Chem Engg New College Level

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1 Select three different types nf measurement systems

with whieh yuu have esperienee, and identify which
attributes nf the system enmprise the measurement
system stages nf Figure 1.4. Use sketehes as needed.

1.2 Fur eaeh nf the fulluwing systems, identify the

enmpnnents that enmprise eaeh measurement sys-
tem stage per Figure 1.4:
a. miemphenefamplifien‘spealcer system
b. mum heating thermestat

e. handheld miernmeter
d. tire pressure (peneil-style] gauge

1.3 Consider Example- 1.1. Diseuss the effect uf the

estranenus variable harnmetrie pressure in terms nf
nnise and interference relative tn any ene test and
relative tn several tests. Explain hnw interferenee
effeets can he hrnken up intn nnise using

1.4 Cite three esarnpies each nf a eentinunus variable

and a diserete variable.
1.5 Supposc you found a dial thcrmomctcr in a stock-
room. Could you state how accuratc it is? Discuss
mcthods by which you might cstimatc random and
systc-matic crror in thc thcrmomctcr?

1.6 Discuss how thc rcsolution of thc display scalc of an

instrumcnt could affcct its unccrtai nty. Supposc thc
scalc was somchow offsct by onc lcast count of
rcsolution: How would this affcct its unccrtainty?
Explain in tcrms of random and systcmatic crror.

1.7 A bulb thcrtnomctcr hangs outsidc a housc window.

Connncnt on cstrancous variablcs that might affect
thc diffcrcncc bctwccn thc actual outsidc tcmpcra-
turc and thc indicatcd tcmpcraturc on the

1.3 A synchronous cloctric motor tcst stand pcrmits

cithcr thc 1variation of input yoltagc or thc output
shaft load with tho subscqucnt mcasurc-mcnt of
motor cfficicncy, winding tcmpcraturc, and input
currcnt. Commcnt on tho indcpcndcnt, dcpcndcnt,
and canancous yariablcs for a motor tcst.
1.9 The transducer specified in Table 1.1 is ehesen tn
measure a numiaal pressure uf 500 em H20. The
ambient temperature is eapeeted tn vary between
18 ”C and 25 E“C during tests. Estimate the pessible
range (magnitude) ef eaeh listed elemental errer
affeeting the measured pressure.

1.10 A farce measurement system (weight scale) has the

fnfluwing speeifleatinns:

Range 0 In 1000 N
Linearity errer 0.10% FSO
Hysteresis errnr 0.10% FSD
Sensitivity errer 0.15% FSO
Zeta drift 0.20% FSO

Estimate the uveral] instrument uneertainty far

this system based an available infurmatinn. Use the

maximum pnssihle nutput value ever the F80 in

yuur eamputatinns.

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