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A Thesis

Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of

Nicholls State University
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Science
Marine and Environmental Biology

MattiLynn D. Dantin
B.S., Nicholls State University, 2005

Spring 2007

This is to certify that the thesis entitled “Distribution and Relative Abundance of

blue crab Callinectes sapidus in the Upper Barataria Estuary, Louisiana” submitted for

the award of Master of Science to Nicholls State University is a record of authentic,

original research conducted by Mrs. MattiLynn D. Dantin under our supervision and

guidance and that no part of this thesis has been submitted for the award of any other

degree, diploma, fellowship, or other similar titles.


Quenton Fontenot, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of
Biological Sciences ______________________________ ____________
Committee Member

Allyse Ferrara, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of
Biological Sciences ______________________________ ____________
Committee Member

Earl Melancon, Ph.D.

Professor of
Biological Sciences ______________________________ ____________
Committee Member


Blue crabs Callinectes sapidus are marine organisms that seasonally migrate

within an estuary and contribute to energy transfer throughout the system. Because blue

crab is a commercially and recreationally important species within Louisiana estuaries, it

is important to understand factors that may affect blue crab distribution and abundance.

The Barataria Estuary is bordered by the Mississippi River to the east, Bayou Lafourche

to the west, and the Gulf of Mexico to the south. The upper-most reaches of the Barataria

Estuary are comprised of approximately 41% of forested freshwater wetlands including

the Lac Des Allemands/Bayou Chevreuil area. Blue crabs were sampled weekly between

11 July and 6 December 2006, with modified commercial crab traps at seven fixed sites

in Bayou Chevreuil. Traps were baited with fish carcasses or chicken pieces, and

remained deployed for approximately 24 hours. Surface and bottom water temperature

(°C), salinity (ppt), dissolved oxygen (DO; mg/L) and specific conductance (µs) were

measured at each site when traps were deployed. Blue crab catch per unit effort (CPUE)

was determined as the mean number of crabs collected per trap per day. Crabs were

enumerated and transported to the Bayousphere Research Laboratory to be sexed,

reproductive state determined, and measured for carapace width (mm), carapace length

(mm), cheliped-free body weight (g), and individual cheliped weight (g). Individual trap

CPUE ranged from 0-24 crabs/trap/day. Of the 649 blue crabs collected from Bayou

Chevreuil, there were 24 immature females, 34 mature females, and 591 males. Overall,

females were wider than males, but males were heavier than females of similar width (P

< 0.0001). Temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity, and specific conductance were

positively correlated (P < 0.05) to blue crab abundance. Distribution and abundance were

highest in July and August and lowest in November and December. Blue crabs are a

seasonally abundant species in Bayou Chevreuil.


I would like to thank my committee members, Dr. Earl Melancon and Dr. Allyse

Ferrara for their continued support, kindness, and pool of knowledge. Special thanks is

regarded for my major professor, Dr. Quenton Fontenot. He has been my mentor and

friend throughout my graduate experience. The never ending guidance, wisdom, and

patience of my graduate committee has kept me motivated in the pursuit of this degree.

I would like to thank the Nicholls State University Department of Biological

Sciences and the Nicholls State University Bayousphere Research Laboratory for the use

of their vehicles, vessels, and equipment during this endeavor. I would also like to thank

Mr. Joey Toups for donating the crab traps that were used in this study.

Special thanks are held for my family and friends. None of this would have been

possible without the constant love and push by my parents to do better for myself. They

have always supported my decisions for further education and have made themselves

available for whatever tasks that entailed. I thank my siblings and their spouses. They

too were always willing to assist in this undertaking with physical labor and moral

support. I cannot continue without recognition of my graduate professors and fellow

graduate students. They are truly a wonderful group of peers whom every one of them

has helped with the completion of this project. I only wish I could thank everyone by

name. As for my office mates, Olivia Smith and Heather Dyer, I hold great appreciation.

I could always count on these two women, no matter the situation.

The greatest appreciation is held for my husband. He believed in me and my

success when I no longer did. His love and encouragement was my drive and confidence

to accomplish this goal.





Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………….……v

List of Figures…………………………………………………………………………….vi

List of Tables………………………………………………………………………….….ix

List of Scientific Names…………………………………………………………………...x






Literature Cited…………………………………………………………………………..55

Appendix I……………………………………………………………………………….60

Appendix II………………………………………………………………………………76

Appendix III……………………………………………………………………………...83

Biographical Sketch……………………………………………………………………...86

Curriculum Vitae………………………………………………………………………...87


Figure 1. Location of the Barataria Estuary (gray area) in southeastern Louisiana…...…2

Figure 2. Approximate salinity gradient within the Barataria Estuary based on

data obtained from Braud et al. (2006), LDWLF (2005), and Jaworski

Figure 3. Geographic distribution of blue crab. Populations around Europe and

Japan have been introduced and are not native to those areas…………………….7

Figure 4. Sexually dimorphic characteristics of male and female blue crabs.

Illustrated above is the abdominal apron of the male (a), immature female
(b), and mature female (c) blue crab………………………………………………9

Figure 5. Approximate inland most regions occupied by blue crabs in the Barataria
Estuary for each stage of the blue crab life cycle………………………………..13

Figure 6. Bayou Chevreuil and Lac Des Allemands in the Barataria Estuary
(earth.google.com). Location of seven fixed study sites………………………..15

Figure 7. Modified commercial crab trap with closed escape rings…………………….16

Figure 8. Mean (±SD) water temperature in Bayou Chevreuil for all sites combined
for each sample date……………………………………………………………...21

Figure 9. Mean (±SD) water temperature for each site in Bayou Chevreuil for all
sample dates combined from 11 July 2006 to 6 December 2006………………..22

Figure 10. Mean (±SD) dissolved oxygen levels in Bayou Chevreuil for all sites
combined for each sample date. The dashed line represents DO levels at
2.0 mg/L………………………………………………………………………….23

Figure 11. Mean (±SD) overall dissolved oxygen for each site in Bayou Chevreuil
for all sample dates combined from 11 July 2006 to 6 December 2006.
Means with similar letters are not different……………………………………...24

Figure 12. Mean (±SD) salinity in Bayou Chevreuil for all sites combined for each
sample date……………………………………………………………………….25

Figure 13. Mean (±SD) specific conductance in Bayou Chevreuil for all sites
combined for each sample date…………………………………………………..26

Figure 14. Mean (±SD) specific conductance for each site in Bayou Chevreuil for
all sample dates combined from 11 July 2006 to 6 December 2006. Means
with a similar letters are not different……………………………………………27

Figure 15. Size distribution based on carapace width of male and female blue
crabs collected in Bayou Chevreuil from 11 July 2006 to 6 December 2006…...29

Figure 16. Percentage of male, mature female, and immature female blue crabs
collected from Bayou Chevreuil on each sample date from 11 July 2006 to
6 December 2006………………………………………………………………...30

Figure 17. Mean (±SD) width (mm), length (mm), and body weight (g) for male
and female blue crabs collected in Bayou Chevreuil from 11 July 2006 to 6
December 2006. Means within each group that share a common letter are
not different………………………………………………………………………31

Figure 18. Carapace length (a.) and width (b.) as a predictor of cheliped –free
weight for male and female blue crabs in Bayou Chevreuil. There is no
difference between males and females based on length-weight relationship.
Males weighed more than females of similar width (P < 0.0001)……………….32

Figure 19. Carapace width as a predictor of left (a.) and right (b.) cheliped weights
for male female blue crabs in Bayou Chevreuil. Males had larger chelipeds
than females of similar width (P < 0.0001)……………………………………...33

Figure 20. Mean (±SD) condition (K) of male and female blue crabs in Bayou
Chevreuil from 11 July 2006 to 6 December 2006………………………………...34

Figure 21. Mean (±SD) condition (K) of male and female blue crabs for all sites
combined in Bayou Chevreuil for each sample date………………………………35

Figure 22. Mean (±SD) CPUE for each site in Bayou Chevreuil for all sample
dates combined from 11 July 2006 to 6 December 2006. Means with similar
letters are not different…………………………………………………………...36

Figure 23. Mean (±SD) CPUE of blue crabs in Bayou Chevreuil for all sites
combined and the mean (±SD) water temperature for all sites combined
for each sample date. Critical temperature (15 °C) is the water temperature
that blue crabs have been documented to migrate down estuary for the
winter months (Jaworski 1972)…………………………………………………..37

Figure 24. Water temperature (°C) and blue crab CPUE at sites 1 – 7 in Bayou
Chevreuil by sampling date……………………………………………………...39

Figure 25. Mean (±SD) CPUE of blue crabs in Bayou Chevreuil for all sites
combined and the mean (±SD) DO for all sites combined for each sample

Figure 26. Mean (±SD) CPUE of blue crabs in Bayou Chevreuil for all sample

dates when DO > 2.0 mg/L was higher than mean CPUE of blue crabs in
Bayou Chevreuil for all sample dates when DO ≤ 2.0 mg/L (P < 0.0039)………41

Figure 27. Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) and blue crab CPUE at sites 1 - 7 in Bayou
Chevreuil by sampling date……………………………………………………...42

Figure 28. Mean (±SD) CPUE of blue crabs in Bayou Chevreuil for all sites
combined and the mean (±SD) salinity for all sites combined for each
sample date……………………………………………………………………….43

Figure 29. Mean (±SD) CPUE of blue crabs in Bayou Chevreuil for all sites
combined and the mean (±SD) specific conductance for all sites combined
for each sample date……………………………………………………………...44

Figure 30. Specific conductance (µS) and blue crab CPUE at sites 1 - 7 in Bayou
Chevreuil by sampling date……………………………………………………...45

Figure 31. Mean (±SD) condition (K) of all blue crabs collected in Bayou Chevreuil
and the mean (±SD) condition of all blue crabs collected in Fourchon/Grand
Isle for each sample date. Circles group saltwater samples with the closest
freshwater samples before and after each saltwater sample. Means with a
similar letter in each group are not different (P < 0.05)…………………………46


Table 1. Total number of species collected in Bayou Chevreuil from

11 July 2006 to 6 December 2006, using modified commercial crab


Bald cypress Taxodium distichum

Tupelo gum Nyssa aquatica
Blue crab Callinectes sapidus
Lesser blue crab Callinectes similis
Black drum Pogonias cromis
Red drum Sciaenops ocellatus
Atlantic croaker Micropogonias undulatus
American eel Anguilla rostrata
Alligator gar Lepisosteus spatula
Spotted gar Lepisosteus oculatus
Channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus
Blue catfish Ictalurus furcatus
Gizzard shad Dorosoma cepedianum
Chicken Gallus domesticus
Spotted gar Lepisosteus oculatus
Bluegill Lepomis macrochirus
White crappie Pomoxis annularis
Yellow bullhead Ameiurus natalis
Redear sunfish Lepomis microlophis
Bowfin Amia calva


Formed approximately 3,500 – 4,000 years ago, the Barataria Estuary is the most

recently abandoned Mississippi River deltaic lobe (LDWLF 2005, Barr and Hebrard

1976). Bordered by the Mississippi River on the east and Bayou Lafourche on the west,

this interconnected hydrologic network extends inland from the Gulf of Mexico for 120

km (Swenson et al. 2006; Jaworski 1972; Figure 1). The Barataria Estuary was

historically connected to the Mississippi River by a series of distributaries and

interdistributaries. The predictable annual spring floods of the Mississippi River would

inundate low-lying areas within the Barataria Estuary with nutrient and sediment rich

water. Many organisms within the Barataria Estuary have adapted to the historic high

water levels associated with the annual Mississippi River spring floods for spawning and

foraging. High water levels coupled with increasing temperature may be an important

cue for many organisms to move onto the floodplain for spawning (Snedden et al. 1999;

Sparks 1995).

The Barataria Estuary is characterized by forested wetlands (11.7%), fresh marsh

(10.2%), intermediate marsh (4.2%), brackish marsh (3.9%), saline marsh (7.2%), and

open saline waters of the Gulf of Mexico along a continuous hydrologic and salinity

gradient (Braud et al. 2006; Figure 2). Approximately 42.5% of the Barataria Estuary is

water (Braud et al. 2006). Local flora and fauna of these regions have adapted to periodic

flooding. The upper-most reaches of the Barataria Estuary (east of Lac Des Allemands)

are approximately 41% forested wetlands (swamps), 38% agricultural lands, and include

a number of bayous and canals (Braud et al. 2006). Salinities in these waters rarely

exceed 1.0 ppt. Dominated by alluvial clay soils, woody vegetation, and high levels of

Figure 1. Location of the Barataria Estuary (gray area) in southeastern Louisiana.

Figure 2. Approximate salinity gradient within the Barataria Estuary based on data
obtained from Braud et al. (2006), LDWLF (2005), and Jaworski (1972).

primary production, the swamp forest connects with fresh marsh south of Lac Des

Allemands (Barr and Hebrard 1976). Fresh marshes are characterized by salinities less

than 2.0 ppt (LDWLF 2005) and non-woody vegetation that is adapted to saturated soils.

High levels of terrestrial primary production are because of fertile soils comprised of

partially decomposed organic matter. The fresh marsh of the Barataria Estuary has

greater wildlife diversity as compared to other marsh habitats (LDWLF 2005). The fresh

marsh connects with intermediate marsh south of Lake Salvador. Intermediate marsh is

characterized by an irregular tidal and salinity regime with a salinity range of 2.0 – 10.0

ppt (Braud et al. 2006; LDWLF 2005). The diversity of species in intermediate marsh

derives from an overlap of organisms common to surrounding fresh and brackish

marshes. Brackish marshes connect intermediate marsh with saline environments and are

the inland most units that are strongly influenced by tidal actions (Barr and Hebrard

1976). Salinities in brackish marsh range from 10.0 – 18.0 ppt (Swenson and Turner

1998; Jaworski 1972). The brackish marsh of the Barataria Estuary exhibits high

biodiversity, especially in larval forms of marine organisms. The saline marsh of the

Barataria Estuary extends inland from the Gulf of Mexico about 30 km and is the habitat

most influenced by diurnal tidal variation (Jones et al. 2002). Soils are predominately

sand and yield the lowest number of plant species; however, saline marshes are primary

nursery grounds for numerous marine organisms (Heck et al. 2001). Saline marshes end

where the open ocean begins and can have salinities up to 30 ppt, whereas the coastal

waters of the Gulf of Mexico can reach 40 ppt (Jaworski 1972). Weather fronts and

storms affect the flux of salinity in the Barataria system as heavy rainfall pushes the

salinity gradient southward and periods of drought drive the salinity gradient northward

(Melancon et al. 1998; Swenson and Turner 1998). The relative area of land mass of the

Barataria system decreases from the upper estuary to the open waters of the Gulf of

Mexico, as the salinity increases.

Bayou Lafourche and other distributaries were cut off from the Mississippi River

and the annual Mississippi River flood pulse in order to prevent flooding in the Barataria

Estuary. Without the connection to the annual spring floods of the Mississippi River,

freshwater input into the estuary is primarily through local precipitation. Yet, with the

escalating problem of coastal erosion and saltwater intrusion, Louisiana authorities have

implemented several freshwater diversion projects, one of which is located in the

Barataria Estuary. The Davis Pond freshwater diversion structure was designed to

convey water through the Mississippi River’s west containment levee (Swenson et al.

2006). Nutrient and sediment rich Mississippi River water is diverted through a holding

pond, which drains into Lake Cataouache, and then south to the Gulf of Mexico through

the mid and lower Barataria Estuary (Swenson et al. 2006).

The main open water body in the upper Barataria Estuary is Lac Des Allemands.

This 486 ha flat-bottom lake lies west of New Orleans, Louisiana. With its southeasterly

flow, Bayou Chevreuil weaves across the upper Barataria Estuary and empties into Lac

Des Allemands. Ninety percent of the low-lying cypress-tupelo (Taxodium distichum,

Nyssa aquatica) swamps that surround Bayou Chevreuil drain directly into the bayou

during rains and high water periods (Day et al. 1976) carrying along leaf litter and other

organic materials that serve as an important food source for many aquatic organisms,

including blue crab Callinectes sapidus.

The blue crab is a member of the decapod family Portunidae, the swimming

crabs, which contain 300 extant species (Guillory et al. 2001). Swimming crabs are

identified by their most posterior pair of walking legs that have evolved to form

swimming paddles for better mobility throughout the water column. Blue crab is one of

only two species of swimming crabs found in Louisiana and is identified by four carapace

ridges between the eyes. The other swimming crab C. similis has six carapace ridges

between the eyes (Jaworski 1972). Blue crabs are blue to gray in color with a somewhat

convex carapace that is approximately 2.5 times wider than it is long (Meinkoth 1981).

Blue crabs are classified as detritivores, omnivores, and cannibals; eating everything

from decaying fish flesh, to clams and submerged aquatic vegetation, and even smaller

individuals of their own kind, making them an important organism for nutrient cycling

and energy transfer within an ecosystem (Fitz and Weigert 1991; Laughlin 1982; Darnell


Blue crabs have a large geographic distribution. Blue crabs are abundant

throughout the Gulf of Mexico and along the Atlantic coast as far north as Nova Scotia

and south as far as northern Argentina (Van Engel 1958). Blue crabs have also been

introduced into coastal waters of Europe, the Mediterranean, and Japan (Van Engel 1958;

Figure 3). Blue crabs support a large commercial and recreational fishery and are an

economically important organism within the Barataria Estuary (Guillory et al. 2001).

A study by Tagatz (1969) indicated that blue crabs can increase their tolerance to

temperature changes with an increased acclimation period. Tagatz (1969) tested blue

crabs at 0 °C with different acclimation times ranging from 3 – 21 days, and found that

blue crab survival increased with increased acclimation time. However, significant

Figure 3. Geographic distribution of blue crab. Populations around Europe and Japan
have been introduced and are not native to those areas.

mortality occurs if blue crabs are exposed to extended periods (≥ 15 days) of water

temperatures below 3 °C (Rome et al. 2005). Blue crabs have very little tolerance for low

temperatures and practice autotomy (sacrificing limbs for survival) at water temperatures

below 5 °C to conserve energy (Rome et al. 2005). Most blue crab activity occurs from

late spring to early fall, but remain dormant and buried in the marsh sediment during the

winter months. Blue crabs vacate lower saline waters of the upper estuary when

temperatures drop to 15 °C to seek out warmer waters near the coast (Jaworski 1972).

With smaller size classes (carapace width (CW) ≤ 30 mm) caught in the winter (15.7 ±

0.19 °C) and the largest size class (CW ≥ 100 mm) caught in the summer (30.1 ± 0.13

°C), Jones et al. (2002) have suggested that juveniles are more tolerant to low

temperatures than are adults.

Blue crabs have sexually dimorphic external physical characteristics (Figure 4).

Mature females have a wide and rounded abdominal apron, while the abdominal apron of

immature females is less rounded and is more triangular in shape (Guillory et al. 2001;

Jaworski 1972; Tagatz 1968; Van Engel 1958). Females also have bright red coloration

on their chelae, or claws. Mature and immature males have the same shape abdominal

aprons, which makes it difficult to determine maturity. Male abdominal aprons are very

slender and tower shaped, and mature males have blue chelae (Guillory et al. 2001;

Jaworski 1972; Tagatz 1968; Van Engel 1958). Immature males will often have a slight

touch of red coloration on the tips of the chelae; however, this is not always a reliable

determination for maturity.

Blue crabs undergo several morphological changes and use different areas of

estuarine systems during their life expectancy of 2 - 4 years. Blue crabs are characterized

Figure 4. Sexually dimorphic characteristics of male and female blue crabs. Illustrated
above is the abdominal apron of the male (a), immature female (b), and mature
female (c) blue crab.

by discontinuous growth that only occurs during ecdysis (molting; Miller and Smith

2003). The blue crab sheds its exoskeleton during ecdysis to make room for somatic

growth and then takes in water to “puff up” the new shell before it hardens. Juveniles can

increase approximately 14 mm in carapace width per month, and adults can increase 15 -

20 mm in carapace width per month (Adkins 1972). However, adults molt less frequently

than juveniles due to the greater amount of energy needed by adults for ecdysis. Blue

crabs are often arranged in the following size classes: sub-juveniles (zoeae and

megalops); less than 20 mm CW: juveniles; 20 - 80 mm CW: and adults; greater than 80

mm CW (McClintock et al. 1993; Fitz and Wiegert 1991).

Male blue crabs molt throughout their lifetime, but females experience a limited

number of molts. The final molt of the female blue crab is called the pubertal molt.

Female blue crabs become sexually mature during their pubertal molt (Tagatz 1968; Van

Engel 1958; Churchill 1919). Prior to the pubertal molt, the female blue crab releases

pheromones into the water column to attract a mate (Gleeson 1980). The pheromones

signal that the female has reached maturity, is about to enter her final molt, and is ready

to mate. The attracted male blue crab stays with the female until she molts, at which time

mating occurs during the female’s soft-shell state (Van Engel 1987). The male continues

to guard the female until her shell has hardened and she is less vulnerable to predation.

Because the female only mates during her pubertal molt, the spermatozoa from the single

mating are held for multiple spawnings (Van Engel 1958).

Blue crab mating occurs in the brackish waters of an estuary. After mating,

females migrate down estuary to spawn in higher salinities (Hines 2003; McClintock

1993; Van Engel 1987). A gravid female bearing eggs is commonly referred to as a

sponge crab. Her first spawning occurs within 2 - 6 months after mating and she

produces approximately 2 million eggs per sponge (Churchill 1919; Guillory et al. 2001).

The female blue crab carries the eggs for about two weeks and then releases the larvae in

the warm, more saline coastal waters. Water temperatures greater than 19 °C and salinity

greater than 20 ppt are optimal for spawning (Sulkin et al. 1976).

Blue crab larvae go through two stages of development. The first stage is the

zoeal stage (Heck et al. 2001). Starting at 0.25 mm in width, zoeae have very little

physical resemblance to the adult blue crab, and either stay in the coastal bays or move

into the open ocean for further growth and development. They are planktonic consumers

that remain in surface waters for feeding. Like all other stages of the blue crab life cycle,

zoeal growth only occurs during molting. Zoeae undergo 4 - 7 molts over a 30 - 50 day

period (Van Engel 1958). The final molt of the zoeal stage occurs when the zoea are

approximately 1.0 mm wide and transforms from the zoeae into the megalops stage.

Megalopae stay in the nearshore, mesohaline estuarine waters for development, where

they swim freely about feeding near the water column bottom (Tagatz 1968). After 6 -

20 days and one transforming molt, megalopae enter the juvenile stage (Van Engel 1958).

Early juveniles are approximately 2.5 mm CW and physically resemble adult blue

crabs. Juvenile blue crabs migrate up estuary into lower saline and even fresh waters of

the system, where they continue to grow and mature through a number of molts.

Juveniles reach maturity in the lower salinity estuarine waters after 18 - 20 post-larval

molts at a carapace width greater than 100 mm (Miller and Smith 2003). However, some

juveniles remain in the lower estuary. Maturity is reached 12 - 18 months after larval

release, at which time mating can occur and the females will then migrate down estuary

to saline waters for spawning (McClintock et al. 1993). The entire blue crab life cycle

can occur in one estuarine system (Figure 5).

Blue crabs are prey for many organism in saltwater and freshwater habitats

including black drum Pogonias cromis, red drum Sciaenops ocellatus, Atlantic croaker

Micropogonias undulatus, American eel Anguilla rostrata, alligator gar Lepisosteus

spatula, spotted gar Lepisosteus oculatus, channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus, and blue

catfish Ictalurus furcatus (Darnell 1961). In both environments, blue crabs serve as a

connection delivering energy and nutrients from terrestrial sources to aquatic organisms

through the consumption of detrital material. Because blue crabs can be found in fresh

water areas of the upper Barataria Estuary and are an important commercial and

ecological species, the goal of this project was to determine the relative abundance and

distribution of blue crabs in the upper Barataria Estuary, and to describe the size structure

of that population. Water quality parameters were measured to determine the relationship

between water quality and the abundance and distribution of the blue crab population.

Finally, the blue crab population collected from the upper Barataria Estuary was

compared to a population collected from saline waters to determine any sex-based

segregation and differences in condition of the organisms between the two populations.

Figure 5. Approximate inland most regions occupied by blue crabs in the Barataria Estuary for each stage of
the blue crab life cycle.

Field Data Collection

Blue crabs were sampled weekly from 11 July 2006 through 6 December 2006,

from six fixed sites in Bayou Chevreuil and one fixed site in Lac Des Allemands (Figure

6). Although blue crabs were sampled in Lac Des Allemands, the entire sample

population was designated as the Bayou Chevreuil population. Surface and bottom water

temperature (°C), dissolved oxygen (DO; mg/L), salinity (ppt), and specific conductance

(uS) was measured with a hand-held oxygen-conductivity-salinity-temperature meter at

each site for each sample date (Yellow Springs Instruments, Yellow Springs, Ohio). The

mean value for surface and bottom measurements taken for each sample was used for


Blue crabs were sampled weekly with modified commercial crab traps (60.9 cm x

60.9 cm x 43.2 cm). Each trap was constructed of vinyl-coated 3.8 cm mesh wire and

two escape rings (5.9 cm inner diameter), which were closed with plastic zip-ties to

prevent escapement of smaller (≤ 127 mm CW) individuals (Figure 7). A polystyrene

buoy, painted red with black lettering for identification, was attached to each trap by 3.66

m of rope. Traps were baited either with gizzard shad Dorosoma cepedianum or chicken

Gallus domesticus pieces. At each of the six sites in Bayou Chevreuil, two traps were set

on each side of the channel, just close enough to the bank to not obstruct boat traffic.

Traps remained deployed for approximately 24 hours. Blue crabs were harvested on the

following day, and the number of blue crabs caught per trap per site was recorded. Once

the blue crabs were removed from the trap and enumerated, they were pooled together by

Figure 6. Bayou Chevreuil and Lac Des Allemands in the Barataria Estuary
(earth.google.com). Seven fixed study sites were located by GPS coordinates.
Site 1: 29°53’36.0” N, 90°36’21.3” W; Site 2: 29°53’27.1” N, 90°36’47.2” W;
Site 3: 29°53’34.4” N, 90°38’22.9” W; Site 4: 29°53’25.6” N, 90°39’15.8” W;
Site 5: 29°53’56.9” N, 90°41’17.6” W; Site 6: 29°54’8.6” N, 90°43’1.4” W;
Site 7: 29°55’45.1” N, 90°44’45.7” W.

Figure 7. Modified commercial crab trap with closed escape rings.

site and placed in an ice bath for transport to the Bayousphere Research Laboratory at

Nicholls State University. Site specific blue crab catch per unit effort (CPUE) was

determined as the mean number of crabs collected per trap per day.

Laboratory Data Collection

Each crab was sexed and females were designated as mature or immature based

on the shape of the abdomen apron (Figure 4). Carapace width (mm) was determined as

the distance between the two outermost lateral spines. Carapace length (mm) was

determined as the distance from the anterior of the carapace to the posterior of the

carapace centered between the two outermost lateral spines. Total weight (g) of each

crab was taken before detaching the chelipeds. Then the weight (g) of both the left and

right cheliped and the cheliped-free body weight (g) was measured separately.

Saltwater Comparison

Blue crabs were sampled from Fourchon and Grand Isle, Louisiana, then sexed,

measured, and weighed with the same methods as used for the Bayou Chevreuil

population on three separate sampling events. These sampling dates included one 24-

hour duration on 18 July 2006, 19 August 2006, and 17 November 2006. Condition of

the saltwater population was compared to the Bayou Chevreuil population from the

closest dates of Bayou Chevreuil sampling before and after each saltwater sampling.

Statistical Analysis

Water quality was assessed temporally and spatially. First, mean water quality

values for all sites combined for each sample date were calculated to describe water

quality over time. Second, site specific mean values were calculated for all sample dates

combined to compare water quality among sites using analysis of variance.

The relationship between blue crab CPUE for all sites combined for each sample

date and mean temperature, DO, salinity, and specific conductance for all sites combined

for each sample date in Bayou Chevreuil was determined with regression analysis.

Analysis of variance was used to compare the mean length, width, and cheliped-

free body weight for male and female blue crabs. Regression analysis was used to

determine sex-specific width-weight and length-weight relationships, and analysis of

covariance was used to compare growth between male and female blue crabs in Bayou

Chevreuil. Analysis of covariance was used to compare cheliped weight between male

and female blue crabs collected from Bayou Chevreuil. Because blue crabs can

regenerate lost chelipeds, we did not include chelipeds that were obviously being

regenerated (based on size) when we compared cheliped size between males and females

with regression analysis. Condition for the freshwater (Bayou Chevreuil) and saltwater

(Fourchon/Grand Isle) blue crabs were calculated using the cheliped-free body weight

and carapace length as:

Weight/Length3 x 1000

Analysis of variance was used to compare differences in condition indices of the

freshwater and saltwater blue crabs. All inferences were made based on alpha = 0.05 and

all analyses were performed on log-transformed data.


Field Data

A total of 649 blue crabs were collected from 11 July 2006 to 7 November 2006,

in Bayou Chevreuil. In addition to blue crab, 6 fish species were collected in the crab

traps in Bayou Chevreuil (Table 1). Individual water temperature measurements ranged

from 9.4 - 35.3°C and averaged 25.7 ± 6.8 °C. Mean water temperature for all sites

combined declined as the sampling period progressed (Figure 8). Mean water

temperature did not vary among sample sites (Figure 9). Individual DO measurements

ranged from 0.08 - 8.26 mg/L and averaged 3.06 ± 1.21 mg/L. There was no trend in DO

levels among the sampling dates for all sites combined in Bayou Chevreuil (Figure 10).

Mean DO was greatest at site 1 compared to all other sites for all sample dates combined

(Figure 11). Individual salinity measurements ranged from 0.1 - 1.0 ppt and averaged 0.3

± 0.2 ppt. With the exception of 11 October 2006 and 18 October 2006, salinity

remained fairly constant among sample dates (Figure 12). Individual specific

conductance measurements ranged from 114.7 – 1968.5 µS and averaged 630.1 ± 537.4

µS. With the exception of 11 October 2006 and 18 October 2006, specific conductance

remained fairly constant throughout the sampling period (Figure 13). Mean specific

conductance for all sites combined was greatest at site 1 (Figure 14).

A total of 275 blue crabs were collected from saltwater areas on the sampling

dates of 18 July 2006, 19 August 2006, and 17 November 2006, in Fourchon and Grand

Isle. Water temperature for the three sample dates averaged 27.4 ± 6.8 °C and salinity

averaged 28.3 ± 2.6 ppt. Dissolved oxygen was not measured at the saltwater sites.

Table 1. Total number of individuals of each species collected in Bayou Chevreuil from
11 July 2006 to 6 December 2006, using modified commercial crab traps.

Species Common Name Number

Callinectes sapidus Blue Crab 649
Lepisosteus oculatus Spotted Gar 10
Lepomis macrochirus Bluegill 10
Pomoxis annularis White Crappie 5
Ameiurus natalis Yellow Bullhead 4
Lepomis microlophis Redear Sunfish 4
Amia calva Bowfin 1
Total 683

Mean Temperature ( °C)





















Figure 8. Mean (±SD) water temperature in Bayou Chevreuil for all sites combined for
each sample date.

Temperature ( °C) 35




1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Figure 9. Mean (±SD) water temperature for each site in Bayou Chevreuil for all sample
dates combined from 11 July 2006 to 6 December 2006.

DO (mg/L)

















Figure 10. Mean (±SD) dissolved oxygen levels in Bayou Chevreuil for all sites
combined for each sample date. The dashed line represents DO levels at 2.0


Mean DO (mg/L)

b b b b b

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Figure 11. Mean (±SD) overall dissolved oxygen for each site in Bayou Chevreuil for all
sample dates combined from 11 July 2006 to 6 December 2006. Means with
similar letters are not different.



Salinity (ppt)




10 30 19 8- 28 18 7- 27
-J -J -A Se -S -O No -N
u l u l ug p ep ct v ov

Figure 12. Mean (±SD) salinity in Bayou Chevreuil for all sites combined for each
sample date.

Mean Conductance (uS)

















Figure 13. Mean (±SD) specific conductance in Bayou Chevreuil for all sites combined
for each sample date.

Mean Conductance (uS) 2000

1500 a

b b b b b

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Figure 14. Mean (±SD) specific conductance for each site in Bayou Chevreuil for all
sample dates combined from 11 July 2006 to 6 December 2006. Means with a
similar letters are not different.

Data Collection

Bayou Chevreuil blue crabs ranged from 80 - 209 mm in carapace width (Figure

15). More males (N=591) were collected than females (mature N = 34; immature

N = 24) in Bayou Chevreuil (Figure 16). The overall sex ratio of males to females

(mature and immature combined) was 10.2:1.

Basing all analyses on log-transformed data, there was no difference in mean

length or mean cheliped-free body weight between male and female blue crabs (Figure

17). However, mean width for females was greater than mean width for male blue crabs

(Figure 17). Length and width were accurate measurements for predicting cheliped-free

weights of both male and female blue crabs in Bayou Chevreuil (Figure 18). Based on

the length-weight relationship, there was no difference in weight for similar sized male

and female blue crabs. Based on the width-weight relationship, males weighed more than

similar sized females (P < 0.0001; Figure 18). Males also had larger chelipeds than

females based on width-cheliped weight relationships (P < 0.0001; Figure 19). There

was no difference in mean condition between male and female blue crabs (Figure 20).

There was also no apparent trend in condition index throughout the study period for

Bayou Chevreuil blue crabs (Figure 21).

Overall, blue crab CPUE was greatest in July and August and decreased from

September through November. Blue crab CPUE was greater at downstream sites than at

upstream sites (Figure 22). Blue crab CPUE was positively correlated (P = 0.0009) to

temperature, with a peak in July and August and a steady decline through the cooler

autumn months (Figure 23). Blue crabs were collected from site 1 on more sampling

dates (N = 13) than from the other sites and were collected the fewest times (N = 3) from

Male Female






80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210

Width (mm)

Figure 15. Size distribution based on carapace width of male and female blue crabs
collected in Bayou Chevreuil from 11 July 2006 to 6 December 2006.

Male Female Immature Female





















Figure 16. Percentage of male, mature female, and immature female blue crabs collected
from Bayou Chevreuil on each sample date from 11 July 2006 to 6 December

Male Female


b a

120 a a
mm or g

a a


Width Length Body wt

Figure 17. Mean (±SD) width (mm), length (mm), and body weight (g) for male and
female blue crabs collected in Bayou Chevreuil from 11 July 2006 to 6 December
2006. Means within each group that share a common letter are not different.

Male Female
Male R = 0.9203 Female R = 0.9241


ln Weight



3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6
ln Length

Male Female
2 2
6 Male R = 0.9284 Female R = 0.9405


ln Weight



4.3 4.5 4.7 4.9 5.1 5.3 5.5
ln Width

Figure 18. Carapace length (a.) and width (b.) as a predictor of cheliped –free weight for
male and female blue crabs in Bayou Chevreuil. There is no difference between
males and females based on length-weight relationship. Males weighed more
than females of similar width (P < 0.0001).

Male Female

2 2
4.5 Male R = 0.7987 Female R = 0.7628
ln Left Cheliped WT


3.8 3.9 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5

ln Length

Male Female
2 2
Male R = 0.7905 Female R = 0.7546

ln Right Cheliped WT




3.8 3.9 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5

ln Length

Figure 19. Carapace width as a predictor of left (a.) and right (b.) cheliped weights for
male female blue crabs in Bayou Chevreuil. Males had larger chelipeds than
females of similar width (P < 0.0001).

Mean Condition


Male Female

Figure 20. Mean (±SD) condition of male and female blue crabs in Bayou Chevreuil
from 11 July 2006 to 6 December 2006.

Mean Male K Mean Female K

Mean Condition (K)





















Figure 21. Mean (±SD) condition (K) of male and female blue crabs for all sites
combined in Bayou Chevreuil for each sample date.


abc abc
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Figure 22. Mean (±SD) CPUE for each site in Bayou Chevreuil for all sample dates
combined from 11 July 2006 to 6 December 2006. Means with similar letters are
not different.

CPUE Temp Temp = 15 °C

6 35

MeanTemperature (°C)



0 10
10 30 19 8- 28 18 7- 27
-J -J -A Se -S -O No -N
u l u l ug p ep ct v ov


Figure 23. Mean (±SD) CPUE of blue crabs in Bayou Chevreuil for all sites combined
and the mean (±SD) water temperature for all sites combined for each sample
date. Critical temperature (15 °C) is the water temperature that blue crabs have
been documented to migrate down estuary for the winter months (Jaworski 1972).

site 7 (Figure 24). There is weak positive correlation (P = 0.0500) between blue crab

CPUE and DO in Bayou Chevreuil (Figure 25). Blue crab CPUE was greater for samples

taken when DO > 2.0 mg/L than for samples taken when DO ≤ 2.0 mg/L (P < 0.0039;

Figure 26). Blue crab CPUE was affected by the increase in DO at the upstream sites in

October. Site 1 never had a recorded DO ≤ 2.0 mg/L and was the site with the greatest

number of blue crabs caught, while all other sites experienced several hypoxic events

(Figure 27). Salinity never exceeded 1.0 ppt and was not related to blue crab CPUE in

Bayou Chevreuil (Figure 28). There was no detectable relationship between specific

conductance and blue crab CPUE (Figure 29). Specific conductance fluctuated most at

the downstream sites (sites 1 -4) and except for one event, did not vary much at the

upstream sites (Figure 30). Upstream blue crab CPUE was affected by the October

increase in specific conductance (Figure 30).

Saltwater Comparison

More females (N=159) were collected than males (N=116) in Fourchon and

Grand Isle. The overall sex ratio of males to females was 1:1.4. Blue crabs sampled

from Fourchon and Grand Isle had an approximate 12% higher condition than those

sampled from Bayou Chevreuil during July and August (Figure 31). However, there was

no difference between the condition of the freshwater and saltwater blue crabs for the

November sampling period (Figure 31).

Site 1 Temp Temp = 15 CPUE Site 2 Temp Temp = 15 CPUE

40 7
40 7
Temperature (°C)

30 5 6

Temperature (°C)
4 30 5

3 4
10 2
0 0 0 0



































Date Date

Site 3 Temp Temp = 15 CPUE Site 4 Temp Temp = 15 CPUE

40 7
40 7

Temperature (°C)
Temperature (°C)

30 5 30 5


20 4
10 2 2
1 1
0 0 0 0

































Site 5 Temp Temp = 15 CPUE Site 6 Temp Temp = 15 CPUE

40 7 40 7
Temperature (°C)

Temperature (°C)

30 5 30 5

4 4
20 20
10 2
10 2
0 0
0 0


































Date Date

Site 7 Temp Temp = 15 CPUE

40 7
Temperature (°C)

30 5

10 2
0 0
















Figure 24. Water temperature (°C) and blue crab CPUE at sites 1 – 7 in Bayou Chevreuil
by sampling date.

CPUE DO DO = 2.0 mg/L

7 7

6 6

Mean DO (mg/L)
5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2
1 1

0 0

















Figure 25. Mean (±SD) CPUE of blue crabs in Bayou Chevreuil for all sites combined
and the mean (±SD) DO for all sites combined for each sample date.





2 a


1 b


DO > 2.0 mg/L DO = 2.0 mg/L

Figure 26. Mean (±SD) CPUE of blue crabs in Bayou Chevreuil for all sample dates
when DO > 2.0 mg/L was higher than mean CPUE of blue crabs in Bayou
Chevreuil for all sample dates when DO ≤ 2.0 mg/L (P < 0.0039).

Site 1 DO DO = 2.0 mg/L CPUE Site 2 DO DO = 2.0 mg/L CPUE

9 7
9 7 6
8 6 5
7 6

DO (mg/L)
DO (mg/L)

6 5 4

5 4
4 3
4 3 3
3 2
2 2
1 1
1 1
0 0 0 0





































Date Date

Site 3 DO DO = 2.0 mg/L CPUE Site 4 DO DO = 2.0 mg/L CPUE

9 7 9 7
8 6 8 6
7 7
5 5
DO (mg/L)

DO (mg/L)

5 4 4

4 3 4 3
3 3
2 2
2 2
1 1 1
0 0 0 0


































Date Date

Site 5 DO DO = 2.0 mg/L CPUE Site 6 DO DO = 2.0 mg/L CPUE

9 7 9 7
8 6 8 6
7 7
DO (mg/L)
DO (mg/L)

5 6


5 4 5
4 4 3
3 3
1 1
1 1
0 0
0 0



































Date Date

Site 7 DO DO = 2.0 mg/L CPUE

9 7
8 6
DO (mg/L)


5 4
4 3
1 1
0 0

















Figure 27. Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) and blue crab CPUE at sites 1 - 7 in Bayou
Chevreuil by sampling date.

CPUE salinity

7 1.0

Mean Salinity (ppt)


4 0.6

3 0.4

0 0.0















Figure 28. Mean (±SD) CPUE of blue crabs in Bayou Chevreuil for all sites combined
and the mean (±SD) salinity for all sites combined for each sample date.

7 2500

Mean Conductance (uS)


4 1500

3 1000
0 0

















Figure 29. Mean (±SD) CPUE of blue crabs in Bayou Chevreuil for all sites combined
and the mean (±SD) specific conductance for all sites combined for each sample


2500 7 2500 7

6 6

Specific Conductance
Specific Conductance

2000 2000
5 5

1500 1500

4 4

1000 3 3
2 2
500 500
0 0
0 0




































Date Date


2500 7 2500 7

6 6
Specific Conductance

Specific Conductance
2000 2000
5 5

1500 1500

4 4

3 1000 3
2 2
500 500
1 1

0 0 0 0




































Date Date


2500 7 2500 7
Conductance (uS)

Specific Conductance

2000 2000
5 5


1500 1500 4

3 1000 3
0 0
0 0


































Date Date


2500 7
Conductance (uS)


1500 4

1000 3
0 0

















Figure 30. Specific conductance (µS) and blue crab CPUE at sites 1 - 7 in Bayou
Chevreuil by sampling date.

Freshwater K Saltwater K

Mean Condition

b a a

b b a

















Figure 31. Mean (±SD) condition (K) of all blue crabs collected in Bayou Chevreuil and
the mean (±SD) condition of all blue crabs collected in Fourchon/Grand Isle for
each sample date. Circles group saltwater samples with the closest freshwater
samples before and after each saltwater sample. Means with a similar letter in
each group are not different (P < 0.05).


The annual floodpulse of unregulated large river systems is predictable, but varies

among river systems according to local precipitation and discharge. During times of high

discharge, well confined channels within large river floodplains overflow onto their

floodplains (Junk et al. 1989). The occasional inundation of the Bayou Chevreuil

floodplain is directly related to local precipitation and is highly unpredictable (Day et al.

1976; Davis 2006). Vegetation and faunal organisms on the floodplain floor that are not

adapted to high waters perish during times of flooding and contribute large amounts of

decaying organic matter to the ecosystem (Vannote et al. 1980). The floodplain provides

a detrital food supply, spawning ground, and shelter for many organisms living in the

main channel that have evolved to use periodically available floodplain habitats (Junk et

al. 1989). Bowfin Amia calva are dependent on the Bayou Chevreuil floodplain for

spawning habitat. In 2005-2006, bowfin in Bayou Chevreuil had a weak spawning event

due to unusually low water during the spawning period (Davis 2006). Water levels

remained low in Bayou Chevreuil, never inundating the surrounding floodplain, and the

bowfin population was unable to reach its preferred spawning ground. Although, blue

crabs have not been documented leaving the main channel and entering the floodplain

during high water, blue crabs may benefit from floodplain detrital food sources and large

woody debris shelters during ecdysis.

Blue crabs may be seasonally abundant in Bayou Chevreuil as they migrate up

estuary during development (Van Engel 1987). Smaller megalops and juveniles are

found in the more saline waters of the coast and adults are found throughout the estuary

as far inland as the swamps. The size distribution of blue crabs in Bayou Chevreuil

ranged from 80 – 210 mm CW. Blue crabs less than 80 mm CW may be present in

Bayou Chevreuil but were not collected possibly because the gear used in this study was

size limiting and the mesh size of the traps allowed for the escapement of smaller

individuals (< 80 mm CW). Fewer numbers of large (≥ 180 mm CW) blue crabs may be

due to the large blue crab commercial fishery in the Barataria Estuary. Larger individuals

are more susceptible to being harvested in commercial crab traps and blue crab fisherman

run traps throughout the entire Barataria Estuary. Therefore, this research cannot be

considered a fishery-independent study.

Based on length-weight relationships, similar sized males and females have

similar weights, but based on width-weight relationships, males are heavier than similar

sized females. Olmi and Bishop (1983) found that intermolt males were heavier than

intermolt females of similar size. Millikin et al. (1980) found that both male and female

juveniles from the same gravid female attained similar width and weight at the same rate,

suggesting that only after maturity do males reach greater sizes than females. Cessation

of ecdysis by female blue crabs prohibits females from reaching the same maximum size

as male blue crabs. The greatest differences in weight between male and female blue

crabs collected for this study occurred in the larger individuals. For example, when

comparing blue crabs less than 127 mm CW, males had a mean cheliped-free body

weight of 67.9 ± 14.3 g whereas females had a mean cheliped-free body weight of 69.2 ±

8.0 g; a difference of 1.3 g. When comparing blue crabs of 170 mm CW or greater,

males had a mean cheliped-free body weight of 192.5 ± 26.5 whereas females had a mean

cheliped-free body weight of 156.8 ± 19.3 g; a difference of 35.7 g. Similar to other

crustaceans, male blue crabs have larger chelipeds than similar size females. This may

indicate resource competition among males, or the allocation of energy for cheliped

growth rather than egg development. Size at maturity varies within blue crab

populations. The largest immature female collected by Tagatz (1968) had a carapace

width of 177 mm and the smallest mature female had a carapace width of 99 mm. The

largest immature female found in this study was 159 mm CW whereas the smallest

mature female was 117 mm CW (Appendices I and II).

There was no difference in condition factor between male and female blue crabs

collected from Bayou Chevreuil. Atar and Secer (2003) also found condition factor of

male and female blue crabs to be similar. Blue crabs collected from saltwater areas for

this study had a higher condition than blue crabs collected in freshwater during July and

August. This may indicate that blue crabs in freshwater expend more energy for

osmoregulation resulting in lower somatic growth rates than blue crabs from saline water.

Water quality appears to affect the distribution and abundance of the Bayou

Chevreuil blue crab population. Blue crab larvae are released in early spring in lower

estuarine waters. Larvae develop and migrate up estuary. During warm summer months

there is a gradual increase in size towards larger juveniles and adults as the total

population abundance decreases (Fitz and Wiegert 1992). Blue crabs do not acclimate

well to low temperatures with tolerance to low temperatures further reduced at low

salinities (Rome et al. 2005), such as the low salinities found in Bayou Chevreuil. The

blue crab CPUE was correlated to temperature with the highest levels of CPUE in July

and August and a steady decline in CPUE towards the winter months. Surviving blue

crabs seek out warmer waters of the lower estuary to overwinter at which time somatic

growth is halted (Miller and Smith 2003). Once water temperatures dropped to 15 °C in

Bayou Chevreuil, blue crabs were either migrating south or burying themselves in the

sediment, but were no longer attracted to the baited crab traps.

Decomposition of organic material in large river floodplains coupled with high

temperatures results in high rates of oxygen consumption leading to hypoxic and anoxic

conditions (Junk et al. 1989). Bayou Chevreuil had occasional hypoxic conditions during

this study with the upstream sites (sites 5, 6, and 7) experiencing more hypoxic events

than did downstream sites (sites 1, 2, and 3). Fetch and lack of shading most likely

explains why DO was greatest at site 1 than any other sites. Site 1, located at the mouth

of Bayou Chevreuil, was in Lac Des Allemands. The open area of the lake allowed for

greater wind and wave action and exposure to sunlight than in Bayou Chevreuil. Bayou

Chevreuil is lined with trees that block wind action and sunlight, thereby decreasing DO

as compared to the DO at site 1. Although tolerance to hypoxic waters increases with an

increase in age, blue crabs are sensitive to low levels of dissolved oxygen (Tankersley

and Wieber 2000; Das and Stickle 1993). Bell et al. (2003a) observed telemetered blue

crabs swimming near the surface of the water column or moving completely out of an

area in an attempt to escape hypoxic conditions. The abundance of blue crabs in Bayou

Chevreuil appears to be affected by dissolved oxygen levels as fewer individuals were

collected at DO levels ≤ 2.0 mg/L than at DO levels > 2.0 mg/L. Also, there is a weak

positive relationship between DO and CPUE. The increase in CPUE at sites 3 – 7 on 11

October 2006, appears to be related to DO levels increasing above hypoxic levels.

Prolonged exposure to hypoxia is lethal (Tankersley and Wieber 2000), and sites

in Bayou Chevreuil where DO remained at or below 2.0 mg/L for at least two

consecutive weeks, blue crab CPUE was near zero. A decline in feeding and molting

rates of blue crab occurs during hypoxic events (Bell et al. 2003b; Seitz et al. 2003b; Das

and Stickle 1993); indicating that in hypoxic waters, blue crabs are not attracted to baited

traps. The resulting decline in CPUE in Bayou Chevreuil during hypoxic events supports

the claim that low oxygen levels are detrimental to blue crab growth (Mistiaen et al.

2003; Hines 2003).

Blue crabs in Bayou Chevreuil must be tolerant of low DO because the lowest DO

recorded when at least one blue crab was collected was 0.69 mg/L (25 October 2006;

Appendix III). The highest site specific CPUE of 6.5 crabs per trap per day occurred

once when DO was 7.5 mg/L and once when DO was 1.4 mg/L (11 July 2006 and 11

August 2006; Appendix III). As a result, it cannot be determined if the increase in blue

crab relative abundance around 11 October 2006, was a response to an increase in DO or

an increase in specific conductance or to both. There was no appreciable change in water

temperature on 11 October 2006, therefore the increase in blue crab CPUE was not

temperature related.

Blue crabs sampled from Bayou Chevreuil (freshwater) were predominately

males (91 %) while blue crabs sampled from Fourchon and Grand Isle (saltwater) were

predominately females (58 %). A possible explanation for this sex-based segregation is

that females migrate towards the coast after maturation to spawn in saline waters (Hines

2003; McClintock et al. 1993; Van Engel 1987; Adkins 1972). Another possible

explanation is the difference in osmotic regulation between male and female blue crabs.

Osmotic regulation demands are greater at low salinities (≤ 8.0 ppt), and are associated

with greater energy expenditure (Rome et al. 2005). Low salinities (2.0 ppt) cause

osmotic regulation demands to be greater for females than males, and greatest for

ovigerous females (Tagatz 1971; Tan and Van Engel 1966). Additionally, oxygen

consumption increases with decreasing ambient salinity (Findley et al. 1978). The

combination of low salinity (≤ 1.0 ppt) and low dissolved oxygen (overall mean DO =

3.05 ± 1.76 mg/L) and the resulting increased oxygen demand may prevent migration of

female blue crabs into Bayou Chevreuil. However, there are benefits to living in low

salinities for blue crabs. Water uptake during molting is greater in low salinity waters

than in high salinity waters, resulting in higher blood volume, which may shorten the

time required to complete ecdysis, thus reducing vulnerability to predation (de Fur 1990).

Because of warmer temperatures, predation on blue crabs is greater in the United States

Gulf of Mexico than along the Atlantic coast (Heck and Coen 1995). Estuarine waters

with low DO and low salinity, such as the upper Barataria Estuary, may serve as a refuge

for blue crabs from larger predatory organisms that cannot withstand such conditions.

Seasonal abundance of blue crabs in the upper Barataria Estuary is dictated by

water quality. Based on field observations and blue crab fishermen testimonies, Jaworski

(1972) designated the southern portion of Lac Des Allemands to be the most northern

maturation grounds for blue crabs in the Barataria Estuary, but this study provides

evidence that male and a few female blue crabs can use the Bayou Chevreuil region as

maturation grounds. However, the Barataria Estuary had a drought year in 2006,

resulting in higher salinities throughout the estuary, possibly pushing blue crabs further

up estuary than normal. It is unknown whether blue crabs would be as abundant in

Bayou Chevreuil during a wet or even average rain year.

Typically, the movement of energy is believed to flow down estuary in the forms

of primary production and detritus or through nutrient loading (Vannote et al. 1980).

These nutrients are utilized by organisms throughout the estuary during the southward

flow to the Gulf of Mexico. However, nutrients in saline waters are made available to

organisms upstream in freshwater systems through nutrient cycling by blue crabs. Blue

crabs consume energy in the Gulf of Mexico, migrate up estuary, and are consumed by

various predators throughout their northward migration. This study indicates that blue

crabs may be an important vector in the up estuary movement of energy and nutrients

providing a seasonal food supply for resident freshwater organisms of the upper Barataria



Restoring a seasonal floodpulse in the upper Barataria Estuary would allow for

predictable high waters to inundate the Bayou Chevreuil floodplain. High water levels

would flush stagnant swamp waters and increase dissolved oxygen levels throughout the

water system. An increase in detritus would also provide a greater food supply for

resident and migratory organisms.

To follow up on this study, blue crab sampling should take place for at least one

full year to cover all seasonal changes. If possible, sampling should occur for

consecutive years to provide data on whether wet and dry years result in different relative

abundance of blue crabs in Bayou Chevreuil. Samples should also be taken from the

backwater areas during periods of inundation to determine if blue crabs utilize the

increased habitat for foraging. Additional funding would allow for the purchase of

smaller mesh cages to determine if the size distribution of blue crabs from this study was

due to gear bias or the absence of small juveniles in Bayou Chevreuil.


Adkins, G. 1972. Study of the blue crab fishery in Louisiana. Louisiana Wildlife and
Fisheries Commission, Technical Bulletin 3, 57 pp.

Atar, H.H. and S. Secer. 2003. Width/length-weight relationships of the blue crab
(Callinectes sapidus Rathbun 1896) Population Living in Beymelek Lagoon Lake.
Turk J Vet Anim Sci 27: 443-447.

Bahr, L.M. and J.J. Hebrard. 1976. Barataria Basin: Biological Characterization. Center
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Bell, G.W., D.B. Eggleston, and T.G. Wolcott. 2003a. Behavioral responses of free-
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Series 259: 215-225.

Bell, G.W., D.B. Eggleston, and T.G. Wolcott. 2003b. Behavioral responses of free-
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Braud, D., A.J. Lewis, J. Sheehan, L. Foretich, A. Venuto, K. Fontenot, M. Landry, and
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Churchill, E.P., Jr. 1919. Life history of the blue crab. Bulletin of the U. S. Bureau of
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Day, J.W., Jr., T. Butler, R. Allen, J.G. Gosselink, and W.C. Stowe. 1976. Flora and
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Appendix I. Raw data for blue crabs collected from 11 July 2006 to 7 November 2006,
from Bayou Chevreuil/Lac Des Allemands with collection date, collection site, carapace
width (mm), carapace length (mm), cheliped-free body weight (g), left cheliped weight
(g), right cheliped weight (g), total body weight (g), and sex in the upper Barataria
Estuary. CW=Carapace width, CL=Carapace length, Bwt=Cheliped-free body weight,
Lwt=Left cheliped weight, Rwt=Right cheliped weight, Twt=Total body weight.

Date Site CW CL Bwt Lwt Rwt Twt Sex

11-Jul-06 1 117 55 68.58 8.69 8.97 86.79 m
11-Jul-06 1 120 55 66.89 11.19 11.85 90.08 m
11-Jul-06 1 128 55 86.85 10.46 11.79 109.43 m
11-Jul-06 1 135 60 96.5 . 14.68 111.5 m
11-Jul-06 1 139 63 95.57 10.86 11.59 118.71 m
11-Jul-06 1 133 60 93.17 12.87 14.75 121.2 m
11-Jul-06 1 143 61 105.91 . 16.03 122.13 m
11-Jul-06 1 135 63 100 12.95 14.88 128 m
11-Jul-06 1 130 61 101 13.87 17.25 132 m
11-Jul-06 1 139 66 114 18.18 17.11 150 m
11-Jul-06 1 153 70 123 11.59 17.3 152.5 f
11-Jul-06 1 155 63 116.5 18.55 20.53 155.5 m
11-Jul-06 1 147 66 124 18.75 12.93 156 m
11-Jul-06 1 143 65 126 20.36 23.42 170 m
11-Jul-06 1 167 70 140.5 14.96 16.18 172.5 f
11-Jul-06 1 148 68 127.5 21.59 23.71 173 m
11-Jul-06 1 146 68 136 20.43 15.16 175 m
11-Jul-06 1 154 67 125.5 23.99 26.46 176.5 m
11-Jul-06 1 156 70 127.5 26.63 27.23 181.36 m
11-Jul-06 1 152 69 142.5 26.04 27.92 196.5 m
11-Jul-06 1 157 67 153 23.02 28.39 204.5 m
11-Jul-06 1 156 70 146 28.09 30.02 205.5 m
11-Jul-06 1 157 75 161.5 24.67 28.98 215.5 m
11-Jul-06 1 162 72 166 27.42 28.54 222 m
11-Jul-06 1 175 75 169.5 29.38 35.25 234.5 m
11-Jul-06 1 178 77 195.5 31.27 32.79 259.5 m
11-Jul-06 2 116 50 63.1 . . 63.1 m
11-Jul-06 2 102 50 46.18 6.57 7.1 69.97 m
11-Jul-06 2 110 50 58 7.51 7.99 73.66 m
11-Jul-06 2 142 60 94 11.06 7.41 112.5 f
11-Jul-06 2 137 61 106 8.77 15.26 130.5 m

Date Site CW CL Bwt Lwt Rwt Twt Sex
11-Jul-06 2 158 67 134 . 9.03 143 m
11-Jul-06 2 129 65 110.5 15.67 15.66 144 m
11-Jul-06 2 165 68 118.5 13.04 15.17 147 f
11-Jul-06 2 154 70 137 9.73 17.85 165 m
11-Jul-06 2 166 67 136 18.41 20.23 175 f
11-Jul-06 2 169 66 137 17.64 20.65 175.5 f
11-Jul-06 2 155 67 140.5 17.62 20.68 178.5 m
11-Jul-06 2 167 74 176 26.72 29.47 233 m
11-Jul-06 2 185 80 219 40.97 46.51 308 m
11-Jul-06 3 105 52 55.97 6.46 7.26 69.86 m
11-Jul-06 3 121 56 69.84 10.73 7.92 88.24 m
11-Jul-06 3 126 57 83.21 10.88 11.68 105.81 m
11-Jul-06 3 138 60 88.37 12.53 13.72 114.8 m
11-Jul-06 3 134 65 107 13.27 16.37 136.5 m
11-Jul-06 3 162 70 122 17.5 . 139 m
11-Jul-06 3 163 68 114.5 12.7 13.6 141 f
11-Jul-06 3 176 69 143 . 20.01 163 f
11-Jul-06 3 163 70 144 19.86 . 164 m
11-Jul-06 3 176 65 133.5 18.53 16.14 168 f
11-Jul-06 3 158 65 127 21.78 20.53 170 m
11-Jul-06 3 155 70 129.5 16.57 24.02 170 m
11-Jul-06 3 167 71 147.5 25.3 23.14 196 m
11-Jul-06 4 103 45 43.12 . 5.09 48.51 m
11-Jul-06 4 118 51 65.68 4.83 8.28 79.05 if
11-Jul-06 4 129 57 88.55 10.66 11.46 111 m
11-Jul-06 4 136 62 108.5 14.97 7.76 131.5 m
11-Jul-06 4 148 65 115.5 8.27 13.37 137.5 if
11-Jul-06 4 142 64 118.5 16.8 17.82 153.5 m
11-Jul-06 4 153 67 119.5 19.59 19.01 158.5 m
11-Jul-06 4 159 68 141 7.04 14.64 164 if
11-Jul-06 4 154 65 135.5 17.23 18.59 171 m
11-Jul-06 4 174 72 153.5 . 20.3 174 f
11-Jul-06 4 174 70 165.5 . 22.82 188.5 f
11-Jul-06 4 176 72 153 19.68 21.79 194.5 f
11-Jul-06 4 167 72 176.5 25.49 . 202 m
11-Jul-06 4 172 75 166 25.58 30.61 223.5 m
11-Jul-06 5 126 59 86.5 8.85 12.57 108 m
11-Jul-06 5 126 58 88.5 12.53 13.61 115 m
11-Jul-06 5 147 62 103 15.05 16.71 135 m
11-Jul-06 5 145 64 115 16.17 17.55 149.5 m
11-Jul-06 5 152 68 117 17.57 16.73 151.5 m
11-Jul-06 5 148 68 134 18.03 22.97 175.5 m

Date Site CW CL Bwt Lwt Rwt Twt Sex
11-Jul-06 5 153 70 149.5 24.07 20.01 194 m
11-Jul-06 5 162 75 161.5 22.35 24.34 208.5 m
11-Jul-06 5 170 73 159 26.6 32.06 218 m
11-Jul-06 6 133 61 88.5 11.07 11.83 111.5 m
11-Jul-06 6 132 62 92.5 9.9 12.29 115.5 m
11-Jul-06 6 140 60 99 12.14 15.16 126.5 m
11-Jul-06 6 133 63 107.5 16.68 17.82 142 m
11-Jul-06 6 140 65 117.5 8.31 16.38 142.5 m
11-Jul-06 6 147 67 118 15.78 18.36 153 m
11-Jul-06 6 156 68 127 21.54 6.8 157.5 m
11-Jul-06 6 146 66 128 17.85 18.19 164 m
11-Jul-06 6 159 67 135.5 16.09 16.42 168.5 f
11-Jul-06 6 172 70 139 15.28 19.13 173.5 f
11-Jul-06 6 176 74 180 28.58 30.01 240 m
11-Jul-06 6 175 77 185 32.44 34.07 252 m
11-Jul-06 6 186 82 200 33.93 28.75 263 m
11-Jul-06 6 189 84 237.5 31.32 43.69 314.5 m
11-Jul-06 6 198 86 254.5 40.14 44.19 341 m
11-Jul-06 7 132 59 91.5 12.12 14.14 118 m
11-Jul-06 7 153 67 131.5 10.19 19.67 161.5 m
11-Jul-06 7 150 68 131 18.91 20.96 171 m
11-Jul-06 7 158 67 148.5 22.99 . 171.5 m
11-Jul-06 7 152 66 138.5 17.05 20.71 176.5 m
11-Jul-06 7 158 68 142 19.62 21.56 183 m
11-Jul-06 7 173 73 136 24.2 25.73 186.5 m
11-Jul-06 7 157 72 144.5 23.13 23.69 191 m
11-Jul-06 7 165 70 153 19.38 18.8 191.5 m
11-Jul-06 7 162 69 143.5 23.54 25.07 192.5 m
11-Jul-06 7 170 71 157 21.16 24.9 203.5 m
11-Jul-06 7 155 70 157 20.39 26.15 204 m
11-Jul-06 7 169 75 152 25.8 27.46 206 m
11-Jul-06 7 173 77 182 . 34.34 217 m
11-Jul-06 7 172 80 191.5 . 32.29 224 m
11-Jul-06 7 175 77 180 21.67 31.47 234 m
11-Jul-06 7 187 75 189 26.91 30.3 246 m
11-Jul-06 7 183 80 187 30.43 32.61 252.5 m
11-Jul-06 7 193 84 207.5 38.02 44.58 291 m
11-Jul-06 7 197 83 227.5 46.05 51.19 329.5 m
27-Jul-06 1 115 52 60.77 3.94 4.09 68.89 m
27-Jul-06 1 125 59 70.5 9.52 9.05 89 m
27-Jul-06 1 125 59 82 9.88 11.26 103.5 m
27-Jul-06 1 134 61 90 . 13.13 104 m

Date Site CW CL Bwt Lwt Rwt Twt Sex
27-Jul-06 1 132 59 91.5 10.92 11.63 114 m
27-Jul-06 1 141 61 91 11.82 12.79 116 m
27-Jul-06 1 132 63 99 12.62 14.34 126.5 m
27-Jul-06 1 136 65 105.5 14.45 13.84 135 m
27-Jul-06 1 149 69 123.5 16.23 . 140 m
27-Jul-06 1 159 64 117 9.38 13.48 142 f
27-Jul-06 1 145 65 110.5 14.51 16.35 142 m
27-Jul-06 1 139 66 110 15.56 16.04 143.5 m
27-Jul-06 1 153 67 119.5 17.66 10.11 156 m
27-Jul-06 1 153 71 136 23.7 13.35 173.5 m
27-Jul-06 1 170 72 141.5 15.35 17.35 174.5 f
27-Jul-06 1 154 68 136.5 19.98 18.73 175.5 m
27-Jul-06 1 154 70 133 21.06 20.96 176 m
27-Jul-06 1 155 66 138 20.71 21.78 181 m
27-Jul-06 1 179 74 162.5 16.7 22.73 204.5 f
27-Jul-06 1 156 67 156 25.54 29.1 211 m
27-Jul-06 2 116 53 62.86 7.34 8.22 79 m
27-Jul-06 2 126 58 80.5 11.14 10.24 103 m
27-Jul-06 2 126 60 91 12.26 11.73 115 m
27-Jul-06 2 153 64 102.5 12.35 7.2 125 f
27-Jul-06 2 140 64 100 13.69 15.44 129.5 m
27-Jul-06 2 151 66 123.5 16.14 . 140 m
27-Jul-06 2 146 68 127 16.53 17.66 162.5 m
27-Jul-06 2 151 70 129.5 16.48 17.55 165.5 m
27-Jul-06 2 158 70 152 20.18 21.52 195.5 m
27-Jul-06 2 175 76 177.5 24.09 25.46 228.5 m
27-Jul-06 3 111 54 64 8.19 . 72.56 m
27-Jul-06 3 116 51 59.83 6.09 6.67 73.12 if
27-Jul-06 3 135 61 94.85 13.5 . 108.83 m
27-Jul-06 3 133 66 94.4 4.63 13.25 115.5 m
27-Jul-06 3 137 68 94 11.53 12.68 119 m
27-Jul-06 3 140 64 104.5 14.55 13.95 133 m
27-Jul-06 3 141 63 106.5 14.32 13.92 135.5 m
27-Jul-06 3 166 66 120.5 13.25 13.54 149 f
27-Jul-06 3 146 65 178.5 14.85 16.01 150 m
27-Jul-06 3 153 72 136 . 18.3 154.5 m
27-Jul-06 3 166 68 126.5 12.74 15.53 156.5 m
27-Jul-06 3 153 68 120 17.1 19.28 157.5 m
27-Jul-06 3 154 69 128.5 10.27 19.63 159 m
27-Jul-06 3 150 68 129.5 19.36 19.89 169.5 m
27-Jul-06 3 157 71 145.5 17.82 19.44 183.5 m
27-Jul-06 3 175 74 169.5 23.57 . 193 m

Date Site CW CL Bwt Lwt Rwt Twt Sex
27-Jul-06 3 168 72 159 31.36 22.83 216 m
27-Jul-06 3 171 79 173.5 25.78 27.59 228.5 m
27-Jul-06 3 170 79 179 32.88 35.72 248 m
27-Jul-06 3 180 77 194 29.3 29.19 254.5 m
27-Jul-06 3 197 85 230.5 27.83 47.29 323.5 m
27-Jul-06 4 140 66 108 13.84 7.59 130 m
27-Jul-06 4 144 64 106 13.29 14.09 133.5 m
27-Jul-06 4 145 70 123.5 15.25 17.36 156.5 m
27-Jul-06 4 164 74 152.5 . 21.57 176 m
27-Jul-06 4 160 68 141 17.89 18.92 178 m
27-Jul-06 4 163 75 143 18.67 19.8 183 m
27-Jul-06 4 175 72 164.5 22.71 24.15 212 m
27-Jul-06 4 173 75 168.5 26.45 26.05 223.5 m
27-Jul-06 4 190 77 183 30.1 27.42 244.5 m
27-Jul-06 4 200 84 249.5 . 43.87 293.5 m
27-Jul-06 5 141 65 99.5 . . 99.5 m
27-Jul-06 5 140 65 110 13.37 . 123.5 m
27-Jul-06 5 150 69 121 9.69 16.35 148 m
27-Jul-06 5 146 65 134 17.32 18.19 170 m
27-Jul-06 5 159 70 159 21.99 24.25 211 m
27-Jul-06 5 175 75 187 26.78 29.85 245.5 m
27-Jul-06 5 209 89 270.5 48.64 51.75 386.5 m
27-Jul-06 6 135 61 91 11.31 11.45 115 m
27-Jul-06 6 166 70 126 13.8 14.25 155.5 f
27-Jul-06 6 165 74 144 20.29 20.21 186 m
27-Jul-06 6 169 77 176 25.83 23.01 228.5 m
27-Jul-06 6 176 80 181.5 29.04 31.65 248.5 m
27-Jul-06 6 185 79 207 33.24 36.2 277.5 m
27-Jul-06 6 185 86 228.5 40.15 44.15 316 m
4-Aug-06 1 117 48 55.85 . 7.29 63.41 m
4-Aug-06 1 114 52 69.91 5.88 8.63 84.89 m
4-Aug-06 1 120 55 68.28 8.18 8.93 86.31 m
4-Aug-06 1 128 59 77.91 . 9.27 87.72 m
4-Aug-06 1 125 58 81.7 6.01 9.55 98.21 if
4-Aug-06 1 131 56 81.12 9 10.11 100.73 m
4-Aug-06 1 137 56 84.94 9.82 10.39 105.5 m
4-Aug-06 1 131 55 85.5 11.48 11.52 108.5 m
4-Aug-06 1 128 59 90 12.61 11.91 114.5 m
4-Aug-06 1 137 62 100 . 14.54 114.5 m
4-Aug-06 1 130 60 92 12.53 12.27 118 m
4-Aug-06 1 134 61 97 12.11 12.75 122 m
4-Aug-06 1 146 62 95.5 11.87 15.34 123.5 m

Date Site CW CL Bwt Lwt Rwt Twt Sex
4-Aug-06 1 136 60 98.5 12.05 13.7 124.5 m
4-Aug-06 1 140 62 98.5 13.6 15.44 128.5 m
4-Aug-06 1 150 63 108 14.4 15.53 138 m
4-Aug-06 1 147 63 113 14.62 15.27 143.5 m
4-Aug-06 1 145 66 128 17.03 17.89 163.5 m
4-Aug-06 1 146 64 132 16.46 19.78 168.5 m
4-Aug-06 1 152 66 132 19.89 22.34 175.5 m
4-Aug-06 1 160 67 138.5 19.47 22.03 181 m
4-Aug-06 1 150 69 134 22.39 23.26 181 m
4-Aug-06 1 160 71 136.5 20.37 22.34 182.5 m
4-Aug-06 1 164 71 165 . 25.66 191 m
4-Aug-06 1 164 70 145 23.82 22.87 192.5 m
4-Aug-06 2 109 50 60.57 6.52 7.29 74.9 m
4-Aug-06 2 144 63 100.5 . 14.13 115 m
4-Aug-06 2 133 64 103 12.97 14.11 130.5 m
4-Aug-06 2 140 66 116 15.89 8.85 136.5 m
4-Aug-06 2 147 65 126.5 10.88 . 138 m
4-Aug-06 2 161 72 106.5 19.73 21.28 148 m
4-Aug-06 2 145 65 115.5 15.41 16.36 148.5 m
4-Aug-06 2 145 65 117.5 16.03 16.64 153 m
4-Aug-06 2 157 67 129.5 14.04 13.87 159.5 m
4-Aug-06 2 149 66 125 17 18.21 161 m
4-Aug-06 2 154 65 123.5 18.61 19.6 163.5 m
4-Aug-06 2 153 70 137 17.17 19.09 174.5 m
4-Aug-06 2 148 69 133.5 21.03 20.81 176 m
4-Aug-06 2 151 64 139 20.98 20.21 181 m
4-Aug-06 3 109 45 43.75 4.46 4.49 53.01 m
4-Aug-06 3 125 56 83.59 9.31 10.92 104.76 m
4-Aug-06 3 122 61 96.5 6.18 12.75 116 m
4-Aug-06 3 124 64 108 13.83 . 123 m
4-Aug-06 3 131 63 105 12.96 12.01 130.5 m
4-Aug-06 3 135 62 103.5 12.99 13.78 131 m
4-Aug-06 3 148 64 106 13.06 13.77 133.5 m
4-Aug-06 3 137 63 108.5 13.98 14.88 137.5 m
4-Aug-06 3 147 64 114.5 14.49 13.61 143 m
4-Aug-06 3 141 64 110.5 16.53 16.26 144 m
4-Aug-06 3 156 69 116.5 14.44 16.21 147.5 m
4-Aug-06 3 155 67 129 17.23 20.27 167.5 m
4-Aug-06 3 159 71 140.5 19.42 18.04 179.5 m
4-Aug-06 3 170 72 151.5 20.37 22.46 194 m
4-Aug-06 3 167 72 163.5 23.77 24.85 213.5 m
4-Aug-06 3 175 63 181 25.38 27.21 235 m

Date Site CW CL Bwt Lwt Rwt Twt Sex
4-Aug-06 3 192 82 229 36.07 37.15 304 m
4-Aug-06 4 127 66 78.9 10.19 10.99 101.14 m
4-Aug-06 4 128 59 99.5 7.3 7.52 114.5 m
4-Aug-06 4 147 68 125.5 . 17.32 143 m
4-Aug-06 4 160 64 119 12.29 13.53 145.5 f
4-Aug-06 4 158 66 114 15.36 17.94 147.5 m
4-Aug-06 4 145 65 116 15.4 16.73 149.5 m
4-Aug-06 4 150 65 116.5 18.05 15.64 151 m
4-Aug-06 4 144 61 118 16.35 17.17 153 m
4-Aug-06 4 142 66 131 16.02 17.44 165 m
4-Aug-06 4 154 73 129 16.69 18.42 166 m
4-Aug-06 4 152 71 143 19.53 18.27 181.5 m
4-Aug-06 4 169 71 149 17.64 15.44 183 f
4-Aug-06 4 160 72 144.5 20.84 19.67 186.5 m
4-Aug-06 4 169 71 148.5 18.55 19.48 188 f
4-Aug-06 4 160 73 157 22.43 24.07 205.5 m
4-Aug-06 4 179 75 178 22.44 27.97 229.5 m
4-Aug-06 4 195 84 233.5 17.54 17.88 270.5 m
4-Aug-06 4 193 82 215 31.91 34.85 284 m
4-Aug-06 5 125 57 85.84 7.09 10.82 104.77 m
4-Aug-06 5 139 63 99 12.67 13.64 125.5 m
4-Aug-06 5 141 61 100.5 13.41 14.28 128.5 m
4-Aug-06 5 137 63 105 12.87 13.82 132 m
4-Aug-06 5 142 62 111.5 13.07 14.21 138.5 m
4-Aug-06 5 144 64 114 14.88 16.09 145.5 m
4-Aug-06 5 139 65 116.5 14.87 15.74 148.5 m
4-Aug-06 5 174 68 147 15.6 17.68 181 f
4-Aug-06 5 164 75 160.5 23.94 24.64 209.5 m
4-Aug-06 5 173 78 178 22.46 25.32 227.5 m
4-Aug-06 5 164 73 168.5 30.5 31.06 234.5 m
4-Aug-06 5 170 78 186.5 31.28 31.06 257 m
4-Aug-06 6 132 66 76.81 10.06 . 87.64 m
4-Aug-06 6 131 58 91.75 . 11.78 104.29 m
4-Aug-06 6 168 69 132 15.65 15.6 163.5 f
4-Aug-06 6 174 73 176 24.18 25.85 227.5 m
11-Aug-06 1 129 55 71.62 7.53 . 80.23 if
11-Aug-06 1 126 59 85.59 10.36 11.59 86.09 m
11-Aug-06 1 118 55 73.03 8.67 9.44 92.23 m
11-Aug-06 1 128 60 83.78 9.51 11.08 105.38 if
11-Aug-06 1 136 59 84.08 10.33 11.55 107.24 if
11-Aug-06 1 126 59 85.33 10.61 12.09 112 m
11-Aug-06 1 127 60 88.15 10.96 12.98 114.65 m

Date Site CW CL Bwt Lwt Rwt Twt Sex
11-Aug-06 1 125 60 92 11 11.48 115.5 m
11-Aug-06 1 137 67 98.73 14.37 14.37 127.77 m
11-Aug-06 1 135 62 105 13.28 15.27 134 m
11-Aug-06 1 153 68 114 15.66 17.82 148 m
11-Aug-06 1 144 68 128 . 19.88 148.5 m
11-Aug-06 1 150 64 119 15.81 16.8 152 m
11-Aug-06 1 154 75 117.5 16.68 16.69 153.5 m
11-Aug-06 1 150 68 126 17.42 20.63 164.5 m
11-Aug-06 1 153 67 130 12.06 22.07 165.5 m
11-Aug-06 1 156 70 131 19.32 20.61 173 m
11-Aug-06 1 160 70 134.5 19.93 20.21 177 m
11-Aug-06 1 156 71 136.5 20.67 24.88 184.5 m
11-Aug-06 1 164 71 143.5 23.36 24.75 194.5 m
11-Aug-06 1 166 76 176 27.86 29.82 236 m
11-Aug-06 1 175 75 177 30.04 32.04 241 m
11-Aug-06 1 189 79 198 25.89 30.49 260 m
11-Aug-06 2 110 51 53.77 5.91 6.87 66.92 if
11-Aug-06 2 104 53 56.31 4.32 7.6 69.18 m
11-Aug-06 2 115 54 62.58 7.25 7.98 78.3 m
11-Aug-06 2 115 52 64.78 8.51 8.4 83.15 m
11-Aug-06 2 118 56 71.31 6.47 6.67 85.07 if
11-Aug-06 2 118 55 67.39 9.24 8.97 86.45 m
11-Aug-06 2 121 56 69.89 8.63 8.73 87.74 m
11-Aug-06 2 132 62 85.02 6.22 7.28 99.38 m
11-Aug-06 2 130 58 81.79 8.65 9.41 100.84 if
11-Aug-06 2 123 57 82 10.29 10.88 103.5 m
11-Aug-06 2 136 61 80.83 12.08 12.12 106.32 m
11-Aug-06 2 128 61 87.5 11 12.47 111.5 m
11-Aug-06 2 126 60 95 10.8 12.71 120 m
11-Aug-06 2 131 61 98 11.7 12.25 122.5 m
11-Aug-06 2 144 63 104 11.8 6.83 124.5 if
11-Aug-06 2 133 61 101 12.38 12.57 126.5 m
11-Aug-06 2 142 65 101 13.25 13.31 128.5 m
11-Aug-06 2 135 64 107 14.66 13.99 137.5 m
11-Aug-06 2 133 65 114 13.87 14.89 144 m
11-Aug-06 2 145 65 112.5 15.33 16.13 145.5 m
11-Aug-06 2 147 65 119.5 15.14 16.45 152.5 m
11-Aug-06 2 164 72 138 18.8 20.39 178.5 m
11-Aug-06 3 116 51 59.79 7.14 6.58 74.59 m
11-Aug-06 3 111 54 61.48 8.69 8.49 79.43 m
11-Aug-06 3 117 54 64.12 7.91 8.44 81.56 m
11-Aug-06 3 117 56 71.08 8.68 9.68 90.48 m

Date Site CW CL Bwt Lwt Rwt Twt Sex
11-Aug-06 3 122 58 74.39 9.11 10.8 94.46 m
11-Aug-06 3 125 56 76.5 10.61 10.82 98.5 m
11-Aug-06 3 126 57 85.5 9.83 10.55 106.5 m
11-Aug-06 3 130 60 88.5 12.21 12.58 113.5 m
11-Aug-06 3 139 62 108.5 14.49 13.53 136.6 m
11-Aug-06 3 145 61 109 13.45 13.9 137 m
11-Aug-06 3 148 63 107 14.72 15.48 138 m
11-Aug-06 3 166 71 141 20.95 19.82 183 m
11-Aug-06 3 155 73 148 20.2 20.47 189.5 m
11-Aug-06 3 175 76 181.5 27.2 26.25 237.5 m
11-Aug-06 4 128 56 66.38 . 8.9 74.95 m
11-Aug-06 4 114 51 62.81 7.65 8.15 79.01 m
11-Aug-06 4 113 55 70 4.45 4.28 79.22 m
11-Aug-06 4 117 56 63.29 8.02 7.8 79.61 m
11-Aug-06 4 120 53 67.37 8.06 8.99 84.88 m
11-Aug-06 4 122 57 75.5 8.75 8.19 93 m
11-Aug-06 4 143 66 101 7.1 9.69 118.5 m
11-Aug-06 4 130 61 93.5 11.92 12.15 118.5 m
11-Aug-06 4 138 59 99 12.99 13.98 126.5 m
11-Aug-06 4 143 63 101 13.42 13.13 127.5 m
11-Aug-06 4 135 67 108 13.54 13.71 136.5 m
11-Aug-06 4 141 64 107.5 14.25 15.23 137.5 m
11-Aug-06 4 141 64 114.5 15.24 13.44 143.5 m
11-Aug-06 4 144 66 119 15.79 9.44 145.5 m
11-Aug-06 4 144 66 112.5 14.98 15.91 145.5 m
11-Aug-06 4 140 65 116 16.94 16.55 150.5 m
11-Aug-06 4 150 69 127.5 18.01 16.53 163 m
11-Aug-06 4 156 71 138 20.99 20.44 181.5 m
11-Aug-06 5 109 47 51.2 5.86 6.17 63.49 m
11-Aug-06 5 106 52 55.84 6.47 7.13 69.73 m
11-Aug-06 5 110 53 58.86 7.93 3.35 69.87 m
11-Aug-06 5 109 52 59.04 6.05 6.49 72.73 m
11-Aug-06 5 119 57 69.97 7.96 . 78.56 m
11-Aug-06 5 124 58 74.68 9.32 . 84.19 m
11-Aug-06 5 122 55 74.51 7.34 9.06 91.7 if
11-Aug-06 5 127 57 74.61 8.57 7.88 91.79 m
11-Aug-06 5 121 60 82 5.96 8.94 97 m
11-Aug-06 5 120 59 82.42 12.09 5.4 100.04 m
11-Aug-06 5 121 58 82.5 9.32 10.16 102.5 m
11-Aug-06 5 125 56 82 10.02 10.9 103.5 m
11-Aug-06 5 130 59 83 9.78 10.79 104 m
11-Aug-06 5 129 58 93 11.38 . 104.5 m

Date Site CW CL Bwt Lwt Rwt Twt Sex
11-Aug-06 5 126 57 84.5 10.32 10.52 105.5 m
11-Aug-06 5 138 59 79.81 12.06 12.76 106 m
11-Aug-06 5 138 61 97 11.75 12.82 122 m
11-Aug-06 5 139 62 97.5 12.19 12.74 123 m
11-Aug-06 5 125 63 98 12.26 12.77 123.5 m
11-Aug-06 5 150 66 100.5 13.26 14.25 128.5 m
11-Aug-06 5 156 69 123 16.67 16.85 156.5 m
11-Aug-06 5 153 67 125.5 18.85 14.99 160.5 m
11-Aug-06 5 149 67 130.5 10.48 17.94 160.5 m
11-Aug-06 5 152 71 142.5 . 22.13 164.5 m
11-Aug-06 5 149 69 122.5 19.61 20.07 166 m
11-Aug-06 5 166 73 162.5 23.21 23 210.5 m
11-Aug-06 6 130 57 82.5 8.94 9.73 102 m
11-Aug-06 6 128 59 85 10.93 10.37 108 m
11-Aug-06 6 129 58 86 10.85 11.67 110 m
11-Aug-06 6 133 62 87 10.99 12.37 111 m
11-Aug-06 6 141 63 98 12.55 12.83 124 m
11-Aug-06 6 142 64 102.5 10.52 10.36 124.5 m
11-Aug-06 6 161 67 126 18.47 18.78 166.5 m
11-Aug-06 6 161 69 138 20.05 19.23 178.5 m
11-Aug-06 6 175 72 160 17.23 20.62 199.5 f
11-Aug-06 7 109 49 53.7 6.2 4.15 64.53 m
11-Aug-06 7 129 56 81.23 12.05 11.85 106.29 m
11-Aug-06 7 143 64 116 14.95 14.98 147.5 m
11-Aug-06 7 154 70 123.5 15.25 16.42 157 m
15-Aug-06 1 82 42 29.88 3.18 . 33.13 m
15-Aug-06 1 102 45 40.04 4.34 4.78 49.37 m
15-Aug-06 1 113 54 64.31 8.24 . 72.72 m
15-Aug-06 1 126 60 86.92 10.65 12.11 110.64 m
15-Aug-06 1 149 62 112 11.89 18.82 143.5 m
15-Aug-06 1 141 65 112 16.5 16.25 145 m
15-Aug-06 1 162 72 158 24.56 26.99 211 m
15-Aug-06 2 84 43 29.54 . 3.41 33.15 m
15-Aug-06 2 100 53 50.83 6.21 . 57.28 m
15-Aug-06 2 108 53 56.65 . 5.84 62.62 m
15-Aug-06 2 106 52 52.26 6.13 6.27 65.09 m
15-Aug-06 2 115 56 57.21 6.32 3.69 67.69 m
15-Aug-06 2 111 56 66.59 7.47 7.83 82.39 m
15-Aug-06 2 121 57 67.95 10.16 9.63 89.45 m
15-Aug-06 2 139 62 86.42 10.99 11.96 111.04 m
15-Aug-06 2 138 73 138 16.09 22.14 177.5 m
15-Aug-06 2 145 75 161 . 25.84 187.5 m

Date Site CW CL Bwt Lwt Rwt Twt Sex
15-Aug-06 3 128 61 89.03 11.13 13.3 114.27 m
15-Aug-06 3 141 66 101.5 13.11 13.99 129.5 m
15-Aug-06 4 120 53 61.52 7.01 7.62 76.97 m
15-Aug-06 4 127 60 74.65 11.04 10.91 98.36 m
15-Aug-06 4 130 61 86.08 10.31 10.91 108 m
15-Aug-06 4 133 62 92.5 11.23 9.86 115 m
15-Aug-06 4 140 61 91 12.77 11.9 116 m
15-Aug-06 4 141 67 105.5 12.72 7.78 126.5 m
15-Aug-06 4 170 76 175.5 26.15 28.98 232.5 m
15-Aug-06 5 130 59 81.4 11.17 10.64 104.53 m
15-Aug-06 5 136 64 98.5 13.64 11.52 124.5 m
15-Aug-06 6 145 68 97.29 12.79 . 110.74 m
15-Aug-06 6 152 68 113 17.14 14.35 146.5 m
23-Aug-06 1 126 61 78.5 10.56 . 89 m
23-Aug-06 1 126 59 81 10.51 . 92 m
23-Aug-06 1 138 66 83.85 11.78 . 95.92 m
23-Aug-06 1 127 59 86.61 . 11.47 98.49 m
23-Aug-06 1 125 59 83 10.86 12.43 106.5 m
23-Aug-06 1 129 63 88.5 11.45 12.26 112.5 m
23-Aug-06 1 132 58 92.5 11.37 12.89 117 m
23-Aug-06 1 139 65 109.5 14.06 15.55 140 m
23-Aug-06 1 146 63 110.5 15.48 17.96 144 m
23-Aug-06 1 149 66 114.5 15.71 17.93 148.5 m
23-Aug-06 1 157 71 121 19.38 21.37 162.5 m
23-Aug-06 1 145 68 127 19.63 16.1 164 m
23-Aug-06 1 153 70 143 26.68 17.52 182 m
23-Aug-06 1 167 70 141 22.67 26.28 196.5 m
23-Aug-06 1 170 77 170 27.45 31.34 230 m
23-Aug-06 2 80 39 25.15 1.26 . 26.52 m
23-Aug-06 2 110 55 57.47 7.76 . 65.43 m
23-Aug-06 2 105 55 60.42 7.6 . 68.51 m
23-Aug-06 2 115 55 63.85 8.69 . 72.79 m
23-Aug-06 2 111 54 57.39 7.56 8.59 74.09 m
23-Aug-06 2 116 58 65.54 9.15 . 75.81 m
23-Aug-06 2 124 60 73.44 9.16 9.91 93.49 if
23-Aug-06 2 131 56 77.54 10.36 9.42 98.1 m
23-Aug-06 2 130 60 86 10.64 11.64 108.5 m
23-Aug-06 2 123 62 86 10.25 11.37 109.5 m
23-Aug-06 2 143 64 102.5 12.21 12.6 128 m
23-Aug-06 2 144 66 110.5 13.71 12.19 137 m
23-Aug-06 2 144 65 116 16.7 8.51 141.5 m
23-Aug-06 2 167 75 138.5 21.17 23.49 191 m

Date Site CW CL Bwt Lwt Rwt Twt Sex
23-Aug-06 3 109 55 61.1 6.8 7.49 76.03 m
23-Aug-06 3 112 56 61.97 7.68 8.02 78.47 m
23-Aug-06 3 134 65 82 11.72 13.41 108 m
23-Aug-06 3 133 65 87 8.09 12.31 109 m
23-Aug-06 3 135 62 86 11.21 9.84 112 m
23-Aug-06 3 128 66 107.5 . 14.54 122.5 m
23-Aug-06 3 147 65 104.5 13.38 13.5 131.5 m
23-Aug-06 3 142 66 106.5 11.59 13.38 132 m
23-Aug-06 3 157 71 123 14.53 . 138 if
23-Aug-06 3 150 69 120.5 15.73 16.38 152.5 m
23-Aug-06 3 157 69 113 18.3 18.17 155 m
23-Aug-06 4 114 56 72.31 . 7.93 80.81 m
23-Aug-06 4 134 62 80.5 10.58 . 91.5 m
23-Aug-06 4 129 64 86.5 . 6.93 93 m
23-Aug-06 4 122 58 79.18 9.75 7.84 97.67 m
23-Aug-06 4 143 66 87.5 12.59 . 100.5 m
23-Aug-06 4 144 67 97.5 12.8 14.92 127 m
23-Aug-06 4 134 64 100.5 12.55 13.32 127.5 m
23-Aug-06 4 138 67 104 13.15 14.46 133 m
23-Aug-06 4 149 72 123.5 20.52 21.96 168.5 m
23-Aug-06 4 155 70 142.5 20.69 20.07 185.5 m
23-Aug-06 5 115 55 58.92 7.96 7.72 75.54 m
23-Aug-06 5 116 57 68.17 7.47 7.7 83.6 m
23-Aug-06 5 122 56 74.5 9.31 9.76 94.5 m
23-Aug-06 5 134 63 84 11.59 12.66 109 m
23-Aug-06 5 148 67 104.5 14.17 13.72 134 m
23-Aug-06 5 163 75 146.5 21.07 18.39 188 m
23-Aug-06 5 172 78 181 30.02 17.01 237 m
7-Sep-06 1 135 60 85.5 . 14.09 100 m
7-Sep-06 1 131 59 83.93 6.2 11.46 102.08 if
7-Sep-06 1 126 60 90 12.02 11.96 114.5 m
7-Sep-06 1 136 62 97.5 11.03 12.1 120.5 if
7-Sep-06 1 140 64 98.5 13.84 14.31 128.5 m
7-Sep-06 1 146 63 103.5 14.22 15.58 134 m
7-Sep-06 1 144 69 110 15.97 18.43 146 m
7-Sep-06 1 145 66 121.5 19.78 19.68 162.5 m
7-Sep-06 1 149 68 140.5 22.14 . 163.5 m
7-Sep-06 1 151 70 128 19.78 21.92 169.5 m
7-Sep-06 1 150 70 128 18.77 22.15 169.5 m
7-Sep-06 1 152 70 141.5 17.66 22.67 183.5 m
7-Sep-06 1 164 72 147 21.85 23.75 193.5 m
7-Sep-06 1 165 75 165.5 25.04 27.22 221.5 m

Date Site CW CL Bwt Lwt Rwt Twt Sex
7-Sep-06 1 180 81 207 15.9 16.39 240.5 m
7-Sep-06 1 166 77 187 36.78 24.91 252.5 m
7-Sep-06 1 195 88 241 42.23 49.29 338.5 m
7-Sep-06 2 98 51 49.36 . 5.93 55.71 m
7-Sep-06 2 105 53 50.57 4.55 5.98 61.37 m
7-Sep-06 2 112 57 69.31 7.79 8.51 86.22 m
7-Sep-06 2 124 62 92.5 6.17 13.12 113 m
7-Sep-06 2 130 62 98 11.28 12.43 122 m
7-Sep-06 2 135 63 102.5 8.23 13.32 124.5 m
7-Sep-06 2 137 65 116 17.6 17.88 153 m
7-Sep-06 2 146 66 119.5 17.2 17.43 155 m
7-Sep-06 2 151 69 127 18.78 16.62 162.5 m
7-Sep-06 2 160 72 141.5 18.96 20.7 183 m
7-Sep-06 2 153 70 140 25.58 22.82 188.5 m
7-Sep-06 3 117 57 66.81 7.17 7.92 83.3 if
7-Sep-06 3 121 62 83.82 12.09 . 96.27 m
7-Sep-06 3 139 66 102.5 11.66 11.64 128 m
7-Sep-06 3 170 72 139.5 15.33 17.34 176.5 f
7-Sep-06 4 101 48 50.33 5.49 4.09 59.24 m
7-Sep-06 4 125 56 76.48 9.57 7.58 95.06 m
7-Sep-06 4 130 63 92 11.28 12.5 116 m
7-Sep-06 4 142 68 111.5 16.89 16.51 146.5 m
7-Sep-06 4 145 70 132.5 16.98 17.92 168.5 m
7-Sep-06 5 136 66 106.5 11.61 13.72 133.5 m
7-Sep-06 5 147 65 111 13.74 13.37 139 f
7-Sep-06 5 163 73 153 21.54 23.25 198.5 m
20-Sep-06 1 109 50 49.73 5.68 5.29 63.54 m
20-Sep-06 1 120 56 70.38 8.11 . 78.69 m
20-Sep-06 1 124 57 71.06 . 9.86 81.64 m
20-Sep-06 1 161 68 130.5 . 19.66 151 m
20-Sep-06 1 155 69 135 22.4 22.43 180.5 m
20-Sep-06 1 157 73 153 12.81 24.57 191.5 m
20-Sep-06 1 176 72 161.5 24.69 27.09 214 m
20-Sep-06 1 161 71 163.5 26.72 23.83 216.5 m
20-Sep-06 2 118 50 62.48 6.16 6.7 69.81 m
20-Sep-06 2 105 51 57.5 6.56 6.89 71.5 m
20-Sep-06 2 129 52 65.5 7.56 . 73.5 m
20-Sep-06 2 114 54 61.5 7.65 8.26 77.5 m
20-Sep-06 2 115 55 63.5 7.11 8.08 80.5 m
20-Sep-06 2 120 57 65.5 7.43 8.98 81.5 m
20-Sep-06 2 126 56 69.5 9.15 6.36 85.5 m
20-Sep-06 2 127 52 70 8.58 8.65 87.5 m

Date Site CW CL Bwt Lwt Rwt Twt Sex
20-Sep-06 2 122 57 73.5 9.6 8.42 91.5 m
20-Sep-06 2 125 57 75.5 8.85 10.63 95.5 m
20-Sep-06 2 132 59 85 10.32 . 95.5 m
20-Sep-06 2 137 61 84.5 9.23 5.51 99.5 m
20-Sep-06 2 121 55 78.5 10.1 10.08 99.5 m
20-Sep-06 2 129 61 82 10.14 10.81 103.5 m
20-Sep-06 2 146 60 87.5 10.48 11.01 109.5 m
20-Sep-06 2 134 61 95.5 13.3 5.81 114.5 m
20-Sep-06 2 138 63 96.5 11.75 12.52 120.5 m
20-Sep-06 2 140 61 101 11.62 11.7 126.5 m
20-Sep-06 2 155 64 108 14.76 14.99 128.5 m
20-Sep-06 2 135 63 103 12.99 13.79 132.5 m
20-Sep-06 2 153 67 118.5 . 15.82 135 m
20-Sep-06 2 145 65 121.5 15.31 16.43 156.6 m
20-Sep-06 2 155 71 133 17.43 19.05 169.5 m
20-Sep-06 2 161 71 140.5 12.42 20.43 174 m
20-Sep-06 3 113 54 54.5 6.31 6.67 67.5 m
20-Sep-06 4 135 69 125 15.71 18.55 160.5 m
28-Sep-06 1 107 49 53.74 6.05 4.71 64.7 m
28-Sep-06 1 115 51 58 7.34 6.91 72.5 m
28-Sep-06 1 129 60 83 10.25 11.33 106.5 m
28-Sep-06 1 134 61 95 11.05 . 106.5 m
28-Sep-06 1 142 62 100.5 13.68 14.55 129.5 m
28-Sep-06 1 145 63 121 . 16.14 137.5 m
28-Sep-06 1 156 70 138 20.56 23.57 184 m
28-Sep-06 1 175 81 201.5 . . 201.5 m
28-Sep-06 1 168 71 160 26.31 30.3 218.5 m
28-Sep-06 1 179 78 186.5 37.79 . 224.5 m
28-Sep-06 1 168 78 180.5 34.67 35.92 253.5 m
28-Sep-06 1 178 77 193 33.61 36.72 268.5 m
28-Sep-06 2 121 57 71.69 . . 71.69 m
28-Sep-06 2 113 54 59.95 6.89 7.07 74.8 m
28-Sep-06 2 137 65 95 12.05 7.36 114.5 m
28-Sep-06 2 136 62 96.5 12.75 13.42 123.5 m
28-Sep-06 2 167 73 161 10.64 26.26 201 m
28-Sep-06 3 109 51 51.58 5.09 6.39 63.68 m
28-Sep-06 3 130 60 78.88 5.91 10.13 97.21 m
28-Sep-06 3 145 69 125 . 15.51 141.5 m
11-Oct-06 1 110 47 44.65 5.36 4.2 54.57 m
11-Oct-06 1 117 56 73.92 7.9 . 82.02 if
11-Oct-06 1 132 56 75.95 8.57 6.61 91.84 if
11-Oct-06 1 155 62 91.5 . 9.86 101.5 f

Date Site CW CL Bwt Lwt Rwt Twt Sex
11-Oct-06 1 131 59 81.41 12.02 12.96 107.48 m
11-Oct-06 1 148 64 104.5 . 14.11 119 m
11-Oct-06 1 150 65 115.5 . 15.72 131 m
11-Oct-06 1 171 76 198.5 31.61 34.04 266 m
11-Oct-06 1 174 77 200 38.61 32.61 271.5 m
11-Oct-06 2 133 60 79.12 9.44 9.86 99.59 m
11-Oct-06 2 140 61 87.98 10.37 7.65 106.27 if
11-Oct-06 2 140 64 102.5 11.13 11.22 125 m
11-Oct-06 3 135 63 97.5 . 11.68 109.5 m
11-Oct-06 3 142 63 101 12.52 14.17 128 m
11-Oct-06 3 149 66 105.5 13.68 13.62 137 m
11-Oct-06 3 152 67 115.5 15.46 16.32 147.5 m
11-Oct-06 3 141 65 118 14.97 16.16 149 m
11-Oct-06 3 153 68 124.5 18.19 19.11 162.5 m
11-Oct-06 4 131 60 86.67 9.81 7.77 104.97 m
11-Oct-06 4 131 62 87 11.48 12.8 113.5 m
11-Oct-06 4 145 62 91.5 11.41 12.53 115.5 m
11-Oct-06 4 146 68 114 8.17 8.26 131.5 m
11-Oct-06 4 148 64 108 13.1 15.67 138.5 m
11-Oct-06 4 147 64 112.5 13.71 14.7 141.5 m
11-Oct-06 5 128 60 86 10.47 9.81 106.5 m
11-Oct-06 5 164 72 150 . 19.61 169.5 m
11-Oct-06 5 180 73 148 15.94 18.03 182 f
11-Oct-06 7 166 70 138.5 18.93 21.37 181 m
11-Oct-06 7 183 74 179 19.14 22.77 221.5 f
18-Oct-06 1 122 54 71.04 7.21 4.29 82.86 if
18-Oct-06 1 143 62 107.5 14.05 15.99 137.5 m
18-Oct-06 1 160 68 137 17.8 8.81 164 m
18-Oct-06 1 145 66 131 18.35 21.37 171 m
18-Oct-06 1 169 74 154.5 25.37 . 180 m
18-Oct-06 1 156 69 134 22.78 22.93 181.5 m
18-Oct-06 1 160 73 155 23.09 26.52 205 m
18-Oct-06 1 173 72 157.5 23.95 26.21 208 m
18-Oct-06 1 159 75 171.5 28.51 31.32 234.5 m
18-Oct-06 1 184 78 192.5 34.1 34.43 262.5 m
18-Oct-06 1 181 81 199.5 28.28 31.47 263 m
18-Oct-06 2 127 55 87.04 9.24 10.82 108.29 if
18-Oct-06 2 159 70 145.5 23.89 27.29 198.5 m
18-Oct-06 2 169 73 164.5 22.31 28.15 217.5 m
18-Oct-06 2 161 72 164.5 27.36 30 223.5 m
18-Oct-06 2 182 76 175.5 26.06 29.29 236.5 m
18-Oct-06 3 116 56 78.66 9.85 6.04 95.16 m

Date Site CW CL Bwt Lwt Rwt Twt Sex
18-Oct-06 3 160 68 144.5 21.37 16.59 182.5 m
18-Oct-06 4 144 68 129.5 15.07 16.73 161.5 m
18-Oct-06 5 115 52 59.94 . 7.44 67.51 m
18-Oct-06 5 189 75 180 17.84 19.97 220 f
18-Oct-06 6 154 67 124.5 15.84 17.48 158 m
18-Oct-06 6 173 71 156 15.86 18.19 190.5 f
18-Oct-06 6 165 72 163 25.48 30.21 223 m
18-Oct-06 6 166 73 161.5 30.96 33.45 230.5 m
25-Oct-06 1 123 53 64.75 8.02 9.22 82.24 m
25-Oct-06 1 145 67 105.99 11.71 12.81 130.62 if
25-Oct-06 1 164 66 131 . . 131 m
25-Oct-06 1 157 64 127 16.61 18.38 162.5 m
25-Oct-06 1 155 69 143.5 23.01 25.67 194 m
25-Oct-06 1 175 75 179.5 28.62 32.04 241 m
25-Oct-06 1 195 82 230 38.47 43.89 314 m
25-Oct-06 2 126 56 67.37 6.38 6.36 83.25 m
25-Oct-06 4 125 63 86.5 . . 86.5 m
7-Nov-06 1 119 53 60.5 6.82 7.93 75.5 m
7-Nov-06 1 142 62 84 9.72 10.29 104 m
7-Nov-06 1 132 61 89.87 11.81 10.81 112.5 m
7-Nov-06 6 194 81 208.5 23.16 25.43 258.5 f


Appendix II. Raw data for blue crabs collected from 18 July 2006, 19 August 2006, and
17 November 2006, from Fourchon/Grand Isle with collection date, collection site,
carapace width (mm), carapace length (mm), cheliped-free body weight (g), left cheliped
weight (g), right cheliped weight (g), total body weight (g), and sex in the lower Barataria
Estuary. CW=Carapace width, CL=Carapace length, Bwt=Cheliped-free body weight,
Lwt=Left cheliped weight, Rwt=Right cheliped weight, Twt=Total body weight.

Date Site CW CL Bwt Lwt Rwt Twt Sex

18-Jul-06 Fourchon 78 40 38 4.17 5.29 45.5 if
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 84 42 38.5 4.51 3.88 46.5 if
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 88 46 50.5 6.49 5.05 52 if
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 86 44 43.5 4.68 5.91 53.5 if
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 92 43 49 . 6.89 55 if
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 97 52 68 . . 68 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 105 53 68.5 . 4.43 73 if
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 115 50 71 7.18 . 79 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 102 53 61.5 7.91 11.72 82 if
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 95 52 66.5 8.31 10.16 86.5 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 117 52 70 6.88 10.21 90 f
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 104 52 71 6.91 11.95 90.5 if
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 109 52 72.5 7.77 9.36 91.5 if
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 105 50 80 9.39 . 92 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 123 53 76 8.74 8.02 93 f
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 126 54 84.5 9.38 . 94.5 f
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 119 57 77.5 9.44 9.22 99.5 f
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 131 57 84 8.49 9.21 102 f
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 133 57 93 9.91 . 104 f
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 103 55 76.5 10.66 16.23 104.5 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 129 58 83 9.19 13.59 105 f
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 124 57 82.5 9.06 12.29 105.5 f
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 109 56 81.5 10.1 12.49 105.5 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 122 54 84.5 9.21 11.64 107 f
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 123 62 111.5 . . 111.5 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 131 57 92.5 9.66 11.42 113.5 f
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 127 59 97 14.64 . 114 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 109 55 90.5 12.74 13.22 114.5 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 120 60 88.5 11.79 13.32 114.5 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 121 57 87 14.17 14.86 116.5 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 116 60 89 12.61 15.81 118.5 m

Date Site CW CL Bwt Lwt Rwt Twt Sex
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 132 59 95.5 9.69 12.23 119 f
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 127 61 100.5 19.8 . 120.3 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 130 58 96 10.65 12.1 121 f
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 144 67 101.5 7.56 11.48 122.5 f
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 133 58 99 12.34 10.41 125.5 f
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 137 57 99 10.02 12.04 126 f
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 140 65 126 . . 126 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 119 56 94 14.45 17.25 127 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 130 63 110 17.55 . 127 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 131 59 92 15.75 18.8 128 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 128 62 111 17.07 . 128 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 129 60 94 18.5 14.25 129 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 120 59 98.5 13.29 16.8 129.5 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 129 63 111.5 . 18.25 129.5 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 124 58 98 14.23 16.32 131 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 134 58 99 15.31 16.96 132 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 123 65 118 16.92 . 135 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 127 61 115 . 18.64 136 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 132 60 114.5 19.37 . 136 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 130 62 110.5 6.68 19.51 138 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 132 60 105 16.05 16.8 138.5 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 137 62 109 14.93 12.82 139 f
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 134 62 117.5 20.04 . 139 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 129 61 103.5 18.97 15.86 142.5 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 136 62 113 15.31 11.69 143 f
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 140 62 108 12.37 21.35 143 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 127 62 101.5 16.49 23.47 143 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 143 60 116.5 12.86 15.53 145 f
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 129 52 104.5 18.63 18.64 145 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 133 65 101 41.55 23.55 146 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 149 69 126 . 19.48 147 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 154 65 147 . . 147 f
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 134 66 113.5 18.43 14.31 148 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 143 69 152 . . 152 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 150 65 120 13.1 16.38 153 f
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 135 60 114 18.14 18.23 153.5 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 137 65 119 19.95 13.99 155.5 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 140 72 109.5 24.69 19.68 157 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 136 62 118.5 18.04 20.18 159 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 130 62 119.5 27.79 17.89 159.5 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 128 60 120 20.18 22.27 159.5 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 143 62 121 22.23 16.82 160 m

Date Site CW CL Bwt Lwt Rwt Twt Sex
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 143 64 127.5 12.37 17.17 160 f
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 137 62 115.5 20.3 22.39 160 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 153 65 129 15.81 18.94 166 f
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 130 62 127.14 18.29 21.57 167 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 144 61 119.5 21.15 24.55 167.5 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 138 62 124 20.26 23.97 170 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 149 69 145 . 27.6 173 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 148 67 137.5 15.26 21.05 174.5 f
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 154 68 157 19.07 . 175 f
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 149 75 117.5 25.78 27.36 176.5 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 143 73 126 20.69 24.03 178 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 140 64 133 25.15 19.77 179.5 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 137 65 130.5 22.75 26.32 180.5 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 143 65 127 24.39 27.04 180.5 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 154 68 156 25.56 . 184 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 136 63 136 26.91 24.69 190 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 145 66 140 22.72 25.43 192 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 144 68 136 29.06 26.99 196 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 142 67 140 29.3 26.18 197 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 155 68 142 27.85 27.81 197 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 140 70 161 . 34.29 197 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 152 68 165 31.47 . 197.5 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 143 68 143.5 28.22 32.15 203.5 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 150 69 152.5 32.67 19.8 207 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 174 72 162.5 22.45 21.32 210.5 f
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 148 69 152 25.04 32.15 212.5 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 176 71 178 18.46 23.29 219.5 f
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 152 73 180 19.11 19.48 221 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 149 70 163.5 26.51 29.25 222 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 163 75 174.5 29.82 20.14 226.5 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 153 73 160 23.55 43.35 227 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 157 71 163 31.2 39.08 238 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 157 69 165 36.61 32.02 239.5 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 156 73 188 21.05 26.67 241 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 152 70 166.5 34.03 38.09 242.5 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 178 71 192 29.27 25.1 246 f
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 176 75 197 24.07 19.7 247 f
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 159 70 174.5 38.07 31.22 248.5 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 161 72 182.5 28.52 42.82 253.5 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 157 75 162.5 34.36 41.02 254 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 164 72 182.5 37.72 32.47 260.5 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 152 73 172.5 37.5 43.91 262 m

Date Site CW CL Bwt Lwt Rwt Twt Sex
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 180 79 233.5 14.99 26.39 276 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 167 78 224 . 53.87 281 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 160 75 200 42.42 39.29 286 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 161 73 202.5 40.14 44.02 288 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 176 82 219.5 31.3 33.26 289.5 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 166 74 198 43.54 48.73 296.5 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 166 77 223.5 50.32 28.19 313 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 171 79 213.5 46.57 52.49 317 m
18-Jul-06 Fourchon 183 85 291.5 37.89 74.95 409.5 m
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 135 56 70.18 7.87 9.21 88.14 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 128 56 74.61 7.81 5.92 89.32 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 130 55 73.5 7.5 9.74 92.01 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 127 55 76.58 8.97 7.59 94.99 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 137 59 74.54 8.92 11.02 95.89 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 142 60 97.82 . . 97.82 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 140 60 87.62 10.03 . 98.82 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 125 58 79.5 9.26 10.9 100 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 135 60 83.5 7.48 11.23 102.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 139 57 86 8.34 10.86 106.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 134 61 92.62 11.43 . 107.78 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 128 58 83.42 8.61 14.75 107.82 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 147 60 97 10.41 . 108 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 146 59 87.5 8.55 11.78 108.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 141 60 88.5 6.59 12.13 108.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 145 59 91.61 7.13 11.87 112.4 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 141 62 96 4.66 11.55 112.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 136 61 91 10.88 11.46 114 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 148 62 107.5 7.78 . 116 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 133 58 95 9.27 11.72 116.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 151 64 92 11.61 11.8 116.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 140 61 96 11.74 8.66 117 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 130 61 94 9.47 11.21 117 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 126 64 92.5 10.66 12.84 118.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 148 64 118.5 . . 118.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 155 65 122 . . 122 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 149 60 98.5 10.34 12.68 122.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 153 62 99 13.45 11.13 124 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 128 62 95.5 10.36 14.51 124 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 144 64 109.5 14.94 . 126 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 145 64 104 12.1 9.19 126.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 137 60 96.5 12.62 15.47 126.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 147 64 102.5 10.57 11.96 127 f

Date Site CW CL Bwt Lwt Rwt Twt Sex
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 144 61 102 10.69 12.98 127 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 144 62 105.5 12.15 7.63 127.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 147 66 101 11.27 12.69 127.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 155 63 116.5 11.41 . 129 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 156 62 103 9.59 12.01 129.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 154 67 107 9.51 13.6 131 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 146 60 104 11.09 14.09 131.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 151 65 108 11.28 13.71 133.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 150 65 105.5 11.82 14.21 134.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 154 65 107.5 12.26 13.45 135.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 145 64 106 11.89 15.14 136 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 143 62 108 13.35 15.4 137.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 145 63 110 11.74 14.39 138.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 137 61 109 12.04 15.3 138.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 141 64 107.5 12.67 17.16 138.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 156 63 112.5 10.54 15.08 139 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 149 63 105.5 12.5 18.3 139 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 140 65 111 10.33 15.04 140 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 153 66 116.5 7.54 14.85 140.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 151 67 117 14.79 8.77 142 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 155 67 124 17.14 . 142 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 141 62 111.5 16.34 11.99 142.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 134 65 123 9.35 9.44 143.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 142 64 110 12.72 16.3 143.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 159 65 112.5 16.17 13.78 144 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 150 68 117 12.12 14.21 144.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 151 65 115 13.37 14.87 144.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 146 65 112.5 13.92 17.02 145 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 148 65 115 12.8 16.55 146 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 151 65 129 17.23 . 147 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 158 69 117.5 14.13 14.66 148.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 148 69 116 13.14 19.03 149.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 151 65 115 14.85 19.09 149.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 145 64 115 13.73 19.51 150 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 151 62 119 11.43 16.3 152 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 155 63 120 14.83 13.42 154 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 163 65 124 13.57 16.09 155.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 151 66 126.5 15.7 14.86 157.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 149 65 121 12.42 20.22 157.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 157 63 128 13.99 14.92 158.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 170 68 138.5 . 17.98 158.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 150 67 130.5 16.02 11.66 159.5 f

Date Site CW CL Bwt Lwt Rwt Twt Sex
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 150 66 126 15.61 21.08 165.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 150 70 131 14.49 19.82 168 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 150 67 130 15.42 21.26 168.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 155 67 126.5 18.05 22.31 168.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 160 70 131 17.98 13.09 170.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 159 68 132 14.09 20.35 172 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 163 70 133 16.72 17.62 172.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 171 71 139.5 13.01 18.57 172.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 164 68 137.5 18.97 14.67 175 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 162 71 148.5 23.93 . 175 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 166 68 134 17.04 23.4 175.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 150 68 139.5 15.93 18.54 176 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 171 70 152 . 24.74 177.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 170 71 142.5 9.73 20.87 178 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 156 69 140 17.29 21.43 180 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 162 71 140 16.67 23.97 181 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 170 75 158.5 . 21.8 182.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 170 70 142 17.77 19.99 183.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 162 70 139.5 19.55 16.55 185 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 177 70 147.5 15.94 18.68 185 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 160 71 142.5 19.77 21.79 185.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 158 68 144.5 17.48 21.59 186.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 165 71 147.5 18.26 22.15 189.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 164 72 146.5 19.19 25.23 191.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 166 73 156 22.24 11.24 192 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 179 74 158 16.75 18.76 195.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 177 77 178.5 17.03 . 196.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 168 74 158.5 21.02 15.02 197.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 173 71 157 17.32 23.07 198.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 167 72 157.5 18.05 23.55 201.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 155 70 156.5 17.05 24.72 203.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 168 71 163.5 17.18 22.2 206 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 175 74 161.5 21.76 17.93 207 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 174 73 157.5 16.39 23.34 213.5 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 177 75 180.5 22.14 24.73 238 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 180 76 198 22.42 29.3 254 f
19-Aug-06 Grand Isle 177 80 199.5 23.71 21.52 255 f
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 100 51 58.94 . 6.66 66.7 m
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 100 54 66.84 . . 66.84 m
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 100 53 58.65 7.54 9.65 76.25 m
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 107 54 66.87 9.17 11.35 87.69 m
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 105 52 72.41 8.52 6.83 88.26 if

Date Site CW CL Bwt Lwt Rwt Twt Sex
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 117 55 73.06 9.44 8.46 92.01 if
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 114 67 81 6.29 6.49 94.25 m
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 119 57 78 8.94 10.96 98.5 if
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 116 58 83.83 12.35 10.95 108.02 m
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 118 59 83.5 11.55 13.24 108.5 m
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 119 63 93.17 . 18.64 112.28 m
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 129 60 90.5 9.69 12.24 112.5 if
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 141 65 103 . 11.92 115.5 f
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 143 63 96 10.91 9.61 117 f
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 125 61 88 11.7 16.96 117.5 m
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 126 70 102.5 16.07 . 118.68 m
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 139 66 97.5 21.29 . 119 m
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 125 61 92 11.72 10.99 119.5 m
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 126 64 98 24.52 . 123.5 m
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 139 64 102.5 12.33 13.81 129.5 f
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 127 60 99.5 14.21 15.54 129.5 m
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 130 62 100 14.86 16.88 132.5 m
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 126 62 100 13.59 19.51 133.5 m
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 142 74 106 11.54 15.61 134 f
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 133 65 114 21.33 . 136 m
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 141 63 118.5 . 19.94 138.5 m
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 154 70 131 9.85 . 141 f
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 132 64 114 16.44 13.46 144 m
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 116 67 114.5 10.59 19.18 145 m
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 133 64 119.5 16.91 17.32 154.5 m
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 136 71 109.5 26.45 20.17 156.5 m
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 148 66 125.5 13.54 19.2 158.5 f
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 139 66 128 21.42 19.11 169 m
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 141 66 123 21.03 26.59 171.5 m
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 145 67 143.5 27.51 22.07 193.5 m
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 145 73 172.5 27.48 . 200.5 m
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 145 69 147.5 23.28 27.2 201 m
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 157 74 151.5 33.02 28.28 214.5 m
17-Nov-06 Fourchon 162 73 164.5 33.61 29.18 228 m


Appendix III. Raw data for water quality measurements and CPUE for all sites for all
sample dates from 11 July 2006 to 7 November 2006 with collection date, collection site,
water temperature (TEMP; °C), dissolved oxygen (DO; mg/L), salinity (SAL; ppt), and
specific conductance (COND; µS) in the upper Barataria Estuary.


11-Jul-06 1 31.65 7.495 0.85 1878.5 6.50
11-Jul-06 2 30.4 4.93 0.35 800 3.50
11-Jul-06 3 30.4 3.42 0.3 650 3.25
11-Jul-06 4 30.4 3.665 0.2 600 3.50
11-Jul-06 5 30.175 3.87 0.2 400 2.25
11-Jul-06 6 30.45 3.305 0.2 400 3.75
11-Jul-06 7 30.405 4.61 0.2 300 5.00
27-Jul-06 1 28.4 5.78 0.7 1448.5 5.00
27-Jul-06 2 28.8 3.885 0.3 770 2.50
27-Jul-06 3 29.4 2.225 0.2 383.2 5.25
27-Jul-06 4 28.95 1.53 0.2 329.05 2.50
27-Jul-06 5 28.8 1.85 0.1 308.8 1.75
27-Jul-06 6 28.05 1.42 0.1 292 1.75
27-Jul-06 7 28.75 2.425 0.1 286.6 0.00
4-Aug-06 1 34.2 6.545 0.75 1485 6.25
4-Aug-06 2 34.2 4.445 0.55 1130.5 3.50
4-Aug-06 3 32.8 4.87 0.2 382.45 4.25
4-Aug-06 4 32.7 4.94 0.2 343.8 4.50
4-Aug-06 5 31.75 5.52 0.1 286.5 3.00
4-Aug-06 6 30.9 3.125 0.1 269.1 1.00
4-Aug-06 7 32.2 3.795 0.1 241.35 0.00
11-Aug-06 1 30.75 4.725 0.8 1811.5 5.75
11-Aug-06 2 28.75 1.145 0.15 330.5 5.50
11-Aug-06 3 26.45 1.27 0.1 267.6 3.50
11-Aug-06 4 28.5 1.44 0.1 250.75 4.50
11-Aug-06 5 28.45 1.35 0.1 233.25 6.50
11-Aug-06 6 28 1.33 0.1 234.85 2.25
11-Aug-06 7 27 1.52 0.1 198.1 1.00
15-Aug-06 1 33.1 6.91 0.55 1279 1.75
15-Aug-06 2 31.7 2.495 0.1 254.75 2.50
15-Aug-06 3 32.2 3.81 0.1 297.4 0.50
15-Aug-06 4 32.2 3.44 0.1 114.65 1.75
15-Aug-06 5 32.05 2.785 0.1 202.9 0.50

15-Aug-06 6 31.55 1.96 0.1 206.85 0.50
15-Aug-06 7 33.15 3.33 0.1 212.45 0.00
23-Aug-06 1 30.6 5.495 0.65 1450.5 3.75
23-Aug-06 2 30.55 2.69 0.5 944 3.50
23-Aug-06 3 30.4 2.56 0.2 439.4 2.75
23-Aug-06 4 30.55 2.66 0.2 366.2 2.50
23-Aug-06 5 30.25 2.7 0.1 291.15 1.75
23-Aug-06 6 30.05 3.42 0.1 276.65 0.00
23-Aug-06 7 29.65 2.31 0.1 269.75 0.00
7-Sep-06 1 30.35 6.21 0.65 1396.5 4.25
7-Sep-06 2 30.2 5.88 0.65 1492.5 2.75
7-Sep-06 3 30.25 4.08 0.3 631.9 1.00
7-Sep-06 4 29.85 3.245 0.15 326.5 1.25
7-Sep-06 5 29.65 3.635 0.1 239.7 0.75
7-Sep-06 6 29.8 4.175 0.1 217.2 0.00
7-Sep-06 7 30.6 4.265 0.1 222.85 0.00
20-Sep-06 1 28.2 5.175 0.4 837.5 2.00
20-Sep-06 2 27.2 1.345 0.1 227.5 6.00
20-Sep-06 3 26.85 1.15 0.1 207.45 0.25
20-Sep-06 4 26.6 1.11 0.1 198.15 0.25
20-Sep-06 5 26.5 0.975 0.1 171.5 0.00
20-Sep-06 6 26.1 0.845 0.1 181.1 0.00
20-Sep-06 7 26.05 1.52 0.1 175.1 0.00
28-Sep-06 1 27.5 6.44 0.5 1133 3.00
28-Sep-06 2 27.05 1.77 0.2 377.35 1.25
28-Sep-06 3 26.1 1.55 0.2 336.95 0.75
28-Sep-06 4 26.5 2.095 0.1 313.3 0.00
28-Sep-06 5 25.55 1.875 0.1 261.6 0.00
28-Sep-06 6 26.1 2.655 0.1 213.2 0.00
28-Sep-06 7 25.5 1.8 0.1 204.2 0.00
11-Oct-06 1 26.3 7.35 0.9 1756 2.25
11-Oct-06 2 27.4 6 0.7 1443 0.75
11-Oct-06 3 26.75 4.65 0.6 1337 1.50
11-Oct-06 4 26.55 4.89 0.6 1271.5 1.50
11-Oct-06 5 26.05 4.65 0.6 1211.5 0.75
11-Oct-06 6 26 3.75 0.5 1070.5 0.00
11-Oct-06 7 26.65 3.755 0.5 950.5 0.50
18-Oct-06 1 25.8 6.665 1 1968.5 2.75
18-Oct-06 2 26.65 6.375 0.9 1818 1.25
18-Oct-06 3 26.3 5.255 0.9 1797.5 0.50

18-Oct-06 4 26.1 4.625 0.9 1809.5 0.25
18-Oct-06 5 26.1 4.265 0.9 1790 0.50
18-Oct-06 6 25.3 3.965 1 1929 1.00
18-Oct-06 7 25.5 3.58 0.75 1475 0.00
25-Oct-06 1 20.2 3.79 0.6 1026 1.75
25-Oct-06 2 18.7 0.875 0.3 517 0.25
25-Oct-06 3 18.45 0.74 0.3 515 0.00
25-Oct-06 4 18.5 0.685 0.3 509 0.25
25-Oct-06 5 18.35 0.825 0.3 487 0.00
25-Oct-06 6 18.25 0.81 0.2 401.25 0.00
25-Oct-06 7 18.35 0.82 0.3 542.8 0.00
7-Nov-06 1 18.8 6.555 0.85 1472.5 0.75
7-Nov-06 2 19.4 2.23 0.45 821.5 0.00
7-Nov-06 3 18.9 1.425 0.3 547.5 0.00
7-Nov-06 4 19.05 1.305 0.3 512 0.00
7-Nov-06 5 18.9 1.395 0.2 454 0.00
7-Nov-06 6 18.85 1.585 0.2 289.75 0.25
7-Nov-06 7 19.1 1.645 0.2 399.7 0.00
21-Nov-06 1 11.9 7.64 0.4 667.5 0.00
21-Nov-06 2 12.35 1.115 0.2 242.4 0.00
21-Nov-06 3 12 1.245 0.2 241.9 0.00
21-Nov-06 4 11.95 1.39 0.15 233.1 0.00
21-Nov-06 5 11.85 1.49 0.1 223.65 0.00
21-Nov-06 6 11.5 1.605 0.1 208.05 0.00
21-Nov-06 7 11.7 0.94 0.1 203.1 0.00
6-Dec-06 1 11.35 2.54 0.25 352.7 0.00
6-Dec-06 2 11.75 0.3 0.2 250.1 0.00
6-Dec-06 3 10.9 0.25 0.2 240.3 0.00
6-Dec-06 4 10.85 0.325 0.2 237.65 0.00
6-Dec-06 5 10.2 0.355 0.2 228.75 0.00
6-Dec-06 6 9.9 0.335 0.1 215.9 0.00
6-Dec-06 7 10.5 1.37 0.1 205.55 0.00

MattiLynn Delatte was born on May 3, 1983, to a family from Gheens, Louisiana.

After graduating from Central Lafourche High School in Raceland, Louisiana in 2001,

MattiLynn attended Nicholls State University with the assistance of TOPS and several

other scholarships. She also received the award of Outstanding Agricultural Science

Student at the end of her undergraduate career. MattiLynn graduated from Nicholls State

University in May of 2005 with a B.S. in Agricultural Business with a concentration in

Agricultural Sciences. Immediately following graduation, MattiLynn enrolled in the

Nicholls State University’s graduate program for a Master’s degree in Marine and

Environmental Biology. After her first year of graduate school, MattiLynn married her

high school sweetheart and is now the proud Mrs. MattiLynn D. Dantin. MattiLynn’s

graduate studies included research on the abundance and distribution of blue crabs. She

was also an active member and held the office of Vice-President of the Nicholls State

Biology Society, a student-led organization on campus. After graduation in May 2007

she intends to join the workforce in a biological field.


MattiLynn D. Dantin

Graduate Student
Nicholls State University

128 City Place Dr. Apt C

Lockport, LA 70374
(985) 228-0359


M.S. Marine and Environmental Biology, Spring 2007. Nicholls State University,
Thibodaux, Louisiana, 70310. Thesis title: Distribution and Relative Abundance
of Blue Crab Callinectes sapidus in the Upper Barataria Estuary, Louisiana.

B.S. Agricultural Business with a concentration in Agricultural Science, Spring

2005. Nicholls State University, Thibodaux, Louisiana, 70310.


Spring 2007: Teaching assistant for introductory freshman biology labs that surveyed the
plant and animal kingdoms.
Spring 2006-Fall 2006: Nationally certified tutor for the Nicholls State University
Tutorial and Academic Enhancement Center.
Fall 2001-Spring 2005: CCD teacher for St. Anthony Catholic Church religion education


1. Distribution and relative abundance of blue crab Callinectes sapidus in the Upper
Barataria Estuary, Louisiana.
2. Effects of protein content on growth of yearling thoroughbreds.


Boat and trailer operation, pirogue operation, ATV operation, field techniques including
water quality monitoring, crab traps, gill nets, fish identification, live fish
transport, and data management. Tractor operation, plant identification,
transplanting, grafting and maintenance, animal husbandry. Microsoft Word,
Excel, and Power Point, some experience with SAS. Public speaking.


Water quality monitoring and maintenance, rearing of live fish.


Louisiana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society

Nicholls State University Biology Society – Vice-President
Gheens Chapter of Louisiana Volunteers for Family and Community – Secretary


2007 R.H. “Dickie” and Charlene Barker Excellence in Marine and Environmental
Biology Endowed Scholarship
2006 R.H. “Dickie” and Charlene Barker Excellence in Marine and Environmental
Biology Endowed Scholarship
2006 COMMUNITY CHAMPION-LVFC Volunteers in Service
2005 Nicholls State University Outstanding Agricultural Science Student


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