen should look for
fish very hard. The farmers should work hard to cultivate their rice field. The doctors should examine the patients well.The
traders should run the shops well. The pilots should fly the aeroplanes carefully. The Indonesian government should help
the poor people. The government should also carry out the law in fair.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,

We don’t want to be arranged by other countries, do we? We don’t want to be governed by the foreigners.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,

We don’t want to live in poorness. We don’t want to live in bitterness. We don’t want to live in sorrow. We want to live
with enough food. We want to live with enough clothes. We want to live with proper houses and enough education.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,

I have some suggestion to achieve these dreams; we have to build our nation by ourselves. Never give up and never
put off until tomorrow what we can do today …..must be planted in our deepest hearts. At last……as young generation:
Let’s always study and work hard for improving the quality of life.
I think that,s all. Thank you very much for your attention. I’m sorry for my mistakes and see you later.
Assalamualaikum wrwb.


improving = increasing : meningkatkan
life : kehidupan
islands : pulau
are spread from : menyebar dari
oceans : samudera
a lot of : banyak
produce : menghasilkan
villages = rural area = countryside : desa
city = town = urban area : kota
happiness : kebahagiaan
welfare. : kesejahteraan
lack of : kekurangan
education : pendidikan
justice ; keadilan
fulfilling : memenuhi
should : seharusnya
study and work hard : belajar dan bekerja keras
look for = seek = search : mencari
rice field : sawah
examine = check : memeriksa :
fly : menerbangkan
carefully : dengan hati-hati
government : pemerintah
carry out = do : mengerjakan
the law : hukum
in fair : dengan adil
don’t want to be arranged by : tidak ingin diatur
other country/other state/other nation : negara lain
don’t want to be governed by : tidak ingin diperintah
the foreigners : orang asing
don’t want to be pressed by : tidak ingin ditekan
the developed countries : negara maju
poorness : kemiskinan
bitterness : kepahitan
sorrow : penderitaan
enough food/meal : cukup makanan
suggestion = advice : saran
achieve : mencapai
dreams : impian
have to = must : harus
build = set up = establish : membangun
ourselves : diri kita sendiri
never give up = never surrender : tidak pernah menyerah
put off = postpone = delay : menunda
must be planted = must be grown : harus ditanam
deepest heart : hati yang terdalam
at last……= finally : akhirnya
as young generation : sebagai generasi muda
let’s always study hard : mari kita selalu belajar keras
improving = increasing : meningkatkan
the quality of life : taraf hidup

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Praise be to compassionate and merciful God, just and wish, who grants His favor and mercy to those who obey Him, who
punishes thoes who disobey Him.
Ladies and gentlemen, who I respect,

Indonesia is a large country, which is inhabited by hundreds of millions people with hundreds of islands spread widely.
We have been independent since 1945, but part of people thought Indonesia has to become independent in terms of
education yet. Even though we have changed its curriculum almost every year, but it is evident that education in
Indonesia has not been able to compete as a whole with the developed countries. We tend to be left behind and have
not been able to print human resources quality of developed countries.

Ladies and gentlemen who I respect

I tried to draw a line to the rear, and I get the irony that it is disappointing. In a country that is very rich there are still
many students dropped out of school, have no uniforms, and swim to reach the school because the bridge is damaged. It
is an irony amid the wealth of our country.
A child who is not getting an education, of course they will have difficulty in achieving a better standard of living in the
future. You've noticed that a lot of poverty arises from ignorance and so much crime arising from poverty.

Ladies and gentlemen, who I respect,

Education is a major key to a better country. Through proper education and comprehensive, we are able to print high-
quality human resources, eradicate poverty, ignorance and crushing.

Students and teachers have diligence, sincere, and keep trying without relentlessness. We are a rich country. Indonesia is
supposed to have the best education. Don't give up on the fate of our nation today, and continue to fight for
independence of education.

Ladies and gentlemen

So what's going on with our education?

The level of education depends on one thing only. Education is depending on us. Good or bad educations of countries
rely on the students. If we want to change our model of education, let's start by changing the way our point of view with
the same education, keep trying, keep learning, keep innovation, keep the invention for our education.

Not much to say today, just a few words on top of that I can offer you today, thank you very much for your attention and
forgive me for my mistakes, and I say

Wasalamwalikum Wr. Wb.

Terjemahan Pidato Bahasa Inggris Hari Pendidikan Nasional 2 Mei
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Segala puji bagi Allah yang penuh kasih dan penuh belas kasihan yang memberikan kebaikan dan rahmat-Nya kepada
orang-orang yang taat kepada-Nya, yang menghukum yang tidak taat kepada-Nya.

Saudara saudara yang saya hormati,

Indonesia adalah negara besar, yang dihuni oleh ratusan juta orang dengan ratusan pulau yang tersebar luas. Kita telah
merdeka sejak tahun 1945, namun sebagian orang berpikir Indonesia belum mandiri dalam hal pendidikan. Meskipun
kita telah berubah kurikulum hampir setiap tahun, tetapi jelas bahwa pendidikan di Indonesia belum mampu bersaing
secara keseluruhan dengan negara-negara maju. Kita cenderung tertinggal dan belum mampu mencetak kualitas sumber
daya manusia seperti negara-negara maju.

Saudara-saudara yang saya hormati

Saya mencoba untuk menarik garis ke belakang, dan saya mendapatkan fakta yang sangat mengecewakan. Dalam
sebuah negara yang sangat kaya ini masih banyak siswa yang putus sekolah, tidak memiliki seragam, dan berenang untuk
mencapai sekolah karena jembatan rusak. Ini adalah sebuah ironi di tengah kekayaan negara kita.

Seorang anak yang tidak mendapatkan pendidikan, tentu saja mereka akan mengalami kesulitan dalam mencapai
standar hidup yang lebih baik di masa depan. Anda telah memperhatikan bahwa banyak kemiskinan muncul dari
kebodohan dan begitu banyak kejahatan yang timbul dari kemiskinan.

Para hadirin, yang saya hormati,

Pendidikan merupakan kunci utama untuk negara yang lebih baik. Melalui pendidikan yang tepat dan komprehensif, kita
dapat mencetak sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas tinggi, memberantas kemiskinan, menghancurkan kebodohan.

Siswa dan guru memiliki ketekunan, tulus, dan terus berusaha tanpa tanpa belas. Kita adalah negara yang kaya.
Indonesia seharusnya memiliki pendidikan yang terbaik. Jangan menyerah pada nasib bangsa kita saat ini, dan terus
berjuang untuk kemerdekaan pendidikan.

Saudara saudara

Jadi apa yang terjadi dengan pendidikan kita?

Tingkat pendidikan tergantung pada satu hal saja. Tingkat pendidikan tergantung pada kita. Pendidikan yang baik atau
buruk dari negara-negara bergantung pada siswa. Jika kita ingin mengubah model pendidikan kita, mari kita mulai
dengan mengubah cara pandang kita dengan pendidikan yang sama, terus mencoba, terus belajar, terus berinovasi,
menjaganya untuk pendidikan kita.

Tidak banyak bicara hari ini, hanya beberapa kata-kata di atas bahwa saya dapat menawarkan Anda hari ini, terima kasih
banyak atas perhatian dan maafkan saya karena kesalahan saya, dan saya katakan

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Honorable the juries/the audience

Honorable the teachers from ..............
And my beloved friends,

Assalamualaikum Wrwb.
Good morning/ Good afternoon/Good Evening.
Thanks for the time that given to me. Let me introduce myself. My name is ..................
I’m from ...................
At this occasion, I am going to make speech entitle “Cheap Education Must Be Implemented in Indonesia School”

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,

Indonesia is a very rich country. There are 13.667 islands which are spread from Sabang to Merauke.There are mines, fertile
farms , large ocean, a lot of rivers, lakes, hills, forests. This kind of things we called natural resources. The farmers cultivate
the fertile land and they produce rice, corns, cassava and others. The fishermen can take fish from lakes, rivers and oceans.
Forests provide timber, ressin ,rattan etc. Forests can protect the soil to be fertile.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,

The population of Indonesia is about 150.000.000. This people become human resources. It means that Indonesia
has a lot of human resources.We need clever people to cultivate the natural resources well. We also need smart and
dicipline people to build this country. We want to arrange our nation by ourselves, don’t we? We don’t want to be arranged
by foreign countries.Indonesia needs clever, strong and responsible humans to cultivate the natural resources and to
arrange this country.As we know that at school and universities, the students are educated and trained to become clever,
capable, dicipline, and responsible persons.
Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,
Because of this reason, the Indonesia government should attempt to apply cheap education for schools. In other
words we can say that it is a must for applying cheap education in Indonesia country.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,

Recently, the government has applied cheap tuition for Elementary School and Junior High School students. But in
fact, the students must spend a lot of money for some reasons. The families need a lot of money for sending their children
to kinder gartens, Senior High School, and Universities.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,

We have known that not all Indonesian families are rich. There are many families who live in sorrow and bitterness.
For the poor, its very difficult for giving food, clothes, and proper house to their children. How could the poor send their
children to Junior High School, Senior High Schhol and Universities? I think it is impossible for them bacause they will spend
a lot of money for paying very expensive cost.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,

In my opinion it is better for the goverment gives the same oportunity to the poor for sending their children to school and
universities. It means that the Indonesia government must apply the cheap education in tnis country.The grand and
scholarship should be given to all of the poor students. By doing so, in the future, Indonesia will have clever and responsible
humans for building this nation.
I think that,s all. Thank you very much for your attention. I’m sorry for my mistakes and see you later.
Assalamualaikum wrwb.


cheap : murah
education : pendidikan
must be implemented : harus diterapkan
spread from : menyebar dari
mines : tambang
fertile farms : tanah subur
rivers = stream : sungai
forests = jungle = wood : hutan
natural resources : sumber alam
cultivate = till : mengolah
fishermen : nelayan
fish : ikan
provide : menyediakan
timber = wood : kayu
ressin : damar
soil = land = ground : tanah
about = approximatly : kira-kira
people = person = human = mankind : orang, manusia
become : menjadi
means : berarti
need = require : membutuhkan
smart = clever = bold : pandai
build : membangun
arrange : mengatur
don’t want to be arranged : tidak ingin diatur
strong : kuat
responsible : tanggung jawab
as we know : sebagaimana kita ketahui
are educated and trained : dididik dan dilatih
because of this reason : karena alasan ini
attempt : berusaha
apply : menerapkan
in other words : dengan kata lain
has applied : telah menerapkan
cheap tuition : biaya murah
elementary school : sekolah dasar
junior high school : SMP
in fact = in reallity : pada kenyataannya
spend : menghabiskan
have known that : telah mengetahui bahwa
sorrow : penderitaan
bitterness : kepahitan
poor : miskin
difficult = hard : sulit
proper house : rumah layak
children = kids = infants : anak-anak.
think : berfikir, berpendapat
impossible : tidak mungkin
in my opinion = in my mind : pendapat saya
oportunity = chance = occasion : kesempatan
grand= scholarship : beasiswa
should be given to : seharusnya diberikan kepada
by doing so : dengan melakukan yang demikian
responsible humans : manusia yang bertanggung jawab

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

First of all, lets pray and thank unto our god Allah who has been giving us some mercies and blessings so we can attend and
gather in this place in good condition and happy situation.
Science has an important role in this journey of life. With someone would be steadier in the exercise of worship to God
Almighty, know the actual purpose and essence. However, in contrast to someone who is blind would be the science of
religion, then everything you do will not know the basics and real purpose. It is not to impinge on the Muslims and we
should realize every Muslim has a duty to study.

Seek the knowledge and you must get priority on every Muslim. People learned and then know the road that will be
traveled. People crave a happy life in the world and it must have knowledge. People who crave happiness the world
hereafter shall have science anyway. Therefore be not to feel tired to study, and anywhere we have to keep looking though
the country of China, as a similar.
All attendees who are blessed

Many ways is carried out to look for knowledge. Some seek knowledge by listening to Religious and some are looking for
science through reading books. Also some seek knowledge through schools, and many more seek trough science resource.
But keep in mind that it is known and seeking the most dominant is to start children of school age. Because with a great
opportunity, the children of early age still have a strong catching power. The science is really as capital material on the life
of the days to come. Science has accepted the children start early with a serious manner. It will be marked and remembered
constantly. So the importance of the study started early, meaning they can really reach a golden opportunity. As with
science, then it could support the full of life now and tomorrow and in the next future.

All attendees who are blessed,

Once we find the science seriously, do not forget to practice. The learned are obligated to practice the science not hidden.
When someone has a science and then hidden, then the threat will be received. So the short blurb that we pass, with
hopeful we have servants including religious studies. We want to apply in everyday life so happy world of the afterlife.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Terjemahan Pidato Bahasa Inggris Kewajiban Menuntut Ilmu

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Pertama-tama, mari kita berdoa dan terima kasih kepada Tuhan kami Allah yang telah memberikan kita keberkahan
sehingga kita dapat hadir dan berkumpul di tempat ini dalam kondisi dan situasi yang baik pula.

Pengetahuan memiliki peran penting dalam perjalanan kehidupan ini. Dengan pengetahuan, seseorang akan mantap dalam
melaksanakan ibadah kepada Allah SWT, mengetahui tujuan yang sebenarnya. Namun, berbeda dengan seseorang yang
buta akan ilmu, maka semua yang Anda lakukan tanpa mengetahui dasar-dasar dan tujuan sebenarnya. Hal ini menimpa
pada umat Islam dan kita harus menyadari setiap muslim memiliki kewajiban untuk belajar.

Carilah ilmu dan Anda harus mendapatkan prioritas pada setiap Muslim. Orang belajar dan kemudian mengetahui jalan
yang akan ditempuh. Orang mendambakan hidup bahagia di dunia dan hal itu harus memiliki pengetahuan. Orang-orang
yang mendambakan kebahagiaan dunia akhirat harus memiliki ilmu pengetahuan pula. Oleh karena itu, dia tidak akan
merasa lelah untuk belajar, dan di mana saja kita harus terus mencari meskipun negara Cina, ibaratnya.

Semua peserta yang dirahmati

Banyak cara dilakukan untuk mencari pengetahuan. Beberapa mencari ilmu dengan mendengarkan dan ada pula yang
mencari ilmu pengetahuan melalui membaca buku. Juga beberapa mencari ilmu melalui sekolah, dan banyak lagi mencari
melalui sumber daya dan ilmu pengetahuan. Namun perlu diingat dan diketahui bahwa mencari ilmu yang paling dominan
adalah mulai anak-anak. Karena dengan usia tersebut, anak-anak usia dini masih memiliki daya pikir yang bagus. Ilmu benar-
benar sebagai bahan modal pada kehidupan masa yang akan datang. Ilmu pengetahuan telah membuat anak-anak mulai
awal belajar dengan serius. Ini akan ditandai dan diingat terus-menerus. Jadi pentingnya pengetahuan dimulai sejak dini,
yang berarti mereka benar-benar dapat mencapai kesempatan emas. Seperti ilmu pengetahuan, maka hal itu bisa
mendukung penuh kehidupan sekarang dan besok dan di masa mendatang.

Semua peserta yang dirahmati

Setelah kita menemukan ilmu dengan serius, jangan lupa untuk mengamalkanya. Kita diwajibkan untuk tidak
menyembunyikan ilmu. Ketika seseorang memiliki ilmu dan kemudian disembunyikan, maka ancaman akan diterima. Inilah
uraian singkat yang kita miliki dengan harapan kita memiliki pembelajaran agama. Kita harus menerapkan dalam kehidupan
sehari-hari sehingga bisa membahagiakan di dunia dan akhirat.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Honorable the juries,

Honorable the teachers from ..............
And my beloved friends,
Assalamualaikum Wrwb.
Good morning/ Good afternoon/Good Evening.
Thanks for the time that given to me, let me introduce myself. My name is .................. I’m from ...................
At this accasion, I am going to make speech entitle “ English is the Key For The Global World”.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,

As human being, we need to communicate to each other for fulfilling our daily needs such as food, drinks, clothes etc. One
mean of communication is language. We talk and speak to other people by using a certain language. It’s Ok in Java Island,
we use java language and Sunda language.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,

We can communicate to the people from the other provinces in Indonesia by using Indonesian Language. No problem. That
acceptable. We managed to communicate to most of Indonesian People by using Indonesian Language.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,

The main problem for us is we are in the global world now. In the global world as if no border among the countries. We do
not only communicate to Indonesian People but we should communicate to other people from all over the world who come
to our country. There are a lot of people from Indonesia also go abroad. Should we speak to the foreigners with our mother
language or Indonesian Language? Of course, most of them do not understand what we are talking about. We….fail.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,

How to overcome this problem?. The answer is English. English is spoken all over the world. English has become one of the
international language. Wherever we go to a certain part of the world most of the people will understand us if we
communicate with them by using English.
Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,
There are many information, sciences and technology that are written in English. That’s why English is the key of the global
world. If we master English well, we can communicate to other people from all over the world. We can also improve our
skills and knowledge by reading English books or articles by opening the internet.

I think that,s all. Thank you very much for your attention. I’m sorry for my mistakes and see you later.
Assalamualaikum wrwb.

Isi Pidato Kebersihan Lingkungan Sekolah.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We often heard many slogans which recommend us to keep environment clean in some places, especially in school.

However, we sometimes forgot it. We thought that it is like a joke without any importances and advantages. As far as we
know that the slogan is very important for us to make us always keep our school cleanliness; but the fact that there are so
many students who still throw rubbish around although they have known there is a dustbin.

Of course, we don’t want our school to be dirty and full of rubbish. For the sake of making our surroundings clean and
healthy, we need to do some ways to avoid and solve the problems. They are :

Teachers should give examples to always throw the rubbish in the bin.
Teachers should warn and advise students who throw the rubbish around especially when the students are eating and
drinking in the classroom.
School should have rules relating to this cleanliness.
School should have threat of punishment for whoever throws the rubbish around.
Students should remember and apply all rules so that they are afraid of the punishment given when they throw the rubbish

All of us, especially the students of SMA Englishindo, should always remember that the rules are not to be broken but to be
comply with. Through these ways, the cleanliness in the school is not only a myth but a real fact which makes the process of
learning and teaching in the classroom to be comfortable for everyone.
Penutup Pidato Kebersihan Lingkungan Sekolah.

Last but not least, I hope that this speech is useful for all of us so that our school can be the best school in our country.
Thanks for your nice attentions.

Wassalamu'alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh.

Honorable the juries/the audience.

Honorable the teachers of junior/ high school from ........
And my beloved friends,
Assalamualaikum Wrwb.
Good morning/ Good afternoon/Good Evening.
Thanks for the time that given to me. Let me introduce myself. My name is ......................... I’m from SMP N 01 Kayen. At
this occasion, I would like to make speech about
“The Important Of Education”
Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,
At this time, I would like to make speech about “The Important Of Education’

What the meaning of Education? Education is the process of getting knowledge and skills inside school and outside school.
At school, there is usually teaching and learning process between the teachers and the students.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,

There are two kinds of Education, those are Formal Education and Informal Education. Formal Education consists of some
levels, such as : Play Group, Kinder Garden, Elementary School, Junior High School, Senior High School, Vacational School,
and University.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,

Science and technology develop so rapidly now. We can get science, technology and some skills trough Formal Education
and Informal one.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,

As a free country with rich nature resources and human resources, we don’t want to be arranged by the foreigners. We
don’t want to be pressed by other countries. As a free country, we want to build our nation by our selves. We want to
arrange our people and our nation by our power and our human resources.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,

What is the answer of all these? Education. Once again I say Education. Through Education, we get knowledge. Through
Education, we gain skills and some experience to become clever and skilful persons.
I think that,s all. Thank you very much for your attention. I’m sorry for my mistakes and see you later.
Assalamualaikum wrwb.


important = necessary : perlu
education : pendidikan
make speech : berpidato
science = knowledge : ilmu pengetahuan
skills : keahlian
inside : di dalam
outside : diluar
teaching : mengajar
learning = studying : belajar
kinds : macam - macam
consists of : terdiri dari
develop : berkembang
so : dengan demikian
rapidly = quickly = fast = soon : dengan cepat
get = get = gain = obtain = require : mendapat
through : melalui
country = state = nation : negara
natural resources : sumber daya alam
human resources : sumber daya manusia
don’t want to be arranged by : tidak ingin diatur
foreigners ; orang asing
don’t want to be pressed by : tidak ingin ditekan
other countries. ; negara lain
as a free country : sebagai negara yang merdeka
build : membangun
arrange : mengatur
answer : menjawab
once again : sekali lagi
say = tell : mengatakan
experience : pengalaman
become : menjadi

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