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Chapter 3

Finite Element Formulation

For solving the equations describing the diaphragm deformation we will use the finite element
method. In this chapter we will present the formulation of the method for geometrically
nonlinear, three-dimensional continuum elements. We will focus on the particular aspect
of rubber-like materials. The basic ideea of the nonlinear finite element formulation is to
linearize the weak form of the equations of the problem and to solve these equations for the
finite elements discretized domain. This leads to an incremental approach, the solution at
each step being obtained from the solution at the previous step. By step it is understood
a load increment in static analysis, and, a time step in transient analysis [12][58]. In solid
mechanics the weak form form is usualy derived from the principle of virtual work. In
our presentation for the weak and linearized form we follow the formulation given by Simo
and Taylor [50]. For the finite element implementation we use a similar approach as used by
Schweizerhof [46] and Bathe [12]. The time integration scheme and the numerical algorithms
are described according to [27][28] and [1]-[4].


3.1 Weak formulation

Following Simo and Taylor [50] let

n o
TC = υ : Ω −→ R | υ ◦ χ|Σu = 0 ,

be the linear space of all admissible variations υ in the present configuration. In the classical
notation υ stands for δu. The principle of virtual work written in the present configuration
states that for an arbitrary admissible variation υ ∈ TC
Dχ L · υ = σ : 5 υ dΩ − t · υ dΣ + ρÜ · υ dΩ = 0, (3.1)

where Dχ [ ] · υ represents the Gateaux derivative at χ in the direction υ, 5s is defined in

(2.31) and t = σ · n represents the tractions. Using (2.14) and the formulae from section
3.6, the equation (3.1) can be written consecutively
1 T
1 ³ T ´−1 ³ ´
F SF : F Dχ C · υ F dΩR = t · υ dΣ − ρÜ · υ dΩ,
ΩR J 2 Σ Ω

1 ³ ´ Z Z
S : Dχ C · υ dΩR = t · υ dΣ − ρÜ · υ dΩ. (3.2)
ΩR 2 Σ Ω

For hyperelastic materials there is a stored energy function W (X, C(χ)) such that the
second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor can be determined from W through the equation (2.11).
Using (2.17) in (3.2) yields
∂W Z Z
: Dχ C · υ dΩR = t · υ dΣ − ρÜ · υ dΩ,

µZ ¶ Z Z
Dχ W dΩR · υ − t · υ dΣ − ρÜ · υ dΩ = 0. (3.3)

The equation (3.3) represents the principle of virtual work in the case when there is a stored
energy function W . The equation (3.3) also allows the definition of the following functional
L(χ) = W dΩR − tχ dΣ + ρÜ χ dΩ. (3.4)

The functional (3.4) can be used to derive the weak form and further the finite element
equations of the problem for compressible materials. The difficulty arises when the material
tends to be incompressible, as in the case of plasticity problems or in the problems involving
rubber or rubber-like materials. In this case, in the finite element modeling, it is known that
the displacement and the pressure P (= σkk = tr σ) are decoupled and therefore separate
modeling is needed for each. This formulation is known as displacement/pressure formulation
[51][12]. A situation which might occur in this case is the locking phenomenon caused by
the dependency of displacements and pressure determination of the bulk modulus. The fact
that an element will lock or not is determined by the Babuska-Brezzi condition [12][13]. The
evaluation of this condition is not very easy, and therefore, in practice, this verification is
avoided. It is used instead a constrain counts indicator [13].

The incompressibility condition acts like an internal constraint and in the numerical calculus
cannot be imposed unless it is introduced explicitly. In the finite element formulation, this
can be achieved through the Lagrange multiplier method, penalty method, or the augmented
Lagrangian method [12][42]. This leads to an additional variable in the functional (3.4).
Using the Lagrange multiplier method and the constraint condition J = det[C] = 1, the
functional (3.4) needs to be modified as follows
L(χ) = W dΩR + P (J − 1) dΩR − tχ dΣ + ρÜ χ dΩ. (3.5)

The functional (3.4) defines the balance of energy. To maintain the same physical meaning of
(3.5), the term P (J −1) must have an energy dimension. J −1 defines in fact the change in the
volume or the relative volume of an infinitesimal material element and therefore a volumetric
deformation. It follows that P , the Lagrange multiplier, must have the dimension of a stress.
The condition P (J − 1) = 0 states in fact that the mechanical work done by the P over
the volumetric deformation is null. The weak form of this condition is the integral form.
Different other formulations can be followed in [12] and [51]. The condition J = 1 is the
particular case of J = Θ with Θ > 0, Θ → 1. Using the deformation decomposition (2.34),

it can be written
F = J 1/3 F̃ = Θ1/3 Θ−1/3 J 1/3 F̃ .

This suggests the consideration of a modified deformation gradient F instead of F

F (χ, Θ) = Θ1/3 F̃ (χ) = Θ1/3 J(χ)−1/3 F , C = F F, J(χ) = det F , (3.6)

where C is the associated right Cauchy-Green tensor with the modified deformation gradient.
It is clear that if we impose now the condition J(χ) = Θ, it follows that F = F . This moves
the incompressibility condition Θ → 1 to be imposed on W . Hence the functional (3.5) can
be modified by replacing F with F and 1 with Θ. This leads to the following functional
depending on three fields (χ, P, Θ)
Z h ³ ´ i Z Z
L(χ, Θ, P ) = W X, C(χ, Θ) + P (J(χ) − Θ) dΩR − tχ dΣ + ρÜ χ dΩ. (3.7)

It can be seen that (3.7) does not impose any restriction yet on W regarding the incompress-
ibility condition. This condition can be added later by a proper choice of the stored energy
function. So far the functional (3.7) holds for both types of materials: compressible as well
as incompressible. The extended virtual work principle (3.3) in the case of (3.7) is

Dχ L · υ + DΘ L · ϑ + DP L · q = 0, (3.8)

where ϑ and q are admissible variations of Θ respectively P . The equation (3.8) yields to
the following three equations
Z ³ ´ Z Z
Dχ W · υ + P Dχ J(χ) · υ dΩR = t · υ dΣ − ρÜ · υ dΩ, (3.9)

(DΘ W · ϑ − P ϑ) dΩR = 0, (3.10)

q (J(χ) − Θ) dΩR = 0. (3.11)

Using the results from the section 3.6, we obtain

Z ( " # )
2 ∂W T
dev F C F : dev [5υ] + P div υ dΩ = t · υ dΣ − ρÜ · υ dΩ, (3.12)
Ω J ∂C Σ Ω

" Ã ! )
J 2 ∂W T 1
ϑ tr F F −P dΩ = 0, (3.13)
Ω 3Θ J ∂C J

q (J(χ) − Θ) dΩ = 0, (3.14)
or in a different form
{dev σ : dev [5υ] + P div υ} dΩ = t · υ dΣ − ρ Ü · υ dΩ, (3.15)

J 1
Z · ¾
ϑ tr σ − P dΩ = 0, (3.16)
Ω 3Θ J

1 Z
dΩ = 0. q (J − Θ) (3.17)
The equations (3.12)-(3.17) are the weak form of the equations (2.23) or (2.24) and are valid
for any expression of the stored energy function W . Using the decomposition (2.35) the
stored energy function can be written
³ ´ ³ ´
W X, C(χ, Θ) = U (Θ) + W̃ X, C̃ , (3.18)
³ ´
in which the first part U (Θ) is the energy stored as a volumetric deformation and W̃ X, C̃
the energy stored as a deviatoric deformation. From the equation (3.17) it follows that
Θ = J. Introducing this result in (3.16) yields
1 1 0
P = tr σ = σkk = U (J). (3.19)
3 3
From the equation (3.19) it can be seen that the Lagrange multiplier P is like a pressure,
but it is not the pressure as in fluid mechanics, for example. Using (3.19), the second Piola-
Kirchhoff stress tensor becomes
∂W ∂U ∂J ∂ W̃ 0 ∂ W̃
S=2 =2 +2 = U JC −1 + 2 .
∂C ∂J ∂C ∂C ∂C

Using the derivations formulae from section 3.6 we obtain

à !
−1 ∂ W̃ 1
S = P JC + 2J −2/3
DEV , DEV[·] = [·] − ([·] : C) C −1 , (3.20)
∂ C̃ 3

à !
2 ∂ W̃ T
σ = P 1 + dev F̃ F̃ . (3.21)
J ∂ C̃

3.1.1 Incompressibility condition

With the previous weak formulation, the incompressibility condition Θ = 1 can be introduced
by a proper choice of the function U (Θ). However the function U (Θ) must satisfy two

• U (Θ) ≥ 0 and convex. This condition is imposed by the fact that the energy must be
positive or zero and must remain a convex function.

• U (Θ) = 0 ≡ Θ = 1. This condition is required by the incompressibility condition.

Analyzing the expression (2.32), it is suggested to consider for the volumetric part of W
2G(1 + ν)
U (Θ) = Kf (Θ), K= ,
3(1 − 2ν)
where K represents the bulk modulus, and the condition for U (Θ) is now transferred to
f (Θ). As long as the above requirements are satisfied, any function f (Θ) can be chosen. In
the case of rubber material ν → 0.5 ⇒ K → ∞ and K acts like a penalty parameter for a
constraint condition f (Θ) = 0 which, is equivalent to Θ → 1. So, in fact, by choosing f (Θ)
satisfying the above requirements and choosing ν ≈ 0.5, we impose the constraint condition
Θ = 1. For example in [49]
1h 2 i
f (Θ) = (x − 1) − ln Θ ,
is used for rubber-like materials analysis. In [49]

f (Θ) = K [ln Θ]2 , (3.22)


is used in the elasto-plastic analysis. The finite element program NIKE3D uses the function
(3.22) for a Mooney-Rivlin model, see also section 2.5. The penalty method exposed here
can be further improved by using the augmented Lagrangian method [50].

3.2 Linearization. Static case

The equations (2.23),(2.24), the strong form, or (3.12)-(3.17), the weak form, are nonlinear
equations. The usual procedure for solving those equations is an iterative method, which
requires a linearization of those equations. In Chapter 2, the linearized equations of the
strong form was presented. In this section the liniarization of the weak form is presented,
an essential step for solving the problem using the Finite Element Method. To proceed, first
we write the equations (3.12)-(3.14) in the reference configuration. Introducing (2.14) and
the results from section 3.6, we obtain
F S : GRAD υ dΩR = t · υ dΣ, (3.23)

Z ³ ´
ϑ U (Θ) − P dΩR = 0, (3.24)

q(J − Θ) dΩR = 0. (3.25)

Following the definition of the linearization process, we consider small increments (u, θ, p)
of (U , Θ, P ). The Gateaux derivative in the direction (u, θ, p) of the equation (3.23) yields
½Z ¾ ½Z ¾
Du F S : GRAD υ dΩR · u + Dp F S : GRAD υ dΩR · p =

= t · υ dΣ − 5υ : σ dΩ (3.26)

The left hand side of the equation (3.26) can be expanded as follows
½Z ¾ ½Z ¾
Du F S : GRAD υ dΩR · u + Dp F S : GRAD υ dΩR · p =

Z h³ ´ ³ ´i ½Z ¾
= Du F · u S + F Du S · u : GRAD υ dΩR + Dp F S : GRAD υ dΩR · p.
Using the formulae from section 3.6 in (3.27) yields
5uF S : GRADυ dΩR +

Z µ ½ ¾ ¶
³ ´−1
+ F JF [P (1 ⊗ 1 − 2I)] F + F C̃F : 5s u + p1 : GRAD υ dΩR .

in the reference configuration. In the present configuration (3.27) becomes

5υ : {(5u)σ + [P (1 ⊗ 1 − 2I) + c̃] : 5u + p1} dΩ

where C̃ and c̃ are the deviatoric material tensors expressed in reference and present con-
figuration [50].
(1 ⊗ 1)ijkl = δij δkl , (I)ijkl = δik δjl

Following the definition (2.20) and the decoupled form (2.35) of stored energy function we
( " Ã ! #)
∂W ∂S ∂ −1 ∂ W̃ 1 ∂ W̃
C=4 =2 =2 P JC + 2J −2/3
− : C C −1 .
∂C∂C ∂C ∂C ∂C 3 ∂C

A complete derivation of C and c can be found in [56]. Hence the linearized form of the
weak form (3.23) in the present configuration is
5s υ : {(5s u)σ + [P (1 ⊗ 1 − 2I) + c̃] : 5s u + p1} dΩ =

= υ · t dΣ − 5υ : σ dΩ. (3.28)

Similarly the linearized form of (3.24) is

Z ³ ´ Z ³ ´
00 0
ϑ U (Θ)θ − p dΩ = − ϑ U (Θ) − P dΩ, (3.29)

and for the third equation (3.25)

1 Z
q(div u − θ) dΩ = − q(J − Θ) dΩ. (3.30)

For the finite element formulation it is convenient that (3.28), (3.29) and (3.30) be written
in matrix form. Similar with [46], we introduce the following notations
 

 ∂x1
0 0 
 

  
0 ∂x1
0 

 
0 0   

 

   0 0 ∂x1

0 0 
    
 
 ∂x2  ∂ ∂
0 0
   
∂x2 ∂x1
 

0 0
     
   
∂x3 

BL = 
 ,

BN L = 0 ∂x2
0 , D=


∂ ∂
 
     
∂x1 ∂x2
   
∂ ∂
0 0
   
 

∂ ∂
 ∂x2 ∂x3
   
∂x1 ∂x3
 

 
  
 ∂x3
0 0 

∂ ∂
0 ∂x2 ∂x3
 

 

 0 ∂x3
0 

 

0 0 ∂x3

   
 σ 11 σ 12 σ 13   σij 0 0 
   
 σ 21 σ 22 σ 23 , σ ij =
 0 σij 0  ,
   
 
   
σ 31 σ 32 σ 33 0 0 σij

   
u1  υ1 

  
 

 
 
 

· ¸ 
 
 
 

σT = σ11 σ22 σ33 σ12 σ13 σ23 , u =  u2  , υ =  υ2  .

 
 
 

 u3   υ3 

  
 
 

The components of the second order symmetric gradient tensor 5s u can be arranged in a
· ¸
e = e11 e22 e33 2e12 2e13 2e23 , eij = (ui,j + uj,i ) , e = BL u,

and the components of the forth order material tensor C in a 6 × 6 matrix

 

C1111 C1122 C1133 C1112 C1113 C1123 
 

 C2211 C2222 C2233 C2212 C2213 C2223 

 
C3311 C3322 C3333 C3312 C3313 C3323
 
 
C =
 .

C1211 C1222 C1233 C1212 C1213 C1223 

 

 C1311 C1322 C1333 C1312 C1313 C1323 

 
C2311 C2322 C2333 C2312 C2313 C2323
The equation (3.28) can be written
υ B T
L CBL u dΩ + T
υ B T
NL SBN L dΩ + pD T υ dΩ =

= υ T t dΣ − υ T BTL σ dΩ. (3.31)

The second equation (3.29) remains the same

Z ³ ´ Z ³ ´
00 0
ϑ U (Θ)θ − p dΩ = − ϑ U (Θ) − P dΩ, (3.32)

and the third equation

1 Z
q(D u − θ) dΩ = − q(J − Θ) dΩ. (3.33)

3.3 Finite element equation. Static case

Let Ω = ∪Ωe be a discretization of the domain Ω in the present configuration. On each ele-
ment Ωe we introduce a continuum approximation of the displacement u using the standard
shape functions and nodal values [12][58].

u = ΦT u, uT = [u1 u2 . . . un ] , (3.34)

and a discontinuous approximation of the relative volume θ and the pressure p using standard
shape functions, but internal values.

θ = ΨT θ, p = ΨT p. (3.35)

Similarly the variables (υ, ϑ, q) will be replaced by

υ −→ ΦT υ, υ T = [υ 1 υ 2 . . . υ n ] , ϑ −→ ΨT ϑ, q −→ ΨT q.

Introducing the matrices

BL = BL Φ, BN L = BN L Φ, D = DΦ,

the linearized equation (3.28) becomes

υT BTL CBL dΩ u + υ T BTN L SBN L dΩ u + q T DΨT dΩ p =
Ωe Ωe Ωe

=υ Φ t dΣ − υ BTL σ dΩ,
Σ Ωe

The second equation

Z Z Z h i
00 0
ϑT U (Θ)ΨΨT dΩ θ − ϑT ΨΨT dΩ p = −ϑT Ψ U (Θ) − p dΩ,
Ωe Ωe Ωe

and the third equation

1 T T
q ΨD dΩ u − q ΨΨ dΩ θ = −q Ψ (J − Θ) dΩ.
Ωe Ωe J Ωe

Since the variations υ, ϑ, q are arbitrary, it follows that

    
 Kuu 0 Kup u  Fu

 
 
 

 

    
 0 Kθθ Kθp θ  =  Fθ . (3.36)
 

  
  
 
 

   
Kpu Kpθ  p 
   Fp
 

The equation (3.36) represents the finite element equation. The matrices in (3.36) are defined
as follows
Kuu = B T
L CBL dΩ + BTN L SBN L dΩ, (3.37)
Ωe Ωe

Kup = DΨ dΩ, Kθp = ΨΨT dΩ,
Ωe Ωe

Kθθ = U (θ)ΨΨ dΩ, T
Kpu = ΨDT dΩ,
Ωe Ωe

Kpθ = ΨΨT dΩ.
Ωe J
The matrix Kuu is the displacement tangent stiffness matrix of the element e. The first
term in (3.37) represents the material stiffness matrix, and the second term the geometric or
initial stress stiffness matrix. The vectors on the right side of the equation (3.36) are defined
Fu = T
Φ t dΣ − BTL σ dΩ = Fext − Fint (U), (3.38)

Z h i
FΘ = Ψ U (Θ) − p dΩ,

Fp = Ψ (J − Θ.) dΩ

The first term in (3.38) represents the force due to the external loads and the second term
the internal force. The equation (3.36) can be assembled in full size, keeping all variables.
But due to the structure of the equation (3.36)the variables θ and p can be condensed at
the element level. We present below two methods.

3.3.1 Static condensation-I

From the second equation of (3.36)

θ = K−1
θθ (Fθ − Kθθ p) , (3.39)

and from the third equation of (3.36) p can be expressed

p = Gu + h, (3.40)

³ ´−1 ³ ´−1 ³ ´
G = Kpθ K−1
θθ Kθp Kpu , h = Kpθ K−1
θθ Kθp Kpθ K−1
θθ Fθ − Fp .

Substituting (3.40) in the first equation of (3.36) yields

KeT (Ue ) ue = Fe (Ue ) , (3.41)

where e indicates that the equation (3.41) refers to the element e and

KeT = Keuu + Keup Ge , Fe = Feu + Keup he .

Assembling all equations (3.41) for all elements yields

KT (U) u = F (U) , (3.42)

where KT (u) represents the tangent matrix of the finite element model, u the vector of
the increment displacements, which needs to be determined, and F(u) the force vector. The
equation (3.42) is a nonlinear equation and can be solved iteratively by different methods [12].
One of these methods is described in section 3.5.1. After solving (3.42) for displacements,
then θ and p are calculated using (3.39), (3.40) and (3.34) respectively. The values of
displacement, relative volume and pressure are updated using

U −→ U + u, Θ −→ Θ + θ, P −→ P + p.

3.3.2 Static condensation-II

In section 3.3 we have solved the problem using a finite element approximation (3.35) for the
increments of pressure p and relative volume θ. In the end, the pressure and the relative
volume were statically condensed at the element level resulting finally in a nonlinear equation
only in u. This suggests that the way in which the pressure and the relative volume are
calculated at the element level does not affect the final equation, which will be only a function
of u.

Using this idea Simo and Taylor proposed a different approach in [50] for calculating the
total pressure P and the total relative volume Θ. In this approach the total pressure and
total relative volume are approximated at the element level using again shape functions and
internal values of the total pressure and total relative volume.

Θ = ΨT Θ, P = ΨT P, (3.43)

where this time the vector P and Θ contains the values of total relative volume and total
pressure on an element. Replacing (3.43) in the equation (3.16) and (3.17), we obtain

and further
Θ= K−1
ΨΨ dΩR , FΘ = JΨ dΩR . (3.44)

Introducing (3.44) in the equation (3.17) yields


P = K−1
pp Fp , Kpp = ΨΨT dΩR , Fp = U (Θ)Ψ dΩR . (3.45)

The increment p in the linearized equation (3.36) is now calculated from (3.45) and intro-
duced in the first equation of (3.36). The finite element program NIKE3D uses this approach.

3.4 Finite element equation. Dynamic case

In the dynamic case the linearization follows the time domain discretization. The usual
procedure expreses the displacements at the present time t + ∆t as a function of the dis-
placements U , velocities U̇ and accelerations Ü at the time t, leading to a Newmark-β time
integration schemes [13][32][3]. Following [3] for example,
µ ¶
t+∆t t
U = U + ∆t U̇ + − β ∆t2 t Ü + β∆t2
t t+∆t
Ü , (3.46)

U̇ = t U̇ + (1 − γ) t ∆tÜ + γ∆t t+∆t
Ü , (3.47)

where β and γ are numbers between (0, 1). Introducing (3.46) in (3.47) and linearizing the
equations (3.15)-(3.17) at the time t + ∆t yields

M t+∆t
Ü + KT ( t U)u = t+∆t
Fext − Fint ( t U). (3.48)

The displacement increment u can be determined iteratively. At the iteration k + 1

K∗ ( t Uk ) uk+1 = t+∆t
Fext − F∗ ( t+∆t
Uk ), (3.49)

K∗ ( t U) = KT ( t Uk ) + M, (3.50)

F∗ ( t+∆t
Uk ) = Fint ( t Uk ) + M t+∆t
Ük+1 . (3.51)

The iterations start with k = 0 by calculating

K∗ = KT ( t U) + M, (3.52)
with KT ( t U) calculated from the last iteration of the previous time step and
" #
1 t 1 1
µ ¶
∗ t t
F = F( U) − M U̇ + −β Ü .
β∆t β 2
Solving (3.49) the accelerations, velocities and displacements are updated by
1 1 t 1 1
µ ¶
t+∆t t
Ü = 2
u− U̇ − −β Ü,
β∆t ∆t β 2

U̇ = t U̇ + (1 − γ)∆t t Ü + γ t+∆t

U = t U + u.

Then the equilibrium iterations are performed with K∗ updated with (3.50) and F∗ updated
by (3.51). The time integration algorithm is unconditionally stable for 2β ≥ γ ≥ 1/2. For

other combinations the algorithm may be conditionally stable or unconditionally unstable.

The combination β = 1/4, γ = 1/2, known as trapezoidal rule, leads to a second order
accuracy in time unconditionally stable and to a maximum dissipation of the higher energy
modes, usually creations of the discretization process [3]. We will use this combination in
chapter 5.

3.5 Numerical procedures

The finite element method is accompanied by a large number of numerical procedures such
as: numerical integration, numerical algorithms for solving nonlinear problems, methods
for solving a linear system and procedures for solving eigenvalue problems as in vibrations
analysis. In this section we mention briefly some of these methods which play an important
role in the analysis of the diaphragm problem. Since we will use the program NIKE3D [4], we
limit our presentation to numerical methods related to this code. The program is described
briefly in section 5.2. In NIKE3D the following shape functions are used for displacement
field modeling
φi = (1 − ξi ξ)(1 − ηi η)(1 − ζi ζ), ξ, η, ζ ∈ [−1, 1], (3.53)
where ξi , ηi , ζi are the local coordinates of the node i as is shown in Figure 3.1. For the
relative volume Θ and internal pressure P a constant discontinuous functions are used for
both variables.  
 ψ 0 0 
 
 0 ψ 0


ψ = 1.
 
0 0 ψ
The matrices from sections 3.3 and 3.4 are evaluated numerically. The procedure is a 2×2×2
Gauss-type integration. Here we distinguish two types of integrals: volume integrals and
surface integrals. A volume integral on the element e is calculated as follows
Z Z +1 Z +1 Z +1 X 2
2 X
2 X
f (x1 , x2 , x3 ) dΩ = f (ξ, η, ζ)Je dξdηdζ = f (ξi , ηj , ζk )Jwi wj wk ,
Ωe −1 −1 −1 i=1 j=1 k=1

Figure 3.1: Three dimensional and two dimensional finite elements.

where ξi , ηj , ζk are the Gauss point coordinates and wi wj wk the Gauss weights and J is the
jacobian [58] ¯ ¯
∂x1 ∂x1 ∂x1
¯ ¯
¯ ¯
¯ ∂ξ ∂η ∂ζ ¯
¯ ¯
J = ¯¯¯ ∂x2 ∂x2 ∂x2 ¯.
∂ξ ∂η ∂ζ ¯
¯ ¯
¯ ∂x3 ∂x3 ∂x3 ¯
¯ ∂ξ ∂η ∂ζ ¯

The restriction of (3.53) to one of the faces of the solid element from Figure 3.1 b), for
example ζ = 1, is
φi = (1 − ξi ξ)(1 − ηi η), ξ, η, ζ ∈ [−1, 1], i = 1, 4,
where ξi , ηi are the local coordinates of the node i as shown in Figure 3.1 b). An integral
over the surface Σe of an element e becomes
Z Z +1 Z +1 X 2
2 X
f (x1 , x2 , x3 ) dΣ = f (ξ, η)Je dξdη = f (ξi , ηj )Jwi wj , (3.54)
Σe −1 −1 i=1 j=1

where ξi , ηj are the Gauss point coordinates and wi wj the Gauss weights [58]. The surface
jacobian J is defined [1]
∂x ¯¯ √
¯ ¯
¯ ∂x
J =¯ × ¯ = EG − F 2 , (3.55)
¯ ∂ξ ∂η ¯
in which
∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x
E= · , F = · , G= · .
∂ξ ∂ξ ∂ξ ∂η ∂η ∂η
The unit normal to the surface of the element e is
à !
1 ∂x ∂x
n= × .
J ∂ξ ∂η

3.5.1 Nonlinear iterative algorithm

Solving equation (3.49) implies calculation of the tangent stiffness matrix K T at every it-
eration, method called full Newton-Raphson. This is very expensive in the finite element
analysis and therefore a modified procedure is usually used. One way is to use the tangent
matrix from the first time step. This method is called the initial stress method and it usually
leads to more iterations as the solution advances in time. The program NIKE3D uses a
combination between these two methods called modified Newton-Raphson or quasi Newton.
In this case the tangent stiffness matrix is formed at the beginning of the time step and it
is kept constant during the equilibrium iterations [12]. In NIKE3D the iterative algorithm
involves two steps

• Line searches.

• Stiffness update.

In the line search algorithm initially the displacements are updated with

U = t U + s k uk ,

where sk is a parameter between 0 and 1 that is determined iteratively by a line search

procedure [3]. Equilibrium iterations are performed by solving (3.49) for u k . Convergence is

checked by using a displacement and the energy norm [12][3].

||uk || (uk )T t+∆t
≤ ²d , ≤ ²e , t+∆t
Q= t+∆t
Fext − Fint ( t U),
umax (u0 )T t+∆t
where ²d and ²e are the tolerance for the displacement and energy norm respectively. Diver-
gence is determined by a comparison of residual norms

k t+∆t
Q0 k < k t+∆t
Qk k.

If convergence is not attained and the solution is not divergent, the displacements are updated
Uk + 1 = t+∆t
Uk + s k u k ,

and the iterations continue. When the solution diverges or convergence is not achieved after a
number of iterations, the tangent stiffness matrix KT is reformed using the current estimated
geometry and the equilibrium iterations continue. The value of sk is found by iteration such
that [41][3]
(∆Uk )T t+∆t
Qk → 0, ∆Uk = t+∆t
Uk − t+∆t
Uk−1 .

To update the stiffness matrix in NIKE3D four methods are implemented:

• Broyden’s first method

• Davidon

• Davidon-Fletcher-Powell

• Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shano (BFGS).

According to [28] these methods involving a line search are slightly more expensive in the
computation but lead to a more stable program. Details of these methods can be followed in
[39]. For our purpose we have used the BFGS method. In the NIKE3D program, the BFGS
method follows the implementation proposed by Matthies and Strang [41]. Based on their
algorithm, the inverse tangent stiffness matrix is updated by
h i h i
(KkT )−1 = I + wk (v k )T (Kk−1
T )
I + v k (wk )T ,

where v k and wk are vectors defined as follows

δ k = ∆U k−1 , γk = t+∆t
Qk−1 − t+∆t
Qk ,
 !1/2 
(∆U k )T γ k
v k = t+∆t Qk − t+∆t Qk−1 1 + , wk = δk .
(δ k )T t+∆t Qk−1 (δ )T γ k

One of the advantages of using this algorithm is that the determinant of KT and therefore the
change in the condition number of KT can be easily computed in order to control the updates,
especially in the situations when KT becomes nearly singular and the condition number
very large [41]. All the methods mentioned before for solving the nonlinear equations are
in fact algorithms for minimization for convex problems [39]. In our situation the potential
deformation energy is the function which needs to be minimized in order to find the solution.
As long as the potential deformation energy remains strictly convex, i.e. a positive definite
function, all those methods will converge. The methods will fail when the energy is no
longer a convex function. In this case, a different approach is needed and the problem is
still open [22]-[25]. For example, a particular case is the situation when the energy becomes
semipositive definite, that is the buckling situation. However, for this particular case there
are some algorithms that permit us to pass over this limit point, but only for some structures
that can exibit either a snap-through or a snap-back phenomenon.

3.5.2 Arc-length method

When the load applied to a structure reaches a limit value, i.e. the point in the load/displacement
space is in the neighbor of a limit or bifurcation point [53], as in Figure 3.2, the previous
procedures fail to converge. In this case a special algorithm needs to be used in order to pass
through that point. The theoretical basis for such algorithms was given by Riks in [45]. The
approach described by Riks is theoretical rather than a practical one, and therefore, several
authors have proposed practical algorithms based on Riks approach, for the finite element
equations in the vicinity of a limit point: Chriesfield [19], Ramm [44], Schweizerhof [47],
Riks-Wepmner [28]. These algorithms are known as constant arc length algorithms. The

Figure 3.2: Limit point a). Bifurcation point b).

program NIKE3D uses the algorithm proposed by Riks-Wepmner [28][47]. Following [28],
the incremental equilibrium equations (3.49) can be written as

KT u = λFext − Fint ,

where λ is called the load factor parameter which has to be determined. This is done by
adding a constraint equation
uT u + λ2 = s2 = const,

which represents the length of the arc in the load-displacement space. The load level is then
split into three parts
λ = λm + λi + ∆λ,

where λm represents the load increment at the beginning of the load step, λi represents the
load level in the iteration i and ∆λi the change in the load level in iteration i, which is
determined through an iterative process. The increment in displacement is calculated
h i
u = ∆λi uI + uII , uI = K−1
T F , uII = K−1
T (λm − λi )Fext − Fint , (3.56)

where uI represents the displacement due to the constraining condition and uII represents
the usual displacement increment. The linearization of the constraint equation yields

f (u, λ) = uT u + λ2 − s2 = 0,

∂f ∂f
u+ ∆λ + f (u, λ) = 0,
∂u ∂λ

∂f ∂f
γ T u + α∆λ + f = 0, γ= , α= ,
∂u ∂λ
and substituting (3.56) the following is obtained
f + γ T uII
∆λ = − .
α + γ T uI
Details of the calculations can be followed in [46].

3.6 Gateaux derivatives

The concept of Gateaux derivative used in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 was used in conjunction
to the idea that the deformation of a body can be regarded as a map between the reference
(undeformed) and present (deformed) configuration of the body. Hence the definition of
deformation gradient in section 2.1 requires the use of derivative of a map. This concept,
which is the extension of the derivative of a function at a point, is defined by the Fréchet
derivative of a map. Hence if f is a map

f : X −→ Y

where X and Y are Banach spaces then f is differentiable or Fréchet derivable at a point x0
if there is a bounded linear map Df (x0 ) such that for each ² > 0 there is a δ > 0 such that
k u kX < δ implies [40]

k f (x + x0 ) − f (x0 ) − Df (x0 ) · u kY ≤ ² k u kX (3.57)


where k · kX , k · kY defines a norm on X , Y respectively. The equation (3.57) determines

uniquely Df (x0 ). If f and g are two maps then the derivative Fréchet of the composite g ◦ f
is defined by the chain rule [40]

D[(g ◦ f )(x)] = Dg[f (x)] · (Df (x) · u) (3.58)

The directional derivative of a map f in the direction u is defined as [40]

Df (x) · u = Du f (x) · u = [f (x + εu)]ε=0 (3.59)

If (3.59) exists for all directions u then f is called Gateaux differentiable at x [40]. The
linearization of f at x0 is given by relation

Lx0 f (x) = f (x0 ) + Df (x) · (x − x0 )

To calculate the Gateaux derivatives used in this thesis we have used the formula (3.59) and
the relation (3.58). For example to calculate Dχ F · υ we proceed as below
¯ " #
d ¯ d ∂(χ + ευ ◦ χ)
Dχ F · υ = F (χ + ευ ◦ χ)¯¯¯ = =
dε ε=0
dε ∂X ε=0

= D(υ ◦ χ) = [5υ ◦ χ] F , (5υ)ij = .

For simplicity of notation we have omitted the composition with χ or in some cases with the
inverse transformation χ−1 . We present below some Gateaux derivatives used in this thesis.


Dχ F · υ = 5υF .


Dχ J · υ = J div υ, div υ =

1 1
µ ¶
Dχ F · υ = Θ1/3 − J −1/3 Dχ J · υ + Θ1/3 J −1/3 Dχ F · υ =
3 J

= dev (5υ)F , dev (5υ) = 5υ − div υ1

Dχ C · υ = Dχ F T · υF + F T Dχ F · υ =

h i
= F T dev (5υ)T F + F T dev [5υ] F = 2F T 5s υF

∂W ∂W
Dχ W · υ = Dχ C · υ = 2F T F 5s υ
∂C ∂C

GRAD υ = 5υF

Du J · u = Jdiv u
∂C −1 ³ ´−1
Du C −1 · u = Du C · u = −C −1 C −1 2F T 5s υF = −F −1 2I F T : 5s υ
³ ´ ∂ 2 W̃ ³ ´
Du S · u = P (Du J · u) C −1 + P J Du C −1 · u + 2 Du C · u =

³ ´−1 ³ ´−1
= JF −1 P (1 ⊗ 1) F T : 5s υ − F −1 2I F T : 5s υ + F T CF : 5s υ =

³ ´−1
= JF −1 [P (1 ⊗ 1 − 2I)] F T : 5s υ + F T CF : 5s υ

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