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Burns care in India: unique and continuing


The author interviews Dr Shobha Chamania, Chief of Choithram Hospital Burn Unit,
to obtain an insight into the unique challenges burns care practitioners face in India.

hoithram Hospital Burn Unit is
an Interburns accredited training
centre located in Indore City,
Madhya Pradesh State in Central
India. The Chief of the Burn Unit is Dr
Shobha Chamania, who initially started
the burns services in 1985 from a humble
makeshift ward of a single bed; gradually
expanding the services today to a busy
14-bed Burn Unit admitting more than 220
acute burns and treating 1000 outpatients
per year at Choithram Hospital. The unit
also comprises a multidisciplinary team
including three other burns surgeons (all
plastic surgeons), a psychologist and a
psychiatrist, a dietitian, physiotherapists and
occupational therapists, nurses and dressing
assistants. The author (middle) with Interburns co-founders Dr Shobha Chamania and Mr Tom Potokar at the National Academy of Burns India
Conference (NABICON) 2018.
Interburns was founded in 2006 by
three surgeons – Tom Potokar (Wales, countries in the West have also decreased a makeshift ward, outside the main hospital
UK), Shobha Chamania (Indore, India) and the incidence of burns significantly. We speak building in 1985 which had no extra facilities
Shariq Ali (Karachi, Pakistan) to balance to Dr Shobha Chamania to obtain an insight for burns patients. In 1988, the burn unit was
the disparity of burns care provision in the about the unique challenges burns care finally launched in the main building with
developed countries with that of the lower- practitioners face in India – how burns care in just six beds, which expanded to 12 beds and
income countries by facilitating transfer a low-income country differs from that in an now 14 beds.
of knowledge and expertise. Interburns is advanced country and about the role of the
hence an organisation that leverages huge Interburns organisation. How long have you been involved
amounts of volunteer time from experienced
in the practice of burns care and
medical personnel – including plastic Can you tell us about your
can you tell us about the Interburns
surgeons, therapists, nurses and other background and what drew you to
specialists – to deliver high quality burns care
burns care as a specialty practice? I have been working in burns since 1985,
training, education, research and capacity- After medical school, I completed my
building cost-effectively to middle to low- never exclusively, but it remains a large
postgraduate training in General Surgery
income countries. In 2008, Interburns was focus of my practice. Initially, I was also
obtaining the Master of General Surgery
incorporated as a UK based charity leading practising paediatric and general surgery. In
in 1978 at the Gandhi Medical College in
to an active partnership between the Welsh the latter years, I gave up paediatric surgery
Bhopal. Back then, burns were treated
Centre for Burns & Plastic Surgery and the and continued with burns care and general
traditionally by conservative methods and
Choithram Surgical Research Burns Centre in little was known about modern treatment surgery.
Indore, India which continues to this day. options. We used amniotic membranes In the early days, the burn unit functioned
In high income countries, great strides to cover superficial burn wounds and got like an isolation ward outside the main
have been made in the field of burns reasonably acceptable results. building and we had minimal staff. But
care. To illustrate a point, one in 100,000 After working for several years, I realised surprisingly, we had some very good results
people die of burns injuries in high-income that burn patients were still being neglected salvaging patients with 60-73% Total
countries. In India and Africa, the rates in the country. We had no special burns Burns Surface Area (TBSA), even with that
are 6.4 and 6.1 deaths in 100,000 burns care facility in the newly started Choithram compromised setting and infrastructure.
respectively (Source: A WHO plan for hospital where I was based. Choithram That motivated me and my team to focus
burns prevention and care. Geneva: World Hospital was a multispeciality referral centre on improving burns care further. The late
Health Organization; 2008). Successful for the whole of central India in those days. Dr MH Keswani from Mumbai, pioneering
burns prevention programs in high-income I initiated burns care in a room, or rather burns surgeon of India, gave me guidance

16 The PMFA Journal | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2018 | VOL 5 NO 6 |

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in setting up a proper burn unit. I later

became a member of the Burns Association
of India and also the International Society
of Burns through his recommendations.
Through these associations, many senior
visiting professors came to periodically
update and train us in the intricacies of total
burns care and surgery. I also visited several
burns centres abroad in the United States
and China, taking ideas and modifying and
implementing them as I went along.
Our burn unit in Choithram Hospital began
a formal collaboration with Interburns UK
from 2006. Interburns Director Mr Tom
Potokar, a British trained plastic surgeon with
subspecialty interest in burns, and myself Staff members of the Burn Unit, Choithram Hospital headed by Dr Shobha Chamania with visiting fellows from Uganda.

initiated the development of a worldwide

prevention through to rehabilitation, as well Burns injuries among the men are often
networking community committed to
as administration, fundraising and advocacy. high-tension line electrical burns. High
training burns care practitioners in low-
voltage electrical accidents are common,
income countries and developing strategies
that are adaptable and cost-effective for What are the particular challenges as transmission cables and feeder cables
you face in burns treatment in a are placed close to roof tops. People get
burns care provision in those parts of the
low-income country like India? electrical burns when they intentionally
world. Being part of Interburns allowed us
A multitude of challenges are unique to India. or unintentionally touch these cables.
to develop a wider perspective of burns care
They range from poverty, ignorance, illiteracy Sometimes, these transmission cables can
as we travelled across several low-income
or very low education, to oppression and snap and dangle, and unwary children may
countries and sought to improve burns care
exploitation of women, who are generally get pulled into the arc and suffer horrible
via formal education, research and training
uneducated and economically dependent on burns. Theoretically, placing all high-tension
programs. We work in close collaboration
their husbands. electrical lines underground can effectively
with local partners to deliver long-term,
Common burns are scald burns in children eradicate this problem but implementing it is
sustainable improvements in burns care and
as cooking is often done at floor level in another issue.
prevention. Since 2006, we have trained over
1800 burns care professionals in Bangladesh, India in the lower income group. Kerosene
Ghana, India, Malawi, Nepal, Pakistan, flame burns are mainly in adult females. How does the practice of burns
Tanzania and Uganda to provide a good Women wearing loose flowing saris, a care in your set-up differ to that in
standard of burns care. traditional Indian clothing, while cooking an developed country like the UK
In February 2011, Choithram Hospital on kerosene stoves often suffer accidental or USA?
Burns Unit became an accredited training burns as these saris are prone to catching We don’t have an emergency room attending
centre for clinical fellowship in burns care. fire. A more sinister cause of kerosene burns for burns patients in our setup. Patients come
Our aim is to offer burns care fellowships would be what we term ‘dowry burns’ which directly to the burns unit and are stabilised
in the typical working environment and is intentional and often fatal. Bride-burning and treated here. There is commonly a
the resource level of a burn unit in a low or or ‘dowry burns’, accounts for the death of at delay between the burns incident and
middle-income country. This enables us to least one woman every hour in India, more presentation at our unit. Pre-hospital care or
deliver fellowships in the real life context than 8000 women a year. In most cases, the on-site management of burns are often non-
of an operational burns unit in India and husband’s family decide after the marriage existent or poorly executed. We do not have
ensure that what is learnt is relevant to a has taken place that the original dowry was specialised primary or secondary transport to
practitioner who will be working in similar not sufficient. A dowry is paid in the form of an medical facility or burns centre like we see
conditions in their own country. This cash and valuables to the bridegroom or his in developed countries that may even employ
fellowship is also endorsed by World Health parents by the bride’s family for marriage. helicopter evacuation and transport of burns
Organization (WHO) and International Dowries have been a tradition in Indian victims. Patients’ relatives have to locate
Society for Burn Injuries (ISBI). Our unit marriages as the bride’s family is expected to a burns care provider and bring the burns
started a skin bank service in February 2011 compensate the bridegroom and his family victims there themselves.
and to date, we have harvested 395 cadaver for the financial support the groom will have Although designated as a burns unit, we
skins. We have had visiting fellows from India, to provide throughout his wife’s life. Due to do not have an intensive burns care unit.
Bangladesh, Nepal, Uganda, Brazil, West the subjugated role of women in our society, We manage all the burns patients that may
Bank Palestine, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka and the bride’s family are often vulnerable. require ‘intensive care’ ourselves. We don’t
also the UK. These fellowships are provided Demands for more money escalate into perform prophylactic intubation for every
for surgeons, physiotherapists / occupational threats of violence, and when the family facial burn or in every single inhalational
therapists, nurses, medical students and can’t pay any more, the harassment may rise injury as practiced in other burns centres in
nutritionists. While the primary focus of the to the extent of killing her or creating such the West. Patients are infrequently intubated
fellowship is on clinical care, our aim is for all intolerable circumstances that she decides to and ventilated. This is controversial but it
Fellows to leave the training centre with the take her own life. Traditionally, dowry deaths is our belief that unnecessary intubation
ability to provide a comprehensive burns care (homicidal and suicidal) occur through may pose a risk or even prolong the clinical
service and achieve the best outcomes for immolation, hence the term “bride burning”. evolution of these patients. A large number
patients. In order to achieve this, burns care This is a very real and serious problem that of patients with no respiratory distress and
practitioners need to have an understanding often goes unreported and perpetrators go no co-existing pulmonary pathology have
of all aspects of burns, from primary unpunished. been safely managed with non-invasive

The PMFA Journal | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2018 | VOL 5 NO 6 | 17

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support by the neighbours and police etc.

can be implemented to ensure a quick
referral to a designated burns hospital. On
admission, there should be good provision
of care for acute burns to save the victim
and prevent contracture deformities and
disabilities. This is where more burns care
practitioners should be adequately and
appropriately trained.
Burns care does not end with the
healing of wounds and the discharge of the
patient. They need to be rehabilitated and
reintegrated into society. NGO groups act to
interact with families and society at large to
accept them back at home, include them at
social events and offer them job prospects.
Education and empowering women
Dr Shobha Chamania during a ward round at the Burns Unit, Choithram Hospital.
should start with encouraging education
supportive measures. Tracheostomy is also when assessing atypical burns injuries in the and economic independence among
very infrequently performed as I have often young. female children. Stringent laws should be
noticed that even when the burn wounds are As for homicidal and suicidal burns; implemented and punishment carried out
healed, complications of the tracheostomies a more accurate picture emerges if we for the perpetrators of domestic violence
remain. include the cases of young married women and intentional burns. A multidisciplinary
Early excision and grafting is generally registered as having committed suicide approach is necessary as this is a medical
done in one or two stages in our setting problem interwoven with crime and gender-
after dealing with harassment from her
depending on the time and extent of the related issues.
husband and relatives. As the victim is
burns injuries. barely alive, taking a dying declaration is
Insurance is not very popular among the almost impossible. Women in rural India What are your long-term goals
rural low-income population in India who worry about the family and the social stigma for the Burn Unit in Choithram
ironically represent the majority of burns and implications of making a complaint. Hospital?
victims. Hence, the absence of third party Cases that occur within the premises of the My ultimate wish is to have a successor
billing and the patients’ relatives have to husband’s house go unreported. who has a vision to take this Burn Unit in
bear all expenses for the treatment costs of The Indian national burns registry Choithram Hospital further to achieve
the patient. states that approximately 91,000 women greater heights in burns care. If I am able to
I am sure the psychosocial and economic succumb to burns injuries annually due to do a small amount towards the prevention of
challenges are very different in our setting to ‘kitchen accidents.’ A study titled ‘Busting all kinds of burns, encourage team members
those in Europe or the West. We have made the Kitchen Accident Myth: Cases of burn and surgeons to do research to find their
our own low-cost substitutes for dressings injures in India’ by Padma Bhate Deosthal own solutions to the problems and have
and splints while not compromising revealed that out of 22 cases of burn injuries a cohesive passionate team dedicated to
outcome. Admittedly, financial challenges in women examined, 15 were reported as holistic burns care; then I would be happy to
will render us unable to use the most accidental burns to the police. Ironically, step down as my objective would have been
advanced biological bio-engineered dressing when these cases were reexamined, only fulfilled.
materials and equipment. three of these were really actual accidents.
The other cases of burn injuries were spouse
Could you elaborate regarding the inflicted, self-inflicted burns or cases of
incidence of non-accidental burns accidental burns with a history of domestic
in India such as ‘dowry burns’ you violence.
mentioned? What can be done to Preventing burns must start at grassroots
eradicate such practices? level through active education. Public
Burns surgeons must have a high index of campaigns and media publicity can
suspicion when assessing burns injuries enlighten people on the terrible life-
to distinguish intentional injuries from long outcomes of burns. We should also
unintentional ones. Management should encourage couples and particularly women
include a psychologist and psychiatrist as to reach out for help early on when marital
part of the burns team. They should be discord begins. Social service providers,
seeing patients from the admission to the Non-governmental organisation (NGOs),
Lee Seng Khoo,
last day in the hospital, including follow- survivor groups, public health and criminal
ups. Standardised tools for the assessment justice practitioners can actively provide Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon, Ivo Pitanguy
Institute, Brazil.
of psychiatric disorders and risk of abuse is the support needed through an active
mandatory. multidisciplinary approach. We should E:
For example, one study in India also look into replacing kerosene as the Lee Seng Khoo completed a fellowship in burns
documented that 9.3% of paediatric burns primary fuel source and perhaps make the care at the Interburns Training Centre at Choithram
Hospital under the direction of Dr Shobha Chamania
injuries seen within a 15-year period were availability of kerosene safer in appropriate in 2017.
secondary to child abuse. This should be in containers.
the mind of the attending burns surgeon When burns have occurred, then timely

18 The PMFA Journal | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2018 | VOL 5 NO 6 |

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