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2013 Third International Conference on Intelligent System Design and Engineering Applications

Analysis of the Performance of the asynchronous motor in the high temperature

Shan Baia,Shenglei Shib and Peng Duc
Shenyang University of Technology, Liaoning China

Abstract. To address the issue that each performance index of

the asynchronous motors has a great change with temperature temperature and the impact of the change of resistance.
change, based on the basic knowledge of the principles an Further more, this paper analyzed the effect of the high
design of asynchronous motors, combined with high temperature characteristics of magnetic materials on the
temperature characteristics of parts material of asynchronous performance of asynchronous motor and provided a
motor, using MATLAB software, depending on the changes of reference for the design of the high temperature
the stator and rotor resistances with temperature change, this asynchronous motor.
paper established the mathematical model, analyzed the
performances of high asynchronous motor in the high II. PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS
temperature and the impact of the change of resistance. The main materials of the motor are copper and
Further more, this paper analyzed the effect of the high aluminum conductors, insulation materials and silicon
temperature characteristics of magnetic materials on the steel magnetic material. The performances of these
performance of asynchronous motor and provided a reference materials have a obvious change in the high temperature.
for the design of the high temperature asynchronous motor. These changes directly affect the performance parameters
of the motor. As temperatures rise, the resistivity of copper
Keywords: asynchronous motor high temperature
characteristics of asynchronous motor
alloys has a obvious change. Resistivity of different copper
alloys with temperature has different changes with
temperature rise. Under normal circumstances, the curve
I. INTRODUCTION of the resistance changes with temperature is a straight
With the development of science and the progress of line[4].Working environment temperature of
the society, aviation, nuclear energy and military industry high-temperature motor belongs to the low temperature
obtained great progress. These developments in the field section relative to the material itself. Therefore, the change
make the work environment of the asynchronous motor of the stator and rotor resistance can be considered linear.
deteriorated, such as: serious radiation, and high This feature can use a resistance temperature coefficient α
temperature. This hot work environment either on the to represent. It is equal to the temperature changes with the
dielectric strength of the motor or on the electrical resistance of changes.
conductive magnetic properties of materials has a huge A large number of experimental measurements show
impact, and this effect is also directly affect motor that copper resistance temperature coefficient is 0.00393
performance. At present, the research on asynchronous per Celsius degree. Magnetic material usually cannot be
motor in high temperature, mainly concentrated in the used at high temperatures. One of the most important
high temperature resistance of the motor and reduce motor factors is that magnetic properties of magnetic material as
temperature rise[1]. However, the studies on the high the ambient temperature rises significantly changed. Even
temperature properties of induction motor are very less. when it reaches a certain temperature, magnetic material
Now, in the design and manufacturing process of loses its magnetism and can’t be used as electrical material.
high-temperature induction motor, two main factors are Temperature in which the magnetic material loses its
dielectric strength and temperature rise[2]. Practical using magnetism is called Curie point. Different materials have
method of asynchronous motor at high temperature is different Curie points. Curie point is determined by the
reducing the power for using[3]. These methods can’t Atomic nature of matter[5]. As the ambient temperature
make full use of the motor. Therefore, this paper in both rises, the magnetic characteristics of magnetic materials
theoretical and practical aspects is of great significance. change. Derived from the molecular field theory or
Based on the basic knowledge of the principles an quantum theory, magnetization is according to certain
design of asynchronous motors, combined with high rules in decline until the Curie point. In General, when
temperature characteristics of parts material of temperatures rise, permeability increases and coactivity
asynchronous motor, using MATLAB software, and iron loss falls[6]. Main magnetic material of the motor
depending on the changes of the stator and rotor is silicon steel. Usually silicon steel is done at room
resistances with temperature change, this paper temperature soft magnetic materials. Considering it as a
established the mathematical model, analyzed the high-temperature magnetic material to be used, some
performances of high asynchronous motor in the high issues must be taken into consideration, such as [7]:

978-0-7695-4923-1/12 $26.00 © 2012 IEEE 333

DOI 10.1109/ISDEA.2012.82
1. Curie point decreased with the increase of the silicon writing a program, computing and analyzing, some results
content. Therefore, the content of silicon in the alloy can be obtained.
should not be higher than 3.5%. Figure 1 show that efficiency has a larger decline with
2. When the content of silicon in the alloy at 3%, Curie the increase of temperature, form 89% to 73%, by 16%;
temperature is about 720 Celsius degree. Saturation Figure 2 show that rated speed declines from 1460 rpm to
magnetization intensity decreases with the temperature 1332 rpm; Figure 3 show that maximum torque ratio
rise. So the temperature can not be higher than 620 Celsius decreased from 2.275 to 1.65. The performance
degree. parameters have a greater decline.
3. Due to high temperature mechanical performance is Because the stator and rotor winding metal material
not good, silicon steel is not suitable for high temperature resistivity increases linearly with ambient temperature
rotor material. increasing, stator and rotor resistance increases linearly;
the load torque of the motor is a constant, Stator and rotor
III. PRINCIPLES AND ASSUMPTION current changes little, stator and rotor copper loss
In the asynchronous motor theory and practical increases, total loss increases and efficiency declines.
analysis, equivalent circuit method is the most commonly Because the motor efficiency decline, rated output power
used analysis method. The calculation and analysis of high will have a corresponding decline. As the load torque is
temperature performance in this paper is mainly based on unchanged, motor rated speed will have a corresponding
the T type equivalent circuit diagram[8]. decline. At the same time, it leads the maximum torque
High temperature properties of magnetic materials multiple also has the corresponding decline that stator and
should not be carried out by simulation analysis. Therefore, rotor resistance increases with temperature, so that the
in the establishment of mathematical model of motor overload capacity is insufficient, and stability
asynchronous motor for high performance calculation, the becomes bad.
effect of magnetic material on the performance of motor
will not be considered. On the basis of the resistance
calculation and analysis of the influence, and then
according to the magnetic properties of material at high
temperature, the effect of the high temperature properties
of magnetic material on the performance of motor will be
considered as a qualitative analysis[9].
The simulation calculation is computing asynchronous
motor performance under the conditions of change of
resistance with temperature. Considering that there are
many influential factors on motor performance in high
temperature, special assumptions are made as follows:
1. The motor can be used in a high temperature
environment and operate normally and steadily.
Fig 1 the efficiency curve
Mechanical and stray loss are as the same as those in the
normal temperature.
2. Motor under the high temperature environment is an
isothermal body; temperature in each part is the same as
the environmental temperature.
3. Motor magnetic material is not affected by
temperature, various performance parameters do not
change with the temperature.
4. Structural shape does not change with temperature,
the thermal expansion of materials with negligible effects.
As the above assumptions and formula, the
mathematical model for change of resistance with
temperature will be established to calculate and analyze
the performances of motor. This calculation is based on the
example in asynchronous motor design.
Fig 2 the rated speed curve
As the above principles and assumptions, by using
MATLAB software, establishing mathematical model,

3. As the temperature increases, the maximum torque
multiple decreased obviously, reduced the overload
4. Due to the high temperature properties of magnetic
materials, electrical reactance increased, the power factor
5. Material iron loss declined with the increase of
temperature, it caused that the downward trend of the
efficiency was improved to a certain extent.
According to the above conclusion, in progress of
designing asynchronous motor used in high temperature,
following suggestions should be considered:
1. Using the material with low resistivity and low
temperature coefficient of resistance as the conductor.
Fig 3 the biggest torque curve 2. Properly increasing machinery matching, reducing
mechanical loss.
Magnetic material properties change with temperature. 3. Improving the voltage level, as far as possible to
As mentioned before, magnetic saturation magnetization reduce rotor current, reducing the copper loss.
will decreases with the increase of temperature. Thus it In the future re research, the effect of the high
causes the motor gear and other local saturation degree rise. temperature characteristics of the materials on the
The leakage reactance increases. Excitation current performance of motor will be further studied. By coupled
intensity is increased, the reactive power loss increases, the field and circuit analysis, next research will further study
motor power factor will drop accordingly. Material the changes of performance of motor in high temperature
permeability will increase with the increase of temperature; and make simulation analysis.
the reactance is reduced; power factor is improved.
Material iron loss has a corresponding decline with the REFERENCES
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