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Diversity Lesson Plan

Elementary Special Education (5th grade)

Teacher: Ms. Arizbeth Zavala
Book Title: If the World Were a Village- A Book about the World’s People
Author: David J. Smith
Publication Date: 2002
Grade Level: Pre-K to 3rd Grade
Multicultural Themes:
 Contact with different cultural groups
 Promoting tolerance and understanding
 Focusing on specific cultures
 Encouraging self-acceptance

 Book If the World Were a Village by David J. Smith
 Ipad/tablets with Proloquo2go app (for students who are nonverbal)
 PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System)
 Writing utensils (pencils, crayons, colored pencils, markers)
 Preprinted silhouette on white paper (for self-portrait)
 Preprinted venn diagram on white paper
 Construction paper (for background of venn diagram and self-portrait)
 Safety scissors (to cut out venn diagrams and self-portrait)
 Glue (to glue down venn diagram and self-portrait)
 Glitter (for decoration of self-portrait)
 Stickers (for decoration of self-portrait)
 Other decorative items: beads, colorful fuzzy balls, string, etc.

 SS.1.14. Discuss the importance of culturally, racially, and ethnically diverse people in
building a strong and equitable community.
 SS.1.12. Describe ways in which students and families are alike and different across
 SS.3.23. Describe how various cultures have interacted and influenced each other.

 Students will be able to demonstrate acceptance and awareness of different cultures by
creating a venn diagram to compare and contrast two different cultures with 90%
 Students will be able to illustrate self-acceptance by creating a self-portrait influenced
by cultural factors with 90% accuracy.
1. Introduce: Present the book If the World Were a Village by David J. Smith. Then, ask
students if they know what country their parents or ancestors originate from. Group
student answers on white board under corresponding continent. Reassure those
students who do not have an answer that it is ok if they are unsure. For students who
are nonverbal, they will be directed to use their Proloquo2go app to communicate their
2. Read: Teacher reads the book aloud to entire class and uses corresponding PECS to
enhance comprehension of students.
3. Discuss: Students will be asked five questions and given time to reflect on them.
Students who are verbal will be paired up to share and discuss answers. Students who
are nonverbal will be assisted by the teacher or teacher’s aide. After a couple minutes,
students will be called on to share answers. Nonverbal students will be prompted to use
their Proloquo2go app to communicate.
Question 1: Are there any similarities or differences between the population in the story
and the population in this class?
Question 2: Besides English, what other language can you speak or understand?
Question 3: What countries besides the United States have you visited?
Question 4: Before listening to this story, did you know that people from the continent
Asia make up more than half the world’s population?
Question 5: What surprised you the most of this story?

1. Students will be directed to write down 2 similarities and 4 differences (2 for each)
between their culture and another culture (or country) inside the venn diagram using
different colored pencils for distinction. Once completed, students will be asked to use
the safety scissors to cut out their venn diagram and use the glue to attach it to a
construction paper of choice. For students who lack fine motor skills, the teacher or
teacher’s aide will be assisting those students.
2. Students will illustrate a self-portrait using writing utensils like colored pencils, crayons,
or markers. Once done, students will cut out their portraits with safety scissors and use
glue to attach it to a construction paper of choice. Glitter, stickers, colorful fuzzy balls,
beads etc. will be offered so students can be as creative as they want. For students who
lack fine motor skills, the teacher or teacher’s aide will be assisting those students.

For student(s) who are severely intellectually disabled:

1. Illustration of self-portrait (along with other peers)
2. Continents of the world puzzle with the help of teacher or teacher’s aid
 Teacher will navigate around the room while students are working to ensure they are
using appropriate terms on their preprinted hearts.

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