8DG61258GAAATBZZA Vol1 Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch PSS Release 7.0 Commissioning and Power Balancing Too

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Title page

Alcatel-Lucent 1830
Photonic Service Switch (PSS) | Release 7.0
Commissioning and Power Balancing Tool (CPB) User Guide
Issue 1 | April 2014
Legal notice

Legal notice

Alcatel, Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent and the Alcatel-Lucent logo are trademarks of Alcatel-Lucent. All other trademarks are the property of their respective

The information presented is subject to change without notice. Alcatel-Lucent assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein.
Copyright © 2014 Alcatel-Lucent. All rights reserved.

Conformance statement

Interference Information: Part 15 of FCC Rules

NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits
are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment
generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. If the equipment is not installed and used in accordance with the guidelines in this document, the
equipment may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference,
in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at the expense of the user.

Security Statement

In rare instances, unauthorized individuals make connections to the telecommunications network through the use of remote access features. In such an event,
applicable tariffs require that the customer pay all network charges for traffic. Alcatel-Lucent cannot be responsible for such charges and will not make any
allowance or give any credit for charges that result from unauthorized access.

Limited Warranty

For terms and conditions of sale, contact your Alcatel-Lucent Account Team.

About this document

Purpose .......................................................................................................................................................................................... xiii

What's new ................................................................................................................................................................................... xiii


Documented feature set ........................................................................................................................................................... xiii


How to use this document ....................................................................................................................................................... xiii


Safety information ..................................................................................................................................................................... xiv


Safety information ..................................................................................................................................................................... xiv


Optical safety ............................................................................................................................................................................... xiv


Intended audience ........................................................................................................................................................................ xv


Supported systems ....................................................................................................................................................................... xv


Conventions used ......................................................................................................................................................................... xv


Related information ................................................................................................................................................................. xvii


Technical support ......................................................................................................................................................................... xx


How to order .................................................................................................................................................................................. xx


How to comment .......................................................................................................................................................................... xx


1 Safety

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-1


Structure of safety statements ............................................................................................................................................... 1-1


Structure of hazard statements ............................................................................................................................................. 1-3


Important safety instructions ................................................................................................................................................ 1-4


General notes on safety ........................................................................................................................................................... 1-6


2 CPB Tool Introduction

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-1


Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS iii
8DG-61258-GAAA-TBZZA Release 7.0
Issue 1 April 2014

Functionality ............................................................................................................................................................................... 2-1

Features ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-2


Prior Releases Features ........................................................................................................................................................... 2-2


3 CPB Tool administration

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-1


Installation ................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-2


Launch the CPB Tool ............................................................................................................................................................ 3-14


Network administration ........................................................................................................................................................ 3-19


RADIUS server and user authentication ........................................................................................................................ 3-49


4 Provisioning and Commissioning

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4-1


Network commissioning background ................................................................................................................................ 4-1


Provision System (using plan)... wizard ........................................................................................................................... 4-5


Commission Greenfield System (using plan)... wizard ............................................................................................ 4-15


Commissioning History wizard ......................................................................................................................................... 4-26


5 Power Balancing

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 5-1


Power Balance System wizards ........................................................................................................................................... 5-2


6 System Loss Reports

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 6-1


Understanding the System Loss Reports .......................................................................................................................... 6-1


Create System Loss Report wizards ................................................................................................................................ 6-12


Create NE Loss Report wizard .......................................................................................................................................... 6-22



iv Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS
8DG-61258-GAAA-TBZZA Release 7.0
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List of tables

1 What's new in Release 7.0 ...................................................................................................................................... xiii

2 Conventions used ....................................................................................................................................................... xvi


3 Information products related to Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS ....................................................................... xvii

3-1 File menu commands ............................................................................................................................................. 3-19


3-2 View menu commands .......................................................................................................................................... 3-20

3-3 Admin menu commands ....................................................................................................................................... 3-21

3-4 Help menu commands ........................................................................................................................................... 3-21

6-1 System Loss Report fields ...................................................................................................................................... 6-4

6-2 Loss report terms and definitions ........................................................................................................................ 6-5

6-3 Loss value field terms and definitions ............................................................................................................... 6-6

6-4 Notes field terms and definitions ......................................................................................................................... 6-7

6-5 System Loss Report highlighting ...................................................................................................................... 6-10

6-6 Minimum EPT parameters for network element ......................................................................................... 6-22

6-7 Loss report fields ..................................................................................................................................................... 6-25


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List of tables


vi Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS
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List of figures

3-1 CPB Server and Web Client Installer wizard welcome screen ................................................................. 3-3

3-2 CPB server directory selection ............................................................................................................................. 3-4

3-3 Disk space warning ................................................................................................................................................... 3-5


3-4 CPB server upgrade or new installation option .............................................................................................. 3-6

3-5 MySQL database port selection ............................................................................................................................ 3-7

3-6 CPB web server port selection .............................................................................................................................. 3-7

3-7 New maximum Java VM size provisioning ..................................................................................................... 3-8

3-8 Database pool size provisioning ........................................................................................................................... 3-8

3-9 Choose account .......................................................................................................................................................... 3-9


3-10 Set account and password .................................................................................................................................... 3-10

3-11 CPB server ready to install .................................................................................................................................. 3-11

3-12 Server file installation update status ................................................................................................................. 3-12

3-13 CPB server installation complete ...................................................................................................................... 3-13

3-14 Compatibility View Setting window example .............................................................................................. 3-14

3-15 CPB Tool URL example ....................................................................................................................................... 3-15

3-16 CPB Login screen ................................................................................................................................................... 3-16


3-17 Admin password change ....................................................................................................................................... 3-17

3-18 CPB Tool menus in main window .................................................................................................................... 3-18

3-19 File menu .................................................................................................................................................................... 3-19


3-20 View menu ................................................................................................................................................................. 3-20


3-21 Admin menu .............................................................................................................................................................. 3-20


3-22 Help menu .................................................................................................................................................................. 3-21


3-23 About window .......................................................................................................................................................... 3-22


Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS vii
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List of figures

3-24 CPB Tool main window ........................................................................................................................................ 3-23

3-25 Create an NE icon ................................................................................................................................................... 3-23


3-26 New NE window ..................................................................................................................................................... 3-24


3-27 Discover new NE .................................................................................................................................................... 3-25


3-28 Delete NE window .................................................................................................................................................. 3-26


3-29 Discovering services in progress ....................................................................................................................... 3-27

3-30 Discovering Services ............................................................................................................................................. 3-27


3-31 Store EPT Design ................................................................................................................................................... 3-28


3-32 Select EPT Design File ......................................................................................................................................... 3-28


3-33 Completed Store EPT Design window ............................................................................................................ 3-29

3-34 Select EPT Deployed File .................................................................................................................................... 3-29

3-35 EPT Design File stored successfully ................................................................................................................ 3-30

3-36 EPT Export Wizard: Overview .......................................................................................................................... 3-31

3-37 NE Selection ............................................................................................................................................................. 3-32


3-38 EPT Export Stages and Progress Log .............................................................................................................. 3-33

3-39 EPT Export completed successfully ................................................................................................................. 3-33

3-40 EPT export file download .................................................................................................................................... 3-34

3-41 CPB Tool window with Optical Nodes tab open ......................................................................................... 3-35

3-42 Resynchronize window ......................................................................................................................................... 3-36

3-43 CPB tool window without optical nodes tab open ...................................................................................... 3-37

3-44 Account Management window .......................................................................................................................... 3-38

3-45 New User Account window ................................................................................................................................. 3-39

3-46 Account Management window with new user ............................................................................................. 3-40

3-47 Account Management window .......................................................................................................................... 3-41

3-48 Modify Account Properties... window ............................................................................................................. 3-42

3-49 Account access options ......................................................................................................................................... 3-42

3-50 User role options ..................................................................................................................................................... 3-42

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List of figures

3-51 Account Management window .......................................................................................................................... 3-43

3-52 Remove User Account confirmation window ............................................................................................... 3-44

3-53 Password Management window ........................................................................................................................ 3-45

3-54 ASON File Transfer Settings window ............................................................................................................. 3-46

3-55 Confirm Changes for ASON File Transfer window ................................................................................... 3-47

3-56 About CPB Web GUI window ........................................................................................................................... 3-48

3-57 User Authentication window ............................................................................................................................... 3-50

3-58 Authentication Behavior drop down options ................................................................................................ 3-51

3-59 Confirm Changes for System User Authentication window ................................................................... 3-52

4-1 Decomposition of mesh network into constituent systems ........................................................................ 4-3

4-2 CPB Tool main window .......................................................................................................................................... 4-5

4-3 Provision System Wizard: Overview window ................................................................................................ 4-6

4-4 Provisioning options and wizard options window ......................................................................................... 4-7

4-5 Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File window ...................................................................... 4-9

4-6 Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File selection window ................................................. 4-10

4-7 Completed Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File window ............................................. 4-10

4-8 Node list window .................................................................................................................................................... 4-11


4-9 Add Drop Block list window .............................................................................................................................. 4-12

4-10 Provisioning Stages window ............................................................................................................................... 4-13

4-11 Provision System wizard Finish page .............................................................................................................. 4-14

4-12 Commission Greenfield System Wizard: Overview window ................................................................. 4-16

4-13 Select Commissioning Mode window ............................................................................................................. 4-17

4-14 Select TL1 autonomous Messaging Option window ................................................................................. 4-18

4-15 Power Provisioning Options window .............................................................................................................. 4-19

4-16 Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File window .................................................................... 4-20

4-17 Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File selection window ................................................. 4-20

4-18 Completed Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File window ............................................. 4-21
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4-19 Commissioning Stages progress window ....................................................................................................... 4-22

4-20 Commissioning Stages window with commissioning step failure (example) .................................. 4-23

4-21 Commissioning Greenfield System Finish page .......................................................................................... 4-24

4-22 Commissioning History... menu selection ..................................................................................................... 4-26

4-23 Show Commissioning History icon .................................................................................................................. 4-27

4-24 Commissioning History Wizard: Overview window ................................................................................. 4-27

4-25 NE Selection window for Commissioning History .................................................................................... 4-28

4-26 Commissioning History Stages window ......................................................................................................... 4-29

4-27 Commissioning history results ........................................................................................................................... 4-30

5-1 System Power Balancing Wizard: Overview .................................................................................................. 5-3

5-2 Port Selection window ............................................................................................................................................. 5-4


5-3 Power Balance Stages window Failure example ........................................................................................... 5-5

5-4 Power Balance Last page window ..................................................................................................................... 5-6

5-5 System Power Balancing Wizard: Overview using PT file ........................................................................ 5-7

5-6 Power Provisioning options window .................................................................................................................. 5-8

5-7 Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File window ...................................................................... 5-9

5-8 Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File selection window ................................................... 5-9

5-9 Completed Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File window ............................................. 5-10

5-10 Power Balance Stages window Failure example ......................................................................................... 5-11

5-11 Power Balance Last page window ................................................................................................................... 5-12

6-1 System Loss Report sample ................................................................................................................................... 6-3

6-2 System Loss Report Wizard: Overview window ......................................................................................... 6-13

6-3 Port Selection window .......................................................................................................................................... 6-14

6-4 System Loss Report Wizard: Overview using plan .................................................................................... 6-15

6-5 Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File window .................................................................... 6-16

6-6 Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File selection window ................................................. 6-16

6-7 Completed Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File window ............................................. 6-17
x Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS
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List of figures

6-8 Power Loss Report Stages window .................................................................................................................. 6-18

6-9 System Loss Report last page ............................................................................................................................. 6-19

6-10 Sample Commissioning Power Loss Report ................................................................................................. 6-20

6-11 NE Loss Report Wizard: Overview window ................................................................................................. 6-23

6-12 Egress Point Selection ........................................................................................................................................... 6-24


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List of figures


xii Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS
8DG-61258-GAAA-TBZZA Release 7.0
Issue 1 April 2014
About this document
About this document

This document provides instructions for use and descriptions of the features of the
Commissioning and Power Balancing (CPB) Tool. This manual is not a trouble clearing
manual. Refer to the Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS Product Information and Planning Guide,
for trouble analysis, or to the Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch 16/32
(PSS-16/PSS-32) Release 7.0 Installation and System Turn-Up Guide for additional
system turn-up instructions.

What's new
This document is issued to support Release 7.0. Refer to the table below for the major
features in Release 7.0 and the major impacted areas in the document.

Table 1 What's new in Release 7.0

Feature Location
Remove support for PSS32s client line shelf Global
New provisioning options for Provision Pages 4-8 to 4-10
System (using plan)...wizard.

Documented feature set

This manual describes Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS Release 7.0. For technical reasons, some
of the documented features might not be available until later software versions. For
precise information about the availability of features, please consult the Software Release
Description (SRD) that is distributed with the network element software. It provides
details of the status at the time of software delivery.

How to use this document

This document is intended to instruct the user on the installation and general use of the
CPB Tool.

Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS xiii
8DG-61258-GAAA-TBZZA Release 7.0
Issue 1 April 2014
About this document

Safety information
For your safety, this document contains safety statements. Safety statements are given at
points where risks of damage to personnel, equipment, and operation may exist. Failure to
follow the directions in a safety statement may result in serious consequences.

Safety information
For your safety, this document contains safety statements. Safety statements are given at
points where risks of damage to personnel, equipment, and operation may exist. Failure to
follow the directions in a safety statement may result in serious consequences.
For additional safety precautions, please see the Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service
Switch (PSS) Release 7.0 User Provisioning Guide.

Optical safety
System design
The Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS system complies with the Food and Drug Administration’s
Center for Devices and Radiological Health (FDA/CDRH) regulations FDA/CDRH 21
CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11 as a Class I and with IEC Standard 60825-1 as a Class 1
Optical Fiber Telecommunication laser product.
The system has been designed to ensure that the operating personnel are not endangered
by laser radiation during normal system operation. The safety measures specified in the
FDA/CDRH regulations and the international standards IEC Standard 60825 and DIN/EN
60825, respectively, are met.
Potential sources of danger
Beware of the following potential sources of danger which will remain despite all safety
measures taken:
• Laser radiation can cause damage to the skin and eyes.
• Laser radiation from optical transmission systems is in a wavelength range that is
invisible to the human eye.
Laser classes
The maximum output power of laser radiation depends on the type of laser diode used.
The international standards IEC Standard 60825 and DIN/EN 60825, respectively, as well
as the FDA/CDRH regulations define the maximum output power of laser radiation for
each laser class in accordance with the wavelength.
The classification scheme is based on the ability of the laser emission or the reflected
laser emission to cause injury to the eye or skin during normal operating conditions.
Laser safety instructions
During service, maintenance, or restoration, an optical fiber telecommunication system is
considered unenclosed.
xiv Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS
8DG-61258-GAAA-TBZZA Release 7.0
Issue 1 April 2014
About this document

Observe the following instructions to avoid exposing yourself and others to risk:
• Only authorized, trained personnel is permitted to do service, maintenance, and
restoration. All unauthorized personnel is excluded from the immediate area of the
optical fiber telecommunication systems during installation and service.
• Read the relevant descriptions in the manuals before taking equipment into operation
or conducting any installation and maintenance work on the optical port units, and
follow the instructions. Ignoring the instructions may result in hazardous laser
radiation exposure.
• Do not view directly into the laser beam with optical instruments such as a fiber
microscope, because viewing of laser emission in excess of Class 1 limits
significantly increases the risk of eye damage.
• Never look into the end of an exposed fiber or an open connector as long as the
optical source is still switched on.
• Ensure that the optical source is switched off before disconnecting optical fiber
• In the event of doubt, check that the optical source is switched off by measuring with
an optical power meter.
Laser radiation

Laser hazard
Use of controls, adjustments, and procedures other than those specified herein may result
in hazardous laser radiation exposure.

Intended audience
This document is for personnel who will utilize the CPB Tool, whether during
installation/integration of, or after turn-up of the Photonic Service Switch (PSS)

Supported systems
The Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS supports WDM functionality and OCS functionality within
one node. The node consists of one WDM main shelf with optional extension shelves
and/or one OCS main shelf with optional extension shelves. The WDM functionality is
supported by Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS-16 and Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS-32 shelves. The
OCS functionality is supported by Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS-36 and Alcatel-Lucent
1830 PSS-64 shelves.

Conventions used
These conventions are used in this document:

Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS xv
8DG-61258-GAAA-TBZZA Release 7.0
Issue 1 April 2014
About this document

The chapters of this document are numbered consecutively. The page numbering restarts
at “1” in each chapter. To facilitate identifying pages in different chapters, the page
numbers are prefixed with the chapter number. For example, page 2-3 is the third page in
chapter 2.
Cross-reference conventions are identical with the conventions used for page numbering
The first number in a reference to a particular page refers to the corresponding chapter.
Keyword blocks
This document contains so-called keyword blocks to facilitate the location of specific text
passages. The keyword blocks are placed to the left of the main text and indicate the
contents of a paragraph or group of paragraphs.
Typographical conventions
The typographical conventions used in this document are described in Table 2,
“Conventions used” (p. xvi).
Table 2 Conventions used

Appearance Description
emphasis Text that is emphasized
document titles Titles of books or other documents
file or directory names The names of files or directories
graphical user interface text Text that is displayed in a graphical user interface
keyboard keys The name of a key on the keyboard
system input Text that the user types as input to a system
system output Text that a system displays or prints
variables A value or command-line parameter that the user
[] Text or a value that is optional
{value1 | value2} A choice of values or variables from which one value
{variable1 | variable2} or variable is used

Abbreviations used in this document can be found in the “Glossary” unless it can be
assumed that the reader is familiar with the abbreviation.

xvi Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS
8DG-61258-GAAA-TBZZA Release 7.0
Issue 1 April 2014
About this document

Related information

Table 3 Information products related to Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS

Document title Document code

Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 7.0 Safety Guide 8DG-61258-GAAA-TAZZQ
Provides users of Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS systems with the relevant information
and safety guidelines to safeguard against personal injury. Furthermore, the Safety
Guide is useful to prevent material damage to the equipment. The Safety Guide
must be read by the responsible technical personnel before performing relevant
work on the system. The valid version of the document must always be kept close
to the equipment.
Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 7.0 Product 8DG-61258-GAAA-TQZZA
Information and Planning Guide
Presents a detailed overview of the system, describes its applications, gives
planning requirements, engineering rules, ordering information, and technical
Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch 4 (PSS-4) Release 7.0 Product 3KC-13386-GAAA-TQZZA
Information and Planning Guide
Presents a detailed overview of the system, describes its applications, gives
planning requirements, engineering rules, ordering information, and technical

Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 7.0 User Provisioning 8DG-61258-GAAA-TCZZA
Provides step-by-step information for use in daily system operations. The manual
demonstrates how to perform system provisioning, operations, and administrative
Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch 4 (PSS-4) Release 7.0 User 3KC-13386-GAAA-TCZZA
Provisioning Guide
Provides step-by-step information for use in daily system operations. The manual
demonstrates how to perform system provisioning, operations, and administrative
Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 7.0 Maintenance and 8DG-61258-GAAA-TMZZA
Trouble-Clearing Guide
Gives detailed information on each possible alarm message. Furthermore, it
provides procedures for routine maintenance, troubleshooting, diagnostics, and
component replacement.
Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch 4 (PSS-4) Release 7.0 Maintenance 3KC-13386-GAAA-TMZZA
and Trouble-Clearing Guide
Gives detailed information on each possible alarm message. Furthermore, it
provides procedures for routine maintenance, troubleshooting, diagnostics, and
component replacement.
Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch 16/32 (PSS-16/PSS-32) Release 7.0 8DG-61258-GAAA-TJZZA
Installation and System Turn-Up Guide
A step-by-step guide to system installation and set up of Alcatel-Lucent 1830
PSS-16/PSS-32. It also includes information needed for pre-installation site
planning and post-installation acceptance testing.

Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS xvii
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Issue 1 April 2014
About this document

Table 3 Information products related to Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS (continued)

Document title Document code

Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch 36 (PSS-36) Release 7.0 Installation 8DG-61258-GAAA-TKZZA
and System Turn-Up Guide
A step-by-step guide to system installation and set up of Alcatel-Lucent 1830
PSS-36. It also includes information needed for pre-installation site planning and
post-installation acceptance testing.
Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch 64 (PSS-64) Release 7.0 Installation 8DG-61258-GAAA-TLZZA
and System Turn-Up Guide
A step-by-step guide to system installation and set up of Alcatel-Lucent
1830 PSS-64. It also includes information needed for pre-installation site planning
and post-installation acceptance testing.
Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch 4 (PSS-4) Release 7.0 Installation 3KC-13386-GAAA-TJZZA
and System Turn-Up Guide
A step-by-step guide to system installation and set up of Alcatel-Lucent 1830
PSS-4. It also includes information needed for pre-installation site planning and
post-installation acceptance testing.

Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 7.0 Key Management 8DG-61258-GAAA-TIZZA
Tool (KMT) Installation Guide
Provides detailed step-by-step description of how to install the Key Management
Tool including prerequisite SW download and installation.

Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 7.0 Command Line 8DG-61258-GAAA-THZZA
Interface Guide
Provides information about the Command Line Interface (CLI) for Alcatel-Lucent
1830 PSS and describes the CLI attributes and commands.
Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch 4 (PSS-4) Release 7.0 Command 3KC-13386-GAAA-THZZA
Line Interface Guide
Provides information about the Command Line Interface (CLI) for Alcatel-Lucent
1830 PSS-4 and describes the CLI attributes and commands.
Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 7.0 Engineering and 8DG-61258-GAAA-TEZZA
Planning Tool User Guide
Provides step-by-step information for use in daily system operations for the EPT.
The manual demonstrates how to perform system provisioning, operations, and
commissioning tasks.
Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 7.0 TL1 Commands 8DG-61258-GAAA-TFZZA
and Messages Guide (Switching Applications)
Describes the external TL1 interface for Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS in terms of TL1
command, responses, and notification definitions.

Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 7.0 TL1 Commands 8DG-61258-GAAA-TGZZA
and Messages Guide (Photonic Applications)
Describes the external TL1 interface for Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS in terms of TL1
command, responses, and notification definitions.
Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch 4 (PSS-4) Release 7.0 TL1 33KC-13386-GAAA-TGZZA
Commands and Messages Guide
Describes the external TL1 interface for Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS-4 in terms of
TL1 command, responses, and notification definitions.

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8DG-61258-GAAA-TBZZA Release 7.0
Issue 1 April 2014
About this document

Table 3 Information products related to Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS (continued)

Document title Document code

Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 7.0 GMRE/GMPLS 8DG-61258-GAAA-TWZZA
Contains information about the GMPLS Routing Engine (GMRE) of the
Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS; it provides a high-level functional overview of the
GMRE and describes the steps to plan and set up a GMRE-controlled network.
Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 7.0 Quick Reference 8DG-61258-GAAA-TNZZA
Provides users of Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS a streamlined, easy-to-use navigation
aid to facilitate the use of the system.
Alcatel-Lucent 1354 RM-PhM Release 12.0 Photonic Manager EMS Reference 8DG-61258-GAAA-TXZZA
Provides information for accessing the 1354 RM-PhM and using it to configure
and manage the Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS network.
Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 7.0 DCN Planning 8DG-61258-GAAA-TPZZA
and Engineering Guide (Photonics Applications)
Provides information for the planning and configuration of a Data Communication
Network (DCN) for photonic applications, that is for Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS-16
and Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS-32 systems (WDM).

Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 7.0 DCN Planning 8DG-61258-GAAA-TRZZA
and Engineering Guide (Switching Applications)
Provides information for the planning and configuration of a Data Communication
Network (DCN) for switching applications, that is for Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS-36
and Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS-64 systems (OCS).
Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 7.0 Key Management 8DG-61258-GAAA-TUZZA
Tool (KMT) Administration Guide
Provides information about the steps that an administrator needs to take in order to
set up network sites and elements, and to assign priorities and privileges.
Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 7.0 Key Management 8DG-61258-GAAA-TVZZA
Tool (KMT) User Guide
Provides information about how a user can use the KMT to assign keys, rotate the
keys, and access security logs and alarms.

Alcatel-Lucent Smart Compact Ethernet Demarcation Device (Smart cEDD) User 8DG-61259-AAAA-TYZZA
Provides instructions for use and descriptions of the features of the Smart Compact
Ethernet Demarcation Device (Smart cEDD).
Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 7.0 Commissioning 8DG-61258-GAAA-TBZZA
and Power Balancing Tool User Guide
Provides instructions for use and descriptions of the features of the Commissioning
and Power Balancing (CPB) Tool.
Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 7.0 Federal 8DG-61258-GAAA-TSZZA
Information Processing Standards (FIPS) User Guide and Logbook
Describes the target FIPS configurations for Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS.

Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS xix
8DG-61258-GAAA-TBZZA Release 7.0
Issue 1 April 2014
About this document

Table 3 Information products related to Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS (continued)

Document title Document code

Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 7.0 Electronic 8DG-61258-GAAA-TYZZA
Documentation Library
Contains all documents related to Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS in electronic formats.

Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch 4 (PSS-4) Release 7.0 Electronic 3KC-13386-GAAA-TZZZA
Documentation Library
Contains all documents related to Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS-4 in electronic formats.

Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch 16/32 (PSS-16/PSS-32) Release 7.0.0 8DG-62697-AAAA
Customer Release Notes

Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch 36/64 (PSS-36/PSS-64) Release 7.0.0 3AG-34247-AAAA
Customer Release Notes
Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch 4 (PSS-4) Release 7.0.0 Customer 3KC-13386-AAAA
Release Notes

These documents can be downloaded from the Alcatel-Lucent Online Customer Support
Site (OLCS) (https://support.alcatel-lucent.com) or through your Local Customer

Technical support
For technical support, contact your local Alcatel-Lucent customer support team. See the
Alcatel-Lucent Support web site (http://www.alcatel-lucent.com/support/) for contact

How to order
To order Alcatel-Lucent documents contact your local sales representative or use Online
Customer Support (OLCS) (https://support.ucent.com) (https://support.alcatel-lucent.com

How to comment
To comment on this document, go to the Online Comment Form (http://infodoc.alcatel-
lucent.com/comments/) or e-mail your comments to the Comments Hotline

xx Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS
8DG-61258-GAAA-TBZZA Release 7.0
Issue 1 April 2014
1 Safety

This chapter provides some important safety instructions for the Alcatel-Lucent
1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) (Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS-16/PSS-32) system.
Complete safety instructions can be found in the Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service
Switch (PSS) Release 7.0 Safety Guide.


Structure of safety statements 1-1

Structure of hazard statements 1-3
Important safety instructions 1-4
General notes on safety 1-6

Structure of safety statements

This topic describes the components of safety statements that appear in this document.

General structure
Safety statements include the following structural elements:

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Safety Structure of safety statements



Lifting hazard

Lifting this equipment by yourself can result in injury
due to the size and weight of the equipment.
Always use three people or a lifting device to transport
and position this equipment. [ABC123]

Item Structure element Purpose

1 Safety alert symbol Indicates the potential for personal injury
2 Safety symbol Indicates hazard type (optional)
3 Signal word Indicates the severity of the hazard
4 Hazard type Describes the source of the risk of damage or
5 Safety message Consequences if protective measures fail
6 Avoidance message Protective measures to take to avoid the hazard
7 Identifier The reference ID of the safety statement

Signal words
The signal words identify the hazard severity levels as follows:

Signal word Meaning

DANGER Indicates an extremely hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will
result in death or serious injury.
WARNING Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in
death or serious injury.
CAUTION Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in
minor or moderate injury.
NOTICE Indicates a hazardous situation not related to personal injury.

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Safety Structure of hazard statements


Structure of hazard statements

Hazard statements describe the safety risks relevant while performing tasks on
Alcatel-Lucent products during deployment and/or use. Failure to avoid the hazards may
have serious consequences.

General structure
Hazard statements include the following structural elements:

Item Structure Purpose

1 Personal injury Indicates the potential for personal injury (optional)
2 Hazard type Indicates hazard type (optional)
3 Signal word Indicates the severity of the hazard
4 Hazard type Describes the source of the risk of damage or injury
5 Damage Consequences if protective measures fail
6 Avoidance Protective measures to take to avoid the hazard
7 Identifier The reference ID of the hazard statement (optional)

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Safety Structure of hazard statements

Signal words
The signal words identify the hazard severity levels as follows:

Signal Word Meaning

DANGER Indicates an imminently hazardous situation (high risk) which, if not
avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
WARNING Indicates a potentially hazardous situation (medium risk) which, if not
avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
CAUTION When used with the personal injury symbol:
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation (low risk) which, if not avoided,
may result in personal injury.
When used without the personal injury symbol:
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation (low risk) which, if not avoided,
may result in property damage, such as service interruption or damage to
equipment or other materials.

Important safety instructions

The following safety instructions are of particular importance for Alcatel-Lucent
1830 PSS (Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS-16/PSS-32) systems.
Invisible laser radiation

Laser hazard
Unterminated optical connectors may emit invisible laser radiation. Do not view beam
with optical instruments. Avoid direct exposure to the beam.
Never look into the end of an exposed fiber or plug-in optical connectors as long as the
optical source is switched on. Always observe the laser warning instructions.

1-4 Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS
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Safety Important safety instructions

Power cable plug

Arc-flash hazard
Arcing on removing or inserting a live power supply plug.
Arcing can cause serious burns to the hands and damage to the eyes.
Ensure that the line circuit-breaker on the power distribution panel (or Battery
Distribution Fuse Board - BDFB) is in the "OFF" position before removing or inserting
the power cable plug.

Shielded 10BaseT LAN cables

Electric-shock hazard
There is a risk of electrical shock and/or serious injury if shielded 10BaseT LAN cables
are used, and the applicable national safety requirement have not been met.
The usage of shielded 10BaseT LAN cables is only allowed if the applicable national
safety requirements have been met by the user. Otherwise, there is a risk of electrical
shock and/or serious injury.

Electrostatic discharge (ESD)

ESD hazard
Electronic components can be destroyed by electrostatic discharge.
Plug-in units must therefore always be kept in antistatic covers. Use the original
packaging if possible. Always observe the ESD instructions.

Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS 1-5
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Safety General notes on safety


General notes on safety

The present chapter on safety must be read by the responsible technical personnel before
carrying out relevant work on the system. The valid version of this document must always
be kept close to the equipment.
This chapter contains general safety instructions for the system. Additional safety
instructions may be found in the chapters that follow. Complete safety instructions can be
found in Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Release 7.0 Safety Guide.
The Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) equipment meets national and
international safety requirements. It is provided with a high degree of operational safety
resulting from many years of development experience and continuous stringent quality
checks in our company.

Potential sources of danger

The equipment is safe in normal operation. There are, however, some potential sources of
danger that cannot be completely eliminated. In particular, these arise during the
• Opening of housings or equipment covers,
• Manipulation of any kind within the equipment, even if it has been disconnected from
the power supply, or
• Disconnection of optical or electrical connections, through possible contact with:
– Electrically energized units,
– Laser light,
– Hot surfaces,
– Sharp edges, or
– Components sensitive to electrostatic discharge.

General safety requirements

When installing this product, basic safety precautions should always be followed to
reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, and injury to persons, including the following:
1. This equipment is to be installed only in Restricted Access Areas.
2. Follow all instructions provided with this unit.
3. Installation and maintenance procedures must be followed and performed by trained
personnel only.

1-6 Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS
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Safety General notes on safety

4. This equipment is intended to be provided with appropriate 80 A (Max) branch circuit
protection on both the A and B -48/-60 V dc input feeds.
5. Opening or removing covers or sheet metal parts may present exposure to high
current or electrical energy levels or to other risks.
6. Use only Alcatel-Lucent manufactured circuit packs designed for use with this
7. For information on proper mounting instructions, consult the Alcatel-Lucent 1830
Photonic Service Switch 16/32 (PSS-16/PSS-32) Release 7.0 Installation and System
Turn-Up Guide.
8. This equipment must be provided with a readily accessible disconnect device as part
of the building installation. (Such as a main power disconnect switch or external
circuit breaker).
9. Use only Alcatel-Lucent Power Cable Assembly provided with this equipment when
connecting to -48/-60 A/B V dc power sources.
10. Connect this product only to the type of power source indicated on the marking label.
11. This equipment is to be powered only by Safety Extra Low Voltage (SELV) or
Telecommunication Network Voltage 2 (TNV2) type sources.
12. Installation must include an independent frame ground drop to the building ground.
Refer to the Installation Instructions.
13. Use caution when installing or modifying telecommunication lines.
14. Never install telecommunication wiring during a lightning storm.
15. Never install telecommunication connections in wet locations.
16. Never touch uninsulated telecommunication wires or terminals unless the
telecommunication line has been disconnected at the interface.
17. Slots and openings in this product are provided for ventilation. To protect it from
overheating, these openings must not be blocked or covered. This product should not
be placed in a built-in installation unless proper ventilation is provided.
18. Never push objects of any kind into slots or openings in this product as they may
touch dangerous voltage points or short out parts that could result in a risk of fire or
electrical shock. Never spill liquid of any kind on the product.

Laser hazard
Invisible laser radiation when open and fiber optic cable disconnected. Avoid Direct
Exposure to Beam.
Note: This unit has up to two (2) -48/-60 V input power feeders. Disconnecting less
than the maximum will not de-energize the system.
To reduce the risk of injury, disconnect two (2) power feeders when removing power
to the system.
Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS 1-7
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Safety General notes on safety

Laser hazard
Un-terminated optical connections may emit laser radiation. Do Not View With Optical

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2 CPB Tool Introduction

This chapter provides information about the CPB Tool features.


Functionality 2-1
Features 2-2
Prior Releases Features 2-2

The Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS Commissioning and Power Balancing (CPB) Tool is a
software tool for automated provisioning, commissioning and power balancing functions
of photonic networks based on the Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS portfolio of WDM products.
The CPB Tool is one key component of Alcatel-Lucent’s Zero Touch Photonics
networking innovation, which enables easier operations, accelerated time-to-market and
optimized total cost of ownership (TCO) of wavelength services.
The CPB Tool can be used in conjunction with 1354 RM-PhM or can also be installed
and used as a stand-alone tool. The Provisioning, Commissioning and Power Balancing
menus and respective functionality of the CPB Tool integrated in 1354 RM-PhM and the
stand-alone CPB are the same. However, the stand-alone CPB Tool requires the user to
have access to another Network Management System (e.g. OMS, INC, etc.) or utilize the
NE built-in user interfaces (CLI or WebUI) in order to make the relevant adjustments
required in support of Provisioning, Commissioning, and Power Balancing the Network
Element that would have otherwise been performed by utilizing the 1354 RM-PhM. For

Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS 2-1
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CPB Tool Introduction Functionality

more details on utilizing the 1354 RM-PhM, refer to the Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS
Installation and System Turn-Up Guide and the Alcatel-Lucent 1354 RM-PhM Photonic
Manager EMS Reference Guide

Network commissioning
The network planning and design phase is performed using the Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS
Engineering Planning Tool (EPT). During this phase, the EPT segments networks into
systems. The EPT then produces commissioning files in .xml format (one file for each
system) that are used by the CPB Tool to commission the systems. For more details on the
commissioning file format and contents, as well as procedures used to plan the network
refer to the Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS Engineering and Planning Tool User Guide.

Features introduced in Release 7.0
The Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS Commissioning and Power Balancing Tool (CPB) Release
7.0 supports Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS Release 7.0 and includes the following new
• 260SCX2 - 2x100G/200G Muxponder w/ LR4/SR10/LR10
• AM2625A - Amplifier for Long Span applications
• AM2032A - Amplifier for Long Span applications
• CPB Tool can discover SNMPv3 enabled NEs w/ AES256

Prior Releases Features

Features introduced in Release 6.2
The Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS Commissioning and Power Balancing Tool (CPB) Release
6.2 supports Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS Release R6.2 and includes the following new
• 130SNX10 - Flex-Coherent 10x10G Muxponder

2-2 Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS
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CPB Tool Introduction Prior Releases Features

Features introduced in Release 6.0
The Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS Commissioning and Power Balancing Tool (CPB) Release
6.0 supports Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS Release 6.0 and includes the following new
• Client/Line Shelf – PSS-32S shelf
• 130SCUP – 100 G Coherent Switchponder/Uplink Card
• 24ANM - 24 x Multirate ANY Card
• 24ET1G – 24X1GE /SFP (hard copy FPGA)
• PSS-32S 5.5kW power filter
• 1588 Controller
• 11QCUPC 11G 4 Port Tunable Uplink
• 10AN10G 10X10G UNIVERSAL card
• 4QPA8 – 8xANY OTU1 card – PSS-4
• GMRE features:
– New transmission model for GMPLS
– GMPLS support channel banding

Features introduced in Release 5.5

The Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS Commissioning and Power Balancing Tool (CPB) Release
5.5 supports Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS Release 5.5 and includes the following features:
• 130SCX10-100G MUX OT with SD FEC
• A2P2125 Hybrid Amp
• Short reach (low cost ) CFP module (SR10)
• WTOCM with OSNR measurement support
• 40G Coherent A/D OTU3 client 43SCA1
• 11QPEN4 cascading with, 112 SNX10, 130SCX10

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CPB Tool Introduction Prior Releases Features


2-4 Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS
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3 CPB Tool administration

This chapter provides information for installing and administering the CPB Tool.
The web interface CPB Tool is intended to be the sole user interface for commissioning
and power balancing operations. It can be used as a stand-alone user interface and
installed from a CPB-only installation disk.


Installation 3-2
Launch the CPB Tool 3-14
Network administration 3-19
RADIUS server and user authentication 3-49

Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS 3-1
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CPB Tool administration Installation


This section guides the user through installation of the CPB Tool.
The CPB Tool consists of a server and one or more clients. The server and clients both
support Solaris x86, Windows, HP-UX Itanium, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux. It is
recommended to update the server with the operating system vendor's most recent patches
before installing the CPB Tool.
It is recommended to configure the server with an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS).
If a power failure occurs without a UPS, corruption of the database is possible.
Alcatel-Lucent also recommends using a RAID 10 disk configuration for robustness.
The CPB Tool server sizing guidelines, outlined in the release notes, are based on the
number of NEs being managed by the server, and the number of simultaneously active
client users. These guidelines assume a NE has an average of 3 shelves (or approximately
60 cards). If the average is higher or lower, the configuration should be adjusted

System requirements
The CPB distribution media is a DVD-ROM, so the PC/server to which the server and
client software will be loaded must be DVD-compatible.
The recommended server or client system requirements are listed in the release notes
which can be obtained from your representative.

Install the CPB Tool

For Linux, HP or Solaris server setup details, refer to the Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS
Photonic Service Switch (PSS) Commissioning and Power Balancing (CPB) Customer
Release Notes document.

1 Insert the CPB disk into the DVD drive to which it will be loaded. If the setup.exe
application does not run automatically, manually run the program (in Windows, go to the
Start menu and select Run, then Browse to the setup.exe file). The introductory
installation window opens as shown in Figure 3-1, “CPB Server and Web Client Installer
wizard welcome screen” (p. 3-3).

3-2 Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS
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CPB Tool administration Installation


Figure 3-1 CPB Server and Web Client Installer wizard welcome screen

Note that for ease of viewing, only the right side of the wizard window is shown in
subsequent figures.

2 Click Next> to continue. The resulting screen provides the directory location to which the
CPB server will be downloaded. The default is C:/Program Files/PhM as shown in Figure
3-2, “CPB server directory selection” (p. 3-4). To choose an alternate location, use the
Browse button.

Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS 3-3
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Issue 1 April 2014
CPB Tool administration Installation


Figure 3-2 CPB server directory selection


3 Click Next> to continue. If the Warning message shown in Figure 3-3, “Disk space
warning” (p. 3-5) displays, there may not be enough free disk space available to continue
with this operation. Return to the “System requirements” (p. 3-2) and verify the
requirements are met for the server. When the requirements are met, return to the “Install
the CPB Tool” (p. 3-2).

3-4 Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS
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CPB Tool administration Installation


Figure 3-3 Disk space warning


4 Click Next> to continue. If there is already a CPB Server installed, the option is provided
to upgrade or perform a new installation as shown in Figure 3-4, “CPB server upgrade or
new installation option” (p. 3-6). Select either Upgrade or New Installation then click the
Next> button. If there is no previously installed CPB Server, proceed to the next step.

Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS 3-5
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CPB Tool administration Installation


Figure 3-4 CPB server upgrade or new installation option


5 Set the MySQL database port. The default is 3306 as seen in Figure 3-5, “MySQL
database port selection” (p. 3-7).

3-6 Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS
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CPB Tool administration Installation


Figure 3-5 MySQL database port selection


6 Click Next> to continue. Choose the CPB web server port. The default is 80 as seen in
Figure 3-6, “CPB web server port selection” (p. 3-7).

Figure 3-6 CPB web server port selection


7 Click Next> to continue. On the resulting screen, set the New Maximum Java VM size
(MB) between 610 and 1920 MB. The default size is 610 MB, and the current and
recommended values are provided. Refer to Figure 3-7, “New maximum Java VM size
provisioning” (p. 3-8).

Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS 3-7
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CPB Tool administration Installation


Figure 3-7 New maximum Java VM size provisioning


8 Click Next> to continue. On the resulting screen, set the New Database Pool Size (MB)
between 64 and 640 MB. The current and recommended database pool sizes are
provided. Refer to Figure 3-8, “Database pool size provisioning” (p. 3-8).

Figure 3-8 Database pool size provisioning

3-8 Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS
8DG-61258-GAAA-TBZZA Release 7.0
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CPB Tool administration Installation


9 Click Next> to continue. Choose the type of account to start Windows services. If Use
Local System Account is selected, proceed to Step 11. If a specific account and password
is to be used, select the Specify an account and password option and continue to Step

Figure 3-9 Choose account


10 Click Next> to continue. In the resulting window, provision the account and password to
be used. Take note of the requirements at the top of the window regarding the user
account and permissions. Refer to Figure 3-10, “Set account and password” (p. 3-10).
When the account information is complete, proceed to Step 11.

Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS 3-9
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CPB Tool administration Installation


Figure 3-10 Set account and password


11 Click Next> to continue. Review the Warning and information presented in the resulting
screen as seen in Figure 3-11, “CPB server ready to install” (p. 3-11). Verify all
conditions are met. If they are not, close the applications specified. When ready to
proceed with the CPB server and client installation click Next>to continue.

3-10 Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS
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CPB Tool administration Installation


Figure 3-11 CPB server ready to install


12 The installation manager installs the required files. A series of status update screens
displays as seen in Figure 3-12, “Server file installation update status” (p. 3-12), during
which time the <Back and Next> buttons are grayed out.

Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS 3-11
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CPB Tool administration Installation


Figure 3-12 Server file installation update status


13 Once the CPB server and client installation is complete, the completion screen displays as
seen in Figure 3-13, “CPB server installation complete” (p. 3-13). Click Finish to exit the
installation wizard.

3-12 Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS
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CPB Tool administration Installation


Figure 3-13 CPB server installation complete


Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS 3-13
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Issue 1 April 2014
CPB Tool administration Launch the CPB Tool


Launch the CPB Tool

This section guides the user through launching the CPB Tool, login, and the main menu

Before you begin

Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) users must set Compatibility View before launching the CPB
Tool. To change the Compatibility View setting in IE11, follow this path:
Tools>Compatibility View Setting. See the following figure:

Figure 3-14 Compatibility View Setting window example


1 To launch the CPB Tool do one of the following:

• If launching from a web browser, open the web browser that is used to launch the
CPB Tool. Note that Internet Explorer 6 is not supported.
• If launching from the 1354 RM-PhM Photonic Manager, select Launch CPB from the
Provisioning menu. Go to Step 3.
3-14 Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS
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CPB Tool administration Launch the CPB Tool


2 In the browser's URL, type http://<IP>/cpb and Enter where <IP> is the IP address
of the CPB Tool server. For example: http://135.244.xxx.xxx/cpb
Alternatively, in the browser's URL, type http://<hostname>:<port> and Enter,
where <hostname> is the name or IP address of the server (in many deployments the CPB
Tool server host name will be localhost), and <port> is the port that the server is using for
the CPB Tool. The default port is 80 but a different port may have been configured when
the CPB Tool was installed (see Step 6 and Figure 3-6, “CPB web server port selection”
(p. 3-7) for port number selection). An example of the URL in a Google Chrome browser
is in Figure 3-15, “CPB Tool URL example” (p. 3-15).

Figure 3-15 CPB Tool URL example


3 The Login window opens, as shown in Figure 3-16, “CPB Login screen” (p. 3-16) . If
logging in for the first time, use the admin login and the default password (tropxnms).
Otherwise, use an established login and password. Click the Login button.

Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS 3-15
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CPB Tool administration Launch the CPB Tool


Figure 3-16 CPB Login screen


4 If logging in for the first time, a prompt to change the admin password displays as shown
in Figure 3-17, “Admin password change” (p. 3-17).

3-16 Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS
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CPB Tool administration Launch the CPB Tool


Figure 3-17 Admin password change


5 In the New Password field, enter a new password using the following constraints:
• Must begin with an alphabet
• Must have at least 6 characters, but no more than 32 characters
• Must contain one numeric digit (0, 1, ... 9)
• The same character cannot repeat more than 3 times consecutively
• The new password cannot be equal to the old one
• Cannot be a repeat of the username or its reverse
• Must not have special characters other than ! @ # $ % * ( ) _ + - = [ ] { } | ; : , . / ?
• Refer to the Password Complexity information provided in the lower section of the
password change window for additional details.

6 In the Confirm Password field, re-type the password entered in the previous step.

7 Click the OK button. The main Commissioning and Power Balance window opens. The
next sections of this document describe the functionality in the CPB Tool main menu:
File, View, Commissioning, Admin, and Help as shown in Figure 3-18, “CPB Tool menus
in main window” (p. 3-18).

Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS 3-17
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CPB Tool administration Launch the CPB Tool


Figure 3-18 CPB Tool menus in main window


3-18 Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS
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Issue 1 April 2014
CPB Tool administration Network administration


Network administration
The CPB Tool allows the user to add and delete nodes, discover services, store EPT
designs, export service demands to EPT, and administer user accounts. This section
provides the information about the administration functions. From the CPB Tool main
menu, administration functions are found under the File, View and Admin commands.

File menu
The File menu contains the following functions:

Figure 3-19 File menu

Table 3-1 File menu commands

File menu command Description

New NE Add a new NE to the CPB Tool. For more
information, see “Add a new NE” (p. 3-23).
Delete NE Delete NE from the CPB Tool. For more
information, see “Delete NE” (p. 3-25).
Discover Services ... Discover services on the network. For more
information, see “Discover services” (p. 3-26)
Store EPT Design ... Save an Engineering and Planning Tool (EPT)
design file and EPT deployed file on the PC. For
more information, see “Store EPT design file”
(p. 3-27)
Service Demand Export to EPT Create a network configuration report for the EPT.
For more information, see “Service demand export
to EPT” (p. 3-30).
Exit Exit the CPB Tool. For more information, see “Exit
the CPB Tool” (p. 3-34).

Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS 3-19
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CPB Tool administration Network administration

View menu
The View menu contains the following functions:

Figure 3-20 View menu

Table 3-2 View menu commands

View menu command Description

Refresh Refresh the list of NEs in the main CPB Tool
Resynchronize Resynchronize the selected NE and all its
components with the network. For more
information, see “Resynchronize NE”
(p. 3-35).
Optical Nodes Open the Optical Nodes tab if it is closed. For
more information, see “View optical nodes”
(p. 3-36).

Admin menu
The Admin menu contains the following functions:

Figure 3-21 Admin menu

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Table 3-3 Admin menu commands

Admin menu command Description

User Accounts Add, edit and delete users. For more
information, see “Add a new user” (p. 3-37),
“Edit user” (p. 3-40), and “Delete user”
(p. 3-43)
User Authentication Authenticate RADIUS server and users. For
more information, see “RADIUS server and
user authentication” (p. 3-49)
Change Password Change a password. For more information,
“Change password” (p. 3-44)
ASON File Transfer Settings ... Set ASON file transfer parameters. For more
information, see “Set ASON file transfer
settings” (p. 3-45)

Help menu
The Help menu contains the following functions:

Figure 3-22 Help menu

Table 3-4 Help menu commands

Help menu command Description

Launch CPB User Guide Opens the user documentation guide for the
CPB Tool - Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic
Service Switch (PSS) Release 7.0
Commissioning and Power Balancing Tool
User Guide
About Displays general information about the CPB
Tool. For more informations, see Figure 3-23,
“About window” (p. 3-22)

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Figure 3-23 About window

To begin administration, first launch the CPB Tool from the PC or from the 1354
RM-PhM and login with the appropriate authentication information. The main
Commissioning and Power Balance window opens as shown in Figure 3-24, “CPB Tool
main window” (p. 3-23).

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Figure 3-24 CPB Tool main window

Each of the procedures that follow require the main Commissioning and Power Balance
window to be open, and proceed from that point.

Add a new NE
Follow the steps below to add a new managed NE.

1 From the CPB Tool main menu, select File > New NE to add a managed NE.
Alternatively, click the Create an NE icon from the Icon bar, as shown in Figure 3-25,
“Create an NE icon” (p. 3-23)

Figure 3-25 Create an NE icon

Result: The New NE window opens as shown in Figure 3-26, “New NE window”
(p. 3-24).

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Figure 3-26 New NE window


2 Edit the information in the NE Details, Keep Alives, and Association Parameters
sections as necessary. Verify the information is correct and click the Create button.

3 The new NE is added to the list of NEs on the CPB Tool main window with the
Discovery status set to In Progress. The Connected status may have a red color status
and No indication until the node is connected/visible by the CPB Tool, at which point the
red status changes to green with a Yes indication but remains In Progress. Refer to Figure
3-27, “Discover new NE” (p. 3-25) for an example.

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Figure 3-27 Discover new NE


4 Once the new NE is discovered successfully, the Discovery status is changed to

Successful. For more information, see “Discover services” (p. 3-26).

Delete NE
Follow the steps below to delete an NE from the managed NE list.

1 From the list of NEs in the CPB Tool main window, select the NE to be deleted. It will
highlight in gray when selected as shown in “Delete NE” (p. 3-25).

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2 From the CPB Tool main menu, select File > Delete NE to delete the selected NE.
Alternatively, double-click the desired NE in the Optical Nodes list. The Delete NE
window opens, as shown in Figure 3-28, “Delete NE window” (p. 3-26). Verify the node
parameters listed correspond to the correct NE to delete. Click on either the Delete or
Force Delete button.
Note: If there are services in the NE, select Force Delete to delete the NE.

Figure 3-28 Delete NE window


3 A deletion confirmation window opens. Click OK to delete the selected NE.


4 The CPB Tool returns to the main window and the deleted NE no longer is listed in the
list of managed nodes.

Discover services
Follow the steps below to discover services on the network.

1 From the main CPB Tool menu, select File > Discover Services. The Discovering
Services window opens, as shown in Figure 3-29, “Discovering services in progress”
(p. 3-27).
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Figure 3-29 Discovering services in progress


2 When the services discovery completes a notification displays, as shown in Figure 3-30,
“Discovering Services” (p. 3-27).

Figure 3-30 Discovering Services


3 Click the Close button to return to the main CPB Tool window.

Store EPT design file

Follow these steps to store the EPT design file (.ept file extension) and EPT Deployed file
(.xml file extension) on the PC. The EPT Deployed file is used by the CPB Tool to export
services for all NEs listed in the file. The EPT Design file is used to upload information to
the EPT. For more information see Chapter 4, “Provisioning and Commissioning”.

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1 From the main CPB Tool menu, select File > Store EPT Design .... The Store EPT
Design window opens, as shown in Figure 3-31, “Store EPT Design ” (p. 3-28).

Figure 3-31 Store EPT Design


2 To load the EPT design file, click the Select Design File button. The Select EPT Design
File window opens, as shown in Figure 3-32, “Select EPT Design File” (p. 3-28).

Figure 3-32 Select EPT Design File

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3 Browse to the desired EPT design file and click OK. The path to which the EPT design
file will be saved displays in the window as shown in Figure 3-33, “Completed Store EPT
Design window” (p. 3-29)

Figure 3-33 Completed Store EPT Design window


4 To load the EPT deployed file, click the Select Deployed File button. The Select EPT
Deployed file window opens, as shown in Figure 3-34, “Select EPT Deployed File”
(p. 3-29).

Figure 3-34 Select EPT Deployed File

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5 Browse to the desired EPT deployed file and click OK. The path to which the EPT
deployed file is saved displays in the window as shown in Figure 3-33, “Completed Store
EPT Design window” (p. 3-29)

6 Click the Confirm button. The EPT design and deployed files are saved and a window
displays as shown in Figure 3-35, “EPT Design File stored successfully” (p. 3-30). Click
the OK button to return to the main CPB Tool window.

Figure 3-35 EPT Design File stored successfully


Service demand export to EPT

The following procedure generates a network configuration report that is used with the
Engineering Planning Tool (EPT). Note: Services on the selected NEs must be discovered
prior to retrieving the export file. The user can select Force service discovery in Step 3
of this procedure.

1 From the CPB Tool main menu, select File > Service Demand Export to EPT. The EPT
Export Wizard: Overview window opens, as shown in Figure 3-36, “EPT Export Wizard:
Overview” (p. 3-31).

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Figure 3-36 EPT Export Wizard: Overview


2 Click Next> to continue. The NE Selection window opens, as shown in Figure 3-37, “NE
Selection” (p. 3-32).

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Figure 3-37 NE Selection

Note: Only connected 1830 node(s) can be selected. The 1696 nodes are not

3 In the Network Element field click the down arrow to display the list of NEs. Select the
NE for which the network and services configuration will be exported. To select all of the
NEs, select All from the list of NEs. If desired, to force service discovery, check the Force
service discovery checkbox. Note: Services on the selected NEs must be discovered
prior to retrieving the export file. Click the Next>button.

4 The EPT Export Stages opens and displays the EPT Export Stages and Progress Log as
seen in Figure 3-38, “EPT Export Stages and Progress Log” (p. 3-33). When complete,
the Completed check box is checked and Complete displays in the Result field, as shown
in Figure 3-39, “EPT Export completed successfully” (p. 3-33).

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Figure 3-38 EPT Export Stages and Progress Log

Figure 3-39 EPT Export completed successfully


5 The last line of the Progress Log indicates the location of the saved EPT export file. Click
the Next> button and a link to download the report displays in the Finish page, as seen in
Figure 3-40, “EPT export file download” (p. 3-34).

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Figure 3-40 EPT export file download


6 Click the Download Report link to download the XML file or Download Plain File to
download the EPT file. Otherwise click the Finish button in the lower right of the screen
to return to the main CPB Tool window.

Exit the CPB Tool


1 To exit the CPB Tool, either select File > Exit, or close the window using the X button in
the upper right of the main window. In the Confirmation Navigation window, click Leave
this Page to exit the CPB Tool, or Stay on this Page to continue using the CPB Tool, as
shown below.

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Resynchronize NE

1 Complete the steps in the “View optical nodes” (p. 3-36) to display the list of NEs. The
list looks similar to that shown in Figure 3-41, “CPB Tool window with Optical Nodes
tab open” (p. 3-35).

Figure 3-41 CPB Tool window with Optical Nodes tab open


2 From the list of NEs, select an NE to resynchronize. From the CPB Tool main menu,
select View > Resynchronize. The Resynchronize window displays, as shown in Figure
3-42, “Resynchronize window” (p. 3-36).

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Figure 3-42 Resynchronize window


3 Click OK to begin the resynchronization. The Discovery field for the selected NE displays
In Progress. Select View > Refresh to observe the Discovery field change to Successful,
indicating the resynchronization is complete.

View optical nodes

Complete the following steps to view the optical nodes.

1 From the main CPB Tool menu, select View > Optical Nodes to open the Optical Nodes
tab if it is closed. If closed, the main CPB Tool window looks similar to that shown in
Figure 3-43, “CPB tool window without optical nodes tab open” (p. 3-37).

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Figure 3-43 CPB tool window without optical nodes tab open


Add a new user

Complete the following steps to add a user to the CPB Tool.

1 From the CPB Tool main menu select Admin > User Accounts. The Account
Management window displays, as shown in Figure 3-44, “Account Management window”
(p. 3-38).

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Figure 3-44 Account Management window


2 Select the New User button in the upper left of the Account Management window to
create a new user. The New User Account... window opens as shown in Figure 3-45,
“New User Account window” (p. 3-39).

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Figure 3-45 New User Account window


3 Fill in the information as indicated, including a unique username and a password which
follows the Password complexity rules at the bottom of the window. Check the Change
Password at first login checkbox if the new user is to change their password after the
first CPB Tool login. Set the values in the Max Password Age (day 0 = unlimited, the
Max Inactivity Period (days 0 = unlimited), and the Max Concurrent Sessions (0 =
unlimited) fields. From the User Role drop-down selection, set the new user to have
admin, provisioner or observer capability and click the Confirm button.

4 The new user is listed in the Account Management window as shown in Figure 3-46,
“Account Management window with new user” (p. 3-40), where an observer user named
CPBToolUser was added.

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Figure 3-46 Account Management window with new user


Edit user
Complete the following steps to edit a user.

1 From the CPB Tool main menu select Admin > User Accounts. The Account
Management window displays, as shown in Figure 3-47, “Account Management window”
(p. 3-41).

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Figure 3-47 Account Management window


2 From the Account Management window, select the user for which the properties will be
modified. The selected User Name row is highlighted in gray and the Edit User button is
no longer grayed out. Click the Edit User button. The Modify Account Properties...
window opens as shown in Figure 3-48, “Modify Account Properties... window”
(p. 3-42). The currently provisioned data for the selected user (in this case CPBToolUser)
is shown, with the exception of the password.

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Figure 3-48 Modify Account Properties... window


3 Modify the parameters as needed, including the password, account access, password age,
inactivity period, concurrent sessions and user role. The possible account access options
are shown in Figure 3-49, “Account access options” (p. 3-42) and the possible user roles
are shown in Figure 3-50, “User role options” (p. 3-42). Passwords must comply with the
Password Complexity as shown previously in Figure 3-45, “New User Account window”
(p. 3-39).

Figure 3-49 Account access options

Figure 3-50 User role options

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4 When the modifications are complete, click the Confirm button and the CPB Tool returns
to the Account Management screen.

Delete user
Complete the following steps to delete a user.

1 From the CPB Tool main menu select Admin > User Accounts. The Account
Management window displays, as shown in Figure 3-51, “Account Management window”
(p. 3-43).

Figure 3-51 Account Management window


2 From the Account Management window, select the user to be deleted. The selected User
Name row is highlighted in gray and the Remove User button is no longer grayed out.
Click the Remove User button. A removal confirmation window appears as shown in
Figure 3-52, “Remove User Account confirmation window” (p. 3-44).

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Figure 3-52 Remove User Account confirmation window


3 Verify the user account specified is the correct one to remove then click the Yes button.

4 From the Account Management window, click the Refresh List button to refresh the list
of current valid user accounts.

5 Close the Account Management window by clicking the X in the upper right corner.

Change password
Complete the following steps to change the current user password.

1 From the CPB Tool main menu, select Admin > Change Password. The Password
Management window opens, as shown in Figure 3-53, “Password Management window”
(p. 3-45).

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Figure 3-53 Password Management window


2 Enter the current password for the currently logged-in user in the first field. Select a new
password using the guidelines in Password complexity field, as shown in Figure 3-53,
“Password Management window” (p. 3-45).

3 Enter the new password in both the New Password field and the Confirm Password field.

4 Click the Confirm button to confirm the password change and return to the main CPB
Tool window.

Set ASON file transfer settings

Complete the following steps to set the ASON file transfer settings.

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1 From the CPB Tool main menu, select Admin > ASON File Transfer Settings .... The
ASON File Transfer Settings window displays, as shown in Figure 3-54, “ASON File
Transfer Settings window” (p. 3-46).

Figure 3-54 ASON File Transfer Settings window

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2 To enter or edit TFTP, FTP or SFTP settings for the named server, click the button next to
the desired setting to activate the appropriate section of the window and make the desired
entries. To test the settings, click the Test configuration button in the settings section in
which changes have been made.

3 When changes have been made and tested, click the Confirm button. A confirmation
window is displayed, as shown in Figure 3-55, “Confirm Changes for ASON File
Transfer window” (p. 3-47).

Figure 3-55 Confirm Changes for ASON File Transfer window


4 Click the OK button. The ASON file transfer setting changes are saved, and the CPB Tool
main window displays.

Help menu
Complete the following steps to display CPB Tool Help menu information.

1 From the main CPB Tool main menu, select Help > About to view the CPB Tool product
information, including release version and build, as shown in Figure 3-56, “About CPB
Web GUI window” (p. 3-48). To close the About CPB Web GUI window, click the X in
the upper right corner, or click the Close button at the bottom of the window.

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Figure 3-56 About CPB Web GUI window


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CPB Tool administration RADIUS server and user authentication


RADIUS server and user authentication

Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) is a security protocol designed to
prohibit unauthorized access to the network. It does so by providing centralized userid
and password authentication for all of the CPB Tool servers in the network.
RADIUS uses a distributed client/server architecture. In an Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS
network, CPB Tool servers run a RADIUS client and send authorization requests to a
central RADIUS server. The RADIUS server authenticates the data against the
authentication system it is configured to use to determine whether the user is authorized
to use the system.
The RADIUS feature does not use an encryption key. Instead it uses a shared secret,
which is a text string that needs to be provisioned on both the RADIUS server and client.
The shared secret string is used to encrypt data between the RADIUS server and client.
The CPB Tool installation wizard does not include a RADIUS server. To install a
RADIUS server, consult your system administrator.
The CPB Tool server can be configured to use up to two RADIUS servers, indexed by
number (1 or 2). The server configured with index number 1 is the active server. The
server configured with index number 2 is the backup server and is used only if server 1 is
not available.

How authentication works on a RADIUS-protected CPB Tool server

The following steps outline the processes that occur when a user attempts to login to a
CPB Tool server on which RADIUS authentication is enabled:
1. The user is prompted to enter a username and password.
2. After the user enters a username and password, the password is encrypted and is sent,
along with the username, to the RADIUS server for authentication.
3. The RADIUS server checks that the information is correct against the authentication
system it is configured to use.
4. The RADIUS server sends a response to the RADIUS client on the CPB Tool server.
Possible responses are as follows:
• Accept: The userid and password are authenticated. In addition to the accept
response, the privilege level (admin, provisioner, or observer) associated with the
userid is also sent to the CPB Tool server. The user is logged into the CPB Tool
server with the specified privileges. Note that the "service" privilege role is not
authenticated by RADIUS. It is always authenticated locally by the CPB Tool.
• Reject: The userid and password is not authenticated. The user is prompted to
reenter the username and password. In some instances, access is denied.

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CPB Tool administration RADIUS server and user authentication

Configure CPB Tool to use RADIUS authentication
Once initially logged into the CPB Tool, admin users can select authentications so that
Local , RADIUS, or RADIUS then local authentication is configured. If RADIUS
authentication is chosen, it can be configured for one or two RADIUS servers.

1 From the main CPB Tool window, select to Admin > User Authentication. The User
Authentication window displays as shown in Figure 3-57, “User Authentication window”
(p. 3-50).

Figure 3-57 User Authentication window


2 From the Authentication Behavior drop-down menu, choose the authentication order.
The choices are Local, RADIUS, or RADIUS then local as seen in Figure 3-58,
“Authentication Behavior drop down options” (p. 3-51).

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Figure 3-58 Authentication Behavior drop down options


3 If RADIUS or RADIUS then local is selected, specify the RADIUS server configuration
In the RADIUS Server 1 section, do the following:
1. Check the RADIUS Enable check box. This enables the attribute fields for RADIUS
server 1.
2. In the Hostname: field, specify the hostname or IP address of RADIUS server 1.
3. In the Port: field, specify the port to which to connect on RADIUS server 1 (default is
4. In the Shared Secret: field, specify the shared secret.
5. In the Confirm Shared Secret field, retype the shared secret.
6. In the Timeout (seconds): field, specify the RADIUS time-out in seconds (range 1 -
30, default is 3).
7. In the Retries field, specify the number of RADIUS retries (range 0 - 10, default is 2).

4 If a second RADIUS server will be configured, repeat the previous step for RADIUS
Server 2.

5 In the Maximum Failed Login Attempts field, specify the maximum number of failed
login attempts that are permitted before the user is logged out. This field applied only to
local authentication, not to RADIUS authentication. The default value is 5.

6 Click Confirm when complete.

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CPB Tool administration RADIUS server and user authentication


7 In the confirmation window, click OK to save the settings for System User Authentication
as seen in Figure 3-59, “Confirm Changes for System User Authentication window”
(p. 3-52).

Figure 3-59 Confirm Changes for System User Authentication window


8 The User Authentication parameters are saved and the screen returns to the main CPB
Tool window.

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4 4rovisioning and

This chapter provides the detailed procedures required to use the Commissioning menu
options in the CPB Tool.


Network commissioning background 4-1

Provision System (using plan)... wizard 4-5
Commission Greenfield System (using plan)... wizard 4-15
Commissioning History wizard 4-26

Network commissioning background

Network planning overview
The first stage before deploying theAlcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS is network planning using
the Engineering Planning Tool (EPT). Refer to the Alcatel-Lucent Alcatel-Lucent 1830
PSS Engineering and Planning Tool User Guide for the procedures used to plan the
network. During the planning stage the equipment required to meet the demands of the
network is defined. The network can be planned to support demands in the future that are
not required in the first phase of deployment. A network is comprised of one or more
systems planned in the EPT. Generally the nodes and fiber spans between nodes will
comprise a linear or ring topology for each system. In a static OADM system an obvious
ring or linear topology may not be apparent; in this case the topology is referred to as a
mesh topology. Tunable OADM (TOADM) or Reconfigurable OADM (ROADM)
networks can be comprised of many systems optically interconnected to one another. In

Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS 4-1
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Provisioning and Commissioning Network commissioning background

such a case the network is referred to as a mesh network. A mesh TOADM/ROADM
network must always be broken down into linear or ring systems for commissioning and
When the network is planned and validated the EPT will produce separate commissioning
files for each of the systems that comprise the network (see below). These files are used
by the CPB Tool when commissioning the systems. For more details on the
commissioning file format and contents refer to the Alcatel-Lucent Alcatel-Lucent 1830
PSS Engineering and Planning Tool User Guide.

Decomposing networks into constituent systems

The EPT segments networks into systems. The CPB Tool is designed to operate on one
system at a time. Terminal points in the network, and interconnections between degrees
using the CLS ports of CWR8/CWR8-88 (TOADM node) or interconnections between
degrees not using the Thru In/Out ports of WR8-88A(F) (TOADM node) demarcate one
system from another. Figure 4-1, “Decomposition of mesh network into constituent
systems” (p. 4-3) illustrates a mesh network. System (1) is a TOADM ring system, system
(2) is a TOADM linear system, system (3) is a TOADM linear system and systems (4),
(5) and (6) are linear FOADM systems. Notice that systems (4), (5) and (6) are separate
FOADM systems due to the fact there is no express path between them, and they are
joined at a multi-degree FOADM NE using loop connections (channel routing). Also
notice that some lines can be automatically power managed and other lines must be
manually power managed. All lines connected intranode to create a FOADM node with
line count higher than two must be manually power managed. The topology and the
power management settings of the lines that make up the topology of a system determine
the level of support provided by the CPB Tool for maintaining optical power levels,
upgrading equipment and commissioning each system.
The EPT will produce a commissioning file in .XML format that the CPB Tool uses to
commission the systems. The content of the file depends on the type of equipment found
on each line of a system.
The EPT supports dividing the network into partial systems. In this case the longest
system defined by following Thru In/Out connections of TOADM/ROADM degrees can
be broken up into smaller systems for network commissioning. The EPT user choses the
links to include in the system, however the principle of following Thru In/Out
connections must still be followed within the defined system. Dividing large systems into
smaller ones may be advantageous to overcome logistical situations such as NEs in
difficult to access locations, time constraints, or geographical constraints due to the
distance between NEs.

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Provisioning and Commissioning Network commissioning background


Figure 4-1 Decomposition of mesh network into constituent systems

Use of the CPB Tool

The CPB Tool is installed and used as a stand-alone tool. The Provisioning,
Commissioning and Power Balancing menus and respective functionality of the CPB Tool
integrated in 1354 RM-PhM and the stand-alone CPB Tool are the same.

Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS 4-3
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Provisioning and Commissioning Network commissioning background

This document addresses the installation and use of the CPB Tool. For details on using
the CLI or WebUI to make additional adjustments, refer to the Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS
Installation and System Turn-Up Guide (Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS-16 and PSS-32).
Attention:The user should understand the limitations and use cases for the CPB Tool
wizards by referring to the Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS Installation and System Turn-Up
Guide (Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS-16 and PSS-32)

4-4 Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS
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Provisioning and Commissioning Provision System (using plan)... wizard


Provision System (using plan)... wizard

This procedure uses the Provision System (using plan)... wizard to provision the cards,
topological links, and applicable power attributes for the NE's in each system of the CPB
Tool network using the EPT or LPT commissioning file(s) as input to the CPB Tool
provisioning wizard. The CPB Tool is run as a stand-alone application.
Note: During initial system set up, unless a partial system or single node is being
provisioned, the user can use the Commission Greenfield System (using plan)…wizard
for provisioning steps.
Important! This procedure needs to be repeated for each EPT commissioning file
generated for the network.

Follow the steps below to provision a system using the Provision System (using plan)...

1 Verify all the network elements in the system have been correctly discovered. Refer to the
Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS Installation and System Turn-Up Guide (Alcatel-Lucent 1830
PSS-16 and PSS-32) .

2 Launch the CPB Tool as described in “Launch the CPB Tool” (p. 3-14). The CPB Tool
main window opens as shown in Figure 4-2, “CPB Tool main window” (p. 4-5).

Figure 4-2 CPB Tool main window

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Provisioning and Commissioning Provision System (using plan)... wizard


3 From the CPB Tool main menu, select Commissioning > Provision System (using
plan).... The Provision System Wizard: Overview window displays as shown in Figure
4-3, “Provision System Wizard: Overview window” (p. 4-6).

Figure 4-3 Provision System Wizard: Overview window


4 Click Next> and the Provisioning options and wizard options window opens as shown in
Figure 4-4, “Provisioning options and wizard options window” (p. 4-7).

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Provisioning and Commissioning Provision System (using plan)... wizard


Figure 4-4 Provisioning options and wizard options window

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Provisioning and Commissioning Provision System (using plan)... wizard


5 Check the desired boxes (all are recommended); see details for each selection below.
Regardless of which boxes are checked, the Provisioning System wizard verifies the
programmed card slot assignments in the plan match the actual programmed cards in the
node, and verifies the topological connections specified by the plan exist in the network.
• Provision ASON Feasibility parameters – for GMPLS systems the wizard provisions
all the ASON optical impairment entries from the planning tool file for every GMRE
• Pre provision card empty slots to match card in plan – if a slot in a node is
programmed as empty and the plan specifies a card for that slot, the wizard sets the
programmed card type for that slot to match the plan (i.e. preprovision the slot).
• Provision Cards - if this option is de-selected, the following warning message is
displayed: "Disabling provisioning cards or topology option may cause provisioning
failures if the system is not provisioned according to the plan. Do you wish to
• Set existing non-OT cards 'admin up' – the wizard sets the administrative state to
up for every card in the node that is not an OT card.
• Provision Topology - if this option is de-selected, the following warning message is
displayed: "Disabling provisioning cards or topology option may cause provisioning
failures if the system is not provisioned according to the plan. Do you wish to
• Power Parameters
If checked, the wizard sets the following parameters
– WT Decoder Usage Type
– Gain Adj Sched Base
– Egress SRS Tilt Calc Output Loss
– Gain Adj Auto Enabled
– SRS Tilt Maintenance Mode
– Egress SRS Tilt Pre Fraction
– WTOCM Conn Loss
– Gain Adj Timer Length
– Ingress SRS Tilt Post Fraction
– SRS Tilt Adj Auto Enabled
– Gain Adj Timer Period
– LH Launch Attenuation
– Och Technology Parameters

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Provisioning and Commissioning Provision System (using plan)... wizard

• Provision ASON File transfer parameters – the wizard sets the ASON file transfer
parameters for GMRE nodes. The CPB Tool parses the optical impairment lookup
tables out the planning tool file and stores a new XML file in the default FTP
directory, where the node can retrieve it.
• Provision Port to Port Losses - provision parameters for port to port losses
• Set Optical Power Level Management (OPLM) attributes – Full OLPM -
provisions all OLPM-related attributes from the planning tool file including the
port-to-port losses.
• Verbose Logging – adds more detailed log messages while the wizard is running,
before provisioning and after provisioning OPLM attribute values on amplifier ports.
• Restore OTS Links - if Restore OTS Links is selected then all the other provisioning
attributes should be unchecked. Conversely, if any other provisioning attributes are
selected, Restore OTS Links will be unchecked.

6 Click the Next> button. The Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File window
displays as shown in Figure 4-5, “Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File
window” (p. 4-9).

Figure 4-5 Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File window


7 Click the Select File button. The Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File
selection window displays, as shown in Figure 4-6, “Select Planning Tool System
Commissioning File selection window” (p. 4-10).
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Provisioning and Commissioning Provision System (using plan)... wizard


Figure 4-6 Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File selection window


8 Click the Browse button and browse to the folder containing the PT commissioning file
for the system to be commissioned, select the file, and click Open. Note that the PT
commissioning file will be in the form of an XML file. When the file displays in the
Browse field, click OK. The path for the PT commissioning file displays in the Select
Planning Tool System Commissioning File window, as shown in Figure 4-7, “Completed
Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File window” (p. 4-10).

Figure 4-7 Completed Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File window


9 Click the Next button and the Node list window displays as shown in Figure 4-8, “Node
list window” (p. 4-11)

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Figure 4-8 Node list window


10 Select each node to be commissioned and move it to the right half of the window using
the arrow > button. Only currently managed nodes can be selected for provisioning. If the
selected node is not in the list of currently managed nodes, an error message displays in
the top left corner of the provision system window with this indication. All of the nodes
can be selected for provisioning by clicking the double arrow >> button. A node is
excluded from provisioning by selecting it on the right and clicking the < button. Verify
the nodes to be provisioned are on the right, and the nodes to be excluded are on the left.
When node selection is complete, click the Next>> button.

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Provisioning and Commissioning Provision System (using plan)... wizard


11 If Add/Drop blocks are designed for a node, the Add Drop Block list window is
displayed, as shown in Figure 4-9, “Add Drop Block list window” (p. 4-12), listing all the
Add/Drop blocks in the commissioning file. Select each Add/Drop block to be
commissioned and move it to the right half of the window using the arrow > button. All of
the Add/Drop blocks can be selected for provisioning by clicking the double arrow >>
button. An Add/Drop block is excluded from provisioning by selecting it on the right and
clicking the < button. Verify the Add/Drop blocks to be provisioned are on the right, and
the Add/Drop blocks to be excluded are on the left. If no Add/Drop blocks are selected for
commissioning, click the None button.

Figure 4-9 Add Drop Block list window


12 Click the Next button to start the provisioning process. The Provisioning Stages window
displays as shown in Figure 4-10, “Provisioning Stages window” (p. 4-13). The progress
displays in two forms: the Provisioning Stages upper half of the window shows the

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Provisioning and Commissioning Provision System (using plan)... wizard

progress and status for each of the provisioning steps, while the Progress Log lower half
provides the Progress Log including server messages detailing actions taken and failure
reasons if applicable. The log shows more messages if the option for verbose logging was
enabled in Step 5.

Figure 4-10 Provisioning Stages window


13 Review the error report and troubleshoot any problems encountered. Refer to the site
documentation and check for discrepancies between what is expected and what is
installed. Once corrections and troubleshooting are complete, use the Retry button to
continue the provisioning for the failed steps (steps that previously completed
successfully are not re-provisioned).

14 When all steps show Completed, click the Next> button. The Finish page displays as
shown in Figure 4-11, “Provision System wizard Finish page” (p. 4-14). Click the Finish
button. This will take you back to the CPB Tool main window.

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Figure 4-11 Provision System wizard Finish page


4-14 Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS
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Provisioning and Commissioning Commission Greenfield System (using plan)... wizard


Commission Greenfield System (using plan)... wizard

The Commission Greenfield System (using plan)... wizard commissions a greenfield
network. A greenfield network is one with no services or cross-connections in the system.
The greenfield network uses ASE power at each point around the ring. Each system that
requires commissioning has a single associated PT commissioning file containing nodes,
components, connections, and data relevant to the system.
To begin, the user selects the commissioning file (PT file) then starts greenfield
commissioning. The selected PT file is verified against the existing network. Once the PT
is matched to the system, commissioning begins.
Note: During commissioning, network validation will fail if any of the nodes contain
The wizard will only complete commissioning on a TOADM/ROADM ring,
TOADM/ROADM linear, or mixed TOADM/FOADM or ROADM/FOADM systems.
FOADM systems require additional steps to complete commissioning. For additional
information regarding the completion of commissioning of these systems, refer to the
Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS Installation and System Turn-Up Guide (Alcatel-Lucent 1830
PSS-16 and PSS-32).

Use the following steps to commission a greenfield network.

1 Verify the type of system is TOADM/ROADM ring, TOADM/ROADM linear, or mixed

TOADM/FOADM or ROADM/FOADM. If it is a FOADM system, the CPB Tool's
Commission Greenfield System Wizard cannot be used. Refer to the Alcatel-Lucent 1830
PSS Installation and System Turn-Up Guide (Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS-16 and PSS-32).

2 If the CPB Tool is not already running, launch it as described in “Launch the CPB Tool”
(p. 3-14).

3 Select Commissioning -> Commission Greenfield System (using plan)... from the CPB
Tool main menu. The Commission Greenfield System Wizard: Overview window opens
as shown in Figure 4-12, “Commission Greenfield System Wizard: Overview window”
(p. 4-16).

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Figure 4-12 Commission Greenfield System Wizard: Overview window


4 Click Next. The Select Commissioning Mode window displays as shown in Figure 4-13,
“Select Commissioning Mode window” (p. 4-17).

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Figure 4-13 Select Commissioning Mode window


5 Make sure the Clean Slate radio button is selected and click Next>. The TL1 autonomous
Messaging Option window displays as shown in Figure 4-14, “Select TL1 autonomous
Messaging Option window” (p. 4-18).
Note: If the commissioning wizard was run previously but did not complete, use the
Continue commissioning radio button so the previously completed lines are not

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Provisioning and Commissioning Commission Greenfield System (using plan)... wizard


Figure 4-14 Select TL1 autonomous Messaging Option window


6 The TL1 autonomous messages option shown above allows the user to automatically
disable and re-enable reporting of these message on the nodes during and after
If this is a greenfield commissioning, there is normally no need to inhibit alarms.

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Provisioning and Commissioning Commission Greenfield System (using plan)... wizard

If the network is already monitored by a network management center, it may be desirable
to inhibit alarms to prevent the monitoring center from getting overwhelmed with alarms.
If the Inhibit TL1 autonomous messaging before any power adjust performed box is
checked, the Release inhibition of TL1 autonomous messaging (after completion) box
should also be checked.

7 Click Next>. The Power Provisioning Options window displays as shown in Figure 4-15,
“Power Provisioning Options window” (p. 4-19). Select the desired power management
parameters. To select all parameters, check the Provisioning Options box. To deselect all
parameters, uncheck the Provisioning Options box.

Figure 4-15 Power Provisioning Options window


8 Click the Next> button. The Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File window
displays as shown in .

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Figure 4-16 Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File window


9 Click the Select File button. The Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File
selection window displays, as shown in Figure 4-17, “Select Planning Tool System
Commissioning File selection window” (p. 4-20).

Figure 4-17 Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File selection window

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Provisioning and Commissioning Commission Greenfield System (using plan)... wizard


10 Click the Browse button and browse to the folder containing the PT commissioning file
for the system. The file will be an XML file generated by the LPT or EPT for this system.
Click Open. When the file displays in the Browse field, click OK. The path for the PT
commissioning file displays in the Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File
window, as shown in Figure 4-18, “Completed Select Planning Tool System
Commissioning File window” (p. 4-21).

Figure 4-18 Completed Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File window


11 Click the Next button and the Commissioning Stages window display as shown in Figure
4-19, “Commissioning Stages progress window” (p. 4-22). The progress of the
commissioning is displayed and logged.

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Provisioning and Commissioning Commission Greenfield System (using plan)... wizard


Figure 4-19 Commissioning Stages progress window


12 Wait until all the stages show Passed. If any commissioning step has failed, a Retry
button replaces the Next button as shown in Figure 4-20, “Commissioning Stages
window with commissioning step failure (example)” (p. 4-23). The failed step can be
retried without reprovisioning any of the steps which passed successfully.

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Provisioning and Commissioning Commission Greenfield System (using plan)... wizard


Figure 4-20 Commissioning Stages window with commissioning step failure



13 Scroll through the progress log, check for any error messages and troubleshoot as
appropriate. Additionally, review the Loss Report by selecting the Show Loss Report
button. After troubleshooting, rerun the wizard by going back to Step 5 and choosing the
Continue commissioning radio button.

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Provisioning and Commissioning Commission Greenfield System (using plan)... wizard

Note: The wizard may fail to commission the system for the following reasons.
• The actual network topology does not match the planned topology.
• The actual network losses do not match the planned losses.
• The amplifier gain values required are outside of the planned amplifier range
specified in the planning tool commissioning file.

14 Once all stages show Passed, click the Next> button and the Finish page appears as
shown in Figure 4-21, “Commissioning Greenfield System Finish page” (p. 4-24).

Figure 4-21 Commissioning Greenfield System Finish page

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Provisioning and Commissioning Commission Greenfield System (using plan)... wizard


15 To see the generated report file, click the View Report button, and a loss report displays.
To save the report, click Download Report then save to a selected location.
Note: Refer to “Create System Loss Report wizards” (p. 6-12) for detailed
information on the loss report.

16 Review the generated report to verify it shows that commissioning completed

successfully on all lines in the TOADM ring system.
Additional commissioning may be required for TOADM linear systems and mixed
TOADM/FOADM systems. If so, refer to the Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS Installation and
System Turn-Up Guide (Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS-16 and PSS-32).
If power commissioning did not complete successfully for the TOADM ring system, the
report shows where further commissioning is required. Troubleshoot as appropriate then
rerun the Commission Greenfield Wizard. When the generated report indicates that
commissioning has completed successfully, no further commissioning is required on this

Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS 4-25
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Provisioning and Commissioning Commissioning History wizard


Commissioning History wizard

Commissioning history information can be retrieved for an individual node or for a group
of nodes, provided they have all been discovered and are communicating with the CPB

Procedure to retrieve commissioning history

Follow the steps below to retrieve commissioning history data for a node or group of

1 If the CPB Tool is not already running, launch it as described in “Launch the CPB Tool”
(p. 3-14).

2 From the CPB Tool main menu, select Commissioning -> Commissioning history... as
shown in Figure 4-22, “Commissioning History... menu selection” (p. 4-26), or select the
Show Commissioning History icon shown in Figure 4-23, “Show Commissioning History
icon” (p. 4-27).

Figure 4-22 Commissioning History... menu selection

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Provisioning and Commissioning Commissioning History wizard

Figure 4-23 Show Commissioning History icon


3 Review the Commissioning History Wizard Overview in the resulting window as seen in
Figure 4-24, “Commissioning History Wizard: Overview window” (p. 4-27). Click Next>
when ready to proceed.

Figure 4-24 Commissioning History Wizard: Overview window

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Provisioning and Commissioning Commissioning History wizard


4 The NE Selection window opens as shown in Figure 4-25, “NE Selection window for
Commissioning History” (p. 4-28). On the left-hand side of the screen, select the NE for
which the network and services configuration will be exported, then click the right arrow
> button to move it to the right-hand side of the screen. To select all of the NEs, use the
double arrow >> button. Verify the NEs to be included are listed in the right-hand side of
the window and click the Next> button.

Figure 4-25 NE Selection window for Commissioning History


5 The Commissioning History Stages window opens and shows the progress of the
information retrieval as shown in Figure 4-26, “Commissioning History Stages window”
(p. 4-29).

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Provisioning and Commissioning Commissioning History wizard


Figure 4-26 Commissioning History Stages window


6 Click the Finish button to view the commissioning history for the selected node(s). An
example is shown in Figure 4-27, “Commissioning history results” (p. 4-30). Note that
the Commissioning History is presented as an additional tab adjacent to the Optical
Nodes tab, if the Optical Nodes tab was previously open. A horizontal scroll bar allows
the screen to be moved left/right in order to view additional data.

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Provisioning and Commissioning Commissioning History wizard


Figure 4-27 Commissioning history results


7 To close the Commissioning History information tab, click the X in the corner of that tab.

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5 Power Balancing

This chapter provides the detailed procedures required to use the Power Balancing menu
options in the CPB Tool.


Power Balance System wizards 5-2

Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS 5-1
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Power Balancing Power Balance System wizards


Power Balance System wizards

The system power balancing feature is designed to re-optimize power levels throughout
the system. The user can choose to re-balance the system powers with the existing power
management target points, or choose to download a new PT file with new power target
points before re-balancing. The power balancing feature triggers all ingress and egress
adjusts in the system. The CPB Tool only follows through path connections when
balancing the system.
The CPB Tool Power Balance System wizards support only ring or linear network
segments with automatic power management enabled. They support ROADM networks,
TOADM linear systems, mixed FOADM-TOADM ring systems and mixed
FOADM-TOADM linear systems. They do not support FOADM systems with manual
power management.
Note: The Power Balance System wizards are usually used after services are provisioned
by the Network Management System.

There must be communication established between all nodes in the network.
There must be a common software release running on all nodes.


1 Verify the type of system is ROADM, TOADM ring, TOADM linear, or mixed
TOADM/FOADM. If it is a FOADM system, the CPB Tool Power Balance System
wizards cannot be used. Refer to the Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch 16/32
(PSS-16/PSS-32) Release 7.0 Installation and System Turn-Up Guide.

2 If the CPB tool is not already running, launch it as described in “Launch the CPB Tool”
(p. 3-14).

3 Choose the Power Balance System wizard method from the table below.

If... Then...
Re-balancing the system powers with the Select Commissioning > Power Balance
existing power management target points System... from the top menu. Proceed to Step

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Power Balancing Power Balance System wizards


If... Then...
Choosing a new PT file with new power target Select Commissioning > Power Balance
points for re-balancing... System (using plan)... from the CPB Tool
main menu. Proceed to Step 9..


4 The System Power Balancing Wizard: Overview window opens as seen in Figure 5-1,
“System Power Balancing Wizard: Overview” (p. 5-3). After reviewing the information
provided, click Next> to continue.

Figure 5-1 System Power Balancing Wizard: Overview


5 The Port Selection window opens as seen in Figure 5-2, “Port Selection window” (p. 5-4).
From the left side of the window, select the node on which to begin the power balancing.
The available ports then appear in the right side of the window. Select the appropriate port
on the right.

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Power Balancing Power Balance System wizards


Figure 5-2 Port Selection window


6 PROCEED WITH CAUTION. When the Next> button is selected, large power
fluctuations may occur, and can be service affecting. To back out, select the Cancel
button. The power balancing progress window opens and shows the progress of the steps
being performed as well as the progress log.

7 If any power balancing step has failed, scroll through the progress log, check for any error
messages and troubleshoot as appropriate. See Figure 5-3, “Power Balance Stages
window Failure example” (p. 5-5). After troubleshooting, the Power Balancing System
Wizard may be run again.

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Power Balancing Power Balance System wizards


Figure 5-3 Power Balance Stages window Failure example


8 When all the stages show Passed, click the Next> button and the Last page window
displays as shown in Figure 5-4, “Power Balance Last page window ” (p. 5-6). From this
page, select the View Report button to view the generated power loss report. Select
Download Report to save the file to a selected location.

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Power Balancing Power Balance System wizards


Figure 5-4 Power Balance Last page window

This completes the procedure to power balance the system using the existing power
management target points.
Note: Refer to “Create System Loss Report wizards” (p. 6-12) for detailed
information on the loss report.

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Power Balancing Power Balance System wizards


9 The System Power Balancing Wizard: Overview screen opens as seen in Figure 5-5,
“System Power Balancing Wizard: Overview using PT file” (p. 5-7). After reviewing the
information provided, click the Next> button.

Figure 5-5 System Power Balancing Wizard: Overview using PT file


10 The Power Provisioning options window opens as shown in Figure 5-6, “Power
Provisioning options window” (p. 5-8). Select the desired power management parameters.
To select all parameters, check the Provision Power Mgmt Paramters box. To deselect all
parameters, uncheck the Provision Power Mgmt Paramters box.

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Power Balancing Power Balance System wizards


Figure 5-6 Power Provisioning options window


11 Click the Next> button. The Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File window
displays as shown in Figure 5-7, “Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File
window” (p. 5-9).

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Power Balancing Power Balance System wizards


Figure 5-7 Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File window


12 Click the Select File button. The Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File
selection window displays, as shown in Figure 5-8, “Select Planning Tool System
Commissioning File selection window” (p. 5-9).

Figure 5-8 Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File selection window


13 Click the Browse button and browse to the folder containing the PT commissioning file
for the system. The file will be an XML file generated by the LPT or EPT for this system.
Click Open. When the file displays in the Browse field, click OK. The path for the PT
commissioning file displays in the Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File
window, as shown in Figure 5-9, “Completed Select Planning Tool System
Commissioning File window” (p. 5-10).

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Figure 5-9 Completed Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File window


14 PROCEED WITH CAUTION. When the Next> button is selected, large power
fluctuations may occur, and can be service affecting. To back out, select the Cancel
button. The power balancing progress window opens and shows the progress of the steps
being performed as well as the progress log.

15 If any power balancing step has failed, scroll through the progress log, check for any error
messages and troubleshoot as appropriate. See Figure 5-10, “Power Balance Stages
window Failure example” (p. 5-11). After troubleshooting, the Power Balancing System
Wizard may be run again.

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Figure 5-10 Power Balance Stages window Failure example


16 When all the stages show Passed, click the Next> button and the Last page window
displays as shown in Figure 5-11, “Power Balance Last page window ” (p. 5-12). From
this page, select the View Report button to view the generated power loss report. Select
Download Report to save the file to a selected location.

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Power Balancing Power Balance System wizards


Figure 5-11 Power Balance Last page window

This completes the procedure to power balance the system using the PT file.
Note: Refer to “Create System Loss Report wizards” (p. 6-12) for detailed
information on the loss report.

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6 System Loss Reports

This chapter provides the detailed procedures required to use and understand the System
Loss and NE Loss menu options in the CPB Tool.


Understanding the System Loss Reports 6-1

Create System Loss Report wizards 6-12
Create NE Loss Report wizard 6-22

Understanding the System Loss Reports

The Create System Loss Report wizards provide a summary of the loss through network
elements and spans of a system. When a system is in-service, the Wavelength Tracker
readings are used to calculate the average loss through components of the system. If
Wavelength Tracker readings are not available, the commissioning (stored by the node
after successful power adjustments) is retrieved from the network element.
The System Loss report is generated in the following circumstances.
• when the network commissioning wizard completes, regardless of whether it
completes successfully or not.
• after performing a network power balance.
• on demand by the user.

Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS 6-1
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System Loss Reports Understanding the System Loss Reports

The System Loss report is only fully supported for systems comprised of Auto managed
lines. The PhM only includes the ingress LD of a FOADM through node and excludes the
through path of a FOADM through node. For a loss report of a FOADM through path,
refer to the “Create NE Loss Report wizard” (p. 6-22).

The System Loss report is generated as an HTML file. Errors are highlighted in red.
Warnings are highlighted in yellow.
This section contains the following topics:
• “System Loss Report features” (p. 6-2)
• “System Loss Report organization” (p. 6-2)
• “System Loss Report content” (p. 6-3)
• “System Loss Report terms and definitions” (p. 6-5)
• “Loss value field of System Loss Report” (p. 6-6)
• “Notes field of System Loss Report” (p. 6-7)
• “Highlighting in the System Loss Report” (p. 6-9)

System Loss Report features

The System Loss Report has the following attributes:
• List of failed auto power management adjustments at the beginning of the report
• Segregated node/span view and summary
• Status of the last ingress/egress adjustment performed for each node
• Color coding and text to indicate suspect components and out of spec components.
Highlighting is conditional on the status of the last adjustment
• Auto-generation and save
• Date/time of report generation and name of planning tool commissioning file.

System Loss Report organization

The System Loss Report details the card and span losses and gains along the A-Z and Z-A
paths for each NE in the ring. The report is organized as follows.
• Report header information
• Summary of errors
• NE loss trace A to Z
• Ingress section Node 1 adjustment status and losses
• Egress section Node 1 adjustment status and losses
• Span loss Node 1 to Node 2
• Ingress section Node 2 adjustment status and losses
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System Loss Reports Understanding the System Loss Reports

• Egress section Node 2 adjustment status and losses
• etc....
• NE loss trace Z to A
• Same format as A to Z direction
Figure 6-1, “System Loss Report sample” (p. 6-3) shows a section of the loss report for a
span and a node.

Figure 6-1 System Loss Report sample

System Loss Report content

The egress line selected by the user, and the result of the last power management
adjustment (applicable only to Auto managed lines) is displayed above the tables. One
table per ingress line selected by the user is displayed next.

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System Loss Reports Understanding the System Loss Reports

The following table describes the System Loss Report fields

Table 6-1 System Loss Report fields

Field Explanation
Path - Port from The starting point for the measured loss
Path - Port to The end point for the measured loss. The measured loss
is between 'Port from' to 'Port to'
Expected Loss Range - PT Min Loss The minimum planned loss or gain between 'Port from'
(Gain) dB and 'Port to'
Expected Loss Range - PT Max The maximum planned loss or gain between 'Port from'
Loss (Gain) dB and 'Port to'
Notes Displays additional information. See 'Notes for the
Network Element Loss Report' below.
Measured Loss (dB) ITU<channel The measured loss for each ITU channel provisioned
number> between the ingress line and egress line.

There are three sections of the table.

• Target Loss Comparison – measures the loss between the target power per channel at
the ingress LD Sig Out for the ingress line and the egress line LD Line Out. The valid
loss range includes the expected power deviation from the target values.
• WTD detect point to detect point losses – each row contains the measured loss
between two Wavelength Tracker detect points
• Per channel status – below each ITU channel column, the status for each channel is
– If the loss is measured and in range the status is 'OK'.
– If the loss is measured and is too high the status is 'Too high'
– If the loss is measured and is too low the status is 'Too low'
– If the loss was not measured the status is 'n/a'
The 'PT Min Loss' and 'PT Max Loss' fields show 'n/a' if the planned loss is not set on the
network element, or cannot be calculated, for WTD to WTD losses and the target loss
range, respectively. 'n/a' indicates 'not available'.
A summary is provided for each NE in the ring or linear system, indicating the status of
the last ingress and egress adjust. The summary is colored red if the NE has an error
condition, or yellow if the NE has a warning condition. The Last ingress result and Last
egress result fields indicate the cause of the error or warning, if applicable. If a power
adjustment is successful, loss report highlighting is suppressed for the corresponding
network section and the out of range losses are noted as “Loss accommodated.”

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System Loss Reports Understanding the System Loss Reports

The following information is reported for each wavelength tracker decode point to the
next in the path.
• the actual loss (or gain) for the section, in dB
• the minimum allowable loss (or gain) for the section, in dB, from the EPT
• the maximum allowable loss (or gain) for the section, in dB, from the EPT
• the loss value (commission or real-time)
• notes that provide additional information in diagnosing errors and warnings. See
“Notes field of System Loss Report” (p. 6-7) for details.
Note: The loss for a section amplified by external amplifier modules or the RA2P or
A2P2125 packs is the net loss. Therefore, the loss of the outside plant fiber span is not
separable from the net loss for these sections. The planned EPT range reflects the
expected gain and component losses.

System Loss Report terms and definitions

Table 6-2 Loss report terms and definitions

Term Explanation
NE loss trace 'A to Z' The direction of the commissioning signal
NE loss trace 'Z to A' The direction of the commissioning signal
Actual Loss (Gain) (dB) The Actual loss is the measured loss between two consecutive
Wavelength Tracker detect points. In the case of an amplifier, the
Actual Gain is the current gain setting of the amplifier.
The actual loss should fall between the values specified for the
EPT Min and Max losses. If the adjusts for the node are successful
then no highlighting is applied to the components in the node and
losses outside the range are simply noted as "Loss
accommodated". If the adjustment for topology section failed
recently, then highlighting is applied to the section of topology for
losses out of range, and action by the user is required. See below
for highlighting rules.
In the case of a loss report generated after the Greenfield
commissioning wizard has run, some lines may not have been
completed, either due to upstream failures or because lines were
excluded by the wizard. In this case the Actual loss field indicates
n/a for the loss measurements because losses have not been
calculated yet for those lines of the system.

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System Loss Reports Understanding the System Loss Reports

Table 6-2 Loss report terms and definitions (continued)

Term Explanation
PT Max Loss (Gain) (dB) The maximum expected card or span loss that is used to plan the
The maximum span loss is obtained by the sum of the nominal
span loss and user defined patch-panel and fiber loss margin.
Maximum card loss is defined by considering the loss of the
specific component and appropriate connector losses within and
between cards. The component loss is obtained from a statistical
analysis of the component loss data. Total losses within an NE are
derived by a statistical RMS addition of all the individual cards
along the through path of the NE.
For sections where external modules provide gain, or a Raman
amplifier provides gain, the expected gain is included in calculated
the planned loss.
PT Nominal Loss (Gain) The nominal card or span loss used to plan the network. Total
(dB) nominal loss within an NE is derived by the linear addition of the
nominal card losses.
PT Min Loss (Gain) (dB) The minimum expected card or span loss used to plan the network.
Loss value Loss value indicates how the loss value reported was obtained.
• Real time: Wavelength Tracker measurement of the loss
• Commission: bulk power measurement of the loss
Notes Provides additional information, as described in “Notes field of
System Loss Report” (p. 6-7).

Loss value field of System Loss Report

The Loss value field indicates how the displayed loss was calculated. Amplifier gains
shown in the System Loss Report are read directly from the LD pack, therefore no text is
shown in the Loss value field.

Table 6-3 Loss value field terms and definitions

Text Explanation
Real time Real time Wavelength Tracker readings were used to calculate the loss when
the report was generated. Note that the loss between NEs is always
calculated using the total power readings at the upstream NE and
downstream NE.

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System Loss Reports Understanding the System Loss Reports

Table 6-3 Loss value field terms and definitions (continued)

Text Explanation
Commission Commission is displayed when there are no wavelength services with WT
readings available when the report is generated. The displayed loss is the
loss that was calculated during the last commissioning adjustment.
Commissioning adjustments are defined as:
1. Kitless commissioning adjustments used to commission a system
2. Or, WT based power adjustments when the line has not been
Most recent In some cases, WT readings cannot be used to calculate the loss; the NE
calculates the loss by other methods, and the loss value is retrieved from the
NE. Most Recent indicates the most recent value calculated by the NE has
been retrieved.

Notes field of System Loss Report

The notes field of a row in the loss report displays additional information to the user.

Table 6-4 Notes field terms and definitions

Note Explanation
Warning: Loss x.x dB too The measured loss is x.x dB higher than the maximum loss.
high. The level "Warning" or "Error" is based on whether the loss is just
outside the PT range within 1 dB, or whether the loss is outside of
the PT range + 1 dB. However, if the adjust succeeds the "Error" is
changed to a "Warning".
Warning: Loss x.x dB too The measured loss is x.x dB lower than the minimum loss.
Error: Loss x.x dB too The measured loss is x.x dB higher than the maximum loss and is
high. associated with a failed power management adjustment.
If the power management adjustment succeeded, this would be a
Warning instead of an error.
Error: Loss x.x dB too The measured loss is x.x dB lower than the minimum loss and is
low. associated with a failed power management adjustment.
If the power management adjustment succeeded, this would be a
Warning instead of an error.
Loss Accommodated. The loss is outside the planned range, but the loss was
accommodated by the auto power management adjustment.

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System Loss Reports Understanding the System Loss Reports

Table 6-4 Notes field terms and definitions (continued)

Note Explanation
Average attenuation of x.x For a CWR8 Thru, WSS Thru or ROADM thru path x.x dB was
dB applied to range applied to the planned loss range. This equals the applied
attenuation of the optical device in the path.
Power not found No optical power was found that could be used to calculate a loss.
Error: unable to read loss A measured loss couldn't be calculated and a commissioning loss
value was not available on the network element.
(Target gain = xx.x dB) The adjustment function calculated a gain of xx.x dB which did
not fall within the planned gain range.
Loss within 10% of max The measured loss is within 10% of the maximum planned value.
Several components within 10% of the max may cause an auto
power management adjustment to fail.
Upstream loss too high The ingress adjustment has failed and the loss preceding the
ingress LD is too high.
x dB of y dB repair margin Indicates that the ingress adjustment has set the gain of the ingress
consumed LD within the repair margin allocated for this LD. The gain is
approaching the maximum gain planned for this amplifier.
DCM present <value> dB, Indicates that a dispersion compensation device is between the two
expected 8 to 12 dB detect points used to calculate the loss. The measured loss and
expected range is shown.
Measured loss includes The measured loss value shown in the row includes the gain of the
RA2P or A2P2125 gain RA2P or A2P2125 (net of its own insertion loss) in the calculated
loss and expected loss range.
Integrated EVOA = Indicates the setting of the LD output port integrated variable
<value> dB optical attenuator . This value is reported separately because the
gain setting versus the planning range does not include the EVOA
Measured loss includes The measured loss value show in the row includes the gain of the
Raman on/off gain Raman amplifier in the calculated loss and expected loss range.
Mid-stage EVOA = Indicates the setting of the mid-stage variable optical attenuator of
<value> dB a hybrid Raman/EDFA LD type. This value is reported separately
to help the user understand the reported loss.

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System Loss Reports Understanding the System Loss Reports

Highlighting in the System Loss Report
If errors or warnings are generated during commissioning or during an in-service power
adjustment, the relevant cells within the loss report are highlighted to help identify the
source of the problems. Warnings are highlighted yellow. Errors are highlighted red.
Highlighting is conditional on whether the report was generated during commissioning or
during an in-service operation, and based on the last adjust results for each NE.

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System Loss Reports Understanding the System Loss Reports

In the following table, the highlighting rules are explained:

Table 6-5 System Loss Report highlighting

Affected ment
Adjustment Topology Result Highlighting
Ingress Span loss Success No highlighting applied to the rows.
adjustment between Losses that are outside PT Min to PT Max
upstream and are noted as "Loss accommodated" in the
downstream NE. Notes field.
For a TOADM Power The ingress amp is highlighted yellow with a
or ROADM line, adjust Warning message. The preceding span and
port to port warning - other ingress components may also be
losses up to the span repair highlighted yellow with a Warning message.
demultiplexing margin
pack (CWR8, Although the ingress adjust has passed,
violated some of the span repair margin has been
WR8-88A(F), used. In this case, the network remains in a
WR2-88) SIG In normal operating state.
of the ingress Although no action is required, the operator
line. may choose to address the warning.
For a FOADM No services No highlighting applied to the rows.
line, the last provi- Losses that are outside PT Min to PT max
point will be the sioned. are noted.
ingress LD port
connected to the Any result Warnings: Components or spans highlighted
SFD. message in yellow with a Warning message may
different indicate a potential problem.
than The measured component or span loss is less
preceding than the PT Min or greater than the PT Max
ones. values, but is within the measurement
accuracy window. Before attempting to fix
the flagged warnings, check for any
components in the Error state.
Errors: Components or spans highlighted in
red with an Error message require attention.
The measured component or span loss is less
than the PT Min or greater than the PT Max
values, including measurement accuracy.
Amplifiers highlighted in red with an Error
message indicate a problem area since the
gain setting required is outside of the
allowed range.

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System Loss Reports Understanding the System Loss Reports

Table 6-5 System Loss Report highlighting (continued)

Affected ment
Adjustment Topology Result Highlighting
Egress For a TOADM Success No highlighting applied to the rows.
adjustment or ROADM line, Losses that are outside PT Min to PT Max
port to port are noted as "Loss accommodated" in the
losses from the Notes field.
pack SIG port of No services No highlighting applied to the rows.
the ingress line provisioned Losses that are outside PT Min to PT Max
to the external are noted.
egress line Any result Warnings: Components highlighted in
connecting port. message yellow with a Warning message may
For a FOADM different indicate a potential problem.
line, the first than The measured component loss is less than
point will be the preceding the PT Min or greater than the PT Max
first LD port ones. values, but is within the measurement
encountered accuracy window. Before attempting to fix
following the the flagged warnings, check for any
SFDs in the components in the Error state.
Errors: Components highlighted in red with
towards the line,
an Error message require attention. The
and the last point
measured component loss is less than the PT
will be the
Min or greater than the PT Max values,
external egress
including measurement accuracy. Amplifiers
line connecting
highlighted in red with an Error message
indicate a problem area since the gain setting
required is outside of the allowed range.

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System Loss Reports Create System Loss Report wizards


Create System Loss Report wizards

The Create System Loss Report wizards provide a summary of the loss through network
elements and spans of a system.

For detailed information on the System Loss Report, see “Understanding the System Loss
Reports” (p. 6-1).

Troubleshooting using the System Loss Report

Losses that are highlighted yellow indicate a potential problem. Losses that are
highlighted red indicate a problem that should be corrected. For a path from an ingress
line that is Manually power managed to an egress line that is Manually power managed
on a FOADM node the most likely problem is an incorrect pad selection for the optical
connection between the drop side and add side of the path. As removal of an attenuating
pad will break the optical path of the signal, attenuating pad changes should be done
during a maintenance time window.
During service turn-up the loss report can be used as an aide to ensure that the selected
pad for the new service is correct. After adding the attenuating pad for the new service
run the loss report to compare the measured loss for the channel to the target loss range.
For detailed information on troubleshooting procedures, see the topic “Troubleshooting
failed adjustments” in the Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS Installation and System Turn-Up

Generate a System Loss Report


1 If the CPB Tool is not already running, launch it as described in “Launch the CPB Tool”
(p. 3-14).

2 Choose the Create System Loss Report wizard method from the table below.

If... Then...
Running the report with the system powers Select Commissioning > Create System Loss
with the existing power management target Report... from the CPB Tool main menu.
points Proceed to Step 3.

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System Loss Reports Create System Loss Report wizards


If... Then...
Choosing a new PT file with new power target Select Commissioning > Create System Loss
points for re-balancing... Report (using plan)... from the CPB Tool
main menu. Proceed to Step 6.


3 An overview window appears as shown in Figure 6-2, “System Loss Report Wizard:
Overview window” (p. 6-13). Click the Next> button.

Figure 6-2 System Loss Report Wizard: Overview window


4 The Port Selection window opens as seen in Figure 6-3, “Port Selection window”
(p. 6-14).

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System Loss Reports Create System Loss Report wizards


Figure 6-3 Port Selection window


5 Select the node in the left portion of the screen, then select the port on the right of the
screen, from which to begin the system loss report. Continue with Step 10.

6 The System Loss Report Wizard: Overview window appears as shown in Figure 6-4,
“System Loss Report Wizard: Overview using plan” (p. 6-15). Click the Next> button.

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System Loss Reports Create System Loss Report wizards


Figure 6-4 System Loss Report Wizard: Overview using plan


7 The Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File window displays as shown in
Figure 6-5, “Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File window” (p. 6-16).

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System Loss Reports Create System Loss Report wizards


Figure 6-5 Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File window


8 Click the Select File button. The Select Planning Tool System Commissioning file
selection window displays, as shown in Figure 6-6, “Select Planning Tool System
Commissioning File selection window” (p. 6-16).

Figure 6-6 Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File selection window


9 Click the Browse button and browse to the folder containing the PT commissioning file
for the system. The file will be an XML file generated by the LPT or EPT for this system.
Click Open. When the file displays in the Browse field, click OK. The path for the PT
commissioning file displays in the Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File
window, as shown in Figure 6-7, “Completed Select Planning Tool System
Commissioning File window” (p. 6-17).

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System Loss Reports Create System Loss Report wizards


Figure 6-7 Completed Select Planning Tool System Commissioning File window


10 Click the Next> button and the Power Loss Report Stages window displays as shown in
Figure 6-8, “Power Loss Report Stages window” (p. 6-18).

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System Loss Reports Create System Loss Report wizards


Figure 6-8 Power Loss Report Stages window


11 Wait until the stages show completed and click the Next> button. The last page appears as
shown in Figure 6-9, “System Loss Report last page” (p. 6-19).

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System Loss Reports Create System Loss Report wizards


Figure 6-9 System Loss Report last page


12 Click the View Report button, and the Commissioning Power Loss Report is displayed as
shown in Figure 6-10, “Sample Commissioning Power Loss Report” (p. 6-20).
Alternatively, click on "Download Report" to save the report to a selected location.

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Figure 6-10 Sample Commissioning Power Loss Report


13 Click Finish to close the System Loss Report wizard.


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System Loss Reports Create System Loss Report wizards

System Loss Report details
1. Treatment of losses for the CWR8 Thru, WSS Thru, and ROADM Thru path
• Path loss is reported as measured loss and the planned loss will be adjusted by the
average attenuation the VOA device has applied at the time of measurement

The notes column indicates the average amount of attenuation in dB applied to the
planned loss range
2. Loss calculations on the loss report
• Average of real-time Wavelength Tracker losses whenever available
• If Wavelength Tracker readings are too low to be used, then total power (DC) is
used to calculate the losses whenever available
• Stored loss calculated during commissioning power adjustments wherever
Wavelength Tracker or DC is not available
• NA is reported if the loss cannot be displayed using one of the above methods
3. Loss report coloring
• Component Loss Level - Ingress Components
– Highlighted components include fiber span, ingress OSC to ingress Amp In and
ingress Amp In to ingress Amp Out; or ingress LD Line In to ingress LD Sig Out
– Highlighted based on status of last ingress adjustment and span (splice) margin
– During commissioning, error on span (splice) margin violations
– During in-service, warning on span (splice) margin violations
– Red highlighting indicates absolutely defective components
– Yellow highlighting indicates suspect components
• Component Loss Level - Egress Components
– Highlighted components include all components between ingress Amp Out and
egress OSC
– Highlighting based on status of last egress adjustment
– Red highlighting indicates absolutely defective components
– Yellow highlighting indicates suspect components
• – Node Level
– Correlating to the power management event just prior to report generation
– Red highlighting indicates adjustment or accept failed
– White indicates either the adjustment or accept was successful or not run

Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS 6-21
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System Loss Reports Create NE Loss Report wizard


Create NE Loss Report wizard

The Create NE Loss Report wizard is a NE loss report for FOADM through nodes. The
Create NE Loss Report wizard produces a report which displays the loss per channel for
channels that are cross-connected through a network element from ingress degree to
egress degree. There are two target applications for NE Loss Report. The first target
application is to check the pad values selected during commissioning of the FOADM
network elements. The second target application is to quickly audit a FOADM node
in-service to discover if any excess loss exists within the node if optical power out of
range alarms are observed on one or more channels. The Network Element Loss Report is
only supported for a path from a manually power managed ingress line to a manually
power managed egress line.

Prior to running the Create NE Loss Report wizard, the user should complete
provisioning of the EPT parameters for the target system. If the system has been
commissioned, this prerequisite is met.
If these parameters are not provisioned, the Network Element Loss Report will not
display a target loss range for the loop or express channels and the expected gain range
for the LDs will also be missing. The user should run the Provision System (using plan)
wizard to provision the required planning tool parameters prior to creating a Network
Element Loss Report. The parameters in Table 6-6, “Minimum EPT parameters for
network element” (p. 6-22) are the minimum set of parameters that must be provisioned.

Table 6-6 Minimum EPT parameters for network element

EPT Commissioning Parameter Tag in planning tool Applicable Port

commissioning .XML
LD Gmin AmpMinGain LD Sig Out
LD Gmax AmpMaxGain LD Sig Out
Ingress LD target output power TargetOutputPower LD Sig Out
Ingress LD power deviation out DeviationOut LD Sig Out
Egress target output power TargetOutputPower LD Line Out
Egress power deviation out DeviationOut LD Line Out

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System Loss Reports Create NE Loss Report wizard

Generate the NE Loss Report

1 If the CPB Tool is not already running, launch it as described in “Launch the CPB Tool”
(p. 3-14).

2 Select Commissioning > Create NE Loss Report... from the CPB Tool main menu.

3 An overview window will appear as shown in Figure 6-11, “NE Loss Report Wizard:
Overview window” (p. 6-23). Click the Next> button.

Figure 6-11 NE Loss Report Wizard: Overview window


4 The Egress Point Selection window displays as shown in Figure 6-12, “Egress Point
Selection” (p. 6-24).

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System Loss Reports Create NE Loss Report wizard


Figure 6-12 Egress Point Selection


5 In the column on the left there is a list of the currently managed network elements. Select
the desired node and the egress points for that node appear in the middle column. Select
the desired egress point in the middle column and its corresponding ingress point appears
in the right-hand column. If a selected NE is not manually power managed, or if the
egress point selected is not manually power managed, a message indicating "No manually
managed egress ports found for selected NE" appears at the top of the window and the
Next> button is grayed out.

6 Once a manually power managed egress point has been selected, click the Next> button.
The Power Loss Report Stages window displays, showing the report stages progress and
the progress log.

7 Wait until the stages show completed and click the Next> button. The last page will
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System Loss Reports Create NE Loss Report wizard


8 Click the View Report button, and a loss report displays. Alternatively, click Download
Reportto save the report to a selected location.

9 Click Finish to close the Network Element Loss Report Wizard.


NE loss report details

The egress line selected by the user, and the result of the last power management
adjustment (applicable only to Auto managed lines) displays on the report above the
One table per ingress line selected by the user displays on the report next. The fields of
the table are explained in Table 6-7, “Loss report fields” (p. 6-25).

Table 6-7 Loss report fields

Field Explanation
Path - Port from The starting point for the measured loss
Path - Port to The end point for the measured loss. The measured loss
is between 'Port from' to 'Port to'
Expected Loss Range - PT Min. The minimum planned loss or gain between 'Port from'
Loss (Gain) dB and 'Port to'
Expected Loss Range - PT Max The maximum planned loss or gain between 'Port from'
Loss (Gain) dB and 'Port to'
Notes Displays additional information. See 'Notes for the
Network Element Loss Report' below.
Measured Loss (dB) The measured loss for each ITU channel provisioned
ITU<channel number> between the ingress line and egress line.

There are three sections in the table. The first section is the Target Loss Comparison
section. In this section the loss between the target power per channel at the ingress LD Sig
Out for the ingress line and the egress line LD Line Out is measured. The valid loss range
includes the expected power deviation from the target values.
The second section is the WTD Detect Point to Detect Point Losses section. In this
section each row contains the measured loss between two Wavelength Tracker detect

Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS 6-25
8DG-61258-GAAA-TBZZA Release 7.0
Issue 1 April 2014
System Loss Reports Create NE Loss Report wizard

The third section is the Per Channel Status section. In this section, below each ITU
channel column, the status for each channel is reported.
• If the loss is measured and in range, the status is OK
• If the loss is measured and is too high, the status is Too high
• If the loss is measured and is too low, the status is Too low
• If the loss wasn't measured, the status is n/a
The PT Min Lossand PT Max Loss fields show n/a if the planned loss is not set on the
network element, or cannot be calculated, for WTD to WTD losses and the target loss
range, respectively. n/a indicates “not available”.
The Notes field of the loss report
The Notes field contains additional information.
• Power not found - power readings were not available for one or more of the
channels. n/a is shown where the loss for the channel would normally be displayed.
• Error: Unable to calculate target loss range - displays when the planning tool data
required to calculate the target loss range is not available. See table above for the
required planning tool data.

System report highlighting

If the measured loss reported is outside the planned range by less than or equal to 1 dB
the loss is highlighted yellow. If the measured loss is outside the planned range by more
than 1 dB the loss is highlighted red. If the measured loss is within the planned range the
loss is not highlighted. The WTD to WTD losses are not highlighted if the measured loss
in the Target Loss Comparison is not highlighted.
If a measured loss cannot be calculated, no highlighting is applied to the measured loss. If
the planned or target loss range is not available, no highlighting is applied.

Troubleshooting using the loss report

Losses that are highlighted in yellow indicate a potential problem. Losses that are
highlighted in red indicate a problem that should be corrected. For a path from an ingress
line that is Manually power managed to an egress line that is Manually power managed
on a FOADM node, the most likely problem is an incorrect pad selection for the optical
connection between the drop side and add side of the path. As removal of an attenuating
pad will break the optical path of the signal, attenuating pad changes should be done
during a maintenance time window.
During service turn-up the NE Loss Report can be used as an aide to ensure that the
selected pad for the new service is correct. After adding the attenuating pad for the new
service run the loss report to compare the measured loss for the channel to the target loss

6-26 Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS
8DG-61258-GAAA-TBZZA Release 7.0
Issue 1 April 2014

A about CPT Tool, 3-47 delete user, 3-43 .............................................................

add NE, 3-23 discover services, 3-26 P password

add user, 3-37 ............................................................. change, 3-44
administration, 3-1, 3-19 E edit user, 3-40 potential sources of danger, 1-6
ASON file transfer settings, 3-45 ............................................................. Power Balance System wizard, 5-2
............................................................. power balancing, 5-1, 5-2
F features, 2-1
C change password, 3-44 Features Provision System wizard, 4-5
Commission Greenfield System current release, 2-2 provisioning, 4-1
wizard, 4-15
prior releases, 2-2 .............................................................
commissioning, 4-1
functionality, 2-1 R RADIUS server, 3-49, 3-50
background, 4-1
............................................................. reports, 6-1
Commission Greenfield
System wizard, 4-15 H help, 3-47 requirements

history, 4-26 ............................................................. system, 3-2

Provision System wizard, 4-5 resynchronize NE, 3-35

I Install the CPB Tool, 3-2
Commissioning History wizard, installation, 3-2
4-26 S safety, xiv, 1-1
procedure, 3-2
configure RADIUS authentication,
............................................................. safety requirements
general, 1-6
Create NE Loss Report wizard, L Launch the CPB Tool, 3-14
6-22 service demand export to EPT,
Create system Loss Report
N NE loss report
wizards, 6-12 set ASON file transfer settings,
details, 6-25 3-45
procedure, 6-22 store EPT design file, 3-27
D danger
system loss report, 6-12
potential sources, 1-6
details, 6-21
delete NE, 3-25
system loss reports, 6-1
Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS IN-1
8DG-61258-GAAA-TBZZA Release 7.0
Issue 1 April 2014


U user

add, 3-37
delete, 3-43
edit, 3-40
user authentication, 3-49, 3-50

V view optical nodes, 3-36

IN-2 Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS
8DG-61258-GAAA-TBZZA Release 7.0
Issue 1 April 2014

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