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SPE 77351

Wet Gas Metering: Trends in Applications and Technical Developments

Parviz Mehdizadeh, Production Technology, Jack Marrelli, ChevronTexaco, Ven C. Ting, ChevronTexaco

Copyright 2002, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and New developments that are ongoing or must be undertaken to
Exhibition held in San Antonio, Texas, 29 September–2 October 2002.
address the limitations of the current wet gas metering systems
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
are also reviewed. The implications of these developments to
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to extend the future applications of wet gas metering systems
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at are discussed.
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
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for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is Introduction
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous More gas will be produced in the future from remote and
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Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
subsea fields where production, capital investment, and
operating costs must be optimized. As an example, gas
production from deep waters in the GOM (1) has increased in
Abstract the last 5 years as shown in Fig. 1. Real time measurement of
Wet gas metering covers a variety of measurements in gas and liquid flow rate are critical in a subsea production
production streams with high to very high gas volume system to improve well allocation, optimize reservoir
fractions. There is a need for direct measurement of gas under production, and enhance flow assurance. In many of the
these conditions in such applications as gas condensate and deepwater reservoirs, the economics developments dictate that
high GOR fields as well as many production operations where several fields be commingled together and processed at a
gas from separation systems may contain liquid. More gas will central facility. In such cases, it is critical to be able to
be produced in the future from remote and subsea fields where measure the produced gas at the wellhead in order to be able
production, capital investment, and operating costs must be to allocate the oil and gas assets to partners in each reservoir
optimized. For example, real time measurement of gas and (2). These trends have provided much support to the
liquid flow rate are critical in a subsea production system development of more robust and accurate wet metering
which will improve well allocation, optimize reservoir systems.
production, and enhance flow assurance. A number of wet gas
metering strategies and systems have been developed to Wet gas metering covers a wide range of measurements,
address these needs. which is necessitated by the specific applications and the
definition of “wet gas”. The definition of wet gas can vary
This paper reviews the principle of operations of depending on whether one is looking at the fluids from the
commercially available systems, and evaluates their strength perspectives of reservoir engineering, measurement systems,
and limitations in various applications. Available data from or commercial sales of the products (3). The lack of a common
test loops, pilot and field installations are used to assess the definition is partly to be blamed for some confusion and
performance and accuracy of these wet gas systems. The field misunderstanding when facility engineers, operators and
installations are used to identify the types of applications as vendors have to communicate across these perspectives. In the
well as the application trends that have utilized these systems. following section an attempt is made to establish an acceptable
The paper also assesses the potential benefits from the definition, which could be used through the rest of this paper
deployment of a wet gas metering system. to facilitate our discussion of the wet gas metering systems.
The technologies employed in the current systems impose Wet Gas Metering
performance and accuracy as well as operational limitations. What is wet gas? Wet gas can be simply defined as gas, which
These limitations are outlined and evaluated in terms of contains some liquid. The amount of liquid can vary from
operator expectations and requirements. The analysis is used small amount of water to substantial amount of water and
to outline a list of issues that an operator has to consider in hydrocarbon. The amount and nature of the liquid, as well as,
selecting and justifying a system for wet gas measurements in the flow rate, temperature, and pressure of the flow stream can
an asset development. impact the selection and accuracy of the measurement system.

For example, the metering system and measurement It should be noted that this boundary is dependent on the
techniques used to measure gas with small amount of water composition of the liquid fraction and the flow stream
vapor (humid gas) would be quite different than the system pressure, which affects the density of the gas. This is
used at the well head of a gas condensate well to measure flow illustrated by the lines in Fig. 2 for three boundaries produced
rates of gas and substantial amounts of liquid. It is therefore by gas containing light condensate 37.5 lb/cu.ft. (600 Kg/m3)
important that “wet gas” be characterized properly (3) before at pressures of 150 psi (10 bars)), 750 psi (50 bars), and 3000
one can discuss the wet gas measurement systems. It is clear psi (200 bars). The gas densities associated with these
that a recognized acceptable definition(s) help the pressures is assumed (3) to be 0.6, 3.1, and 12.5 lb/cu.ft. (10
manufacturers, users and potential regulators of wet gas Kg/m3, 50 Kg/m3, and 200 Kg/m3) respectively. The
metering systems. resulting GVF lines, which form the boundaries for our Type I
wet gas, are developed from the equation 2 and are shown in
A number of attempts have been made from differing Figure 2. If the liquid contains water, then boundaries would
perspectives to define and formalize the definition of wet gas shift due to higher density of the liquid.
(4-6). From a PVT composition perspective: Reservoir
engineers define wet gas when the producing gas-liquid ratio Type I wet gas corresponds to a range of high GVF at the
exceeds 15,000 SCF/STB with stock-tank liquid gravity up to 99%. This type of wet gas would probably consist of
70 degree API (7). From a volumetric perspective, a general processed or un-processed gas with less than 0.5% volume of
definition of wet gas is provided in reference 4 as the liquid consisting of water or condensate carry over. Type I wet
guideline to be used in developing measurement systems for gas may, however, be produced by a reservoir with very high
gas produced in the North Sea. This definition is to be applied GOR, high temperature, and or high pressure. The primary
to wet gas measurements at the wellhead of a subsea tie back interest in this type of wet gas metering is to measure the gas
or at the top of a production riser of a host installation. In this content of the stream. But accurate knowledge of the liquid
guideline, wet gas is taken to mean gas, which is in content would be necessary to develop more accurate gas
equilibrium with either water or gas condensate or both in the readings, especially in fiscal metering applications.
flowing gas stream. The liquid contents are generally limited
to liquid to gas ratio (LGR) of 0.2 % for flow streams Type II wet gas is defined as the region above Type I in fig. 2
exhibiting stratified flow and 0.5% for flow streams that can and constrained to the liquid content limited (4,8) by the
be characterized as annular mist flow. From a volume-density following Lockhart-Martinelli relation set equal to or less
perspective, the impact of flow regime, flow stream pressure than 0.30.
and temperature, and liquid content of the gas can
alternatively be characterized by the Lockhart-Martinelli (LM) X = (Vsl / Vsg) (√ρl / √ρg) = 0.30 (3)
parameter (7). Using this characterization, wet gas has been
defined (8) as a gas stream with a LM parameter of 0.3 or less. Type II wet gas is typically produced at the wellhead of a well
From the above discussion, it is obvious that the wet gas from gas condensate reservoir. The primary interest of gas
metering requirements are affected not only by the definition metering in this region is to measure the gas. Knowledge of
and the composition of the fluids, but also by the intended the liquid flow rate is required for accuracy, reservoir
application. Reconciliation of the above definitions may not be management and allocation. In addition, knowledge of the
possible, however, in the following section we develop a composition of the liquid, i.e. watercut, would be important
suggested classification for wet gas using the Lockhart- for improved accuracy.
Martinelli parameter.
Finally, all the regions above the boundaries defined by the
Types of Wet Gas Lockhart-Matinelli relationship are designated as Type III wet
Figure 2 shows a proposed map for classifying a wet gas gas. This region of wet gas is encountered during the
stream, on the basis of superficial velocity for gas and liquid. measurement of streams with proportionate gas and liquid
We have defined three types of wet gas regions in this map. content, which may also contain high fraction of water. The
primary interest in this region is the measurement of liquid
Type I wet gas is defined as the region with Lockhart and gas hydrocarbons. Measurement of water would be
Martinelli number (X) equal or less than 0.02 as shown in required for accuracy, well and reservoir management, and
Fig.2. The Lockhart-Martinelli equation is defined as follow: field allocation. Measurements of the flow stream components
in this region of the diagram in Figure 2 are typically handled
X = (Vsl / Vsg) (√ρl / √ρg) = 0.02 (1) by multiphase metering systems described in references 9
and 10.
The GVF associated with this condition can be obtained from
the following equation: It is recognized that, in practice there may be considerable
overlap in the definitions for the three types of wet gas regions
GVF= 1/ (1+ X* (√ρg/√ρl) (2) described here. The boundaries of the regions also shift as a
function of changing pressure. More elegant mapping of the

gas liquid mixture that defines the various flow regimes and that the GVF varies with pressure at a constant X. Type I
wet gas characterization are available in the literature (3, 11). typically represents measurement system at production
But, for the purpose of this review paper, we propose to use wellheads, unprocessed gas pipelines, separators, allocation
the three types of wet gas characterizations described above to points, and well test facilities where GOR are high.
organize the reviewing of the wet gas metering systems. A
number of wet gas metering strategies and systems have been Table 2 lists metering devices for Type I gas metering
developed to address these needs. These systems will be systems. These are single-phase commercial gas meters and
discussed in the following sections. the liquid flow rate is input independently for gas flow rate
calculations. These methods assume a constant liquid flow rate
Metering Strategies estimate over a period until new liquid flow rate is updated.
The development of wet gas metering has come from two Common methods of determining liquid flow rate are
different directions. A large amount of effort (12) has gone periodical well tests, tracer injection, PVT prediction, and
into developing “correction factors” and improved accuracy allocation techniques.
when single-phase gas metering devices are used in conditions
where a small amount of liquid is known to be present. These If a single-phase meter is used with an estimated liquid flow
efforts have resulted in introducing new technology to upgrade rate input to a modified gas flow equation, such as Murdock
the wet gas measurement capability of such devices as the equation (18) for orifice meter, gas flow measurement
orifice plates, inverted venturi (V-cone), venturi tubes, coriolis uncertainty could improve. The accuracy of the gas flow rate
and ultrasonic meters. On the other hand, elements of the calculation, therefore, depends on the uncertainty of the liquid
multiphase metering technology that were intended for in-line flow rate input value over that measuring period.
measurements of oil, water, and gas stream, have been
modified to develop wet gas metering systems (13,14). This In Table 2, the over-reading values from each flow device are
approach has even produced hybrid systems, which use a calculated using the gas flow calculation algorithm and
combination of separation technology and multiphase assuming the presence of liquid flow is not accounted for. The
metering technology (15,16,17) to handle very high GVF over-readings listed in the Table 2 are extracted from
multiphase streams that can approach “wet gas” as published data (19- 28). Commercial single-phase meters such
characterized by the boundary between the Type II and Type as orifice, venturi, inverted venture, turbine, coriolis,
III wet gas shown in Figure 2. ultrasonic, and vortex meters show gas flow over-reading up
to 6% in Type I wet gas. The over-reading value reflects the
In the last few years, wet gas joint industry projects such as increase of density of the total fluid. The references offer more
UltraFlow for ultrasonic meters, National Engineering detailed performance characteristics of each device.
Laboratory (NEL), Colorado Engineering Experiment Station,
Inc (CEESI) and Christian Michelson Research began The liquid presence in the gas for Type I metering system
studying the effect of liquid on gas flow measurement cause a systematic bias error in gas flow measurement if liquid
accuracy in single phase meter, and wet gas meters. These flow is not corrected in the gas flow equation. However, it is
facilities control their gas and liquid injection rate with high important to realize that the gas measurement error using a
accuracy and data covered full range of gas and liquid flow modified wet gas equation could be even higher than the dry
rates. The full extent of the research efforts conducted within gas flow calculation estimate, if the liquid input has large
these programs has not been released. However, scatter- uncertainty in the Type I metering system. There is one
published data are available in the public domain and has been exception in the orifice meter where Ting and McBrien
used in the discussion of wet gas metering. In the following (21,22) both reported under-reading up to -1.7% at high beta
sections, we will discuss the capabilities and limitations of wet ratio when small amounts of liquid is entrained in the flow
gas metering systems, derived from these different stream. This negative bias will impact gas flow measurement
approaches, for handling wet gas measurements. We will also accuracy especially for allocation and custody transfer
assess the performance of these meters for well testing, field measurement where gas is slightly wet.
allocations, reservoir management, production optimization,
and fiscal metering. Figure 3 shows a reproduction of performance plot from
reference 27. This plot shows the over-reading, expressed as
Metering Systems for Type I Wet Gas Gas Mass Flow Ratio (GMFR), of a venturi meter as a
Table 1 was developed to show the variation of densities, GFV function of Lockhart-Martinelli number. Most of the over-
and liquid gas ratios (LGR) at 3,000, 750, and 150 Pisa (200, reading in Figure 3 is distributed in the range of 1 to 1.05 or 0
50, and 10 bar) respectively for Type 1 metering systems. For to 5% for X≤0.02. This figure also shows the performance
this type of wet gas meter, GVF) and LGR are lower at higher variation at different pressures and fluid properties.
pressures as shown in the Table. For example, for a fixed
X=0.02, liquid entrainment rate varies from 8bbl/MMSCF at When utilizing the Type I system, selection of a flow-metering
3000 psia to 43 bbl/MMSCF at 150 psia (44 m3/millionstd m3 device, liquid measurement methods and their correspondent
at 200 bars to 4.3 m3/million m3 at 10 bars). It is also noted measurement uncertainty must be considered in order to

deliver an optimum system. Since gas flow rate error is method to withdraw 10% of the wet gas and separate the
relatively lower at X≤0.02, sometimes more complex Type II liquid from gas to determine liquid flow rate. It uses an orifice
or Type III meters may not improve measurement accuracy for meter to measure the gas flow rate and sampling is automated.
Type I wet gas applications.
The second group of commercial meters utilizes two or more
The future trend of applications of Type I meter is to utilize dissimilar devices to determine gas and liquid flow rates.
additional signals from the meter, such as pressure recovery Commercial meters such as Dualstream II, shown in Figure 5,
reading from a venturi meter, diagnostic signals form a and WGM employ this measurement principle of solving two
ultrasonic meter, and density signal from a coriolis meter, to equations (dual meters) with two unknowns (gas and liquid
estimate liquid flow rate and, therefore, improve gas flow flow rates).
measurement uncertainty. New systems, such as clamp-on
ultrasonic meters, also provide another alternative for wet gas The third group of commercial meters uses multiple
flow measurement (29). measurement sensors such as OneStep meter, which utilize an
extended venturi to measure two pressure drops along the
Metering Systems for Type II Wet Gas venturi to determine gas and liquid flow rates.
A range of parameters defined by Type II wet gas metering
system is shown in Table 3. Gas and liquid densities, GVF, Although the manufactures of the commercial wet gas meters
and LGR at 3,000, 750, and 150 psia (200, 50, and 10 bar) listed measurement uncertainty of their devices as shown in
respectively for 0.3 Lockhart-Martinelli numbers are listed. Table 4, the actual field proven accuracy of these devices has
For this type of wet gas system, liquid entrainment rates are not been fully corroborated by the users. The field
higher than Type I metering system. For example, liquid performance of the venturi - tracer meter, marketed as
entrainment rate varies from 118 bbl/MMSCF at 3000 psia to MultiTrace and Dualstream I, has been reported by a number
649 bbl/MMSCF at 150 psia (662 m3/millionstd m3 at 200 of users (34). Other meters, listed in Table 4, are still new in
bars to 3,664 m3/million std m3 at 10 bars). Type II typically the market at this time. Their accuracy has yet to be
represents a measurement system at production wellheads, demonstrated.
commingled pipelines, and well testing applications.
Since all commercial Type II meters use differential pressure
Type II wet gas-metering systems cover higher liquid flow devices, it is important to understand how liquid flow
ranges so that the users often require more accurate gas and measurement uncertainty impacts gas flow rate measurements
liquid flow rates. Conventional multiphase meters' over the entire range of operational conditions. Performance
compositional measurement uncertainties in wet gas domain and measurement uncertainty of differential pressure devices
are too large for most applications. in wet gas condition is well studied up to Lockhart-Martinelli
number equal to 0.30, as shown in the example in Figure 3.
Differential pressure devices such as orifice, venturi, and However, performance data for liquid measurement using
inverted venturi respond well to variations of fluid mixture. these devices are not available in public domain to verify the
Murdock developed a two-phase flow correlation for the accuracy of liquid flow rate measurement. In addition,
orifice meter in 1962 and showed the liquid loading of the gas operational conditions and fluid properties also influence (27)
will cause an over-reading of the gas flow rate. Several the uncertainty of gas equation as shown in Figure 3. If
commercial wet gas-metering devices have been developed operating fluid properties were different from meter
based on differential pressure devices as shown in Table 4. calibration fluids, flow measurement uncertainty will increase.

Most Type II wet gas meters listed in Table 4 use a differential Ultrasonic meters have been studied for wet gas applications
pressure device plus another technique to measure gas and but not yet introduced as a commercial product. Research
liquid flow rates. Sampling and tracer techniques determine studies have shown (35,36,) that meter sensors could survive
liquid flow rate periodically and liquid flow rates remain wet gas conditions and their diagnostic measurement signals
constant between sampling intervals. Other devices such as and sensors orientations can be used to measure mist, annular,
extended venturi, dual differential and dual venturi with vortex and stratified flow regimes over a wide range of flow rates and
offer continuous measurement of gas and liquid flow rates. liquid loading.

Three groups of commercial wet gas meters can be identified: Novel approached to wet gas metering has been reported by
The first group of commercial wet gas meters deploys Ting (37). This approach uses a rotary separator's rotating
sampling methods. De Leeuw in 1994 introduced a venturi speed and its separated liquid flow rate to determine gas flow
meter with tracer dilution to determine gas and liquid flow rates. Research conducted by Morrison (38) shows that a
rates. This technique requires manual injection, sampling, and slotted orifice flow meter could also be used for two-phase
analysis of the samples. Commercial meters such as flow measurement.
MultiTrace, shown in Figure 4, and DualStream I use this
technique. Another meter, VEGA, uses isokientic sampling

Metering Systems for Type III Wet Gas loop under controlled conditions. Reference uncertainty
Metering systems used for Type III wet gas are multiphase is usually very low.
metering systems that were developed to measure flow 2. End user field-testing where the multiphase meter is
streams composed of oil, water, and gas mixtures (9,10). tested against conventional test separators. Reference
These meters include several commercially available full-bore uncertainty is usually dependent on field separators and
multiphase meters as well as metering systems, which use may be unknown.
some form of flow stream separation. To be included in this 3. Manufacturer sponsored testing either in a third party test
wet gas discussion, Type III meter must make an oil, gas and loop or at the manufacturer’s facility. Reference
water rate determination at relatively high GVF > 80% uncertainty varies, and may not be known.
or X≥0.3
These test programs can be further categorized by use of
Multiphase meters include an enormous array of devices from fluids ranging from air and water to full hydrocarbon.
full three phase separators to simple full flow spool pieces Programs using simple fluids show high accuracy but
with no separation. In each system, however, the same application of results to the field may be limited. Full flow
processing schematically shown in Figure 6 must occur. These field-testing suffers greatly from lack of verifiable references
processes consist of some type of fluid conditioning, mixture and narrow range of flow conditions.
density determination, mixture rate determination, mixture
composition determination, and application of a flow model. Multiphase metering systems tested in third party flow loops
These functions can be supplied by an instrument or by an in Type III wet gas region (39) have achieved gas flow rates
assumption in a model. Each instrument function or uncertainty of 5-25% in GVF range of 80-90% and 10-50% if
assumption has associated uncertainty. The flow model has GVF range is increased to 90-95%. Metering systems that use
uncertainty due to all of the inputs. With practical a combination of Venturi and composition devices (see Figure
considerations, the meter can be placed at virtually any point 3) have shown better gas metering performance.
from the reservoir to the atmospheric tanks.
A considerable amount of data on the field performance of
Commercial multiphase meters may use two general multiphase meters, in wet gas region, is now available (40-42)
approaches based on fluid conditioning: partial separation of In field tests, where the performance of the multiphase meters
fluids or no separation of fluids. No-separation multiphase have been compared to conventional test separators,
meter systems use a restricted range of instruments. Rate may uncertainty’s’ of 5-10% have been claimed. Some field tests
be determined by venturi, or by cross correlation or both. have even claimed uncertainty of 2%. But it should be noted
Composition is determined by nuclear densitometers or by that these accuracy performances are obtained by comparing
electromagnetic instruments detecting conductivity, the gas flow measurements against conventional separators
capacitance, inductance, dielectric constant or combinations that generally use gas metering devices described for Type I
thereof. wet gas metering conditions. In most of the field tests, these
“reference” devices may be operating in Type II or even Type
Multiphase meter partial separation systems can use virtually III wet gas conditions. Their uncertainty, without the use of
all of the Type I & II devices. However, in all cases correction factors, would be quite high. Comparison of the
considerations of the effects on single-phase meters due to data from field tests with these references of questionable
trace of multiphase flow must be considered (43). In particular accuracy can be misleading. However, data from multiphase
these systems can use single-phase liquid devices such as meters can be used for trending and process optimization.
venturis, Coriolis and PD meters to improve the liquid
measurement when liquids are in trace quantities as in Type II Issues Challenging Wet Gas Metering
wet gas. In the previous sections we have described a number of
techniques and measurement strategies that users have at their
Multiphase meter performance assessment in Type III wet gas deposal to address the various types of wet gas metering.
conditions is complicated. Performance can be characterized There are however, three major challenges that the users face.
as the percent error of reading or full scale (FS) or absolute These are: (a) selecting and specifying a meter for the
error for each of the oil, water and gas phases as shown in application, (b) obtaining the performance data and assessing
Table 5. Since there are no generally accepted standards for the accuracy of the system for the anticipated application, and
performance claims, users may require performance testing. (c) getting approval to use a wet gas meter for the intended
Up to now, 3 different approaches have been used to check on application (s) from appropriate regulatory bodies. In addition
the performance claims shown in Table 5. These approaches the initial and operating cost of the metering system must be
consist of: taken into consideration. If the application involves asset
development where the wet gas metering is an enabling
1. Third party testing where vendors and end users are not technology, there is less pressure for cost to become the
involved. These tests are generally conducted in a test dominating factor. If on the other hand, the application is a
matter of optimizing the facility or the need for on-line data

measurements, then the user must work hard to align the Type II wet gas is defined as the region above Type I
requirements for operating conditions and the metrological and constrained by the liquid content described by
needs (performance, accuracy) to reduce the overall cost of the Lockhart-Martinelli number equal or less than
the installation. 0.3. All the conditions in the map above the LM=0.3
is defined as Type III wet gas. The suitability of
There is currently no commonly accepted method to test the various wet gas metering system to perform in these
performance of wet gas meters. The user must gather types of wet gas conditions were assessed. New
performance information from various sources such as technologies and metering strategies to develop
described in this paper. Wet gas measurement accuracy is devices and systems to accurately measure gas and
practically limited by three factors: (1) experimentally derived liquid under the three wet gas conditions are
correlation uncertainty, (2) meter (transducer) signal to noise- reviewed in this paper.
ratio uncertainty, and (3) liquid composition uncertainty. It is
important to recognize that all of the correlations used in wet 2. Table 2 lists devices that are used for metering Type I
gas measurement were obtained from experimental data. wet gas conditions. Type I metering systems are
These correlations therefore, contain uncertainty, which will typically used in fiscal metering. These are single-
limit their usefulness. Test loop uncertainty could be quite phase commercial gas meters that require liquid flow
different than field performance if the fluids used to test the rate input to measure gas flow rate calculations.
meter are not similar to field fluids. There is therefore a need These methods assume a constant liquid flow rate
to develop a commonly accepted performance test protocol estimate over a period or until new liquid flow rate is
and a procedure to evaluate the performance (accuracy) in the updated. Common methods of determining liquid
field. Procurement specifications should use a common flow rate are periodical well tests, tracer injection,
language that is understood by vendor, user, the procurement PVT prediction, and allocation techniques. The liquid
department and the regulator. There is also a need to develop a presence in the gas for Type I metering system cause
commonly accepted terms and definitions that describe the a systematic bias error in gas flow measurement if
type and principle of operations of various wet gas meters. It liquid flow is not corrected in the gas flow equation.
is hoped that this paper has contributed to the development of However, it is important to realize that the gas
this common language. measurement error using a modified wet gas equation
could be even higher than the dry gas flow
Relationship between cost, value, and performance (accuracy) calculation estimate, if the liquid input has large
is different depending on the type of wet gas and metering uncertainty in the Type I metering system. When
applications. Loss of revenue is overriding factor in Type I utilizing Type I system, selection of flow-metering
meters used for allocation or fiscal metering. Type II metering devices for liquid measurement and their
systems can be justified on the basis of facility requirements correspondent uncertainty must be considered in
(subsea). If it is enabling type technology, the performance order to deliver an optimum system. Since gas flow
level can be relaxed. Type III metering system’s cost may rate error is relatively low at X≤0.02, sometimes
have justifications based on the ability of these systems to more complex Type II or Type III meters may not
provide reservoir monitoring, production optimization, flow improve measurement accuracy for Type I wet
assurance capabilities and enabling of marginally economic gas applications.
subsea projects. This “value chain” approach to wet gas
metering may direct the selection and further development of 3. Type II wet gas metering systems typically measure
the technology (5). the flow stream at the production wellhead,
commingled flow line, or well test applications.
Due to increasing interest in wet gas metering associated with Several “commercial” metering systems have been
the development of deep-water reservoir, MMS and API have developed for Type II wet gas and are shown in
initiated programs (2) to address the application of wet gas Table 4. Most Type II wet gas meters listed in Table
meters. The Department of Trade and Industry in UK has 4 use a differential pressure device plus another
issued guidelines (4) that should assist users in deploying wet technique to measure gas and liquid flow rates.
gas metering systems. Sampling and tracer techniques are used in some
systems to determine liquid flow rate periodically and
Summary liquid flow rates remain constant between sampling
intervals. Other systems such as extended venturi;
1. A map for classifying types of wet gas is proposed as dual differential and dual venturi with vortex offer
a means of reviewing the various metering systems continuous measurement of gas and liquid flow rates.
that are available on the market. The three types of The volumetric uncertainty’s’, shown in Table 4, are
wet gas conditions are identified as shown in Figure provided by the manufacturers. The field proven
2. Type I wet gas is defined as the region with accuracy of these devices has not yet been fully
Lockhart-Martinelli number equal or less than 0.02. corroborated by the users. Operational conditions and

fluid properties significantly impact the volumetric 6. Due to the increasing interest in wet gas metering
uncertainty listed in the Table 4. Type II wet gas associated with the development of deep-water
metering covers higher liquid flow ranges as shown reservoir as shown in Figure 1, Minerals
in Table 3,where the commercial value of the liquid Management Service and American Petroleum
may be significant. Institute have initiatives underway to address the
application of wet gas meters. The Department of
4. Metering systems used for Type III wet gas are Trade and Industry in UK has issued guidelines that
multiphase metering systems that were developed to could assist users in deploying wet gas metering
measure flow streams composed of oil, water, and systems. The interest in wet gas metering is also
gas mixtures. These meters include several justifying a number of research programs described
commercially available full-bore multiphase meters in the paper aimed at improving the correction factors
as well as metering systems, which use some form of used in Types I and II metering systems.
flow stream separation. Multiphase meter
performance assessment in Type III wet gas 7. The relationship between cost of the metering system
conditions is complicated. Performance can be and its performance (accuracy) is different depending
characterized as the percent error of reading or full on what type of wet gas-metering application. Loss of
scale or absolute error for each of the oil, water and revenue is overriding factor in Type I meters used for
gas phases as shown in Table 5. A considerable allocation or fiscal metering. Type II metering system
amount of data on the field performance of can be justified on the basis of facility requirements
multiphase meters, in wet gas region, is now (subsea). If it is an enabling type technology, the
available In field tests, where the performance of the performance level can be relaxed. Type III metering
multiphase meters have been compared to system’s cost may have justifications based on the
conventional test separators, uncertainty’s’ of 5-10% ability of these systems to provide reservoir
have been claimed. Some field tests have even monitoring, production optimization, and flow
claimed uncertainty of 2%. But it should be noted assurance capabilities. This “value chain” approach
that these accuracy performances are obtained by to wet gas metering may direct the selection and
comparing the gas flow measurements against further development of the technology.
conventional separators that generally use gas
metering devices described for Type I wet gas
metering conditions. In most of the field tests these Acknowledgement
“reference” devices may have very questionable The authors wish to thank ChevronTexaco for permission to
accuracy. However data from multiphase meters can publish this paper.
be used for trending and process optimization.
5. In addition to the cost, the user faces a number of X Lockhart-Martinelli Number
challenges in justifying a wet gas meter for an Vsl Superficial velocity of liquid
application. These are: (a) selecting and specifying a Vsg Superficial velocity of gas
meter for the application, (b) obtaining the ρl Density of liquid
performance data and assessing the accuracy of the ρg Density of gas
system for the anticipated application, and (c) getting GVF Gas Volume Fraction
approval to use a wet gas meter for the intended LGR Liquid Gas Ratio
application (s) from appropriate regulatory bodies. GOR Gas Oil Ratio
Currently, there is no commonly accepted method to
assess the performance of the wet gas meters. The References
user must gather performance information from 1. “Gulf of Mexico deep water production hits record
various sources such as described in this paper. There level”, Oil&Gas Journal, April 8, 2002, 30.
is a need to develop a commonly accepted 2. Hasshol, T. et al.: “Development of an API
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the performance (accuracy) of these systems. meters for subsea allocation of hydrocarbon” paper
Procurement specifications need to use a common presented at the 5th International Symposium on Fluid
language that is understood by vendor, user, the Flow Measurement, Arlington, VA, April 7-10, 2002.
procurement department and the regulator. There is 3. Jamison, A.W., “ Wet Gas Metering- The
also a need to develop a commonly accepted terms Unexpected Challenge, Status and Trends on
and definition that describe the type and principle of Technology and Applications” paper presented at the
operations of various wet gas meters. It is hoped that 19th International North Sea Measurement Workshop,
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common language. 4. “Guidance Notes For Petroleum Measurements

Under The Petroleum (Production) Regulations” UK 19. Karnik, Umesh, et al, " Effect of Pulsation and
Department of Trade and Industry, Oil and Gas Liquid Contaminants on Micro-Motion Coriolis Mass
Division, Issue 6, Oct. 2001. Flow Meter", Flow Measurement 2001 International
5. Couput Jean-Paul et al: “Wet Gas Metering In the Conference, May 2001
UpstreamArea:Needs, Applications & developments” 20. Ifft, S., “Installation Effects on the V-Cone Flow
paper presented at the 18th North Sea Flow Meter”, 3rd International Symposium on Fluid Flow
Measurement Workshop 2000. Measurement, San Antonio, Texas, USA,
6. ISO: DIS 14532 (ISO TC 193 Natural Gas). March 1995.
7. De Leeuw, H., “Liquid correction of Venturi meter 21. Ting, V. C. and G. P. Corpron, “Effect of Liquid
readings in wet gas flow” paper presented at the Entrainment on the Accuracy of Orifice Meters for
North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop, Gas Flow Measurement”, 1995 International Gas
Kristiansand, Norway, 1997. Research Conference
8. Van Maanen, H.R.E., “Cost reduction for wet gas 22. McBrien, R.K., "Effect of Liquid on Orifice Meter
measurement using the tracer-Venturi combination” Measurement in High Pressure Natural Gas", 4th
paper presented at the Practical Development in Gas International Symposium on Fluid Flow
Flow Metering, NEL, East Kilbride, Scotland, 1999. Measurement, Denver, USA, June, 1999
9. Mehdizadeh, P. “Multiphase Meters: Delivering 23. Mattar, L. et al, "Orifice Metering of Two-Phase
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Current trends and Future Developments” SPE paper 25. Hodges, D. et al, "Evaluation of Dry-Gas Meters in
71474 presented at 2001 SPE – ATCE in New Wet Gas Conditions: Turbine and Venturi Meters",
Orleans, Louisiana, 30 Sept. – 3 Oct. 2001. OTC 13148, May 2001
11. De Leeuw, Rick, “liquid correction for Venturi meter 26. Zanker, K., and Brown, G.,“The Performance of a
readings in wet gas flow”, Paper presented at the Multipath Ultrasonic with Wet Gas”, North Sea Flow
North Sea Flow Measurement workshop, Measurement Workshop, Gleneagles, Scotland,
National Engineering Laboratory, East Kilbride, October 2000.
Scotland, 1997. 27. Britton, C. et al, " Experimental Wet Gas Data For A
12. Sakariassen, R., “Gas Metering – Status and Trends Herschel Style Venturi", 5th International Symposium
on Technology and Applications” paper presented at on Fluid Flow Measurement, Wash. D.C., USA,
the 19th North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop, April, 2002
Kristansand, Norway, Oct. 22-25, 2001. 28. Ting, V.C., private communication, air/water data
13. Dykesteen, E. “Status and Trends in Technology and 29. Ting, V.C. et al, “Evaluation of Clamp-on Ultrasonic
Applications”, paper presented at the 19th Gas Flow Meters for Natural Gas Applications” to be
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Kristansand, Norway, and Oct. 22-25, 2001. Workshop, October 2002
14. Hatton, G. et al, “Wet Gas Metering Using Dissimilar 30. Lund, J.S. et al, "A Wet Gas Meter for
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76193 presented at 2002 SPE – ATCE in San 1999 Multiphase '99
Antonio, Texas 29 Sept. - 2 Oct. 2002. 31. Fincke, J.R. at el, “Performance Characteristics of an
15. Ngai, C. et al, “Performance Test of High Gas Extended Throat Flow Nozzle for the Measurement
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17. Bentley N.S., Baker L., and Svingen B., “Well Means of a Venturi Meter and a Tracer Technique”,
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Table 1: Gas and liquid parameters for Type I wet gas metering systems at Lockhart Martinelli Number =0.02

Pressure, Gas Density, Liquid Density, GVF LGR, bbl/

psia (bar) lb/cuft (Kg/m3) lb/cuft (Kg/m3) MMSCF (m3/ million std m3)
3,000 (200) 12.5 (200) 37.5 (600) 0.9886 8(44)
750 (50) 3.1 (50) 37.5 (600) 0.9943 17 (98)
150 (10) 0.6 (10) 37.5 (600) 0.9975 43 (243)

Table 2: Type I metering devices and gas flow over-readings range - With no liquid flow corrections

Metering Devices Volumetric Over-reading References

range (%) for X≤0.02
Coriolis 0 to 6 Karnik (19)
Inverted Venturi (v- 0 to 1.5 Ifft (20)
Orifice -1.7 to 2 Ting (21), McBrien (22), and Mattar
Turbine 0 to 0.75 Jones (24) and Hodges (25)
Ultrasonic 0 to 10 Zanker (26)
Venturi 0 to 5 Britton (27) and Hodges (25)
Vortex 0 to 6 Ting- (28)

Table 3: Gas and liquid parameters for Type II wet gas metering systems
@ Lockhart-Martinelli number, X =0.3

Pressure, psia Gas Density, Liquid Density, lb/cuft GVF LGR, bbl/
(bar) lb/cuft (Kg/m3) (Kg/m3) MMSCF (m3/M std m3)
3,000 (200) 12.5 (200) 37.5 (600) 0.85 118 (662)
750 (50) 3.1 (50) 37.5 (600) 0.92 262 (1,471)
150 (10) 0.6 (10) 37.5 (600) 0.96 649 (3,644)

Table 4: Commercial Type II wet gas metering systems

Metering Devices Manufactures Volumetric uncertainty References

Vendor Spec.
Dual Differential Dualstream II by ISA Gas ±5% Lund (30)
Liquid ±10%
Dual Venturi with Vortex WGM by Agar Gas ±2% Agar (14)
Liquid ±2%
Extended Venturi OneStep by FMC Gas ±2%; GVF<. 95 Fincke (31)
Liquid ±6%
Orifice with Sampling Vega by TEA Gas ±3% Andreussi
Liquid ±3% (32)
Venturi with Tracer Sampling MultiTrace by Petrotech Gas ±2% De Leeuw
Dualstream I by ISA Liquid ±10% (33)

Uncertainty values are per vendor’s specification – meters are designated as NS (no separation) or PS (partial separation)

Meter Velocity Composition GVF Range Liquid Rate Gas Rate Water Cut
Method Method % %(Rel. %(Rel. Err.) %Uncertainty
VenturiX Venturi Densitometer 0-91 5 or 2.5FS 10 or 5
NS 153Gd
Roxar Venturi and Densitometer 0-98 5 -14 10 2-15
NS Cross Correlation 137 Cs
MixMeter DP, mixer Densitometer 10-90 5 10 5
NS 137 Cs
DUET Cross CorrelationX- Densitometer 5-65 10 10 3-6
65-95 10
NS 137Ce, 241Am
Agar 400 PD & Vortex Dielectric 0-99.5 2 5FS+5 R

GOM Gas Production

Deep Water
Shallow Water

Gas Production - TCF




1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

Fig. 1- Gas production from Gulf of Mexico’s deep waters is expected to account for a larger fraction of the gas
production in the region.

Wet Gas Type: Definitions by GVF and LM parameter

Superficial Velocity = Gas or Liquid Volumetric Rate / Pipe Area
Constant Gas Fraction in Pipeline is Along Diagonal Lines
Constant Volumetric Flow Lines are Dashed

LIQUID: sVl scfd (ft/sec) =(Volumetric Liquid Rate

Flow Lines


Type III
/ Pipe Area)

1 Wet Gas Type II-III Type II

GVF=85% - 96%

Wet Gas Type I-II

GVF=98.9 - 99.8%
Type I
1 10 100
GAS: sVg scfd (ft/sec) = (Volumetric Gas Rate / Pipe Area)

Fig.2 - A proposed map for classifying a wet gas streams, on the basis of superficial velocity for gas and liquid.
Three types of “wet gas” have been defined on the basis of the superficial velocity of gas/liquid, Gas Volume
Fraction, and Lockhart Martinelli parameter.

1 .4 5
1 .4 0
1 .3 5
1 .3 0
1 .2 5

1 .2 0
1 .1 5 14 Bar
48 Bar
1 .1 0
76 Bar
1 .0 5 1 5 B a r R e f [3 ]
4 5 B a r R e f [3 ]
1 .0 0 9 0 B a r R e f [3 ]
0 .9 5
0 0 .0 5 0 .1 0 .1 5 0 .2 0 .2 5
L o c k h a rt M a rtin e lli N u m b e r, X

Fig. 3 - Performance plot showing the over-reading Gas Mass Flow Ratio (GMFR) of a venturi meter as a function of
Lockhart-Martinelli Number. Most of the over-reading in Figure 3 is distributed in the range of 1 to 1.05 or 0 to 5% for
X≤0.02. This figure also shows the performance variation at different pressures and fluid properties associated with the lower

Fig. 4 – Commercial Type II wet gas metering systems, such as the MultiTrace shown in this photo, use tracer
injection/dilution technique to measure the volume of liquid in the stream.

Fig. 5 - Commercial Type II wet gas metering systems, such as the DualStream II shown in this photo, use two or
more dissimilar devices to determine the gas and liquid flow rates in-line.

Reduction of Determination Determination Determination

Application of
Uncertainty by of of of
Mixing or Mixture Liquid and WaterCut or
Separation Density Gas Rate Composition

Fluid 2-P & 3-P Density

Data Output
Properties Separation Nuclear Momentum Processing
Inlet 1 Energy Rotary WaterCut High Freq.

Partial or
PD Nuclear Microwave
2 Energies Dielectric
Fluid Turbine
Multi Rates Incomplete Low Freq.
Separation. Density
Nuclear Oil
Phase 2 Energies Capacitance
Fluid No
Flow Conditions Condition -
WaterCut Conductance Metering Water
ing Nuclear
Density Vcone
Partial Mix
>2 Energies
Coriolis Energies Coriolis Comparison
Sampling &
Full Mix Feedback
Reservoir: High P,T; Welltest
Low GVF, (Xg) Pipeline Meter
Sales Line: Low P,T;
High GVF , (Xg)
Fig. 6 – Multiphase Metering Systems used for Type III wet gas measurements use a variety of devices and
metering strategies shown in this schematic to measure oil, water, and gas flow rates in a stream.

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