Race Aiyur

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“The Aiyur came from elsewhere in the Verse to protect Aeran from the Darkness and its shadows. Did they
cause the coming of the Shadowlands or did they come to stop it from destroying the world...”
Excerpt from the Book of

The Aiyur, or Firstborn as they call themselves, are one of the oldest races of the Verse, and only recently
did they arrive in Aeran with the coming of the Darkness and its shadow legions. While many blame them for
the arrival of the Shadowlands and its nightmarish creatures, others are more willing to see the Aiyur in a
more positive light. For many, Aiyur are suspected of monstrous deeds, though they nonetheless keep the
Darkness and its minions at bay protecting the world and its peoples even if its a thankless job.

First Among Many

The Aiyur are an ancient race of psionically adept humanoids which themselves believe to be the Firstborn
of all sentient beings in the Verse. Long ago they fought a war against the Overlords on their homeworld and
nearly succeeded in winning the uphill war against that godlike species. They are far older than the Elves, and
even older still than the Dragons.

Some claim that the Aiyur are the Celestial Beings mentioned about in the holy texts, if so they fought the
Darkness and its legion long ago in a war of good and evil. Perhaps a war that still rages.

Tall and Mysterious

Aiyur stand between 7 and 9 feet tall, with average heights somewhere around 8 feet tall. They have two
glowing white eyes, devoid of irises, and gray or dark brown skin covered in scales. They have misshapen
digitigrade legs that end in split hoof like toes. They have broad shoulders and torsos which end in slim
midsections. Their heads are elongated with bony crests that extend back from the crown of the head. They
have no mouths, and have adapted to this by speaking with through telepathy. They have three fingers and a
single thumb. They are thought to be perfected beings, as they are well suited to different climates and
natural conditions. They get their sustenance from bathing in radiant light, while the little amount of water
then need being absorbed through their skin. Aiyur describe the principle of light absorption to be the same
as plants, but over a much wider electromagnetic spectrum. They do require oxygen to survive, but can live
for double the normal amount of rounds without breathing should they be required to do so. Aiyur waste
excretion occurs on a molecular level through the skin.
Aiyur used to hunt on their homeworld of Aiur, but only to gather hides and other trade goods. Aiyur hear
and smell through special glands beneath their skin, and their primary sensory organ is their eyes. They have
such superior vision as to see well at night. They are however, bereft of mouths and are without a sense of
taste. They possess three “hearts” though these organs are so close together that they are often referred to
as one organ. They sleep and dream in a similar fashion to a human.

Long Lived and High Cultured

Aiyur can live in excess of 1,000 years, with the eldest members of their race being recorded to have lived
during the War of Kinstrife, which occurred 1,500 years ago. They are able-bodied for much of this time, only
growing frail at the end of their life. Before the Fall of Aiur, Aiyur were numbered higher than 1 million souls,
though they never were as prolific a people as even the Elves. When they came to Aeran, the Aiyur were less
than 500,000 souls, and conflicts against the Darkness have lowered this number even further.
Though they are all great warriors, and psions, Aiyur actually live in a Caste System, named for the seven
elemental types. The Aether Caste is the born leaders, the Fire Caste the known warriors. The Earth Caste are
all skilled craftsmen, while the Air Caste are all skilled musicians and entertainers, though they also serve as
scouts. With Water Caste as their diplomats for the species, and the Spirit Caste as their healers and priests.

Aiyur Names
Aiyur mature rapidly until they are biologically considered adults at the age of 10, once they have matured
they choose their own names during their Trials, and this name is forever with them thereafter, though they
might add additional elements to their name for various reasons.
Male Names. Artanis, Baoran, Caedis, Dranis, Eaman, Khalonis, Marovis, Natharis, Selonis, Thenothan,
Female Names. Amarantha, Arlona, Baela, Caedra, Damara, Hunara, Ithlara, Jadara, Lemela, Nalatha,
Palara, Selotha, Ysaena.

Aiyur Traits
As a Aiyur, you have the following traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2, and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age. Although Aiyur reach physical maturity at a much more rapid scale than a human, they live far longer,
with the oldest know specimens living well past 1,000 years.
Alignment. Aiyur are orderly and highly disciplined, tending very strongly towards Law, though many
remain neutral, or even chaotic.
Size. Aiyur stand between 7 and 9 feet and weigh between 200 and 240 lbs. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it
were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.
Aiyur Magic. You know the Guidance cantrip. At 3rd level, you can cast the Disguise Self spell, which you
can cast once per short or long rest. At 5th level, you can cast Detect Thoughts once per short or long rest.
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Naturally Psionic. You have proficiency in the Arcana skill.
Shadows of the Void. You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by darkness or
Telepathic Speech. You can communicate telepathically with any creature you can see within 30 feet of
you. You don’t need to share a language with the creature for it to understand your telepathic utterances, but
the creature must be able to understand at least one language. You can make a DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana)
check to double this distance for one minute.
War Training. You have proficiency with light armor and with all psiblades.
Languages. Aiyur have no mouth and can’t speak in a traditional fashion, but they can use their
Telepathic Speech to speak to others. They can read and write Common and Aiyuras.

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