Activity 3 Writing Assignment - Production - Grupo 90170-110

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ABRIL, 2018
Contributions from all the students who participated in the discussion.


Do you think we are destroying on what we depend?

Yes, over the years the human being has generated great negative impacts on nature due to the

different activities aimed at the economic development of society. For example, the oil

industry causes great pollution in the atmosphere, in rivers, soils and large deforested areas

consequently have of health problems, water scarcity, low air quality, increased temperatures.

In addition, new technologies such as Fracking have helped the destruction of ecosystems, so

it is necessary that we preserve and give importance to the environment.

Do you think there is still a solution? If so, what could it be?

Yes, I believe that there is still a solution for this big problem, first we can reduce solid waste,

make efficient use of water in our homes, take care of trees and green areas. Second,

governments must commit themselves in the implementation of sanctions to prevent pollution

expands and finally, we must recognize that we are acting badly and therefore it is time to

change our habits and improve our environment.


Do you think we are destroying on what we depend?

Yes i think the goberment and us we neglect the earth well the industry and mining are the

causes the damage to the environment also of all the rubbish problem around the world, in the

sea to destroy the life in the diferents enviroments, and the little clean energy management
and the change to thinking because many people what do you think that the problem is not


Do you think there is still a solution? If so, what could it be?

I think this solution is the look after the environment and the water,and to star the programs of

recycling, whit the politics of the governments and the universitys around the world,

introducing workforce in the business and leaving aside the machines in the industrial process

well this process, generate contamination in every way, other solution is not used the fraking

for the take out theoil well this process causes many damage to the soils, this not afford

nowhere in the word, the use of clean energy in the countries like colombia, and the others

countries this hemisphere, and living aside used the platic bag and elements facts to this

material, also the used organic products well this to they descomposed faster without causing

harm to earth, avoid fishing in high volumes and ! End the felling of trees!, this ideas must be

included in the classroom and taunght to the teachers like as a mandatory subject from

elementary school to university.


Do you think we are destroying on what we depend?

I think that is evident this destruction

Do you think there is still a solution?

No, but that doesn’t mean than we don’t could change about of our own conduct, when that is

irregular and goes against of development and environment stability, the reason for could say

that there isn’t probability a solution, is that it’s impossible for the industries and
industrialized country, because we should know that change the codes of conducts industry is

impossible because is be base on development economy

If so, what could it be?

According to previous reasons is evident that very litte could do from our position because we

don’t have much capacity economy for can have influence about of this, however, between of

context we can change some things about of our habits for moreover slow down the process

damage environment, equally about conduct as reforest in the context, be careful with

consume of water, know as process the trash, the use of material biodegradable, among



Do you think we are destroying on what we depend?

I think so, technical waste is unfortunately not being handled in the best way and even though

many technological parts can be recycled, there are also many that can become toxic to the

environment, such as batteries and other substances that are parts can come to detach, for me

if we are destroying it every day that passes, we are polluting and ending with every living

tree and in the future the industrial garbage will be something impossible to manage by

ourselves, that is why we have to generate awareness to our children so that they try to repel a

little this great problem that possibly will touch us in a stronger future

Do you think there is still a solution?

if there is, although it is too late to fix many other things, such as the animals that were

already exhumed, I think you can mitigate a bit the environmental impact by recreating all

recyclable material without losing anything, that the presidents of each country have plans of
mitigation for this problem that comes to us great as it is the environment, setting an example

what happened recently in our country with the oil spill in Santander, was a question that

nobody attended and no one cared, so much that at this point no one knows how to provoke

and do not know how to repair it, meanwhile it continues and runs its course to the largest

rivers in the country, concluding I think there is no way to repair most damage caused to the

environment, the best we can to do all is to be aware and prevent everything that may happen,

to propose each one of us by planting trees and disposing of our garbage properly.

If so, what could it be?

Leave technology aside, now the human being depends in a big way on technology in every

way, as the text says from weapons to a cell phone, if we start out there we go well, go back

to the previous thing, not let the technology dominates us, since every day we create more

machines and weapons that end with everything in its path only because of man's scope,

everything starts from home, from how we handle our garbage, the consumption of water and

energy, etc. if each of us did this from our house I think the mitigation that we would make to

the environment would be very much.

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