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Human Computer Interaction: Assignment 1


Complete the assignment given individually. Write in detail about the topic below.

What input and output devices would you use for the following systems? For each, compare and
contrast alternatives, and if appropriate indicate why the conventional keyboard, mouse and CRT
screen may be less suitable.
(a) portable word processor
(b) tourist information system
(c) tractor-mounted crop-spraying controller
(d) air traffic control system
(e) worldwide personal communications system
(f ) digital cartographic system.
Human Computer Interaction: Assignment 2

Complete the assignment given individually. Write in detail about the topic below.

1. What is heuristic evaluation?

2. Shneiderman’s eight golden rules provide a convenient and succinct summary of the key
principles of interface design. They are intended to be used during design but can also be
applied to the evaluation of systems. Based on your knowledge:

(a) Identify the eight rules

(b) How they can be applied in a system development.

3. Describe three populations of users with special needs. For each of these populations,
suggest three ways current interfaces could be improved to better serve them.

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